Egyptian rabbi of the sixteenth century, first at Cairo, subsequently at Jerusalem (Levi ibn Ḥabib, Responsa, Nos. 10, 110; Conforte, "Ḳore ha-Dorot,"
"Ashkenazi"; Joseph Taytazak, "She'erit Yehudah," ed. Salonica, 1604, p. 67b). Ḥaḳan was a pupil of Elijah Mizraḥi (Responsa, No. 15). He edited and printed Isaac bar Sheshet's responsa at Constantinople (1546). He is quoted in Caro's "Bet Yosef," in Shulḥan 'Aruk, Ḥoshen Mishpaṭ, § 36, and in Moses di Trani's Responsa, part ii., No. 67. R. Tam ibn Yaḥya, to whom he and Jacob Berab (whose adversary he subsequently became) addressed a question from Cairo, calls him simply "Samuel Ḥaḳan" (
: see his responsa, "Tummat Yesharim," Nos. 100, 190, Venice, 1621; Taytazak,
). It appears from the passages quoted above that he was among the foremost men of his time; but no independent works by him are extant.
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