Andrew Mccabe

From Conservapedia
Andrew McCabe
Deputy Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation
From: February 1, 2016 – January 29, 2018
Predecessor Mark F. Giuliano
Successor David Bowdich
Acting Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation
From: May 9, 2017 – August 2, 2017
Predecessor James Comey
Successor Christopher Wray
Spouse(s) Jill McCabe

Andrew McCabe (born March 18, 1968) is a deep stater who became the Acting FBI Director upon the firing of James Comey on May 9, 2017 due to Comey's mishandling of the Hillary Clinton email scandal.

On a nationwide broadcast of CBS's 60 Minutes on February 16, 2019 McCabe admitted to participating in the FBI-DOJ coup-plot to overthrow the President of the United States. McCabe has also been implicated in the Benghazi cover-up, the Trump-Russia scandal and Uranium One bribery scandal.[1]

McCabe was fired for misconduct in March 2018 after a year-long internal investigation and on recommendation of the FBI Office of Professional Responsibility for lying to investigators when he claimed disgraced FBI Director James Comey authorized leaks to the Wall Street Journal about the investigations into the Clinton Foundation which McCabe was overseeing. McCabe's wife had taken $700,000 from Clinton donors shortly after the investigations began and McCabe never recused himself.

McCabe lied to FBI internal Inspection Division (INSD) investigators on the very day he became Acting FBI Director. McCabe repeated the lie several times under oath, including to the non-partisan Office of Inspector General. McCabe's case was referred to the US Attorney for criminal prosecution.[2] McCabe was removed from the FBI in 2018 for his role in the attempted subversion of the 2016 presidential election in collusion with the Democratic party and Deep State coup 1.0 against President Donald Trump.


McCabe began his career with the FBI in 1996 as a Special Agent in the New York Field Office. He first reported to the New York division, where he investigated a variety of organized crime matters. In 2003, he became the supervisory special agent of the Eurasian Organized Crime Task Force. McCabe remained with the Eurasian squad until 2006, when he was moved to FBI headquarters in Washington. McCabe served in a variety of leadership positions in the FBI during his career, including as the Assistant Director of the Counterterrorism Division, the Executive Assistant Director of the National Security Branch, and the Assistant Director in Charge of the FBI's Washington Field Office. On February 1, 2016, McCabe was appointed Deputy Director of the FBI, overseeing all FBI domestic and international investigative and intelligence activities.

On January 12, 2017, the same day the Department of Justice and FBI lied to the FISA court for the second time while renewing the Carter Page FISA application, Inspector General (IG) Michael Horowitz began a review of Andrew McCabe's role in the Clinton Foundation pay-to-play and Clinton email investigations.[3][4]

On the same day (May 10, 2017) McCabe assumed office of Acting FBI Director, after Dir. Comey had been fired for mishandling the Hillary Clinton email investigation, McCabe opened a criminal investigation into President Trump which became the Mueller investigation obstruction inquiry. That same day again, McCabe lied to internal FBI investigators about leaks he authorized to the Wall Street Journal two weeks before the 2016 presidential election, denying that the Clinton Foundation pay-to-play investigation had been shut down due to political influence and meddling, the Inspector General determined.

McCabe served as Acting Director until August 1, 2017, when Christopher Wray was confirmed by the Senate as the new FBI Director. At that time, McCabe resumed his duties as Deputy Director while still under investigation for misconduct, a position he held until January 29, 2018.

McCabe was fired from government service just hours before he was set to collect a pension in April 2018 for lying under oath to government investigators on three separate occasions. After a book tour as a media darling and celebrity who profited from his crimes, the certified liar was hired by the fake news network CNN as an expert analyst.

Russian contacts[edit]

Before Andrew McCabe's meteoric rise in the FBI's Washington D.C. offices, he led the Eurasian Organized Crime Task Force, a joint operation with the New York City Police Department (NYPD). run out of the FBI's New York Field Office in Manhattan. McCabe supervised the task force who were aggressively chasing and flipping, and in many cases – paying Russian organized crime figures as snitches to make high-profile cases.

Like Robert Hanssen, McCabe always seemed to have his fingers in all things Russia that the FBI was doing. Hanssen worked the same angle for over $1 million in cash and diamonds, working as an inside counterintelligence agent, reporting back to Russia as a double-agent.

While in New York, McCabe worked in tandem with Bruce Ohr who often coordinated with McCabe's Russian organized crime task force. Ohr worked Organized Crime too for DOJ.

McCabe maintained an alliance with Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska, a Putin ally connected to organized crime. McCabe met with Deripaska in Europe without proper clearance from FBI, while Deripaska was a possible target on an FBI organized crime probe.

During McCabe's liaisons with Deripaska, Peter Strzok was running the FBI's Post-Adjudication Risk Management plan, or PARM, a program initiated to catch problematic and criminal associations of FBI agents. Strzok and PARM should have snagged McCabe's Russian associations, especially Deripaska. Many agents were fired for far less, under the stringent internal program.

And by 2015 even officials at the Central Intelligence Agency became concerned about McCabe's contact with Russian officials, according to federal law enforcement sources. The CIA's Counter-Espionage Division may have opened a formal a case on McCabe after intelligence about his contacts with Russians sparked a review of his foreign associates, sources said.

"There may have been an official case. I know for a fact he was looked at informally, where we would see what he was doing with foreign contacts. A formal case would be classified and I couldn’t get into the details if it hinged on Russian organized crime,"
one CIA source confirmed. The agency source said McCabe was on the CIA's radar after 2009 and 2010 when agency officials got word McCabe may have met with Deripaska in Europe.

FBI organized crime investigators had apparently been looking at Oleg Deripaska at the time of the meeting, FBI sources said and McCabe, as FBI brass, did not seek the proper approval from FBI Dir. Robert Mueller or DOJ brass to sit down with Deripaska.

"He really had no business meeting with Deripaska and sort of forced his way into the trip at the last minute. He kept in touch with Deripaska and was very touchy about anyone else (from the FBI) speaking to him. Andy took an active role (with Deripaska).”

Two FBI Agents were sanctioned by Mueller's office to interview Deripaska in Europe. McCabe was FBI upper echelon and was not approved to speak to Deripaska, sources said. In fact, it appears FBI policy would have required McCabe to get a waiver signed by DOJ officials to be permitted to meet with Deripaska, especially since Deripaska was a potential player in an open FBI investigation.

"You #$?%π€¥ need really high level approvals for that. These people are potential targets in a FBI investigation.”

Many FBI sources too questioned why Robert Mueller would sign off on McCabe's trip to Europe to meet with Deripaska. But McCabe acknowledged to FBI agents that Deripaska was a were old friends.[5]

Levinson case[edit]

Robert Alan “Bob” Levinson is a former Drug Enforcement Administration and Federal Bureau of Investigation agent who disappeared in Iran in 2007, where it is believed he remains captive today.

U.S. officials believed Levinson was grabbed by Iranian intelligence to be used as a bargaining chip in sanction negotiations with Washington DC. After, of course, he was interrogated and likely tortured. Levinson was likely working an OP for the CIA at the time of his arrest, according to numerous public sources.

Originally, Iran disavowed any involvement in his disappearance and many in the U.S. government believed Levinson was dead. In December 2013 – almost six years after he vanished on Iran's Kish Island – it was confirmed that Levinson indeed was alive and in Iranian captivity.

An FBI task force who had previously worked his original disappearance was quickly reassembled and dispatched with the perceived goal of getting Levinson back on U.S. soil. U.S. Diplomatic relations with Iran are almost always a minefield but U.S. Intel HUMINT connections are even worse. FBI sources said agents on the task force began reaching out to sources with better diplomatic and business ties to Iran to work back channels to start a dialogue for Levinson's release. Special agents do what special agents do to find a trail: shake the investigative tree of former snitches to see what they know, who they know that can help. And so FBI agents began canvassing Russian mobsters, contacts, and rats who were previously on the FBI payroll. Russia and Vladimir Putin enjoyed decades of strong diplomatic alliances with Iran and for seasoned FBI agents, this was a logical place to start.

But agents working the case soon learned that McCabe had already talked to Russian sources and dialed up snitches and contacts without debriefing the team he was supervising. This was beyond bizarre. FBI Assistant Special Agents in Charge (ASACs) don't conduct ground level investigations.

And when task force members made their way up the Russian investigative food chain to Oleg Deripaska, the poop "really hit the fan,” as one agent put it.

"What happened was we got the referral from some of our other sources to talk to Deripaska who tried to help us free Levinson. Then Andy (McCabe) became angry that he wasn’t told about Deripaska so he wanted to be involved. He inserted himself into the investigation and Deripaska. People on the squad were like ‘What the %?#$ is the ASAC getting involved with this for? This is insane. What the %?#$ is going on here?’ “

FBI sources wondered what McCabe was doing conducting his own probe with Bureau resources and not updating his team verbally and via computer logs meant to enhance the direction of the investigation. It was his Op after all. This was again right out of the Robert Hanssen playbook, always having his fingers in all things Russia the Bureau did, working as an inside counterintelligence agent reporting back to Russia all the bureau's moves like any good double-agent should.

"Looking back on it at the time you don’t recognize what is really happening because you are focused on getting Levinson back to his wife. But there were negotiations over the nuclear deal and sanctions and money that were heating up between Iran and Obama. We (United States) ended up paying them billions (of U.S. dollars) and McCabe may have been reporting our progress to the White House or State (Department) behind our backs. I mean, what the hell else was he doing? It makes no sense.”
Another FBI agent reflects on the Levinson case with frustration and an even more haunting revelation:
“I always felt like no matter what we did it was being delayed or obstructed. Like they wanted to keep him there for some reason. Or getting him back was in the way of something else that was happening. We could have done more.”

When FBI team members pitched other ways they thought they could help free Levinson from Iran, the ideas were shot down, squelched or stalled by McCabe and others. "Every time we wanted to try something new, we were blocked,” one agent said.

Levinson worked for DEA, FBI and CIA but at the end of the day, he was a pawn. A forgotten pawn, seemingly deserted by politicians and perhaps the hierarchy of the FBI.

Observers asked where was Comey while McCabe was seemingly conducting his own investigations into the Boston Marathon Bombing, the Levinson kidnapping, and other cases? Where was the oversight, the same controls the FBI was supposed to have in place after Robert Hanssen torched the FBI with 22 years plus of selling America's secrets out the back door?

Boston bombing[edit]

On April 15, 2013, two homemade bombs detonated near the finish line of the annual Boston Marathon. Three people were killed while several hundred others were injured, including 16 who lost limbs.

A task force of FBI agents led the investigation, assisted by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, the Central Intelligence Agency, the National Counterterrorism Center, and the Drug Enforcement Administration.

For the initial 48 hours after the blasts, FBI agents combed through news leads, old jackets of perps, and financial databases to pinpoint and whittle down the list of suspects.

By the third day, FBI had isolated two Kyrgyz-American brothers who they linked to the blast: Dzhokhar Tsarnaev and Tamerlan Tsarnaev. That was no simple task given that much of the massacre was captured on hundreds of public and private video feeds already recording the marathon. The images and video of the carnage went viral overnight.

One agent who helped comb through the clues and suspects said FBI agents combed numerous internal databases looking for suspects and noticed something strange. When referencing files and suspect database entries in Kyrgyzstan and the Chechen Republic, it appeared the FBI task force Assistant Special Agent in Charge (ASAC) Andrew McCabe had already conducted many of the investigative sweeps in two countries linked heavily with Russia.

When FBI agents looked at the U.S finances of the Tsarnaevs, including their parents, McCabe too had already accessed the files or looked at the brothers as suspects.

"McCabe always seemed one step ahead of the search. But he never shared any leads with us and we were working days without sleep. I still don’t understand why he was accessing one database at all, why a supervisor would be in there. That’s perfectly fine for a SSA (Supervisory Special Agent) but not a boss.”

The FBI agent would not disclose the name of the database in question but said after more than a decade working high-profile FBI cases they had never seen a highly placed FBI brass access that particular database which was reserved for case agents. "Whole thing was bizarre,” the FBI agent said.

Sex discrimination allegations[edit]

Supervisory Special Agent Robyn Gritz.
Former Supervisory Special Agent Robyn Gritz says on her page:
I lost everything including my house fighting corruption in the FBI. I was an honest agent that knew the American people were my boss. Current FBI management seems to have forgotten that. I was targeted and pushed out. I continue to fight corruption in the FBI and expose those who are unethical. This account will be for travel and lodging expenses etc for myself and my attorney (which I’m responsible for) when we have to go to court and/or DOJ/FBI for my case. The FBI drags this process out because they know victims can’t afford all of this. Thank you for reading. You can listen to my hour long interview which let me tell a portion of my story.[6]

Appearing on Fox and Friends Gritz said she began working with Andrew McCabe in 2005 and that McCabe retaliated against her for filing a harassment claim against a supervisor. When she filed the suit, Andrew McCabe signed off on an internal investigation against her, adding that "he knew that I was either filing or going to file the [case]. I went through hell for a year and a half. Andy made sure I couldn't get out of the division." Gritz said that McCabe made "nasty, false" comments about her in a meeting -- "lying," she said.[7]

Gritz's work with the FBI included major positions and responsibilities:[8]

  • Supervisor – Special Agent Counter-terrorism Division
  • Unit Chief – Executive Strategy Unit, WMD Directorate
  • Supervisory Special Agent – Washington Field Office
  • Extraterritorial Counter-terrorism and Abductions.
NPR previously reported on the Robin Gritz case:
"Retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, who led the Defense Intelligence Agency, worked closely with Gritz to find terrorists overseas. He says it's a shame the FBI let go of someone with years of top national security experience.
"She was one of the really, to me, bright lights and shining stars early on that just kinda got it when it came to the kind of enemy that we were facing and the relationship that was necessary between law enforcement and the military ... and I just thought she was really a real pro," Flynn says."[9]
Flynn may have been the victim of retribution and personal animosity:[10]
The FBI launched a criminal probe against former Trump National Security Adviser Michael Flynn two years after the retired Army general roiled the bureau’s leadership by intervening on behalf of a decorated counterterrorism agent who accused now-Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe and other top officials of sexual discrimination, according to documents and interviews.
Flynn’s intervention on behalf of Supervisory Special Agent Robyn Gritz was highly unusual, and included a letter in 2014 on his official Pentagon stationary, a public interview in 2015 supporting Gritz’s case and an offer to testify on her behalf. His offer put him as a hostile witness in a case against McCabe, who was soaring through the bureau’s leadership ranks.
The FBI sought to block Flynn’s support for the agent, asking a federal administrative law judge in May 2014 to keep Flynn and others from becoming a witness in her Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) case, memos obtained by Circa show. Two years later, the FBI opened its inquiry of Flynn.[11]

Conflict of interest[edit]

McCabe (left) with co-conspirator Attn. Gen. Loretta Lynch (right). McCabe took $700,000 from a Clinton campaign operative to fix the email investigation and save Hillary's nomination. McCabe was fired after lying to investigators about leaks he authorized to the Wall Street Journal to cover up his conflict of interest.

McCabe came under investigation by the Department of Justice Office of the Inspector General to examine whether the political and financial connections between his wife's Democratic political campaign and Clinton associates warranted his recusal in the FBI's Clinton email investigation. While McCabe recused himself from public corruption cases in Virginia—presumably including the reportedly ongoing investigation of Gov. Terry McAuliffe regarding illegal campaign contributions—he failed to recuse himself from the Clinton email investigation, despite the appearance of a conflict of interest created by his wife's campaign accepting $700,000 from a close Clinton associate during the email investigation.

Former DNC Chairman and Clinton campaign manager, Gov. Terry McAuliffe's political-action committee, Common Good VA, donated $467,500 to the 2015 state Senate campaign of Dr. Jill McCabe, who is married to Andrew McCabe, who later became deputy director of the FBI.[12] The Virginia Democratic Party, over which McAuliffe exerts control, donated an additional $207,788 worth of support to Dr. McCabe's campaign in the form of mailers, according to the records. That adds up to slightly more than $675,000 to her candidacy from entities either directly under Gov. McAuliffe's control or strongly influenced by him. The figure represents more than a third of all the campaign funds Dr. McCabe raised in the effort. Responding to a Wall Street Journal exposé on the Clinton pay-to-play scandals, the FBI issued a press release:

Months after the completion of her campaign, then-Associate Deputy Director McCabe was promoted to Deputy, where, in that position, he assumed for the first time, an oversight role in the investigation into Secretary Clinton’s emails.

At the time the Clinton email probe was launched in July 2015, McCabe was running the FBI's Washington, D.C., field office, which provided personnel and resources to the Clinton email probe. At the end of July 2015, McCabe was promoted to FBI headquarters and assumed the No. 3 position at the agency. In February 2016, he became FBI Director James Comey's second-in-command. As deputy director, McCabe was part of the executive leadership team overseeing the Clinton email investigation. McCabe was instrumental in supervising Hillary's investigation that subsequently cleared her.[13]

At the time of McCabe's accession to Acting Director, McCabe was under an internal FBI Inspector General review for conflict of interest.[14] McCabe, who assisted in writing the bogus Benghazi talking points for Susan Rice and oversaw the whitewashing of Hillary's email investigation, is married to a candidate for the Virginia state Senate who took $700,000 from Terry McAuliffe's PAC while the FBI's investigation of Clinton',s emails was ongoing. McAuliffe simultaneously with Clinton was under FBI investigation for pay-to-play schemes involving a Chinese businessman.[15] McAuliffe ran Bill Clinton's 1996 presidential campaign which was marred by a foreign influence-peddling scheme known as Chinagate. Despite evidence, McCabe refused to merge the McCauliffe investigation into the ongoing pay-to-play investigations of the Clinton Foundation.[16] McAuliffe is a Clinton Foundation board member and was Hillary's 2008 campaign manager.


The fact is that McCabe participated in the controversial, high-profile Clinton investigation even though his wife took money from McAuliffe. FBI's senior leadership should never have allowed that appearance of a conflict to undermine the Bureau's important work. The Senate Judiciary Committee inquired if McCabe was involved in approving or establishing the FBI's arrangement with Christopher Steele, or if McCabe vouched for or otherwise relied on the Clinton and Democrat-funded dossier in the course of the investigation. Did the FBI's second-in-command rely on Democrat-funded opposition research to justify an investigation of the Republican presidential campaign.[17]

On March 6, 2017, Sen. Grassley inquired of Dir. Comey about the status of Deputy Dir. Andrew McCabe in relation to the Russia investigation. According to public reports, the FBI agreed to pay the author of the unsubstantiated dossier alleging a conspiracy between Trump associates and the Russians. The FBI reportedly agreed to pay the author, Christopher Steele, to continue investigating Donald Trump. Clinton associates paid Steele to create a political opposition research dossier against Trump. The FBI failed to respond to Sen. Grassley's inquiry.

Trump-Russia hoax[edit]

Main article: Russian collusion hoax
During a 2012 presidential debate Obama mocked Republican opponent Mitt Romney saying,
“Gov. Romney, I’m glad you recognize al-Qaeda is a threat, because a few months ago when you were asked what is the biggest geopolitical group facing America, you said Russia — not al-Qaeda. And the 1980’s are now calling to ask for their foreign policy back — because the Cold War has been over for 20 years."[18]

A little less than three months earlier Obama authorized aid to al-Qaeda affiliate organizations[19] that became the Islamic State.[20]

Before Obama's second term ended, administration priorities flip-flopped and came over to Romney's way of thinking with the FBI's "insurance policy" against Donald Trump's election. An illegal domestic counterintelligence probe was unleashed against administration enemies. Suddenly the Russia bogeyman was a priority threat; FBI deputy director Andrew McCabe told 60 Minutes the reasons for the deep state coup:
"I was speaking to the man who had just run for the presidency, and won the election for the presidency, and who might have done so with the aid of the government of Russia, our most formidable adversary on the world stage and that was something that troubled me greatly."[21]
McCabe had no evidence for the above speculation, other than manufactured allegations by the Clinton campaign. What's more, the FBI is not the foreign policy making organ of the U.S. government; neither is it the adjudicator of elections.

Coup attempt[edit]

Although the details remain complex, the structure underlying Spygate—the creation of the false narrative that candidate Donald Trump colluded with Russia, and the spying on his presidential campaign—remains surprisingly simple:

1. CIA Director John Brennan, with some assistance from Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, gathered foreign intelligence and fed it throughout our domestic Intelligence Community.

2. The FBI became the handler of Brennan's intelligence and engaged in the more practical elements of surveillance.

3. The Department of Justice facilitated investigations by the FBI and legal maneuverings, while providing a crucial shield of nondisclosure.

4. The Department of State became a mechanism of information dissemination and leaks.

5. Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign and the Democratic National Committee provided funding, support, and media collusion.

6. Obama administration officials were complicit, and engaged in unmasking and intelligence gathering and dissemination.

7. The media was the most corrosive element in many respects. None of these events could have transpired without their willing participation. Stories were pushed, facts were ignored, and false narratives were promoted.

On May 7, 2017, Eric and Donald Trump Jr. were summoned to FBI headquarters for an emergency meeting with bureau cybersecurity agents, CIA representatives, and Dir. James Comey.[22] Comey was fired the next day and Andrew McCabe became Acting Director.[23] Despite being under no less than three Inspector General investigations into the Clinton, Russia, and FusionGPS matters, McCabe still failed to recuse himself from the Russia investigation.[24][25] A week before being ousted as Director by Christopher Wray, McCabe staged a highly publicized raid on Paul Manafort's home to seize Manafort's Senate Intelligence Committee transcript containing privileged information under attorney-client and immunity deals with Congress.[26][27]

By December, outrage of the Obama FBI abuses was omnipresent; in seven hours of testimony before House Permanent Select Intelligence Committee (HPSCI) Dep. Dir. Andrew McCabe made statements that contradicted evidence, and was unable to provide any substantive examples of verified allegations in the Steele dossier. When pushed for examples of what was verified in the anti-Trump dossier, McCabe was only able to cite the fact that Trump campaign advisor Carter Page traveled to Moscow — McCabe could not verify anything about the meetings that Page supposedly had. McCabe claimed he could not recall — despite documents with McCabe's own signature on them establishing the fact of his knowledge of the dossier's financing and provenance.[28][29]

FBI Chief Counselor James Baker (DOJ) was fired two hours after McCabe's testimony.[30] Associate Dep. Attn. Gen. Bruce Ohr was demoted, and there were calls for McCabe's firing.[31] Ohr withheld from his boss, Rod Rosenstein, his secret meetings with Steele and Simpson, and the fact his wife Nellie Ohr helped author the phony dossier.[32] The House Committees began investigating possible criminal activity among Obama holdovers in DOJ & FBI.[33]

McCabe wrote a memo to himself after DAG (Deputy Attorney General) Rod Rosenstein agreed to participate in the Deep State coup as well as portions intended to cover McCabe's alleged Hatch Act violations:

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

At 12:30 pm on 05/16/2017, I met with Deputy Attorney General (DAG) Rod Rosenstein in his office at the Department of Justice. Also present were Tashina Gauhar and Jim Crowell. The following is a contemporaneous recollection of the main topics we discussed. I began by telling him that today I approved the opening of an investigation of President Donald Trump.

I explained that the purpose of the investigation was to investigate allegations of possible collusion between the president and the Russian Government, possible obstruction of justice related to the firing of FBI Director James Comey, and possible conspiracy to obstruct justice. The DAG questioned what I meant by collusion and I explained that I was referring to the investigation of any potential links between the Trump campaign and the Russian government. I explained that counterintelligence investigations of this sort were meant to uncover any the existence of any threat to national security as well as whether or not criminal conduct had occurred. Regarding the obstruction issues, I made clear that our predication was based not only on the president's comments last week to reporter Lester Holt (that he connected the firing of the director to the FBI's Russia investigation), but also on the several concerning comments the president made to Director Comey over the last few months. These comments included the President's requests for assurances of loyalty, statements about the Russia investigation and the investigation of General Michael Flynn. I also informed the DAG that Director Comey preserved his recollection of these interactions in a series of contemporaneously drafted memos. Finally, I informed the DAG that as a result of his role in the matter, I thought he would be a witness in the case.

The DAG then related his experiences at the White House on Monday, 05/08/2017. He began by stating that he had the feeling that the decision to fire the Director had been made before he arrived. At the White House, he first met with White House Counsel Donald McGahn, who told him that the President had drafted a letter to Director Comey that McGahn did not want the President to send. Shortly thereafter they met with the President and Attorney General Jeff Sessions, and possibly others, in the Oval Office. President Trump told the DAG he had written a letter to Director Comey, asked the DAG if he had seen the letter, and instructed McGahn to provide the DAG with a copy. The DAG described the I letter to me as being a long list, possibly several pages, of the President's complaints with Director Comey. Among those complaints was a discussion about the FBI's Russia investigation, as well as a paragraph about the FBI Deputy Director. The DAG indicated to me that he retained a copy of the President's letter. The DAG said he told the President [redacted completion of sentence] The President then directed the DAG to write a memo explaining the reasoning for Director Comey's termination and that the DAG should include Russia. The DAG said to the President he did not think this was a good idea and that his memo did not need to include Russia. The President replied that he understood, but that he was asking the DAG to include Russia anyway. As our conversation continued the DAG proposed that he could potentially wear a recording device into the Oval Office to collect additional evidence on the President's true intentions. He said he thought this might be possible because he was not searched when he entered the White House. I told him that I would discuss the opportunity with my investigative team and get back to him.

We discussed the issue of appointing a Special Counsel to oversee the FBI's Russia investigation. The DAG said he has two candidates ready, one of whom could start immediately [2 lines redacted] The DAG said he left a copy of the delegation with Acting Assistant Attorney General for National Security Dana Boente to execute in the DAG's i absence if the DAG were suddenly removed from his position. [2 lines redacted] He anticipated that he may be terminated when he puts the Special Counsel in place, in light of the president's anger with AG Sessions when the AG recused himself from the Russia investigation. The DAG further stated that he was told that others heard the President tell the AG "you were supposed to protect me."

The DAG related to me that on Sunday, 05/14/2017, the AG asked him to participate in the interview of [redacted] for position of FBI Director. [several lines redacted]

The DAG told me that he informed the AG that I should remain in my role as Acting Director until the permanent Director was chosen. The DAG opined that my only "problem" was that some people believe that I was involved in my wife's 2015 campaign for State Senate in Virginia. The DAG said it was a "credibility problem" because after having told him during my May 13 interview that I played no role in her campaign and attended no campaign events, the DAG said a staffer had provided him with a photograph found on the internet of me and my wife wearing Or. Jill McCabe campaign t-shirts. The DAG suggested that this photograph contradicted my statement that I had not campaigned for my wife. I pointed out to the DAG that the photograph he saw was taken not at a campaign event, but rather at [redacted] I further informed the DAG that I confirmed with my ethics counsel at FBI that the Hatch Act does not prohibit wearing a campaign button or shirt away from the office, and that attending [redacted] wearing such a shirt does not constitute proscribed political activity.[34]

Fired for misconduct[edit]

The Inspector General found McCabe had lied three times under oath.

On the same day McCabe assumed the position as Acting Director of the FBI, McCabe was interviewed by FBI internal Inspection Division (INSD) agents about leaks to the Wall Street Journal two weeks prior to the 2016 election. McCabe denied authorizing his special counsel Lisa Page to leak the existence of the FBI's investigation into the Clinton Foundation, and denials of his own conflict of interest in that investigation. McCabe further told FBI investigators he did not know who authorized the leak.

On April 13, 2018, the independent and non-partisan Department of Justice Office of Inspector General released its report on McCabe's firing. The OIG report
concluded that McCabe’s decision to confirm the existence of the Clinton Foundation Investigation through an anonymously sourced quote, recounting the content of a phone call with a senior Department official in a manner designed to advance his personal interests at the expense of Department leadership, was clearly not within the public interest exception. We therefore concluded that McCabe’s disclosure of the existence of an ongoing investigation in this manner violated the FBI’s and the Department’s media policy and constituted misconduct.[35]

McCabe also is implicated in the FBI's offer to pay Christopher Steele for more fabricated information in Hillary Clinton's opposition research Steele dossier. Neither did McCabe recuse himself from the Russia investigation, despite failing to act on a FARA (Foreign Agents Registration Act) complaint against FusionGPS, Christopher Steele's employer, as an unregistered foreign agent of the Russian government.

In addition to the Inspector General's referral of the McCabe evidence to John Huber for lying to investigators, Congress has made a criminal referral for violations of 18 USC 1001, 18 USC 1621, 18 USC 1505, and for signing the Carter Page FISA application that contained unverified and false information, violations of 18 USC 242, 18 USC 1505 and 18 USC 1515b.

Profitting from misconduct[edit]

After being fired by the FBI for lying 3 times, McCabe went on a book tour promoted by all major mainstream media news networks. Mccabe was hire by the fake news network CNN as a national security analyst. Even The Washington Post criticized CNN for their lack of ethics in hiring McCabe.

McCabe defense[edit]

NYT leak[edit]

In September 2019 The Daily Caller's Chuck Ross reported, *Chuck Ross: Andrew McCabe's Lawyer Wants To Find Out What The Grand Jury Is Up To.[36] McCabe’s defense attorney, Michael Bromwich (also the attorney for Christine Blasey Ford in the Kavanaugh smear hearings), leaked his communication with U.S. Attorney for DC, Jessie Liu, to the New York Times.[37] The purpose of Bromwich's letter to Jessie Liu was to push information gained within the Lawfare network into the media narrative. It was transparently obvious that Lawfare allied lawyers who left the U.S. Attorneys Office in DC were leaking what they know to the Lawfare allied members on former deputy FBI director Andrew McCabe’s defense. Bromwich could not directly say he was aware of Grand Jury evidence, because such information would be illegal to acquire. However, current and former DOJ officials leaked to the New York Times and Washington Post, and Bromwich could then cite the reporting on those leaks.

Pushing this information into the public sphere supports the objective of the defense; however, the Lawfare alliance cannot admit how they gained that information -leaks from allies inside the DOJ- because that would be illegal.

Leaks to the NYT and WaPo are how the Lawfare alliance push their narrative. These are the same DOJ/FBI officials who leaked to the same media when constructing the Russia collusion hoax narrative around the 2016 Trump campaign. The same exact people.[38]

Politico leak[edit]

A leak from McCabe’s legal team to a Lawfare ally at Politico, Natasha Bertrand, ended with a spectacular fail. Andrew McCabe's legal team told Bertrand that Obama officials were lined up to speak as character witnesses in his defense. To support their claim team McCabe leaked an email written to the DOJ:

"A cavalcade of Obama-era national security leaders have committed to testify on behalf of former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe should he face trial over allegations that he misled officials about leaks to the media.

...If McCabe ultimately does face charges, he’ll have some big names lined up as character witnesses. The high-ranking ex-officials who have committed to defending him include former Attorney General Eric Holder, former CIA Director John Brennan, former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper and former national security adviser Susan Rice.

Mary McCord (DOJ), a career DOJ attorney who oversaw the government’s Russia probe as acting head of the DOJ’s National Security Division, and David Cohen, the No. 2 at the CIA from 2015 to 2017, are also lined up to speak on McCabe’s behalf."[39]

The people outlined by McCabe's lawyers are notoriously well known public fibbers themselves including: CIA Director John Brennan (who lied to congress about spying on the Senate intelligence committee); DNI James Clapper (who lied about the NSA gathering metadata on Americans); former AG Eric Holder (who was held in contempt of congress for lying); and Susan Rice (infamous for lying about the Benghazi massacre YouTube video). A few hours later, Bertrand walked-back the entire premise of her article:

"It would appear the claims made by Andrew McCabe; which were based on communications also shared with potential DOJ prosecutors; were made without ever contacting Brennan, Clapper, Holder and Rice for their consent."[40]

McCabe, who is being accused of lying under oath, lied about the production of character witnesses who the defense claimed were going to speak about McCabe's integrity. In essence, he lied about the character witnesses.

See also[edit]


  3. DOJ OIG to CEG et al - Review of Clinton Investigation Process.pdf
  14. Horowitz letter to the Senate Judiciary Committee, January 12, 2017
  34. Judicial Watch vs. DOJ MCCABE ROSENSTEIN MEMO 00388

External links[edit]

Categories: [Obama Administration] [Hillary Clinton email scandal] [Trump-Russia Collusion Hoax] [Anti-Trump] [Clinton Scandals] [Fake News] [Hillary Clinton] [Corruption] [2010s] [Police State]

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