Swords Of Iron

From Conservapedia
Toddler rescued from Hamas/PIJ rocket (Oct 7.23)
Newspapers headlines Oct 8.23[1]
21 children are now orphans. A 4-year-old girl, whose both parents were murdered, was kidnapped alone to Gaza by Arab Palestinians - Oct.7.23

Operation Swords of Iron,[2] which began Saturday of October 7, 2023 with Hamas's infiltration of Israel by land, sea and air.

Beginning in the morning of Oct 7, 2023:

The Islamic Republic of Iran's backed "Palestinian" terror organization Hamas 'Gaza regime' in coordination with Palestinian Islamic Jihad and other terror groups - PFLP, DFLP, after "officials from Iran and Hezbollah helped" planning:

- at times, entire families slaughtered, such as in Moshav Netiv HaAsara who lost dozens and in Nahal Oz;

- there were at least 120 murdered in Kibbutz Be'eri, "snatching children out of their beds,"[3] (2, 3 & 5 years old); kidnapping Jews, including women and children - entire families, dragging them (some barefooted) over to Gaza; even the disabled (- such as a Holocaust survivor), many to be lynched [4] and as trophies, a Be'eri resident "85-year-old grandmother.. was filmed being driven into Gaza in a golf cart by laughing militants," a major described when he had to shoot at terrorists - the difficulty to find an angle: "between the bodies of children, to jump over civilians who were handcuffed and shot.";

- Captured document "top secret" instructions to target schools, youth centers, take hostages, to kill civilians, "as many as possible";

- In a "captive taking handbook", titled The Warrior's Guide - Jihad Version", the "terrorists are advised in detail on how to carry out the kidnapping. According to the description, the kidnappers are required to create chaos and intimidation, coercing and blindfolding captives, using electric shocks, and instructing them to execute any person who may pose a threat or distraction. They were also instructed to collect the captives and use them as human shields, if necessary, without distinction of religion, race, or sex. According to the barbaric text, similar to the terrorist organization ISIS, the terrorists are required to document their actions by livestreaming and executing hostages";

- the "terrorists came with precise maps, had time for selfies";

- "Hamas came in under the protection of its heavy rocket fire on Israel, by a massive invasion over land, and by air and sea. In order to disrupt the military's observation capabilities, Hamas launched UAVs to destroy communication towers and observation posts along the Gaza border, causing blind spots, while bulldozers broke through the border fence allowing hundreds across in the first wave, sources told the paper. A further 1,800, followed the initial invaders..";

- "Many Ordinary Palestinians Joined in Hamas's Atrocities Against Israel.. 'Just as Cruel as the Terrorists'";

- the terrorists had developed a method, a real technique to increase the dimensions of the massacre.. the terrorists knew that the residents would lock themselves in the safe-room, and those who refused to come out, they simply opened the trunk of his car in the yard, took out the spare tire, lit it on fire and rolled it into the house to hasten its burning. We found bodies of people who died of suffocation in the gas tanks. Others were burned alive and those who tried to escape from the window were shot to death."

- torching houses and vehicles some with people inside, parading with dead, wounded, hostages;

- a massacre such that of youngsters on a nature party 'Nova' near Kibbutz Re'im (260), two youngsters who were there, before being kidnapped: "had WhatsApp conversations, sent their location, made it clear that the terrorists were walking around and lynching anyone they found"[5];

- "21 children are now orphans. A 4-year-old girl, whose both parents were murdered, was kidnapped alone to Gaza" by Arab Palestinians.

- In Kfar Aza, they "found babies with their heads cut off, entire families gunned down in their beds. About 40 babies and young children have been taken out on gurneys — so far."

- Eyes were gouged out, a woman's breasts cut off and a daughter had her legs severed.'

- From footage shown to journalists: 'Two soldiers without heads. Brutalized young women, one of them naked. Captives in Gaza surrounded by jeering gunmen... Hamas gunmen shooting at civilian cars and at people running across open fields as they flee the site of an open-air music festival. They whoop in triumph over their victims... one man scooping up two young boys, both wearing only underpants, as early morning sirens wailed, warning of incoming rocket fire. They ran out to a nearby bomb shelter. Assailants, lying in ambush, threw a grenade into the shelter, killing the man. The boys ran back to their house, where, distraught, one of them said he could not see anything. As a gunman rummaged in the refrigerator, the other boy cried, “Why am I alive?”.. In other clips, victims are seen gagged and with their hands bound behind their backs. Faces are frozen in shock and agony. Women’s bones are broken, their legs twisted in impossible angles.'

- "Hamas torture confirmed as Israeli forensics institute identifies victims." Among the images from forensics: "were those of charred hands with marks that revealed where the victims’ hands were bound behind their backs with metal wire before being burned alive... a completely charred mass of flesh, which at first glance could not be seen as ever having belonged to a human. It was only after a CT scan was done that experts could see the inhumanity of the image. Two spinal cords—one belonging to an adult, one to someone young—a parent and child bound together by metal wires in a final embrace before being set alight. “When you do this job downstairs, you get detached,” Dr. Chen Kugel, the head of Abu Kabir: “But then you learn the stories and connect to the people. It’s hard not to feel the tragedy. It’s so big. And when I go to the Shura camp [where deceased bodies in Israel are first collected] and see containers like you’d see at the port—but they’re all full of bodies… And you hear the stories—that behind their charred bodies, something terrible happened—it’s very difficult. I’ve seen many things in my 31-year career, but the magnitude and the cruelty [here] is terrible... The proportion of bodies we’ve received who are charred is high.. Many have gunshot wounds in their hands, showing they put their hands up to their faces in defense. Many were burned alive in their homes. … We know they were burned alive because there is soot in their trachea, their throats—meaning they were still breathing when set on fire... the age range of the victims spans from 3 months to 80 or 90 years old. Many bodies, including those of babies, are without heads."

- A Hamas terrorist, using a murdered female victim's phone, calls his father: "Father, I killed 10 Jews! Check your WhatsApp! I sent you the photos! Father, I killed 10 Jews! I killed 10 Jews with my bare hands. His voice that is so ecstatic — sounded like he’s out of his mind... He was repeating the same thing over and over again, ‘I killed 10 of them.’ Then he added: 'The blood is still on my hands.' Check your WhatsApp. Father, be proud of me!" His twisted parents praised him.

- Hamas terrorist under investigation: "We were ordered to murder, women and children too."

- The plan was to go from house to house, throw grenades, and kill everyone there, including women and children." Hamas Terrorist of the Nukhba Force Confesses the Slaughter of Women, Children, and Post-mortem Rape of Dead Body - and with an Islamic religious permission for that.

- A handwritten note found on the body of a Hamas terrorist encouraged the jihadists to remove the heads, hearts and livers of their Israeli victims. "You must sharpen the blades of your swords and be pure in your intentions before Allah. Know that the enemy is a disease that has no cure, except beheading and removing the hearts and livers. Attack them!" the note reads in Arabic.

- Terrorist further "confessed that Hamas approved of abusing the bodies and even dismembering them."

- A "terrorist using a grenade to kill a father in front of his two sons."

- A woman whose job is to, clean the victim’s bodies as best as possible to prepare them for burial: "We wash the bodies and prepare them for burial. We try to bring them dignity in death...What these barbarians did to these people is beyond words... There is evidence of mass rape so brutal that they broke their victims' pelvis – women, grandmothers, children... People whose heads have been cut off. Women standing in their night dresses woken up and shot. Faces blasted off. Heads smashed and their brains spilling out.. A baby was cut out of a pregnant woman and beheaded and then the mother was beheaded... Women and children burned to charcoal. Bodies murdered with their hands tied behind their backs."

- A Colonel said, that what Israeli forces have discovered in the aftermath of the attacks was "evidence of torture and savagery...We have babies with their heads cut off. Bodies without hands, without legs, without genitals."

- It was found a "USB key with instructions for producing a 'cyanide dispersion device' on the body of a Hamas operative who participated in the Oct. 7 terrorist attack";

- "They gathered young boys in lines and shot them. They raped some of the girls who came to the music festival. Some of the young people were gathered together and burned. We found the remains, and didn't understand what they were at first- we thought perhaps there had been an accident. Then we started searching for the missing, and we saw fire. We said 'Wait, maybe there are people in the fire'. There were twelve people burning. I looked up and saw more fires, and realized that we should just follow the fire. We burned our shoes trying to get them all out. We had to hurry because, in just a few hours like that, there would have been no remains left. I have horrific videos of that."

Arab "Palestinian" terrorist calls his parents to livestream during his massacre of Jewish civilians. “Hi dad, Your son killed Jews! … I killed 10! 10! 10 with my own hands, dad! Their blood is on my hands! Let me talk to mom.” (Oct.27.23)

Biting the hand that feeds them

"Kibbutzniks who drove Arabs from Gaza for treatment in hospitals in Israel saw those Gazans participating in the looting of the kibbutzim." "In addition, those Arabs from Gaza passed on information about the moshavs and kibbutzim."

"Israel’s work permits for Gaza, enabled the Hamas attac. Gazans got permits to work inside Israel. They came as killers and rapists."

"Palestinian" Islamist shoots at family from outside home. Oct 7, 2023)
Hamas terrorists consult a map during their attack. Oct 7, 2023

Other slaughter sites include in: Urim & Nirim.

Victims counted as on Oct 27, fatalities: over 1,400, wounded: over 5,000 wounded; 229 hostages, 30 are children.

ISIS flag among Arab "Palestinian" terrorists Oct 2023

The (ISIS) 'Islamic State' flag was found on a slain Hamas terrorist.

Al Qaeda and ISIS training booklet found on the Palestinian terrorist. Oct 2023

Al Qaeda and ISIS training booklet found on "Palestinians" terrorist.

Sick note found on body of Hamas terrorist calls for beheadings, removal of hearts (Oct/2023)

The accuse Barud of being behind the October 7 2023 attacks that killed hundreds of Israeli civilians

Herzog reveals recovered "Palestinian" radicals' captive taking handbook - the warrior's Guide - Jihad version (Oct 2023)

A note found [6] near torched vehicles showed Islamic religious text 'inspiring' to the violence. At the Rave Massacre asides from weapons, copies of the Koran were found. Arabic speaking journalist Ohad Hemo: Hamas that I spoke with, they have no problem with half of Gaza to be wiped out.

Hamas had announced that many hostages are being held in tunnels where they store weapons, missiles.

155 families were notified by the government that their relatives have been taken hostage.

Entire family slaughtered by Palestinian savagery Oct.7.23
Toddlers held by savages Palestinian militants Oct 7 2023
Family held by Hamas barbarians Oct 7, 2023
German tattoo artist held by Hamas.."Her body was filmed splayed in the back of a truck, with one leg at an unnatural angle, terrorists sitting around it and supporters of the group cheering, running alongside and spitting on her."
Held by Hamas barbarians. Oct.7.23. "Doron and her two young daughters, Raz and Aviv (4.5 and 2.5 years old), cruelly kidnapped by Hamas. Noa, who was enjoying a party with her partner, also abducted. Ivonne and Antonio, parents of a 6 and a 4-year-old, are still missing."
From: Israel ישראל 🇮🇱 @Israel. "Viewer discretion advised. The images that you are about to see are not from a horror movie. In the past 36 hours Israelis have been butchered in their homes by Hamas terrorists. Children and mothers taken captive. The dead bodies of women desecrated in the streets of Gaza. Listen to the cries of the victims. Remember each and every one of them. Oct 8, 2023." [2]
A scene out of many in Kfar Aza massacre by "Palestinian" Muslims including 40 babies some beheaded Oct 2023

Images -- of little girls and elderly people held by Hamas, bloodied women, as well as parading of various doubt alive or dead and Palestinians beating them, young German woman was murdered by Hamas while attending a music festival in Israel before the militants desecrated and paraded her body on the back of a truck -- shocked the world. It brought back ISIS style barbarity.

US president Biden describing the atrocities: "sheer evil."

Among the horrific tales:

- a father who tried to shield his two children with his body was "murdered with an ax in front of his children."

- "There have been reports of sexual assault and torture."

- A survivor recalls how some were raped next to dead bodies before being murdered. Raping girls and then parading them as they bleed. Women were raped and dragged through the streets.

- In some places, the butchers sat down eating comfortably while the dead bodies beside them.

- Testimony: 'they raped the girls, then they killed them. Then they switched - did the opposite, first murder then rape them. They always laughed when they did it, I can't forget how they laughed.'[7]

- According to one survivor, “They came to slaughter, to destroy. I know they kidnapped girls. They raped women even after killing them.” Another survivor tells of returning to the site later to look for his friends, and seeing mostly bodies “of young women, lying cold and mutilated.” Another widely-shared video showed a young woman’s nearly naked body, lifeless and mutilated, being paraded through the streets of Gaza in the back of a pickup truck. Palestinian men sat on her, draped their legs over her, pulled at her hair, and spit on her: a broken female body brandished like a trophy.

- Shooting girls in the legs so that they can't run.

- A grandmother burned alive at her home. News reporter: "After my family hid in the bush together for hours, one of the terrorists spotted them and started shooting. My family was massacred."

- To one family, the barbarians called and said: "Your girl is in our hands, we will rape and kill her."

- A grandchild: "my grandmother was murdered yesterday in a brutal murder by a terrorist in her home. At 7:00 I saw the nightmare of my life, a terrorist entered her home, murdered her, took her phone, took a picture of the horror and posted it on her Facebook. That's how we found out."

- There were 'personal' killing, shooting in point blank, kniving.[8]

- Images of : "charred bodies set on fire by the terrorists, the Hamas terrorists are being transported in a van with the corpses of women while sitting on them, photos of dozens of corpses lying on the ground after the inferno at the nature party, Hamas terrorists shooting dogs and setting fire to residents' homes in Otef-Aza."[9]

- Some "simply stood in line and were shot to death in cold blood."

- A child being captured by Hamas was seen being abused by 'ordinary' Gazans
(Arab racism en masse).

Stressed: "this wasn't.. some local initiative and an operation that went astray or people, operatives on the ground who got carried away with themselves. This was the plan. The Hamas spokesperson, a day and a half after the attack happened, he said, the attack went according to plan, and we are happy with the consequences. So that is what we're looking at."

Kfar Aza - beheaded babies - confirmed - Oct 2023
White House spokesperson breaks down while speaking about scenes coming out of Israel

Added separate hostage situations inside Southern Israel unfolded on at least two locations: Kibbutz Be'eri, where one group was neutralized, yet the hostage situation went on for many hours - holding dozens till resolved by killing terrorists and successfully in that case - rescuing the 11 held hostages unharmed, and in Ofakim, in the latter, while 20 terrorists were captured in the police station, 5 Hamas gang/terrorists took over a house and held hostage -- with Kalashnikov and hand grenade -- a couple in their 40s, for 15 hours - till rescued by the IDF's special YAMAM.

"It was a combined ground raid which happened through paragliders, through the sea and through the ground." Hamas' Muhammad Deif called on Israeli Arabs to join in any way, that "this is your chance."

Hamas human shields - Oct 2023

Added to the complexity, the difficulty to recognize a terrorist, as they don't wear uniforms, many wore similar to IDF colors and some even wore IDF uniforms, and who use even their own people as human shields.

The jihadi operation was helped by Iran, over several weeks, and the terrorist were given the green light by the IRGC 5 days prior to the attack.

Kibbutzim where atrocities occurred by "Palestinian" were founded before 1948 and many of its victims believed in a "Two State solution."

Hamas’s terror command center is "built under Gaza’s main hospital - Shifa, sharing detailed information on "how Hamas has turned hospitals into terror command." (2023)

Pre War[edit]

Israel was actually extending a hand to Gaza, thousands came daily to work in Israel, we were giving Gazans the best medical treatment. But at the same time, Hamas were planning this attack.[10]

Iranian military clips showed announcements: "Israel will be erased from the face of the earth. Death to Israel!" Adding that if Israel makes a "mistake," Tel Aviv and Haifa will be razed to the ground,

A captured terrorist said (Oct 8) that they were inspired by the (lefty anti-government) demonstrations and were surprised they were not shot at sooner.


New York - Ground Zero: Israeli flag in solidarity, by the governor
EU puts up the Israeli flag in solidarity with Israel
Israeli flag in Brandenburg Germany in solidarity with Israel
UK puts up Israeli flag in solidarity with Israel (Oct/23)
Eiffel Tower illuminates in solidarity with Israel (Oct/23)
Arch of Titus in solidarity with Israel Oct 2023
The government palace in Rome displays solidarity with Israel (Oct 2023)
US' Biden in Israel for solidarity after Jihadi atrocities Oct.18.23
UK's PM Rishi Sunak in Israel for solidarity (Oct.19.23)
Ex MLB's Ian Kinsler with Israel Jersey for solidarity. (Oct/2023)

Inside Israel a unity of all tribes. Lines to donate blood stretched miles long, masses waiting for hours. As well as donating supply, food, toys.

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken described the civilian efforts in the wake of the war: "I also had the chance to see up close the genuinely inspiring solidarity of the Israeli people in the wake of Hamas' attacks when I visited one of the many sites where citizens have swiftly organized efforts to collect, to sort, to distribute donations to those in need, including many families who have been displaced from the south... In our time here, everywhere we've gone, we've met people who've been touched, in one way or another, by Hamas' bloody hand. We encountered a nation knit together by grief but also a nation united in resolve."

US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin to Bibi: "As you know, I was the one who planned the war against ISIS For the first time. So I know ISIS well, and it's worse than what I saw with ISIS. We are with you and we stand by you, Mr. Prime Minister."

The West, including the US, the UK, EU and European nations individually, like: Germany, France (with its PM condemning the French left and an anti-Semite trying to make some moral equivalence), Italy, The Netherlands, Belgium, Spain, Poland, Austria, Greece, Sweden, Denmark, the Czech Republic, Latvia, Ireland, Romania, also Australia, India, have sharply condemned Hamas and had defended Israel as well as others like Argentina & Mexico denouncing Hamas. Among the Arab States, the first to denounce Hamas was the UAE. Also noted people like Elon Musk and some celebrities in Hollywood. As well as noted personalities like Dr. Phil.

Then, (Oct/9) a joint strong statement was put out by "France, Germany, Italy, UK, US support Israel, condemn Hamas."

In the two weeks aince the massacres, there were large pro Israel demonstrations in Europe (including, Berlin, London and Geneva) and in the US.

On the other hand, Palestinian Authority called to "bolster the Palestinians." Fatah incited that the attack should be expanded in the West Bank and added that "apes and pigs" dehumanization garbage too. Iran and Hezbollah cheered, with the latter adding that this is a message against normalization with Israel. Indeed, days before this war, the normalization between Israel and Saudi Arabia was very close to being a reality. Al Jazeera's boss - Qatar on the Hamas side, Hamas leaders there celebrated. "Palestinian" column on Qatari Al-Watan Daily: Hamas attack on Israel – Like Muhammad's attack on Jews of Khaybar in 628. (Al Jazeera was hacked by pro-Israelis for its terrorist groups links). Mosques in Judea Samaria agitated. In Eastern Jerusalem some Arabs attacked. An Arab "Palestinian" pizzeria (Eiffel) in Huwara was closed, sealed by the authorities after a Facebook ad on its site mocked a bidtahlfe, Holocaust survivor. Gaza "Palestinian" writer & educator Refaat Alareer (who in Sep 26, 2020 tweeted that "Hitler is as peaceful as..." and had demonized 'most Jews' [3]), dared to compare the Palestinian depraved barbarity attack to a brave uprising during WW2.

Oct 20, a large pro Hamas Arab demonstration in Hebron.

Oct/9, Inside Israel, stood out only "Haaretz justified the massacre and mocks the kidnapped victims." (Typical Haaretzism). Its decision to publish horrific Amira Hass' piece.

In US, notable in supporting Hamas soon after the bloody butchery were the usual suspects: SJP, (the one infamous for disrupting Holocaust memorials:) Nerdeen Kiswani (WOL) and Muhammad El Kurd. Sulaiman Ahmed admitted only after 800k views that his libel to incite against Israel was fake and the church is fine.

Iranian masses organized by the Islamic regime have been celebrating, dancing to music. In Baghdad, Iranian militias linked crowd burned Israeli and US flags.

The demonization of Israel and Zionism (with false terminology) was stressed by ADL, in this context the "ideology that dehumanizes..."

Inside the US: while the most vocal against Hamas barbarism and for Israel's right to defend was coming from the GOP, but also from many Democrats, [11] yet, the deafening silence from liberal 'Squad' gang within the Democratic party was noticed, the hypocritical group claiming to care about human lives and human rights. The Squad waited till news of an Israeli attack began and then rushed to call for a cease fire.

Swastika at Palestinian anti Israel rally. (Oct 8 2023)

The "Squad's Socialist Party rallies in support of 'Palestine' hours after Hamas terror attacks."

It was held a day later - condemned by NY Governor. A swastika also shown at the "Palestinian" really. And some taunting mourning Jews by shouting "700" (referring to the widely known number of Jewish innocent victims at the time).

Arab Palestinian American Rashida Tlaib refuses to denounce beheading of babies by Palestinian militants Oct 2023

Rashida Tlaib refused to condemn beheadings of Israeli babies when confronted by media.

Diala Qasem, a "palestine" activist, staffer for Dem. Rep. Andre Carson, shared messages justifying Hamas terrorist attack on Israel.

Islamic lobby Group CAIR, put out a statement to renege on Abraham Accord and put maximum pressure on Israel.

BLM Chicago was blasted after it posted an image of PLO flag with a paraglider to celebrate the carnage (as the savage-jihadists came in via paragliders). They added "I stand with Palestine. That is all that is."

Harvard's Arab Alumni Association offers support for Arabs who wrote pro Hamas letter following Palestinian atrocities (Oct 2023)

Following a group of racist Arab students in Harvard's pro Hamas' letter - denounced widely (as well as Mrs Claudine Gay's response), Harvard's Arab Alumni Association (HAAA) asked members to support Arab students whose groups signed the Hamas letter HAAA asks alumni to consider providing "legal counsel, healthcare, mental health."

Three such students are doxxed and lose job a week later.

GDL Minadeo Hitler salute cheers Palestinian Hamas led massacre Oct.8.23

White Supremacists celebrated the attacks, and Minadeo (gdl) saluted the Palestinian attacks with Hitler salute.

Miami dentist, radical racist Arab supremacist, "Ahmed Elkoussa is fired after he's seen on video with his friend Xave Ramou ripping down posters of kidnapped and murdered Israelis."

Oct 16-18 poll: "57% of US Muslims Believe Hamas Atrocities Justified." In a unique poll "in that it polled Muslims in America as a separate group about the Hamas attack on Israel during which the Islamic terrorists massacred civilians, raped and kidnapped women, and killed and kidnapped children."

Reported Oct/19, Nejwa Ali, PLO ex-spokeswoman, put on leave by Citizenship and Immigration Services, "after being confronted with her history as an operative for the Palestine Liberation Organization and a more recent series of pro-Hamas social media posts."

Gaza UMRWA staff celebrated Hamas massacre.

Reported on Oct 24, for the second time in 10 days, swastikas were scrawled on a wall on the main road in Arab "Palestinian" Huwara [حُوّارة].

Israeli-American screenwriter quits Writers Guild over silence on Israel-Hamas war.

Hundreds of Muslims at pro Palestine rally chant "Gas the Jews" - in Sydney on Oct 9 2023

In Sydney, Australia, hundreds of Muslims at Pro-Palestinian rally chanted "Gas the Jews."

In Colombia, which has a large Arab community, including "Palestinians," Israel's embassy defaced twice with vile swastika graffiti in 'barbaric gesture.'

The Antisemitic social media history of Associated Press (AP)’s correspondent in Gaza - racist Arab Issam Adwan -- has been revealed. He worked first for Al Jazeera.

Notably, Reuters, NBC & BBC (such as with that longtime anti-Israel Jeremy Bowan). In addition, a reporter resigned over its refusal to call Hamas terrorists.

This is how a meme was born: Saleh al-Jafarawi - the Gazan influencer who became the biggest network joke in Israel. First he laughed and praised Hamas and then cried when the IDF bombed in response. Now his video from the hospital, where he looks seriously injured, has become a new joke when surfers realized that it was a particularly bad game.

A CBC (Canadian Broadcast Corp) employee George Achi instructed reporters to: 1. not to mention Gaza has not been occupied since 2005 2. not refer to Palestinian terrorists as terrorists.

NY Times rehires Hitler-praising Soliman Hijjy to cover Israel-Hamas war. Since Oct/12.

At bigoted Haaretz, it had another rewriting history by the Arab Hamin Majadli.

"Alongside the shameful celebrations of the Israelophobic left, there has been a notably muted response to the Hamas invasion in the liberal media. ‘Israel launches airstrikes on Gaza Strip… after Palestinian gunmen infiltrate its territory’, said BBC Breaking News. What nice, neutral language to describe an extremist onslaught against a sovereign nation."

Large demonstration in front of the UN pro Israel (Oct 8, 2023). Jewish communities mobilized. In the NY, near the pro-Israel demonstration, a group of mostly Islamo-Arabs (such as "Palestinias"), joined by 'socialists' - "protested" against Israel with an Arab accent chanting on loudspeaker supposedly about "freedom." (Nevermind that Hamas and other such entities openly seek Israel's destruction as a whole. And even on its own people: Oppression, torture. Hoarding resources to enrich leadership and push to violence).

The US demanded (Oct 8) that the UN condemn Hamas, but the Security Council took no immediate action. Though several countries did condemn.

Oct 15, Ilhan Omar used an image of children massacred by Bashar al-Assad in Syria, in 2013 from his (sarin gas attack[12]), in order to blame Israel falsely on a so called "genocide." She just reposted this Pallywood from another Islamist anti-Israel propagandist Sulaiman Ahmed.

The MSM just copied the numbers of fatalities given by Hamas controlled regime as well as who is a civilian. Oct 8+.

"Get the f###ing Jews wiped out!" Shouts ring out at today’s Palestinian protest in Sydney. (Oct 15, 2023)

Marie Andersen with Arab Palestine antisemitic image (Oct/2023)

A (Norwegian) student (with a history of posting extremely antisemitic content online) Marie Andersen, together with a smiling Arab-Palestine girl next to her, holds sign 'Keep The World Clean’ with an image of the Jewish Star of David in a trash can in Warsaw. (Oct 21, 2023).

Pallywood at Pro Palestinian demonstration in Paris using old dead baby photo of Turkish earthquake - Oct 2023

Pallywood: French daily Libération reports on its front page a photo of a (Oct/2023) protester holding up a photo of a child allegedly lying in the rubble of Gaza. This picture, which was already used in February 2023 in connection with the earthquake in Turkey, was generated by IA.

Arab-Palestinian Abu Rahma praising Hitler

It turns out, the woman who CNN & BBC gave airtime: Dunia Abu Rahma - "Palestinian" Gazan, had celebrated Hamas massacre & wished Hitler had finished the "job."

Following shutting down billboards with photos of hostages: On Oct/22, some 15,000 protested in London in a demonstration called 'bring them home.'

"Iranians desecrated tombs of Mordechai and Esther, Jews asking for protection Residents of the Hamadan province." (Reported Oct/25)

Former al-Jazeera guy, Pakistan born, Islamist Nur Ibrahim, shilling for Iran and Hamas, propagates, distorts dacts at Snopes, especially on Oct 10, 12, 19.

Oct.23.23 - B'nai B'rith letter Sent to the Editor: Washington Post misses central point about UNRWA: Far from being an agency acting merely "to protect and support civilians," it is an extremely problematic entity that for 75 years has exacerbated the Palestinian problem and symbolized the failure to solve it... UNRWA is, in fact, an outrageous anomaly (all other refugees in the world are covered by UNHCR—the U.N. refugee agency) that has perpetuated the Arab-Israeli conflict and has thus cost many thousands of lives, including the lives of over 1,300 innocent Israelis massacred on October 7 by Hamas terrorists claiming the phony grievances—of “dispossession”—that are pushed by UNRWA.


Whoever had a weapon used it heroically. People saved lives of others while sacrificing their own and many fell while saving others. A 25 young woman quickly armed the Kibbutz and they eliminated 25. A policewomsn wounded, played dead, fought the trerrorists. Testimony: "Individual citizens with weapons fought against hundreds of terrorists." 'They fought heroically... we know for example of a case of about 30 soldiers against 300 [Palestinian terrorists].'[13] In Eshkol: "they were 100 terrorists, against 12 members of the standby squad."

Kfar Aza - he jumped on the grenade to save his girls friend (Oct.7.23)

A young man (22) saving his girlfriend by jumping on the grenade and she hod behind his body (Kfar Aza).


An attempted infiltration at Zikim beach was thwarted and the terrorists were eliminated. There were more attempted of infiltrations afterwards on various fronts.

The other terror groups Iranian hands', a Hezbollah gang fired from a tent they put up, and were immediately eliminated. (Oct 8).

An Egyptian police officer / Arab-terrorist murdered two Israeli tourists in Alexandria. (Oct 8).

More injured from rocket attacks on Oct 9, some seriously.

A "Palestinian" terror gang infiltrating northern Israel from Lebanon was eliminated quickly (Oct 9).

Hezbollah got hit, 5 were eliminated, including losing a senior operative, after attacking Israel, (Oct 9).

Though attempts of incursions were going on, after 48 hours the IDF declared they have total control over southern Israel.[14]

On Oct 10, from another Iranian linked location - Syria - mortars were fired and Israel responded.


Israel changed its policy against civilians arming themselves, speeding up licensing.

(In 2022, Haaretzism [those that excuse racist Arab supremacy / Islamic jihad - terrorism and hutl vile terms against those who fear it] type liberals demonized those advocating for it at the height of terror attacks).


A child's prayer blessing his father who goes into battle - Israel 13 Oct 2023[15]

Israel's PM Bibi Netanyahu stated that with the help of God we shall prevail.

Slowly, the IDF began cleansing the dozens of villages held by roaming Hamas shooters.

The IDF urged Arab "Palestinians" in Gaza to evacuate as it tries to minimize non combatants' casualties [even] on its adversary side.

And many followed the order.

Israel to Gazans Every target and every terrorist is a mortal - run away, as long as you can - Oct/2023

In addition, days later, it took control of Hamas TV and urged residents to "run away, as long as you can."

Flyer to Gazans - asked to leave Oct.2023

Hamas has been using vital supplies to get only to their military. Leading Israel to block.

Oct 11: "Using civilians as human shields, Hamas has called on Gazans not to leave their homes when Israel warns about bombings."

Hamas terrorists uses hospital Shifa, a bunker. (Reported on Oct 11). An Arab-Israeli volunteer in a Jewish rescue organization was shot and used as Human Shield By Hamas.

On Oct 12, Hamas leader Mashaal called for day of "rage" against Zionists and Americans by Muslims and Arabs all around the world.

On Oct 13 (12 in the US), it told the UN that North Gaza residents must be evacuated to the south. Already 400,000 left. IDF also dropped fliers asking to leave, as well as recorded messages on cellphones. Hamas regime told Gazans to stay and not to believe. UN shames Israel instead of pointing to Hamas' use of Human shields. The IDF keeps stretching the 'deadline' - which was set, just to urge. Hamas blocking Palestinians from evacuating North.

Roadblocks set up by Hamas on evacuation routes designed by the IDF in Gaza (Oct.2023)

Already on the first day of operation, it began by hitting targets specially in Shejaiya, where main orders and supply came from. Military infrastructure was attacked in the house of Farah Hamad, a senior operative in the terrorist organization Hamas, "the military infrastructure in his apartment is located near a mosque and three schools, this target proves once again that the terrorist organization Hamas exploits (their) holy sites and the civilian population in order to promote terrorism."

On Oct 14, the IDF eliminated Palestinian Hamas terrorist who led the Oct 7 2023 massacre. Nakba's Ali Qadi [علي القاضي]. IDF conducted ‘localized’ ops in Gaza as war enters 2nd week. It IDF also "killed Murad Abu Murad, the head of Hamas’s aerial array in Gaza, who "took a big part in directing terrorists during the massacre." Several times, Palestinian terrorists directed by Hezbollah attempted to infiltrate and were eliminated. Barrage of rockets hits Tel a Aviv too. Then Hezbollah admitted for a new shooting. Intense fighting with Hezbollah who fired mortars. One Hezbollah commander was eliminated, following that. Then, other proxies from Syria fired at Israel too.

Oct 15: Israel eliminates leader of the Kibbutz Nirim massacre. "Billal al-Qedra, the commander of the so-called Nukhba unit's southern Khan Younis battalion." Israel resumed water supply IDF Spokeperson: 'Hezbollah working to escalate tensions on the northern border.' One Israeli killed by Hezbollah. Hamas stopping crossing, preventing Palestimian-Americans to leave.

Oct 16: IDF eliminated the head of Hamas's general intelligence Khan Yunis Brigade. Later, it killed the head of the Shura Council of Hamas, Osama Almazini, in the Gaza Strip. Intense barrage of rockets by Jihadists on Tel Aviv. IDF hits Hezbollah after the latter's yesterday's attack that killed an Israeli. "UN Security Council rejects Russia’s resolution on Gaza that fails to mention Hamas." Russia was slammed by the US: "By failing to condemn Hamas, Russia is giving cover to a terrorist group that brutalizes innocent civilians. It is outrageous, it is hypocritical, and it is indefensible."

Hamas Jihadists stealing aid from UN

The UN refugee agency UNRWA accuses Hamas of stealing fuel, medications from its Gaza premises. UN deleted the post after fear from Hamas but reiterated to this truth.

Islamic Terrorists killed their own people in hospital explosion - then falsely blamed Israel (Oct/23)
Hamas a minute before Al Ahli hospital hit by jihad Oct.17.23
Confirmed Islamic Jihad rocket caused Gaza hospital Al Ahli blast Oct 2023
NYT changing headlines after swallowing jihadists' claim about Palestinians killing Palestinians Gaza hospital al Ahli. (Oct.17.23)
Footage from TV station's cameras at the time of the Gaza al-Ahli hospital explosion definitively showing how a misfired Islamic Jihad rocket is responsible for the incident Oct 17 2023
To Israel, every civilian death is a tragedy. To Hamas, it's a propaganda tool

Oct 17: Islamic Jihad failed rocket hits Gaza hospital al-Ahli, several killed. Naturally guilty Palestinian Hamas regime blamed Israel for their "accident", which triggered protests among the Arab world. It also inflated numbers.

The failed jihadists' missile was one of approximately 450 that land within the Gaza Strip. In fact, "radar detected outgoing rocket fire at the same moment the blast at the Gaza hospital occurred," In addition, Gaza-regime Hamas, often working with Islamic jihadists at rocket launchers had warned, one minute before the hospital explosion on an upcoming missile to reach Haifa, which didn't reach that city at the end, and missiles launched do trigger second explosions. Nevertheless, the Arab world continued to blame Israel, with rioters breaking into the Israeli embassy compound in Jordan, and protests outside Western embassies in other Middle Eastern countries. Hamas/ other Jihadists' mouthpiece Al Jihadzeera incited the Arab world-- with much in the Arab world, embarrased by images of Hamas/PIJ Oct 7 atrocities, trying to believe or at least to say they believe the blaming Israel version -- with the "Palestinian" Rashida Tlaib - silent on Palestinian atrocities against Israeli-civlians suddenly waking up and repeating despicable Hamas' lines, and initially some at MSM blaming the non-jihadi side too. Evidence, video of Palestinian failed rocket launch at the time, was published. Also, "Military intercepted communications indicating Islamic Jihad fired hospital rocket." Indeed, "US analysis showed Israel not responsible for hospital explosion." Even forthright (formerly at HRW) critic of Israeli Military says IDF Not responsible for Gaza hospital explosion: ‘It Wasn’t An Airstrike’

Naftali Bennett hit at the NYTimes for blindly recycling Hamas' version for hours before investigating.: "Hamas immediately understood that this was the Islamic Jihad’s rocket, and launched a massive lie campaign, blaming Israel. The New York Times immediately adopted Hamas’ version, peddling this lie for hours... New York Times: Shame on you. Apologize now for this slander... Aren’t you supposed to check facts? Isn’t that your claim to fame? Is there a special exemption from fact-checking when it’s the Jewish State involved?... In addition to the aerial footage, there is a recording of Hamas terrorists discussing the hit, describing the shrapnel at the site as "local" and "not Israeli." " "Clown Trudeau becomes the only Western leader who condemned Israel for the Gaza hospital blast, before evidence emerged that a terrorists' misfired rocket caused it."

NYT rehires Hitler-praising Soliman Hijjy to cover Israel-Hamas war. Oct/2023

Ayman Nofal, a member of the Hamas terror group's General Military Council was eliminated.

Palestinian Authority to immediately reward families of Oct. 7 terrorists with nearly $3 million.

Conservatives call for Congress to defund Palestinians across board.

Oct 18: Arabs in the Middle East protests, despite publicized proof of Palestinians on Palestinians killing of the Al Ahli hospital. (Hamas' unofficial mouthpiece:) Al Jazeera's already dangerous agitation 'worked,' as wildfire . Biden's visit for solidarity with Israel. Arab Jordan csnceks meeting with him. "Despite US admission Hamas ‘may seize’ aid to Gaza, Biden announces $100m in Palestinian aid." Rashida Tlaib propagated Hamas' version even after debunked.. The "European Parliament calls for Hamas to be ‘eliminated,’ urges release of hostages."

"2024 GOP candidates condemn Biden’s $100M pledge to Palestinians.

Oct 19: Jamila al-Shanti, 1st woman in Hamas political bureau, eliminated.

Panic on the Internet, as Arab suspects photograph houses, entry to houses, some pretend to be "cleaning." The police tries to reassure Israelis. United Kingdom's PM Rishi Sunak visits Israel for solidarity. Several injured from Hamas' linked terror jihadists firing from Lebanon. Iran's proxies in Iraq and Sytia attack US warship/bases, via drones. Iran's other proxy, Houthis in Yemen fire missiles, drones, US shoots down. As "Iranian terror axis begins challenging US in Mideast."

Oct 20: Rockets continue from Gaza and from Hezbollah / Palestinian jihadists in the north. "For fifth time today, UAV kills terrorist squad on Lebanon border." IDF eliminates senior Hamas engineer, Mahmud Sabih, "who operated to facilitate the transfer of information for Hamas in the production of weapons and UAVs." As Hamas is exposed pressured for its beasty behavior, as part of its psychological warfare, UT dud notvrekease even one child out if the 30, but released only two Americans and dared use the word "humanitarian."

Oct 21-22: Hezbollah keeps attacking, several injured. Israel warns: Hezbollah 'dragging Lebanon into war.' Gaza aid shipments inspected for weapons by Israel. "Israeli forces raid Samaria home of Hamas’s second-in-command Troops reportedly entered Saleh al-Arouri’s home in the village of Arura and arrested more than 20 people." Hamas "Terror Operatives" In Jenin Al-Ansar mosque, eliminated, the place "was used by the terrorists as a command centre to plan the attacks and as a base for their execution." The terrorists plotted to imitate Oct/7 atrocities. Per Oct/22: The IDF has arrested 727 Palestinian terrorists across Judea and Samaria since the start of “Operation Swords of Iron” on Oct. 7. Out of the 727 Palestinian terrorists arrested, more than 480 are affiliated with Hamas, including 27 Hamas members arrested overnight.."

Oct 23-24: The IDF responded to Hezbollah attacks. The police detained for questioning Maymisa Abd Elhadi, the actress who shared a series of stories in which she encouraged the atrocities of Hamas on October 7. 10 Hamas terrorists killed in another infiltration attempt near Zikim. Hamas releases only two hostages - out of 222, elderly women. IDF: "Great efforts are being made to release the abductees - their faces and not their passports are in front of our eyes." Warplanes, guided by intelligence information from the Amman and the Shin Bet, eliminated the head of the anti-tank system in the northern Gaza Strip of the terrorist organization Hamas, Ibrahim al-Sahar. Great Britain also confirms: the Oct/17 explosion at the al-Ahli Hospital in the heart of Gaza City "was apparently caused by a missile fired from Gaza towards Israel". "The IDF released excerpts from an investigation conducted with a Hamas terrorist who participated in the attack on Kibbutz Alumim and was arrested by the security forces. During the investigation, the terrorist revealed that the terrorists received permission to commit atrocities, including religious legal instruction: "The plan was to go from house to house, from room to room, Throw grenades and kill everyone there, including women and children." The terrorist further confessed that Hamas approved of abusing the bodies and even dismembering them."

The "IDF hits Hamas apparatus which prevented Gazans from evacuating south In widescale strikes," and "hits Hamas terror tunnels, command centers responsible for arresting and imprisoning Hamas opponents." Second day in a row, White House press secretary, Karine Jean-Pierre universalizes Jew-hatred As she began the daily press conference (Oct/24), "ostensibly to correct her pivot to Islamophobia the day before when asked about Jew-hatred, began discussing Muslims again." Israeli UN ambassador demands UN secretary-general A. Guterres resign after 'shocking' speech, uttering a terrible statement somehow "explaining" Hamas led atrocities not coming, supposedly "in a vacuum." Guterres tried to correct -- by denouncing Hamas massacre in injuring and taking hostages -- but in Israel they do not forgive.

Oct 25-26: IDF exposes the true identity of Hamas terrorist Abu Obaida: Hudhayfah Kahlot, "hides behind his red keffiyeh just as Hamas hides behind civilian facilities." After Hezbollah's Oct/25 announcement that two more of its terrorists were eliminated, the total of Hezbollah killed so far stands at 40. Congress passes pro Israel resolution - a long time coming. Small ground incursion operating against terror dystem in Gaza. "Shati Barud, deputy head of Hamas intelligence who helped plot Israel terror attack is killed by Israeli air strike." "Rocket fire from Gaza targets Tel Aviv, central areas; Apartment in Petach Tikva takes direct hit causing fire, no injuries"; hearing "Gazan saying Hamas blocking civilians from reaching south." "They are shooting at people." Hamas Islam scholars: 'Spill the blood' of Israelis. "In decree published in Gaza, clerics permitting and encouraging the killing" of 'Zionist soldiers and so called settlers (- a reference to all Israelis) both within and outside of Palestine' (by "Palestine" - they refer to the entire area of Israel). "Hamas official: 'guide their strikes and gunfire upon the Jews' throats.' "

Replying to journalist quoting Islamic lobby CAIR's demanding Biden apologize, White House spokesperson Kirby clarified, Biden will not apologize for saying civilians will die in war. “What’s harsh is the way Hamas is using people as human shields. What’s harsh is taking a couple of hundred hostages and leaving families anxious, waiting and worrying to figure out where their loved ones are. What's harsh is dropping in on a music festival and slaughtering a bunch of young people just trying to enjoy an afternoon. I could go on and on. That's what's harsh,” he said.

Oct 27: Tel Aviv apartment hit by Hamas rocket, three wounded. IDF publishes how the Al Shifa hospital serves as a military location for Hanas terrorists - part of "Hamas' use of humanitarian facilities in the Gaza Strip for terrorist infrastructure in a way that endangers the residents of the Gaza Strip." 36 wanted persons were arrested in Judea and Samaria, including 17 Hamas operatives. "Four people were injured in a direct rocket strike on a residential building in Tel Aviv on Friday afternoon, ranging from moderate to light injuries. Half an hour after that attack, central Israel was again targeted by rockets."

Taking in "Palestinians"[edit]

Trump and Ron DeSantis both vowed not to let any of them in, Progressives such as Jamaal Bowman member of the Socialist-Democratic "Squad" called to take in Arab Palestinian refugees.

Sources Part I[edit]

Swords of Iron - Real Time Updates



'Top secret' Hamas documents show that terrorists intentionally targeted elementary schools and a youth center Maps and documents recovered from the bodies of Hamas attackers reveal a coordinated plan to target children and take hostages inside an Israeli village near Gaza.

Hamas maps of Kibbutz Kfar Aza, Nahal Oz, and Alumim recovered from the bodies of Hamas by Israeli first responders. A Hamas map recovered from the body of a Hamas militants by Israeli first responders. Obtained by NBC News

Oct. 13, 2023, 5:15 PM EDT By Anna Schecter NBC _

Hamas terrorists were ordered to target Israeli schools, ‘kill as many people as possible’ in sneak attack plans: report By Katherine Donlevy Published Oct. 13, 2023 NY Post _

Kill As Many, Take Hostages, Hamas Told In "Top Secret" Document: Report The attack plans seem to be orders for two trained Hamas units to surround and infiltrate villages and target places where civilians gather. Updated : October 14, 2023 4:57 pm IST NDTV


Hamas Fighters’ Orders: ‘Kill as Many People as Possible’ Documents found on dead militants in Israel indicate massacres were a central objective By Dov Lieber and David S. Cloud Oct. 14, 2023 3:04 pm ET

TEL AVIV—Written orders carried by Hamas fighters sent to attack Israeli towns and settlements last weekend contained the same chilling command: Kill as many people as possible.

Documents recovered from the bodies of dead militants at the sites of attacks that killed more than 1,300 Israelis point to a deliberate strategy to massacre civilians, Israeli officials said.

The similarity of the orders given to attack teams, along with videos posted by the attackers themselves, eyewitness testimony, and the scale of civilian killings in multiple locations—at least 1,000 in total—suggest that the massacre wasn’t a byproduct of the attack but a central objective.

A Hamas squad that attacked the farming community of Alumim in southern Israel, was directed to “achieve the highest level of human losses” and then take hostages, according to documents viewed by The Wall Street Journal and which an Israeli official said were authentic.

Orders carried by militants sent to attack Sa’ad, a 670-person collective farming community, instructed them to “to take control of the kibbutz, kill as many individuals as possible, and capture hostages until receiving further instructions.”

The documents are at odds with assertions by Hamas officials that militants had been told not to kill women and children. The group, designated as a terrorist organization by the U.S., Israel and others, has blamed civilian deaths on armed Palestinians unaffiliated with Hamas who joined the attack.

“Hamas’s strategy behind this attack was very clear: they were on a mission to hurt and murder as many innocent civilians as possible,” said Tal Heinrich, a spokeswoman for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, referring to “maps and documents found on the bodies of Hamas terrorists.”

The documents and maps—retrieved in areas where attackers were killed by local defenders or Israeli soldiers—indicate that Hamas, which governs the Gaza Strip, had amassed significant intelligence about its targets and had developed detailed plans for assaulting them.

Rescue workers, soldiers and residents have collected a trove of such documents from the bodies of dead militants.

Israeli officials said they suspect that attackers who entered communities first tried to kill as many people as possible to limit the threat of a counterattack, then took hostage those who were still alive.

One striking similarity among the plans: Attackers were told to herd hostages into kibbutz dining halls before taking them back to Gaza, something that occurred in the town of Be’eri, where dozens of residents held in its dining facility were eventually rescued by Israeli troops.

The attackers dispatched to Sa’ad, another kibbutz nearby, carried maps showing its security fence and other defenses. Orders also noted the residents’ volunteer guard force was armed and could be reinforced by Israeli army units stationed nearby.

A map showed an aerial view of the kibbutz, identifying locations along the fence line where two teams of fighters were supposed to enter the kibbutz. The attack plan also warned militants that “guards are on regular shifts, and the kibbutz surveils the surrounding area via cameras.”

The dining hall could be a place for “holding hostages,” the plan said, adding that the medical clinic could serve as “a first aid center for friends and foes.”

In Kfar Aza, across the road from Sa’ad, around 70 fighters from Hamas killed dozens of members of the 700-strong community. Officials said they found the mutilated bodies of women and children scattered across the kibbutz. Some residents, Israeli soldiers said, had been decapitated.

In Alumim, down the road from Sa’ad, the local protection force fought back against dozens of Hamas attackers, and with military help, killed around 20, preventing deaths on the scale witnessed in other nearby communities, said Tzvika Blumstein, a manager of the kibbutz.

But the Hamas attackers did reach the dorms of Thai and Nepalese laborers working for the kibbutz, who lived closest to the breached areas. There, they immediately killed some of the workers in their beds, according to Blumstein.

Others were taken to a different location, had their hands bound before being executed, said Blumstein. In total, the Hamas attackers killed 16 workers living on the kibbutz. “It was a massacre,” said Blumstein.

The Journal on Wednesday also reported on a 14-page document labeled “top secret” in Arabic and dated June 15, 2023 that describes a plan for infiltrating Mefalsim, a kibbutz near Gaza, and taking residents hostage.

Two teams of five and a commander would carry out the operation on “Hour S, Day Y,” it reads. Maps and aerial pictures of the town were contained in the document, which says there were 1,000 “civilians” guarded by a volunteer security force.

Members of the assault team were designated to open holes in a security fence, while others were to provide “artillery” fire, the document says. Once inside, the force would take prisoners and hold them at the dining hall as hostages “for negotiations,” the plan reads.

Video of the attack from a surveillance camera near Mefalsim’s front gate shows that attackers began gunning down residents as soon as they arrived.

The video was posted Saturday by South First Responders, a group of emergency personnel working in southern Israel, and verified by the Journal. In the footage, a man dressed in a white shirt running on the sidewalk grabs his right arm and drops onto the pavement, blood leaking from his head.

Within minutes, armed fighters can be seen emerging from a wooded area in ones and twos. Several run over to him and shoot him again. Residents who have abandoned their cars to hide in the bushes are attacked with grenades. One is pulled from the bushes and repeatedly shot and bludgeoned. WSJ


Israeli video compilation shows the savagery and ease of Hamas' attack Associated Press

Published: October 17, 2023 at 2:21 AM Ksat


Hamas torture confirmed as Israeli forensics institute identifies victims By Aaron Poris/The Media Line Published: October 20, 2023 07:34 Updated: October 20, 2023 14:48

Forensic pathologists, including Israeli staffers as well as volunteers from abroad, were visibly disturbed by the evidence before them.

Stifling the urge to retch became a difficult task as I walked through the lower levels of Israel’s National Center of Forensic Medicine (Abu Kabir) in Tel Aviv. The smell of rotting human remains, much of which was completely unrecognizable as human due to the brutality of the attack, was at times too much to bear.

In light of the growing international interest in (and denials of) the Palestinian terror group Hamas’ October 7 massacre in southern Israel, representatives of the global press were invited to see the horrors for themselves.

Forensic pathologists, including Israeli staffers as well as volunteers from abroad, were visibly disturbed by the evidence before them. Despite every effort to remain objective and detached—as called for by the profession—many broke down into tears throughout the day.

During the initial press conference, the forensics team showed images from their investigations. Among the images were those of charred hands with marks that revealed where the victims’ hands were bound behind their backs with metal wire before being burned alive.

Perhaps the most disturbing image in the slideshow was a completely charred mass of flesh, which at first glance could not be seen as ever having belonged to a human. It was only after a CT scan was done that experts could see the inhumanity of the image.

Two spinal cords—one belonging to an adult, one to someone young—a parent and child bound together by metal wires in a final embrace before being set alight.

“When you do this job downstairs, you get detached,” Dr. Chen Kugel, the head of Abu Kabir, told The Media Line. “But then you learn the stories and connect to the people. It’s hard not to feel the tragedy. It’s so big. And when I go to the Shura camp [where deceased bodies in Israel are first collected] and see containers like you’d see at the port—but they’re all full of bodies… And you hear the stories—that behind their charred bodies, something terrible happened—it’s very difficult. I’ve seen many things in my 31-year career, but the magnitude and the cruelty [here] is terrible,” Kugel added.

“The proportion of bodies we’ve received who are charred is high,” Kugel explained. “Many have gunshot wounds in their hands, showing they put their hands up to their faces in defense. Many were burned alive in their homes. … We know they were burned alive because there is soot in their trachea, their throats—meaning they were still breathing when set on fire.”

Victims likely died from carbon dioxide, soot inhalation

The single mercy, Kugel said—if there is one to be found—is that the burned victims likely died from carbon dioxide and soot inhalation before the fire killed them.

Kugel also explained that the age range of the victims spans from 3 months to 80 or 90 years old. Many bodies, including those of babies, are without heads.

Asked if they were decapitated, Kugel answered yes. Although he admits that, given the circumstances, it’s difficult to ascertain whether they were decapitated before or after death, as well as how they were beheaded, “whether cut off by knife or blown off by RPG,” he explained.

Kugel was far from the only one who got emotional when discussing the evident travesty. “We disassociate because we need to work, but from time to time it gets to you,” Dr. Nurit Bublil, head of Abu Kabir’s DNA laboratory, told The Media Line.

“Yesterday, I opened evidence from a house in a southern kibbutz, and there was a popular recipe book covered in blood. … I have this same book, and it makes you take a moment and think, it could have been my kitchen, my children, my parents, me. You can’t avoid it,” she said.

Additionally, Israel’s small population gives rise to the fact that no one is far removed from the wake of the massacre. “My sister has a close friend of hers who is still missing,” said Bublil, as she stood beside a blood-stained mattress from a baby’s crib. The DNA from the mattress will be used to try and identify a brutally disfigured and unaccounted-for infant.

“I got the message today from my neighbor,” Bublil continued. “She asked if I could help because her good friend’s husband, father, two nephews, and father-in-law’s wife were all murdered too and have yet to be identified.”

This is the crux of the forensic pathology center’s current mission in which roughly 200 experts are participating. Forensic pathologists, anthropologists, radiologists, and more from Israel as well as from the US, Switzerland, New Zealand, and elsewhere around the world have come not simply to determine the victims’ causes of death but to identify the bodies for burial.

Fighting back tears, Israeli forensic pathologist Dr. Hagar Mizrahi explained that “as you know, the Jewish people must bury their dead as soon as possible.” But as of this writing, nearly two weeks have passed since the massacre, and some 350 bodies remain unidentified. “So, the people here at Abu Kabir are doing their best to help and identify the most severe cases that arrive.”

Identifying bodies

Four places around the country are currently working to identify and release bodies for burial.

The Israel Police headquarters in Jerusalem is handling all the antemortem samples and personal items for DNA comparisons. The Israel Defense Forces is working on 1-1 DNA comparisons using their data on soldiers, including fingerprints, dental records, and DNA. In addition, Abu Kabir is working to collect DNA samples and identification for the most severe cases. It’s also where all the DNA samples from other locations come for additional testing. And the Shura camp near Ramla, in central Israel, is where all the deceased are initially collected. Shura currently has some 950 body bags in its possession.

The word “bags” is written here instead of “bodies” because it’s not clear how many victims there are within them.

“More than one person’s remains may be in a single bag,” Kugel explained, “and one person’s remains may be in multiple bags.” When looking at remains, he added, “We know there are multiple people because we see double. For example, if you see two bones from the left maxilla, then it couldn’t be from the same person.”

And in many cases, bones without so much as a speck of extractable DNA are all that’s left. For that reason, Kugel said that some victims’ families would be right to fear the worst.

“We hope that with CT and biopsies, we can bring the unidentified down to less than 200. But some people, we will never find. We will never identify them. And people need to be prepared for this.”

Speaking personally, Bublil said that she wants the world to know that “generally, Hamas enjoyed the killing.”

According to Bublil, “This was not combat, or a military conflict, or a state conflict, or a political conflict. [Hamas] enjoyed the murders so much that they did everything they could do to celebrate the killing. They celebrated burning houses with civilians inside who didn’t do anything to them. They enjoyed grabbing an 18-year-old girl from a party, a festival, dragging her to a car, and taking her to Gaza. And who knows what happened [to her] in between. They enjoyed and celebrated the death. … These are monsters. They’re not human… They weren’t merciful to anyone. No one who was alive and encountered them remained alive. No one.” JPost


Israeli Official: Hamas Raped 'Women, Grandmothers, Children’ So Violently 'They Broke Victims' Pelvis' By Ryan Saavedra Oct 21, 2023, DailyWire.com

New details have begun to emerge about the barbaric evils that innocent Israeli citizens were forced to experience at the hands of savage Palestinian Islamic terrorists with Hamas during their unprecedented terror attack two weeks ago.

A woman named Shari, who did not want to give her last name because she wanted to protect her family, works in the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) Rabbinate corps and it is her job to clean the victim’s bodies as best as possible to prepare them for burial.

“We wash the bodies and prepare them for burial. We try to bring them dignity in death,” she told the Daily Mail. “I heard stories about Auschwitz as a child growing up in New Jersey. But what I have seen here with my own eyes is worse than (films made about) the Holocaust.”

“What these barbarians did to these people is beyond words,” said Shari, who is from New Jersey and moved to Israel 20 years ago. “There is evidence of mass rape so brutal that they broke their victims’ pelvis – women, grandmothers, children.”

She said that she never expected to see some of the horrifying scenes that she was exposed to as a result of the Islamic terrorism.

“People whose heads have been cut off. Women standing in their night dresses woken up and shot. Faces blasted off. Heads smashed and their brains spilling out,” she said. “A baby was cut out of a pregnant woman and beheaded and then the mother was beheaded.”

“Women and children burned to charcoal. Bodies murdered with their hands tied behind their backs,” she continued. “My mother and my grandmother are Holocaust survivors. They were the only members of the family to come out of Auschwitz alive after they were taken from their homes in Czechoslovakia. All of her brothers and sisters and uncles and aunts were murdered there.”

The Hamas terrorists were barbaric to begin with, but many of them also reportedly took a drug called Captagon, an amphetamine produced in southern Europe and the Middle East that has helped fuel terrorism. It is commonly referred to as the “ISIS drug.” Small bags of cocaine were also found in vehicles that the terrorists used to drive from Gaza to Israel.

Colonel Rabbi Haim Weisberg said that what Israeli forces have discovered in the aftermath of the attacks was “evidence of torture and savagery.”

“We have babies with their heads cut off. Bodies without hands, without legs, without genitals,” he added. Daily Wire


The October 7 massacre left 21 children without parents 21 boys and girls from 13 families were left without parents - murdered, kidnapped or still missing - One of them, 4 years old, was orphaned by her parents and kidnapped to Gaza - The rest of the boys and girls are staying with family members in Israel and are accompanied by the welfare teams, who provide them with assistance and guidance

Michal Peylan|N12| Published 17:38 22.10.23

More than two weeks have passed since the brutal terrorist attack and the dimensions of the horror continue to be revealed. Today (Sunday) the Ministry of Welfare informed that 21 boys and girls from 13 families were left without parents, most of them orphaned. These are children, girls, boys and girls, under the age of 18, whose two parents are not present - murdered, kidnapped or still missing.

16 boys and girls are defined as orphans, after it was verified that both their parents were murdered in the attack. In one case one parent was murdered and the other kidnapped, in another case one parent was murdered and the other was missing and in two others one parent was murdered and the other was not part of the family unit. One of the girls who was orphaned by both her parents, 4 years old, was kidnapped to Gaza. Mako Michal Peylan @michalpeylan

  1. HamasislSIS

Oct 22, 2023. [4] ("21 children are now orphans A 4-year-old girl, whose both parents were murdered, was kidnapped alone to Gaza"). [5]


Decapitation and burning: IDF officer Col. Golan Vach describes horrors of Hamas massacre

Col. Golan Vach, who is directing search and rescue operations in southern Israel, describes the atrocities committed by Hamas forces.

Yoni Kempinski, Oct 22, 2023, 2:56 PM (GMT+3)

Arutz Sheva - Israel National News joined IDF Col. Golan Vach, commander of search and rescue operations in southern Israel, as he spoke with a group of MKs and ambassadors who came to visit the terror-stricken communities in southern Israel.

"The music festival was the most difficult scene I've witnessed in my life," he commented. I've had twenty years of natural disasters like hurricanes and earthquakes. I was a combat officer in Lebanon and in Hebron. I've seen everything, and this was something else. They had one goal - not to massacre, but to humiliate."

"They gathered young boys in lines and shot them. They raped some of the girls who came to the music festival. Some of the young people were gathered together and burned. We found the remains, and didn't understand what they were at first- we thought perhaps there had been an accident. Then we started searching for the missing, and we saw fire. We said 'Wait, maybe there are people in the fire'. There were twelve people burning. I looked up and saw more fires, and realized that we should just follow the fire. We burned our shoes trying to get them all out. We had to hurry because, in just a few hours like that, there would have been no remains left. I have horrific videos of that."

"Some people say we made it up. I don't know what kind of person could say that. More than a hundred and twenty young people were collected and burned in the music festival, and two hundred fifty people in total were murdered. They took people out of their houses and killed them. There was a decapitated soldier. Some people asked me 'Is it true?' I tell them, 'I carried him, from this very spot.' I don't know anyone besides ISIS who decapitated people and took the head - we didn't find the head. It's both torture and humiliation, that you can't be identified by your face."

"I cannot express in words the feelings of a Jewish soldier who came to Israel who came to defend the state of Israel, and finds himself collecting the burned bones of his own brothers and sisters." INN


First responder: 'Those who had hope for peace have cracked'

Eran Casher, a first responder in southern Israel, claims that the idea of peace with Gaza is gone once and for all.

Yoni Kempinski, Oct 22, 2023, 2:40 PM (GMT+3)

Arutz Sheva - Israel National News joined Eran Casher, a first responder in the town of Netiv HaAsara in southern Israel, as he spoke with a group of MKs and ambassadors who came to visit the terror-stricken communities about the emotions filling his community in the wake of the Hamas invasion.

"It doesn't matter how much land we give them," he says. "We took out our people, we gave them land, we gave thousands of them jobs, people ruled by Hamas, and tried to help them have better lives. I hope this helps people better understand what we're facing. I knew it all the way, I never believed in it for a single second. It is hard to see those who still had hope crack, but now we can see what we're facing, and we need to see how we will rise up from it."

Casher warns the visitors that this will not stop in Israel: "I don't know where you're coming from, but if you think it's only happening because it's us, you're wrong. You guys are next, so you'd better wake up."

"We have our own thing, we're trying to deal in a Western way in a Middle Eastern environment. We need to wake up as well and understand that it is not only the language that is different but the environment. What I'm doing as a Western man - they don't see it the same way. There is a different mentality, a different way to do things." INN


'Just as Cruel as the Terrorists': Many Ordinary Palestinians Joined in Hamas's Atrocities Against Israel

Andrew Tobin, October 24, 2023

TEL AVIV—As Hamas terrorists carried out a highly choreographed massacre in Israel on Oct. 7, they received a source of support that amplified the horror that took place that day. A mob of ordinary Palestinians spontaneously joined in what became the deadliest pogrom against Jews since the Holocaust, according to videos, eyewitness accounts, and the Israel Defense Forces.

Whereas the Hamas terrorists wore uniforms and carried military-grade weapons, the Gazans who followed them into the Jewish state were dressed as civilians and mostly unarmed, two officials from Israel's devastated Gaza border region said. Young men with knives, overweight dads, and at least one elderly man on crutches were among those who exploited Hamas's rampage to create a second wave of carnage that rivaled the barbarism of the professional terrorists.

The IDF declined to provide details about non-Hamas Gazans’s involvement in the Oct. 7 attack. But IDF spokesman Jonathan Conricus confirmed to the Washington Free Beacon that large numbers of Gazans who were not members of any terrorist group entered Israel and participated in the atrocities.

"They did what you say they did," Conricus said.

The extent to which the Gazan public took part in Hamas's campaign of terror has yet to be fully understood even in Israel. But for the communities near Israel's Gaza border—home to many of the country's remaining peaceniks—firsthand knowledge of what their Palestinian neighbors did has already hardened into a new consensus: Coexistence is dead, and Gaza must be crushed.

"The second wave of Arabs who came into the country were just as cruel as the terrorists of the first wave," Gadi Yarkoni, the mayor of the Eshkol Regional Council, which encompasses most of the Gaza border communities, told the Free Beacon. "We saw that it was not only Hamas who came to slaughter us. It was all the residents of Gaza, including people who worked in our kibbutzim."

Yarkoni was elected mayor under the banner of Israel's center-left Blue and White party less than a year after he lost both his legs in a mortar attack during Israel's 2014 Gaza war. Only now has his idealism been pushed past the breaking point.

In a monologue on Israel's Channel 12 news that went viral online last week, Yarkoni forcefully disagreed with the anchor’s reporting on allegations, since debunked, that Israel bombed a hospital in Gaza during its ongoing war with Hamas.

"I hear what you say, and I have changed," Yarkoni said. "I don't talk like you. I don't know what's going on with our hostages and missing people. Their families are crying out, and the people of Gaza, who we once thought were good, are responsible. It’s not just Hamas and Islamic Jihad. Ordinary people from Gaza took [our citizens]."

"I demand that the State of Israel and the IDF finish this mission," he said. "Finish it this time so that we can live in peace."

Yarkoni, who survived Oct. 7 in the safe room of his house in Kibbutz Nirim, estimated that 3,000 Gazans were involved in the attack, about half of them "civilians." The IDF has put the total number of terrorists at 2,500 to 3,500 but declined to specify whether that figure includes non-Hamas members.

Speaking with the Free Beacon, Yarkoni referred to gruesome footage and survivor testimonies that have not been made public.

"I saw a scene where a Gazan civilian chopped off a man's head. It took him several attempts to detach the head from the body," he said.

According to a video that was posted online, Gazans used a bulldozer to tear down a section of Israel's border fence, and hundreds of unarmed men and boys—wearing T-shirts, baseball caps, sneakers, and flip-flops—crossed into the country. They came mostly on foot but also by bicycle, scooter, and motorcycle. Someone appears to have brought a donkey. Other online videos show ordinary Gazans taking selfies on and around Israeli tanks and ransacking a military base on the border. All the while, cries of "Allahu Akbar" rang out.

The mob soon arrived in nearby Israeli communities that Hamas was already terrorizing. Security footage and Hamas videos from Be'eri, Nir Oz, and other kibbutzim capture dozens of ordinary-looking Gazans looting and taking part in killings and kidnappings, including of women and children.

Some of these people extorted their victims. Jacqueline Glicksman, an 81-year-old resident of Kibbutz Ein HaShlosha, told the Free Beacon that three teenage boys from Gaza broke through the window of her safe room and demanded money. She told them she had none, and minutes later, her house was burned down. Glicksman somehow managed to jump out of the broken window in her pajamas and run to safety. But her friend, Silvia Mirensky, 80, was killed in an arson attack next door.

Meanwhile, in the streets of Gaza, crowds greeted the returning kidnappers as conquering heroes, online videos show. Some Gazans taunted the Israeli hostages and defiled the dead as they were paraded through the streets.

Raz Cohen, a 24-year-old former Israeli commando, saw both Hamas terrorists and ordinary Gazans kill and rape revelers at the Nova music festival in Re'im, where at least 260 people were slaughtered. After escaping the Hamas terrorists, Cohen hid in a bush with a group of friends for almost seven hours. He watched as a gang of Gazan civilians—men wearing Adidas and armed only with knives and axes—raped and murdered a young Jewish woman.

"While they were raping and killing, they always laughed. I can't forget how they laughed," Cohen told the Free Beacon.

Several members of Cohen's group later ran from the bush and were caught by the same gang of Gazans. He said he heard his friends' screams as they were tortured and stabbed to death.

"You know when you hear the screams of someone who is dying," said Cohen, who was eventually rescued by Israeli soldiers.

A young couple who were abducted at the Nova festival also appear to have been victims of ordinary Gazans. Footage shows that Noa Argamani and Avinatan Or were taken away by a group of about a dozen young men, some of them teenagers. As Or's brother told Israel's Channel 99, the kidnappers did not look to be armed. Minutes before Or was captured, he texted friends that 20 "people" were hunting down and lynching Jews, according to screenshots published by Israel's Ynet news site.

An Israeli soldier who responded to the festival massacre told Ynet about his elite unit’s encounter with four amateur terrorists.

"They had no weapons. One of them had a knife," said the commando, who spoke anonymously. "You can't say they were tough. I think they are all margarine. They are not good fighters, from what we have seen. But it was their numbers and their evil. That's all. You unleash a lot of people and say, 'Do what you want, and have fun. Enjoy the murder. And also loot.'"

Daniel Meir, Nirim's security chief, told the Free Beacon that dozens of ordinary Gazans attacked his kibbutz on Oct. 7 along with about 50 Hamas terrorists. During an hours-long gunfight with the invaders, he climbed to the top of a grain tower, where he was able to survey the battlefield.

Meir, echoing Yarkoni, said the differences between the Hamas terrorists and the other Gazans were easy to see: The Hamas terrorists wore green camouflage or black uniforms and were armed with automatic rifles, rocket-propelled grenades, and hand grenades. The ordinary Gazans wore everyday clothing and came unarmed or carrying only knives, although some appeared to have taken firearms from fallen Israelis or Hamas terrorists.

There was "complete cooperation" between the two groups, Meir said, with Hamas doing most of the fighting and the ordinary Gazans focused on looting and kidnapping.

"The civilians went into houses and turned them upside down. They took phones, computers, jewelry, whatever they could find," he recalled. "From what I know, they also took most of the hostages."

Meir, along with three fellow members of his security team and a passing IDF helicopter, improbably managed to fend off the terrorists until soldiers arrived in Nirim around 1 p.m. Five members of the kibbutz were killed and five are missing.

Even though Nirim suffered less than some of its neighbors, Meir said the attack—and particularly the role of ordinary Gazans—shattered his community's faith in coexistence. Many of the kibbutzniks were longtime peace activists, and there was widespread support among them for a program that allowed thousands of Gazans to work in Israel.

Now, the IDF has reportedly detained a few thousand Gazan guest workers and is investigating whether they helped Hamas plan the Oct. 7 attack. Several community members received text messages from Gazan workers, according to Yarkoni, warning their former employers that they were coming to kill them.

"I am a man of peace," Meir said. "I wanted us to live in peace—that we could drive to the ocean over there [in Gaza] and that we could do groceries in Rafah or Khan Yunis. I think even most right-wing Israelis at the end of the day pray for peace. The desire for peace is ingrained in all of us."

"But today we understand that [the Palestinians] are educated differently. They are educated for something else. Just as we crave peace, they crave jihad," he said. "They are raising monsters. And it is impossible to make peace with monsters." Free Beacon


In CNN interview: President Herzog reveals Hamas "Captive Taking Handbook"

In the booklet terrorists are advised in detail on how to carry out the kidnapping.

Israel National News, Oct 15, 2023, 10:15 PM (GMT+3)

President Isaac Herzog on Sunday, in an interview with CNN, presented evidence found on Hamas terrorists following the barbaric attack on the people of Israel a week ago. He showed viewers a booklet entitled "The Warrior's Guide - Jihad Version", issued and distributed by Hamas to terrorists in the field.

In addition, the President presented shocking photos of atrocities in the massacre at Kibbutz Be’eri, which he visited this morning.

In the booklet, recovered on the battlefield from a Hamas terrorist who was killed after taking part in the attack on Israel, terrorists are advised in detail on how to carry out the kidnapping. According to the description, the kidnappers are required to create chaos and intimidation, coercing and blindfolding captives, using electric shocks, and instructing them to execute any person who may pose a threat or distraction. They were also instructed to collect the captives and use them as human shields, if necessary, without distinction of religion, race, or sex.

According to the barbaric text, similar to the terrorist organization ISIS, the terrorists are required to document their actions by livestreaming and executing hostages.

Also in the manual was a chapter explaining IDF ranks and their importance, as well as an explanation of the IDF’s means of warfare and technological capabilities.

Like – and even worse than ISIS – the text places cruel brutality at the heart of Hamas’ actions.

In his interview, the President said, "We are faced with an extremely cruel, inhumane ending enemy which we have to uproot with no mercy. This was found on the body of one of the terrorists, this booklet is an instruction guide on how to go into a civilian premises, into a kibbutz, a city, a moshav, and how to break in. And first thing, what do you do when you find the citizens? You torture them? This is the booklet - it says exactly how to torture them, how to abduct them, how to kidnap them. So therefore, the story is not Israel versus Palestinians or Judaism versus Islam... the story is about humans, humanity, are we with the good or with evil, that's where humanity should stand. And the battle that we are carrying out now, as a nation rising up as a lion, is against evil, and we will uproot evil so that there will be good for the entire region and the world".

He added, "There is no justification. It is simply an ISIS-type ideology that wants to eliminate us off the ground, and therefore, they need to be eliminated off the ground." INN


The IDF on an information campaign: presented a 40-minute film of the horrors perpetrated by Hamas terrorists

200 foreign reporters from all over the world gathered and watched harsh material from the Gaza Strip in which they see, among other things, indiscriminate fire on civilians driving their cars - The full film included extremely harsh material, of which the IDF allowed only one minute to be broadcast, which alone is enough to understand what happened on Shabbat the 7th In October - Hamas terrorist in interrogation: "We were ordered to go room by room, and to murder women and children" N12|Published 17:17 23.10.23 | Updated 18:41 23.10.23 [...] Hamas terrorist under investigation: "We were ordered to murder, women and children too"

At the same time, the IDF published excerpts from the investigation conducted with a Hamas terrorist who participated in the massacre at Kibbutz Alumim and was arrested by the security forces. During the investigation, the terrorist revealed to the investigators the consent the terrorists received, including religious legal guidance, to carry out the atrocities.

A terrorist explains in the interrogation what they were ordered to do in the massacre

Among other things, the terrorist said in the interrogation: "The plan was to go from house to house, from room to room, throw grenades and kill everyone there, including women and children. Hamas ordered us to do the following: trample on their heads and cut them off, cut off their legs." He added that it was also "religiously approved for them to have sex with a corpse after they killed it." Mako _

Adam Albilya - @AdamAlbilya: "The plan was to go from house to house, throw grenades, and kill everyone there, including women and children,"

Hamas Terrorist of the Nukhba Force Confesses the Slaughter of Women, Children, and Post-mortem Rape of Dead Body.

More specifically, the Palestinian Nazi admitted to planning and executing indiscriminate killings of women and children, with gruesome details including beheadings and sexual assault on a young girl's dead body by a terrorist friend of his. Oct 23, 2023 [6] _

Visegrád 24 @visegrad24 Follow Hamas terrorists record a live-video on October 7th during which they brag that they have kidnapped Israeli babies Oct 23, 2023 [7]


i24NEWS English @i24NEWS_EN: 'Father look at your phone I sent you pictures, I killed 10 Jews. Dad, 10 Jews with my own hands, the blood is still on my hands'

Our @Guyaz recounts some of the horrible uncensored bodycam footage the Israeli government showed to foreign journalists of the October 7 attack Oct 23, 2023. [8]


Terrorist calls his parents to livestream during his massacre of Jewish civilians. [9] Terrorist calls his parents to livestream during his massacre of Jewish civilians. Nan Jacques Zilberdik | Oct 26, 2023 “Hi dad, Your son killed Jews! … I killed 10! 10! 10 with my own hands, dad! Their blood is on my hands! Let me talk to mom.”

These unbelievable and shocking words were part of an excited phone call from a Palestinian terrorist to his parents during Hamas’ massacre on Israel on Oct. 7, 2023.

Calling from the phone of a Jewish woman after he had just murdered her and her husband and 8 other Israelis, the terrorist bragged to his parents about his horrific "achievement." Screaming with delight, the terrorist murderer told his dad to open the Whatsapp application on his phone because he wanted to do "a livestream" from what later turned out to be the massacre of 1,400 Israelis in the south of Israel.

Stressing his religious motivation, the terrorist murderer said there was no turning back because he was born “for the sake of the religion” and for him it would be only "victory or Martyrdom" – i.e., death for Allah.

This supports what Palestinian Media Watch has exposed, that both Hamas and the PA see the conflict and the current war with Israel not as territorial but as a [10] religious conflict for Allah in whose name they set out to murder Jews.

Fulfilling this "duty" to kill Jews "wherever they are" – the same religious motivation which made the [11] PA instruct all mosque preachers to emphasize this duty to Palestinians last Friday – the terrorist murderer beamed: "Mom, your son is a hero” and instructed his family to “lift your head up" in pride: Terrorist son: Hi dad, I’m talking to you from [Kibbutz] Mefalsim, open my WhatsApp and see all the killed people. Look how many I killed with my own hands! Your son killed Jews! Father: Allahu Akbar! May Allah protect you. Terrorist: Dad, I’m talking to you from a Jew’s phone, I killed her and killed her husband, with my own hands I killed 10! Father: Allahu Akbar. Terrorist: Dad, 10 with my own hands! Dad open WhatsApp and see how many I killed, dad… Dad, I’m inside Mefalsim, dad I killed 10! 10! 10 with my own hands, dad! Their blood is on my hands! Honestly, 10 with my own hands. Mother: May Allah bring you home safely. Terrorist: Dad, go back to WhatsApp now. I want to give you a livestream. Mother: I wish I was with you Terrorist: Mom, your son is a hero. Kill, kill, kill! Kill them! … Terrorist’s brother: Mahmoud, where are you? Terrorist: I’m inside Mefalsim. I killed 10, Ala, 10 with my own hands! I’m talking to you from a Jew’s phone. Terrorist’s brother, Ala: You killed 10? Terrorist: Yes, I killed 10, by Allah… I was the first [to get in] by Allah’s grace and help. Lift your head up dad, lift your head. Inside the [Jewish] town. See on WhatsApp the ones I killed! Terrorist’s brother, Ala: Come back, that’s it, come back. Terrorist: Come back? There’s no coming back! It’s victory or Martyrdom. My mother gave birth to me for the sake of the religion… Terrorist’s sister: Open your phone? Terrorist: Open my phone, see the killed people, how I killed them with my own hands! Palwatch


David Patrikarakos @dpatrikarakos Replying to @dpatrikarakos:

Audio is put up on screen: A Hamas terrorist calls his father:

"Father, I killed 10 Jews! Check your WhatsApp! I sent you the photos! Father, I killed 10 Jews! I killed 10 Jews with my bare hands. check your WhatsApp. Father, be proud of me!" Oct 23, 2023 [12] _

Fearing denial and disinformation, Israel shows journalists raw footage of Hamas attacks

By JTA/Eliyahu Freedman Published: October 23, 2023 23:49

A damaged and blood-stained kindergarten is seen following a deadly infiltration by Hamas gunmen from the Gaza Strip, in Kibbutz Beeri in southern Israel October 22, 2023. ([13] photo credit: Reuters/Amir Cohen)

“Walking through here is like Eisenhower walking through Bergen-Belsen and seeing the destruction and carnage. The world needs to witness this firsthand.”

On Monday morning, Roxane Runel posted a photograph to Instagram of two Israel military officers addressing a crowd of reporters in an auditorium. Behind them is a giant television screen.

“Press conference between the international media and the Israeli army after it disseminated images and recordings of the Oct. 7 attacks,” Runel, a reporter for France’s M6 television channel, wrote across the photo, touting an upcoming broadcast. “Why? What is at stake?”

Runel, who has reported from several countries, has already interviewed relatives of Israeli hostages held in Gaza after Hamas’ Oct. 7 invasion of Israel, which killed and wounded thousands. Yet in the middle of Monday’s screening of the attack footage, she was one of a number of journalists who stepped out early.

“It was too much,” she told the Jewish Telegraphic Agency. “I knew coming here that the hardest thing for me would not be the images but the sound, because you can close your eyes if the images are too much.”

Runel was one of about 200 journalists who attended the screening, which the Israeli government billed as raw and unedited audio and video taken from Hamas terrorists’ body cameras and phones as they massacred communities on Israel’s border with Gaza. In addition to clips of Hamas attackers shooting people, the 43-minute compilation contained graphic images of children being murdered, bodies burned, civilians being mowed down and other atrocities.

Evidence of Hamas's horrific crimes Gruesome photos and videos have circulated online in the two weeks after the attack, along with harrowing accounts of the violence visited upon Israelis. The images have become so ubiquitous that Jewish day schools in the United States cautioned students to delete their social media apps to avoid seeing them, while journalists and other public figures have expressed ambivalence about sharing them.

The IDF has taken delegations of foreign journalists into some of the hardest-hit communities, with one spokesperson saying just days after the attack, “Walking through here is like Eisenhower walking through Bergen-Belsen and seeing the destruction and carnage. The world needs to witness this firsthand.”

Now, the Israeli government’s decision to broadcast the footage came as it is increasingly concerned that people are questioning the scale and depravity of Hamas’ massacre. Social media users and journalists alike have expressed skepticism about widespread reports and testimonies of the attack’s most harrowing details, often at the same time as they have sought to shift attention toward the escalating casualties of Israel’s retaliatory war in Gaza, where it aims to depose Hamas.

“I can’t believe I’m saying this and I can’t believe that we as a country are having to do this,” said Eylon Levy, an Israeli government spokesman, in a video announcing the press conference. “As we work to defeat the terror organization that brutalized our people, we are witnessing a Holocaust denial-like phenomenon evolving in real time as people are casting doubt on the magnitude of the atrocities that Hamas committed against our people, and in fact recorded in order to glorify that violence.”

At the press conference, held at a military base north of Tel Aviv, chief IDF spokesperson Adm. Daniel Hagari said the military had “been thinking about this for a couple of days, whether to show it or not,” but decided that screening the footage served as a valuable reminder of the atrocities both for the international media covering the war and Israelis themselves.

“We will not let the world forget who we are fighting,” he said, adding that the footage helps Israelis “to understand ourselves what we are fighting for.”

In addition, IDF Maj. Gen. Mickey Edelstein told the reporters, the Israeli military has evidence it cannot show of sexual violence committed by the Hamas terrorists as well as evidence of links between Hamas and Iran.

He dispelled Hamas claims that terrorists unaffiliated with the group committed the atrocities, saying that the video shows proof that “the vast majority are Hamas” and that the perpetrators attacking civilians were dressed in full tactical gear. Written and other evidence the IDF has discovered, he added, shows that Hamas had planned “to bring hostages and keep families, in order that it would be much more painful.”

Many attendees gasped in horror at difficult elements of the footage, and some chose to exit the theater before the screening had finished. Runel said her personal “limit” was reached when listening to an audio clip of a call on WhatsApp between a Hamas terrorist and his parents, made via the stolen cellphone of an Israeli victim.

“He tells them on the phone — with a voice that is so ecstatic — he sounds like he’s out of his mind,” she said. “He was repeating the same thing over and over again, ‘I killed 10 of them.’ He was saying this as something he was really proud of and he wanted his parents to check the Whatsapp” to see videos he sent of the massacre. The man’s father reacted with praise, while his mother begged him to return home.

Amit Palit, a news anchor and correspondent for India TV based in New Delhi, said that after reporting on the attacks of Oct. 7 on live television, seeing the raw footage helped him understand the “bigger picture.” He said the screening “was necessary for many people who have some doubts.”

Palit, who has been covering the war in Israel for the past 12 days, was most affected by a video of two young brothers after they lost their father, who was murdered in front of them with an explosive while the three were hiding together in a bomb shelter at home. The footage was among the “very painful” clips he witnessed, he said.

“He was asking, ‘Dad,’ and the teenager said, ‘Why am I alive?’” Palit recounted. “A 13-year-old boy cursing himself, asking why he was alive, asking his brother ‘Can you see?’ And he couldn’t see because he lost [one of] his eyes” from the shrapnel of the blast that killed his father.” JPost


Hamas gunman brags to family about 'killing 10 Jews' in audio of phone call found by Israeli officials as they reveal new clips of slaughter including terrorist using a grenade to kill a father in front of his two sons By David Averre and Matt Strudwick 12:58 23 Oct 2023, updated 20:46 23 Oct 2023

Terrorist used Jewish woman's phone to ring his parents and boast he 'is a hero' Journalists in Tel-Aviv viewed a 45-minute-long compilation of terror Follow every update in the Israel-Hamas conflict on MailOnline's live blog HERE A Hamas gunman bragged to his family about 'killing 10 Jews' in an audio phone call found by Israeli officials.

In the haunting and sickening clip the terrorist uses a Jewish woman's phone to call his parents where he chillingly boasts that he 'is a hero' after murdering Israelis with his 'own hands'.

The audio was played by the Israel Defense Forces as part of a 45-minute-long compilation of unedited footage Israel's officials showed to a pool of journalists at a military base in Tel Aviv this morning.

Other footage captured from the bodycam of another Hamas gunman shows him sadistically throwing a grenade at a father and his two sons wearing pyjamas as they cower in their hiding place.

The blast killed the father with his sons being covered in his blood with one appearing to have lost his eye, reports The Atlantic. They run to their kitchen wailing for their mother fearing for their life, as their father's murderer comes in and demands water.

The video was so sickening it almost caused one viewer to be sick.

A new snippet of unedited footage was also released, captured from the bodycam of another Hamas gunman during the terror group's ruthless October 7 attacks on unsuspecting civilians.

The clip showed how the gunman, brandishing his AK-47 assault rifle - ordered pair of Israelis driving slowly along the road to stop their car RELATED ARTICLES

The video Israel claims shows a Hamas terrorist admitting gunmen were ordered to 'behead' and 'do whatever you want' with victims The clip showed how the gunman, brandishing his AK-47 assault rifle, ordered a pair of Israelis driving slowly along the road to stop their car.

Without giving the driver a second to comply, the gunman immediately starts blasting bullets into the vehicle from mere feet away, and the passengers can be seen recoiling from the rounds in the cabin as the car rolls past.

The release of the footage was announced by government spokesman Eylon Levy to counter what he says is a 'Holocaust denial-like phenomenon' amid backlash over Israel's airstrikes of the Gaza Strip.

The brief clip was just one tiny part of a 45-minute-long compilation of unedited footage Israel's officials showed to a pool of journalists at a military base in Tel Aviv this morning.

That footage will not be released, Israel says, until all of the families of those killed within view it and give permission, meaning it is unlikely the whole clip will ever be seen by the public.

But journalists who attended the screening spoke of the utter horror with which they were confronted.

The lengthy complication pieced together material recorded by Hamas gunmen on bodycams and smartphones, as well as smartphone and dashcam footage of their victims.

Without giving the driver a second to comply, the gunman immediately starts blasting bullets into the vehicle from mere feet away

The civilians are seen lying motionless in the cabin with all the windows shot out and bullet holes riddling the doors Hamas terrorists descended on several vehicles attempting to make an escape Dashcam footage from inside the car shows how the windscreen was shattered and the car rolled to a stop, its occupants gunned down from near point blank range 'The IDF has been collecting footage from bodycams taken by Hamas death squads as they rampaged through the communities in southern Israel, butchering everyone in sight,' government spokesman Eylon Levy said

Journalists who attended the screening said many viewers began crying when presented with the footage, which included clear recordings of civilians being shot, stabbed, tortured and burned.

Their corpses were arranged for all to see - bound, gagged and riddled with bullet holes and knife wounds.

In one clip, a Hamas terrorist throws a grenade at a father and his son. The blast kills the father, who pitches forward into the turf, while the young boy is covered in his blood.

The child is dragged inside and forced to sit next to his brother, whose eye is a bloody mess after being subjected to horrific torture.

One of the boys sobs: 'Why am I alive?' as the ruthless terrorists stand over the body of his father.

Another dark chunk of footage showed how unsuspecting IDF soldiers were beheaded with their headless corpses left splayed in the streets, while a contingent of female soldiers were incapacitated by a grenade before being shot at near point blank range.

The journalists also shared they witnessed scenes of sheer panic, terror and devastation at the Nova music festival, where more than 250 civilians were slaughtered.

Some victims hid in skips, others in portable toilets, but all were found and either gunned down, or savagely beaten before being taken hostage.

Speaking last night, Levy told of the IDF's decision to show journalists the horrendous footage in all its unedited gore.

'The IDF has been collecting footage from bodycams taken by Hamas death squads as they rampaged through the communities in southern Israel, butchering everyone in sight,' Levy began.

'I can't believe I'm saying this... As we work to defeat the terror organisation we are witnessing a Holocaust denial-like phenomenon evolving in real time as people are casting doubt on the magnitude of the atrocities Hamas committed against our people and in fact recorded in order to glorify this violence.'

In previously released footage, Hamas gunmen tear away a chair in front of a desk behind which injured female soldiers are hiding so they can get a clear shot. In the dying moments of the video, one shooter raises his rifle and fires several more shots at the bloodied women from mere feet away.

One Hamas terrorist is seen holding his lighter to house plants and hanging ornaments in an Israeli that quickly set ablaze before they made their exit. In another clip, Hamas gunmen are seen shooting dead a dog before raiding houses. The dog was blasted with several shots It managed to survive the first two shots but the third sent the hound crashing to the ground. Hamas gunman is seen taking a civilian hostage after shooting many others in cold blood in previously seen footage...

Levy's statement comes as part of Israel's response to backlash over its incessant bombing of the Gaza Strip which is thought to have killed more than 5,000 Palestinians since October 7.

This morning, Israel's Defence Forces published what they claim is proof of Hamas rocket launch sites nestled among mosques, schools and nurseries in Gaza.

A series of satellite images, shared on the IDF's official website and social media accounts, shows what they claim are launch pits dug into the ground right next to the civilian structures - something Israel says backs up their claims that Hamas is using the Palestinian people as human shields.

Two alleged launch sites were located a stone's throw away from each other, one in the garden of a mosque, and another mere feet away from a kindergarten.

A third was seen across the road from a UN building in Gaza and a fourth was located opposite the Manfaluti Secondary School for Boys.

Geolocation of the images provided by the IDF confirmed the locations given were correct, and analysts pointed out that previous satellite images taken in September did not show any launch sites - suggesting that they would have been recently constructed.

'Since the beginning of the war, the Hamas terrorist organization has been exploiting civilians and civilian sites such as kindergartens, schools, and mosques for the purpose of firing rockets at Israel. Hamas deliberately fires its rockets at Israeli civilians,' IDF spokesman Daniel Hagari said.

The presence of rocket launch sites at the locations provided could not be independently verified.

It also comes as Israel declared it has evidence of Iranian 'involvement' in the Hamas terror attack,

Major General Michael Edelstein, a veteran commander working with the Israel Defence Forces' southern command, pointed to the 'well trained, well equipped' gunmen as he made the claim - but refused to elaborate.

'I cannot elaborate too much but you can understand what I mean. Not just about equipment but more than this,' he said.

Israeli warplanes continued to strike targets in Gaza throughout the weekend and into Monday morning, as well as two airports in Syria and a mosque in the occupied West Bank allegedly used by militants.

Gaza's Hamas-run health ministry said Monday that more than 5,000 people have been killed in the besieged Palestinian enclave since Israel launched its withering bombing campaign more than two weeks ago.

An aerial view of what the Israel Defense Forces say is a Hamas rocket launch site, in the vicinity of a kindergarten, in a location given as Gaza in this handout image released October 22, 2023 An aerial view of what the Israel Defense Forces say is a Hamas rocket launch site, in the vicinity of a mosque. The mosque is located a stone's throw away from the kindergarten. A third alleged launch site was seen across the road from a UN building in Gaza. A fourth site was allegedly seen next to a pair of schools in Gaza. A rocket is launched from the coastal Gaza strip towards Israel by militants of the Ezz Al-Din Al Qassam militia, the military wing of Hamas movement Alarm has surged about the spiralling humanitarian crisis in Gaza amid the war sparked by the October 7 Hamas attack that, Israeli officials say, killed more than 1,400 people who were gunned down, stabbed or burnt by the Islamist militants. Hamas also took more than 200 hostages... Daily Mail


The 17th day of the war. Yochaved Lifshitz and Nurit Kooper were released from Hamas captivity. .. First publication: President Biden told Netanyahu: he prefers no ground maneuver. Netanyahu alongside Galant and Levi: "Working together as a punching fist for one goal - to eliminate Hamas" - Regular updates N12| Published 01:44 23.10.23 | Updated 00:22 24.10.23

00:43 - The IDF attacked terrorist infrastructures of Hezbollah in Lebanon, including a military compound and an observation post used by the terrorist organization. The attack was carried out in response to firing at Israel in the last day.

00:19 - The police detained for questioning Maymisa Abd Elhadi, the actress who shared a series of stories in which she encouraged the atrocities of Hamas on October 7.

9:20 p.m. - Chief of Staff HaLevi in ​​the Northern Command: "We want to bring Hamas to a place of dissolution - under its leadership, its military arm and its working mechanisms. Therefore, we attack very, very strongly, we kill senior commanders, kill operatives, destroy infrastructure and act with great determination. Maneuvering in the south is very well prepared. The Southern Command provided quality programs. There are tactical, operative, strategic considerations, which gave us more time and forces that have more time, prepare better and this is what the forces are doing now."

21:10 - The spokesman for the military wing of Hamas claims: We released two hostages, with Egyptian-Qatari mediation. According to the IDF spokesman, there are 222 hostages held by Hamas.

21:03 - After a 5-hour lull in Gaza shooting: red color in Sderot and Otef

20:31 - The IDF announced that warplanes, guided by intelligence information from the Amman and the Shin Bet, eliminated the head of the anti-tank system in the northern Gaza Strip of the terrorist organization Hamas, Ibrahim al-Sahar. Elsahar carried out the anti-tank fire in which an IDF soldier, the late First Sergeant Omar Tabiv, was killed and other soldiers were wounded in "Operation Guardian of the Walls". In addition, he was responsible for planning and directing many anti-tank missiles towards Israeli territory and the IDF forces in particular .

20:20 - The IDF spokesman informed that since the beginning of the war we managed to eliminate five senior commanders in the Hamas air force, who took part in the surprise attack. In addition, he announced that the IDF attacked a gathering of dozens of terrorists in the area. Hagari refused to confirm or deny the reports about the release of the abductees with foreign passports: "Great efforts are being made to release the abductees - their faces and not their passports are in front of our eyes."

20:14 - - A political source refers to reports of the release of abductees with dual citizenship: "Israel will not be a party to the selection for the release of abductees who hold a foreign passport."

18:59 - Great Britain also confirms: the explosion at the Ahli Al-Mamadani Baptist Hospital in the heart of Gaza City "was apparently caused by a missile fired from Gaza towards Israel".

18:51 - The IDF released excerpts from an investigation conducted with a Hamas terrorist who participated in the attack on Kibbutz Alumim and was arrested by the security forces. During the investigation, the terrorist revealed that the terrorists received permission to commit atrocities, including religious legal instruction: "The plan was to go from house to house, from room to room, Throw grenades and kill everyone there, including women and children." The terrorist further confessed that Hamas approved of abusing the bodies and even dismembering them. Mako


'Eyes were gouged out, a woman's breasts cut off and a daughter had her legs severed': Horrific details of Hamas massacre emerge as rescue worker recounts how entire families were slaughtered By Rachael Bunyan 15:29 24 Oct 2023, updated 15:31 24 Oct 2023

Rescue worker Moshe Melayev told how families were slaughtered in homes


Hamas terrorists killed a husband and gouged his eyes out before going on to cut his wife's breasts off and chop his daughter's leg off, a rescue worker has revealed as yet more horrific details of the terrorists' savage attack continue to emerge.

Moshe Melayev told how entire families were slaughtered in their homes by the clad-clad terrorists who were wielding assault rifles and grenades as they launched their surprise attack on southern Israel on October 7.

Melayev, of Israel's National Rescue Unit, said as he walked through kibbutzim close to the Gaza border, he saw the beheaded bodies of victims lying on the floors of their homes where they had hours earlier been drinking their morning coffee.

'I saw beheaded bodies, I saw body parts,' Melayev told Fox News. 'In a house there was a husband and wife and two children.'

'They killed the husband first, they took his eyes out, I saw the body myself. They cut the breasts of the woman off and they cut the leg off the girl. That's the family that I saw with my own eyes,' Melayev added, shaking his head as he recounted the horrors the Hamas terrorists inflicted on hundreds of families on October 7.

The rampaging terrorists unleashed horrors that defy belief, with an Israeli colonel recounting how one gunman cut open a pregnant mother's stomach and killed her baby in front of her before they shot her in the head. Daily Mail


Israel Shares Raw Footage of the Oct. 7 Attacks

The Israeli military showed the compilation to foreign reporters on a day when Israel continued to bombard Gaza with heavy airstrikes.

A wall covered with photos of hostages. The text on the photos says “Bring him home now!” and “Bring her home now!” Photos of Israeli citizens who are being held hostage in Gaza are displayed in Tel Aviv on Saturday.Credit...Amit Elkayam for The New York Times By Isabel Kershner Reporting from an army base north of Tel Aviv Oct. 23, 2023 Bloodied corpses lying in a bedroom, a bathroom, on the roads by their cars. An emergency medical worker pouring mineral water from a bottle to douse the smoldering remains of charred bodies. A dead baby whose body bore signs of violence.

Two soldiers without heads. Brutalized young women, one of them naked. Captives in Gaza surrounded by jeering gunmen.

Those images were part of nearly 44 minutes of raw footage that the Israeli military said was culled from hundreds of hours of material Israel had collected about the Oct. 7 attacks by Hamas assailants from Hamas body cameras, dashcams, traffic cameras, closed-circuit TV and the mobile phones and social media accounts of victims, soldiers and emergency medical workers. [..] Reporters were told by the Israeli military not to record the footage. Certain sections, including video of a raid on a military base, have been previously verified by The New York Times. Some of the footage has already been shared on social media.

“We want to understand ourselves why we are in a war and what we are fighting for,” Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari, the chief military spokesman, said of the footage, which was shown in an auditorium at an army base north of Tel Aviv.

“What happened to Israel was not just a war crime,” he said, but “a crime against humanity.”

The footage opens with Hamas gunmen shooting at civilian cars and at people running across open fields as they flee the site of an open-air music festival. They whoop in triumph over their victims.

Footage from closed-circuit cameras captured one man scooping up two young boys, both wearing only underpants, as early morning sirens wailed, warning of incoming rocket fire. They ran out to a nearby bomb shelter. Assailants, lying in ambush, threw a grenade into the shelter, killing the man. The boys ran back to their house, where, distraught, one of them said he could not see anything. As a gunman rummaged in the refrigerator, the other boy cried, “Why am I alive?”

In another village, an assailant is heard calling his parents in Gaza from the phone of an Israeli woman. “I killed 10 Jews with my bare hands!” he shouted, according to an audio recording, adding, “Mom, your son is a hero!”

In other clips, victims are seen gagged and with their hands bound behind their backs. Faces are frozen in shock and agony. Women’s bones are broken, their legs twisted in impossible angles.

Many traumatized Israelis are only beginning to internalize the enormity of the disaster of Oct. 7. There has been little time for national mourning even as the country fears for and dreads the fighting to come.

Admiral Hagari said it was necessary to begin gathering the evidence to create a collective memory for future generations of what happened that day, which was the deadliest day for the Jewish people since the Holocaust.

“We will not let the world forget,” he said. “It will define who we are.” NYTimes


Sick note found on body of Hamas terrorist calls for beheadings, removal of hearts By Yaron Steinbuch. Published Oct. 25, 2023, 7:47 a.m. ET

A handwritten note found on the body of a Hamas terrorist encouraged the jihadists to remove the heads, hearts and livers of their Israeli victims, Israel's military said.

Israel Defense Forces spokesman Brig. Gen. Daniel Hagari was shown the horrific missive by an aide for the first time during an interview with CBS News [14].

"You must sharpen the blades of your swords and be pure in your intentions before Allah. Know that the enemy is a disease that has no cure, except beheading and removing the hearts and livers. Attack them!" the note reads in Arabic, according to the Jerusalem Post. [15].

The orders came from Hamas leadership, which declared the religious importance of killing Jews and provided inspiration from historical Muslim leaders who massacred men, sold women and children into slavery, and looted cities.

Hagari reacted to the note by stressing the need to vanquish the terror group.

An aide handed Daniel Hagari, Israel's chief military spokesperson, a slip of paper that he claims was taken off the body of a Hamas militant.

"Know that the enemy is a disease that has no cure, except beheading and removing the hearts and livers," the note reportedly says. [16]

The handwritten note was found on a dead terrorist. [17] X / @idfonline "The Oct. 7 massacre is something that I haven't seen through my life," he told CBS News. "This is a war. We have to fight. There is only one goal: Defeat Hamas. Kill the leaders of terror and bring our people home.'

Asked what his message was to the people who wrote the note, he said: "We have only one country. It's Israel. It’s our democracy, it’s our country. We’re not going anywhere. We’re going to fight for our country and we’re going to use all the means we can."

More than 1,400 people in Israel have been killed, mostly civilians who died in the initial rampage, according to Israeli officials.

On Wednesday, the IDF raised the number of remaining hostages in Gaza to 222 people, including foreigners believed captured by Hamas during the incursion. JPost


Report: Terrorists came with precise maps, had time for selfies Document found on dead terrorist includes order to kidnap soldiers, civilians; video taken by terrorists shows ease of entering intelligence base and destroying communication and computer hub Ynet | October 14, 2023 Hamas came in under the protection of its heavy rocket fire on Israel, by a massive invasion over land, and by air and sea. In order to disrupt the military's observation capabilities, Hamas launched UAVs to destroy communication towers and observation posts along the Gaza border, causing blind spots, while bulldozers broke through the border fence allowing hundreds across in the first wave, sources told the paper. A further 1,800, followed the initial invaders. .. In the document, the terrorists received clear orders to kidnap Israelis. "Take soldiers and civilians prisoner and hostage so that we would use them to negotiate," the document said. This is in contradiction to claims made by Salah al Arouri, a senior Hamas official, to Al Jazeera, that Hamas only targeted the military and that the Israelis were taken by civilians crossing the breached border fence. YNet


Herzog confirms Israel found Hamas files with instructions for making chemical weapons

Barak Ravid, Oct 22, 2023

Israeli President Isaac Herzog confirmed on Sunday Axios' report that the IDF found a USB key with instructions for producing a "cyanide dispersion device" on the body of a Hamas operative who participated in the Oct. 7 terrorist attack.

The big picture: Herzog's comments in an interview with Sky News are part of a wider Israeli diplomatic effort to mobilize support in the West for the Israeli operation against Hamas.

"This is how shocking the situation is where we're looking at the instructions that are given on how to operate and how to create a kind of non-professional chemical weapon with cyanide," Herzog told Sky News. Axios

Hamas terrorists found carrying instructions for cyanide-based chemical weapons

By Alex Oliveira. Published Oct. 22, 2023, 5:47 p.m. ET

Hamas terrorists killed in the horrific Oct. 7 attack on southern Israel were discovered carrying instructions on how to deploy cyanide-based chemical bombs, Israeli officials revealed.

The directions included detailed diagrams for a “cyanide dispersion device” and were stored in USBs found on the bodies of Hamas operatives who massacred Kibbutz Be’eri, according to Israeli intelligence reviewed by Axios. NY Post


Hamas religious scholars: 'Spill the blood of Israeli soldiers and settlers' In decree published in Gaza, clerics permitting and encouraging the killing of 'Zionist soldiers and settlers both within and outside of Palestine'; Hamas official: 'guide their strikes and gunfire upon the Jews' throats'

Itamar Eichner | October 26, 2023 YNet

_______ IDF: This is the true identity of Hamas terrorist Abu Obaida By Jerusalem Post Staff. Published: October 25, 2023 15:39 Updated: October 25, 2023 16:21


Hudhayfah Kahlot, as named by the Israeli military's Arabic spokesperson Avichay Adraee, "hides behind his red keffiyeh just as Hamas hides behind civilian facilities."

The IDF on Wednesday claimed to have revealed the identity of Hamas terrorist and spokesperson of the Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades known as Abu Obaida. 

Hudhayfah Kahlot, as named by the Israeli military's Arabic spokesperson Avichay Adraee, "hides behind his red keffiyeh just as Hamas hides behind civilian facilities to launch rockets toward Israel.

"Hudhayfah Kahlot, you have been exposed," Adraee wrote with an attached video revealing the terrorist's face. "It is time to stop covering up. The mask and keffiyeh will not help you." JPost


The world should know

Opinion: In the face of unthinkable atrocities, the world must act against Hamas and help us bring the innocent captives back home, for the sake of the continued existence of Israel and for a sense of humanity, wherever it may be found Snunit Liss | October 14, 2023

The following text contains very harsh and triggering descriptions of genocide and rape, but this is our life in Israel since October 7, 2023, and the world should know.

I am writing so that you all know...

Parents and children in the pastoral kibbutz of Kfar Aza, whose members woke up to a typical Saturday morning, were tied and tortured in front of each other by invading Hamas terrorists.

They were murdered, their bodies horrifically mutilated—one by one until none remained. Then the terrorists casually dined amid the grisly scene, surrounded by severed limbs in the devastated family home. This account was provided by a member of ZAKA, an Israeli organization responsible for recovering bodies after disasters, during an interview with Israel’s Radio 103FM.

Shani Louk, a young German-Israeli woman who partied at a peace rave, was kidnapped into the Gaza Strip by terrorists who invaded the party, murdering its attendants indiscriminately. She was stripped, and her naked body was tossed on a truck face down between the Hamas terrorists. The truck drove through the streets of Gaza, with the masses cheering the appalling scene, and Shani’s naked, discarded body spat on by the surrounding throngs.

Another young woman kidnapped from the party was pulled from the back of the truck violently and taken to the front with the back of her pants, between her legs, soaked with blood. The soul aches at the thought of the events preceding these images. The survivors of the peace party-turned-pogrom reported that the Hamas terrorists who raided it raped young women beside the bodies of their murdered friends.

At Kibbutz Kfar Aza - a quiet, peace-seeking rural community, which until last week numbered 750 residents - dozens were slaughtered in their homes, 20 of its residents were kidnapped and contact has been lost with 36. In the kibbutzim of the Gaza border region, which have endured the horrific Hamas massacre, dozens of bodies of babies and children were found murdered in their cribs, in their beds, wrapped in the bodies of their dead parents who died trying in vain to protect them, or burned alive while trying to shelter from the atrocities in the safe rooms in their homes.

Over 100 Israeli citizens have apparently been kidnapped to Gaza, including babies, toddlers whose parents were murdered, mothers with their children and elderly Holocaust survivors. Over 1,200 people were murdered in this brutal, violent attack. We, Israelis in the fields of writing, humanities and academia, are mostly left-wing in persuasion and believe in equality and human rights. Many of us have been active over the years to promote a diplomatic and peaceful solution between Palestinians and Israelis.

The barbaric massacre that took place in the Gaza border area on October 7, 2023, the horrific rapes and abductions of civilians have nothing to do with the struggle for the rights of Palestinians or human rights. These are acts of pure sadism, of the worst and most abominable type imaginable, of the kind ISIS committed against their victims. Those who committed them would have gone on to do the same to any Israeli resident – Jew, Arab or foreign national that had fallen into their hands had the security forces not stopped them. It is the duty of Israel and of humanity to protect themselves and eradicate such acts and those capable of committing them. The world must know and act against them and help us bring the innocent captives back home, for the sake of the continued existence of Israel and for a sense of humanity, wherever it may be found. Snunit Liss (1980) is an Israeli author. Born in Kibbutz Ein-Shemer, Liss has worked as a local journalist, music critic and entertainment and technology reporter. She owns a marketing content firm and researches literature and disability. Ynet


IDF eliminates terrorist who led last week's Hamas massacre By Gadi Zaig, Maayan Jaffe-Hoffman Published: October 14, 2023

The IDF struck down 1,000 strategic Hamas locations in Gaza since Operation Swords of Iron started.

The IDF and the Shin Bet eliminated Ali Qadi, the commander of the "Nakba Force" who led the Hamas massacre last week that killed more than 1,300 Israelis, the IDF announced Saturday afternoon.

IDF aircraft, with the intelligence guidance of the Shin Bet and AMAN (Military Intelligence Directorate), targeted the terrorist. In 2005, Qadi was arrested following the kidnapping and murder of Israelis and was later released as part of the Gilad Shalit exchange deal.

The announcement came shortly after a briefing by IDF Brigadier General Daniel Hagari, who told the press that the IDF has struck down 1,000 strategic Hamas locations in Gaza since Operation Swords of Iron started.

It also eliminated dozens of Hamas terrorists, including many from Qadi's Nakba Force.

In addition, the IDF assassinated Merad Abu Merad, who was the head of the Hamas aerial system, it said Saturday morning. He was primarily responsible for directing terrorists during the massacre.

Hagari stressed that some 600,000 Palestinians in Gaza should relocate to the enclave's south.

"The IDF calls on all residents of Gaza City to evacuate their homes, move south for their protection, and settle in the area south of the Gaza River," an IDF statement read Thursday. "This evacuation is for your safety. Returning to Gaza City after a notification confirming [safety] will be possible. Do not approach the border fence with the State of Israel."

Hagari reiterated that call and stressed that the IDF needed the residents to leave because it planned to target strategic Hamas targets in the area. Hamas uses the residents as human shields, putting tunnels and bunkers under houses in Gaza City and inside civilian buildings.

"We didn't put those civilians there," IDF spokesperson Jonathan Conricus said in an English briefing on X (formerly Twitter) on Saturday morning. "They are not our enemy. We are not trying to kill or injure any civilians. We are fighting against Hamas. That needs to be abundantly clear. We are targeting their infrastructure - wherever it is."

"We appreciate the tens of thousands who have left in the last hours," Hagari said. "Anyone who chooses not to leave puts their family in danger." [...] Hagari stressed that any movement of Gazans out of the enclave, even through Egypt, would be coordinated with Israel.

At the same time as Israel is attacking Gaza, the army will also protect Israel on other fronts, Hagari added.

He stressed that the army was strong and would be able to manage Hezbollah in the north and terrorism emanating from the West Bank.

On Saturday, Hezbollah fighters fired an anti-tank missile at Israeli troops. It also sent drones into Israel and fired surface-to-air missiles at an Israeli aircraft, which the IDF quickly intercepted.

The IDF also foiled a cell of Palestinian terrorists that operated under Hezbollah's direction and tried to infiltrate Israel via Lebanon, an army spokesperson said.

Conricus stressed that as of Saturday morning, the situation at Israel's northern border remains extremely tense, and Hezbollah's activities are being monitored.

In the West Bank, the IDF has arrested more than 230 Hamas operatives since Operation Swords of Iron started, the military updated on Saturday morning.

The focus of the arrests has been on Hamas operatives, as well as instigators of terrorism. JPost


IDF conducts ‘localized’ ops in Gaza as war enters 2nd week Charles Bybelezer October 14, 2023 / JNS The IDF also killed Murad Abu Murad, the head of Hamas’s aerial array in Gaza, in an overnight airstrike. Abu Murad “took a big part in directing terrorists during the massacre” of 1,300 Israelis during last Saturday’s invasion of the western Negev. JNS


IDF fighter jets operated in the Gaza Strip and killed Billal Al Kedra last night, the Nukhba commander of the forces in southern Khan Yunis

Israel National News, Oct 15, 2023, 7:44 AM (GMT+3)

Following Shin Bet (ISA) intelligence, IDF fighter jets operated in the Gaza Strip and killed Billal Al Kedra last night, the Nukhba commander of the forces in southern Khan Yunis, who was responsible for the Kibbutz Nirim massacre. Hamas and Islamic Jihad terror operatives were also killed.

The IDF also struck over one hundred military targets located in Zaytun, Khan Yunis, and west Jabaliya. These strikes impacted the capabilities of the Hamas terrorist organization, by targeting its operational command centers, military compounds, dozens of launchers, anti-tank missile launch posts, and observation posts. Furthermore, operational command centers belonging to the Islamic Jihad terrorist organization were struck. INN

IDF kills Hamas commander involved in deadly attacks as rocket fire on south resumes Military says over 100 terror targets struck overnight; evacuation of Sderot residents slated to start; IDF spokesman: Top priority in Gaza op is freeing hostages By Emanuel Fabian and TOI Staff Today, 1:25 pm [...] The IDF said Billal al-Qedra, the commander of the so-called Nukhba unit's southern Khan Younis battalion, was killed in an airstrike following intelligence efforts by the Shin Bet security agency and Military Intelligence Directorate. TOI


Israel at War

LIVEBLOG: IDF holds out on ground maneuver, giving Gazans more time to evacuate Oct 15, 2023 i24

The 7th day to the war... N12, Oct 13, 2023

(Israel, local times)

12:35 - It is reported in Gaza: the IDF distributed leaflets - in which it urged residents to evacuate the Gaza Strip to the south.

12:00 - The IDF destroyed dozens of positions for launching drones built on the roofs of civilian houses in the Gaza Strip. "This is another example of how the terrorist organization Hamas uses the citizens of the Gaza Strip as a human shield," said the IDF spokesperson. It should be noted that the Hamas UAV array was tested during Operation "Guardian of the Walls" during which it tried to implement a number of plans to launch UAVs that failed - some of them were intercepted by the Air Force and some of them fell due to technical malfunctions.

08:04 - So far, more than 400,000 residents of the Gaza Strip have evacuated to about 100 shelters and relatives.

08:03 - IDF warplanes attacked 750 military targets throughout the night across the Strip, including underground tunnels, military compounds and outposts, high-ranking houses that served as military headquarters, IDF warehouses, communications rooms and the organization's operatives. At the same time, three mortar operatives of an organization were thwarted in Gaza City in the northern Gaza Strip.

07:49 - IDF spokesman, Brigadier General Daniel Hagari: "Our priority is the elimination of senior officials and terrorists who participated in the murderous massacre. We cannot live with Hamas-ISIS rule near our borders. We are going to collapse the Hamas infrastructure in Gaza." He further added: "We have informed 258 families that their loved ones in the IDF have fallen since Saturday. The status of the abductees is 97 families."

07:44 - The Hamas Interior Ministry told the residents of the Gaza Strip this morning - in response to the IDF's call to evacuate their homes: Israel is trying to spread false propaganda to sow confusion among the residents of Gaza. Do not cooperate with these attempts which constitute psychological warfare.

07:11 - IDF spokesperson to residents of Gaza City: "All residents are called to evacuate their homes, move south for their protection and settle in the area south of the Gaza River. This evacuation is for your personal safety. It will be possible to return to Gaza City only after a notification confirming this. Do not approach the fence area with the State of Israel. Hamas terrorists are hiding in Gaza City in tunnels under houses in Gaza City, and inside many buildings are innocent civilians."

06:25 - Israel's Ambassador to the UN Gilad Erdan: "The UN's response to Israel's early warning to the residents of Gaza is a disgrace! For many years the UN has been 'turning a blind eye' to the arming of Hamas and its use of the civilian population and civilian infrastructure in the Gaza Strip as a hiding place for weapons and his murder. And now, instead of standing by Israel, whose citizens were slaughtered by Hamas terrorists and who tries to minimize harm to those not involved, he preaches specifically to Israel. It is better for the UN to focus now on returning the abductees, condemning Hamas and supporting Israel's right to defend itself."

05:42 - The IDF informed the UN: 1.1 million Palestinians living in the north of the Gaza Strip are required to evacuate to the south within 24 hours. In response, the United Nations called for the cancellation of the demand in order to "prevent a disaster and devastating humanitarian consequences." According to the details that the IDF provided to the representatives of the United Nations, the residents of Gaza City are required to move to the south - in order to prevent possible harm to them. Those who do not obey the instructions - "put the himself and his family in danger."

05:40 - The pictures of the Israeli abductees, including toddlers and the elderly, were projected onto the UN headquarters - demanding their release. The headquarters of the families of the abductees in the US made three demands: their immediate release, the opening of a humanitarian corridor for the supply of medicine and necessary equipment, and a call for the intervention of world leaders in general and the Arab world in particular. "The world needs to know. The world needs to wake up. We will not rest until our sisters and brothers who were captured by murderous violence return home to their families," it said. Mako [19][20]

David's Slingshot intercepted a rocket from Gaza to Haifa - The IDF found 30 bodies near Be'eri

Minister Galant: "The war will have heavy costs, but we will win" - The IDF destroyed dozens of positions for launching drones on the rooftops of Gaza's citizens • The IDF: All residents of northern Gaza, about one million and one hundred thousand - to evacuate to the south of the Gaza Strip within 24 hours - So far, more than 400,000 were made available - During Shabbat, the silent wave frequencies will operate. Ch. 10. 28 Tishrei 5784 / (Oct 13. '23). Ch10


Israel urges civilians in northern Gaza to go South Michael Holmes talks with IDF Spokesperson Lt. Col. Jonathan Conricus. ["The problem with the aid that goes in intended for Palestinians is taken by Hamas..."] (Oct 14, 2023)) CNN


Antony Blinken Says Hamas Blocking Palestinians From Evacuating North Gaza

Newsweek, Oct 13, 2023 Secretary of State Antony Blinken said Hamas is allegedly blocking roads and preventing civilians from evacuating Northern Gaza. Israel warned 1.1 million Gazans to flee to the south ahead of an anticipated ground invasion. on YouTube


Hamas seen blocking evacuation routes in Gaza - IDF By Tzvi Joffre Published: October 15, 2023 05:00 Updated: October 15, 2023 05:44

Analysts noted that a car bombing seemed to target the evacuation routes in Gaza on Saturday.

... Hamas urges Gazans to ignore IDF evacuation directive After the IDF issued the directive on Friday, officials in the Hamas-run government in Gaza called the instructions "false propaganda and psychological warfare," saying "we urge our citizens to ignore it."

On Saturday, Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh said that Palestinians would remain in their homes "even if they are destroyed." JPost


CHUCK DEVORE: The U.N. shames Israelis for evacuating Palestinian - while Hamas uses the innocent as human shields. When will the world see that these vicious terrorists - not Israel - are Gaza's worst enemy? By Chuck Devore For Dailymail.Com 14:41 14 Oct 2023, updated 14:41 14 Oct 2023

Israel is pleading with more than one million Palestinian civilians to flee Gaza City. The vile terrorists in control of that doomed metropolis are telling innocent people to stay put.

Hamas has used the Palestinian people as pawns for decades. It's no surprise they're now using them as human shields.

On Thursday, the Israeli Defense Forces, massing 360,000 troops on the border of Gaza in preparation for the grim task of rooting out and dismantling Hamas, dropped fliers from planes instructing non-combatants to get out.

'Civilians of Gaza City, evacuate south for your own safety and the safety of your families and distance yourself from Hamas terrorists who are using you as human shields,' the IDF said.

Hamas responded: 'Our Palestinian people reject the threat made by the leaders of the occupation and its call for Gazans to leave their houses and leave to the south or to Egypt.'

Like clockwork, the United Nations and America's left-wing, anti-Israel media took up the Hamas narrative.

Hamas has used the Palestinian people as pawns for decades. It's no surprise they're now using them as human shields.

The U.N. called for the IDF evacuation request to be 'rescinded' and warned that a mass evacuation could be 'calamitous.' The Washington Post desperately described the Gaza Strip as a 'kill box.' The ridiculous phrase was later edited out of the article, but this twisted narrative cannot be ignored.

Bordering the Mediterranean Sea on its west and Israel on its north and east, the Gaza Strip is 140-square miles. Gaza City is the most populous area in the region, but there are large cities in the south near its border with Egypt.

Israel sees no military utility in indiscriminate bombing. They want to evacuate as many civilians as possible from the immediate warzone.

Hamas' information warfare strategy requires them to remain.

U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken alluded to this on Friday. 'Efforts to get humanitarian aid into Gaza are complicated by the fact that Hamas continues to use innocent civilians as human shields and is reportedly blocking roads to prevent Palestinians from moving to southern Gaza out of harm's way.'

Indeed, Hamas thrives on tragedy. And one can see where this is all headed as the U.N. and a complicit press attempt to gradually erode global support for Israel's offensive and force them to stop short of eliminating the terrorist threat in Gaza once and for all.

But in all of this, it must be understood that the ultimate blame for the despair of the Palestinian people falls not on Israel, but on Hamas and its Islamist benefactors in Tehran.

For it's them who for decades have valued their own political purposes over the lives of innocents.

But in all of this, it must be understood that the ultimate blame for the despair of the Palestinian people falls not on Israel, but on Hamas and its Islamist benefactors in Tehran.

Israel sees no military utility in indiscriminate bombing. They want to evacuate as many civilians as possible from the immediate warzone.

In 2005, Israel withdrew all of its citizens - some voluntarily and some by force – from Gaza City and turned over governance to the Palestinians.

A Palestinian unity government soon collapsed after Hamas waged a bloody civil war against the opposition party Fatah. The struggle concluded with Hamas agents throwing rival politicians to their deaths from high-rise buildings.

Since then, local Palestinian elections have been held just three times – though only in the Fatah-ruled West Bank – while Hamas has rededicated itself to the destruction of Israel and always at the cost of its own people.

Under the scourge of indiscriminate rocket strikes, Israel and Egypt agreed in 2007 to prevent arms, ammunition, and other goods that could be turned into weapons from entering Gaza.

In response, Hamas turned their land into an arms factory. Whatever they couldn't smuggle in from Iran, they made themselves.

Hamas' al-Qassam Brigades posted videos online of militants digging up water pipes to cut them down and convert them into rockets.

Is it any wonder that today only 10 percent of Gazans have access to clean drinking water?

Hamas rockets rain down on Israeli cities like Ashkelon — whose power plant provides Gaza with electricity for free because Hamas has prioritized war over civilian improvements. The lights are typically on for about half the day in Gaza - now the city is dark.

Despite all of this, in 2010, Israel began allowing importation into Gaza for humanitarian projects like the building of schools, hospitals and housing. But Hamas seized the concrete to construct tunnels under the border to stage attacks on Israel.

Hamas seized the concrete to construct tunnels under the border to stage attacks on Israel.

One such terror tunnel - said to have required 500 tons of concrete – was discovered by Israel in 2013. 'Instead of building reservoirs for water or kindergartens, Hamas is investing in tunnels,' an IDF spokesperson said at the time.

And of course, the lives of Gazans don't appear to hold much value for their Hamas wardens

It is well-known that Hamas' de facto military headquarters is located inside al-Shifa Hospital in northern Gaza, because they know Israel will not bomb it. The IDF cares more about Palestinian civilians than Hamas does.

Why else would Hamas store and fire rockets from inside Palestinian schools? The United Nations agency dedicated to helping Palestinian refugees exposed this practice in 2014 when they discovered 20 rockets hidden in a single schoolhouse.

In the coming days, there will be horrific images broadcast out to millions that will surely shake the world's conscience.

War is terrible.

But we cannot lose sight of the truth that Israel is attempting to protect innocent lives no matter the nationality - and Hamas is the Palestinians' worst enemy. Daily Mail


Emanuel (Mannie) Fabian @manniefabian: Hamas announces the death of Ayman Nofal, a member of the terror group's General Military Council, in an Israeli bombing in the Gaza Strip. Oct 17, 2023 [21]


IDF tells world: This is how Islamic Jihad destroyed the Gaza hospital The chief spokesman presented actual audio recordings in which Islamic Jihad members say out loud that they are responsible for the explosion.

By Yonah Jeremy Bob October 18, 2023 10:04 Updated: October, 2023 10:35

IDF Spokesperson Brig. Gen. Daniel Hagari on Wednesday laid out the IDF's full comprehensive intelligence case to prove that an Islamic Jihad failed rocket caused the damage Tuesday night to a Gaza hospital, leading to a still-unclear, but large, number of Palestinian civilian deaths.

The chief spokesman presented actual audio recordings in which Islamic Jihad members say out loud that they are responsible for the explosion.

Hagari also presented a detailed video on top of earlier videos put out by Israel's public relations apparatus showing different stages of the rocket's trajectory and the layout of the hospital being hit.

The press conference was highly unusual in terms of making signals and other military surveillance intelligence available to the public, showing Israel's realization that how the incident is perceived has strategic importance for global support or opposition to the next stages of the war, especially the anticipated ground invasion, which has already seemed on pause for nearly a week.

  1. عاجل بعد تحقيق شامل ومعمق أجريناه في جيش الدفاع نستطيع ان نؤكد ان تنظيم الجهاد الاسلامي هو المسؤول عن استهداف المستشفى المعمداني في مدينة غزة pic.twitter.com/AgIaon2uKd

— افيخاي ادرعي (@AvichayAdraee) October 18, 2023 Hagari said, "The IDF has concluded an after-action review and confirmed that the Islamic Jihad was responsible for the strike," on the Gaza hospital.

"We did an immediate review for all relevant branches of the IDF," he said.

IDF satellite footage above the explosion site at a hospital in Gaza (credit: IDF SPOKESPERSON'S UNIT [22])

Next, he said, "At 6:15 p.m., a barrage of rockets was fired by Hamas at Israel." At 6:50 p.m., a barrage of 10 rockets was fired by Islamic jIhad from a nearby cemetery, he said. Further, at 6:59 pm., there were reports of an explosion at the hospital. According to our intelligence, Hamas checked reports, and itself understood that it was as Islamic Jihad rocket misfired and decided to launch a global media campaign to hide what happened, he said.

Hamas also inflated casualties, he stated.

Moreover, he said the PIJ rocket was fired from a cemetery next to the hospital and hit a parking lot next to the hospital which likely had terror munitions, which caused further damage.

He said there was visual evidence showing infrared imagery of the nearby parking lot.

The IDF also confirmed there was no IDF fire by land, sea, or air which could have hit the hospital.

A failed rocket launch by the Islamic Jihad terrorist organization hit the Al Ahli hospital in Gaza City.IAF footage from the area around the hospital before and after the failed rocket launch by the Islamic Jihad terrorist organization: pic.twitter.com/AvCAkQULAf

— Israel Defense Forces (@IDF) October 18, 2023 IDF shares internal Islamic Jihad conversation on hospital blast A rough summary of some of the internal Islamic Jihad conversation included statements such as:

"It's from us? Who says this? They are saying the shrapnel from the missile is Islamic Jihad and not an Israeli missile. They shot it from the cemetery coming from behind the hospital. There is a cemetery behind it?"

On Tuesday night, Hagari had already given initially declared that "an analysis of IDF operational systems indicates a barrage of rockets was fired by terrorists in Gaza, passing in close proximity, to the hospital at the time it was hit. Intelligence from a few sources that we have in our hands indicates that the Islamic Jihad is responsible." JPost


IDF confirms Islamic Jihad failed rocket destroyed Gaza hospital By Jerusalem Post Staff. Published: October 17, 2023 20:26 Updated: October 18, 2023 00:35. The IDF confirmed late Tuesday night that a Palestinian Islamic Jihad failed rocket attack damaged a Gaza hospital, leading to a still unclear number of deaths. JPost _

Netanyahu: ‘Those who brutally murdered our children also murder their own children’ "The entire world should know: It was barbaric terrorists in Gaza that attacked the hospital in Gaza and not the IDF," said the Israeli prime minister. (October 17, 2023 / JNS) Palestinian Islamic Jihad, a terrorist group based in the Gaza Strip, fired a rocket that killed hundreds of Palestinians at Gaza’s al-Ahli Arab Hospital, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu confirmed on Tuesday.

“An analysis of IDF operational systems indicates that a barrage of rockets was fired by terrorists in Gaza, passing in close proximity to the Al Ahli hospital in Gaza at the time it was hit,” he wrote on social media. “Intelligence from multiple sources we have in our hands indicates that Islamic Jihad is responsible for the failed rocket launch which hit the hospital in Gaza.”

“The entire world should know: It was barbaric terrorists in Gaza that attacked the hospital in Gaza and not the IDF,” he added. “Those who brutally murdered our children also murder their own children.” JNS


IDF confirms Islamic Jihad rocket caused Gaza hospital blast The army provided additional visual and audio evidence.

(Visual evidence from the IDF of the failed Palestinian Islamic Jihad rocket launch that caused an explosion next to a Gaza hospital on Oct. 17, 2023. [23])

(October 18, 2023 / JNS) A failed Palestinian Islamic Jihad rocket launch at Israel caused the explosion at a hospital in Gaza on Tuesday night, the IDF confirms.

“The IDF has concluded an After Action Review and can confirm that the Islamic Jihad was responsible for the strike on the hospital in Gaza City,” Spokesman Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari said at a press briefing on Wednesday morning.

Terrorists fired a barrage of rockets at 6:15 p.m. on Tuesday, and at 6:59 p.m., Islamic Jihad fired another barrage of around 10 rockets from a nearby cemetery. This was the exact time that the hospital blast was reported, Hagari explained.

“According to our intelligence, Hamas checked the reports, understood it was an Islamic Jihad rocket that had misfired—and decided to launch a global media campaign to hide what really happened,” Hagari continued.

“They went as far as inflating the number of casualties. They understood, with absolute certainty, that it was a rocket misfired by Islamic Jihad that damaged the hospital.”

The IDF provided a recording of a conversation between Hamas operatives regarding the hospital bombing, which confirms that it was a failed Islamic Jihad rocket launch that caused it, including that it looked “like local shrapnel and not like Israeli shrapnel.”

One of the Hamas operatives said that the Palestinians launched the rocket from a cemetery behind the hospital and that “it misfired and fell on them.”

Islamic Jihad struck a Hospital in Gaza—the IDF did not.

Listen to the terrorists as they realize this themselves: [pic.twitter.com/u7WyU8Rxwz]

— Israel Defense Forces (@IDF) October 18, 2023 Aerial footage shows that the hospital was not directly hit and that the only place showing damage was the parking lot next to it, Hagari said.

A failed rocket launch by the Islamic Jihad terrorist organization hit the Al Ahli hospital in Gaza City.

IAF footage from the area around the hospital before and after the failed rocket launch by the Islamic Jihad terrorist organization: [pic.twitter.com/AvCAkQULAf]

— Israel Defense Forces (@IDF) October 18, 2023 Israel’s Channel 12 also provided visual evidence on Wednesday of the errant Islamic Jihad rocket, showing footage from one of its news cameras placed in the southern Israeli city of Netivot.

The video appears to show the rocket being launched and then immediately striking in the vicinity of the hospital.

EXCLUSIVE: Channel 12 News camera records the Hamas shooting at the hospital in Gaza [24] @LeviYonit [pic.twitter.com/9cVBCwIraN]

– N12 (@N12News) October 18, 2023 It is common for Gazan terrorist rockets aimed at Israel to fall short, causing Palestinian casualties, Hagari noted, adding that the IDF has counted approximately 450 rockets that misfired and hit in Gaza.

“Palestinian civilians pay the price,” he said.

Hagari said that the information was being shared with partners, including the United States.

“We want maximum transparency because we take any incident involving civilians very seriously. Unfortunately, many in the media immediately reported the statements coming out of Hamas-controlled Gaza, which blamed Israel,” he continued.

“Instead of waiting for the examination of credible information from the IDF, some media outlets ran with Hamas’s lies. Some of those headlines are still up and have not been corrected.

“I understand the desire to break news, but I hope you will all agree that accuracy and credible information comes before speed,” said Hagari.

“The IDF acts in accordance with international law,” he noted.

“In conclusion, this incident shows how allegations—in this case, false and baseless allegations made by terrorists—against Israel can spread and inflame tensions in the region,” Hagari said. JNS


IDF: Military intercepted communications indicating Islamic Jihad fired hospital rocket By AP and TOI STAFF Oct 18, 2023, 4:45 am In a briefing with reporters, IDF spokesperson Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari said radar detected outgoing rocket fire at the same moment the blast at the Gaza hospital occurred on Tuesday, and intercepted communications between terror groups indicating that Islamic Jihad fired the rockets.

The army determined there were no air force, ground or naval attacks in the area at the time of the blast at the Al-Ahli Baptist Hospital.

Hagari also shared aerial footage collected by a military drone that showed a blast that he said was inconsistent with Israeli weaponry. He said the explosion occurred in the building’s parking lot TOI


IDF Releases Audio of Hamas Admitting Hospital Strike Charlie McCarthy, October 18, 2023 Newsmax


Yair Lapid @yairlapid: At around 19:00 this evening, a failed rocket launch was shown live on air on Al Jazeera. The rocket was launched and fell in Gaza causing an explosion.

They don't only kill our children, they also kill their own. Oct 17, 2023 [25]


LIVEBLOG: PIJ rocket caused Gaza hospital explosion, according to IDF; Biden en route i24NEWS October 17, 2023 at 11:47 PM latest revision October 18, 2023 at 12:48 AM Israel Defense Forces (IDF) conducted a comprehensive investigation of the hospital incident and concluded that it was a failed Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) rocket launch, one of approximately 450 that land within the Gaza Strip.

Nevertheless, the Arab world continued to blame Israel, with rioters breaking into the Israeli embassy compound in Jordan, and protests outside Western embassies in other Middle Eastern countries. i24


Misfired Palestinian Islamic Jihad Rocket Responsible for Hospital Explosion, IDF Says By Ari Blaff October 17, 2023 3:59 PM ...members, including Rashida Tlaib (D., Mich.) as well as Ilhan Omar (D., Minn.), cited articles relying on the Palestinian Ministry of Health reports.. Images have circulated online showing Hamas announcing on Telegram, a social-media network, minutes before the hospital strike that the terrorist group was set to launch long-range missiles capable of striking the city of Haifa in northern Israel. "One minute before a rocket blew up a hospital in Gaza, Hamas announced on Telegram that they were launching their most robust weapons in the arsenal at Haifa. No rockets reached Haifa. High probability these hit the hospital and set off secondary explosions within building." NRO


Amir Tsarfati Another view of the failed launch. Oct 17 at 15:26 [26]


Israel Defense Forces shared raw footage, revealing the moment a rocket misfired and exploded the same time the Gaza hospital was hit 'A rocket aimed at Israel misfired and exploded at 18:59—the same moment a hospital was hit in Gaza,' the IDF wrote on X Israel denied responsibility for the blast at al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza City on Tuesday, claiming it was a rocket misfired by Palestinian Islamic Jihad terrorists A newly released video by the Israel Defense Force shows a rocket misfiring and exploding in Gaza at the same moment a Baptist hospital was struck and at least 500 people were killed.

'A rocket aimed at Israel misfired and exploded at 18:59—the same moment a hospital was hit in Gaza,' the IDF wrote on X, formerly Twitter.

The video shows a rocket exploding in the air before descending below. It's unclear what exactly was hit by the misfired rocket in the video.

Israel denied responsibility for the blast at al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza City on Tuesday, claiming it was a rocket misfired by Palestinian Islamic Jihad terrorists.

A spokesman for Islamic Jihad blamed the strike on Israel and accused the IDF of 'trying to cover for the horrifying crime and massacre they committed against civilians.' Daily Mail


US analysis shows Israel not responsible for hospital explosion -White House Politics Reuters| Washington | United States

Updated: 18-10-2023 20:29 IST | Created: 18-10-2023 20:29 IST US analysis shows Israel not responsible for hospital explosion -White House

A U.S. analysis of currently available data indicates that "Israel is not responsible for the explosion at the hospital in Gaza yesterday," a spokeswoman for the White House National Security Council said on Wednesday.

The assessment is based on the United States' analysis of overhead imagery, intercepts and open source information, NSC spokeswoman Adrienne Watson said in a post on X, adding that the United States is continuing to collect information. Reuters, David's Course

Biden tells Israel, "You're not alone"; says military data show Gaza militants to blame for hospital explosion By Kathryn Watson Updated On: October 18, 2023 / 7:51 PM / CBS News CBS


Analysing Israel's 'proof' that it wasn't behind Gaza hospital bloodbath: Experts examine IDF's dossier of 'evidence' including images of misfiring rocket, lack of crater and shrapnel on roof By David Averre 08:47 EDT 18 Oct 2023 , updated 14:49 EDT 18 Oct 2023 Israel published a slew of evidence it said showed a misfiring rocket caused blast. Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad slammed IDF claims it did not strike hospital. Now experts have weighed in on the statements shared by the warring sides...

Now, experts review each piece of evidence provided by the IDF to suggest Israel was not behind the brutal hospital blast. ... Images of blast site 'inconsistent' with an Israeli aerial strike ...

What the experts say

RUSI aerial warfare analyst Justin Bronk agreed with Hagari's statements.

He wrote: 'No crater or obvious shrapnel pattern consistent with IAF JDAM/Mk80 series bombs visible.... Joel Rayburn, director of the American Center for Levant Studies, said: 'There is no bomb crater here and nowhere near the destruction that would be required to cause (hundreds of deaths).

'The initial reports of an airstrike that allegedly killed hundreds of people are not plausible given this physical scene.'

Former UN war crimes investigator Marc Garlasco concurred: 'Whatever hit the hospital in Gaza it wasn’t an airstrike. Even the smallest JDAM leaves a 3m crater. Widespread surface damage and total lack of cratering inconsistent with an airstrike,' he concluded.

Open-source intelligence group GeoConfirmed also said the strike was likely to have been caused by 'a missile launched by a Palestinian group [which] exploded mid-air (reason unknown) and one piece fell on the hospital causing an explosion', based on analysis of videos and images of the scene.

And sharing an image of what appeared to be fire damage and minimal impact damage to the courtyard outside the hospital, Bellingcat founder Eliot Higgins said: 'The is the most noticeable damage to the ground, which, if it were the impact point of the munition used, would mean it's pretty small payload, ...' [...] What the experts say

Speaking on the result of the blast, Dr Andreas Krieg - a senior lecturer at the School of Security Studies at King's College London - said: 'If we look at the evidence... whatever happened in that car park (at the hospital) was very unlikely to be an Israeli airstrike.

Tal Hagin, an investigative analyst specialising in the Israel-Palestine conflict, said of the video footage: 'Due to the fuel time on the rocket and the explosion, I'd assume this was most likely an R-160 (rocket used frequently by Palestinian militants)... There is a high likelihood that this rocket misfired - but its payload was not entirely destroyed, resulting in a devastating explosion.

'Conclusion based on current data: A misfired rocket by Hamas/PIJ was responsible for the explosion at the hospital.'

J Andres Gannon, an assistant professor at Vanderbilt University, in the US, told the BBC the explosion appears to be small, meaning that the heat generated from the impact may have been caused by leftover rocket fuel rather than an explosion from a warhead.

And US National Security spokesman Adrienne Watson said that, while a full investigation is still pending, 'our current assessment... is that Israel is not responsible for the explosion in Gaza yesterday'. Daily Mail


‘It Wasn’t An Airstrike’: Forthright Critic of Israeli Military Says IDF Not Responsible for Gaza Hospital Explosion

Ben Cohen, October 19, 2023 A former Human Rights Watch (HRW) official with a long record of harsh criticism of Israeli military conduct has added his voice to the controversy around the explosion on Tuesday near the Al Ahli Hospital in Gaza City — saying clearly that an Israeli air strike was not responsible.

“Whatever hit the hospital in Gaza, it wasn’t an airstrike,” Marc Garlasco — a former US Defense Department and UN official who previously served as a senior military expert with Human Rights Watch — stated in a post on X/Twitter.

“Even the smallest JDAM [Joint Direct Action Munition, a guided air-to-surface weapon] leaves a 3m crater,” Garlasco added, alongside a photograph of the impact crater in the car park adjacent to the hospital that, according to Israeli and US intelligence, was struck by a misfired missile launched against Israel by the Palestinian Islamic Jihad terrorist group.

“Widespread surface damage and total lack of cratering inconsistent with an airstrike,” Garlasco noted.

During his career at HRW from 2003-2010, Garlasco authored three highly critical reports of Israel’s military, focusing on the use of white phosphorous in Gaza, cluster munitions in Lebanon, and the demolition of Palestinian homes in Rafah, at the southern end of the Gaza Strip. In 2006, Garlasco was directly challenged by Maj. Gen. Meir Klifi of the IDF over his assertion that eight members of a Palestinian family had been killed at a Gaza beach by artillery shells fired by Israeli forces. After meeting with Klifi, Garlasco revised his conclusion, saying that the deaths were more likely caused by unexploded Israeli ordinance.

Garlasco left HRW under a cloud in 2010, following revelations the previous year that he was an avid collector of Nazi military memorabilia. He subsequently went on to become a civilian protection specialist, serving with the UN’s aid mission in Afghanistan. Algemeiner


Dr. Eli David @DrEliDavid: Clown Trudeau becomes the only Western leader who condemned Israel for the Gaza hospital blast, before evidence emerged that a terrorists' misfired rocket caused it 🤡.

No wonder no world leader takes this clown seriously... Oct 17, 2023 [27]


Bennett vs. New York Times: 'Shame on you!' Former PM responds to New York Times initial headlines on Gaza hospital explosion. 'Is there a special exemption from fact-checking when it’s the Jewish State involved?'

Israel National News, Oct 18, 2023, 2:31 PM (GMT+3)

Former Prime Minister Naftali Bennet responded to the headlines in The New York Times, which defined the explosion in the Gaza hospital as an "Israeli strike."

"Yesterday, at 6:59PM Islamic Jihad fired a barrage of around 10 rockets to Israel," Bennett wrote. "One of the rockets misfired (fairly common event) and hit the parking lot of the Al-Ahli Hospital, killing many innocent people."

"Hamas immediately understood that this was the Islamic Jihad’s rocket, and launched a massive lie campaign, blaming Israel. The New York Times immediately adopted Hamas’ version, peddling this lie for hours."

"New York Times: Shame on you. Apologize now for this slander," Bennett added. "Aren’t you supposed to check facts? Isn’t that your claim to fame? Is there a special exemption from fact-checking when it’s the Jewish State involved?"

The IDF undertook serious investigations and the IDF spokesman held briefing for foreign media, proving that the missile which hit a Gaza hospital on Tuesday night was not one of Israel's. In addition to the aerial footage, there is a recording of Hamas terrorists discussing the hit, describing the shrapnel at the site as "local" and "not Israeli." INN


No, there aren’t two 'narratives' to the Gaza hospital blast Former Prime Minister Naftali Bennett denounces CNN's report over the Gaza hospital explosion. Israel National News, Oct 19, 2023, 11:47 AM (GMT+3) INN


Report: NYT Twice Changes Reckless Headline: ‘Israeli Strike Kills Hundreds in Hospital, Palestinians Say’

Wendell Husebo, 10/18/2023 The New York Times reportedly edited a headline twice on Tuesday about a blast that blew up a Gaza hospital, changing the title each time to reflect less blame against Israel for the tragic explosion.

After the blast, multiple pieces of evidence emerged from the Israel Defense Forces and the media that suggested the blast was an errant rocket fired by Hamas, not an Israeli airstrike. As the evidence came to light, the Times altered its headline. [...] Here's the false map from @GettyImages -- still up for media worldwide to spread -- accusing Israel of attacking the hospital, based on Hamas sources. Map was made in Turkey. This is how lies spread, how future generations are taught to hate Israelis and Jews. No retraction, yet. Breitbart


Inside the Islamic Jihad, the group blamed for the attack on a Gaza hospital By Melissa Koenig Published Oct. 18, 2023, 1:32 p.m. ET The Palestinian Islamic Jihad, a lesser-known terrorist organization working in coordination with Hamas, has been blamed for a deadly attack on a hospital in Gaza City. ... at the Al-Ahli Arab Hospital... Israeli officials .. demonstrated that the blast at the hospital was caused by a misfired rocket launched by the Palestinian Islamic Jihad.

The attack marked the deadliest escalation of the war between Israel and Hamas since the terrorist group launched its surprise attack on October 7.

Here is what we know about the Islamic Jihad and its ties to Hamas:

The Palestinian Islamic Jihad is the second-largest armed group in Gaza, with around 1,000 active members, according to the U.S, Director of National Intelligence.

Its goal is to establish an Islamist Palestinian state and destroy the state of Israel, according to Fox News.

The group was founded in 1979 in the Gaza Strip to fight Israeli occupation and continues to maintain a presence in both Gaza and the West Bank.

It is now led by Sec. Gen. Ziya al-Nakhalah, whom the United States Department of State classifies as a Specially Designated Global Terrorist.

How does it relate to Hamas?

The PIJ and Hamas are considered the two most important members of the joint operations room, which coordinates most military activity among armed groups in the Gaza Strip, according to The New York Times.

But the PIJ often works independently from Hamas, and is more focused on military confrontations — and has rejected peace talks with the Jewish state.

Its military wing, the al-Quds Brigades, has been responsible for many of the attacks on Israel over the past few years.

Israel and the United States consider both organizations to be terrorist groups.

What role has the PIJ played in the current war? Aside from being blamed for the attack on the Gaza City hospital, al-Nakhalah has taken responsibility for holding captive more than 30 of the hostages Hamas took when it launched its surprise attack on Israel earlier this month.

In a statement, the al-Quds Brigade spokesman said: “We are part of this battle and our fighters are shoulder to shoulder alongside their brothers in the Al-Qassam Brigades until victory, God willing.”

What is its relation to Iran? The PIJ, like Hamas, receives support from Iran, Syria, and the Lebanese terrorist group Hezbollah, Fox reports

Iran, in particular, has provided rockets and drones to the terrorist organization, which got much of its inspiration from the Iranian revolution — seeing it as a movement to be modeled across the Arab world.

In that fashion, the PIJ adopted the suicide techniques used by Islamists in Iran in 1979.

Shaqaqi’s successor, Ramadan Abdallah Shallah, has also held meetings with Iranian officials in Tehran and Damascus.

Israeli officials now believe Iran is orchestrating the terrorist group’s attacks. NY Post

Israel disputes Hamas’ claim of of 471 dead in Gaza City hospital blast, says ‘several dozen’ died By Jesse O’Neill Published Oct. 19, 2023, 10:42 a.m. ET Several dozen people lost their lives in a Tuesday blast outside a Gaza City hospital, not nearly 500 as Hamas had claimed, a spokesperson for the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs said Wednesday.

The clarification came after Israel and the US said preliminary evidence suggested the explosion was sparked by a Hamas rocket misfire, which the militant group blamed on Israel and inflated the death toll to inflame tensions in the war-torn region. The explosion at the Al-Hali Hospital in Gaza is a human tragedy in which several dozen people were apparently killed,” Lior Haiat posted on X.

“This is also a Palestinian tragedy, where we see again the Palestinian terrorist organizations murdering their own people, after they cynically use them as human shields,” Haiat said.

The foreign affairs official went on to lambaste media outlets that went with the terror organization’s version of events, directly calling out the New York Times with a screenshot of its headline ... NY Post


N.Y. Times Says It Was “Incorrect” to Rely on Hamas Claims to Wrongly Blame Israel for Gaza Hospital Blast

Etan Vlessing, October 23, 2023

“Times editors should have taken more care with the initial presentation” of the Oct. 17 Al-Ahli Arab Hospital explosion in Gaza City — caused by a misfired rocket aimed at Israel — the marquee newspaper said in a statement.

The New York Times has said it was wrong to “heavily” rely on claims by the Palestinian terrorist group Hamas that Israel was to blame for the Oct. 17 Al-Ahli Arab Hospital explosion, without first verifying those claims. Hollywood Reporter


Rep. Tlaib Repeats Debunked Claim That Israel (sic) Bombed Hospital

Alana Goodman, October 18, 2023. Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D., Mich.) repeated her claim that Israel bombed a hospital in Gaza in a speech at an anti-Israel rally on Wednesday afternoon, despite extensive evidence that the explosion in the hospital parking lot was caused by a faulty rocket launched by a Palestinian terrorist group Free Beacon _

'The View' co-host rips Omar and Tlaib over Israel statements: Shame on them "The View" co-host Alyssa Farah Griffin blasts Squad members who blamed Israel for explosion in Gaza hospital which was caused by Islamic Jihad rocket. Elad Benari, Oct 19, 2023, 6:07 AM (GMT+3) INN


N12 - The IDF spokesman revealed in a statement: "Hamas is using the hospital in Gaza as a terrorist headquarters"

During a briefing to the international media, Brigadier General Daniel Hagari showed intelligence information from the security system - according to which the central terror headquarters of Hamas is located under the central hospital in the Gaza Strip • "The hospital has several underground complexes, and a control center of Hamas," he said • A recording with a senior member of the system was revealed The energy in the Gaza Strip, which clarified: "It is certain that there is at least half a million liters of fuel underground" N12| Posted 10/27/23 17:04

The IDF spokesman, Brigadier General Daniel Hagari, today (Friday) gave a special statement to the international media - in which he showed intelligence information from the IDF and the Shin Bet that proves that the central terrorist headquarters of Hamas is located under the al-Shifa ["Shifaa"] hospital, the main one in Gaza City. [28]

The hospital has several underground compounds used by the leaders of the terrorist organization Hamas to direct their activities and a tunnel that reaches the hospital, which allows entry to the Hamas headquarters without going through the hospital," he said. He said that from the existing set-up in the hospitals, the intention is to fire rockets, store IEDs, weapons and ammunition.

The hospital is a human shield for the leaders of Hamas," he emphasized. "The hospital's energy infrastructure that is supposed to be used by its patients is actually used at the same time by the terrorist organization's underground terrorist infrastructure." Brigadier General Hagari added: "The heads of the terrorist organization are using this shelter while endangering the civilian population."

In a conversation revealed by the IDF spokesperson between an IDF officer and a senior official in the energy sector in the Gaza Strip, it is shown that there is still diesel and gasoline in the Gaza Strip. "Those who have protection go to the station and there is fuel," said the senior in the energy industry to the officer. "There is even gas, someone who has gas fills a tank and brings me gas" when in favoritism. He added to the IDF officer that "Hamas has diesel, at least a million liters. Now the stations are full and diesel is taken from them and brought to the hospitals." _

Benjamin Netanyahu - בנימין נתניהו @netanyahu: Hamas-ISIS is sick. They turn hospitals into headquarters for their terror. We just released intelligence proving it. Here it is: Oct 27, 2023 [29] Mako

IDF: Hamas’s terror command center built under Gaza’s main hospital The Israeli military shares detailed information on how Hamas has turned hospitals into terror command centers and hideouts. Yaakov Lappin. (October 27, 2023 / JNS) [30] Hamas has systematically turned hospitals in the Gaza Strip into terror command centers and hideouts, the Israel Defense Forces said on Friday, as volleys of rockets fired by Hamas targeted central and southern Israel.

Four people were injured in a direct rocket strike on a residential building in Tel Aviv on Friday afternoon, ranging from moderate to light injuries. Half an hour after that attack, central Israel was again targeted by rockets.

According to IDF Spokesperson Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari, the Israeli military is affixing a red flag to the world about Hamas’s war crime of using hospitals in Gaza as human shields and revealed intelligence for that purpose.

“Hamas has turned hospitals into command-and-control centers, and hideouts for terrorists and commanders,” he stated. “According to intelligence in our hands, there is fuel in hospitals in Gaza, and Hamas is using it for its terror infrastructure.”

The IDF shared this information and more with intelligence agencies from allied countries, he said.

Addressing Shifa Hospital in Gaza City—the largest in the Strip, with more than 1,500 beds, 4,000 staff and people arriving in recent weeks around the hospital grounds—Hamas is “cynically using” such places as a “shield for its underground terror complex,” said Hagari.

The Gazan network of underground combat tunnels, dubbed “the metro” by the IDF, is often placed right next to sensitive sites like hospitals, mosques, schools and UNRWA sites as part of a deliberate doctrine by Hamas to limit IDF airstrikes.

Pointing to a map of the Shifa Hospital, Hagari said that Hamas conducts its command and control out of places like the X-ray room for terror activities like launching rockets.

“It is here in Shifa Hospital where Hamas operates its command-and-control cells. Hamas terrorists operate inside and under Shifa Hospital, with a network of terror tunnels. It also has an entrance to the tunnels from different places in the hospital,” said Hagari. “Right now, terrorists move freely at Shifa Hospital.”

‘Hamas’s use of hospitals is systematic’

Hundreds of terrorists flooded the Shifa hospital after the Oct. 7 massacre of more than 1,400 Israelis by Hamas, stated Hagari.

“Hamas not only endangers the lives of Israeli civilians but also exploits the lives of innocent Gazans as human shields. Hamas’s use of hospitals is systematic. They do so precisely because they know Israel distinguishes between terrorists and civilians,” he said. “We already exposed that Hamas stole fuel from UNRWA—and UNRWA confirmed it.”

He was referring to the U.N. Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian Refugees in the Near East.

Hagari played an audio recording between an IDF officer and a senior Gazan energy official, who stated that Hamas uses very large quantities of fuel for its underground tunnel activities, in addition to oxygen and electricity.

When medical facilities are used like this, they are liable to lose protection under international law, Hagari warned.

Gaza hospitalHamas headquarters hidden under Shifa Hospital, the largest medical facility in the Gaza Strip, Oct. 27, 2023. Credit: IDF. “For over two weeks, the IDF has called and continues to call the civilians of northern Gaza and Gaza City to temporarily move south for their own safety,” he stressed. “We continue to back efforts by Egypt and the United States to get food medicine and water to south Gaza. We will increase this humanitarian effort.”

Terror targets struck, Palestinian commander killed

Meanwhile, in recent hours, the IDF conducted a ground raid in the Gaza Strip and struck dozens of terror targets belonging to Hamas, it said.

IDF ground forces, accompanied by Israeli Air Force fighter jets and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), conducted the raid in the central Gaza Strip early on Friday.

As part of the activity, IDF aircraft and artillery struck terror targets belonging to the Hamas terrorist organization in the Shuja’iyya area and throughout the Gaza Strip, the military said.

The troops exited the area at the end of the activity. No IDF injuries were reported.

During the activity, the IDF identified and struck numerous terror targets, including anti-tank missile launch sites, military command-and-control centers, as well as Hamas terrorists themselves.

Overnight on Friday, the IDF killed Madhath Mubashar, commander of the Western Khan Yunis Battalion of the Hamas terrorist organization. Madhath took part in explosives and sniper attacks against Israeli civilian communities and IDF soldiers, the military said in a statement. JNS


European Parliament calls for Hamas to be ‘eliminated,’ urges release of hostages Non-binding resolution expresses concern for humanitarian conditions in Gaza Strip, calls for pause in fighting to allow for supplies to reach needy By TOI STAFF and AGENCIES Oct 19, 2023

The European Parliament on Thursday called for the Hamas terror group to be “eliminated” in a scathing rebuke of its devastating onslaught on southern Israel on October 7.

In a non-binding resolution passed 500-21, the body demanded the “unconditional release” of hostages held in Gaza, blasting their kidnapping as a war crime while expressing sympathy for civilian victims on both sides of the conflict. TOI


JPost Editorial: What lessons can we learn from the Gaza hospital blast? There are several lessons here for our media colleagues.

October 19, 2023

The first is that no information released by the Gaza Health Ministry should be presumed true; in fact, it should be regarded as highly suspect. That’s because that ministry – like every other government agency in Gaza – is controlled entirely by Hamas and is utilized to advance its murderous agenda. In this case, Israeli officials say, Hamas knew immediately that it was a Palestinian rocket that had hit the hospital but it nevertheless fabricated an Israeli airstrike in order to smear Israel.

The second is that, in the fog of war, journalists must take extraordinary care in how they report events on the ground. What appears to be the story often is not, and misreporting an event as consequential as the deaths of a large number of civilians at a hospital exposes reporters to charges of journalistic malpractice. But perhaps the most important lesson here is that Israel and Hamas are not on equal moral footing.

Israel is a liberal democracy governed by the rule of law; Hamas is an Islamist terrorist organization with an openly antisemitic and genocidal agenda. Israel protects civilians and considers the loss of civilian life on either side to be an operational failure; Hamas targets civilians and considers the loss of civilian life on either side to be an operational success. Israel takes seriously its commitment to report the truth and is held accountable by a vibrant and free press; Hamas openly and brazenly lies and tightly controls the flow of information from Gaza.

Journalists and media organizations wield enormous power in the global conversation and they bear tremendous responsibility to get the story right. Many have egg on their faces because of how they reported the incident at the Gaza hospital. They should have the integrity to apologize to their readers – and commit to doing better. JPost


Full text: Netanyahu, Sunak presser in Israel “Eighty years ago, eighty years ago, Prime Minister, the civilized world stood with you in your darkest hour. This is our darkest hour. It’s the world’s darkest hour. We need to stand together, and we will win. ” (October 19, 2023 / JNS) Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu met on Thursday with his visiting British counterpart, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom Rishi Sunak. Below is the full text of their joint press conference.


“Prime Minister Sunak, Rishi, I want to thank you for your solidarity, your clear unwavering support from the minute this war began. I think the fact that you came to Israel tells us a lot.

“I said to [U.S.] President [Joe] Biden yesterday, if there is one thing more heartwarming than standing with Israel it’s standing in Israel. And the fact that you came here to do that is a very strong statement of support which we deeply appreciate it.

“Chancellor [Olaf] Scholz, who also visited here called Hamas the new Nazis. He was right. You fought the Nazis 80 years ago resolutely, and the entire world supported your action. President Biden called Hamas worse than ISIS. He’s right, too.

“Hamas are the new Nazis, they’re the new ISIS, and we have to fight them together just as the civilized world united to fight the Nazis and united to fight Hamas, it must together now stand with Israel as we fight and defeat Hamas.

“This is not merely our battle. It’s the battle of the entire civilized world. It’s the battle of Israel, it’s the battle of the moderate Arab countries, it’s the battle of Western civilization, the battle of the free world, the battle for the future.

“We have here two forces. One is an axis of evil, led by Iran through Hezbollah, Hamas and others that want to bring back the Middle East to the Middle Ages, to an age of bondage and war and slavery and annihilation.

“The other force are the forces of progress and humanity that want to push the Middle East into a world of peace and prosperity. We were on the cusp of expanding that peace and destroying that move was one of the reasons why this action was taken. We have to resist it, and we have to win.

“Above all, we have to win.

“We have to release the hostages. You have nationals. I understand, I know you do, that they have our children, babies, women, elderly, Holocaust survivors and your nationals. And we have to work together in every way possible, and we’re doing that, to get them back.

“I appreciate the fact that you also sent some military forces into the region. We discussed practical cooperation on many fronts, and I value that very much.

“Eighty years ago, eighty years ago, Prime Minister, the civilized world stood with you in your darkest hour. This is our darkest hour. It’s the world’s darkest hour. We need to stand together, and we will win. And this is why I support and value your support. And the fact that you’re here, we must win together.

“That means it’s going to be a long war, and we’ll need your continuous support, continuous support. There will be ups and downs. There will be difficulties. The people here are united; they’re prepared to take the necessary action. I’ve never seen the people of Israel as united, more united as they are now. But we need that unity across the board and continuous support as we prosecute and win this just war against the modern barbarians, the worst monsters on the planet. Thank you, Rishi, for coming here.”


“Prime Minister, thank you for your warm words and for welcoming me to Israel. I’m just sorry to be here in such terrible circumstances.

“In the last two weeks, this country has gone through something that no country, no people, should have to endure, least of all Israel which has lived through some of the most awful scenes, the specter of violence and terrorism every day of its existence.

“I want to share the deep condolences of the British people and stress that we absolutely support Israel’s right to defend itself in line with international law, to go after Hamas, to take back hostages, deter further incursions and to strengthen your security for the long term.

“Now, I know that you are taking every precaution to harming civilians in direct contrast to the terrorists of Hamas which seek to put civilians in harm’s way.

“But I also want to thank you for the support your government has given to the families of British nationals caught up in this horror, including your efforts to release the hostages, secure their release. And I know that we will continue to cooperate, particularly with regard to British nationals that are involved.

“We have seen the scenes over the past day that have shocked all of us, particularly at the hospital. And we mourn the loss of every innocent life, civilians of every faith, every nationality, who have been killed. And we also recognize that the Palestinian people are victims of Hamas, too.

“That is why I welcome your decision yesterday that you took to ensure that routes into Gaza will be open for humanitarian aid to enter. I’m glad that you made that decision. We will support it. We are increasing our aid to the region, and we will look to get more support to people as quickly as we can.

“The last thing for me to close on is this. You described this as Israel’s darkest hour. I am proud to stand here with you in Israel’s darkest hour. As your friend, we will stand with you in solidarity, we will stand with your people and we also want you to win.” JNS


Three Israelis injured as Hamas claims rocket attacks from Lebanon Oct 19, 2023 A father and daughter were hurt when a rocket hit a residential building in Kiryat Shmona. JNS


10 Israeli police officers hurt during Samaria counterterror op October 19, 2023 An IDF drone struck a terrorist cell in the Nur Shams camp; 10 wanted suspects arrested there. JNS


Israel says 30 Gaza hostages are children, IDF strikes in Lebanon Over 4,600 wounded, 1,400 killed • IDF: At least 203 captives in Gaza, over 100 still considered missing By Jerusalem Post Staff Oct 19, 2023


Death toll in Gaza hospital blast greatly exaggerated - independent intel Local Hamas-run Gazan sources allege that 471 people were killed at the hospital; foreign independent intelligence sources claimed instead that the number was closer to 10-50. By Maya Zanger-Nadis Oct 19, 2023 JPost


U.S. Warship, Bases in Syria and Iraq Come Under Drone Attack By

Nancy A. Youssef, Oct 19, 2023 WJS


US shoots down missiles launched from Yemen, perhaps towards Israel "Any response, should one occur, will come at a time and a manner of our choosing," said a U.S. Department of Defense spokesman.

(October 19, 2023 / JNS) The USS Carney, a U.S. Navy destroyer, shot missiles and drones from Yemen that could have been aimed at Israel, the Pentagon said on Thursday afternoon.

“The crew of the guided-missile destroyer USS Carney, operating in the northern Red Sea earlier today, shot down three land-attack cruise missiles and several drones that were launched by Houthi forces in Yemen,” said U.S. Air Force Brig. Gen. Pat Ryder, a Defense Department spokesman. JNS


Iran Proxies Target US Bases Amid Israel-Hamas Tensions Oct 19, 2023 Author: Iran International Newsroom

Two US military bases in Syria have been targeted in drone attacks, suggesting Iran's proxies are becoming ever more emboldened to expand Hamas' proxy war further.

Both Lebanon's Iran-aligned Al Mayadeen TV and the IRGC-affiliated Fars news agency, reported the news on Thursday though the US has not yet made official comment on the incidents.

According to Al Mayadeen, a drone strike occurred at the Al-Tanf base near Syria's borders with Iraq and Jordan, while a missile attack targeted the Conoco base in the northern Deir al-Zor region. However, no additional details have been provided.

The Al-Tanf base is notably significant for American forces in southeastern Syria and is situated in the triangular border area shared by Syria, Iraq, and Jordan.

Since Iran-backed Hamas declared war on Israel on October 7 after an invasion by air, land, and sea, there has been significant concern that the regime will activate its other proxies in the region on Israel's borders with Lebanon and Syria, and further afield including its Yemeni proxy, the Houthis. Iran Intl


Iranian terror axis begins challenging US in Mideast U.S. warship intercepts projectiles off Yemen, as drone strikes on American bases in Syria and Iraq join ongoing Hezbollah attacks on Israel from Lebanon. Yaakov Lappin, October 19, 2023 / JNS JNS


IDF eliminates senior Hamas engineer IDF eliminates Mahmud Sabih, who operated to facilitate the transfer of information for Hamas in the production of weapons and UAVs. Israel National News, Oct 20, 2023, 10:45 PM (GMT+3) INN


For fifth time today, UAV kills terrorist squad on Lebanon border

An Elbit Hermes 450 UAV, aka Zik, neutralized a terrorist squad in front of an IDF outpost on the Lebanon border. This was the fifth attack against terror squads on the Lebanon border on Friday. (Yoav Zitun) Oct 20, 2023 Ynet


Yehudit and Nathalie Ra'anan are the abductees who were released from Hamas captivity The two, a mother and daughter who live in Chicago and have American citizenships, were released from Hamas captivity due to "humanitarian (sic. Hamas propagated) reasons" • They came to Israel to visit their family in Nahal Oz - and were kidnapped in a surprise attack by Hamas • The Commissioner for Captives and Missing Persons informed that they are already in Israel • President Biden: thanks the Israeli government and to the government of Qatar for the efforts that led to the release • Qatar: We will continue to talk with Israel and Hamas about the release - of all the abductees Sapir Lipkin |Ehud Yaari, Dana Weiss| N12| Published 19:58 20.10.23

It should be noted that since the beginning of the war, Hamas has been using abductees for propaganda purposes - in the shadow of the sharp international criticism and its comparison to ISIS. The announcement of the release of the hostages, unusually published in English, is another clear example of psychological warfare that reflects the pressure the terrorist organization is under.

Comment: "If this is humanitarian release then let the children be released..." _

The radical Arab-Palestinian beasty fascists dare to talk about "humanitarian."

We don't know the money involved and Hamas terrorists financiers-Qatar steps in releasing only 2 out of 203 hostages by the cruel Hamas Gaza regime.

But we do know the psychological warfare the vicious inhumane people use these poor hostages as mere tools for propaganda.

"Humanitarian" - no less, their statement said on releasing two and not a single child freed. at EoZ


IDF airstrike thwarts ‘imminent’ terror attack in Jenin A Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad terror cell had been using the Al-Ansar mosque, which was hit in an airstrike, as an operations room, according to the IDF.

The entrance to a terrorist tunnel shaft inside the Jenin refugee camp's Al-Ansar mosque. Credit: Israel Defense Forces.

(October 22, 2023 / JNS) Israel on Saturday night struck a “terror route” under a mosque in the Jenin refugee camp, killing Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad members planning an “imminent terror attack.”

The terror cell was using the Al-Ansar mosque as an operations room to plan and carry out acts of terror, including an Oct. 14 attack in which a bomb exploded close to Israeli soldiers operating near the security barrier in northern Samaria, the IDF said on Sunday. No soldiers were hurt in the blast.

The Palestinian Authority Health Ministry said two people were killed and several others injured in the strike.

It is believed to be the first strike carried out by an Israeli fighter jet in Judea or Samaria in more than two decades.

IDF Spokesman Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari said the terror cell that Israel targeted in Jenin overnight was a “ticking time bomb” planning a “murderous terror attack inside Israel,” and was it therefore struck while hiding in a tunnel under a mosque.

“Hamas desecrates holy places in the hope that we will attack them. They use the symbols of Islam as a human shield,” he added.

During a two-day incursion in the Jenin refugee camp in July, Israeli forces uncovered weapons and military gear in the Al-Ansar mosque. They also found a tunnel leading to a nearby kindergarten.

Lt. Col. M., who was involved in the operation, said that “the excavations carried out in the mosque turned it into a fortified target.”

Established in 1953, the U.N.-administered camp is often referred to by Palestinians as the “Martyr’s Capital.” Between 2000 and 2003, during the Second Intifada, at least 28 suicide bombers came from the Jenin camp.

In mid-June, an unusually large roadside bomb wounded seven Israeli soldiers during a counterterror operation in Jenin. The incident was followed by the launch of the first rocket from the city.

Earlier on Saturday, Israeli forces raided the Samaria home of top Hamas commander Saleh al-Arouri, detaining several of his relatives.

Al-Arouri, the commander of Hamas operations in Judea in Samaria and the deputy of Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh, is currently based in Lebanon.

Israeli forces entered al-Arouri’s home in the village of Arura north of Ramallah at dawn and arrested more than 20 people, including one of his brothers and nine of his nephews, according to AFP.

Israeli forces reportedly raised a banner over the home showing al-Arouri on the backdrop of an Israeli flag. On it appeared the caption: “This was the house of Saleh al-Arouri and has become the headquarters of Abu al-Nimer.”

Abu al-Nimer is reportedly an alias for the Israeli intelligence officer responsible for the area.

The IDF has arrested 727 Palestinian terrorists across Judea and Samaria since the start of “Operation Swords of Iron” on Oct. 7.

Out of the 727 Palestinian terrorists arrested, more than 480 are affiliated with Hamas, including 27 Hamas members arrested overnight Sunday, the army said.

Over the past two weeks, there have been several clashes between Israeli forces and Palestinians in Judea and Samaria and several attempted terrorist attacks. JNS


A fighter jet bombed a mosque in Jenin where terrorists were hiding: "They planned an attack inspired by the massacre in Otef (Gaza-Envelope)" | Documentation.

For the first time since the second intifada, a fighter jet attacked in Judea and Samaria: the Al-Ansar mosque in Jenin was used by terrorists from Hamas and Jihad as an operational headquarters for planning attacks. According to the army and Shin Bet, the five terrorists who hid in a tunnel in the mosque recently carried out a series of attacks, and planned to carry out today A terrorist attack with grenades and weapons. Yoav Zeitoun, Einav Halabi, Elisha Ben Kimon. 21.10.23 YNet


IDF carries out airstrike on terror cell at Jenin mosque planning ‘murderous attack’ 2 said killed in what may be the 1st fighter jet attack in West Bank in 20 years; military, Shin Bet say Hamas, Islamic Jihad gunmen used al-Ansari mosque as base of operations By Emanuel Fabian, 22 October 2023

...The cell was believed by the IDF to have a large number of firearms and explosives, and planning to carry out a deadly terror attack inspired by Hamas’s October 7 massacres in southern Israel. TOI


Israel Says It Killed Hamas "Terror Operatives" In Jenin Mosque Air Strike

The strike hit the Al-Ansar mosque, which the Israeli military said: "was used by the terrorists as a command centre to plan the attacks and as a base for their execution." World News, Ritika Updated: October 22, 2023 6:18 am IST NDTV


Israeli forces raid Samaria home of Hamas’s second-in-command Troops reportedly entered Saleh al-Arouri’s home in the village of Arura and arrested more than 20 people. Oct 21, 2023 JNS


Hezbollah 'dragging Lebanon into war,' Israel warns IDF thwarts attack from Lebanon - 14 more northern Israeli communities to be evacuated - Two terrorists killed at Gaza security fence - Israeli military ups preparations for Gaza ground offensive. Joshua Marks (October 22, 2023 / JNS) JNS


Israel: Gaza aid shipments were inspected for weapons The New York Times had reported that the first goods to enter the Hamas-ruled enclave since war erupted on Oct. 7 were not screened.

Charles Bybelezer (October 22, 2023 / JNS) Israel denied on Saturday that some 20 trucks carrying aid into the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip earlier in the day were not checked for weapons and contraband.

“At the request of the U.S. administration, humanitarian aid [comprising] only water, food and medical equipment went through Egypt’s Rafah crossing into the southern Gaza Strip. All equipment was inspected before entering Gaza,” according to a statement from Israel’s Coordination of Government Activities in the Territories.

“We emphasize that Israel has the ability to verify that nothing other than [the] aforementioned was brought in or removed,” the statement added.

The New York Times cited U.N. spokesman Stéphane Dujarric on Saturday as saying that the first aid to enter Gaza since the war erupted on Oct. 7 was not screened. Instead, he said the trucks had entered the enclave via an “expedited process,” under which a cargo manifest was submitted to the United States, Egypt and Israel and the aid distributed by the Red Cross.

Dujarric said the process would not be used again, and could not confirm when additional trucks would be allowed to enter.

[The goods crossed into the Gaza Strip via Egypt on Saturday for the first time since Hamas’s Oct. 7 invasion of southern Israel that left 1,400 people dead, at least 4,100 wounded and 200 others held hostage by the terrorist group.]

“The opening of this essential supply route was the result of days of exhaustive U.S. diplomatic engagement in the region and an understanding President [Joe] Biden reached with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi,” said U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken on Saturday.

“We urge all parties to keep the Rafah crossing open to enable the continued movement of aid that is imperative to the welfare of the people of Gaza. We have been clear: Hamas must not interfere with the provision of this life-saving assistance. Palestinian civilians are not responsible for Hamas’s horrific terrorism, and they should not be made to suffer for its depraved acts,” added the statement.

More than 200 trucks carrying some 3,000 tons of cargo have amassed at the crossing after being held up for days.

Israel imposed a siege on Gaza following Hamas’s Oct. 7 massacre,...

IDF Spokesman Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari said on Saturday that food, water and medical supplies would be permitted into Gaza, but that “fuel will not enter.”

Families of the captives have expressed anger at Netanyahu’s approval of the aid deliveries. JNS


Israel-Hamas war: IDF carries out limited Gaza incursion October 26, 2023 DW


Shati Barud, deputy head of Hamas intelligence who helped plot Israel terror attack is killed by Israeli air strike

IDF strike kills deputy head of Hamas intelligence directorate

By Emanuel Fabian, October 26, 2023, 6:35 pm

The Israel Defense Forces says it has killed the deputy head of Hamas’s intelligence directorate, Shadi Barud, in a strike in the Gaza Strip today.

The IDF accuses Barud of planning the October 7 attacks in southern Israel with Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar.

Barud previously served as a battalion commander in the Khan Younis area and held other roles in the terror group’s intelligence directorate, and “was responsible for planning numerous terror attacks against Israeli civilians,” the IDF adds.

The IDF publishes a video showing the airstrike that killed the senior commander... TOI


House approves resolution backing Israel in first move by new Speaker BY Mychael Schnell And Laura Kelly 10/25/23 05:27 PM ET ... The House approved the resolution in a 412-10-6 vote, a strong show of support for Israel after Hamas launched an unprecedented attack on the U.S. ally Oct. 7, massacring more than 1,000 civilians in the south of the country, kidnapping more than 200 and raining thousands of rockets down across the country.

The resolution declares that the House “stands with Israel as it defends itself against the barbaric war launched by Hamas and other terrorists” and “reaffirms Israel’s right to self-defense.” It also “condemns Hamas’ brutal war against Israel” and calls on the U.S.-designated terrorist group “to immediately cease these violent attacks and safely release all living hostages and return the bodies of deceased hostages.”

Hamas has so far released four hostages, with an estimated 220 people kidnapped from Israel still in captivity in the Gaza Strip. Americans and other nationalities are believed to be among them. Israel and the U.S. have not confirmed that any hostages have been killed, saying any claims by Hamas cannot be trusted.

Wednesday’s resolution was a long time coming.

Lawmakers in both parties and chambers have spoken about their desire to move a resolution supporting Israel since Hamas launched its attack earlier this month, but the decision by eight House Republicans and Democrats to vote to oust McCarthy plunged the chamber into a standstill, leaving members unable to move such a measure... The Hill


White House spokesperson: Biden will not apologize for saying civilians will die in war

Watch: White House spokesperson John Kirby fires back at reported when asked whether he thought Biden's comments on Gaza deaths are "harsh".

Israel National News .Oct 26, 2023, 11:17 PM (GMT+3)

John Kirby, Coordinator for Strategic Communications at the National Security Council in the White House, fired back on Thursday when asked by TV Globo’s Raquel Krähenbühl about President Joe Biden’s comments about the deaths of civilians in the war in Gaza.

Krähenbühl asked Kirby whether he thought it was insensitive for the President to say that “innocents will die and that this is the price of the war” and whether Biden would apologize.

Kirby said Biden would not apologize and dismissed her assertion that Biden’s comments were harsh

“What’s harsh is the way Hamas is using people as human shields. What’s harsh is taking a couple of hundred hostages and leaving families anxious, waiting and worrying to figure out where their loved ones are. What's harsh is dropping in on a music festival and slaughtering a bunch of young people just trying to enjoy an afternoon. I could go on and on. That's what's harsh,” he said.

“And being honest about the fact that there have been civilian casualties and that there likely will be more is being honest, because that's what war is. It's brutal. It's ugly. It's messy. I've said that before. President also said that yesterday,” added Kirby.

“Doesn't mean we have to like it. And it doesn't mean that we're dismissing anyone of those casualties. Each and every one is a tragedy in its own right...and each and every one we should try to prevent. And that is why we’re in close contact with our Israeli counterparts, to do everything we can to help them minimize the risk to civilians that are in harm’s way. It would be helpful if Hamas would let [Gazans] leave....we know that there are thousands waiting to leave Gaza writ large, and Hamas is preventing them from doing it. That is what is harsh,” he stated. INN


Sapir Lipkin, reporters' chat: The Hizbullah announced two more terrorists who were killed in IDF strikes - thereby declaring 40 dead since the beginning of the war.

(Oct.25.23) Mako, writers chat


Rocket fire from Gaza targets Tel Aviv, central areas; Gantz says returning hostages is moral and national duty Apartment in Petach Tikva takes direct hit causing fire, no injuries; hear Gazan saying Hamas blocking civilians from reaching south. October 26, 2023 YNet

‘They are shooting at people,’ Gazan says Hamas preventing evacuation to safety IDF releases recording of call urging civilians to move southward to safety ahead of Israeli strike as part of military intelligence effort to minimize civilian casualties. Yoav Zitun | published: :03 YNet


The 21st day of the war Direct hit to a building in Tel Aviv; report: progress in ceasefire negotiations The ceasefire - for a prisoner deal brokered by Qatar • A senior member of the Hamas delegation in Moscow: "We will not be able to release hostages without a ceasefire, it will take time for us to locate them all in the Strip" • An American source told Reuters: Qatar told the US that it was "open to reconsidering" the presence of Hamas in its territory • Documentation: This is how the naval fighters acted in Gaza tonight - the organization's naval infrastructure was destroyed • Regular updates News reporters 12 |N12| Published 01:21 27.10.23 | Updated 16:04 27.10.23

16:02 - Disclosure - Hamas's underground city of terror: The IDF spokesman disclosed to the international media a great deal of information proving that Hamas uses humanitarian infrastructure in the Gaza Strip on a routine and emergency basis for the benefit of its terrorist activities while taking advantage of the humanitarian shelter to protect its terrorists and the leaders of the terrorist organization.

Among other things, it was revealed that the [al-Shifa] "Shifaa" hospital has a number of underground complexes used by the leaders of the terrorist organization Hamas to direct their activities and a tunnel that reaches the hospital, and allows entry to the Hamas headquarters without going through the hospital. The place has 1,500 beds and about 4,000 staff members who are a human shield for the leaders of the terrorist organization Hamas.

In addition, the entrance to the underground headquarters is made from a number of tunnel shafts adjacent to the hospital, and there is also an entrance from the hospitalization and treatment departments of the hospital; The hospital's energy infrastructure, which is supposed to be used by its patients, is actually used at the same time by the underground terrorist infrastructure of the organization and the leaders of the organization.

16:27 - Rocket fire to Ashkelon: 2 direct hits on houses in the city; Firefighters are scanning the arenas for trapped people. [31] The direct hit in Ashkelon|Photo: Ashkelon Municipality

16:20 - Terrorists fired from Lebanese territory at the IDF post in the Avivim area and towards the Mashgav area. There were no casualties; IDF artillery forces are now attacking the sources of the fire.

16:19 - Alarms in Ashdod, Ashkelon and the surrounding area.

16:10 - In Amsterdam they placed empty carts with the pictures of the kidnapped babies - calling for their return [32] [...] [33] [34] 14:02 - a direct hit to a building in Tel Aviv, following a barrage of missiles to the center of the country and the lowlands; A 53-year-old and a 20-year-old were moderately injured and two other men were slightly injured from smoke inhalation. Apparently the damage is on the fourth floor of the building. At the same time, several successful interceptions of Iron Dome were carried out in the skies of Gush Dan.

13:43 - Alarms in Ashdod. One rocket was intercepted from the Gaza Strip and successfully intercepted by the Iron Dome system, no casualties or damage.

13:10 - The US Department of the Treasury announces additional sanctions against Hamas that focus on the organization's funding sources and Hamas representatives in Iran and elements in the Revolutionary Guards.

13:00 - The IDF released a recording of a conversation from the day of the massacre between a terrorist from the Hamas special forces and his commander in the Gaza Strip, in which he describes the murders he committed in the Gaza Strip. In the conversation, he is heard saying: "Inform all the members of the house that we are inside. These scoundrels live happily and we are humiliated, I will dismantle them one by one. Stay on the line with me, hear the shooting." He told the terrorists with him: "Whoever you catch, kill him." [...] 12:47 - The Kremlin spokesman clarifies that the Hamas representatives who arrived in Moscow met only with officials from the Foreign Ministry and not from the Kremlin, he also emphasized that Russia should maintain dialogue with all parties and continue the dialogue with Israel. He added that despite the US attacks tonight, there is no danger that Russia will be dragged in - but the American attacks reflect the existing tension in the region and that it is "very bad".

12:43 - after 10 hours without firing - alarms in the Gaza Strip. [...] 11:52 - The IDF and the Shin Bet killed the commander of the West Khan Yunis battalion in Hamas, Madhat Mabasher. Midhat took part in sniping attacks and large explosives against IDF forces and Israeli settlements.

Also, in the last 24 hours, the IDF attacked over 250 Hamas targets in the Gaza Strip. Among them, terrorist tunnels, dozens of terrorists, operational headquarters and launching positions using fighter jets. [...] 10:46 - The IDF spokesperson updates: "We have sent a message to the families of 229 abductees in Gaza - and to the families of 310 IDF martyrs." ...

10:44 - IDF spokesman: "The raid on Gaza began in broad daylight and made it possible to eliminate terrorists and launch positions." He announced: "We will soon reveal materials that reveal Hamas' use of humanitarian facilities in the Gaza Strip for terrorist infrastructure in a way that endangers the residents of the Gaza Strip." 10:32 - At the end of an extensive arrest operation to counter terrorism and confiscate weapons tonight, 36 wanted persons were arrested in Judea and Samaria, including 17 Hamas operatives. The commander of the Central Command, Major General Yehuda Fux, signed the confiscation and demolition order for the house owned by senior Hamas terrorist Saleh al-Aruri, in the village of 'Arura. A military source clarified: "The situation has changed. We are fighting with all the tools against Hamas-ISIS. Terrorist operatives, homes, finances and businesses - we will continue to arrest, damage and destroy everything related to the murderous terrorist organization even in Judea-Samaria." So far, since the beginning of the war, about a thousand wanted persons have been arrested throughout the Judea and Samaria Division and the Bekaa and Emekim Division, over 670 are affiliated with Hamas. 10:30 - In an exchange of fire during an IDF operation in Jenin, Aisar al-Amar, a terrorist of the Islamic Jihad, was killed. In the city of Qalqilya, equipment was confiscated and a store that engaged in acts of incitement and support for terrorism was closed. Mako


Nejwa Ali, PLO ex-spokeswoman, put on leave by Citizenship and Immigration Services - Washington Times.

DHS puts on leave a former PLO spokeswoman whom it had hired as asylum officer, after being confronted with her history as an operative for the Palestine Liberation Organization and a more recent series of pro-Hamas social media posts.

By Stephen Dinan The Washington Times Wednesday, October 18, 2023 Homeland Security’s legal immigration agency put an employee on leave Wednesday after being confronted with her history as an operative for the Palestine Liberation Organization and a more recent series of pro-Hamas social media posts.

Nejwa Ali had been hired at U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services as an asylum officer in 2019 and is now serving as an adjudication officer, according to her LinkedIn profile.

That profile is also used to highlight her time as a public affairs officer for the PLO, an umbrella group that advocates for Palestinians and has been designated as a terrorist organization by the U.S.

The Daily Wire first reported on Ms. Ali’s troubling history, saying she has been posting for years in support of Palestinian causes, and has intensified those comments in the wake of Hamas’ horrific sneak attack on Israel earlier this month.

The comments were a black eye for USCIS.

“USCIS strongly condemns antisemitism and the use of violent rhetoric in any form. USCIS employees are held to high ethical standards both on and off duty, including their presence on social media. Any violation of these standards is taken seriously by the agency,” Matthew Bourke, a spokesperson for the agency, said Wednesday afternoon.

QUIZ: Do you have an elite political IQ?

By the evening, the agency had put Ms. Ali on leave.

Former USCIS officials said the agency must figure out how someone with those views managed to secure such a sensitive job.

Ms. Ali’s online profile says she was responsible for ruling on immigration cases at Homeland Security and helped guide new hires.

She began as an asylum officer in July 2019 and started as an adjudication officer at the start of this year.

Her LinkedIn profile used to list her role as a public affairs officer for the PLO’s delegation to the U.S. in 2016 and 2017. The U.S. listed the PLO as a designated terrorist organization in 1987.

Her LinkedIn profile used to list her role as a public affairs officer for the PLO’s delegation to the U.S. in 2016 and 2017. But as of Wednesday afternoon, that part of her public profile had been deleted.

SEE ALSO: Antisemitic hate crimes increase by 36% in 2022, FBI stats reveal

The Daily Wire reported that Ms. Ali had posted images of Hamas militants and, after the initial Hamas attack, wrote on Instagram: “F*** Israel, the government, and its military. Are you ready for your downfall?”

“She should be terminated,” said Emilio Gonzalez, who ran USCIS in the Bush administration.

He was stunned that she was hired in the first place, given her background.

“The PLO is a designated foreign terrorist organization,” he said. “The fact that she worked for them and then was hired by the Department of Homeland Security tells me that somebody dropped the ball with her background checks.”

USCIS said applicants are “thoroughly vetted” and face “extensive” background checks before being hired for a permanent position.

The agency also said its handbook directs employees not to post anything to social media that is “discriminatory, obscene, harassing or intimidating.”

Former USCIS employees said asylum and adjudication officers hold sensitive positions with power over the fate of people’s lives. The employees said Ms. Ali’s expressed views raise questions about whether applicants whose cases came before her could have received fair treatment.

Ms. Ali assured The Daily Wire she was able to keep her views separate.

“That does not affect the ability to do my job at all. You can mind your own business,” she said, according to the news outlet.

Ms. Ali’s case harkens back to a case in 2020 in which a USCIS employee in Florida was caught in a viral video telling a Black teenage girl that she didn’t “belong” in his neighborhood. The girl’s family lived on the street.

Lee Jeffers, the employee, said his comments weren’t racially motivated and he was upset after seeing the girl and her friends driving a golf cart dangerously. Washington Times


Ex-MLB Star Ian Kinsler Wears Israel Jersey, Throw First Pitch At ALCS

10/19/2023 9:50 AM PT Ian Kinsler wasn't repping the Rangers or Astros last night, the former MLB star had a bigger cause on his mind than the ALCS ... the 4x All-Star, who is Jewish, threw out the first pitch wearing a Team Israel jersey.

Kinsler is a special assistant to the Rangers general manager ... and the organization invited him to kick off Game 3 of the American League Championship Series at Globe Life Field in Arlington, TX with the ceremonial first pitch. TMZ


Conservatives call for Congress to defund Palestinians across board

PA to immediately reward families of Oct. 7 terrorists with nearly $3 million The "pay-for-slay" stipends will continue for the rest of their relatives' lives Oct 17. 2023 JNS


Conservatives call for Congress to defund Palestinians across board A group founded by former Vice President Mike Pence organized a letter from more than 60 activists, politicians and thought leaders. (October 17, 2023 / JNS)

Advancing American Freedom (AAF) has urged the U.S. House of Representatives to stop sending money to “any Palestinian entity or person, whether government or non-government, whether direct or indirect, and whether military, political or civilian.”

In a letter sent on Friday, the 501(c)(4) organization founded by former Vice President Mike Pence, wrote: “We the undersigned demand the immediate and complete defunding of the Palestinians via the appropriations process underway this fiscal year.”

The group said that “the language in the relevant appropriations legislation, including continuing resolutions, composite appropriations bills and individual appropriations bills, must be clear, very specific, comprehensive and not able to be circumvented by unscrupulous bureaucrats.”

Among the signatories offering to assist “in any way to accomplish these objectives” were former U.S. Attorney General Ed Meese III; Robert Wilkie, the former U.S. secretary of veterans affairs; Ellie Cohanim, the former deputy special envoy to monitor and combat anti-semitism; and Morton Klein, national president of the Zionist Organization of America.

“The United States will not fund terrorist organizations like Hamas, that use whatever funding given to Palestinians to carry out terrorist operations and attacks like the one we just witnessed,” said AAF executive director Paul Teller. “Congress must demonstrate its unwavering support to Israel and cease funding the Palestinians.” JNS


Despite US admission Hamas ‘may seize’ aid to Gaza, Biden announces $100m in Palestinian aid "We know Hamas is going to commandeer that money, and Hamas is going to use it to advance terrorism," stated Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, a presidential candidate. David Swindle, Menachem Wecker, Oct 18, 2023 JNS


2024 GOP candidates condemn Biden’s $100M pledge to Palestinians By Diana Glebova Published Oct. 19, 2023, 4:07 p.m. ET GOP presidential candidates largely condemned President Biden’s pledge to give $100 million to Palestinians amid the Israel-Hamas war, arguing the money will likely fall into the hands of terrorists.

The president promised to fund the Palestinian territories — including the approximately 2 million residents in Gaza — in a speech in Israel Wednesday. Biden’s $100 million would go to the West Bank and Gaza, the president said, and is intended to "support more than 1 million displaced and conflict-affected Palestinians, including emergency needs in Gaza."

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, former President Donald Trump, former UN Ambassador Nikki Haley, South Carolina Sen. Tim Scott and North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum all said they are vehemently opposed to the US funding the Gaza Strip due to the presence of Hamas, while conservative entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy denounced Biden’s reported request for an additional $100 billion for foreign wars and former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie called the funding “low priority. NY Post


Biden to Israel: 'You are not alone' Biden pledged “immense security assistance for the State of Israel of an unprecedented scope, including assistance that further strengthens our war capabilities,” Netanyahu underscored. By Tovah Lazaroff October 18, 2023 22:50 Updated Ooctober 18, 2023 JPost


Jamila al-Shanti, 1st woman in Hamas political bureau, said killed in Israeli strike October 19, 2023 | 8:58 am TOI


Panic on the Internet: "Suspects photographed houses", the police: "There is no suspicion of attacks"

Surfers published posts on social networks in which they claimed that suspects were seen taking photographs near residential buildings: "They are scanning the area! It is clear that they are planning something" • The police clarified that all the reported incidents were investigated and there was no suspicion of an attempted terrorist attack or involvement in terrorism: "In order to avoid panic, the public is asked not to forward these messages" • Police spokesman: Some of the photos are not authentic, maybe a foreign country is involved

Moshe Nussbaum | Branu Tegene |N12 |Published 00:47 19.10.23 | Updated 08:59 19.10.23 The police responded tonight (between Wednesday and Thursday) to several posts published last night on social networks, in which surfers claimed that suspects were documenting houses in the center. "In all of the incidents examined by the police officers, there was no suspicion of terrorist activity (hostile sabotage activity)," emphasized the police. "In order not to cause panic, the public is asked not to chain these messages online."

The police added: "As a general rule these days, any report of this type is handled quickly and thoroughly by the thousands of police officers and soldiers who are in all the cities with increased forces and are ready for any scenario. The Israel Police is back and calls on citizens to continue to be vigilant and to call the 100 hotline in real time for any unusual incident." ... Buildings are photographed, they are very suspicious" One surfer wrote: "They posted in our group that they saw Arabs taking pictures of houses. Now I see reports like this from Petach Tikva and other places. They pass and take pictures of houses. Is anyone doing anything about it?" Another surfer joined in: "A significant number of Arabs pass between cities, taking pictures of buildings, entrances and what not?"

"There are a bunch of suspects walking around who pretend to be 'cleaners' of the building, even though its residents report that the cleaner was already that morning," added another surfer. They photograph buildings and scan the area! It is clear that they are planning something... very suspicious, anyone who sees them should report it to the police immediately." Mako


Egypt willing to accept Americans from Gaza but Hamas stopping crossing, White House says From CNN’s Nikki Carvajal and Jasmine Wright

Hamas has been stopping Americans from leaving Gaza through the Rafah crossing to Egypt, even though Cairo has agreed to let US citizens cross into the country, the White House said Sunday....

CNN spoke to several Gaza residents Saturday who said they tried to leave via the Rafah crossing but were eventually turned away. CNN


US says Israel resumed water supply to southern Gaza Oct 15, 2023 JNS


IDF Spokeperson: 'Hezbollah working to escalate tensions on the northern border'

IDF Spokeperson: 'Hezbollah working to escalate tensions on the northern border' Until now, the IDF updated 289 families of fallen soldiers and 155 families of captives. Israel National News, Oct 15, 2023, 9:42 PM (GMT+3) INN


The IDF eliminated the head of Hamas's general intelligence Yair said, Srugim news 16.10.23 | The IDF acted against a series of targets in the Gaza Strip, killing in an airstrike the head of Hamas's general intelligence in the Khan Yunis Brigade The IDF published a series of documents from precise attacks against Hamas terrorists in the Gaza Strip, the elimination of senior officials and the elimination of launch squads. Among other things, during the last night the IDF eliminated the head of general intelligence in the Khan Yunis Brigade. Srugim


IDF assassinates Hamas leader linked to Gilad Shalit prisoner swap By Jerusalem Post Staff. Published: October 17, 2023 01:00 Updated: October 17, 2023 01:06 The IDF assassinated Osama al-Mazini, a senior member of Hamas's political bureau and the head of Hamas's Shura Council, on Monday, the IDF Spokesperson's Unit and the Shin Bet said in a joint statement. JPost


UN refugee agency accuses Hamas of stealing fuel, medications from its Gaza premises

October 16, 2023

UNRWA, the UN organization that treats Palestinian refugees and their descendants, says Hamas authorities in Gaza have apparently stolen fuel and medical supplies meant for refugees from its premises in Gaza City.

The agency says on X that the people claiming they were from the Hamas-run health ministry loaded the supplies on trucks, adding than any non-humanitarian use of the fuel is “strongly condemned.”

The agency deletes the posts shortly thereafter, without explanation.

Barak Ravid @BarakRavid: UNRWA deleted this tweet thread, but UN sources and Israeli officials tell me the incident did happen. [35] Oct 16 2023 [36] TOI


UN Security Council rejects Russia’s resolution on Gaza that fails to mention Hamas By Edith M. Lederer Updated 8:03 PM EDT, October 16, 2023 UNITED NATIONS (AP) — The U.N. Security Council rejected a Russian resolution Monday night that condemned violence and terrorism against civilians but made no mention of Hamas, whose surprise attack that killed 1,300 Israelis was the worst Jewish massacre since the World War II Nazi Holocaust. AP


Explanation of Vote by Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield on a Russia Drafted UN Security Council Resolution on the Situation in the Middle East facebook sharing buttontwitter sharing buttonemail sharing buttonsharethis sharing buttonprint sharing button Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield U.S. Representative to the United Nations New York, New York October 16, 2023 [...] Unfortunately, Russia’s resolution presented today does not meet all of these responsibilities. Russia’s resolution, put forward without any consultations, makes no mention of Hamas – none. By failing to condemn Hamas, Russia is giving cover to a terrorist group that brutalizes innocent civilians. It is outrageous, it is hypocritical, and it is indefensible.

Colleagues, the United States could not support Russia’s resolution – which, in ignoring Hamas’ terrorism, dishonors victims. We agree that this Council should take action, but we have to get it right. And we’ll work intensively with all members on the Council to do so.. USUN


Islamic State flag found on slain Hamas terrorist

While the Gaza-ruling terror group portrays itself as a humanitarian organization soliciting donations around the world, they are in fact a vicious murderous group perhaps worse than the Islamic State.

Yoav Zitun | Oct 12, 2023 YNet


Al Qaeda and ISIS training booklet found on the terrorist On the body of one of the terrorists who crossed into Israeli territory, a training and inspiration booklet of the murderous terrorist organizations ISIS and al-Qa'ida was found | The IDF spokesman revealed the cover this evening (Terrorists) Yair Toker, Kikar haShabbat (12.10.23) [37] Kikar


Biden: Hamas's Attack 'Sheer Evil' By Ken Thomas, October 10, 2023

President Biden condemned Hamas’s terrorist attack Tuesday, calling it “an act of sheer evil” that has killed 14 Americans.

Biden addressed the nation from the White House, describing the attacks in graphic terms. He said more than 1,000 civilians were “slaughtered” and 14 American citizens were killed in the attacks. The president noted that parents were “butchered” and cited reports of babies being killed, young people massacred and women raped. WSJ


The White House

OCTOBER 10, 2023 Remarks by President Biden on the Terrorist Attacks in Israel


2:24 P.M. EDT

THE PRESIDENT: Good afternoon.

You know, there are moments in this life — and I mean this literally — when the pure, unadulterated evil is unleashed on this world.

The people of Israel lived through one such moment this weekend. The bloody hands of the terrorist organization Hamas — a group whose stated purpose for being is to kill Jews.

This was an act of sheer evil.

More than 1,000 civilians slaughtered — not just killed, slaughtered — in Israel. Among them, at least 14 American citizens killed.

Parents butchered using their bodies to try to protect their children.

Stomach-turning reports of being — babies being killed.

Entire families slain.

Young people massacred while attending a musical festival to celebrate peace — to celebrate peace.

Women raped, assaulted, paraded as trophies.

Families hid their fear for hours and hours, desperately trying to keep their children quiet to avoid drawing attention.

And thousands of wounded, alive but carrying with them the bullet holes and the shrapnel wounds and the memory of what they endured.

You all know these traumas never go away.

There are still so many families desperately waiting to hear the fate of their loved ones, not knowing if they’re alive or dead or hostages.

Infants in their mothers’ arms, grandparents in wheelchairs, Holocaust survivors abducted and held hostage — hostages whom Hamas has now threatened to execute in violation of every code of human morality.

It’s abhorrent.

The brutality of Hamas — this bloodthirstiness — brings to mind the worst — the worst rampages of ISIS.

This is terrorism.

But sadly, for the Jewish people, it’s not new.

This attack has brought to the surface painful memories and the scars left by a millennia of antisemitism and genocide of the Jewish people.

So, in this moment, we must be crystal clear: We stand with Israel. We stand with Israel. And we will make sure Israel has what it needs to take care of its citizens, defend itself, and respond to this attack.

There is no justification for terrorism. There is no excuse.

Hamas does not stand for the Palestinian people’s right to dignity and self-determination. Its stated purpose is the annihilation of the State of Israel and the murder of Jewish people.

They use Palestinian civilians as human shields.

Hamas offers nothing but terror and bloodshed with no regard to who pays the price.

The loss of innocent life is heartbreaking.

Like every nation in the world, Israel has the right to respond — indeed has a duty to respond — to these vicious attacks.

I just got off the phone with — the third call with Prime Minister Netanyahu. And I told him if the United States experienced what Israel is experiencing, our response would be swift, decisive, and overwhelming.

We also discussed how democracies like Israel and the United States are stronger and more secure when we act according to the rule of law.

Terrorists purpo- — purposefully target civilians, kill them. We uphold the laws of war — the law of war. It matters. There’s a difference.

Today, Americans across the country are praying for all those families that have been ripped apart. A lot of us know how it feels. It leaves a black hole in your chest when you lose family, feeling like you’re being sucked in. The anger, the pain, the sense of hopelessness.

This is what they mean by a “human tragedy” — an atrocity on an appalling scale.

But we’re going to s- — continue to stand united, supporting the people of Israel who are suffering unspeakable losses and opposing the hatred and violence of terrorism.

My team has been in near constant communication with our Israeli partners and partners all across the region and the world from the moment this crisis began.

We’re surging additional military assistance, including ammunition and interceptors to replenish Iron Dome.

We’re going to make sure that Israel does not run out of these critical assets to defend its cities and its citizens.

My administration has consulted closely with Congress throughout this crisis. And when Congress returns, we’re going to ask them to take urgent action to fund the national security requirements of our critical partners.

This is not about party or politics. This is about the security of our world, the security of the United States of America.

We now know that American citizens are among those being held by Hamas.

I’ve directed my team to share intelligence and deploy additional experts from across the United States government to consult with and advise the Israeli counterparts on hostage recover- — recovery efforts, because as president I have no higher priority than the safety of Americans being held hostage around the world.

The United States has also enhanced our military force posture in the region to strengthen our deterrence.

The Department of Defense has moved the USS Gerald R. Ford Carrier Strike Group to the Eastern Mediterranean and bolstered our fighter aircraft presence. And we stand ready to move in additional assets as needed.

Let me say again — to any country, any organization, anyone thinking of taking advantage of this situation, I have one word: Don’t. Don’t.

Our hearts may be broken, but our resolve is clear.

Yesterday, I also spoke with the leaders of France, Germany, Italy, and the UK to discuss the latest developments with our European allies and coordinate our united response.

This comes on top of days of steady engagement with partners across the region.

We’re also taking steps at home. In cities across the United States of America, police departments have stepped up security around centers for — of Jewish life.

And the Department of Homeland Security and the Federal Bureau of Investigation are working closely with state and local law enforcement and Jewish community partners to identify and disrupt any domestic threat that could emerge in connection with these horrific attacks.

This is a moment for the United States to come together, to grieve with those who are mourning.

Let’s be real clear: There is no place for hate in America — not against Jews, not against Muslims, not against anybody. We reject — we reject — what we reject is terrorism. We condemn the indiscriminate evil, just as we’ve always done.

That’s what America stands for.

You know, just over 50 years ago — I was thinking about it this morning, talking with the Secretary of State, the Vice President in my office and — over 50 years ago, as a young senator, I visited Israel for the first time, as a newly elected senator.

And I had a long, long trip — or meeting with Golda Meir in her office just before the Yom Kippur War. And I guess she could see the consternation on my face as she described what was being faced — they were facing.

We walked outside in that — that sort of hallway outside her office to have some photos. She looked at me and w- — all of a sudden and said, “Would you like to have a photograph?” And so, I got up and followed her out.

We were standing there silent, looking at the press. She could tell, I guess, I was concerned. She leaned over and whispered to me — she said, “Don’t worry, Senator Biden. We have a secret weapon here in Israel” — my word this is what she said — “We have no place else to go.” “We have no place else to go.”

For 75 years, Israel has stood as the ultimate guarantor of security of Jewish people around the world so that the atrocities of the past could never happen again.

And let there be no doubt: The United States has Israel’s back.

We will make sure the Jewish and democratic State of Israel can defend itself today, tomorrow, as we always have. It’s as simple as that.

These atrocities have been sickening.

We’re — we’re with Israel. Let’s make no mistake.

Thank you.

WH.gov WH


Blinken Calls Hamas Terror “Depravity” As Israel Releases Horrifying Photos Of Murdered Babies Mike Jenkins October 12, 2023 Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu shared photos with US Secretary of State Antony Blinken showing the sheer evil and depravity during the siege of terror at the hands of Hamas in Israel. US Secretary of State Antony Blinken Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu shared photos with US Secretary of State Antony Blinken showing the sheer evil and depravity during the siege of terror at the hands of Hamas in Israel.

Blinken discussed the atrocity during a press briefing from Israel on Thursday.

“It’s hard to find the right words. It’s beyond what anyone would ever want to imagine, much less actually see and God forbid experience,” said Blinken Thursday during a press briefing.

“A baby, an infant, riddled with bullets, soldiers beheaded, young people burned alive in their cars or their highway rooms. I could go on, but it’s simply depravity in the worst imaginable way,” said Blinken.

“Here are some of the photos Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu showed to US Secretary of State Antony Blinken. Warning: These are horrifying photos of babies murdered and burned by the Hamas monsters,” the post read.

Warning: Graphic content below. Following a roundtable discussion with Jewish community leaders on Wednesday, Joe Biden stated he had seen horrific pictures of slaughtered and beheaded Israeli children.

“I never really thought that I would see and have confirmed pictures of terrorists beheading children,” said Joe Biden during a roundtable with Jewish community leaders.

These photos were then made public.

An IDF spokesman, Jonathan Conricus, said terrorists had likely carried out decapitations of babies in the Be’eri kibbutz.

Warning: These are horrifying photos below of babies murdered and burned by the Hamas monsters were shown to Blinken Thursday and released by the Prime Minister of Israel.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu shared photos with US Secretary of State Antony Blinken showing the sheer evil and depravity during the siege of terror at the hands of Hamas in Israel. [38] [39]. Source: Prime Minister Of Israel.

On Wednesday, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis denounced leftists in the United States for protesting in support of Hamas terrorists, who have murdered more than 1,200 Israelis since launching an attack on Saturday.

“These demonstrations … where they’re cheering Hamas, knowing that Hamas has decapitated babies, they’re executing elderly people, raping women. … I think that they scraped the bottom of the barrel of human depravity on this,” DeSantis told Newsmax host Rob Schmitt on Wednesday.

“And to take to the streets and celebrate that there’s a sickness in our society here.”

In the news: Dershowitz Rips Harvard President’s Response To Student Orgs Blaming Israel For Hamas Attack

For those in America who have praised Hamas, said DeSantis, “I just wonder why are you even in this country, if that’s your belief on some of that stuff.”

“It’s almost like they’re pouring salt in the wound by going out and celebrating these atrocities,” he added.

Continuing, DeSantis said Israel’s response should not be “proportionate,” as it has done to reply to past terrorist incidents.

“It should be the elimination of Hamas and the terrorist infrastructure that has grown up in Gaza,” he told Schmitt.

The Republican governor and presidential candidate noted that Palestinians have rejected Israel’s offer of creating their own country because all they will accept is the elimination of the Jewish state.

“This will be the final battle with Hamas,” DeSantis predicted... Tampa Free Press


Secretary of State Blinken: 'As long as there is the US, Israel will never be alone' US Secretary of State Anthony J. Blinken holds a press conference in Tel Aviv in the aftermath of the Hamas massacre of 1,300 Israelis.

Israel National News Published: Oct 12, 2023, 6:11 PM (GMT+3) Updated: 7:49 PM

US Secretary of State Anthony J. Blinken held a press conference in Tel Avi this evening (Thursday) following his meetings with Israeli leaders, including Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and President Isaac Herzog, in the aftermath of the massacre of 1,300 Israelis by the Hamas terrorist organization.

"I came to Israel with a simple message: The United States stands with Israel and with its people, today, tomorrow, every day," the US Secretary of State opened.

Blinken explained that he discussed what Israel needs to defend itself with Israeli leaders. "We're delivering on those needs as we speak." He added that the US is doing everything it can to secure the release of the hostages that are being held by the Hamas terror organization.

"For the families of the missing, there is an unrelenting agony of not knowing the fate of their loved ones, something that I don't think most of us can truly understand, truly contemplate, if we're not in their shoes," he added.

Blinken described the civilian efforts in the wake of the war: "I also had the chance to see up close the genuinely inspiring solidarity of the Israeli people in the wake of Hamas' attacks when I visited one of the many sites where citizens have swiftly organized efforts to collect, to sort, to distribute donations to those in need, including many families who have been displaced from the south," he stated.

"In our time here, everywhere we've gone, we've met people who've been touched, in one way or another, by Hamas' bloody hand. We encountered a nation knit together by grief but also a nation united in resolve. The United States shares that resolve. We stand shoulder to shoulder with the people of Israel," said Secretary Blinken.

Blinken discussed peace in the Middle East: "One path forward is a region that comes together, integrated, normalized relations among its countries, people working in common purpose to common benefit. More peaceful, more stable. Then there's the path that Hamas has shown in shark clear light. Terror, destruction, nihilism. The choice could not be clearer," he stated.

"Hamas launched this attack on Simchat Torah. This is the day that Jews celebrate finishing the reading of the Torah. This Saturday, Jews around the world will chant the first words of the book of Genesis. They'll read that 'In the Beginning, there was darkness, and then, there was light,' that the first person was alone until a partner joined them. I'm standing here today alongside our Israeli friends and all those who reject terror to help find the glimmers of light even in this moment of deep darkness and to make clear that as long as there is the United States, Israel will never be alone."

Secretary Blinken says his team saw images of the Hamas massacre. "It's hard to find the right words. It's beyond what anyone would ever want to imagine, much less actually see and, God forbid, experience. A baby, an infant, riddled with bullets, soldiers beheaded, young people burned alive in their cars or in their hideaway rooms. I could go on, but it's simply depravity in the worst imaginable way. It almost defies comprehension." He added that the images of the Hamas massacre "harken back to ISIS and some of the very things we saw when it was on its rampage, that thankfully was stopped.

When you see this, you can't help but imagine yourself, your family, your loved ones, our friends in that situation, in that predicament. And maybe the best word for me is overwhelming, This is a moment for moral clarity. This is a moment where everyone needs to make clear that there is revulsion, disgust, and determination not to allow this to go forward. Images are worth a thousand words. These images may be worth a million," he concluded.

In response to a question by the press on the humanitarian situation in the Gaza Strip, Blinken says that the situation is "complicated" because "Hamas continues to use civilians as human shields, something that's not new, something that they've always done. Intentionally putting civilians in harm's way to try to protect themselves or to try to protect their infrastructure or protect their weapons. So that's one of the basic facts that Israel has to deal with.

Civilians should not be used in any way as the targets of military operations. They are not the target of Israel's operations. We did discuss ways to address the humanitarian needs of people living in Gaza, to protect them from harm while Israel conducts its legitimate security operations to defend itself from terrorism and to try to ensure that this never happens again."... INN


Austin to Netanyahu: "I know ISIS, what is happening here is worse" The US Secretary of Defense, who planned the war on ISIS, says in his meeting with Netanyahu that the atrocities committed by Hamas are worse than those of ISIS - "We are with you, Mr. Prime Minister," Austin told Netanyahu: "As the president said, you have our backs." Editors of Channel 14, 28 Tishrei 5784, 13.10.23 Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu met today (Friday) with the Secretary of Defense of the United States Lloyd Austin, in Kirya in Tel Aviv. Austin, who was the person who planned the war on ISIS for the first time - said during the meeting that he does know the horrors of the murderous terrorist organization, but what Hamas did this week is worse.

"We are with you, Mr. Prime Minister," Austin addressed Netanyahu at the beginning of the meeting, "as the president said, you have our back. It has been a terrible week. We have seen the horrific acts of this terrorist organization. As you know, I was the one who planned the war against ISIS For the first time. So I know ISIS well, and it's worse than what I saw with ISIS. We are with you and we stand by you, Mr. Prime Minister." Now14


100 ton... Oct 8, 2023. At the same time, a military infrastructure was attacked in the house of Farah Hamad, a senior operative in the terrorist organization Hamas, the military infrastructure in his apartment is located near a mosque and three schools, this target proves once again that the terrorist organization Hamas exploits holy sites and the civilian population in order to promote terrorism. 0404

Notice the extensive secondary explosions. Might want to ask why there was obviously a cache of weapons being stored in a mosque…  [40]

— AG (@AGHamilton29) October 9, 2023 [41] ___

Hamas again using human shields in Gaza "To mitigate harm to noncombatants, the IDF carries out surgical strikes," said the army.

(October 10, 2023 / JNS) Hamas continues to use Gazan civilians as human shields by building its terrorist infrastructure in densely populated civilian areas, the Israel Defense Forces said on Tuesday, sharing evidence of the Islamist group’s facilities located near medical clinics, schools and U.N. buildings.

“Hamas infrastructure is deliberately embedded within civilian areas and in proximity to international assets, using the population as human shields,” said the report by the IDF International Cooperation Division.

“In order to mitigate harm to noncombatants, the IDF carries out surgical strikes,” it added.

The report included aerial maps of Gaza City’s Rimal residential neighborhood, showing Hamas facilities in or near commercial buildings, pharmacies, welfare offices, mosques and other public facilities.

Hamas’s well-documented use of its own civilians as human shields, as well as its use of mosques, hospitals, schools and private homes as weapons storage facilities and firing platforms, violates international humanitarian law.

The Israel Defense Forces continued to pound Hamas targets in the Gaza Strip on Tuesday as the war sparked by the Palestinian terrorist group’s brutal Oct. 7 attack on the Jewish state entered its fourth day.

The military said it struck the shaft of a tunnel and other assets Hamas used to penetrate Israeli territory on Saturday and indiscriminately butcher at least 900 Israeli men, women and children.

Israel Air Force fighter jets also struck a mosque containing a Hamas operations and command center used to coordinate this weekend’s Iran-backed attack. The air force also carried out “widespread” strikes on weapons depots and other terrorist infrastructure.

As of 7 a.m. Tuesday, the IDF had conducted five waves of airstrikes in Gaza, attacking more than 1,500 terrorist targets, including attack tunnels, rocket launching sites, and command and control centers.

More than 400 Hamas terrorists have been killed inside the Gaza Strip so far, the report noted.

This is in addition to an estimated terrorist 1,500 terrorists slain inside Israel since Saturday.

IDF spokesman Lt. Col. Richard Hecht on Tuesday urged Gazans to leave the Strip immediately amid the intensifying war with Hamas.

Hecht’s warning came after Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Monday night vowed that “every place in which Hamas hides will become a city of ruins.

“This war was forced upon us by a despicable enemy, human animals celebrating the murder of women, children and the elderly,” the prime minister said in an address to the nation. JNS


CNN.com - Transcripts CNN, Oct 9, 2023 [...] HALEVY: That's exactly what happened in actual fact. It was not only the fact that every day many, many thousands were leaving Gaza to work in

Israel. It is also a fact that Israel opened its hospitals for treatment of people in Gaza. In many cases, giving the best treatment that can be given, whether it's in the operating room or elsewhere.

And I think that in this, Israel more or less was extending a hand to Hamas without saying it in as many words. And they, at the same time -- and at the same time, as receiving all of this, they were planning something totally different and they were able to keep it secret. [42]


Kibbutzniks who drove Arabs from Gaza for treatment in hospitals in Israel saw those Gazans participating in the looting of the kibbutzim. This is what Avigdor Lieberman says on N12 that he was told by people from the Kibbutzim. In addition, those Arabs from Gaza passed on information about the moshavs and kibbutzim.

16.10.23 Rotter


Israel’s Work Permits for Gaza Enabled the Hamas Attack-Gazans got permits to work inside Israel. They came as killers and rapists Daniel Greenfield, Oct 18, 2023 FPM [43]


Iran Helped Plot Attack on Israel Over Several Weeks The Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps gave the final go-ahead last Monday in Beirut. by Summer Said, Benoit Faucon and Stephen Kalin. Oct. 8, 2023 4:40 pm ET

DUBAI—Iranian security officials helped plan Hamas’s Saturday surprise attack on Israel and gave the green light for the assault at a meeting in Beirut last Monday, according to senior members of Hamas and Hezbollah, another Iran-backed militant group. WSJ


Hamas Attack on Israel Brings New

Scrutiny of Group’s Ties to Iran Officials from Iran and Hezbollah helped plan the attack, people familiar with the operation said, but the U.S. and its allies have not found evidence directly linking Tehran.

By Farnaz Fassihi and Ronen Bergman Published Oct. 13, 2023 Updated Oct. 14, 2023, 12:06 p.m. ET

Last weekend’s attack on Israel by Hamas has brought renewed scrutiny of the armed Palestinian group’s longstanding relationship with Iran, and questions about whether the Gaza-based group could have pulled off such a sophisticated and devastating operation on its own.

Iran has a long history of training and arming proxy militia groups in the region, from Gaza to Lebanon, Iraq and Syria. It supports Hamas militarily and has helped it design and produce a domestic missile and rocket system to match the capabilities and material available in Gaza — an impoverished, densely populated coastal strip that has been blockaded by Israel and Egypt for the past 16 years.

And over the past year, there have been signs that Iran and its proxies were preparing to take a more aggressive approach toward Israel. NY Times


IDF hits hundreds of Hamas assets as Israeli death toll passes 900. Oct 9, 2023. JNS


The dimensions of the massacre at the party are revealed: 260 bodies were evacuated "Anyone who took out their head was murdered." The horror testimonies of the survivors Avi Sedrina, Oct 8, 2023. 23:27 N12


Girls 'raped next to their dead friends' at rave massacre A survivor of the attack said he saw scantily clad corpses, many of whom appeared to have been shot point-blank

By Orlando Radice, October 9, 2023, 11:03

([44] Screengrab from a video shot as revelers realize Hamas gunmen are attacking)

A survivor of the rave massacre – in which over 260 young revelers at a party near the Gaza Strip were gunned down by Hamas terrorists – has said that women were “raped next to the dead bodies of their friends”.

Speaking to US website Tablet, the survivor said that several of the rape victims appeared to have been executed later, while others were taken to Gaza. The JC


Eyewitness Account of the Rave Massacre Scenes of young women raped next to the dead bodies of their friends By Liel Leibovitz October 8, 2023 ...Later, when the gruesome attack was finally over and IDF soldiers managed to subdue the attackers, they searched these trucks and found RPG launchers, high-end communications devices, assorted AK-47s and other mostly Soviet-made weapons, along with numerous copies of the Quran. Tablet


Music fest massacre Haunting pics show Hamas attack that killed at least 260 at music venue as Israeli officers acted as human shields Graphic new images include a photo of the scores of dead lying in a tent from the rave in southern Israel, which turned into bloody mayhem as heavily armed Palestinian terrorists paraglided into the area and others stormed in on vehicles. [45] NY Post


Tragic last dance for peace-loving tattoo artist murdered by Hamas: Shani Louk, who refused military service in Israel, is seen having fun.. before being slaughtered and paraded naked by terrorists By Rachael Bunyan And Rob Hyde 13:35 09 Oct 2023, updated 17:21 09 Oct 2023 Daily Mail


Please meet Mahmoud Abourjila.

He is one of the murderers of 22-year-old German-Israeli Shani Louk, whose half naked dead body was desecrated and paraded on a Hamas pick-up truck.

He was identified by German internet users.

The other men involved will also be identified. [pic.twitter.com/trEuXi5C8s]

— Visegrád 24 (@visegrad24) October 9, 2023 [46]


'I Just Hope That They Are Alive': How Hamas Abducted 150 Israelis Oct 9, 2023 NY Times


Elderly Holocaust survivor in wheelchair kidnapped by Hamas Isabel Keane Oct 8, 2023 NY Post


Hamas Is Reportedly Using Rape as Warfare. Where Are the Feminists? | Opinion Monica Osborne, Editor-At-Large at The Jewish Journal On 10/10/23 At 4:01 PM EDT

Just when you thought the news out of Israel couldn't get any worse, reports emerged Tuesday morning that 40 babies had been executed by the Palestinian terrorist group Hamas. Some of these babies were reportedly beheaded. Read that again: So-called Palestinian resistance fighters, cowards targeting the most vulnerable, cut off the heads of babies.

The report joined widespread ones of sexual assault and rape during Hamas's medieval, ISIS-style rampage. It joined footage of women abducted with their babies, grandmothers taken hostage and paraded down the streets of Gaza. According to one survivor, "They came to slaughter, to destroy. I know they kidnapped girls. They raped women even after killing them." Another survivor tells of returning to the site later to look for his friends, and seeing mostly bodies "of young women, lying cold and mutilated." Another widely shared video showed a young woman's nearly naked body, lifeless and mutilated, being paraded through the streets of Gaza in the back of a pickup truck. Palestinian men sat on her, draped their legs over her, pulled at her hair, and spit on her: a broken female body brandished like a trophy.

Then there's the video of a teenage Israeli woman being pulled by terrorists from the back of a vehicle in Gaza. In the video, she is barefoot, wearing sweatpants and a t-shirt, and as she turns, you can see the back of her sweatpants covered in blood that came from between her legs.

These videos, broadcast on social media and Telegram for the world to see, were filmed and shared by Hamas with pride. There is no effort to hide or minimize what they are doing to women. In fact, the rape and brutalization of women has been the crucial hallmark of this brutal attack.

It's chilling and sickening. But nearly as disturbing is the complete silence of the largest and most visible international women's organizations supposedly dedicated to protecting women all over the world from rape and violence. They have all suddenly gone silent. Not one has spoken out against what appear to be the mass rapes committed by Hamas fighters.

Their silence sends a loud and clear message: We don't care about the rape of Israeli and Jewish women. We don't care if their broken bodies are paraded through streets by terrorists.

The silence of feminist and women's organizations authorizes rape as a weapon of war. It sanctions the beheading of babies when it is called "resistance."

I expected more from human rights organizations devoted to women, feminist organizations created to expose atrocities committed against women. Equality Now describes itself as an international women's rights organization working to end discrimination and violence against women and girls globally. But not one statement has been made on behalf of women violently raped by Hamas or the babies (presumably some of them girls) executed and beheaded.

It turns out that it's not rape these orgs care about; it's who is being raped, and whether these women meet their ideological criteria for qualifying as victims. Jewish women don't count. Women in Israel (who, by the way, aren't all Jewish) don't count.

Likewise, AWID, describing itself as a feminist and women's rights organization, hasn't made a peep about the mass rapes in Israel. Women for Women International? Also nothing. Feminist Majority Foundation, advocating for "women's social, political, economic equality around the world," has rightly spoken out this week against the oppression of women and girls in Afghanistan, but nothing on the rape of Israeli women.

Hamas is using rape as warfare. This fact should be beyond politics and it's time for feminist and women's organizations around the world to start talking about it and to condemn it. Newswek


In Kibbutz Be’eri, where at least 120 residents were killed by Hamas, Israeli officers survey aftermath of attack

Mark Mackinnon Senior International Correspondent

Oct 11, 2023

Kibbutz Be’eri was a symbol of the Israeli national dream, the desire and ability to make the desert bloom. This tiny oasis of greenery on the northern edge of the Negev Desert was one of the most affluent of its kind and one of the few kibbutzim that remained true to the co-operative principles it was founded upon in 1946, two years before the state of Israel itself.

Today, Be’eri symbolizes the nightmare that has always haunted Israelis – that the massacres and pogroms that had driven their ancestors from Europe and from other parts of the Middle East would somehow follow them here to this supposed refuge for the Jewish people.

When Hamas militants launched their surprise invasion of Israel on Saturday morning, Be’eri had just over 1,000 residents. By the time Israeli forces finally recaptured Be’eri more than three days later, at least 120 of those kibbutzniks were dead. And an unknown number of others are being held hostage in the Gaza Strip.

“We find more and more bodies all the time,” said Major-General Itai Veruv, who led the battle to retake Be’eri and who accompanied foreign and Israeli journalists to the shattered kibbutz on Wednesday. “I served more than 39 years, and I am used to seeing problems and difficulties on the battlefield. But this is not a battlefield. This is a pogrom. This is an ISIS event, something you cannot imagine.”

Maj.-Gen. Veruv said it wasn’t clear yet how much of Be’eri’s population had survived. “There are survivors in Israel that ran away, that we took out of the kibbutzes during the fight. We don’t know how to count how much are in Israel, how much dead, how much kidnapped to Gaza, how much we still didn’t find. We still haven’t found survivors in the kibbutz, but we hope.”

One of those believed to have been taken hostage from her home in Be’eri was Vivian Silver, a 74-year-old grandmother and peace activist with roots in Winnipeg. Ms. Silver, who was a founder of a group called Women Wage Peace, is believed to have been taken to Gaza as a hostage by Hamas. Also seized in Be’eri was 85-year-old grandmother Yaffa Adar, who was filmed being driven into Gaza in a golf cart by laughing militants

Tragedy haunts every corner of Be’eri. On what was once a quiet cul-de-sac near the main gate to the community – a place small enough that there was no need for street names – entire homes are now reduced to piles of smashed concrete. In the remains of one, photographs documenting a family growing up together – a newborn baby lying in blankets, schoolchildren sharing a picnic, graduation photos, wedding pictures, precious time with grandparents – lay beside a metal shopping cart in the rubble.

Next to it was a metre-deep crater filled with water. Several doors down, in front of another destroyed home, the body of a Hamas fighter lay inside a zipped white plastic bag with the Hebrew word for “terrorist” written on the outside of the bag in red. The bagged bodies of more Hamas fighters were piled more than a dozen high. Four days after the shooting started in Be’eri, the stench of death still hung over the entire kibbutz.

Some of the damage to Be’eri, Israeli officers acknowledged, was done by Israeli weaponry during the prolonged battle to liberate the kibbutz that continued until Tuesday. At the western end of the cul-de-sac, a two-storey house was scorched and missing part of its outer wall. Two unexploded mortar shells lay on yellowing grass.

Across the road, a pile of captured Hamas equipment – including a rocket-propelled grenade, and a pile of cartridges for Kalashnikov assault rifles, plus binoculars, rope and several of Hamas’s signature green headbands – lay on the lawn of another abandoned home.

Major Doron Spielman, a spokesman for the Israeli army, said the scorched home was the scene of a standoff that saw 20 Hamas fighters holed up inside with 40 Israeli hostages until the house was stormed by Israeli troops on Sunday. He said six Israeli soldiers had died in the fight for that home, though he wasn’t sure what had happened to the hostages.

“The destruction, the devastation was so massive that we’re still not sure here which DNA we have that proves that people were killed, and which DNA we have here, that shows that people were taken hostage.”

The road leading into Kibbutz Be’eri was an equally grim scene. Just four kilometres south of the kibbutz stands the ghostly parking lot of the nearby community of Re’im. It was here that many of the young Israelis attending an outdoor music festival that began Friday night and continued until Hamas attacked on Saturday morning had parked their cars.

At least 260 festivalgoers were killed, many of them in the Re’im parking lot where they were shot point-blank in their cars while trying to escape. On Wednesday, the parking lot was a graveyard of vehicles with bullet holes through their doors and windows shot out.

Retribution is coming, Israeli soldiers deployed to the region vowed on Wednesday. Large numbers of tanks and troops were visible in the area around Be’eri and Re’im amid rising expectation that Israel will soon launch a ground invasion of Gaza. The Globe & Mail


The stench of corpses, a living room that was hit by an anti-tank missile and a trail of blood: a report from Kibbutz of the inferno Be'eri A toothbrush with children's toothpaste on a sink, a hole in the wall of a house through which a missile entered and cars crushed by tanks. The soldiers of the 890th paratrooper battalion were dropped into the killing fields on Saturday, and now the general has required all of them to be fit for the ground maneuver: "I took their phones, so that no video of horrors would be seen and they would not be diverted" Yoav Zeytoun Published: October 11, 2023 [...] At the entrance to the kibbutz, the vehicles are mostly white, light-colored, belonging to Zaka. Some of them are bulletproof, massive. Only last night, around 6:00 p.m., the white angels finished doing a real act-of-kindness, and removed the body of the last victim, who was found under a broken table." The smallest child we found is a shot baby, a few months old, the oldest murdered here is 85 years old," said Kobi Mazka, a 50-year-old veteran volunteer who collected body parts in the inferno bus bombings of Jerusalem during the second intifada. "Here it is different, really similar to the descriptions I read as a child about what the Nazis did to us.." [...] "I quickly realized that the terrorists had developed a method, a real technique to increase the dimensions of the massacre," said last night the commander of Division 99, Lt. Col. Barak Hiram, who arrived here at 9:00 a.m. and took over the fighting sector of the city of Netivot and the kibbutz Alumim and Re'im. "The terrorists knew that the residents would lock themselves in the safe-room, and those who refused to come out, they simply opened the trunk of his car in the yard, took out the spare tire, lit it on fire and rolled it into the house to hasten its burning. We found bodies of people who died of suffocation in the gas tanks. Others were burned alive and those who tried to escape from the window were shot to death." [...] Landau... Despite the mental stress and the heavy concern for his parents who shut themselves in the nearby kibbutz, he led his fighters into fierce battles from point blank range, to save those who remained from Kibbutz Nahal Oz. His commander, Majd 890 Lt. Col. Yoni HaCohen, is the one who was asked to explain what happened here. He preferred to skip over many graphic details. Occasionally a tear falls from his left eye, which is swollen and red, but not from crying. He was hit by shrapnel during the assault and did not stop for a moment, didn't stop. He fought in Tzuk-Eitan (op.) not far from here, in Khan Yunis, but the battles here were completely different: to open a 'firing angle' between the bodies of children, to jump over civilians who were handcuffed and shot. The tough Majd asks not to talk about his part in the battle The long one, which lasted almost a day straight. "Another force of ours was sent at the same time to rescue female observers and Golani fighters who were under heavy siege at the Nahal Oz outpost. We had to distribute the forces correctly," he said... YNet _

Bodies of Israeli dad, wheelchair-bound 16-year-old daughter found 12 days after Hamas’ music fest massacre Oct 19, 2023 NYPost


'It smells of death here': Surveying the atrocities committed by Hamas in Kfar Aza

Nicole Zedek, October 10, 2023

The smell of death — that’s what’s left of a once vibrant community. Now, the foreign press were invited to witness the inhumane crimes, much like the Allies had done after they had won the second World War and liberated the Holocaust concentration camps. Upwards of 70 armed terrorists invaded the community, their bodies are still lying on the ground for the whole world to see the cruelty these Hamas terrorists committed.

“It’s not a war, it’s not a battlefield. You see the babies, the mother, the father, in their bedrooms, in their protection rooms, and how the terrorists killed them,” IDF Major General Itai Veruv first described the scene. “It’s a massacre.”... But first, the army unit is dedicating itself to removing the bodies of the Israeli civilians. We can see them covered in sheets being carried out of their own homes where they were murdered. The IDF does not have a definitive number of victims yet.

Many soldiers were called up for reserve service, and could be seen actively consoling each other after what they had to witness. They arrived expecting the worst, but the scenes are beyond anything that one could imagine. Some soldiers say they found babies with their heads cut off, entire families gunned down in their beds. About 40 babies and young children have been taken out on gurneys — so far. i24

Hamas terrorists 'slaughtered 40 babies and children with some beheaded' According to Israeli Defence Force's Major General Itai Veruv, some 70 Hamas terrorists wielding guns and grenades stormed the quiet Kfar Aza kibbutz. By Alessandra Scotto Di Santolo Oct 10, 2023

Israeli soldiers remove the body of civilian in Kfar Aza (Image: Getty) Hamas fanatics 'slaughtered 40 babies and children with some beheaded', ...

Reports state that Hamas terrorists launched a horrifying massacre in the peaceful village of Kfar Aza, near the Gaza border.

The Israeli soldiers, who took back control of the besieged village after a two-day siege, revealed scenes of violence where families, including babies and children, were slaughtered in their homes.

According to Israeli Defence Force's Major General Itai Veruv, some 70 Hamas terrorists wielding guns and grenades stormed the quiet Kfar Aza kibbutz, leaving a trail of destruction in their wake.

[READ MORE: Sickening moment Hamas terrorists shoot pet dog dead and set fire to home]

The attackers, alleged Israeli forces, beheaded babies and gunned down entire families in their homes. "It's not a war. It's not a battlefield. It's a massacre," said Major General Veruv.

The Israeli troops, accompanied by foreign press, walked through the village on Tuesday, encountering a devastating scene of burned-out houses, strewn furniture, and torched cars.

The stench of death hung heavy in the air as reporters traversed the paths of the kibbutz, where the lifeless bodies of Israeli residents lay among the ruins.

[Hamas warns citizens of Israeli city to flee by 5pm as they prepare attack] Express UK


The horror is revealed: 40 bodies of children and babies burned and beheaded The number of those murdered by Hamas terrorists rose to over a thousand - a mother was murdered and a dead fetus was found in her womb attached to the placenta - a foreigner wrote: "Babies' heads were cut off. People were burned alive in their homes. Women were raped and dragged through the streets." Idan Yosef - news editor - News1


BEYOND HORRIFIC: 40 Babies & Children Murdered, BEHEADED In Kfar Aza [SHOCKING VIDEO REPORT] October 10, 2023 11:45 am YWN


Hamas Barbarities Include Decapitating Babies — Call It What It Is: Jihad By Andrew C. Mccarthy October 10, 2023 11:19 AM

Personal belongings including a child’s stroller are seen on the road next to a car days after a mass infiltration by Hamas gunmen from the Gaza Strip, near Kibbutz Kfar Aza, in southern Israel, October 10, 2023. (Ronen Zvulun/Reuters)

Our Haley Strack’s documenting of Hamas’s atrocities is essential, if excruciating, reading. Haley’s latest on the Corner deals with yet more depravity: The jihadists’ slaughter of 40 babies at a kibbutz about a quarter mile from the Gaza border. Some of the babies were reportedly beheaded.

Understand: We are likely to continue getting more such reports because in many areas, Israeli security force have only just retaken control after clearing out lurking jihadist cells. The extent and shocking nature of the carnage is still being uncovered.

The shocking nature of the carnage is not a case of “militants” who got carried away in the heat of battle. This is the jihadist way of war. There was not much battling in any event: These were jihadists strategically using terror, as they are instructed is their divinely ordained obligation, to obliterate their perceived enemies. Not just break their will; extirpate them. In my column on the homepage this morning, I try to explain why it is important to call them jihadists and stop assessing them under Western standards of warfare. Further, we have to grasp that their Jew-hatred is doctrinal — this is not, pace the revisionism of transnational progressives, a mere territorial dispute in which aliens were intruded into Arab Muslim due to Western guilt over the Holocaust. We need to see clear that these are jihadists catalyzed by a fundamentalist, sharia-supremacist interpretation of Islamic scripture; otherwise, we will never understand their objectives, the atrocious lengths to which they will go to achieve them, and the need to defeat them utterly because there can be no modus vivendi with them.

From the column:

The Quran and hadiths (collections of the sayings and doings of Mohammed, Islam’s prophet), command jihadists to strike “terror” into the hearts of their enemies — to wage war ferociously and mercilessly. This includes regarding as their enemies all non-Muslims who decline to submit to the dominion of sharia. The distinction between combatants and noncombatants, so central to Western laws of warfare and human rights, is eviscerated in sharia. Those we regard as “civilians” the jihadist sees as loyalists of their non-Muslim enemies who pay taxes that stand up the armed forces arrayed against them. They are fair game for forcible attacks.

Understand: As we witnessed with the weekend’s unspeakable attacks on Israeli civilians — parents killed in front of their children, old women and children taken captive, revelers mowed down indiscriminately, and able-bodied men systematically killed — this includes rape and enslavement. The Quran (in sura 33:50) explicitly approves of jihadists’ using as concubines “those whom thy right hand possesses out of the captives of war whom Allah has assigned to thee.” (This endorsement is repeated in sura 4:23-24, which excludes captives — those “whom your right hands possess” — from the categories of women with whom Muslim men must abstain from sexual relations.) Furthermore, Reliance of the Traveller, a sharia manual endorsed by influential Islamic scholars, instructs: “When a child or a woman is taken captive, they become slaves by the fact of capture, and the woman’s marriage is immediately annulled” — meaning she is available for sex slavery.

In fundamentalist strongholds, such as Gaza, non-Muslims are dehumanized in the education of Muslim children. The idea is not to raise an army of “militants.” The goal of jihad is to terrorize the enemy into surrender and submission; it is not to conduct combat operations limited to strategic military objectives that avoid or at least minimize civilian casualties. That kind of discrimination and proportionality, bedrock principles of Western warfare, is alien to jihad.

Classical sharia is systematically discriminatory against all non-Muslims, but the contempt for Jews is especially intense. As recounted over the weekend, Muslim scripture foretells an end-of-times war between Muslims and Jews. That vision is etched into the Hamas charter, which is unabashedly dedicated to the destruction of the Jewish state. Mohammed and his companions repeatedly warred with Jewish tribes. The Islamic claim on Israel is scripturally rooted in al-Isra’, the “night journey,” in which Allah is said to have arranged the prophet’s transport, on a winged beast, “from the sacred mosque to the farthest mosque” (sura 17) — i.e., from what is now the Kaaba in Mecca to the al-Aqsa Mosque at the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. Young Muslims are taught, based on hadiths (see, e.g., Bukhari 3:47:786 and Muslim 26:5430) that Mohammed was poisoned to death by a Jewish woman. NRO


'They shot children, babies, old people’: kibbutz survivors describe Hamas’ deadly assault

Israeli soldiers stand next to the bodies of Israelis killed by Hamas militants in kibbutz Kfar Azza on Tuesday By Euronews with AFP Published on 10/10/2023 - 19:01 [...] 'They shot children, babies, old people, anyone' In the Kfar Aza kibbutz, the bodies of Israeli citizens and Hamas fighters are still lying next to the burnt-out remains of homes - as soldiers just recently started the collection effort.

One resident described the harrowing events on Saturday: "[The militants] came into every home, into every room, every place.

"They would burn their house with them inside so they would die," he said.

"They shot children, babies, old people, anyone. No one was safe from it. The first victim was a 90-year-old woman who was sitting on her porch. She saw them coming and she got shot."

Another resident described hours spent hiding from the gunmen: "We were in this panic room for I think about over 30 hours. Then they broke windows and started shooting everywhere. I think at some point they shot at the door of the panic room." Euro News


Corpses and kids’ bikes, burned homes and death in kibbutz where Hamas butchered 100 Foreign media shown grim aftermath of Palestinian terrorists’ massacre in Kfar Aza community where whole families were slaughtered, victims mutilated By AFP and TOI Staff Oct 11, 2023. TOI


"They came to slaughter, not to conquer": the commander's testimony in the field "They shot bound civilians and children. They entered not to occupy a settlement but to slaughter its inhabitants." Channel 7, 26 in Tishrei 5784. 11.10.23, 17:07 INN


Kfar Aza kibbutz: Children, women, elderly 'butchered' in Hamas attacks on border communities, IDF says | CNN

Children found ‘butchered’ in Israeli kibbutz, IDF says, as horror of Hamas’ attacks near border begins to emerge By Muhammad Darwish, Nic Robertson, Artemis Moshtaghian, Amir Tal, Ivana Kottasová and Sana Noor Haq, CNN

8 minute read

Updated 3:20 PM EDT, Wed October 11, 2023

Kfar Aza, Israel (CNN) — Bodies of Israeli residents and Hamas attackers lay outside burned-out homes in the Israeli kibbutz Kfar Aza on Tuesday, days after the Palestinian militant group launched a large-scale surprise assault on Israel.

Hamas sent waves of heavily armed fighters pouring across the border from Gaza and rampaging through rural communities – Israel said it found 1,500 bodies of militants in the aftermath of the assault.

Houses in Kfar Aza were ransacked and set ablaze. Overturned mattresses, destroyed furniture, broken trinkets and unexploded grenades lay strewn across the grounds, along with bodies – a window into the scale of devastation wrought by Hamas in this area.

“I’ve never seen anything like this in my career, never in 40 years of service this something I never imagined,” Maj. Gen. Itai Veruv told CNN on Tuesday, just a few hours after Israeli troops secured the kibbutz from Hamas assailants.

In Kfar Aza, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) was going house to house, collecting the dead in body bags and loading them onto a truck. The IDF told CNN that women, children, toddlers and elderly were “brutally butchered in an ISIS way of action.”..

Kfar Aza is one of the several kibbutzim, small farming enclaves, that bore the brunt of Hamas’ ground assault on Saturday. A number of kibbutzim and towns were targeted, including Kfar Aza, Be’eri, Ofakim, Sderot, Yad Mordechai, Yated, Kissufim and Urim. Revelers at a music festival held in the desert outside of Be’eri were also gunned down and taken hostage.

Bullet holes are seen in a cracked window at the entrance of a kindergarten in Be'eri, Israel, on October 11. The self-sustaining farming community near Gaza was one of the first places targeted by Hamas militants on October 7.

Israeli soldiers carry a body on October 10 in Kfar Aza, a village in Israel just across the border from Gaza. Hamas militants carried out a "massacre" in Kfar Aza during their attacks over the weekend, the Israel Defense Forces told CNN.

At least 1,200 people have died in Israel since the conflict erupted, IDF spokesperson Lt. Col. Jonathan Conricus said in an update on Wednesday.

Israel has retaliated by pounding Gaza with a relentless aerial campaign that has flattened homes, schools, medical institutions and government buildings in the besieged strip.

‘Massacre’ in Kfar Aza

The kibbutzim go back to the time of the founding of Israel, when small groups of people set up communities based on the idea of communal living. About 125,000 people live across approximately 250 kibbutzim in Israel, according to the Jewish Agency for Israel. For many, they were symbols of good life and safety.

What happened at the weekend destroyed that idyll.

Babies and toddlers were found “decapitated” in Kfar Aza, Tal Heinrich, a spokesperson for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, said Wednesday. CNN could not independently verify that report, and Hamas said media reports about attacking children were false.

This comes after the IDF told CNN Tuesday that the killings at Kfar Aza amounted to a “massacre.”

Maj. Gen. Veruv said his soldiers spent “about 48 hours” fighting “waves and waves of terrorists” on roads and in neighboring communities. He said he had started fighting militants in the Yakhini moshav (community) on Saturday, moving then “from battle to battle,” on the road to Sderot, before reaaching the Be’eri kibbutz on Monday evening.

“I saw hundreds of terrorists in full armor, full gear, with all the equipment and all the ability to make a massacre, go from apartment to apartment, from room to room and kill babies, mothers, fathers in their bedrooms,” Veruv said.

“I have heard during my childhood about the pogroms in Europe, the Holocaust, of course. All my family came from Europe, they are survivors. But I never thought I would see…things like that,” he said about the scene in Kfar Aza.


More than 100 bodies were found in Be’eri on Monday. Civilians were killed and taken hostage in the kibbutz, which is home to about 1,000 residents, according to Israeli authorities and videos obtained and authenticated by CNN.

Heavily armed militants arrived in Be’eri on motorbikes around 7 a.m., just half an hour after they breached the typically high-tech, tightly guarded border fence between Gaza and Israel, videos show.

A screenshot from a video, geolocated by CNN, shows six Hamas militants arriving at Be'eri on Saturday morning local time. A screenshot from a video, geolocated by CNN, shows six Hamas militants arriving at Be'eri on Saturday morning local time. Obtained by CNN

A bloodbath followed.

Footage shows militants pulling three bodies out of a car, before stealing the vehicle and driving north. The video, which first surfaced on Telegram, was taken by a surveillance camera in Be’eri. CNN has geolocated the video to an intersection in the northeastern part of the kibbutz.

Another video shows armed militants taking five Israeli civilians captive, with the bodies of four later seen lying on the ground nearby in another video verified by CNN.

More than 100 bodies found in Israeli kibbutz Be'eri after Hamas attack Terrified residents told Israel’s Channel 12 television station that assailants went door to door, trying to break into their homes.

Of at least 107 bodies discovered in the aftermath, most were of local residents of the kibbutz, though some were of Israeli security forces, a search and rescue spokesperson told CNN.

The IDF acknowledged on Monday that Be’eri was “very badly hit.”

“We thought we would need more rooms (to house the evacuees). We didn’t need all the rooms,” said IDF spokesperson Lt. Col. Richard Hecht.

The attack on Be’eri came around the same time as Hamas militants descended upon a music festival, known as Nova, just three miles south, shooting revelers at point-blank range and looting their belongings.

More than 260 bodies were later found at the festival site, with many attendees believed to have been captured and brought to Gaza, sparking a desperate search by family members and foreign governments.


In Urim, a kibbutz 10 miles south of Be’eri, residents awoke at 6:30 a.m. on Saturday to the sound of sirens and rushed to above-ground bomb shelters. The routine reaction to incoming rocket fire soon became more concerning, as the sirens continued sounding throughout the morning and they went in and out of hiding.

Members of the community, which is not far from where militants rampaged the Nova music festival, began to see reports of Hamas attacks on kibbutzim and towns near the border.

Wayne Lucas, a Virginia native who serves as a “lone soldier” in the IDF and lives in Urim, said that he spoke to several friends “who were hiding in their houses from the terrorists,” and, as the day progressed, he heard of attacks closer to home.

“We learned that someone from our kibbutz who I know very well, whose family also hosts lone soldiers was shot at the junction outside our kibbutz near the gas station. Luckily, he was only shot in the hand,” he told CNN.

On Sunday, after a restless night, residents in Urim heard gunshots close by.

“Shortly after 1:30 in the afternoon, we heard gunshots coming from inside the kibbutz. We all dropped everything. We ran as fast as we could to the shelters. We locked the doors, and we were barricading ourselves inside. People had knives and random things to use as weapons,” Lucas said.

All Israeli buildings erected after 1993 are required to have bomb shelters – reinforced rooms with concrete walls and heavy steel doors. But these safe rooms are designed to withstand a rocket attack, not an armed incursion. The doors are heavy, but they don’t have locks – they are not supposed to be lockable, for safety reasons.

Another soldier who lives in Urim said he heard gunfire but couldn’t make it to the shelter in time. “I heard a round of six bullets being shot right outside my room. I cannot tell you how scared I was. I didn’t know what I needed to do first: hide, lock my door, find a weapon, run to the nearest shelter?” the soldier, who asked not to be named, told CNN. “There was nowhere good to hide, and I ended up hiding in my closet.”

The soldier and Lucas said that when they were given the all-clear, an Israeli army unit was outside and had apprehended several militants who had tried to storm the kibbutz.


In Nirim, which lies less than a mile from the border with Gaza, residents had spent Friday – the day before the Hamas attack – celebrating the anniversary of the kibbutz’s founding. Guy, a 33-year-old painter, said he could not believe the horrors that began the next morning.

When he heard the alarm at 6.30 a.m., he did not think much of it. “Usually, it stops and starts after a few minutes then we get on with life,” he told a CNN team on the ground. But this time was different: The alarm did not stop, and rumors began to swirl. “Rumors started in the kibbutz that someone saw a terrorist in a car and heard Arabic,” he said. “It didn’t seem possible. We didn’t think it was happening.”

He had been waiting in the shelter with his wife, Tamar, and her mother. Tamar’s sisters had come to the kibbutz for Friday’s celebration, along with their husbands and three young children, who had stayed the night in another house in the kibbutz.

Although most houses in the kibbutz have shelters, they are designed to protect civilians from rockets – not armed intruders. “It’s impossible to lock from the inside. No one imagined there will be terrorists inside the kibbutz,” Guy said. He spent the next several hours holding the door “with my hand, with a knife in my pocket.”

“I was reading online: How can I fight with a knife?” he said. He had grabbed the only weapon he could find in his kitchen: “I could make a salad but I don’t think I could win against a gun.”

As he guarded the door, they heard gunshots and began to smell smoke. “Their strategy was to burn houses, to start fires so… people go outside,” he said. “Then they wanted to kill them or kidnap them.

“Finally, the military came at 7 p.m., something like that,” he said. Initially, they refused to open the door: They had been messaging others over WhatsApp all day, and had heard rumors “that the terrorists were also knocking on the door and saying they were military.”

He said his wife knew many people who had died. “They just slaughtered everyone. They killed kids, babies, grandmothers.” CNN


Despite one infamous dreadful .. Israelophobe guy trying to deny the beheading because he “hasn’t seen the babies”… others did see it and confirmed it..”

Journalist slams doubts about her reporting of beheaded Israeli children: ‘I wish it wasn’t true’

By David Propper.Published Oct. 11, 2023

“You know, it’s sickening, really, that people are asking, ‘Where are the babies? Why aren’t you showing the babies?’” she shot back. “Is that something that anyone would want to see the first thing with their own eyes? Because after the graphic images that I saw of just children’s beds covered in blood I don’t think I would be able to stomach those atrocities as well.”

She credited Israeli soldiers who had to carry the children’s bodies into ambulances and conveyed the brutality of the killings.

“I could never imagine something like that happening so I could never speak those words if no one had spoken them to me because I didn’t know that was a possibility for someone to witness with their own eyes,” she said.

“I didn’t know anyone was capable of committing something like that so that’s the only way I could report it by speaking to these soldiers, these commanders, who witnessed it firsthand.”[47]

Asides from that i24 News [48] who made it public, there is also:


(Margot Haddad is a multimedia journalist, a field producer and on air reporter for French, U.S. and U.K. media. She most recently served as an international news field producer for CNN. She is a graduate of the Columbia University Journalism School.)

✦Margot Haddad ✦ @margothaddad That’s it, the information is out. It’s so macabre that no one wanted to give it away before having 100% confirmation.

Infants and children under 2 years old were beheaded by Hamas in the Kibbutz of Kfar Aza. It is a horror, a massacre.

For those asking for the source. They are multiple: Israeli army, internal intelligence service and atrocious images which reached me and which I was able to cross-check. But the best source remains this: courageous journalists from the foreign press who were able to see / agreed to see with their own eyes the bodies in Kfar Aza.[49] [50]


Inside Kfar Aza where Hamas militants killed families in their homes By Jeremy Bowen International editor, in southern Israel 10 October 2023 Updated 11 October 2023 Soldiers told the BBC’s International Editor Jeremy Bowen that Hamas stormed in, burning homes and killing families. An Israeli officer said some of the dead had been beheaded.[51]


4:54 AM / OCTOBER 11, 2023 Israelis find “a massacre,” with children and adults beheaded, in Hamas-raided kibbutz

Yossi Landau, the head of operations for the southern region of Zaka, Israel’s volunteer civilian emergency response organization, told CBS News on Wednesday that he personally saw adults and children, including babies, who had been beheaded.[52]

at EoZ


Mario Nawfal @MarioNawfal: 🚨CNN: “The Israeli Prime Ministers spokesman just confirmed babies and toddlers were found, with their heads decapitated. The Israeli Prime Ministers spokesman just confirmed babies and toddlers were found, with their heads decapitated. Oct 11, 2023. X

Babies and toddlers were found with “heads decapitated” in Kfar Aza, Netanyahu spokesperson says

From CNN’s Lauren Izso and Mostafa Salem. Oct 11, 2023

Babies and toddlers were found with their “heads decapitated” in Kfar Aza in southern Israel after Hamas’ attacks in the kibbutz over the weekend, Tal Heinrich, a spokesperson for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, said on Wednesday.

Heinrich's comments come after the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) told CNN Tuesday that Hamas militants carried out a “massacre” in Kfar Aza, in which women, children, toddlers and elderly people were "brutally butchered in an ISIS way of action.” CNN


Photos of babies being burnt, decapitated confirmed By Tzvi Joffre Published: October 12, 2023 16:37 Updated: October 12, 2023 19:46

The Jerusalem Post can now confirm based on verified photos of the bodies that the reports of babies being burnt and decapitated in Hamas's assault on Kfar Aza are correct. May their memory be a blessing.

The photos were shown to US Secretary of State Antony Blinken during his visit to Israel on Thursday by the Public Diplomacy Directorate in the Prime Minister's Office. Later in the day, the photos were published by the Prime Minister's Office on Twitter. The photos are graphic and have a content warning covering them until a button reading "show" is pressed.

Hamas attempts to deny murdering, abusing civilians In the past two days, the Hamas terrorist movement has launched a campaign denying that it kidnapped, murdered, and abused civilians during its attack on southern Israel.[53].

[Personal belongings including a child's pram are seen on the road next to a car days after a mass infiltration by Hamas terrorists from the Gaza Strip, near Kibbutz Kfar Aza, in southern Israel, October 10, 2023 (credit: RONEN ZVULUN/REUTERS)] [...] Footage from the area captured on Saturday showed individuals in the uniform of the al-Qassam Brigades and of other terrorist groups in the Gaza Strip taking part in the massacre and mass kidnapping in southern Israel.

Jerusalem Post


Mountains of rubble and sooty earth: first entry into the epicenters of the disaster - after the terrible massacre The extent of the destruction in Netiv HaAsara and Be'eri is not yet fully known, but it is known about dozens of murdered people and scenes that are difficult to describe in words • The photos of the horror illustrate the magnitude of the tragedy that occurred in the Eshkol Regional Council, with dozens of houses burned by terrorists - many times with their occupants • Our correspondents with the first documents from the settlements that were destroyed • Documentation Tamir Steinman, Adva Dadon N12 | Published 14:35 11.10.23 | Updated 15:34 11.10.23

As the days go by, the extent of the horror that occurred in the first days of the surprise attack by Hamas terrorists begins to become clear. Among the hard centers were Moshav Netiv HaAsara and Kibbutz Be'eri. There, armed terrorists from head to toe managed to take control of the settlement for a long time and commit atrocities on the residents. Today (Wednesday) our reporters Tamir Steinman and Edva Dadon were allowed to enter the disaster sites with News 12 photographers and provide first images.

When we arrived at Netiv HaAsara, we were surrounded by IDF soldiers who are still deployed in the area for fear of encounters with additional terrorists. As we walked alongside them, we could not believe our eyes. In shock and choked throats, we documented the mountains of ruins that remained from the place that was, until Saturday morning, a pastoral settlement of a strong and cohesive community which is no more.

Hamas terrorists who arrived at the scene went house by house and slaughtered the residents during incessant rocket barrages. The inferno began on Saturday at 6:30, when the first terrorists arrived on the scene using paragliders, armed with weapons. They shot everyone they could, burned houses and protected spaces. Any place where the inhabitants wanted to believe they were protected.

The terrorists managed to occupy the Moshav for many hours, during which time they tried to cause as much destruction and death as possible. With bravery that is hard to describe, the standby squad fought, almost alone and for hours, against the terrorists who were shooting at everyone already. They burned many houses with their occupants and also set fire to vehicles. In some places smoke is still billowing, as a result of a fire in one of the houses that was extinguished only recently.

Netiv HaAsara is just one of the localities where Hamas terrorists mercilessly slaughtered innocent civilians - along with Bari and Nahal Oz, which suffered many casualties. The IDF soldiers who arrived at the moshav engaged in face-to-face battles with dozens of terrorists who managed to capture the moshav and actually control it for many hours.

When you see the lists of those murdered in Be'eri, your stomach turns, and when you see the dimensions of the disaster, your eyes refuse to believe. The magical kibbutz that was full of children's laughter, remained silent with sooty soil and much destruction. The sights in the exclusive documentation from Be'eri are difficult, but they are not the most difficult. It is not possible to show the bodies of the murdered residents and the families who tried to escape as long as their souls are in them.

Yesterday, Brigadier General Givati ​​told, about 70 terrorists entrenched in the Kfar Aza village, but according to what can be understood today, hundreds of armed terrorists arrived in Be'eri. At first glance at the pictures of the horror, one could be mistaken and think that the houses were destroyed by rocket fire. But that is not the case. Each house was destroyed by a different act of hatred. Terrorists who burned down houses on their occupants, threw grenades, fired RPGs and sprayed large amounts of munitions.

The photos are shocking and the stories of the residents who were rescued are even more shocking. Some residents tell about their relatives, who simply stood in line and were shot to death. Without a distinction and in cold blood. Another resident says that she lost her husband and six-month-old baby son in an instant.

"The terrorists asked my husband to stand up after they shot him in the leg. He couldn't stand up, and then they shot him to death," she painfully recalls. The mother held her baby son on her shoulders, but the terrorists did not miss him either. The baby was murdered by the heinous terrorists and the mother was injured in her shoulder. Now she is being treated in the hospital without knowing what happened to her neighbors.

Netiv HaAsara, Be'eri and Nahal Oz are of course not alone: ​​the terrorists infiltrated and terrorized many settlements in the surrounding area. Helpless residents cried out for help from the security forces from inside the MAMAD, while they hear the terrorists raiding their homes. "We are in the MAMAD and we hear shots from all directions," Micah Biton, a resident of Netiv HaAsara in the midst of the terrorists' takeover, told N12.

Another center that suffered a heavy blow in the surprise attack was the settlement of Be'eri. Like Netiv HaAsara, the settlement, which is 4 kilometers from the Gaza Strip, was left destroyed and burned, with dozens of dead who saw their home destroyed before their eyes. Mako


IAN AUSTIN Hamas is no different from ISIS – butchering kids at a music festival & kidnapping toddlers is terrorism, plain & simple Ian Austin Published: Oct 8 2023

KIDNAPPING defenseless toddlers and old ladies, slaughtering families in their homes and kids at a music festival or raining thousands of rockets on civilians is not self-defense, as Hamas and their supporters claim. This is brutal terrorism, plain and simple. The Sun


Sky News Australia, Oct 9, 2023

Hamas' attack on Israel a 'horror show' driven by 'malice and hate':

What's happening in Israel is a "horror show" and Australia needs to stand with them to condemn Hamas’ attacks on the world stage, says Sky News host Peta Credlin.

"We now have an even better idea of what being under existential threat looks like: rockets raining down on people's homes; innocent people being taken hostage; and civilians being massacred in the street in cold blood," Ms Credlin said.

“The Islamist fanatics behind the slaughter in Israel don't simply want to destroy the Jewish state, but quite literally to drive the Israeli people into the sea as part of their vicious 'death to the infidel' ideology.

“This was a completely unprovoked attack, driven by malice and hate.

“Yes, the Gaza Strip is poor and crowded, but as Israel has proven time and time again, it's more than happy to be a good neighbour, provided the Palestinian leadership is prepared to accept Israel's right to exist behind secure borders – and to stop the incessant hate against the Jewish people.” on Sky News Australia on YouTube


Israel at War: What We Know about the Barbaric Hamas Attacks

Philip Klein, Oct 7, 2023

... Some of the images and video emerging of the unfolding series of massacres are too graphic to share. But here are some videos providing an idea of what is going on:

Here is one of cheering and shouts of “Allahu Akbar” as Hamas terrorists unload an Israeli woman hostage:

Jewish Israeli woman reportedly kidnapped by Hamas and taken to Gaza

The world ignored us when we said how sick Palestinian society is with a bloodlust for antisemitic violence.

Now everyone knows the truth.

Devastating day. [pic.twitter.com/q6nvODt5IH] [54] — Emily Schrader – אמילי שריידר امیلی شریدر (@emilykschrader) October 7, 2023

Here is another video of hostages:

Palestinian terrorists captured an Israeli woman and took her hostage. Just hear her screams. [pic.twitter.com/L8obwWxpL9]

— Hananya Naftali (@HananyaNaftali) October 7, 2023

This is a building in the southern Israeli town of Ashkelon hit by rocket fire:

A residential building in Ashkelon city was directly hit by a rocket fired from Gaza.

Tell the world – Israeli civilians are targeted in rocket fire. (#IsraelUnderFire) [pic.twitter.com/AoHdLKkgEd] — Hananya Naftali (@HananyaNaftali) October 7, 2023

Here are Palestinians cheering as Hamas terrorists parade dead Israeli bodies back in Gaza:

⚠️warning. disturbing content.

Hamas terrorists parade the bodies of murdered Israelis through Gaza.

Thousands of Palestinians are celebrating the slaughter of innocents, the elderly, the young, the infirm. [pic.twitter.com/B6ApQayNXE]

— Aviva Klompas (@AvivaKlompas) October 7, 2023. NRO


Littlest victims of war: The faces of Israeli child hostages in Hamas slaughter By Olivia Land Heartbreaking accounts are emerging of the scores of children who were taken captive by Hamas when the terrorist group unleashed its unprecedented assault over the weekend — and the innocent kids thought to be in the attackers’ hands are as young as 9 months old. Published Oct. 11, 2023, 11:59 a.m. ET NY Post


Terrorists called and said: 'Your girl is in our hands, we will rape and kill her'" Oct 8, 2023.

Many young people were murdered and wounded by the terrorists' shots at the nature party in the Reim forest and there are others who are missing and have been cut off from contact until this moment. One of them is Karin Giorno, whose mother In.. and sister Mei.. beg for information about her fate and reveal a disturbing phone call they received.

"Yesterday at 07:42 K. called me and said: 'Mom, they are shooting at us, I am scared to death. If something happens to me, I love you. They are shooting live fire at us,'" Inb.. described, "K. with a broken leg, with a brace on Right leg, she can't run. All her friends ran away, she stayed because she can't run. She had no way to escape. She said they were being shot at and there were a lot of wounded people next to her... Mako


This is how the family found out about the grandmother's death: the terrorist posted a photo of her on Facebook The granddaughter told about the shocking murder and the moment of discovery: "My grandmother was murdered yesterday in a brutal murder by a terrorist in her home. At 7:00 I saw the nightmare of my life, a terrorist entered her home, murdered her, took her phone, took a picture of the horror and posted it on her Facebook. That's how we found out" JDN staff, 23 Tishrei 5784 (October 8, 2023)

Shocking stories continue to be published on social media that reveal the strength of the blow that Hamas inflicted on the citizens of the State of Israel in the surprise war that began on the morning of Simchat Torah.

A shocking story was published by Mor Bayder, who told about the shocking murder of her grandmother, and the horrifying way in which the family members discovered the horror: the terrorist posted the photo of the dead grandmother, on her account on the social network Facebook.

"My grandmother, my whole world, the light of my life, the pillar of my life, the life of my family, my grandmother, a resident of Kibbutz Nir Oz all her life, was murdered yesterday in a brutal murder by a terrorist in her home. At 7:00 I saw the nightmare of my life, a terrorist He broke into her home, murdered her, took the phone, took pictures of the horror and posted it on her Facebook. That's how we found out."

"This morning I didn't get a 'Teacher, my love, are you up?' As you would insist on doing every morning at 7:00. It's not caught, my heart is shattered to pieces. Anyone who knows me, knows what she is to me, what a connection we had. What a person she is, pure and good, loves her kibbutz, the garden Hers who nurtured and invested in her."

"My flower. Grandma rode a bicycle to the commune every morning to wash and fold all the members of the kibbutz their clothes, returned in the afternoon to take care of the garden she loved more than anything. My grandmother loved life but how do we go on without you? Who am I without you? I'm not ready to talk about you in the past tense It's a nightmare of my life." JDN


"Missing Israelis": Viral Post Shows Pics Of Men And Women Kidnapped By Hamas Oct 8, 2023 Hamas seems to have kidnapped mostly women. It has already been confirmed that Hamas fighters are using rape as a weapon of war. There must be no mercy for these barbarians, they wrote on X, along with images of missing Israelis. NDTV


Sunday the 23rd of Tishrei 5784. 08.10.23

Hamas terrorist under investigation: We prepared for more than a year. The demonstrations in Israel encouraged us. We were shocked that the IDF was not waiting for us.

From the investigation of a Hamas terrorist captured in Israel "We prepared for more than a year. The demonstrations in Israel encouraged us. It was 5 hours before we were shot at. We were prepared with 1,000 fighters, we made 15 breaches in the fence. We were shocked that the IDF was not waiting for us." Channel 13. Oct 8, 2023 [55] Rotter

N12, Oct 9, 2023, 9:21-4 AM:

Mr. Sari: You have to remember what happened in the last months. As one of the terrorists said who was investigated, we saw the divide in the people and we were happy. Mr. Blum: That's right, they saw a weakness.


N12, Oct 8, 2023. 8:06 AM Gilad Shalmor: A text I found (near the torched vehicles and shoes scattered) that expresses the [Islamic] religious mission in the violence.


N12, Oct 8, 2023. 10:15 PM:

A family (with a large Sukkah seen) was saved as they just didn't open the door to the terrorists who rang in the intercoms. Though they wore clothes something similar local police.


Ayelet and Nachmias Rabin of the Fund for Victims of Terror N12, Oct 9, 2023. 1:25 AM+ We receive phone calls from Yogis all over the world about how we can help... they say "All people of Israel is bound to each other".


Jonathan Concricus, with Jake Tapper, CNN, Oct 8, 2023 9:12-9:16PM, Jonathan Conricus: we urged Gaza residents to leave and to stay as far as possible. Human shields, it's a feature of Hamas. They should have not allowed the Hamas from the beginning . Yes, we do care about civilian life. Israel is held to different standards when it comes to defending itself.

With Jake Tapper, CNN, Oct 8, 2023, 9:23 PM (interviewed with an Israeli resident chocking up on horror sites):

Parading with a body of a 5 years old. Another parade, with a girl half naked body bloodied - Shooting elderly people at a bus stop.

Rep. Gregory Meeks, with Jake Tapper, CNN, Oct 8, 2023, 9:48-54 PM "Evil terrorist Hamas group" ... "Bi partisan and unified letter." In defense of Israel.

Michael Oren, with Jake Tapper, CNN, Oct 8, 2023, 10:10 PM One should never compare tragedies. But in numbers, proportionally like twice that of 911.

N12, Oct 8, 2023, 10:47+ Ohad Hemo Many rush to shelters and to other places.

"The terrorists are knocking on our window, save us": the testimonies of the survivors of the massacre in the Gaza Strip For hours, Nofer Almog and her husband hid in a shelter together with their 3-year-old daughter: "We realized that we had no way to protect ourselves, we brought knives and tried to convey that everything was fine" • Ascher Eldan Cohen published regular updates on her parents' condition, until contact with them was cut off: "Mother She said she wanted us to know she loved us. Many hours passed before we found out she was alive."

Avivit Misnikov, N12 | Published 08/10/23

Long hours passed until they knew they were safe. They hid in hiding places, tried to arm themselves or escape and also offered prayers that they would stay alive. A day after the events in the Gaza Strip, survivors are telling today (Sunday) about the moments of horror, the neighbors who were hurt and the messages they received in the shared WhatsApp groups: "The terrorists are knocking on our window, save us."

"We felt that we were being watched over from above" Nofer Almog, her husband, and her 3-year-old daughter from Netiv Hathara hid in the shelter of their home yesterday from six in the morning until hours after midnight, when they were informed that the seat was safe and they could leave. Around them, 15 of their neighbors to the seat were murdered by Hamas, "We are on the face, we ran away to my mother-in-law in Ashkelon and will spend the night at her place. Now we are checking where to go."

"The moments were really difficult in the shelter, to understand that we are in a prison that cannot be locked and there are terrorists walking around the moshav," Nofer said. My girlfriend heard them going, we specifically felt that we were being watched from above." Mako

The couple held hostage in Ofakim recalls: "They threatened to kill, the bullets went over us" David and Rachel were besieged for hours in their home - together with 5 terrorists armed with weapons and means of warfare • During the negotiations that took place in front of the IMM, Rachel worked to distract the terrorists: "I made them coffee and cookies..." • David also recalled He is in the moments of horror: "They came with the aim of killing. I didn't believe there would be a break-in" • Documentation of the policemen's conversation with the terrorists - and the dramatic rescue. Omri Maniv | The main edition | Published 08/10/23 23:17 Mako

Mother of kidnapped children with Jake Tapper, CNN, Oct 7, 2023, 10:16-10:23 PM ET They took 2 years old they did nothing they were just in their beds... [someone] over 80, they took people who were shot... you just don't... just how cruel they are...what I'm going through... I don't know if they're fed if they're tortured ... it's a hard day for others...even war has rules ... you want to fight, fight the army."


The massacre in Nir Oz An entire family was wiped out: parents and their three children were murdered Tamar Kedem Siman Tov, her husband Yonatan, their two 6-year-old daughters and their 4-year-old son were murdered in the kibbutz. Tamar ran for the presidency of the Eshkol Regional Council Channel 7, 24 in Tishri 5784. 9.10.23 ...Family friend Gilad Maman also eulogized: "Dear Tamari. The tears don't stop. I promise not to forget." "I will not forget your wedding on the grass in the kibbutz, how much happiness you had in your eyes. I will not forget your and Johnny's modesty, tenderness and love. I will not forget sweet Johnny with the light in his eyes and an endless tone. I will not forget the films we produced together in the years that followed To the senior high school with all the talented children, how important this place was to you, how important the children were to you."

"How important this whole area was to you, I have no doubt that you were elected to be head of the council, leadership flowed in your veins. Thank you. Thank you for who you were in the world for me. You are an example of people who are missing in this country and my heart aches for you, for Johnny and for the three Your sweeties. Sorry for not being there for you in the last moments to help. I promise I won't forget you." INN


ADL on CNN, Oct 9, 2023. 11:30-11:40 AM Raping girls and then parading them as they bleed. Grandmother burned alive at her home. Do not call them fighters, please. They kidnap babies. It is also a result of dehumanizing Israelis / Zionists and falsely terming "genocide". Eradicating the ideology that justifies that leads to it. We have to treat this as ISIS. It's not a retaliation. Israel is forced to defend itself.. Human animals who shoot girls in the legs so that they can't run..


CNN.com - Transcripts

Anderson Cooper 360 Degrees

IDF Soldiers Kill Three Militants In Exchange Of Gunfire In Ashkelon; Biden Condemns Hamas Attacks As Sheer Evil; Evidence Of Hamas' Brutality At Israeli Kibbutz; 100 Plus Bodies Found In One Israeli Kibbutz After Hamas Attack; Biden Condemns Hamas Attacks As "Sheer Evil"; Mother Of Shani Louk: We Have Received Information That She Has A Bad Head Injury And Is In A Gaza Hospital. Aired 8-9p ET

Aired October 10, 2023 - 20:00 ET

COOPER: The incoming rockets we have witnessed today are just one reminder of the war that began on Saturday here. We've also obtained new video from the Israeli Defense Forces showing how Hamas attackers got into one kibbutz on Saturday.

Now, like many of the videos circulating from that day, it's disturbing. There's no doubt about it. But the reason we're showing it to you is because it shows a level of planning and potential knowledge of how to infiltrate this particular kibbutz that is striking.

According to the IDF, the video begins outside the main gate of one of the kibbutz that was attacked on Saturday. You can see two Hamas gunmen in camouflage holding rifles at the top left of the screen. Now one of the gunmen eventually crosses to the other side of the road. You can see him standing next to what looks like a guard house or a security station.

Both then wait for someone to arrive and open the gate. A few seconds pass. Eventually a civilian car arrives. As the gate then opens, the two gunmen rush from either side of the car begin firing into it. We have cut that part out, murdering the people inside.

Moments later, the gate is now open, the two gunmen are then able to enter. The car with the apparently lifeless body of the driver rolls forward. One of the gunmen then appears to try to knock or tip down the camera filming the scene. The car keeps rolling forward. You then see one of the gunmen walking calmly into the kibbutz.

Now according to Israeli authorities, more than 100 bodies have been found at this particular kibbutz. That's how bad this slaughter was.

I'm joined now by the international spokesperson for the Israeli Defense Forces, Lieutenant Colonel Jonathan Conricus.

Lieutenant Colonel, what is your assessment on when you see a video like this of the level of training and experience of some of these Hamas fighters who took part early on in this terror attack?

JONATHAN CONRICUS, INTERNATIONAL SPOKESPERSON, ISRAEL DEFENSE FORCES: First of all, it hurts. It hurts to see that they were able to get into an Israeli community. And, yes, you cut out the really gory details of how they fire into the vehicle and what the viewers can't see. Or maybe they've seen in other clips is the results of these activities.

The whole attack, what we're seeing is the -- one of the last stages of a very meticulously planned and executed attack. This was what they were aiming for. This was the whole aim of the operation to get into Israeli communities, murder Israeli civilians, take hostages and get out.

And that is, unfortunately, sadly, exactly what they did. And today, the world, through the international media, was able to get a first access and see the carnage that they left behind. The dead bodies of Israelis, women, children, parents, grandparents in the kibbutz. And it's beyond words.

The monstrosity is beyond words. It's something in Israeli general who was there showing it to the journalist said that the only thing that he could reference it to would be scenes of a pogrom or something else from the Second World War or the Holocaust. There's no other historic reference for a Jew to look at the scene like this and understand what we're seeing.


COOPER: Yes. It's really only in the last today. And I think, in no doubt in the coming days, the true horror of what occurred on many of these kibbutz agrarian communities is really coming to the fore. I mean, we saw as you're talking about it as Kfar Aza. There's also near Om (ph) and other kibbutz communities.

You know, these are --I mean, these are peaceful communities of 300, 400 people that have been there for decades and decades. These aren't new settlements that have popped up in East Jerusalem that may be controversial, that are controversial.

And yet, the level of brutality of the terror attacks in these kibbutz. I mean, it's really now just starting to be revealed.

CO[N]RICUS: Yes. You know, if we want to take it to the political, these kibbutzim were there. They were founded before 1948. And many of the people who live there, I know, because I have friends there, are people who believe in the two-state solution who had friends in Gaza, and who really believe that a long-lasting peace could be achieved with Gaza and Palestinians.

I've had discussions with people in the kibbutzim, friends of mine, who believe in that. And then they wake up to hear gunshots in their kibbutz, and they fight for their lives, barricading themselves inside their bomb shelters, only to have their houses torched for them to flee out of the burning house, and then massacred on the lawn in front of their house.

And today, we saw the bodies that were left outside of the houses and the kibbutz and it is appalling. So there's no -- you know, for anybody who is seeking to justify and explain, you know, on an academic level, why would Hamas attack these targets, there's nothing to it.

This is pure, unfiltered hatred, fueled by crazy religious extremism, and some crazy idea that by killing Israeli civilians, they can somehow beat Israel and create some Sharia-based political entity in the wake of what they will destroy.

All of these are, of course, dreams that never ever will come true. But it just goes to show the kind of organization and the kind of beasts that we have on the other side of that border, their line of thinking.

And again, this wasn't, you know, some local initiative and an operation that went astray or people, operatives on the ground who got carried away with themselves. This was the plan. The Hamas spokesperson, a day and a half after the attack happened, he said, the attack went according to plan, and we are happy with the consequences. So that is what we're looking at. CNN


A mother shielding her son, a ‘pro-peace’ academic and 2 brothers are among the Americans killed in Israel

Danielle Ben Senor was attending the Nova festival and has been reported missing. By CNN Newsource

October 9, 2023 Brothers Igal Wachs, 53, and Amit Wachs, 48, were killed when Hamas gunmen stormed their village of Netiv HaAsara, which borders Gaza, Igal’s ex-wife Liat Oren-Wachs told CNN on Wednesday. Ktzv


Itai & Hadas Berdichevsky, both 30 years old, bravely shielded their 10-month-old twins in a shelter as terrorists invaded their home in Kfar Gaza, a Kibbutz in southern Israel. Despite their efforts to defend, they tragically lost their lives.

Their babies remained…  [pic.twitter.com/UfJrY658vu]

— Sacha Roytman (@SachaRoytman) October 9, 2023 [56]


Remember their names. Tamar, Yonatan and their children Shachar (6), Arbel (6), Omer (4) were brutally murdered by Hamas terrorists in Kibbutz Nir Oz. An entire family vanished from the face of the earth. More than 700 Israelis were massacred by Hamas terrorists and the death… pic.twitter.com/Kdkf1mI6w8

— Elad Strohmayer (@EladStr) October 8, 2023 [57]


She devoted her life to “ hospital treatments for sick Gazan children.” And they took her and killed her colleagues anyway. Hamas didn’t discriminate and didn’t check her resume first.  [58]

— Emily Zanotti 🦝 (@emzanotti) October 8, 2023 [59]


Mike Sington @MikeSington : Heartbreaking. Anderson Cooper struggles to speak after watching Israeli woman plea for the release of her kidnapped family. (Video: CNN) Oct 9, 2023 [60]


Anderson Cooper Struggles to Speak After Israeli Woman Makes Harrowing Plea For Kidnapped Family Jamie Frevele Oct 9, 2023 3:33 PM

In a stark reminder that covering tragedy can take its own emotional toll, CNN’s Anderson Cooper became visibly choked up on camera while reporting on the Hamas terrorist attacks that rocked Israel over the weekend.

After airing an interview with a distraught woman, Yifat Zailer, whose cousin’s family — including an infant and a three-year-old — was kidnapped by Hamas, Cooper was back on camera but silent for a moment. He then appeared to look down and off-camera for a moment before throwing to correspondent Hadas Gold. When he finally did speak, his voice was audibly shaky.

Cooper and Gold spoke about the dire situation that has cost 900 Israeli lives after a surprise attack by Hamas over the weekend. Israeli President Benjamin Netanyahu was expected to speak, and Cooper and Gold cut away when he began speaking.

The footage from Israel has been harrowing and while journalists know their job is not to provide commentary, it’s not unheard of for them to react to what they’re seeing. CNN’s Clarissa Ward was forced to hit the ground during an attack while live on camera, a situation that left her with her face in the dirt and cursing out of fear. Fox News correspondent Trey Yingst was also unable to control his emotions while reporting on the identification of dead children. Mediaite


WATCH: White House spokesperson breaks down while speaking about scenes coming out of Israel. October 9, 2023 TOI


The hero of Nir: "We encountered terrorists and killed them, I emptied a cartridge" From the morning hours, terrorists infiltrated Kibbutz Nirim in the Gaza Strip and the residents hid in shelters. Those who bravely fought the terrorists were the members of the alert squad along with a policeman on leave who was present at the scene. Michael Bass of the alert squad, who was part of the first squad that eliminated terrorists who infiltrated the Nirim, told Mako. Terrorists arrived at the kibbutz fence, we waited for the troops to arrive and then we attacked them under fire" Shay Levi |mako| Posted 07.10.23 | 16:49 Mako


She pretended to be dead The battle over the Sderot station and the bravery of the police officer: "I was hurt and I continued to fight" Yanir Yagana Last updated: 10.10.2023 / 8:07 Mali Shoshana killed at least four terrorists from the roof of the station in a battle that lasted for many hours, while her friends were killed before her eyes. She threw the terrorists' grenade back at them, and when they managed to get in - she pretended to be dead and survived. "We asked in connection: save us" Walla


Nir Am's heroine The young woman who killed residents in minutes - and saved the kibbutz Yanir Yagana Last updated: 10.10.2023 / 7:18

As the shelling began at the beginning of the fighting, the kibbutz corporal, Inbal Lieberman, 25, heard noises in the area - different from the noises of the barrages that the kibbutz is used to absorbing. With unimaginable resourcefulness, she decided to be true to her gut feeling, opened her weapons and set up a standby squad - which eliminated 25 terrorists for hours of battle. Walla


"Two heroes": Neta jumped on a grenade to save his lover

"He love her true love, the wedding dress was in the closet": Neta jumped on a pomegranate to save Irann

Neta Epstein and Irann Shavit, only 22 years old, were in the shelter while the terrorists broke into their home in Kfar Aza. Yael Shavit, Irann's mother tells the heartbreaking story of Neta's heroism and the story of her daughter's survival. "She hid behind his body while the terrorists barricaded themselves in the apartment."

Avivit Misnikov|N12| Published 13/10/23 11:45 | Updated 13/10/23 12:26 Mako


"They were 100 terrorists, against 12 members of the standby squad" The former head of the Eshkol Regional Council told of the inferno in the kibbutz occupied by Hamas: "The families are crying out in the MAMAD (safe room), you understand that this is the end of them - and can't help." Channel 7, 26 in Tishrei 5784. 11.10.23, 14:41 INN


"The values ​​of Zionism" Reuven insisted on milking the cows, and was murdered by a terrorist hiding in the barn in Kisufim

Eli Ashkenazi, 10.10.2023 / 8:26

Reuven Heinik from Ashkelon was the barn manager of Kibbutz Kissufim for the past 15 years. He was killed by a terrorist hiding in a barn. "He said he couldn't leave the cows without food and water" Walla


At Magen David Adom blood drive, a show of force by Israelis of every type Hundreds from all walks of life stand in line for up to 11 hours at Jerusalem's Pais Arena in order to donate for devastated nation after Hamas bloodbath By Jessica Steinberg Oct 10, 2023, 8:44 amUpdated at 6:35 am TOI


Israelis donate blood and volunteer to help victims Watch Uploaded: Oct 10, 2023

Hundreds are coming together to gather supplies for the Israeli community after the deadly Hamas attack. Many are giving blood and volunteering in an effort to assist those in need NBC News


Israelis answer to call, donate blood, food, toys and support. Oct 9, 2023 Ynet


The escape from the massacre - and the photograph under fire: "I said if we die at least they will see that we loved to the end" Amit and her partner Nir hid behind a bush - while Hamas terrorists were shooting in all directions at the "Nova" nature party • A few minutes before, their friend Ziv helped other people escape from the scene • From that moment, he no longer returned - and so far it is not known what happened to him • "He said he knew the area - and disappeared. Where is the army? We are frustrated," she told N12 • The difficult reconstruction, and the story behind the photo. [61] I said that at least if we die, our family will have a souvenir that we loved until the last moment." Amit & Nir Mako

Gabriel Noronha @GLNoronha: Washington Post analysis of Hamas videos shows they killed four hostages shortly after taking them captive on Saturday morning. Oct 9, 2023. [62]


IDF commander: The terrorists arrived with enormous quantities of weapons IDF commander: The terrorists arrived with enormous quantities of weapons Brigadier-General Dan Goldfus sums up the fighting so far: 'The enemy is super-cruel, they murdered men, took women and children into captivity.' Kobi Finkler Oct 10, 2023, 1:57 PM (GMT+3)

Commander of the Paratroopers Division and elite commando unit 98, Brigadier-General Dan Goldfus, who led his soldiers during the initial battles of the war, on Tuesday morning spoke about the three days of battle thus far.

On Saturday morning an estimated 1,500 Hamas terrorists infiltrated Israel via land, air, and sea, masacring Israeli civilians and taking others hostage.

"This morning, the fourth morning of fighting, we succeded in returning the situation in the Gaza border region to its previous condition - relatively speaking," Goldfus said. "There are still isolated clashes with the enemy. We are working to return the towns to their usual state. It will take time."

He noted that it is difficult to say for certainty that there are no terrorists in the Israeli communities around Gaza: "I say in the most realistic way: There was a terrorist who got into a closet in a home and waited. We are doing a lot of searches and cleansing the area, but I will not fly off my chair if there is contact with a cell which hid under a home."

"DIvision 98 was relevant with all its abilities, providing immediate responses from the first moment. We are talking about hundrds of terrorists, dozens of infilatration sites, difficult sights, murder of civilians, homes and command rooms which were burned together with their occupants. This is a super-cruel enemy, they murdered men, took women and children into captivity. INN


IDF: 1,500 Hamas terrorists killed inside Israel Israeli forces have "more or less" regained control over the Gaza border, says IDF spokesman.

(October 10, 2023 / JNS) Some 1,500 Palestinian terrorists have been killed in Israeli territory since Hamas launched its cross-border assault on Oct. 7, the Israel Defense Forces revealed on Tuesday morning. JNS


Phillip Smyth @PhillipSmyth: 1. Don't assume *just HAMAS* was involved in the attacks on Southern Israel. A ton of other Iran-controlled subgroups were. Note: HAMAS had a rapprochement with Iran, are back in the orbit, but it's not black and white. Oct 7, 2023 [63]

Phillip Smyth @PhillipSmyth I'm waiting for the, "But Iran only really supports Shia, Palestinians are Sunni!" or the "sectarianism and Syria mean.. Thus, Iran had no role" lines. Someone is bound to say it. Also, they're painfully wrong. Oct 7, 2023. [64]

Phillip Smyth @PhillipSmyth: I'm going on @ErinBurnett on @CNN to discuss the events in Israel and Gaza at 7:30PM EST. Oct 7, 2023 [65]

Phillip Smyth of near East policy, Iran, "has internal problems..." CNN, Oct 7, 2023. (With Erin Burnett).


The Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine issued a communique saying it participated in the invasion of southern Israeli communities.  [pic.twitter.com/g8rl1VwMfj]

— Joe Truzman (@JoeTruzman) October 9, 2023 [66]

Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine field commander Raed al-Zaza has been killed by Israeli security forces.  [pic.twitter.com/HilQxz8e1F]

— Joe Truzman (@JoeTruzman) October 9, 2023 [67]


Captive Israeli child bullied by Gazans An Israeli child held captive by Hamas is bullied by children in Gaza. Israel National News, Oct 8, 2023 INN


Israel’s UN envoy: Hamas holding dozens of American citizens in Gaza "We have reports that several Americans were killed,” said U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken.

(October 8, 2023 / JNS) The Hamas terrorist organization is keeping dozens of Americans hostage in the Gaza Strip, Israeli Ambassador to the United Nations Gilad Erdan said on Sunday.

“We don’t have all the names yet, we’re still working to get all the names of the missing people, civilians and soldiers, but as I said, dozens are Americans,” Erdan stated during an interview with Fox News.

Erdan spoke shortly after U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken told CNN that U.S. officials are working to verify reports of American citizens being killed or abducted by Hamas

“We have reports that several Americans were killed,” Blinken revealed on CNN’s “State of the Union” program.

“We are working overtime to verify that,” the top diplomat said, adding that there are also reports of missing U.S. citizens.

Meanwhile, the Prime Minister’s Office in Jerusalem said that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu appointed Brig. Gen. (res.) Gal Hirsch to coordinate the government efforts to locate missing persons.

Hamas killed at least 700 Israelis and wounded more than 2,000 since Saturday in a massive offensive launched from the Gaza Strip, including firing thousands of rockets and sending dozens of terrorists to infiltrate the Jewish state.

The terrorist group claims to have taken 163 Israeli captives to Gaza... JNS


Rocket barrage on southern Israel: 3 critically & seriously injured A 50-year-old woman was seriously injured in Ashdod; in Ashkelon, four were injured from intercept shrapnel. Israel National News, Oct 9, 2023, 3:20 PM (GMT+3) INN


US demands condemnation of Hamas at UN meeting, but Security Council takes no immediate action

By Edith M. Lederer, October 8, 2023,

UNITED NATIONS (AP) — The U.N. Security Council held an emergency meeting behind closed doors Sunday, with the United States demanding all 15 members strongly condemn “these heinous terrorist attacks committed by Hamas,” but they took no immediate action.

U.S. deputy ambassador Robert Wood said afterward that “a good number of countries” did condemn the Hamas attack but not all council members. He told reporters they could probably figure out one of them.

Russia’s U.N. ambassador, Vassily Nebenzia, told The Associated Press the Americans tried to say during the meeting that Russia isn’t condemning the attacks, but “that’s untrue. Newsmax (from AP)


Ohad Hemo N12, Oct 8, 2023, 12:03 PM:

Hamas that I spoke with, they have no problem with half of Gaza being wiped out. They speak of Israel will be eliminated. [They speak of with Islamist-Messianic visions].


'Leave now': Netanyahu's warning to Gazans Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu delivered his second address to the nation on Saturday night, telling Gazan residents Israel will target terrorist hideouts. Leave now because we will operate forcefully everywhere. By ILH Staff Published on 10-08-2023 ILH


IDF spokesman in Arabic: "Residents of the Gaza Strip, for your safety, you must evacuate your residences"

The IDF Spokesman in Arabic, Avichay Adraee, in .. message to the residents of the Gaza Strip, especially in the places near the border, in which he prepares them for the ground entry of IDF forces into the Strip, and orders them to evacuate their homes.  "Residents of the Gaza Strip, pay attention! Hamas actions are forcing the IDF to operate where you live. For your safety, you must evacuate your place of residence immediately." Following his words, Adrei detailed the residential points near the border and ordered their residents to move to points that are deeper in the Strip.  The meaning is actually a population movement inside the Gaza Strip - a warning to citizens to evacuate the areas before an attack.

Tal Lev Ram, 08/10/2023 02:02 Maariv


The IDF to the residents of Gaza: "Those who can - let them flee to Egypt" | Attacks documents More than 200 targets were attacked in the Gaza Strip, a terrorist was located and eliminated tonight at the Saad junction. It appears that the conditions are ripe for the establishment of a national emergency government, the heads of the coalition will gather. The Chief of Staff spoke with his counterpart from the USA. The names of 38 other officers and soldiers who fell in the Gaza Strip were allowed to be published. Tonight it was allowed to be published that in an incident on the Lebanese border Lt. Col. Alim Abdullah was killed, five other Israelis were injured. About 2,700 have been injured since the beginning of the war. Ynet


Watch: The IDF took over the Hamas TV channel

Srugim News, 12.10.23 A message that appeared on the TV screens in the Gaza Strip warned the residents to stay away from places where the terrorist organizations stay "Run away while you can" According to reports coming from Gaza, cyber fighters took over Al Jazeera's broadcasts and published a video of IDF attacks in the Gaza Strip. In the strip that appeared on the broadcast, a warning was written to the citizens of the Gaza Strip to flee from areas where the terrorist organizations stay. The broadcast also stated: "Every target and every terrorist is a mortal, run away, as long as you can." Srugim


Palestinian Media Watch Hamas calls on Gazans to be human shields Nan Jacques Zilberdik | Oct 11, 2023

Hamas’ Interior Ministry: “We again call on [Gazan] citizens not to cooperate with the recorded phone messages that the occupation (i.e., Israel) is sending at random, asking people to leave their homes” Using civilians as human shields, Hamas has called on Gazans not to leave their homes when Israel warns about bombings.

While the Israeli army has been notifying Gazan civilians to leave their homes and seek safety elsewhere before Israel attacks terrorists or terror infrastructure in their apartment buildings, Hamas’ Interior Ministry is calling on Palestinians to remain in their homes to serve as human shields:

Headline: "The Interior Ministry calls on citizens not to cooperate with the recorded messages the occupation (i.e., Israel) is sending at random”

“Important notice:

We again call on [Gazan] citizens not to cooperate with the recorded phone messages that the occupation (i.e., Israel) is sending at random, asking people to leave their homes. Their goal is to arouse panic and fear as part of the psychological warfare accompanying the occupation's aggression against our people.

Media Office, Ministry of Interior and National Security

Tuesday, October 10, 2023”

[Website of Hamas' Ministry of Interior and National Security, Oct. 10,2023]

It has always been Hamas' policy to use the civilian population in Gaza as human shields. Palestinian Media Watch documented that in the 2014 Gaza war, Hamas also demanded that Palestinians “return to their homes”. [68].

Even Fatah has mocked Hamas for its use of civilians as human shields [69] and criticized them for storing explosives among the civilian population. [70] [71][Website of the Fatah Commission of Information and Culture, Aug. 29, 2021] Palwatch


The IDF in a message to the UN: "Within 24 hours - residents of the northern Gaza Strip must evacuate to the south" 0404, Oct 13 2023

The IDF informed the UN tonight that all Arabs in the northern Gaza Strip must evacuate to the south in the next 24 hours. 0404

Israel's military orders civilians to evacuate Gaza City, ahead of a feared ground offensive Israel’s military has directed the hundreds of thousands of residents in Gaza City to evacuate “for their own safety and protection,” ahead of a feared Israeli ground offensive

By Joseph Krauss, Edith M. Lederer and Wafaa Shurafa Associated Press October 13, 2023, 12:00 AM ET ABC


Israel attacked by Hamas live updates: Israeli ambassador to UN calls Hamas attack on Israel ‘our 9/11’, brands terrorists as ‘animals’ By Post Staff Updated Oct. 7, 2023 ...Terrifying scenes have begun to emerge from the conflict, with one video – which has been verified by CNN – showing a woman being shoved into the backseat of a Jeep by Hamas militants with her hands zip-tied and arms bleeding. NYPost


Haaretz's Michael Hauser Tov, (on N12 TV, Oct 8, 2023 at 1:44-7 AM), had to inject his politics (propagating for Yair Golan) while looking at his cell. This, even after a lefty Yoaz Hendel (interviewed) asked to refrain from politics - despite being critical of policies of Netanyahu.


Testimonies of the survivors of the nature party: "We pretended to be dead, friends were missing" "As soon as a red alarm sounded, a rush of cars started trying to leave the party, but the terrorists surrounded us, shot everywhere, a grenade was thrown" Channel 7, 22 in Tishri 5784. 7.10.23 ... The terrorists arrived at the scene and actually surrounded the people who wanted to escape. "We saw people running for their lives. We hid like partisans under the trees. Every time someone raised their heads, we heard bursts of automatic rifle fire. Everyone present felt the impact of the bullets and explosions. It's not an easy emotional burden. And they took care of everything for us."

Sa'ar Rahamim, another witness, said: "I don't think it was a fake. It was planned. At about 5:30 in the morning, they started firing at us. As soon as a red alarm sounded, a rush of cars started trying to leave the party, but the terrorists surrounded us. They threw a grenade People were shocked, terrorists shot everywhere, policemen fell. It was a massacre. We hid in the forest for several hours. My friends are still missing. I don't know how to deal with what I saw. INN

The massacre at the party at Re'im: The terrorists shot at the young men who tried to escape Mako


News from Israel and the world, military and security "Murdered with an ax in front of his children": the horrifying testimonies from the settlements around Gaza While Israel is trying to recover from the murderous surprise attack that began a day ago, dozens of testimonies are being published. One of the testimonies is that of the children's mother who hid in the MAMAD. "He tried to protect -with his bidy- my two children who were with him in the MAMAD and was murdered" Maariv Online, 08/10/2023 [Tags: Terror / Operation Swords of Iron] Maariv


Israeli reporter: 'They massacred my family, two little children were witnesses" Yuval Segev, Galei Zahal’s political reporter, learned that his uncle and aunt were murdered together in front of their children.

Israel National News, Oct 8, 2023, 7:20 PM (GMT+3). [Kibbutz Be'eri] ... Today, Segev updated with the sad news: "After my family hid in the bush together for hours, one of the terrorists spotted them and started shooting. My family was massacred." INN


N12, Oct 8, 2023:

Regarding the party near Kibbutz Re'im, Laura Malu (interviewed) who was rescued after many hours, that God aswerd the prayers...

She recalls that the attack was via missiles

Yaniv from Kibbutz Be'eri, terrorists attacked a family home with thugs through the window. The terrorists shot and chased after them. I locked the house and so we were two families waiting for the army.

In Nahal Oz 13 hours after the start of the war, Jews in the MAMAD (Merkhav Mugan) are surrounded and there are shots fired...


Videos show captives in Gaza and Israel By Joyce Sohyun Lee and Imogen Piper October 7, 2023 at 2:05 p.m. EDT

The Washington Post has independently verified three videos appearing to show captives held in Gaza and surrounding areas in Israel. Both Hamas and the Israeli military have confirmed that Hamas militants are holding Israeli military personnel and civilians captive, but the total number is unknown.

The Post verified videos from three separate locations, spanning several miles — from Shejaiyia in Gaza to Be’eri, a Kibbutz in southern Israel.

Two of the videos alleging to show captured Israeli citizens appear to have been filmed 8 a.m. local time shortly after the attack, which began around 6:30 a.m. Saturday. They show graphic content.

In one video, from Be’eri, first geolocated on the platform X, armed men in military garb are seen dragging at least five people away from a residential area near the border with Gaza. One of the militants films the scene, and his shadow shows he is holding a walkie-talkie. Two of the captured appear older and thinly dressed. All are barefoot, with their hands tied behind them. Grey smoke rises in the background.

Captives in Be'eri

Video posted on Oct. 7 shows at least five captured people being walked through the streets of Be'eri, an Israeli kibbutz near the border with Gaza. (Video: Twitter) In another video, filmed by a local journalist, Palestinian fighters drive around in pickup trucks, parading captured men through a busy downtown market area in Bani Suhella, Gaza. It is unclear whether the men are alive; they lie in the bed of the trucks, shirtless and immobile. Bystanders film, cheer and run alongside the vehicles. When the trucks slow down, young men draw close and beat the bodies.

Captured Israeli soldiers paraded around Gaza

Video shared on Oct. 7 and taken by a local journalist claims to show captured Israeli soldiers being driven through crowds in Bani Suhella, Gaza. (Video: Alkofiya/Amr Tabash via Storyful) Another video first geolocated on X, filmed late morning in Shejaiya, Gaza, shows a woman covered in blood with her hands tied behind her being driven in the back of a vehicle by several armed men. A man with a handgun removes her from the back and forcibly puts her into the back seat. Shouts of “God is great” and nearby gunshots can be heard.

Bloodied woman forced into back of vehicle in Gaza

Video posted on Oct. 7 claims to show Hamas militants with a woman covered in blood with her hands tied behind her back being forced in the back of a Jeep. (Video: Twitter) Washington Post


Palestinian Hamas terrorists parading the bodies of dead Israelis as crowds cheer.

Palestinian Hamas terrorists parading the bodies of dead Israelis, civilians, children & soldiers around Gaza as tens of thousands of local residents cheer and hit bodies with sticks. Rumble


The fighting in the south: at least 600 dead and over 2000 wounded Srugim news, 08.10.23 | 14:11 The Ministry of Health has informed that 2,048 wounded are hospitalized, including 20 in critical condition and 330 in serious condition. The number of people killed in the war rose to over 600 people The number of people killed in the war in the south has risen to over 600 people - this is what sources in the security system estimate today (Sunday). This is alongside 2,048 wounded who have been evacuated to the hospitals so far. Srugim


On N12 Oct 7, 2023 evening ("Yachad Nenatzeah", around after 9PM local time).

Amos Yadlin spoke about shattering Hamas, the complete change of the IDF how it operates that had taken with extra caution like "roof knocking: that the fatalities today it's equivalence of around 10,000 in the 911 proportion, whereby the US took on Al Qaeda.

Israel Hasson suggested an overall operation on every building to announce that all non combatants should be evacuated we are against a dangerous Islamic radical organization.


Michael Oren: I can tell you the feeling of Istaelis...I can see Hebron from my window... Listening to Mustafa Barghouti speaking about "rights to defend themselves" does that mean killing women and children and taking 90 years old hostage? Abbas, Barghouti are alive because we are keeping them alive. Can you imagine what would have happened if there is a Palestinian, like Hamas controlled Gaza. I just watched a Hamas guy filmed hostage showing a V sign standing over a 90 years old woman held hostage. Is this "defending" itself?

CNN, Michael Oren, interviewed by Amanmpour, Oct 7, 2023 (after 1PM ET)


Robert Baer:

I would say it's not so much of a failure of Israeli intelligence. Hamas has (gotten off cell phones) moved into residential homes and basements to have communications and with guerilla carriers. It's a black hole for the Israelis.

CNN, Robert Baer, interviewed by Amanmpour, Oct 7, 2023 (around 1:44 PM ET)


Husam Zomlot ("Palestinian" Ambassador to the United Kingdom) started off first describing a Hamas military command, attacked, as "civilians."

CNN, Husam Zomlot, interviewed by Amanmpour, Oct 7, 2023 (after 2PM ET)


IDF evacuating civilians from Gaza border region “We’ll reach each and every community and kill every terrorist in Israel,” said IDF spokesman Daniel Hagari. Oct 8, 2023 JNS

IDF calls on Gaza residents to evacuate residential areas Empty heading Ynet | published: Oct 8, 2023

The IDF calls on the residents of Gaza to evacuate residential areas. The army added that the terrorist organizations are taking advantage of the residential areas. (Ynet) Ynet

Sunday the 23rd in Tishrei 5784. 08.10.23

IDF spokesman in Arabic to the residents of the Gaza Strip: for your safety, you must evacuate your residence immediately | watch

The IDF Spokesman in Arabic, Avichay Adraee, in an unusual message to the residents of the Gaza Strip, especially in the places near the border, in which he prepares them for the ground entry of IDF forces into the Strip, and orders them to evacuate their homes. Translation of his words: "Residents of the Gaza Strip, pay attention! Hamas actions are forcing the IDF to operate where you live. For your safety, you must evacuate your place of residence immediately."

Following his remarks, Adrei detailed the residential points near the border and ordered their residents to move to points that are deeper in the strip. [72] Rotter

The spokesman for the terrorist organization Hamas, Razi Hamed, tells the BBC network: "Iran supported the surprise attack on Israel." Oct 7, 2023 Rotter

Sunday the 23rd in Tishrei 5784. 08.10.23 Major General (Res.) Eliezer Marom: We did not lose a human being, the IDF will not attack innocents, it is a moral and ethical army and will remain so, we will not behave in the same way as the murderers

This is what Major General (Ret.) Eli [Eliezer (Cheney)] Marom, former commander of the Navy, said a short while ago on News 12: "We did not lose our humaneness - 'human character.' The IDF will not attack innocent targets, the IDF will not do this. We will not behave in the same way as these murderers did. We may remove the 'roof knocking,' we will not level villages, such things will not happen, because the IDF is a moral and ethical army and will remain so. Hitting Hamas hard to the point of crushing it, I think it is realistic, the IDF is capable and can do it and it should be done, and we need to see terrorists killed, unlike the last operations where the number of dead was low, we need to see Hamas killed, and in quantities, Because that's how you win a war in the end.

The second thing is the Arabs of Israel, we need to tell them out loud and in a clear way: whoever goes out into the streets now and tries to take advantage of the situation, blood on his head. He thought, we are in an emergency situation, we are in a different situation, not a normal situation." Rotter

The IDF recently completed an attack on ten terrorist targets of the terrorist organization Hamas; The targets were located in high-rise buildings used by the terrorist organization throughout the Gaza Strip.


IDF shells Lebanon after Hezbollah fires into Israel The Israeli military subsequently carried out a drone strike against Hezbollah "infrastructure." JNS, Oct 8, 2023 JNS

Two Israeli tourists killed in terror attack in Alexandria Their Egyptian tour guide was also shot dead and another Israeli was wounded. JNS, Oct 8, 2023 JNS

Reports in Lebanon: Five Hezbollah operatives were killed in IDF strikes in southern Lebanon, including a commander in the organization. 09.10.23 Rotter


Hamodia Two Seriously Wounded as Rockets Strike Ashdod and Ashkelon Oct 9, 2023. Hamodia


7 hurt in rocket attack on Jerusalem area Multiple people injured by 3 direct hits from rockets in towns surrounding Jerusalem. Israel National News, Oct 9, 2023, 6:17 PM (GMT+3) INN


Giora Eiland suggested to call the Hamas regime the Gaza State (to show the dimensions) that the Gaza State attacked Israel, and to do what Golda Meir did, tgat when the situation in Gaza is going to be critical for the Palestinians and the UN will start pressuring, to condition to travel it with releasing Israeli hostages. (N12, 7:40 AM)

Cartoon Words can hurt We have been invaded by what most members of the United Nations recognize as the "State of Palestine." Yaakov Kirschen Credit: Yaakov (DryBones) Kirschen.Credit: Yaakov (DryBones) Kirschen. [73] (October 8, 2023 / JNS) When TV reported the horrifying news of the coordinated land, sea and air invasion of Israel, it was accompanied by quotes from heads of states condemning the “terrorism.” Shame on them. We have been invaded by what most members of the United Nations recognize as the “State of Palestine.” JNS


Esther was saved from the nature party She says it was the Divine Providence... someone came and watched over us... I'm praying for everyone... it's terrible this thought that the parents don't know what's going on... at first we played it dead... for two and a half hours as the body is tilted... N12 Oct 8, 2023, 9:20-27 AM +


"Iron Swords" IDF spokesperson:

The IDF recently completed an attack on ten terrorist targets of the terrorist organization Hamas; the targets were located in high-rise buildings used by the terrorist organization throughout the Gaza Strip.

During the night, the IDF attacked ten operational infrastructures used by the terrorist organization Hamas which were used by the organization to direct terrorism in the Gaza Strip against the State of Israel, including an intelligence headquarters of the terrorist organization and a military structure that was used by the terrorist organization's air force.

At the same time, two bank branches used by the organization to finance terrorism were attacked, including the National Islamic Bank used by the organization to finance terrorist activities and the organization's first bank branch, a compound for the production of aerial weapons used by the air force of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad terrorist organization in Gaza City, and a building in which There are offices and a warehouse where the terrorist organization stores weapons and military equipment.

Attached is documentation of the attack by many terrorist groups in the Gaza Strip during the last day: [74] Rotter


'Squad' Dems face backlash calling for 'ceasefire' after Israel attacks: 'Can’t merely condemn terrorism' Rep. Rashida Tlaib, at the time of publication, has yet to make a statement By Houston Keene, Fox News. Published October 7, 2023

Fox News


Dem Congressional Staffer Shared Messages Justifying Hamas Terrorist Attack On Israel Daily Caller | October 12, 2023 | Dylan Housman Deputy News Editor A staffer advising Democratic Indiana Rep. Andre Carson on Middle Eastern policy shared messages on her Instagram account sympathizing with Hamas after the terrorist organization killed more than 1,000 Israelis in an attack beginning last weekend.

Diala Qasem is a senior legislative assistant for Carson, including on Middle East affairs and Muslim issues, according to her own LinkedIn page. In recent days, the Daily Caller viewed multiple posts shared on Qasem’s Instagram story which expressed sympathy for, and justification of, the Hamas slaughter of innocent Israeli civilians, including the rape of women and execution of children. DK


Hamas leader Mashaal calls for day of "rage" tomorrow against Zionists and Americans by Muslims and Arabs all around the world Itamar Marcus | Oct 12, 2023 Palwatch


The survivors of the nature party: "We encountered an ambush by terrorists - we saw many bodies" Shlomi Heller Last updated: 7.10.2023 Walla

Around a thosand terrorists infiltrated from Gaza into Israeli territory. At least a 100 dead. Hamal, Oct 7, 2023


Dramatic documentation: the elimination of a squad of Hamas terrorists inside the settlement of Be'eri

The IDF spokesman published dramatic documentation of the elimination of a terrorist squad that managed to penetrate into the territory of the State of Israel and murdered Israelis in the settlement of Bari | Watch (Army and Defense) | Kikar ha Shabbat | Oct 7, 2023 Kikar HaShabbat


Testimonies of Otef-Aza residents from the surprise attack on Israel: "Babies are being massacred here

Ilya Yagorov, Neta Bar, Yaron Doron 7/10/2023. ILH


ynet blog

Israel confirms at least ... dead, dozens captured in Hamas offensive

Dozens of Israeli captives, including numerous women and children, believed to have been taken into the Gaza Strip as fighting continues in several locations along border area

Attila Somfalvi, | published

At 6:29am, the Gaza Strip terrorist group launched an incursion into Israeli territory by land, sea and air as well as some 3,000 rockets within hours.

Armed Palestinians managed to overwhelm several Israeli communities and military bases along the border, which have stayed under their control for hours. Dozens of Israeli civilians were believed to be held captive in Kibbutz Be'eri. Israeli forces poured into the conflict zones and engaged the terrorists. Ynet

Netanyahu: "Hamas kidnaps and murders children, a brutal war has been launched against us" The Prime Minister spoke and referred to Operation Iron Swords, and warned that the campaign is expected to continue for a long time, and also sent a threatening message to the leaders of Hamas: "What happened today did not happen in Israel." Anna Barsky, 07/10/2023

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu spoke this evening (Saturday) and referred to Operation Iron Swords, and warned that the campaign is expected to continue for a long time, and also sent a threatening message to the leaders of Hamas.

[In the heart of Gaza: the IDF demolished buildings that were used for Hamas' terrorist infrastructure | Watch the documentation]

Hamas started a cruel and evil war," Netanyahu said. "We will win this war, but the price is too heavy to bear. This is a very difficult day for all of us. Hamas wants to murder us all. This is an enemy who murders children and mothers in their homes, in their beds. An enemy who kidnaps the elderly, children, girls. Murderers who beat and slaughter our citizens, our children, in total Everyone went out to spend the holiday."

"What happened today will not be seen in Israel - and I will make sure it doesn't happen again," he continued. "The entire government stands behind this decision. The IDF will immediately use all its strength to destroy the capabilities of Hamas. We will beat them to the bone and take revenge with force for this black day they have inflicted on the State of Israel and its citizens. As Bialik said: "The blood revenge of a small child has not yet created the devil".

[Israelis are waiting to donate blood at the Ichilov Hospital. Photo: Dovrat Ichilov] "I say to the residents of Gaza: get out of there now, because we will act everywhere and with all the strength," he clarified. "At this time, IDF forces are clearing the last settlements of terrorists. They go settlement by settlement, house by house and return control to our hands. I send a hug and condolences from the bottom of my heart, to the bereaved families whose loved ones were murdered today in cold blood and with endless cruelty." "We all also pray for the peace of the wounded and all those held hostage. I say to Hamas: You are responsible for their safety. Israel will come to account with anyone who harms a single hair on their head," he threatened at the end of his speech. "I am turning from here to the residents of the south - we all stand by you, we are all proud of you for standing bravely, for fighting. This war will take time. She will be hard. Challenging days are still ahead. But I can guarantee one thing: with the help of God, with the help of the joint forces of all of us, with the help of our faith in the Eternal of Israel [God] - we will win." Maariv

Israel-Palestine latest news: Hamas committed 'cold-blooded murder', says Israeli President.

Hamas has committed “cold-blooded murder of innocent men, women, and children,” Israeli President Isaac Herzog said in an address to the nation after militants launched an unprecedented surprise multi-front attack.

KEY MOMENTS Chosen by us to get you up to speed at a glance:

3:51pm 'Normalisation' will not create stability or security for anyone, Hamas tells The Telegraph 8:17am Israel: 'Hamas has made a big mistake this morning' 8:06am Armed militants reported in a dozen cities 6:41am Israel calls up reservists. 6:29am Hamas launches surprise attack against Israel in biggest offensive in years. [75] Telegraph


Hamas abducted 11 Thai nationals Five thousand Thais work near the Gaza border. Oct 8, 2023 JNS

IDF strikes Hamas as operation 'Iron Swords' commences By Jerusalem Post Staff October 7, 2023

The IDF was striking the southern region and communities near the Gaza Strip with multiple operational forces it said Saturday afternoon in an operation it is calling "Iron Swords."

"Operational commanders are arriving to manage the combat in all areas," explained IDF Lieutenant Colonel Daniel Hagari. "Concurrently, we have initiated the call-up of reservists for various units within the IDF."

According to the Hagari, some 2,200 rockets were fired from the Gaza Strip into Israeli territory. Simultaneously, there were several infiltrations into Israeli territory in the southern part of the country.

Numerous IDF units, including special units, have been deployed to the Gaza periphery and are engaging in various combat zones to protect the residents of the southern region. Dozens of combat aircraft from the Air Force have recently struck several targets belonging to the Hamas terrorist organization in the Gaza Strip.

The IDF Spokesperson calls on the public to listen to the instructions of the Home Front Command, which save lives. JPost


Amid Hamas carnage, Abbas calls to ‘bolster steadfastness of the Palestinian people’ October 7, 2023 JNS


Fatah calls to expand war to West Bank – “confrontation in all arenas” Fatah calls to expand war Oct 8, 2023 Palwatch


Fatah: “Strike the sons of apes of pigs… slaughter everyone who is Israeli” Fatah: Slaughter everyone who is Israeli” PA's Antisemitism & Demonization Oct 9, 2023 Palwatch


The IDF destroyed a "pizzeria" in Hawara that mocked an Israeli kidnapped to the Gaza Strip | Documentation The commander of the Central Command issued an unusual order to a business that mocked a Holocaust survivor who was reportedly kidnapped to the Gaza Strip - and within minutes, IDF forces were on the scene, destroyed the exterior, sealed it off, and detained the owner of the pizzeria for questioning. A short time later, an apology was published on Facebook in Hebrew: "The photo was not published in our opinion."

Elisha ben Kimon, October 12, 2023.

...The order states that the "pizzeria" is "Eiffel Bakery and Supermarket", or in Arabic - "mukhbiz wasubar markit 'iifil".[مخبز وسوبر ماركت إيفل] Ynet

Yossi Dagan: "Congratulations on the sealing of the Nazi pizzeria - we will not be complacent anymore" (Palestinians - Huwara [Hawara]) Two hours after the head of the Samaria Council, Yossi Dagan, called for the destruction of the pizzeria in Hawara [حُوّارة] that advertised itself while humiliating an elderly woman who had been kidnapped to Gaza, the IDF sealed the pizzeria with tons of sand - for all its contents. . Israel raises its head - what was will no longer be!" Channel 7, 28 in Tishrei 5784. 13.10.23.

Dagan emphasized the importance of quick and unequivocal action: "I congratulate the General of the Central Command, the Shomron Brigade and the backing of the Prime Minister and the Minister of Defense. For a clear statement against the Nazi, the scumbag, the terrorist who advertised his pizza - while mocking a Holocaust survivor who was kidnapped to Gaza. Like a barbarian-Nazi from the village of the murderers Huwara." INN


BBC guest compares Hamas onslaught to Warsaw Ghetto Uprising Palestinian writer and educator Refaat Alareer told the news channel that the carnage in southern Israel was “legitimate and moral.” Georgia L. Gilholy.

(October 8, 2023 / JNS) A BBC News guest has compared terrorist attacks on Israeli civilians to a major episode of Jewish resistance against the Nazis.

The comments came during a discussion on the United Kingdom’s national broadcaster of the ongoing Israel-Hamas conflict, following the incursion of Hamas terrorists into southern Israel on Saturday which has left hundreds of Israeli civilians dead and an unconfirmed number held hostage. There have been reports of sexual assault and torture.

Speaking from Gaza City on Saturday evening, writer and educator Refaat Alareer told the news channel that today’s scenes were “legitimate and moral” and “exactly like the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising.”

Lord Austin, a former Labour MP and independent member of the United Kingdom’s House of Lords responded to the clip via X (formerly Twitter), writing, “Needs to educate himself. Clearly knows nothing about Hamas, their appalling atrocities and even less about the Warsaw Ghetto and the uprising.”

In 2018 Alareer took to social media to accuse “most Jews of being [Alareer:] evil,” and referred to Zionists as “the most despicable filth.” ...

What was The Warsaw Ghetto Uprising?

The Warsaw Ghetto Uprising was a major act of Jewish resistance against the Nazi occupation during World War II. The Warsaw Ghetto, located in the capital of Poland, Warsaw, was established by Nazi forces in 1940 as a segregated and confined area where hundreds of thousands of Jews were forced to live in extremely cramped and inhumane conditions.

In 1943, as the Nazis began the final stages of liquidating the ghetto and deporting its inhabitants to extermination camps, the ghetto’s Jewish inhabitants, primarily from various resistance organizations, initiated armed resistance against the Nazi forces who they were significantly outnumbered and outgunned by.

The face-off lasted over a month before the Nazi forces brutally suppressed the uprising and the ghetto was razed to the ground, but the episode has become a symbol of Jewish resistance and the struggle for human rights and freedom during the Holocaust. JNS


UN staff celebrate Hamas massacre October 16, 2023 Israel, United Nations

While Hamas terrorists were murdering babies in Israel on October 7, killing 1300 Israelis and wounding 3000, UN school teachers, principals and other staff in Gaza were publicly celebrating the massacre, as revealed by UN Watch. See the thread below.

(For our major reports on incitement to hate and terrorism in UNRWA schools, click here. [76]) UNWatch


Nazism again in Huwara: Swastikas and PLO flags on a wall in Huwara

'Destroy the wall immediately. The policy of accepting Nazi terror is over!' Samaria leader Yossi Dagan demands.

Israel National News, Oct 24, 2023, 12:03 PM (GMT+3) [77]

For the second time in 10 days, swastikas were scrawled on a wall on the main road in Huwara.

A week and a half after the IDF demolished a pizzeria that advertised itself using a photo of an elderly woman kidnapped to Gaza, Arabs painted a huge wall on the main road in the center of Huwara and filled it with PLO flags and swastikas.

Samaria Regional Council head Yossi Dagan reacted angrily and demanded that the security forces immediately destroy the wall.

"This is the true face of the killers from Hamas and their financiers, the killers from Fatah - the Palestinian Authority: a bunch of warring Nazis," Dagan said. "I demand that the government and the security forces to respond as they respond to Nazis, and immediately destroy the wall on the main road in Huwara."

"The acceptance policy for Nazi terror is over. We will not go as sheep to the slaughter. We demand security, demand national honor, demand to run over these Nazis who did it. What was will not be anymore.

"The acceptance policy for Nazi terror is over!"

Earlier this month, an IDF bulldozer demolished a pizzeria in Huwara that encouraged terrorism and published an ad promoting its products which used a photo of an elderly Jewish woman who was abducted by Hamas terrorists to Gaza and forced by them to make a “V” sign with her fingers.

Following the outrageous publication, Dagan demanded that the government and the security forces to destroy the pizzeria. A short time later, the forces arrived on the scene - and an IDF bulldozer began the demolition INN


Second day in a row, Karine Jean-Pierre universalizes Jew-hatred The White House press secretary, who began the daily press conference ostensibly to correct her pivot to Islamophobia the day before when asked about Jew-hatred, began discussing Muslims again.

(October 24, 2023 / JNS) White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre came under fire on Monday for answering a question about the president’s concern about antisemitism by pivoting to Islamophobia. On Tuesday, she began the press briefing with a more than 100-word statement, ostensibly to correct yesterday’s error.

She quickly pivoted to universalizing hatred of Jews for the second day in a row.

“When Jews are targeted because of their beliefs or their identity, when Israel is singled out because of anti-Jewish hatred, that is antisemitism, and that is unacceptable,” the press secretary began. JNS


10 Hamas Terrorists Killed in Another Infiltration Attempt Near Zikim. By Hana Levi Julian - 10 Heshvan 5784 – October 24, 2023 Jewish Press


IDF hits Hamas apparatus which prevented Gazans from evacuating south In widescale strikes, IDF hits Hamas terror tunnels, command centers responsible for arresting and imprisoning Hamas opponents. Israel National News, Oct 25, 2023, 10:00 AM (GMT+3) INN


Israeli-American screenwriter quits Writers Guild over silence on Israel-Hamas war

Israeli-American screenwriter Dan Gordon blasts Writers Guild of America: You're witness to the worst slaughter of Jews since Nazi Germany and you can't find a word to say.

Israel National News, Oct 25, 2023, 5:15 AM (GMT+3)

Israeli-American screenwriter Dan Gordon resigned from the Writers Guild of America (WGA) on Tuesday over the guild’s silence on the Hamas attacks on Israel, Variety reports.

Gordon, who wrote “The Hurricane” and “Wyatt Earp” among others, is also a veteran of the Israel Defense Forces. He grew up in Israel and the US, and holds dual citizenship.

He wrote a letter to WGA West leadership on Tuesday saying he will elect “financial core” status, according to Variety.

In a separate interview, Gordon noted that the guild had previously taken stands in support of Black Lives Matter and the #MeToo movement, and that its refusal to condemn the Hamas attacks is “appalling.”

“We had no trouble, as we should not have had, weighing in after George Floyd was killed. We had no problem, as we should not have had, weighing in on the #MeToo movement. No one said at the time, ‘I don’t want to offend Bill Cosby,'” he was quoted as having said. “And yet you’re witness to nothing less than the worst slaughter of Jews since Nazi Germany and you can’t find a word to say to condemn it.”

“We’re not the union of pipefitters. We’re not the plumbers union,” added Gordon. “We’re the Writers Guild. We stood up to McCarthyism. We stood up to fascism. It’s part of our job to bear witness.”

Writers who opt for “fi-core” status cannot vote in WGA elections, participate in awards, or enjoy other benefits of membership. They still pay a reduced dues rate and work under the same economic terms as apply to guild members. The guild does not allow members to rejoin after they elect “fi-core” status.

The WGA on Tuesday issued a lengthy apology in which its leadership explained that they drew a distinction between domestic social justice issues — which they have spoken out on — and international tragedies, which they generally have not.

“We are American labor leaders, aware of our limitations and humbled by the magnitude of this conflict,” the leaders stated, according to Variety. “However, we understand this has caused tremendous pain and for that we are truly sorry.”

Meanwhile, dozens of celebrities in the American entertainment industry signed a joint letter in which they thanked US President Joe Biden for his part in the release of four hostages from Gaza, and demanded the release of all the hostages held in Gaza.

Last weekend, 58 other celebrities published an open letter demanding that Biden call for a ceasefire in Gaza and Israel. INN


The UN Secretary General tried to correct, in Israel they do not forgive The UN Secretary General met with the families of the abductees after his outrageous statement that the massacre by Hamas was not "carried out in a vacuum". Arden: We will teach them a lesson.

Nitzan Keidar, 10 Cheshvan 5784. 25.10.23 Guterres tried to correct the outrageous statement he made just a few hours before in the Security Council according to which "Hamas attacks did not take place in a vacuum" and said that "nothing can justify the killing, injury and kidnapping of civilians by Hamas."

The political system in Israel was outraged by Guterres' words and his clarification did not quell the anger towards him either. Israel's ambassador to the UN, Gilad Erdan, told Gali IDF this morning that significant steps will be taken in the field as a result. "As a result of these things, we will refuse visas to the UN representatives, we have already refused the Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Aid Martin Griffith - it's time we teach them a lesson." INN


Israeli UN ambassador demands UN secretary-general resign after 'shocking' speech. UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres: Palestinians ‘subjected to 56 years ..' Greg Norman By Greg Norman, Chris Pandolfo Fox News Published October 24, 2023 1:29pm EDT Updated October 24, 2023 2:26pm EDT

Israel's ambassador to the United Nations is ripping the "horrible views" that U.N. Secretary-General António Guterres expressed at a meeting of the Security Council on Tuesday and is calling for his resignation.

Ambassador Gilad Erdan described Guterres’ remarks as "shocking" for stating that the Oct. 7 terror attacks on Israel by Hamas "did not happen in a vacuum"... "The @UN Secretary-General, who shows understanding for the campaign of mass murder of children, women, and the elderly, is not fit to lead the UN," he wrote in a follow-up post. "I call on him to resign immediately. There is no justification or point in talking to those who show compassion for the most terrible atrocities committed against the citizens of Israel and the Jewish people. There are simply no words."

"The shocking speech by the @UN Secretary-General at the Security Council meeting, while rockets are being fired at all of Israel, proved conclusively, beyond any doubt, that the Secretary-General is completely disconnected from the reality in our region and that he views the massacre committed by Nazi Hamas terrorists in a distorted and immoral manner," Erdan posted on X, formerly Twitter.

"His statement that, 'the attacks by Hamas did not happen in a vacuum,' expressed an understanding for terrorism and murder. It’s really unfathomabale (sic). It’s truly sad that the head of an organization that arose after the Holocaust holds such horrible views. A tragedy!" Fox News


World Leaders Condemn Hamas Terror Attacks on Israeli Civilians Hamas rocket attacks on Israel October 7, 2023

At 6:30 a.m. on Saturday, October 7, Hamas, the Iran-backed terror group controlling Gaza, launched an unprovoked and vicious surprise attack on Israel. Using rockets, paragliders, boats, motorcycles and other vehicles, and whatever other means they could, terrorists infiltrated Israel with one goal—to murder and kidnap Israelis.

Over 100 Israelis have been killed and more than 850 are critically wounded. There are multiple reports of hostages being taken. More than 3,000 rockets have been fired at Israeli towns and cities. Israeli families are huddled in bomb shelters.

Since the start of this unprovoked war, AJC has closely monitored the situation, doing all that we can to support Israel at this critical time. We continue to call on leaders across the globe to condemned these heinous terror attacks. Here are some of the world leaders who have spoken out against this Hamas terror attack:

Austrian President A. Van der Bellen:

I am horrified and strongly condemn Hamas’ ongoing brutal attack on #Israel and the terror and violence it is waging against innocent people. We stand in solidarity with Israel. This must stop now! (vdb)

— A. Van der Bellen (@vanderbellen) October 7, 2023

Czech Prime Minister Petr Fiala:

I condemn the terrorist attacks on Israel. My thoughts are with the innocent victims of the violence and I wish our friends in Israel the swiftest possible handling of the situation and the fulfilment of their ambitions to live in peace and security. The Czech Republic has always… — Petr Fiala (@P_Fiala) October 7, 2023

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi:

Deeply shocked by the news of terrorist attacks in Israel. Our thoughts and prayers are with the innocent victims and their families. We stand in solidarity with Israel at this difficult hour. — Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) October 7, 2023

French President Emmanuel Macron:

Je condamne fermement les attaques terroristes qui frappent actuellement Israël. J’exprime ma pleine solidarité avec les victimes, leurs familles et leurs proches. — Emmanuel Macron (@EmmanuelMacron) October 7, 2023

German Foreign Minister Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock:

Hamas eskaliert die Gewalt. Ich verurteile die terroristischen Angriffe aus Gaza gegen #Israel aufs Schärfste. Gewalt & Raketen gegen Unschuldige müssen sofort aufhören. Israel hat unsere volle Solidarität & das völkerrechtlich verbriefte Recht, sich gegen Terror zu verteidigen. — Außenministerin Annalena Baerbock (@ABaerbock) October 7, 2023

Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis:

I strongly condemn today’s atrocious terrorist attack against Israel, causing a high number of casualties among civilians. We stand by the people of Israel and fully support its right to self- defense. — Prime Minister GR (@PrimeministerGR) October 7, 2023

Danish Foreign Minister Lars Løkke Rasmussen:

DK FM @larsloekke: “I strongly condemn the attack this morning by Hamas against Israel. We must stand firm together against terrorism. My thoughts are with the victims, their families and all of Israel.” — Denmark MFA 🇩🇰 (@DanishMFA) October 7, 2023

EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell Fontelles:

We follow with anguish the news coming from #Israel. We unequivocally condemn the attacks by Hamas. This horrific violence must stop immediately. Terrorism and violence solve nothing. The EU expresses its solidarity with Israel in these difficult moments. — Josep Borrell Fontelles (@JosepBorrellF) October 7, 2023

EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen:

I unequivocally condemn the attack carried out by Hamas terrorists against Israel. It is terrorism in its most despicable form.

Israel has the right to defend itself against such heinous attacks. — Ursula von der Leyen (@vonderleyen) October 7, 2023

The Italian Government:

“The Italian government is closely following the brutal attack taking place in Israel. Condemns in the strongest terms the ongoing terror and violence against innocent civilians. Terror will never prevail. We support Israel's right to defend itself.” [78] — Italy in Israel (@ItalyinIsrael) October 7, 2023

Kosova President Vjosa Osmani:

Appalled by the terror attacks and killings of innocent civilians in Israel. We express our full solidarity with President @Isaac_Herzog, the people, and the State of Israel in these dark hours. Our thoughts are with the families of the victims. — Vjosa Osmani (@VjosaOsmaniPRKS) October 7, 2023

Latvian President Edgars Rinkēvičs:

I strongly condemn terrorist attacks launched by #Hamas against innocent Israeli citizens. #Israel has right to defend itself. #Latvia stands in solidarity with the people of Israel and I offer my deep condolences to the families and friends of the victims #Israel_under_attack — Edgars Rinkēvičs (@edgarsrinkevics) October 7, 2023

Lithuanian Prime Minister Ingrida Simonyte:

I strongly condemn the terror attacks on #Israel this morning, and express my condolences to all those affected by these terrorist acts. Terror will never prevail. Our thoughts are with the people in Israel. — Ingrida Šimonytė (@IngridaSimonyte) October 7, 2023

Moldovan President Maia Sandu:

Appalled by the ongoing assault on Israel. I condemn the massive violence against innocent civilians. My thoughts are with Israel and all those defending against these ruthless attacks, @Isaac_Herzog. — Maia Sandu (@sandumaiamd) October 7, 2023

Polish Foreign Minister Zbigniew Rau:

I condemn in the strongest terms the ongoing attacks by Hamas against Israel. Such indiscriminate violence and ruthless targeting of civilians is unacceptable. Our thoughts and prayers are with all affected by these outrageous acts of aggression. — Zbigniew Rau (@RauZbigniew) October 7, 2023

Romanian Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu:

Terrible news coming from Israel this morning. We stand in full solidarity with Israel and condemn the rocket attacks against Israel. We send our condoleances to the families and ask for these attacks to immediately stop. — Marcel Ciolacu (@CiolacuMarcel) October 7, 2023

UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak:

I am shocked by this morning's attacks by Hamas terrorists against Israeli citizens. Israel has an absolute right to defend itself. We're in contact with Israeli authorities, and British nationals in Israel should follow travel advice. — Rishi Sunak (@RishiSunak) October 7, 2023

UK Foreign Secretary James Cleverly:

Hamas are not “fighters”. Hamas are not “militants”. Hamas are terrorists. There is no other word to describe the brutality of firing rockets or terrorist attacks targeting civilians. — James Cleverly🇬🇧 (@JamesCleverly) October 7, 2023

U.S. President Joe Biden:

U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken: We unequivocally condemn the appalling attacks by Hamas terrorists against Israel. We stand in solidarity with the government and people of Israel and extend our condolences for the Israeli lives lost in these attacks. — Secretary Antony Blinken (@SecBlinken) October 7, 2023 AJC

October 7, 2023 Statement from NSC Spokesperson Adrienne Watson Condemning Terrorist Attacks Against Israel HOME BRIEFING ROOM STATEMENTS AND RELEASES The United States unequivocally condemns the unprovoked attacks by Hamas terrorists against Israeli civilians. There is never any justification for terrorism. We stand firmly with the Government and people of Israel and extend our condolences for the Israeli lives lost in these attacks. National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan has spoken to Israeli National Security Advisor Tzachi Hanegbi and we remain in close contact with our Israeli partners. WH

WATCH: Biden pledges US will stand with Israel following Hamas invasion

President Biden says US will help ensure Israel has military support needed to defend itself, after Hamas invasion leaves over 250 dead, 1,500 wounded, dozens kidnapped.

By JNS, World Israel News, Oct 7, 2023

U.S. President Joe Biden delivered just over two minutes worth of remarks about the Hamas terrorist attacks in Israel on Saturday afternoon and did not take questions from the press.

“Today, the people of Israel are under attack,” he began. “Orchestrated by a terrorist organization, Hamas. In this moment of tragedy, I want to say to them and to the world, and to terrorists everywhere: The United States stands with Israel. We will not ever fail to have her back.”

“We will make sure that they have the help that their citizens need and they can continue to defend themselves,” he said. “The world has seen appalling images. Thousands of rockets, in the space of hours, raining down on Israeli cities.”

“I got up this morning and started this at 7:30, 8:00, my calls,” the president added. “Hamas terrorists crossing into Israel. Killing not only Israeli soldiers, but Israeli civilians. In the street. In their homes. Innocent people murdered, wounded. Entire families taken hostage by Hamas.”

Read 'Shame on you, Biden' - Miss Iraq blasts US funding of Palestinian Authority He noted that all occurred “just days” after Israel the High Holidays. “It’s unconscionable,” he said. “You know, when I spoke to Prime Minister [Benjamin] Netanyahu this morning, I told him the United States stand with the people of Israel in the face of these terrorist assaults.”

“Israel has the right to defend itself and its people. Full stop. There’s never a justification for terrorist attacks,” Biden added. “My administration’s support for Israeli security is rock solid and unwavering.”

“Let me say this as clearly as I can,” the president added, pointing at the cameras. “This is not a moment for any party hostile to Israel to exploit these attacks to seek advantage. The world is watching.”

Biden said he has also been in contact with King Abdullah II of Jordan and with members of the U.S. Congress.

He said that he has directed his team to be in touch with Israeli counterparts and to be in “constant contact” with leaders in the region, including Egypt, Turkey, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Oman, the United Arab Emirates, European partners and the Palestinian Authority.

“This is also a tragedy on a human level,” the president said. “It’s hurting innocent people. Seeing the lives that have been broken by this, the families torn apart, it’s heart-breaking.” He added that he and his wife, Jill Biden, are praying for those impacted and their families and for swift recovery of those injured. He also said he will personally be in “close contact” with Netanyahu.

Read First-ever official Israeli delegation arrives in Saudi Arabia The president also released a statement earlier in the day about the “horrific and ongoing attacks in Israel,” which the United States “unequivocally condemns.” He added that “Terrorism is never justified. Israel has a right to defend itself and its people. The United States warns against any other party hostile to Israel seeking advantage in this situation. My Administration’s support for Israel’s security is rock solid and unwavering.” worldisraelnews


Jake Wallis Simons @JakeWSimons:

So many enablers of Islamist fascism blaming Israel for the assault against it! Bear this in mind: a Palestinian state could have been a reality many times over by now, including in 1948, an opportunity which was rejected by the extremists who had come to dominate the leadership. Another revealing moment came in 2008, when after intensive negotiations, Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert tabled an unprecedented offer. Its terms included: 94 per cent of the West Bank given to the Palestinians, with 6 per cent of Israeli land added to make up the difference; East Jerusalem placed under Palestinian sovereignty, making it the capital of a Palestinian state; Israel withdrawing from the Old City of Jerusalem, which would be under international administration; a tunnel connecting the West Bank and Gaza, ensuring Palestinian territorial contiguity; and Israel accepting a thousand Palestinian refugees annually for five years, with financial compensation provided for the rest. It is hard to imagine a more generous plan. Yet in a grotesque failure of leadership, Mahmoud Abbas turned it down. Writing in the Washington Post the following year, Olmert said: “It would be worth exploring the reasons that the Palestinians rejected my offer and preferred, instead, to drag their feet, avoiding real decisions.”  It is hard to resist the conclusion that Palestinian nationalism rests more on hatred of the Jews than the desire for statehood. With Abbas defending the appalling Hamas invasion, that conclusion seems clearer than ever today. Oct 7, 2023 X


Western leaders stand by Israel amid Hamas attack Messages from the US and European nations echo support and condemnation following the unexpected attack initiated by Hamas October 7, 2023 Itamar Eichner, News Agencies | Ynet

West decries 'brutal' Hamas attack on Israel Condemnations by Western leaders keep pouring in as Israel faces a surprise attack by the terror organization. By David Baron Published on 10-07-2023

Leaders around the world the world condemned the surprise attack by Hamas on Israel Saturday morning.

"Sickened by the images coming out of southern Israel of dead and wounded civilians at the hands of terrorists from Gaza. The United States stands with Israel," acting US Ambassador in Jerusalem Stephanie Hallett said. ""I condemn the indiscriminate rocket fire by Hamas terrorists against Israeli civilians. I am in contact with Israeli officials, and fully support Israel's right to defend itself from such terrorist acts."

"I unequivocally condemn the attack carried out by Hamas terrorists against Israel," President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen tweeted. "It is terrorism in its most despicable form. Israel has the right to defend itself against such heinous attacks."

Similarly, President of France Emmanuel Macron said he "strongly condemn[ed] the terrorist attacks which are currently hitting Israel. I express my full solidarity with the victims, and their families and those close to them."

Foreign Minister of Britain James Cleverly tweeted, "The UK unequivocally condemns the horrific attacks by Hamas on Israeli civilians. The UK will always support Israel's right to defend itself."

Germany too decried the attacks, with its foreign minister, Annalena Baerbock, saying, "I strongly condemn the terrorist attacks against Israel from Gaza. Violence and rockets against innocent civilians must stop now. We stand in full solidarity with Israel and its right under international law to defend itself against terror."

Prime Minister of Hungary Viktor Orbán tweeted, "We strongly condemn the brutal attack against Israel, and unequivocally support Israel's right to self-defense. I would like to express my sympathy and condolences to Prime Minister Netanyahu. Our thoughts and prayers are with the people of Israel in these dark hours."

Foreign Minister of Italy Antonio Tajani said his government was "closely following the brutal attack taking place in Israel" and condemned "in the strongest terms the ongoing terror and violence against innocent civilians." ILH

Global leaders unite in solidarity with Israel following Hamas attack Reacting to the distressing developments in Israel, leaders from around the world were quick to condemn the attacks and offer their solidarity with the nation. CnbcTV18

'Terrorism in its most despicable form': World leaders unite to condemn unprecedented attack on Israel by Hamas By Associated Press - Australian politicians are joining a growing group of world leaders condemning the deadly Hamas attack and voicing solidarity with Israel.

Foreign Minister, Senator Penny Wong, led the government's response with a short statement on social media on Saturday evening.

"Australia unequivocally condemns the attacks on Israel by Hamas including indiscriminate rocket fire on cities and civilians," she began on X, the platform formerly known as Twitter. [79]. 9News.au

A bridge in Australia is illuminated tonight in blue and white: "Solidarity with Israel Oct 8, 2023 [80] Hamal

Al Arabiya English World leaders condemn Hamas for 'brutal' attacks on Israel Al Arabiya

Wall Street Journal European Leaders Condemn Hamas Attack on Israel

By James Hookway October 07, 2023. European leaders condemned Hamas’s attack Saturday, with France, Germany and the U.K. declaring they would stand alongside Israel. French President Emmanuel Macron wrote on X, formerly Twitter: “I strongly condemn the current terrorist attacks against Israel. I express my full solidarity with the victims, their families and loved ones.” German Chancellor Olaf Scholz said the Palestinian militants’ attacks from Gaza “shock us deeply,” adding that “Germany condemns these attacks by Hamas and stands beside Israel.” WSJ

High Representative of EU condemns attack on Israel By Jerusalem Post Staff October 7, 2023 "We follow with anguish the news coming from Israel", said the High Representative of the EU for Foreign Affairs Josep Borrell in a statement on Twitter.

"We unequivocally condemn the attacks by Hamas. This horrific violence must stop immediately. Terrorism and violence solve nothing. The EU expresses its solidarity with Israel in these difficult moments." JPost

POLITICO EU condemns Hamas attack on Israel as 'terrorism in its most despicable form.' October 7, 2023 Politico

Israeli flag hoisted outside EU Parliament in Belgium | AFP Oct 8, 2023 The Israeli flag is hoisted on the pediment of the European Parliament in Brussels, after the Palestinian militant group Hamas launched a surprise attack against Israel. youtube

Britain 'unequivocally' condemns Hamas attack on Israel By Reuters October 7, 2023. Britain "unequivocally condemns" a surprise attack by Palestinian Islamist group Hamas on Israel on Saturday, Foreign Secretary James Cleverly said.

"The UK unequivocally condemns the horrific attacks by Hamas on Israeli civilians. The UK will always support Israel’s right to defend itself," Cleverly said in a post on social media. JPost

Condemned the French left Prime Minister of France: "Can only imagine the mental agony of the citizens of Israel" The Prime Minister of France expressed her solidarity with the people of Israel and attacked the extreme left in France that ignores the massacre that took place in Israel | "We are all struck with terror and anxiety when we see the pictures from Israel," she said at a panel for journalists in France (in the world) | Shabbat Square October 8, 2023 French Prime Minister Elizabeth Bourne was interviewed today (Sunday) by the French media outlet BFMTV and expressed solidarity and concern for the people of Israel.

"We are all horrified when we see these images. Rockets falling on residential buildings, victims in the street, Hamas commandos taking hostages, this is of course horror, horror, and we imagine the anxiety of the populations who see these rockets coming, who see these soldiers coming ", she said.

"I want to come back again and express my solidarity with the Israeli people, in the face of the terrorist attacks. Of course, France condemns them with all force. Israel has the right to security," she emphasized.

She then said that "we have seen horrifying images of hostages, of human beings, humiliated, dragged, and we can only condemn and condemn again these terrorist attacks and guarantee our support for Israel, we must guarantee the security of the State of Israel."

At the same time, the leader of the far-left anti-Semitic Jean-Luc Melanchon wrote a post in which he notes that the violence seen last night in Israel only proves that "violence begets violence", and later wrote that "Israelis and Palestinians should live in peace side by side", said the anti-Semitic.

The French Prime Minister was outraged by these things. "It is shocking. In the current situation, it is impossible to make a comparison between Israel and Hamas, which I mention is a terrorist organization, and is recognized as such by the European Union. On the other hand, we have a democratic country that is the victim of a terrorist attack, which is defending itself. So yes, these things are shocking and out of place ", said the Prime Minister.

The journalists on the panel asked the Prime Minister if she thought the extreme left party was anti-Semitic. The Prime Minister said that this is an anti-Zionist leftist party and sometimes the statements in the name of the leftist party LFI are anti-Semitic under the guise of anti-Zionism.

It should be noted that officials in the French Parliament even called for the abolition of parliamentary immunity for left-wing officials in order to prosecute them for supporting terrorism. Kikar HaShabbat

Shropshire Star Irish deputy premier condemns Hamas attack on Israel. October 7, 2023 Shropshire Star

First News - Poland Polish foreign ministry condemns Hamas attacks on Israel October 7, 2023 TheFirstNews

Jerusalem Post Germany 'strongly' condemns Hamas attacks on Israel October 7, 2023 JPost

Belgium condemns rocket attacks against Israeli civilians By Jerusalem Post Staff. Published: October 7, 2023 JPost

Sweden says there are 'no excuses' for the violence against Israel By JERUSALEM POST STAFF October 7, 2023. "There are no excuses for the violent attacks by terrorist group Hamas on Israel. They must stop immediately," said Tobias Billström, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Sweden, in a Twitter statement.

"My full solidarity and thoughts with the people around Gaza, where terrorists have intruded. The Swedish Goverment condemns these ruthless attacks on civilians by air and land and stand together against terrorism." JPost

Spain Says 'Shocked By Indiscriminate Violence' Of Attacks On Israel

AFP - Agence France Presse October 7, 2023 Spain expressed shock over the “indiscriminate violence” saying, “We strongly condemn the extremely serious terrorist attacks from Gaza against Israel. We are shocked by this indiscriminate violence.” Barrons

World leaders condemn Hamas violence, call for attacks to stop By Jerusalem Post Staff, Reuters. October 7, 2023 JPost

Barron's Czech Republic Slams Hamas For 'Terrorist Attacks' On Israel Barrons

Radio Prague Czechia condemns Hamas attacks on Israel Radio.cz

Latvia condemns Hamas attack on Israel By JERUSALEM POST STAFF October 7, 2023 "Latvia strongly condemns the recent attacks by Hamas on Israel, leading to civilian casualties. Such attacks are regrettable and fuel escalation in a highly flammable situation," stated the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Latvia on Twitter. JPost

Foreign Ministry condemns attack on Israel Greek embassy condemns attack on Israel

Newsroom 07.10.2023

The Foreign Ministry has strongly condemned the rocket attacks against Israel, saying it stands with the country. “Greece strongly condemns today’s launch of heavy rocket attacks from Gaza against Israel. Greece stands with Israel and is deeply concerned by this unacceptable escalation of violence,” the ministry wrote on X, formerly known as Twitter. Ekathimerini

No one can forget what terrorists did in Israel. Thousands of missiles against peaceful cities. Shot civilian cars. Men, women, and children. No one was spared. Streets in blood. Hostages. The terrorists themselves shared the footage of their atrocities and were proud of them. — Volodymyr Zelenskyy / Володимир Зеленський (@ZelenskyyUa) October 9, 2023 [81]

NDTV World Leaders React To Hamas Attack October 7, 2023

"We Stand With Israel," Says PM Modi. World Leaders React To Hamas Attack "I am shocked by this morning's attacks by Hamas terrorists against Israeli citizens," Britain's Prime Minister Rishi Sunak said.

NDTV News Desk (with inputs from AFP) Updated: October 7, 2023 5:07 pm IST 'We Stand With Israel,' Says PM Modi. World Leaders React To Hamas Attack Hamas fired thousands of rockets into Israel this morning

New Delhi: World leaders have called for end to hostilities and safe passage for civilians amid the "war" between Israel and Hamas, which started after the Palestine militant group launched thousands of rockets into Israel this morning. Reports say Hamas militants have taken several Israelis hostage.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi posted on X, "Deeply shocked by the news of terrorist attacks in Israel. Our thoughts and prayers are with the innocent victims and their families. We stand in solidarity with Israel at this difficult hour."

"I am shocked by this morning's attacks by Hamas terrorists against Israeli citizens. Israel has an absolute right to defend itself. We're in contact with Israeli authorities, and British nationals in Israel should follow travel advice," Britain's Prime Minister Rishi Sunak said.

"I strongly condemn the current terrorist attacks against Israel. I express my full solidarity with the victims, their families and loved ones," French President Emmanuel Macron said.

"Horrifying news reaches us today from Israel. The rocket fire from Gaza and the escalating violence shock us deeply. Germany condemns these Hamas attacks and stands by Israel," Germany's Chancellor Olaf Scholz said.

"Just spoke with Prime Minister Netanyahu about the unprecedented attack by Hamas on Israel. I told him that the Netherlands unequivocally condemns this terrorist violence and fully supports Israel's right to defend itself," The Netherlands' Prime Minister Mark Rutte said.

A senior adviser to Iran's supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei expressed support for the surprise attack Hamas launched against Israel on Saturday, calling it a "proud operation". "We support the proud operation of Al-Aqsa Flood," Rahim Safavi said at a Tehran meeting held in of support Palestinian children. "We support this operation, and we are sure that the resistance front also supports this issue."

Egypt warned of "grave consequences" from an escalation in tensions between Israel and the Palestinians, in a statement from the foreign ministry carried by the state news agency. It called for "exercising maximum restraint and avoiding exposing civilians to further danger".

"We call for restraint from all parties," Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan said at a congress for his ruling AK Party in Ankara. "They must refrain from aggressive acts," he said.

Russia is in contact with Israel, the Palestinians and Arab countries in connection with the escalation of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, the Interfax news agency reported, citing Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Bogdanov. "It goes without saying that we always call for restraint," he said.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Israel was at "war" with Hamas. "We are at war, not in an operation or in rounds, but at war," the Israeli leader said in a statement, adding Hamas had launched a "murderous surprise attack" on Israel and its people.

"I have ordered an extensive mobilisation of reserves and that we return fire of a magnitude that the enemy has not known. The enemy will pay an unprecedented price," he said.

Israel's army said it was fighting Gaza militants who entered Israel by land, sea and air using paragliders.

It was a combined ground raid which happened through paragliders, through the sea and through the ground, Israel army spokesman Richard Hecht told reporters. "Right now we're fighting. We're fighting in certain locations around the Gaza Strip... our forces are now fighting on the ground" in Israel, he added.

22 Israelis Killed, Over 500 Injured After Hamas Fires 5,000 Rockets From Gaza 22 Israelis Killed, Over 500 Injured After Hamas Fires 5,000 Rockets

"We Stand With Israel," Says PM Modi. World Leaders React To Hamas Attack Video: After Rocket Attack, Hamas Militants Enter Israel Towns, Shoot At People. NDTV

Buenos Aires Herald buenosairesherald.com Argentina condemns Hamas ‘terrorist attack’ against Israel. Oct 7, 2023 Buenos Aires Herald

Mexico Condemns Attacks on Israel, Urges Peace Talks and Safety Measures for Citizens Abroad

By Rizwan Shah, Oct 8, 2023 BNN

"Severe escalation": The United Arab Emirates strongly condemns the Hamas attack The United Arab Emirates this evening issued a strong condemnation of the combined terrorist attack by the Hamas organization on Israel: "Horrified by the reports according to which Israeli citizens were kidnapped as hostages from their homes"

Now 14, 23 Tishrei 5784 - 10.08.23. [82] Now14


France, Germany, Italy, UK, US support Israel, condemn Hamas "The terrorist actions of Hamas have no justification, no legitimacy and must be universally condemned," the countries stated. (October 9, 2023 / JNS) In a joint statement on Monday, French President Emmanuel Macron, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, United Kingdom Prime Minister Rishi Sunak and U.S. President Joe Biden expressed “steadfast and united support to the State of Israel” and "unequivocal condemnation of Hamas and its appalling acts of terrorism."

"We make clear that the terrorist actions of Hamas have no justification, no legitimacy, and must be universally condemned. There is never any justification for terrorism," the leaders stated. "In recent days, the world has watched in horror as Hamas terrorists massacred families in their homes, slaughtered over 200 young people enjoying a music festival, and kidnapped elderly women, children and entire families, who are now being held as hostages."

France, Germany, Italy, the United Kingdom and the United States "will support Israel in its efforts to defend itself and its people against such atrocities. We further emphasize that this is not a moment for any party hostile to Israel to exploit these attacks to seek advantage." [...] "Over the coming days, we will remain united and coordinated, together as allies, and as common friends of Israel, to ensure Israel is able to defend itself, and to ultimately set the conditions for a peaceful and integrated Middle East region," they stated. Algemeiner


Elon Musk says ‘sorry to see what’s happening in Israel’ after surprise attacks by Hamas Musk posted on X after the attacks on Israel by Hamas on Saturday, "I hope there can be peace one day." BY Steve Mollmam October 7, 2023 Fortune


Amy Schumer mobilizes in favor of Israel: "Hamas does not want an end to the occupation, it wants to eliminate Israel" After many Israeli stars mobilized for advocacy in the world, Jewish Hollywood stars also stand up for Israel and embark on an advocacy campaign in order to mobilize global public opinion. "Over 200 Israelis were murdered this morning. It's terrible, these murders are celebrated in Iran," wrote Guy Oseary, Madonna's Israeli manager, whose post was shared by comedian and actress Amy Schumer. "They are financed by Iran, which is trying to destroy the peace agreements" mako celebs staff | Mako | Published 08/10/23 00:51 | Updated 08/10/23

Alongside Gal Gadot, who posted a support post for Israel on her Instagram account and wrote that she stands by the country, the American actress and comedian of Jewish origin, Amy Schumer, has been sharing in recent hours the videos of the abduction of Israeli citizens to Gaza with the addition of the words of Guy Oseary, Madonna's Israeli manager who wrote: "Over 200 Israelis were murdered this morning. These murders are celebrated in Iran. The girl in this video was at a music festival when she and others were shot and kidnapped. Many women, children and the elderly are taken from their homes and kidnapped. I have always prayed for peace. I have always spoken for my Jewish community, and I have also spoken for my Arab brothers and sisters . I have no words today. Only heartbreak. Only tears."

In addition to the words of Oseary shared by Shumer, she wrote: "The Jewish people are the only group that is not allowed to defend themselves. This has nothing to do with the occupation. Hamas does not want an end to the occupation, they want to eliminate Israel, they are financed by Iran, which is trying to destroy the peace agreement added Schumer.

Kris Jenner, the momager of the Kardashian-Jenner family, shared in her story a Stand With Us post that says: "Now and always we stand by Israel." Model Sofia Richie, daughter of singer Lionel Richie, also shared the same post. As you may remember, Richie underwent a conversion procedure a few months ago, and married her Jewish partner, Elliot Greene.

Oscar-winning actress Jamie Lee Curtis didn't think twice either - and posted a photo of the Israeli flag on her Instagram account. The American star of Jewish origin, who has received countless hateful comments since the post was uploaded, also shared the video of the Israeli abductees by Hamas forces.

Jessica Seinfeld, the wife of the Jewish-American comedian Jerry Seinfeld, also uploaded a photo of the Israeli flag with the caption: "I stand by Israel" - and wrote: "Sending love to my sisters and brothers around the world. Thank you to those who asked if there was anything possible to do, we need you to stand by the Jews."

In addition to Gadot, there were other international Israeli actors who decided to break their silence and assist in Israeli propaganda regarding the war. The actress and star of "Fauda" Inbar Lavi, who lives in Los Angeles, writes: "Praying and thinking about the families of the victims of these heinous crimes committed against my people and our country. My heart is broken into pieces. Pray for Israel."

The Israeli actor Tomer Capone, who happens to be in Israel these days while he has been living in the US for the past few years, also published a sharp and firm explanatory video about the situation. "I am in Israel right now and my country is under attack. Imagine waking up at 6:30 to an alarm, but it's not an alarm clock alarm, it's an alarm that sounds like the end of the world is coming. 4000 rockets fly over your head and try to kill your country basically, then a group of brutal killers called 'Hamas' infiltrates the villages and starts shooting at everything that moves - children, women, old people, everything, civilians who have done nothing to them. They kill them, take hostages and hold them, humiliate them," says Capone and sent reinforcements to the security forces.

Although not from Hollywood, the Argentinian "Rebelde" star [Felipe Colombook], who since then has never hidden his great love for Israel and recently came to visit the country, uploaded a story to his Instagram account and wrote in Hebrew: "How terrible! How terrible! I am very sorry. My best thoughts and wishes . Absolute sadness." Mako


'Savage': US College Students Condemn Hamas, Show Solidarity With Israel at Lincoln Memorial

by Dion J. Pierre, Oct 9, 2023

Students from George Washington University assembled in front of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, DC on Sunday to show solidarity with Israel in the wake of the Palestinian terrorist group Hamas’ shocking surprise attack over the weekend.

"We are here for each other, for our parents, for siblings, our grandparents, our aunts, our uncles our friends, but the reality is that all of Israel, the Jewish people, Arab, Druze, Muslim, Christian, we are a family and so is everyone here with us today," third-year student Sabrina Soffer, who organized the demonstration, said during a speech to open the event. “We are frustrated, we are angry, and that’s an understatement. This surprise attack is full scale and savage war by Hamas is a shock to us all.”

Soffer concluded by calling on Israelis and Jews around the world to be resilient, adding, "Our friends, our families, are on the front lines fighting for the security of our nation, our people. We are here for you."

Meanwhile, in New York City’s Time Square, a pro-Palestinian rally sent a starkly different message. Praising the violent actions of Hamas, which over the last few days has murdered hundreds of Israelis and taken at least dozens captive back to Gaza, the pro-Palestinian crowd chanted, "Palestine will be free."

During the rally, a pro-Palestinian sympathizer displayed in full view a picture of a swastika, the symbol of Adolf hitler's Nazi Party, on his cellphone.

A local newspaper called the pro-Palestinian rally "vile," while Jewish civil rights groups insisted that support for Hamas' violence reveals the presence of antisemitism in the anti-Zionist movement.

"As history has shown us, the hatred that engulfs Jews never stops with Jews but rather engulfs everything in its path," tweeted StopAntisemitism, a nonprofit that tracks antisemitic incidents across the world. The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) added on Sunday that others who participated in the New York City protest "denigrated or called for the exclusion of Zionism and Zionists from public life and promoted antisemitic tropes." Algemeiner


Hundreds Gather in Hamburg, Germany to Show Support for Israel October 9, 2023. Algemeiner


Thousands, Including Progressive Politicians, Rally in Boston to Back Israel October 9, 2023 Algemeiner


Hamas attacks on Israel 'funded' by Biden: GOP 2024 candidates New York Post, Oct 7, 2023 NY Post


Iran International

Iran-Backed Hamas Unleashes Large Attack On Israel

Author: Iran International Newsroom Middle East - Persian Gulf October 7, 2023.

Iranian-backed Palestinian Hamas launched a coordinated and large attack on Israel on Saturday, with gunmen crossing from Gaza and a heavy barrage of rockets.

News reports said the attack presents the largest clash since 2021 when Israel and Hamas fought a ten-day battle. Israeli media reports and videos show bands of armed Hamas fighters engaging in gunbattles with Israeli forces on the streets in towns in Southern Israel.

Hamas military commander Mohammad Deif announced the start of the operation in a broadcast on Hamas media, calling on Palestinians everywhere to fight.

"This is the day of the greatest battle to end the last occupation on earth," he said, adding that 5,000 rockets had been launched. Israeli media reported gunbattles between bands of Palestinian fighters and security forces in towns in southern Israel.

Adviser to Iran's Supreme Leader, Rahim Safavi, commended the operation dubbed Operation Al Aqsa Storm, saying, "We support the commendable operation of Al-Aqsa Storm... We will stand alongside the Palestinian freedom fighters until the liberation of Palestine and Al-Quds."

Tasnim news agency in Iran, affiliated with the Revolutionary Guard, splashed a headline claiming Israeli soldiers and police were taken prisoner by Palestinians. It also claimed that many Israelis were killed and wounded. So far, initial reports say that at least 22 Israelis have died and more than 500 injured.

Palestinian media also reported that a number of Israelis had been taken captive by fighters and Hamas media circulated video footage apparently showing a destroyed Israeli tank. The Israeli military was aware of reports of captives, a security source said, but provided no further details. It said its forces were operating inside Gaza but gave no details.

Iran International reported in early September that some Israeli security experts believed a full-fledged conflict was possible within weeks. In the meantime, there have reports in recent months of the Lebanese Hezbollah massing forces near the Israeli border and threatening to join any Israeli military confrontation with Palestinians. The Israeli defense minister Yoav Gallant threatened in August that if the Iran-backed group engages in conflict, Israeli will bomb Lebanon back “to the stone age.”

Hezbollah issued a statement saying they were closely following the situation in Gaza and are in "direct contact with the leadership of the Palestinian resistance". The statement added that it was a "decisive response to Israel's continued occupation and a message to those seeking normalization with Israel."

The Islamic Republic of Iran, which for decades has called for the destruction of Israel, intensified its rhetoric earlier this year, with officials repeatedly calling on Palestinians and other “resistance forces” to increase their attacks within Israel proper. Iranian officials began openly taking credit for support they provide to militant groups, such as the Lebanese Hezbollah that act as Tehran’s proxies in the region.

In August, after Israeli attacks on the Palestinian Islamic Jihad militant group, the Revolutionary Guard issued a statement calling for the liberation of al-Quds (Jerusalem) and the removal of “the cancerous tumor, Israel” from the world map.

The Palestinian attack comes as talks are taking place to normalize relations between Israel and Saudi Arabia. Iran has strongly condemned any move by Arab countries to establish diplomatic relations with Israel, which can further isolate the Iranian regime in the region.

On October 3, Iran’s ruler Ali Khamenei repeated his fierce opposition, saying countries that seek to normalize relations with Israel are taking a big risk. "The position of the Islamic Republic is that countries that make the gamble of normalization with Israel will lose. They are betting on a losing horse.”

Jason Brodksy, policy director of United Against A Nuclear Iran, highlighted the meetings last month between Hamas, PIJ and the PFLP factions, in Tehran, attended by the groups' leaders, which he says "provide some clues as to [the] organization of this assault on Israel today."

Many Iranian on social media began expressing solidarity with Israel. Well-Known dissident Masih Alinejad spoke out in support of the nation, condemning the attacks and putting the blame firmly in the hands of the Iranian regime. In a long statement on X, she wrote, "We Iranians know very well who is behind this assault. Just a few weeks ago, the Hamas leadership visited Ali Khamenei the supreme leader of Islamic Republic in Tehran where Khamenei made direct threats of destruction against Israel, stating that 'Israel is dying'." She called once more on Western nations to designate the IRGC which orchestrates Iran's regionally destabilizing activity, including its proxies which surround Israel in Lebanon, Syria and Palestine. Iran Intl.

Hezbollah: Israel attack message against normalization A terrorist armed with a knife shot by Israeli forces at the entrance to the settlement of Beit Aryeh. Riots by Palestinians reported across the West Bank. By Reuters and ILH Staff Published on 10-07-2023 ILH

Leaders Of Iran-Backed Militias In Iraq Vow Support To Palestinian Factions In Hamas Attack, Threaten To Respond To Any Israeli Or American Attack Against Them Oct 7, 2023 MEMRI __

Hamas leaders are celebrating in Qatar, an ally of the US. Oct 8, 2023. Rotter

Qatar holds Israel 'alone responsible' for escalation of violence with Palestine FP Staff Last Updated:October 7, 2023 18:29 FirstPost


Column In Qatari Al-Watan Daily: Hamas Attack On Israel – Like ... Muhammad's Attack On Jews Of Khaybar In 628 Oct 9, 2023 In his column in the Al-Watan daily, Palestinian journalist Samir Al-Barghouti called the Hamas attack against Israel “a first-class, high-quality military operation” reminiscent of the ... Muhammad's attack on the Jews of Khaybar in 628.” MEMRI


ANALYSIS Israel-Palestinian Conflict

Iran’s fingerprints seen behind Hamas’s murderous rampage

"Both Hamas and Tehran want to spoil the Saudi-Israeli normalization process."

Yaakov Lappin, October 7, 2023 / JNS JNS


MEMRI's Early Warning About Today's Attack In Israel October 7, 2023 ... MEMRI translated and published two clips from Iranian TV. One was from an Iranian TV broadcast of a military parade showcasing Iran's massive UAV and missile arsenal, as the announcer stated: "Israel will be erased from the face of the earth. Death to Israel!" He added that if Israel makes a "mistake," Tel Aviv and Haifa will be razed to the ground... MEMRI


Anti-Israel Activists Celebrate Hamas Attacks that Have Killed Hundreds of Israelis

Published: 10.07.2023 Anti-Israel Activity. Antisemitism Globally.

From: Center on Extremism Following Hamas's October 7, 2023, surprise invasion of Israel that has reportedly killed at least 700 Israelis, left more than 2,200 injured, and included the kidnapping of more than 100 children and adults, many prominent anti-Israel activists and organizations have expressed their full support for the Hamas actions on social media platforms such as X and Instagram. Anti-Israel campus groups, community organizations and journalists are framing Hamas’s terror attacks as part of an anti-colonial struggle in which any and all forms of “resistance” are justified.

Among those expressing complete support for Hamas’s deadly attacks: The Nation’s Palestine Correspondent Mohammed El-Kurd, Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) chapters, popular New York City-based anti-Zionist group Within Our Lifetime and many other anti-Israel groups across the country. In their view, all Israelis are complicit in Israel’s policies toward the Palestinians, and violence is a warranted response.

These reactions from noteworthy anti-Israel activists and organizations are reflected in a broader ecosystem in which many X users are posting similar messaging. Many posts compare Israel to Nazi Germany or state that Israel was deserving of the attack. Others refer to the news as cause for “a day of celebration,” lauding Hamas for their “bravery” and for crossing “into their colonisers’ territory.” ... ADL


The Squad's Socialist Party Rallies in Support of 'Palestine' Hours After Hamas Terror Attacks Dem members silent on 'All Out for Palestine' demonstration as Israel faces worst assault in its history

..The attacks on Israel have shocked both the Jewish state and the international community. Videos show Hamas terrorists gunning down women and parading victims' bodies through the street...

Joseph Simonson October 7, 2023 Free Beacon


New York governor condemns pro-Palestinian rally Gov. Kathy Hochul called the rally “abhorrent and morally repugnant” in a statement. By Kelly Garrity, Oct 8, 2023 Politico


Morally repugnant' Palestinian supporter flashes swastika as protesters clash at 'abhorrent' NYC rally in wake of Hamas attack [83] New York City Democratic Socialists of America are holding a pro-Palestinian rally in Times Square following an attack on Israel by Islamist extremists — with Gov. Kathy Hochul calling it “repugnant.” NY Post

Pro-Palestinian rally met by Israel supporters in Midtown as Hochul slams ‘abhorrent’ demonstration after Hamas attack By Jared Downing and Jorge Fitz-Gibbon Published Oct. 8, 2023, 1:18 p.m. ET. ....One attendee in the pro-Palestinian camp was pictured holding up an image of a swastika on their phone — a day after 700 Jews were slaughtered by Hamas. NY Post


Chanting ‘700,’ pro-Palestinian activists in New York fete Hamas attack Israel supporters rally to mourn hundreds of dead and express solidarity and outrage, as opponents mock them and applaud 'resistance' at dueling protests By Luke Tress, Oct 9, 2023 TOI


White Supremacist Leaders Applaud Hamas and Violence Against Israelis Published: 10.10.2023 [84] ADL


White Supremacist Leaders Applaud Hamas and Violence Against Israelis 19/10/2023 ADL


Pro-Palestine demonstrators spark anger after chanting 'gas the Jews' at Sydney protest Chants heard at the rally on Monday also included 'f*** the Jews' and 'f*** Israel'

By Rosa Doherty October 10, 2023 12:04 The JC

Australian Jewish Association @AustralianJA UNCUT VERSION - SHOCKING "Gas the Jews' on the steps of the Sydney Opera House Oct 9, 2023 [85]

'Reprehensible' protestors chant 'gas the Jews' outside Sydney Opera House

By Olivia Land Published Oct. 10, 2023, 10:08 a.m. ET

Around 1,000 protesters gathered outside Sydney's iconic performing arts hall late Monday carrying flares and Palestinian flags and chanting “gas the Jews,” “f–k the Jews” and “Allahu Akbar,” the troubling footage shared by the Australian Jewish Association. NY Post


Israel's embassy defaced twice with vile swastika graffiti in 'barbaric gesture'

Western embassies in Colombia have roundly condemned the graffiti. However, Colombian President, Gustavo Petro, has yet to say anything.

By Jacob Kessler

14:47, Thu, Oct 12, 2023 | UPDATED Express UK


CNN & BBC Give Airtime to Woman Who Celebrated Hamas Massacre & Wished Hitler Had Finished the Job Chaim Lax October 19, 2023 6:00 pm As the world’s attention continues to be focused on the war between Israel and Hamas, mainstream media have relied on people on the ground in both Israel and Gaza as vital sources of information or eyewitness accounts.

Dunia Abu Rahma, a 22-year-old architecture student from Gaza, has appeared in recent days on both CNN’s Anderson Cooper 360 and NBC News to tell her story.

Abu Rahma told the veteran CNN reporter Anderson Cooper, “All I want them to know that there are civilians, people who wish to live a normal, peaceful life, to feel safe, because we are human, and all we want is to have our rights and live peacefully. As a woman and as a girl, all I want in this life [is] to educate and to graduate and have a job and have a family.”

However, behind her sympathetic public appearance, HonestReporting has discovered that Abu Rahma’s social media features posts that celebrate the October 7 massacre, demonize Jews, and promote the destruction of Israel. Honest Reporting


"I differentiate between the Gazans and the Palestinians in the West Bank" The Israeli media base a claim according to which there is a difference between the Arabs of Gaza and Israel regarding the degree of cruelty and hatred towards us. Both history and the reaction to the Simchat Torah massacre show that the only difference is the ability to carry it out.

Hanan Amior 22.10.23 |

[A demonstration of support for Hamas in Hebron two days ago. Photo: Wisam Hashlamoun/FLASH90]

In last Saturday's Yediot Ahronoth newspaper ('7 Yamim' 10/20 p. 13) in a sobering article regarding the murderous and animalistic commitment of the Arabs to destroy us in the most holocaust ways, the journalist Dror Foyer wrote that he "differentiates between the Arabs of Gaza and the Arabs of Judea-Samaria" .

The journalist Ohad Hemo also said similar things in News 12:

That is, according to them, the Judea-Samaria Arabs are not similar to the Gaza Arabs in the context of the Simchat Torah massacre.

Foyer and Hemo are wrong and misleading.

Without going into the horrific graphics of the actions of the Palestinians in the settlements of the Otef-Aza [Gaza Envelope] and the IDF bases on the morning of Simchat Torah, the actions committed there are not foreign to the Arabs of Judea-Samaria throughout the history of the conflict.

They have already been carried out by them in the past in a precise manner, literally one by one, also in the events of 1929 [86] , also in the battle of 'Convoy of 35' [87], also in the last battle on Gush Etzion [88], and also in later years, for example in the mass lynching of two IDF soldiers in Ramallah In the second intifada.. in the suicide bombings [89], in their attempt to carry out a mass slaughter of thousands by means of the attempt to blow up Pi Glilot , in the massacres of the Fogel [90] or Solomon [91] families and much more.

Have they changed and mended their ways?

Their stubborn refusal to condemn the actions of Hamas in Otef [92], the joyous processions in the main Arab cities of Judea-Samaria [93], and their fresh attempt last night [94] to imitate the massacre of Hamas with a similar massacre of their own, which was thwarted by the IDF, indicate that they are not.

There is still one difference between the Gazans and the Judea-Samaria Arabs. And that is the difference in the ability to execute. All the signs show that they could have, if the Judea-Samaria Arabs had carried out the exact same massacre in the settlements surrounding the Judea-Samaria.

I presented the things to Dror Feuer and Ohad Hemo and offered them to respond. Foyer's response will be published if and when he chooses to respond.

The reaction of a Ohad Hemo (from what he said last night in 'Meet the Press', two weeks after the outbreak of the war):

We have all failed to understand the other side and their intentions and DNA. And me too. We knew about his cruelty but we didn't know to what extent. For 20 years I've been walking around the Judea-Samaria and East Jerusalem. I hear unusually difficult texts. We thought it was possible to contain this thing. It is no longer possible to contain this thing. Many there are very happy to see this thing. There are human animals there. Presspectiva


Largest US Muslim group: ‘Maximum pressure’ on Israel, renege on Abraham Accords The statement from the United States Council of Muslim Organizations came just hours after widespread Hamas terrorist attacks in Israel.

(October 7, 2023 / JNS) Instead of expressing condolences to innocent Jewish victims, the United States Council of Muslim Organizations, which bills itself as the “largest American Muslim civil society umbrella organization,” issued a statement urging Arab countries that had normalized relations with the Jewish state to reconsider. JNS


57% of US Muslims Believe Hamas Atrocities Justified America, we have a problem. October 22, 2023 by Daniel Greenfield

America, we have a problem.

The Cygnal poll [95] is unique in that it polled Muslims in America as a separate group about the Hamas attack on Israel during which the Islamic terrorists massacred civilians, raped and kidnapped women, and killed and kidnapped children.

28% of Muslims in America strongly agree that Hamas was justified whle 29% somewhat agree. On the other side, 16% strongly disagree while 25% somewhat disagree. Notably, Muslims in America have been following the situation fairly closely, with 44% saying that they have a high awareness of Hamas, 66% believe they’re well informed about the conflict, and 65% believing that they are informed about the Hamas, Fatah lineup of ‘Palestinian’ terror politics. Support for Hamas per se is not a given. Hamas Leader Ismail Haniyeh has a 38% favorability among Muslims in America and 34% unfavorable. (Unlike the 7% favorable among Jews, and 12% favorable among Evangelicals, the Muslims polled presumably know who Haniyeh is. Alternatively, 7% of Jews and 12% of Evangelicals love Hamas. Who knows these days.) Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei has a 31% favorable among Muslims in America and a 34% unfavorable. 52% of Muslims in America equate Hamas to Al Qaeda while 18% say it’s not as bad. (It’s unclear how many of the 52% dislike Al Qaeda or support it.) 49% equate it to ISIS. About a third of Muslims in America do rate Israel and even Netanyahu positively. They are however outnumbered. FPM [96].


Haaretz justifies the massacre and mocks the kidnapped victims

Hanan Amior 23.10.23 |

And again, as always, the issue is not who wrote the article, but the decision of the newspaper’s editors that it is worthy of publication On Monday, October 9, two days after the massacre in the Gaza Strip, Amira Hass published an article in Ha’aretz entitled…

But the article did not describe any circle, but was entirely a song of praise and praise for the barbaric Nazi massacre carried out by Hamas throughout the enclave, and a song of mockery and joy for the IDF’s defeat on that blackest of black Sabbaths.

Already at the beginning of the story, Haaretz’s story about the IDF is a vile and despicable lie…

I noticed that since the beginning of the war, all daily Israeli newspapers incorporate the Israeli flag in the newspaper logo. Thus Yedioth Ahronoth, Israel Hayom, Ma’ariv, Jerusalem Post.

They do this because they feel Israeli. A part of Israeli society that stands on its own.

The only newspaper that does not do this is Haaretz, for the exact same reason.

He does not feel part of Israeli society. once felt Then he moved to look at us from the side. Then he adopted a critical look from the side. Then a hostile look.

The wagon goes unstoppable and now he, quite simply, sympathizes with the enemy and supports him, even when he commits the most barbaric crimes, which human history will forever remember.

But there is another thing that history, especially Jewish history, will forever remember: and that is the negative, debilitating, inciting, divisive and enemy-justifying content that the newspaper published systematically and consistently from the beginning of the war. Presspectiva


Black Lives Matter Chicago blasted for celebrating Hamas attack with paraglider image By Valerie Richardson The Washington Times Wednesday, October 11, 2023 Washington Times

BLM Chicago under fire for pro-Palestinian post featuring paragliding terrorist: ‘Disgusting and disgraceful’ By David Propper and Alex Oliveira Published Oct. 10, 2023, 9:05 p.m. ET A Black Lives Matter chapter in Chicago is under fire for seeming to celebrate Hamas attacks on Israeli citizens in a “disgusting and disgraceful” social media post on Tuesday.

The post on X, formerly Twitter, includes an image of a person paragliding with a Palestinian flag attached to its parachute with “I stand with Palestine” written beneath.

[Powerful images display agony, savagery of Israel-Hamas war]

“That is all that is it!” it added.

The post was an apparent reference to Hamas terrorists who descended on Israeli communities with parachutes and gliders over the weekend, butchering hundreds and taking civilian hostages in a brutal surprise attack.

BLM Chicago also posted a number of cartoons depicting somebody expressing outrage over the attacks on Israel, while another calmly lists off talking points blaming Israel for the situation.

“This isn’t about Hamas — this is about Palestinians right to resist 75 years of Israeli settlers colonizing their native land,” one of the cartoons read.

BLM Chicago under fire for a pro-Palestine post.

X / @BLMChi The post of the paraglider was blistered by social media users.

“Unapologetically standing with butcherers and rapists,” author and former speechwriter Aviva Klompas tweeted.

“BLM Chicago, like many leftists, comes out in support of slaughtering innocent people they don’t like,” GOP commentator and former congressional candidate Robby Starbuck tweeted. NY Post

Black Lives Matter, Chicago Celebrates Massacre Of Jews In Israel Posts Image Of Killer Paragliders

10/11/2023 5:37 AM PT

Black Lives Matter came under heavy fire after its Chicago chapter released an online image celebrating Hamas' slaughter of more than a thousand Israeli citizens, including babies.

In a message posted on X, formerly Twitter, BLM proudly wrote, "I stand with Palestine," underneath a picture of someone paragliding with a Palestinian flag sticking up from its inflatable wing. The image was accompanied by the caption, "That is all that is it!"

The despicable illustration is reminiscent of last Saturday's sneak attack by Hamas terrorists, some of whom paraglided into Israel in order to massacre 260 people at the Supernova Festival.

The terrorists then went house to house, fatally shooting men, women, children -- and even babies -- before mutilating their bodies.

Some of the babies were decapitated. Some of the women were raped before being murdered or held hostage. Entire families were slaughtered as the terrorists went door to door.

Hamas also fired rockets into Israel, blowing up buildings and killing everyone inside.

Many on social media blasted the Chicago activist group for its total lack of sensitivity.

One person wrote, "Unapologetically standing with butcherers and rapists."

Another said, "This is so disgusting and disgraceful on so many levels."

A third fumed, "Pure. Absolute. Trash.....and whoever had a hand in it is trash as well."

And a fourth raged, "BLM Chicago, like many leftists, comes out in support of slaughtering innocent people they don’t like."

Shalomyah Bowers, a rep for The Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation, says the organization is not affiliated with the Chicago chapter. Bowers has not yet condemned the posting by the Chicago org. TMZ


Harvard Faces Backlash Over Statements About Hamas Attack On Israel Michael T. Nietzel Senior Contributor I am a former university president who writes about higher education. Oct 11, 2023, 05:35am EDT Harvard University is being denounced from several quarters after dozens of its student groups issued a statement claiming that Israel was “entirely responsible” for the brutal Hamas attacks on the country this past Saturday... Forbes


Terrorist-loving students ask for 'mental health support'

Students from over 30 campus organizations at Harvard University are now dealing with the consequences of supporting Hamas terrorists.

Campus Reform October 12, 2023, 2:34 pm ET Several Harvard University students came out quickly after Saturday’s terrorist attacks in Israel to blame Israelis for the carnage and support Hamas.

Public scrutiny fell on these individuals and now many appear to regret their pro-Hamas position.

The Harvard Arab Alumni Association has reportedly put out a statement requesting aid for the students whose first reaction was to stand in solidarity with the terrorists who raped, killed, captured, and decapitated innocent civilians.

”They may require legal counsel, healthcare, mental health support, financial aid, or mentorship to navigate these turbulent and uncertain times,” the statement reads.

The death toll stands at approximately 1,200 and dozens of Israeli hostages remain in Gaza uncertain of if or when they will make it out alive.

The Harvard Arab Alumni Association has expressed concern for the students’ “immigration status and future career prospects.” [97]. Campus Reform


WATCH: Rashida Tlaib Refuses To Condemn Beheadings Of Israeli Babies When Confronted By Media By Daily Wire News Oct 10, 2023 DailyWire.com

US Representative Rashida Tlaib (R-MI) walks out of the US Capitol after voting in the House in Washington, DC on September 29, 2023.

Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI), who has an extensive history of anti-Semitism, refused to condemn the beheadings of Israeli babies on Tuesday when confronted by a reporter on Capitol Hill. Daily Wire


Miami dentist fired after he was caught tearing down posters of Israeli hostages By Katherine Donlevy Published Oct. 18, 2023, 11:40 p.m. ET South Florida dentist was fired Wednesday after he was caught on camera tearing down posters of Israeli hostages plastered across Miami — an act he claims was intended to quell racially charged hatred in the city.

Dr. Ahmed ElKoussa was quickly identified as one of the two men who on Tuesday destroyed banners of the roughly 200 people kidnapped by Hamas that were posted throughout the trendy Brickell neighborhood. NY Post

Miami dentist Ahmed Elkoussa is FIRED after he's seen on video with his friend Xave Ramou ripping down posters of kidnapped and murdered Israelis By Noa Halff For Dailymail.Com 01:18 19 Oct 2023, updated 03:59 19 Oct 2023 Ahmed Elkoussa, a 31-year-old dentist, was fired from his position at CG Smile after he was caught ripping down posters of Israeli hostages Dental clinic CG Smile announced his termination Wednesday on Instagram after facing backlash, and condemned Elkoussa's disgraceful actions The viral video shows Elkoussa with 'Instagram model' Xave Ramoul ripping down posters of Israeli hostages in Brickell, Miami . Daily Mail


World shows support for Israel in international rallies. Thousands of people and officials in Europe and the U.S. gather to attend pro-Israeli rallies while calling to release captives held in Gaza and combat antisemitism. Itamar Eichner | published: 10.22.23 | 20:13 YNet


In London’s Trafalgar Square, ‘largest gathering of British Jewish community in decades’ October 22, 2023 An estimated 15,000 in London showed solidarity with and demanded the release of those whom Hamas is holding hostage in Gaza. Several days after London police shut down the Campaign Against Antisemitism’s billboards showing images of kidnapped children held in Gaza, 15,000 people gathered in Trafalgar Square “to stand in solidarity and to call for the release of the hostages taken by Hamas terrorists,” per the Board of Deputies of British Jews. JNS


Iranians desecrated tombs of Mordechai and Esther, Jews asking for protection Residents of the Hamadan province, site of graves of Mordechai and Esther, demonstrated, burned Israeli flags and desecrated the site. October 26, 2023 INN


Andrew Kerr @AndrewKerrNC: 800k+ views later he admits this is fake news. The author has admitted that the church is fine and accepting refugees. Oct 9, 2023. [98]


The Antisemitic Social Media History of AP’s Correspondent in Gaza HonestReporting Staff October 11, 2023 5:01 pm The main reporter covering the war in Gaza for the Associated Press has called publicly for the annihilation of Israel and a “Palestinian revolt” and compared Israel to the Nazis, HonestReporting revealed Wednesday in an investigation of his social media accounts.

The social media history and pro-Palestinian activism of Issam Adwan, who joined the wire service in August after working for Al Jazeera English and anti-Israeli non-governmental organizations, reveals some disturbing and antisemitic content, demonstrating that he cannot be relied upon for objective coverage of the conflict. Honest Reporting


Jewish BBC reporter resigns over refusal to call Hamas terrorists

Oct 12, 2023 — Noah Abrahams, who is 22 and worked on BBC Radio Derby, said the decision to not describe Hamas's actions as terrorism was 'unjustified Daily Mail


The coverage of the war on the BBC, NBC and Reuters networks (biased coverage against Israel)

Posted on 12.10.23 Last edited on 13.10.23

Reuters network (starts off by counting children, based on Hamas controlled Gaza source)

NBC network - note the wording 27 American citizens were killed in the war between Israel and Hamas without specifying that they were killed by a terrorist attack by Hamas.

A lot of focus on the situation in Gaza... Rotter


StopAntisemitism @StopAntisemites We have just obtained what appears to be a leaked email written by CBC (Canadian Broadcast Corp) employee George Achi instructing reporters to:

1. not to mention Gaza has not been occupied since 2005 2. not refer to Palestinian terrorists as terrorists

If true, this employee, must be fired. [99] StopAntisemitism


Letter Sent to the Editor: Washington Post misses central point about UNRWA October 23, 2023

B’nai B’rith International CEO Dan Mariaschin and AJIRI-BBI Chair Richard P. Schifter sent a letter to the Washington Post regarding its recent, misleading article about UNRWA (“What is UNRWA, the U.N. agency in Gaza struggling to help Palestinians?” Washington Post, October 16).

From Daniel S. Mariaschin, B’nai B’rith International CEO and Richard P. Schifter, AJIRI-BBI Chair:

The Washington Post unfortunately misses a crucial and central point in its article about the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) (“What is UNRWA, the U.N. agency in Gaza struggling to help Palestinians?” Washington Post, October 16). Far from being an agency acting merely “to protect and support civilians,” it is an extremely problematic entity that for 75 years has exacerbated the Palestinian problem and symbolized the failure to solve it.

As the article itself casually states, UNRWA is “unique…in terms of its long-standing commitment to one group of refugees.” UNRWA is, in fact, an outrageous anomaly (all other refugees in the world are covered by UNHCR—the U.N. refugee agency) that has perpetuated the Arab-Israeli conflict and has thus cost many thousands of lives, including the lives of over 1,300 innocent Israelis massacred on October 7 by Hamas terrorists claiming the phony grievances—of “dispossession”—that are pushed by UNRWA.

The refugees from 1948 (refugees from a war initiated by Arab states against the new State of Israel, the aim of which was to destroy the latter) should have been resettled long ago, as have been millions of refugees from other conflicts all over the world. They were purposely kept as “refugees” by the Arab governments and by UNRWA to whip up hatred against Israel.

Although there are believed to be only some 30,000 living Palestinian refugees from 1948, UNRWA incredibly recognizes over 5.9 million descendants of these refugees, as eligible for its services. UNRWA schools, far from teaching Palestinian children to become “confident, innovative, questioning, thoughtful, and open-minded, to uphold human values and tolerance,” as the article falsely claims, inculcate generation after generation with hatred of and resentment against Israel and with the false fantasy that they will one day “return” to their homes.

As pointed out in Einat Wilf and Adi Schwartz’s excellent book, “The War of Return,” numerous terrorists (including at least one of the surviving Munich Olympic massacre perpetrators) were direct products of UNRWA schools. UNRWA is simply not a neutral humanitarian institution. It is a malign actor that exacerbates the problems and suffering of the Palestinian people. Bnai Brith


October 25, 2023 10:41 AM

Fact-Checking Website Snopes Shills For Hamas & Debates Beheaded Babies in Sickening ‘Debunking’ Articles

by Rachel O'Donoghue

Snopes is one of the most well-known “fact-checker” websites worldwide, regularly posting articles debunking online conspiracy theories, dispelling media misinformation, and separating satire from serious news.

Its website boasts of the stringent process that its editorial team undertakes to ensure the veracity of information, including contacting primary sources, finding experts who have relevant expertise in the subject at hand, and using non-partisan information and data sources to inform its pieces.

However, since the outbreak of the October 7 war against Israel, Snopes has been producing some dubious content that requires some fact-checking of its own.

Here are just a few examples of Snopes’ problematic fact-checking on the Israel-Hamas war:

Sneaky Editing on Gaza Hospital Blast

The explosion at Gaza City’s al-Ahli Hospital sparked a flurry of media misinformation and social media disinformation.

From The New York Times headline that an “Israeli airstrike” was responsible for “killing 500″ to the BBC’s correspondent Jon Donnison confidently announcing live on-air that he found it “hard to see” who else could be responsible other than the IDF, the lie that Israel bombed a civilian hospital spread like wildfire.

But then the truth emerged — the Israeli military released satellite imagery, videos of the blast, and tapped phone recordings that proved it was caused by a misfired rocket shot by Palestinian Islamic Jihad.

What’s more, further evidence came out that the rocket did not directly hit the hospital, and that nowhere near 500 people died.

On October 19, two days after the explosion, Snopes published an article asking, “Did Israel Warn Al Ahli Arab Hospital in Gaza to Evacuate?” written by former Al Jazeera journalist Nur Ibrahim.

In addition to relying on widely discredited reporting on the events from The New York Times for its “fact-checking,” the article also fails to acknowledge the many pieces of evidence released by Israel that exonerate itself, as well as the United States’ own findings that Islamic Jihad was responsible.

Perhaps owing to her employment history, Ibrahim uses a statement given to Al Jazeera without noting the outlet is a state-run propaganda arm of the Qatari government, and fails to note that the “unnamed senior health official in Gaza” who spoke to Al Jazeera would be affiliated with Hamas, which controls the Gazan health authorities.

It is also clear that Snopes did some sneaky editing of the article where it had initially made errors.

An original version of the piece states unequivocally that “500 people were killed” which was later amended to read “hundreds of people” even though that figure is still in dispute.

Fact-Finding Over Beheaded Babies

One of the most disgusting “debates” that has taken place during the war is whether Hamas terrorists beheaded babies or merely shot them during the murderous onslaught in Kibbutz Kfar Aza on October 7.

Also written by Nur Ibrahim, the Snopes article allegedly debunking the claim flippantly describes the beheading atrocity as a “viral rumor spread by news media, the US president, and so on.”

It also includes this disturbing paragraph: “As we looked into the claim, we found contradictory reports from journalists, Israeli army officials, and almost no independent corroborations of the alleged war crime, leading to concerns among fact-checkers that such a claim may be premature or unsubstantiated.”

This is a lie.

In addition to numerous eyewitness accounts, including from independent journalists who saw the aftermath of the massacre and photographic evidence, there is enough proof to say that babies were indeed beheaded during the Hamas rampage.

More importantly, Ibrahim’s insistence on calling it an “alleged war crime” is baffling. For, even if babies had not been beheaded, what Hamas did would have still amounted to a war crime — there is nothing “alleged” about the events of October 7.

Lastly, Ibrahim claims details of the massacre being released could lead to hatred toward Muslims, explaining that people should be “wary of claims that echo Islamophobic rhetoric, or statements that compare the violence in Kfar Aza to ‘ISIS-style’ killings — i.e., beheadings that have taken place in a different context and were committed by a different group” because they have the “potential to become dangerous propaganda.”

Ibrahim acted as an apologist for another Islamist regime in an October 10 article that asked, “Did Iran Say It Will Hit Israel with Missile Strikes from Lebanon, Yemen and Iran if Attacked?”

According to the Snopes piece, the following claim that appeared in The Wall Street Journal remains unproven: “During the Israel-Hamas war in October 2023, Iranian officials said that if Iran were attacked, it would respond with missile strikes on Israel from Lebanon, Yemen and Iran, and send Iranian fighters into Israel from Syria.”

Citing the fact the WSJ only cited one source for the threat, Ibrahim concluded Snopes “cannot independently verify whether such a threat was sanctioned by the Iranian state.”

But just days after the Snopes article was published, Iran effectively confirmed its threats when its foreign minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian warned the regime may take “preemptive action” against Israel via its proxies, which happen to be based in Lebanon and Yemen.

“Today, when we talk about the resistance in the region, it is not only Hezbollah, and we are witnessing the activities of various resistance groups in the region,” Amir-Abdollahian added.

Did Snopes update its article to reflect this? Nope.

The author is a contributor to HonestReporting, a Jerusalem-based media watchdog with a focus on antisemitism and anti-Israel bias — where a version of this article first appeared. The opinions presented by Algemeiner bloggers are solely theirs and do not represent those of The Algemeiner, its publishers or editors. If you would like to share your views with a blog post on The Algemeiner, please be in touch through our Contact page. Algemeiner


This is how a meme was born: the Gazan influencer who became the biggest network joke in Israel

Saleh al-Jafarawi has become an internet star since the fighting began, first he laughed and praised Hamas and then cried when the IDF bombed in response. Now his video from the hospital, where he looks seriously injured, has become a new joke when surfers realized that it was a particularly bad game Yonatan Apolet| Digital |Published 13:04 26.10.23 Mako


Yoseph Hadhad:

A Palestinian network personality from Gaza celebrated at the beginning of the war and uploaded a video of himself happy about the rockets to Israel... Now he uploads videos of himself crying when the IDF responds... We will make sure to erase the smile from the faces of all those who celebrated in Gaza!

Oct 24, 2023 [100]


Gaza Hospital Explosion: The Evidence. Chaim Lax October 18, 2023. Honest Reporting


CNN Investigates: Forensic analysis of images and videos suggests rocket caused Gaza hospital blast, not Israeli airstrike By Paul P. Murphy, Katie Polglase, Benjamin Brown, Gianluca Mezzofiore and Eliza Mackintosh, CNN. Updated 6:12 PM EDT, Sat October 21, 2023 CNN


NYT rehires Hitler-praising Soliman Hijjy to cover Israel-Hamas war By Shannon Thaler Published Oct. 20, 2023, 4:11 p.m. ET Comedian Sarah Silverman claims she A New York Times reporter who came under fire last year for a praising Adolf Hitler in multiple resurfaced Facebook posts was rehired by the Gray Lady to cover the Israel-Palestine war.

Palestinian filmmaker Soliman Hijjy hailed the Nazi leader as recently as 2018 in a post on Facebook, when he shared a photo of himself captioned that he was “in a state of harmony as Hitler was during the Holocaust,” per a translation from Arabic by pro-Israel media watchdog site HonestReporting. NY Post


'How great you are, (sic) Hitler,' posts journalist rehired by the New York Times

By Danielle Greyman-Kennard. Published: October 21, 2023.

Freelance filmmaker Soliman Hijjy was rehired by the New York Times despite his history of antisemitism. ...Hijjy reappeared in the NYT bylines on October 12, only five days after the massacre that shook Israel.

Hijjy’s history of antisemitism

In 2012, Hijjy praised Hitler on a Facebook post, writing: “How great you are, Hitler,” while sharing Pro-Hitler memes in several other posts.

In 2018, Hijjy continued his social media praise of the genocidal Nazi leader, writing that he was “in a state of harmony as Hitler was during the Holocaust.” A photo of himself accompanied this post.

In 2020, the journalist justified war crimes committed against Israeli civilians by Hamas when he described the indiscriminate rocket fire as "resistance."

Problematic reporting

NYT was one of the many newspapers falsely claiming that Israel was behind the explosion at a hospital in Gaza. Fox News confirmed that Hijjy was one of the professionals involved with the story.

While covering stories on the Hamas conflict, Hijjy has repeatedly failed to describe the October 7 attack as a terrorist attack, instead referring to it as a “Hamas attack,” The Algemeiner reported. Hijjy has also referred to “the Gaza health ministry,” not to the Hamas-terrorist-controlled Gaza health ministry, like other Times articles have done. JPost


ADL’s @JGreenblattADL blasts MSNBC for calling Hamas “fighters” & rationalizing terror attacks: “Who’s writing the scripts?” [pic.twitter.com/2QHGdrKvcu]

— Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) October 9, 2023 [101]


Ilhan Omar Accuses Israel of Perpetrating ‘Child Genocide [sic] in Palestine’ Using 2013 Syria Image By Haley Strack October 16, 2023 1:39

Representative Ilhan Omar (D., Minn.) falsely claimed over the weekend that a photo of children killed in a 2013 Syrian chemical weapons attack was a photo of the “child genocide in Palestine.”

The since-deleted post was fact-checked by community notes.

“This photo is NOT from Gaza/Palestine,” the fact check noted. “It’s from the sarin attack launched by Assad’s forces against E. Ghouta, Syria in August 2013.” ...

Since Hamas invaded Israel on October 7, the terrorist group has killed 1,400 Israeli citizens. Hundreds remain missing, including at least 13 American citizens.

Omar has not publicly addressed the false tweet. NRO

Ilhan Omar falsely claims photo is of dead Palestinian kids

By Jesse O’Neill. Published Oct. 16, 2023

[102] X had added a community note to the post clarifying that it featured a widely published photo of the aftermath of a sarin gas attack launched by Syrian President Bashar al-Assad in the country’s civil war in Ghouta 10 years ago.

“This photo is NOT from Gaza/Palestine,” the platform noted. The ghastly attack it depicted had killed “more than 1,400 Syrians, many of them children,” according to the US State Department.



Chriscoveries @Chriscoveries: “Get the f###ing Jews wiped out!” Shouts ring out at today’s Palestinian protest in Sydney. Police step in, but to prevent the only attendee trying to prevent the angry man from yelling the anti semitic hate speech who is now yelling allahu akbar. Police watch listening as the Man repeats his hateful anti semitic speech before affirming he has freedom of speech to do so, then confirm he is free to leave into the rest of the crowd who listened to his speech. Moments later police grab and detain me, seeking my ID and to come with the police. After a discussion back and forth I am released from the brief detainment. Last edited Oct 15, 2023 [103]


Oli London @OliLondonTV: Woman in Warsaw, Poland hold’s antisemitic poster ‘Keep The World Clean’ with an image of the Jewish Star of David in a trash can. She has been identified as Marie Andersen, a student at the Medical University of Warsaw. [104]. She has a history of posting extremely antisemitic content online. Source: @nexta_tv/ @visegrad24. Oct 21, 2023 [105]


The French daily Libération reports on its front page a photo of a protester holding up a photo of a child allegedly lying in the rubble of Gaza. This picture, which was already used in February 2023 in connection with the earthquake in Turkey, was generated by IA.

Medforth, October 19, 2023 Medforth


CNN.com - Transcripts CNN, Oct 9, 2023 [...] GREENBLATT: No, it's a good question. And so, the answer, like what comes after we start with how we got here. And there's been a lot of questions raised in all the coverage about the intelligence failure and the military failure.

But, Kate, if I'm honest with myself and all of us, this was a moral failure. Not on the part of Israelis. On our part. Those in the West who thought dehumanizing Israelis or Zionists was just part of the culture, and that its resistance to say things like Zionism is [supposedly] genocide.

Because if you think the Israelis are committing genocide, and they are not, then it's OK to objectify and literally steal their children and butcher their grandparents. And I say all this for the following reason. This is not just about defeating Hamas. This needs to be about eradicating an ideology that dehumanizes.. [106]


Brendan O’Neill: 'The shameful gloating at Israel'. 7 October 2023, 8:46pm.

Leftists love to fantasise about how heroic they’d have been when Jews were being rounded up in the 1930s. ‘I’d have said something’, they insist. Well, Jews are being rounded up again. They’re being kidnapped, humiliated, paraded through the streets, slaughtered. And leftists are definitely saying something. They’re saying: ‘Good’.

These are war crimes. They are acts of genocidal bigotry carried out by a movement whose founding charter committed it to an existential ‘struggle against the Jews’. If you ‘celebrate’ this, you are truly lost.

The radical gloating over Israel’s suffering today is beyond the pale. It’s a new low for a left that was already in the moral gutter. Across social media you will see radicals cheering Hamas’s invasion of Israel. That nasty Jewish State had it coming – that’s the implication of their rank apologism for this radical Islamist assault on a democratic nation.

Consider Rivkah Brown, who works for Novara Media. She is calling today a ‘day of celebration’. It’s wonderful to see ‘Hamas fighters cross into their colonisers’ territory’, she says. To us softies who think the massacre of Israeli-Jewish civilians is a bad thing, Ms Brown says: ‘The struggle for freedom is rarely bloodless.’

Struggle for freedom? Israeli women and children are being kidnapped. [107]. The elderly are being kidnapped. At least 150 Israelis have been killed. There are video clips seeming to show the ritual humiliation of dead Israeli soldiers. These are war crimes. They are acts of genocidal bigotry carried out by a movement whose founding charter committed it to an existential ‘struggle against the Jews’. If you ‘celebrate’ this, you are truly lost.

Ms Brown is not alone. Many others are chirping the praises of the ‘Palestinian resistance’. From the comfort of their Dalston flats and Home Counties houses, the middle-class left raises a collective fist as elderly Israeli women are taken hostage and a dead young woman, half naked, is paraded before a cheering mob in Gaza. It’s sickening.

Let’s remind ourselves what is being ‘celebrated’ here. Hamas is a virulently anti-Semitic movement. It started out, in the late 1980s with the express intention of killing Jews. As recently as 2021, one of its senior officials was telling Palestinians to ‘cut off the heads of Jews’ [108]. Is there anything more ridiculous than plummy, pink-haired, trans-friendly lefties in the West siding with the boorish, bigoted, Islamist patriarchs of Hamas? These people wouldn’t last five seconds in Gaza.

Alongside the shameful celebrations of the Israelophobic left, there has been a notably muted response to the Hamas invasion in the liberal media. ‘Israel launches airstrikes on Gaza Strip… after Palestinian gunmen infiltrate its territory’, said BBC Breaking News. What nice, neutral language to describe an extremist onslaught against a sovereign nation.

To get a real sense of what happened today – the kidnappings, the killings, the criminal humiliation of civilians – you need to look to the internet rather than the mainstream media. The opinion-forming set’s longstanding agitation with the uppity State of Israel has led to a situation where they can’t even bring themselves to give a full, clear account of the atrocities visited on it today by an army of hardcore religionists.

The Western world has been found seriously wanting today. Unforgiving extremists, as hostile to us as they are to Israel, attacked men, women and children for the ‘crime’ of being Jews in Israel, and too many over here either looked the other way or said: ‘Well, what did Israel expect…? Those women and kids being abducted in trucks? They were asking for it.’ The Spectator


Brendan O'Neill: After the slaughter, the victim-blaming October 9, 2023

We can now see the double racism in pseudo-progressive politics. There’s the racism of hating Israel above all other nations. And there’s the racism of viewing Palestinian Arabs as so childlike, so fundamentally lacking in agency, that they can never be held meaningfully responsible for what they do. Make no mistake: when radicals say Israel is ‘the only one to blame’ for the atrocities it experienced on Saturday, they aren’t only demonising Israel – they’re also infantilising Palestine. They’re reducing the Arabs of Gaza to a kind of pre-human species capable of nothing more than reacting to stimuli. In this case, the stimuli of Israeli policy. Israel acts and these people – these curious, blameless people – respond in a Pavlovian fashion. That’s what they’re saying.

It’s a bigoted lie. At every stage of their barbarous assault on Israeli civilians, the Hamas terrorists were making a choice. They chose to plan the attack. They chose to load their guns. They chose to fire them at elderly people waiting for a bus and twentysomethings dancing at a festival. They chose to kidnap grandmothers. They chose to parade distressed or dead women before the mob. And at every stage they could have chosen not to do those things. In claiming Israel is wholly responsible for what Hamas did, the racial paternalists of the supposedly pro-Palestine woke left dehumanise Arabs to a staggering degree. They make Israel the only adult in the Middle East, the only entity with agency, the only nation mature enough to enjoy criminal responsibility, while its attackers are reduced to the naïfs of world affairs.

This is racist. There is no other word for it. We are witnessing the rise of a neo-Orientalism. The great Palestinian writer Edward Said described Orientalism as a Eurocentric prejudice against Arab peoples that tended to view them as deviant and lascivious. It was a mix of curiosity and contempt for the Arab world, he said. Under the neo-Orientalism of today’s army of upper-middle-class Palestine pitiers, Arabs are innocents, not deviants; blameless, not cruel. Of course it is racist to depict all Arabs as evil – but it is equally racist to depict them as being incapable of evil. To imply that they lack the free will to choose between good and bad that is enjoyed by us white Westerners, and also by the Jews of Israel. The woke elites might be enemies of Israel, but with their ironically imperious absolution of Palestinians of the burdens of agency and adulthood, they’re no friends of Palestine. Spiked Online


'Haaretz': "Israel did nothing to offer a normal life to Gaza. It only made their lives miserable" Haaretz criticizes Israel for not giving the Gazans any other option. As usual, the newspaper distorts history. Israel offered everything to Gaza, Hamas rudely rejected everything

Shlomi Ben-Meir 15.10.23 | Presspectiva

... Unfortunately, as usual, in the rest of the article she lies and presents a distorted picture of reality and the conditions that led to Black Sabbath. Of course, in her eyes “the occupation is the root of all evil” and the “inhumane[sic], violent and brutal blockade” is what creates the motivation in the Palestinians to become human animals and support monstrous massacres.

For one moment she does not think that the events of that Saturday actually proved decisively the need to impose restrictions on the Strip, and what happens when the Israeli security measures collapse.

Majadli is allowed to err on the side of illusions, but when she claims that Israel never left Gaza any other option – she is simply recycling a lie that her newspaper has been spreading for years. This is how Majadala claims: “I fell short of offering a solution, but not only did Israel not do anything to offer a prospect of a normal life to the residents of Gaza living under its military blockade, on the contrary. She did everything she wanted and everything she could to make their lives miserable.”

Did Israel never offer the residents of Gaza a different life? The answer :

In August 2005, Israel carried out the disengagement plan, in which it displaced its citizens and withdrew the IDF forces from the Gaza Strip. Although the plan was announced and implemented unilaterally, after that Israel and the Palestinian Authority reached agreements regarding the affairs of the Strip.

In November 2005, the State of Israel and the Palestinian Authority signed the ‘crossings agreement’, which included for the first time an Israeli relinquishment of full control of the outer shell of the Gaza Strip, and a limitation of Israel’s control over the border crossings and its freedom of action in closing and opening them; arrangements for the passage of Palestinian convoys between the West Bank and the Gaza Strip; A commitment to establish a seaport in the Gaza Strip, and to continue the discussions to establish an airport there.

The implementation of the agreement encountered difficulties following the victory of Hamas (which does not recognize Israel, and anyway not the agreements signed with it) in the Palestinian parliamentary elections in January 2006; And due to a wave of kidnappings of foreign citizens (who were supposed to operate the crossings instead of Israel) in the Gaza Strip and incessant attempts to break through the crossings by force. Finally, all hope of its implementation collapsed after Hamas took over the Strip in June 2007. Then a blockade was imposed on the Gaza Strip, which included restrictions on the movement of people and goods to and from it.

In this context, there were proposals from the international community for Hamas – whether they came on behalf of the Quartet or as an American initiative – to commit to ending the violence and to recognize Israel and the agreements signed with it, in exchange for ending the blockade. These proposals have been on the table for years and years, and the Hamas rulers of Gaza have consistently refused them.

You will search in vain among the writings of Hanin Majadli – or in fact, in every article written in Haaretz in the last 15 years – for criticism of the reluctance of Hamas, which rudely rejected the proposal to allow a better life for the residents of Gaza and preferred to drown the entire region in rivers of blood and despair.

For them, criticism will always fall on the shoulders of Israel, which should care more about the Palestinians than the Palestinian leaders themselves. Even over a thousand dead Israelis will not challenge this sacred principle. Presspectiva _

At lying Haaretz, racist-Arab Hanin Majadli, on Oct 13, 2023, propagating veiled terrorists apologetic after paying lip service to be shocked. Her real aim: rewriting history . (Haaretzism: the trend since at least 2000, to explain Arab supremacy and demonize those fearing radical Arab-racism, Arabization and Islamic bigotry).[109] comment at JR


Hamas, a reincarnation of Nazis and all others targeting Jews must pay Opinion: Heartbreaking images scorch social media showing armed thugs dragging mothers holding on to babies and small horrified children captive; Jews can no longer be victims of the hate lasting generations. Alon Goldstein | October 9, 2023|

An armed thug drags a terrified mother, holding on to her two babies He is shouting at her to walk. Other thugs take an old woman through the streets in the heart of Gaza. A thug holding an AK47 is grabbing onto a nine-year-old boy. Children, old people, women and girls. All cruelly abducted by human beasts.

Those pictures, in color – not black and white, spread quickly in WhatsApp groups, even before being recorded in print. They are intolerable and were taken in Israel in 2023, not in the Warsaw Ghetto under Nazi occupation in 1940.

85-year old Israeli paraded in Gaza They must warn all Jews living in Israel and those living around the world that they must not be confused. This is not a conflict, nor is it a war. It is part of our historic struggle.

As terrible as it is, it is also that simple; throughout each generation, there are those aiming to annihilate us because we are Jews. Now we face despicable creatures, reincarnated Nazis, Amalek.

Israel was established to be a safe home for mothers, children and elderly Jews. That is its purpose, to provide a safe haven, have a strong army of Jews and not have to ever rely on anyone else.

Israel has failed in its first historic test. Complacency, failed management, and such failure on all fronts, brought us to this disastrous point. There will be time to settle that account but for now, the county's leaders and the heads of the security services must look back 80 years, into the eyes of a small Jewish boy in ragged shoes, holding up his hands before a laughing Nazi soldier. Then they must look at their citizens in the eyes and vow that despite the horrors of the past days, no such atrocities would ever be seen again. We cannot let our parents and grandparents beg for their lives faced by human scum. We cannot let our children crow out in horror, besieged for hours. Just for those images, Israel must go to war of historic proportions against its enemies, no matter the cost. It must not stop, blink, or doubt and must listen to no one, but the eyes of our children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren who will come into the world in Israel. We must strike the Arab enemy with a force that would bring it to its knees, hurt each and every family and rue the day that they ever crossed the Gaza border.

October 2023 must be remembered by all nations of the world as the month when Jews finally declared, we will not allow you to take us on, ever again. YNet _

Shaked says international community must remember that ‘Hamas acted like Nazis’

Former justice minister calls on world to 'express unwavering support for Israel' in coming weeks, says attack on Saturday was ‘total failure of military, intelligence, government’

By Jeremy Sharon, 9 October 2023 TOI _

Campbell: Hamas’ obsession with Jews indistinguishable from Nazis Hamas’ obsession with the evil [sic] of Jews down the centuries is more or less indistinguishable from the Nazis, writes James Campbell. James Campbell, October 14, 2023 The Sunday Telegraph

... So while Hamas might be an Islamist organisation, aside from the local twist about the Caliphate and the Balfour Declaration, its obsession with the evil of Jews down the centuries is more or less indistinguishable from the Nazis.

People will say that Hamas’s views aren’t necessarily the view of the people they rule. But it’s also the case that although the last Palestinian elections were held as long ago as 2006, Hamas got 44 per cent of the vote. Daily Telegraph (AU) _

Goals of Hamas, Nazis appear to be the same: Vittert Leland Vittert, Oct 11, 2023.

(NewsNation) — After the Holocaust, the world said “never again.” But now, it’s happening again.

Videos coming out of Israel show the worst of humanity and will make any decent human being uncomfortable, and might even make viewers sick to their stomach. But that’s the point. People need to see them. NewsNation _

'This is not complicated, America’: Sen. Booker condemns 'Hitler-like' Hamas

MSNBC, Oct 12, 2023 #hamas #msnbc #corybooker “This is why as an American, as a Black American, I will always stand against hate and stand with the people who are targets of hate,” says Sen. Cory Booker. “This is not complicated, America. It is not complicated. We all must denounce hate, and those people who use hate to destroy. That is Hamas.” MSNBC On YouTube _

In Israel, Italy FM Compares Hamas To ISIS, Nazis AFP - Agence France Presse October 13, 2023 Italian Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani compared Hamas to the Islamic State group and the Nazi SS during a visit to southern Israel on Friday. Barrons _

How the Nazis helped to inspire Hamas Islamist terrorists are pursuing an anti-Semitic agenda that long predates the state of Israel.

How the Nazis helped to inspire Hamas Alaa Al-Ameri 9th October 2023 Spiked


On the Fascism of Hamas Jul 1, 2010 —  The Atlantic

The evil ideology that fuels Hamas: The term 'Islamic fascism' is completely apt Jun 28, 2010 NY Daily News

Why They Fight: Hamas’ Too-Little-Known Fascist Charter Aug 1, 2014 —  The American Interest

The Roots of Palestinian Fascism and the Myth of Israeli Aggression ASMEA


Don’t believe the lies: Hamas massacre was only possible because Gaza is not occupied Anti-Israel forces have changed and twisted the meaning of words in order to find Israel guilty of crimes it did not commit. Gary Willig, Oct 9, 2023, 4:09 PM (GMT+3) INN


Hamas's al-Aqsa Lie Has a Long and Disgraceful History The pro-Nazi mufti of Jerusalem first accused the Jews of targeting the Muslim holy site. By Douglas J. Feith Oct. 9, 2023 2:34 pm ET

Review and Outlook: Hamas’s surprise attack, aided by Iran, is a reminder of Israel’s existential peril—and the growing risk to U.S. allies. Images: AFP/Getty Images/Zuma Press Composite: Mark Kelly Most of the coverage of the Hamas-Israel war omits the reason for Hamas’s attack. Reports that do address the question often cite the official Hamas explanation that Israel is plotting to destroy the al-Aqsa Mosque on Jerusalem’s Temple Mount. Hamas calls this war “Operation al-Aqsa Deluge.” But that justification is a fraud. The mosque is in no danger, and Hamas isn’t defending any Muslim holy site. The attack is offensive. Hamas wants to torture and kill Israelis in hopes of triggering mass uprisings by Muslims and perhaps spurring a larger war that might wound and isolate Israel, with the ultimate aim of destroying the Jewish state. WSJ


After, the Haaretz (Haaretzism: excusing Arab-supremacy / Arab-racist / Islamist-fascist terror and hurling slurs and terrible terminology on those who fear this very racism) type of liberals who hate and are bigoted against conservative-Jews, have also been on a demonization campaign against those who were calling to obtain arms... Oct 10, 2023 at EoZ


‘Too little, too late’: Israel issues emergency directive to ‘allow’ citizens to arm themselves

October 9, 2023 | Kevin Haggerty Bizpacreview


Go out and defend yourself: these are the new concessions for a license to carry a weapon Minister Itamar Ben Gvir today (Sunday) directed the Firearms Licensing Division to launch an emergency operation, in order to allow as many citizens as possible to arm themselves. The plan will go into effect within 24 hours • Telephone interview at a physical location, approval within a week to carry a weapon, approval to carry a weapon after the license has expired and a series of additional steps

Now 14 Oct 8, 2023 Now14


Haim Yelin: "Individual citizens with weapons fought against hundreds of terrorists" Former member of the Knesset Haim Yelin, who was evacuated from his home in Be'eri, was interviewed by Galatz, and told painfully: "This is the saddest day of my life, they massacred us in the settlement. We waited eight and a half hours until the first evacuation began - I call it the second Yom Kippur war, we were captured by Hamas. Individual citizens with weapons fought against hundreds of terrorists."

Maariv Online 08/10/2023 Maariv


Recall that the Squad voted 'no' or 'present' on 100% defensive Iron Dome funding for Israel. Without this life-saving technology being constantly deployed, the death and destruction would be even worse. Many of these same lawmakers have now demanded Israel not defend itself:  [110]

— Guy Benson (@guypbenson) October 8, 2023 [111]


Trump promises to expand Muslim travel ban to include GAZA if elected and will revoke student visas of 'radical anti-American and anti-Semitic foreigners at our colleges and universities' By Rob Crilly, Senior U.S. Political Reporter For Dailymail.Com 20:59 16 Oct 2023, updated 22:57 16 Oct 2023 Daily Mail

Ron DeSantis says U.S. should NOT take in Palestinian refugees from Gaza and demands Arab nations open for those fleeing Israeli counterstrikes By Katelyn Caralle, U.S. Political Reporter For Dailymail.com 20:40 15 Oct 2023, updated 20:56 15 Oct 2023 [112]


"Progressives call for US to take in some of the expected 1 million Gaza refugees," by Jon Levine, New York Post, October 14, 2023

Experts predict a million refugees might flee the Gaza Strip amid the war between Israel and Hamas, and socialists and far-left lawmakers said America should welcome them.

"Fifty percent of the population in Gaza are children. The international community as well as the United States should be prepared to welcome refugees from Palestine while being very careful to vet and not allow members of Hamas," said Rep. Jamaal Bowman, a New York member of the Socialist-Democratic "Squad" who remains under investigation for pulling a fire alarm in the House Cannon Office Building earlier this month. NYPost.


Reporting Biases. Jan. 2, 2002 6:12 pm ET. Amir Taheri's ("Bin Laden's Private TV Channel") insightfully exposes the true nature of Qatar's Al-Jazeera TV channel and its adversarial role in the current conflict. Perhaps a more fitting name for this channel would be "Al-Jihadzeera"! With regard to the Bush doctrine that "You are either with us or against us", the article makes it abundantly clear where this particular Arab institution stands. WSJ


Fatah: Al-Jazeera is a mouthpiece for Hamas By Khaled Abu Toameh Published: March 9, 2008 JPost


Meet Al-Jazeera's pro-Hamas mouthpiece The al-Jazeera network has chosen a clear side in the Gaza–Israel conflict, and anchorwoman Ghada Owais is taking the lead in the network's one sided-coverage. Roi Kais |Published:  08.11.14 Ynet


Hamas Has Fractured the Arab World America Must Help Prevent a Wider Conflict—in the West Bank and Beyond By Ghaith al-Omari, October 13, 2023 The situation among the Arab Gulf states is similarly complex. Qatar, which backs Hamas and funds Gaza, has held Israel “solely responsible” for the escalation, mirroring Hamas’s rhetoric. Moreover, Al Jazeera’s Arabic language channel, a news station funded by Qatar that reaches tens of millions of people across the Arab world, has effectively served as a mouthpiece for Hamas. Foreign Affairs _

Al Qaeda tape 'given' to 'Al Jihadzeera' shows Bin Laden 'lieutenant' Al Zawahiri threatening attacks on UK and US Bush dismisses Al Qaeda warning August 5, 2005 MIM _

Al Jihadzeera' Reporters Charged With Belonging To A Terrorist Group February 1, 2014 MIM


[House Hearing, 113 Congress] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] Denouncing The Use Of Civilians As Human Shields By Hamas And Other Terrorist Organizations. July 25, 2014 ... Qatar, the same question that we entrusted to watch over to the Taliban 5 that has been supporting terrorists and radicals all across the globe and offers them sanctuary. Qatar, the same country that we just signed an $11 billion arms deal with, $11 billion, is the very same country that serves as Hamas' mouthpiece through Al Jazeera, airing Hamas propaganda that then gets broadcast to the world. Govinfo.gov


Al Jazeera thanked by Hamas for “exemplary coverage,” as reporter’s story of Jerusalem arrest appears to be debunked Jun 11, 2021 | Judy Maynard and AIJAC staff Aijac


Vicious "Palestinian" Islamist murder of Naomi Pilichowski VS accident of Jihadzeera's propagandist Shireen Abu Akleh [on item: CAIR and American Islam] Submitted by Karen (United States), Nov 27, 2022 DP


Islamist media competes in portraying Palestinian terrorists as victims By Salah Uddin Shoaib Choudhury- October 15, 2023 ...Qatari regime’s propaganda machine Al Jazeera... Weeklyblitz _

The Real Story Behind the Anti-Israel Al Jazeera Network – A Mouthpiece for Qatari Propaganda. 10/13/2023 ...the worst offender of them all is none other than the Al Jazeera Media Network. It is a Qatari state-owned Arabic-language international news television network that failed miserably at an attempt to gain a foothold in the cable news business in the United States. Ultimately, they were compelled to shutter their doors due to exceptionally poor ratings. Since the war began last weekend and for many years prior to that, Al Jazeera’s anti-Israel agenda was in high gear as their biased and slanted reporting was illustrated through their own inimitable style of propaganda. Al Jazeera has taken heat in the past for their coverage from some unlikely sources at times. At the onset of the Qatar diplomatic crisis in 2017, several national governments of the Arab League called for the closure of the entire Al Jazeera conglomerate as part of a list of thirteen demands that were presented to the Qatari government in exchange for re-normalized relations... Al Jazeera has been accused of pushing “Qatari propaganda” by many countries and organizations, including those in the Arab world. An article by Sherry Ricchiardi in the American Journalism Review (AJR) noted that critics of Al Jazeera have “assailed what they see as anti-Semitic, anti-American bias in the channel’s news content,”... On May 30, 2017, Al Jazeera’s English-language account retweeted an Anti-Semitic meme. The network tweeted an apology after the incident, calling it a “mistake.” In May 2019, AJ+ produced a video denying and minimizing the Holocaust. Al Jazeera suspended two journalists over the video. Wikipedia reported that the video stated that “the number of Jews murdered in the Holocaust had been exaggerated and ‘adopted by the Zionist movement’, and that Israel is the ‘biggest winner’ from the genocide.” During the Second Intifada, Palestinians killed by Israelis were referred to as “martyrs”; Israelis killed by Palestinians were not... JV

Sources Part II[edit]

  1. The newspapers this morning in Europe: "Terrorists of Hamas massacred civilians in Israel", Globes, oct 8, 2023.
    Most of the newspaper covers in Europe focus on the abduction of dozens of civilians, including women, children and the elderly into the Gaza Strip. "Hundreds die and hostages held as Hamas assault shocks Israel," is the headline of the Sunday edition of the Guardian newspaper. "The unbearable attack," wrote the French "Le Parisien". (l'insoutenable attack).
  2. The Iron Swords – The war in the south of Israel (Updated to 1 p.m., October 16, 2023), Terrorism-info,  17/10/2023
  3. As was given over on N12 Oct 8, 2023
  4. Jonathan Conricus, on CNN, Oct 8, 2023 after 9PM
  5. Ynet, Oct 7, 2023
  6. By journalist Gilad Shalmor, reporting on N12, Oct 8, 2023
  7. Raz Cohen Survival music event, interviewed on PBS News Hour, Oct 10, 2023 18:18. [1]
  8. On Andersen Cooper, CNN, Oct 10, 2023
  9. Ynet, Oct 12, 2023
  10. Efraim Halevi, on CNN with Amanpour, Oct 9, 2023
  11. Lindsey Graham asked for unity on this, on Fox News, Oct 8, 2023, 9:45 PM
  12. A decade after a sarin gas attack in a Damascus suburb, Syrian survivors lose hope for justice, AP, Aug 21, 2023
  13. Moshe Debby, on N12, Oct 11, 2023
  14. IDF spokesman Jonathan Conricus, on CNN, Amanpour Oct 9, 2023
  15. @Im Tirtzu @IMTIzionism:
    A child's prayer blessing his father who goes into battle. Amen and your prayers will be fulfilled and that all the soldiers and abductees will return home to us in peace.

    (Oct 13, 2023)

See also[edit]

Guardian of Walls

"The Mufti.. concocted a new kind of antisemitism that combined traditional Muslim antisemitism, like the anti-Jewish verses you find in the Koran, with the Nazi antisemitism that demonised Jews... His whole ideology was antisemitic and from the very beginning he targeted Jews, not Zionists."
The difference between lies and reality is sometimes just a color on a map

W. Ormsby-Gore as he was preparing the royal commission report, "Though I knew there was ill-feeling between Jews and Arabs, I had not realized the depth and intensity of the hatred with which the Jews are held by the Arabs..."
"It is not Israel's settlement blocks but rather the Palestinian ideological blockade that constitutes the biggest barrier to peaceful arrangements . The Jew-hatred in this region must no longer be played down as a kind of local custom ..."
The only tweet (July 2014) on the Twitter account of the late American Elan Ganeles - murdered by Arab-Islamist "Palestinian" on Feb 27, 2023 hy"d: "I think you're always going to have tension in the Middle East, when there's [are] people who want to kill Jews, and the Jews don't want to be killed, and neither side is willing to compromise."

Categories: [Middle East] [Middle East Politics] [Terrorist Organizations] [Islamic Terrorism] [Anti-Semitism]

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