Homework Two Answers - Student Eleven

From Conservapedia

Answer 6 out of 8 questions:

1. Two important trials or series of trials occurred in the colonies between 1690 and 1750. What where they, and why were they significant?

In 1692, a number of men and women were imprisoned and tried for witchcraft on the grounds of rumor, spectral and questionable evidence in the now infamous Salem Witch trials. Many of those convicted were executed. The trials are an example of the extremes of injustice which can result from a government controlled by radical fundamentalist ideology and mob mentality, particularly when government is on a local level such that personal prejudices may influence decisions. The hypocrisy of puritan society, in which the loudest accusers are often the most guilty, was the topic of many books and short stories by author Nathaniel Hawthorne. The incident has also been extensively used to criticize others seen as imposing radical fundamentalism, a slur analogous to comparing others to Hitler.

The other significant trial which is mentioned in the lecture is the trial of Peter Zenger, in which two precedents were set; firstly that criticism grounded in truth does not constitute slander, and secondly that juries may rule contrary to the blatant intent of the law and instructions of the presiding judge.

Superb analysis.

2. What do you think were the two biggest causes of the Revolutionary War, and why?

In my opinion, the Revolutionary War was the result of ideological and economic motivations working in conjunction. Many of the leaders of the colonial states genuinely desired a new government which would equitably represent the people of America and guarantee a number of individual rights. At the same time, it was economically advantageous for the colonies to pursue independence; not only because of the taxes imposed by England, but also because of the freedom from trade restrictions which independence would mean.

Terrific answer again.

3. Look at the map of the American colonies in the lecture. Which northeastern state was not one of the original 13 colonies, and what significant event happened there?

Neither Vermont nor Maine were colonies, although parts of what was then Massachusetts and New Hampshire would be incorporated into them. Ethen Allen led his “Green Mountain Boys” to capture Fort Ticonderoga in 1775.

Terrific, could become a model answer.

4. The "Tea Party" today takes its name from which event? Explain how that event connects to the views of the Tea Party Movement today.

The movement takes it’s name from the Boston Tea Party, when revolutionary activists dressed as indians dumped tons of tea leaves from a ship into the Boston harbour in protest to the tax on tea. The tea party movement claims solidarity with the original event because they both protest over taxation; however the two movements really have little in common. The original tea party protested a tax on commodities, not primarily because of the actual monetary impact, but because of the lack of representation of the colonists in the decision making. In contrast, today’s tea partiers generally complain about income taxes and not commodities taxes, and more importantly they are certainly represented in congress; if there is sufficient popular demand, the United States policies can always be changed without requiring the extra-legal measures of the original tea party.

Excellent answer, but note that both then and now the "tea party" effort objected to general government oppression, favoritism, and lack of meaningful representation. (Note: "it's" -> "its" in the first line of your answer. Also, "harbor" is the American spelling of the word; "harbour" is the British spelling.)

6. What was the significance—and the outcome—of the French and Indian War? Should it have a different name?

The French and Indian war was a conflict instigated by France and Britain but fought in the theatre of the North Eastern United States. The war soon spilled over into other theatres throughout the world, and the conclusion of it was a victory for England which resulted in France ceding much of it’s American territory to England.

The war was named the French and Indian war quite logically after the opponents of the colonists in the war; often wars are named by the side which wins (for instance, the civil war was named as such by the north; southerners often prefer to call it the war between the states).

Superb answer, which may become the model answer (Same speling comment as the last answer; note that the American spelling of "theatre" is "theater".)

8. "But where says some is the King of America? I'll tell you Friend, he reigns above, and doth not make havoc of mankind like the Royal Brute of Britain...let it be brought forth placed on the divine law, the word of God; let a crown be placed thereon, by which the world may know, that so far as we approve of monarchy, that in America THE LAW IS KING." When and who do you think wrote that for the ordinary colonist? Explain.

This is a quote from Thomas Paine’s Common Sense, demonstrating the American idea that an objective just and universal law ought to be the source of authority in American government. His pamphlet was impactful due to it’s incendiary reaction to English oppression and wide distribution amongst the colonial citizens, who at that time had a surprisingly high literacy rate.

Excellent, but don't be surprised by the high literacy rates in the past. There's much evidence that overall intelligence was higher the further back in time one goes (in other words, overall or average intelligence declines with each new generation). The Federalist papers, a challenging set of essays for college students today, were published in an ordinary newspaper in 1788!

Honors Questions (answer any 3)

H1. Do you find political cartoons to be effective? Discuss in the context of the cartoon illustrated in the lecture, and note what you find to be effective or ineffective about it.

Yes, political cartoons are effective in visualizing political opinions and prejudices, although this particular example was more of a symbol than a cartoon in the modern sense of a periodical newspaper feature. It analogizes the colonies to a snake which, when chopped into small pieces, is powerless, but when unified can defend itself from oppression. At the same time it intimates serious consequences for those who oppose the cause of the revolution and probably was intended to intimidate those who sympathized with the loyalists.

Good answer, but the issue of "loyalists" was not a problem yet at the time of the cartoon (1754). (Minus 1)

H4. Identify two similarities, and two differences, between the cultures of colonial America and England around 1770. Similarities: Both countries had a similar cultural heritage, and the well elite of both countries had generally read the same books, wore the same clothes, and enjoyed the same music and dances.

Differences: Americans society at the time was less divided by wealth, nobility, and education than English. Also Americans were more universally literate, cultured, and interested in the political issues of the day than in England.

Terrific answer.

H5. Discuss any of the debate or discussion topics from the lecture. Do you think a jury should be able to ignore the law in order to find a defendant "not guilty?"

Yes. It is up to the jury to decide whether or not the defendant should be considered guilty in a particular instance; I don’t mean that the jury should rule against the understood meaning of the law, but in many cases the original legislation might not have taken into account the peculiar circumstances of the particular case the court is dealing with. However I think that lower level courts should be judicious in resorting to contradicting the law; in cases where this is an issue the Supreme Court might deal with it best.

Superb answer, but note that if the Supreme Court deals with it, then it is no longer a jury of ordinary citizens making the decision.

Nathan R

Grade: 89/90. One of the best homeworks in the class this week!--Andy Schlafly 09:54, 20 February 2011 (EST)

Categories: [American History Homework]

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