Popular articles at Conservapedia is a section on Main Page Left which is a set of entries that both educate and strengthen visitors. They range from being enormously popular to lesser-known gems. They are chosen by their capacity to enrich.
The collection is periodically updated as the Dow Jones Industrial Average is, with new stars appearing frequently. Similar to how the DJIA is limited to a total of 30 stocks, the Popular articles at Conservapedia listed on our Main Page here is limited to about 170 entries.
If one were stranded on a desert island, stuck in solitary confinement, or even worse immersed or surrounded by Leftist culture, these 170 entries include almost all that one needs to survive and even thrive.
Suggested additions or replacements to this special list are always welcome!
New Suggestions[edit]
- Roman Empire
- Gross domestic product
- Charlton Heston
- Gospel of Mark - entry promoted
- Fake science
- Robert E. Lee
- Elvis Presley
- The Beatles - entry promoted
- Dick Cheney - neocon leader and RINO hero of Dems
- Ludwig van Beethoven - strong entry here about the famous classical musician, whose mother nearly aborted him - entry promoted
- Judicial activism - this important entry is worth even more attention at this time - entry promoted.
- Leon Trotsky - superb entry about a controversial, influential figure. Was Stalin's archenemy an OK guy, or as a communist was Trotsky as bad the others? - entry promoted, since replaced.
- Poincaré conjecture - one of the many excellent entries in mathematics here.
- John Adams - a flawed but important figure in American history, whose support of "law and order" has some relevancy today.
- Anita Bryant - terrific entry about an important historical figure, who is either omitted or falsely disparaged by textbooks and the liberal media - entry promoted.
- Karl Popper - the creator of the concept of falsifiability and increasingly a conservative as he aged, his entry here is popular - entry promoted.
- September 11, 2001 - an important, often-visited entry - entry promoted.
- Ted Williams - most popular baseball player entry.
- American Football - a surprisingly popular entry.
- Supreme Court of the United States - also surprisingly popular.
- Henry Kissinger - an influential globalist in the 1970s.
- Earl Warren - an influential liberal Chief Justice in the 1950s and 1960s.
- Felix Frankfurter - a U.S. Supreme Court justice who became more conservative on the bench, which is a rarity.
- Twelve Apostles and The Gospels - more popular than you might expect - one of these promoted.
- liberal claptrap - a concise favorite that captures liberal style well.
- Franklin D. Roosevelt - the famous liberal whose racism is concealed by history books.
- Essay:Adulteress Story - a significant, popular original work which is in the news recently as communist China has revised this story.
- Underrated Sports Stars - an interesting entry with a strong following - entry promoted.
- abortion - often in the news so it does not have an additional link on Mainpageleft.
- lamestream media - often linked from Mainpageright, this popular entry could be developed further.
- Abraham Lincoln - a solid, informative entry - entry promoted.
- Epistle to the Hebrews - excellent entry with a strong following
- Gospel of John - likewise
- Garden of Eden - more significant and popular than you might expect! - entry promoted.
- Drudge Report alternatives - very popular list - entry promoted.
- Merriam-Webster - an excellent entry about bias at the leading dictionary.
- John Dewey - liberal who destroyed education and needs more scrutiny.
- Gateway Pundit - a great source of news which the lamestream media censors.
- Jimmy Carter - his liberal influence continues to harm through his court packing on the Ninth Circuit.
- United States Constitution - quite popular here.
- Mathematics - strong and comprehensive entry.
- Electoral College - timely and popular.
- Maine - good, popular entry which could be improved in its references about the supposed Ice Age.
- Hugo Chavez - important entry about the socialist who destroyed Venezuela, whose death the lamestream media denied for months.
- Literalist Bible chronology - a detailed gem of an entry.
- Heaven - popular and uplifting entry.
- Rainbow - popular and contains the explanation from Genesis.
- Soviet Union (1922-1991) - an extremely important part of history, and a popular entry here.
- church - simple, enlightening, and artistic.
- Homo sapiens - widely read and might be improvable.
- California - a popular, significant entry which could be improved further.
- Margaret Thatcher - a very popular entry.
- movement conservative - informative and widely read.
- Spanish Inquisition.
- Japan - popular entry about a productive culture that suffers from a lack of Christianity.
- Mitch McConnell - worth reading while he's still Majority Leader!
- United States Senate - an enormously popular and educational entry.
- White House - a concise description, which is popular here.
- Yale University - a candid entry disclosing the sorry truth about this very liberal institution.
- Berlin Wall - let's never forget.
- Genesis 1-8 (Translated) - how it all began.
- Unalienable rights - immensely popular and informative entry.
- Declaration of Independence - also quite popular here.
- U.S. "Party-switch" myth - fascinating entry.
- Totalitarianism - starts with a great quote by William Penn, who also has a popular entry here.
- Yalta conference - sell-out by FDR to the communists, and an important part of history.
- liberal censorship - an important, popular entry here.
- Conservative Inc. - important to criticize, and needs more development and attention here.
- Joseph McCarthy - lots of attention to this important historical figure.
- Alexander the Great - educational and popular.
- Atlas Shrugged - popular and important to libertarians.
- United States Navy - popular and of course important.
- J.R.R. Tolkien - a strong following of his entry here.
- C. S. Lewis - a popular entry about an influential writer.
- Essay:Liberal Denials about History - substantial interest in this important entry.
- There Are No Atheists In Foxholes - fascinating and popular entry.
- Rattlesnake (American symbol) - historical and popular.
- Chivalry - timeless and popular here.
- The South - not distorted here.
- vestigial structure - evolutionist hoax.
- Jean Paul Sartre - a popular and insightful entry.
- Washington Post - review and improve further this popular expose.
- Ron Paul - perhaps the most principled congressman of the last 50 years.
- Friedrich Hayek - important free market economist.
- Deviant behavior - a surprisingly often-visited entry.
- King David - popular entry.
- Crucifixion - surprisingly often-visited, and in 2021 featured on Good Friday.
- Resurrection Sunday - enough said!
- Russia - an important country and its entry is popular here.
- San Francisco - can be updated further.
- Thirteen Colonies - informative and popular.
- Constitutional Convention - the miracle in Philadelphia!
- J-1 visa - part of the visa problem.
- Nationalism - the opposite of globalism.
- United Methodist Church - third largest church in the United States.
- Baseball - an effective activity to develop heterosexuality rather than homosexuality.
- Niccolò Machiavelli - a timeless entry about the original master of political tactics.
- Romanticism - a conservative movement that was innovative.
- Supply-side economics - more can benefit from this.
- Galapagos Islands - fascinating and misused by evolutionists.
- Joan of Arc - Mark Twain spent years writing a book about her.
- Deism
- Founding Fathers
- Mainstream media
- Women
- A Choice Not An Echo
Could be more music-related entries posted on the Main Page, as that has a significant following on the internet.
Bob Dylan had a strong presence on the Main Page for a while but, although he is considered the finest song-writer in history, his strongest following is by an older demographic.
Metallica is good, still-popular group worthy of the Main Page.
Essay:Greatest Conservative Novels is a candidate for the Main Page.
In history, the entry on Otto von Bismarck is worth developing further and then placing on the Main Page.
Biden Putsch, to prepare readers what to expect after Election Day 2020.
Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. is a critical, but fair, entry about a once-icon of liberals
Entries starkly illustrating Wikipedia's bias[edit]