The League of American Writers (LAW) was a Communist front, "founded under Communist auspices in 1935," according to a 1942 report by Franklin Roosevelt's Attorney General Francis Biddle.
During the Nazi-Soviet pact, said Biddle, the League "began openly to follow the Communist Party line as dictated by the foreign policy of the Soviet Union." The League's sudden pacifism during the Communazi era, and equally sudden reversion to pro-war militancy upon German Chancellor Adolf Hitler's violation of that pact, concluded Biddle, left "little doubt of its Communist control."[1]
In 1948, Harry Truman's Attorney General Thomas Clark cited LAW as subversive and Communist in his letters to the Loyalty Review Board. On April 27, 1953, LAW was redesignated pursuant to Executive Order No. 10450.
In three of its Reports, the Dies Committee of the U.S. House of Representatives cited the League as a Communist front organization.
Categories: [Subversive Organizations]