
From Jewish Encyclopedia (1906)



In the broadest meaning of the term Jewish periodicals include all magazines as well as all newspapers which, either because of the language in which they are published or because of the special nature of their contents, appeal particularly to Jewish readers. Of the newspapers most of the dailies form a class by themselves in that they report the general news of the world and do not confine themselves to Jewish matters. The specifically Jewish newspapers (principally weeklies) may be characterized as political, social, religious, or communal, ranging from such as report current matters of moment in all parts of the world and of interest to the whole of Judaism to such as are devoted solely to local community and social gossip. Of the magazines, or periodicals in the narrower sense of the term, some are literary and belletristic, others scientific. The former contain essays, stories, and poems generally, but not always, of a specifically Jewish nature; with such magazines may be classed as special subdivisions some juvenile and a few humoristic publications. The scientific magazines include some which deal, most often in a semipopular fashion, with the general sciences—physics, astronomy, geography, etc. (these are principally found among the Judæo-Spanish journals of Turkey); economics and agriculture (chiefly those devoted to the subject of colonization); and the household sciences (mostly papers for women's interests). The larger part of the scientific periodicals, however, deals with the so-called "Jewish sciences": Jewish history, Bible exegesis, Hebrew philology, bibliography, pedagogics, theology, philosophy, and religion. In addition to all these there are publications for special classes of readers— e.g. , cantors, students, members of athletic associations—while various charitable and other societies issue regular reports of their activities. Many periodicals do not belong to one or other of these various classes exclusively; some, indeed, can be classified only as general, so diversified are their contents. Most of the weekly newspapers, for instance, make a specialty of presenting, sometimes in feuilletons or even in separate supplements, stories, essays, and poems, as well as scientific articles, while the technical magazines often devote special columns to news items. Some of the magazines, too, are illustrated; indeed, one or two have been established especially in the interests of art. Calendars and annuals, in so far as they contain literary, scientific, and belletristic matter, may likewise be included under the term "periodicals."


In the latter part of the century that saw the beginnings of non-Jewish periodical literature two attempts were made to found Jewish newspapers, both of them at Amsterdam, the center of Hebrew typography until the nineteenth century. The first was the Judæo-Spanish "Gazeta de Amsterdam" (Jan. 24-Nov. 14, 1678); the second, the Judæo-German semiweekly ("Dienstagische" and "Freitagische") "Kurant" (Aug., 1686-Dec., 1687). Although it is of interest to note that the word "Zeitung" (in Hebrew characters) was used in 1688 in the title ("Zeitung aus Indien") of the Judæo-German translation of Moses Pereyra's "Notisias dos Judeos de Cochim," almost an entire century passed after the two Amsterdam publications ceased before another Jewish newspaper made its appearance.

But in the meantime the beginnings of magazine-journalism had likewise been made. Perhaps the "Peri 'Eẓ Ḥayyim" (1728-61)—also of Amsterdam—a monthly Hebrew bulletin containing the rabbinical decisions of the members of the Sephardic bet ha-midrash (Arbol de las Vidas), may be regarded as the first Jewish magazine. That honor is generally claimed, however, for the "Ḳohelet Musar," which Moses Mendelssohn, assisted by Tobias Back, started to issue in 1750 as a Hebrew weekly devoted to ethico-philosophical questions; only two numbers appeared. About this time Benjamin ben Zalman Croneburg of Neuwied planned to publish a general Jewish newspaper under the title "Der Grosse Schauplatz"; but only a fragment of one issue of the paper, in German with Hebrew characters, has been preserved. In 1771 was made another of these early attempts to establish Jewish newspapers—Jewish, however, only because of their readers, not because of their contents—this time in Germany. It was called the "Dyhernfurther Privilegirte Zeitung," and was a German weekly in Hebrew characters printed from Dec., 1771, until some time in the following year. It contained news from foreign parts, such as Warsaw and Constantinople, as well as market reports, etc. Above the title was pictured the coat of arms of the city of Dyhernfurth. The last of this class of periodicals for some time was one which appeared for half a year in Alsace, a political weekly entitled simply "Zeitung" (Metz, 1789-90).

Of an entirely different nature from these newspapers was "Ha-Meassef," which was founded in 1784 by Mendelssohn's disciples. As the successful monthly organ of the Maskilim , it really inaugurated the Hebrew press. It appeared in seven volumes, and then was forced to suspend by the successful issue of the very purposes for which it had been established; for the wider participation on the part of the Jews in the culture of their neighbors was attended by a growing disinclination to use Hebrew.

1801-30: Nineteenth Century.

The nineteenth century opened without the existence of any Jewish periodical; and when efforts were resumed to utilize this class of publications in furthering reforms in the internal and external status of Judaism, the necessity for the use of the vernacular was realized. Of the seventeen or eighteen attempts at founding periodicals in the first quarter of the new century, fourteen were in languages other than Hebrew, by far the larger proportion in German. In Bohemia the first Jewish magazine, the "Jüdische Monatsschrift,"German in Hebrew characters, was published by a literary society for a few months in 1802; and in 1811 appeared the "Jahrbücher für Israeliten und Israelitinnen," which was modeled on the annual "Taschenbücher" appearing in the non-Jewish world and contained literary and belletristic matter. In Holland a Dutch newspaper, "Sulamith," appeared from 1806 until 1808, and a "Jaarboek" was published in the latter year. In Germany the following periodicals in German were established: a successful Reform monthly with general contents, which was likewise called "Sulamith" and appeared fairly regularly for about nineteen years from 1806; "Jedidja" (1817-23), a religious, moral, and pedagogic semiannual; the "Zeitschrift für die Reifere Jugend" ("Ḳeren Tushiyyah," Fürth, 1817); the "Taschenbücher zur Belehrung der Jugend" (1818-1820; an annual), noteworthy as the first periodicals for the young; "Der Bibel'sche Orient" (1821), an unsuccessful attempt at establishing a cabalistic periodical; the "Zeitschrift für die Wissenschaft des Judenthums" (1822), the first German literary-scientific paper, one which, despite its merits, failed to find a reading public; and "Geist der Pharisäischen Lehre" (1823-24), the first rabbinical magazine. In 1823, also, were published the first Jewish papers in England and America, both in English: the "Hebrew Intelligencer," an anonymous monthly in London, and "The Jew," a monthly in New York (the latter was continued for two years). In Poland there appeared "Der Beobachter an der Weichsel," in Judæo-German, printed at Warsaw in 1823-24.

Of the various Hebrew periodicals that were published in the course of this period one was a German attempt to continue "Ha-Meassef" under the title "Ha-Meassef he-Ḥadash" (1809-11); the second was the similar publication of the Dutch To'elet Society and called "Bikkure To'elet" (1820); the third, the Austrian "Bikkure ha-'Ittim" (1820-31), was one of the two periodicals thus far mentioned that outlived the first quarter of the century, although sporadic attempts were made within the following ten years to revive the two most successful of the German periodicals. The "Bikkure ha-'Ittim" marks the commencement of a new phase, locally, of Jewish history. What "Ha-Meassef" had been for Germany, the "Bikkure ha-'Ittim" became for Austria, where the Haskalah movement now first became active. Its general excellence attained for it a wide circulation; and though it was destined to live hardly more than ten years, it was nevertheless after a short interval followed by a line of worthy successors. Between 1825 and 1831 it was apparently the only regularly published periodical in the whole of the Jewish world.


Nevertheless in Germany the decade 1831-40 was to be one of great journalistic activity, both politically and literary-scientifically; no less than fifteen periodicals printed in German were established during this time, among them several which at least from the standpoint of longevity were eminently successful; one of them, indeed, is still being published. The first periodical of the decade was "Der Jude," almost exclusively political; despite a promising beginning in an important field it endured only four years (1832-35). In 1833 another volume of "Jedidja" was published, and "Zion," a religious paper, began a two years' career. In 1834 Philippson's "Israelitisches Predigt- und Schul-Magazin" appeared. In the following year "Das Füllhorn" (1835-36), with the object of furnishing instructive, useful, and entertaining reading matter and of discussing Jewish events of interest, furnished a new type of paper, being followed by "Die Synagoge" (1837-39). Of greater importance was the founding in 1835 of Geiger's "Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift für Jüdische Theologie," in which the foremost scholars of the time united to popularize the "Jewish sciences." Its success was marked; it appeared, though with interruptions, until 1844, and then for a short time in 1847.

The "Allgemeine Zeitung des Judenthums."

But these scientific, instructive, and edificative journals, apart from the irregularity of their appearance, left a want to be supplied, which Philippson, discontinuing his theological paper, in 1837 set about to fill. In the "Allgemeine Zeitung des Judenthums" was furnished the first successful paper to take part in the every-day life of the Jew, and in the course of its history it was instrumental in introducing many reforms and establishing several important societies and institutions. As it appeared at first three times and then regularly once a week, it was enabled to fulfil in part the duties of a newspaper also. The "Allgemeines Archiv des Judenthums" (1839-43) was a revival of "Jedidja"; Jost's "Israelitische Annalen" (1839-41) sought to be both a newspaper and a scientific and literary magazine; "Der Israelit des Neunzehnten Jahrhunderts" (1839-1848), another Reform paper, was particularly religious, but had also a literary tendency at times. Even more active and more enduring was Fürst's "Der Orient" (1840-51), founded in the last year of this decade, with general contents, and with a separate" Litteraturblatt" which to-day still offers a veritable mine for the student of Jewish literature, history, and archeology. "Ẓiyyon" (1841-42), another scientific and religious (Reform) paper, and "Sinai" (1846), for "Jewish learning and ethics," may also be mentioned.

Outside of Germany the only periodical founded that survived the decade was the Austrian "Kerem Ḥemed" (1833-42), which was established as the successor of the Haskalic "Bikkure ha-'Ittim" and appeared as somewhat of an innovation in style, its articles on exegetical, archeological, and literary-historical questions being in the form of letters. In Switzerland appeared "Altes und Neues Morgenland" (1834-40), an exegetical monthly; in France, the "Archives Israélites de France"—the first successful French publication and the second oldest Jewish paper now in existence—and an earlier attempt, "Die Wiedergeburt" ("La Régénération," 1836-37) of Strasburg, probably the first bilingual Jewish paper; in England, the "Hebrew Review and Magazine for Rabbinical Literature" (1834-35); and in Holland, the "Jaarboeken voor de Israelieten in Nederland" (1835-40).


The religious activity of the fifth decade of the century was attended by correspondingly increasing journalistic productiveness, the numberof new periodicals being no less than seventy. Germany continued to lead in this respect; there was also a decided revival of interest in Hebrew, while both English and French journalism were likewise established on a permanent basis. As many as twenty-five new German periodicals appeared, five of them in Austria, and one each in England and America; about fifteen Hebrew, of which five appeared in Germany, an equal number in Austria, two or three each in Galicia and Holland, and one in England; and at least thirteen English, of which one in America and one in England were destined to endure a long time. Only the most noteworthy of these periodicals, such as introduced or established some phase of journalism, will receive particular mention.

"Jewish Chronicle."

The "Revue Orientale" (1841-46) was the first periodical in Belgium. The "Voice of Jacob" (1841-1848), with Reform tendencies, was the first English newspaper deserving of the term; but far more successful was the "Jewish Chronicle," with the opposite religious tendency at first, and which, established in the same year, is the oldest existing publication in English. "Pirḥe Ẓafon" (Wilna, 1841-44), for literary criticism, Biblical and Talmudical researches, and news, was apparently Russia's first periodical. In 1842 Isidor Busch of Vienna with his "Kalender und Jahrbuch für Israeliten" (1842-47; and 1854-67), containing a summary of the news of the year, as well as historical, scientific, belletristic, and other entertaining matter, made this class of publications a valuable addition to periodical literature. A Judæo-Spanish journal, the "Chronica Israelitica"—the first since the "Gazeta de Amsterdam"—was published in Gibraltar in 1842, and another, "Esperanza Israelitica," in 1843. "The Occident," a monthly of Conservative tendencies, was the first really successful periodical in the United States (Philadelphia, 1843-69). An important German publication of this period was Frankel's "Zeitschrift für die Religiösen Interessen des Judenthums" (1844-46, but continued later under a different title). Hungary as yet did not offer a promising field for journalistic enterprise; in 1844 Leopold Löw attempted to publish his "Ben Chananja" for the Jews of that country, but at Leipsic; fourteen years passed before he renewed his attempt. "Yerushalayimn" (Zolkiev, 1844; Lemberg, then Prague, 1845), in Hebrew, was the first Galician publication. "First Fruits of the West" is of interest because it was published in Kingston, Jamaica (1844).

The successful German papers until this time all had had Reform tendencies; as religious agitation increased, party lines were drawn more closely, and journals were established to serve as official organs of Orthodoxy and moderate Reform, as well as of Radicalism. The first successful Orthodox paper was "Der Treue Zionswächter" (1845-55), with a Hebrew supplement, "Shomer Ẓiyyon ha-Ne'eman"; "Ha-Yareaḥ" (1845) in Hebrew, and with the same tendency, lived but a short time. Another attempt at founding a periodical for mysticism—"Der Kabbalistische Biblische Occident"—ended with the first number. In France "L'Univers Israélite," Conservative, founded in 1844, takes its place beside the "Archives Israélites" among the oldest of existing periodicals; other, but short-lived, journals appeared there in the next two years. For the Austrian Haskalah, the "Kerem Ḥemed" having ceased publication in 1843, the "Kokebe Yiẓḥaḳ" (1845-73) was established, and proved to be the longest-lived of the "Bikkure ha-'lttim's" successors. In England the first literary magazine, entitled "Sabbath Leaves" (1845), and a religious paper, "The Cup of Salvation" (1846), were established, the latter with the patronage of Sir Moses Montefiore; but, like various other English papers of the next few years, they existed but a short time. The "Magyar Zsinagóga" (1846-47) and the "Evkönyo Zsido" (1848) seem to have been the first periodicals in Hungarian; the scientific "Rivista Israelitica" (published for a few years from 1845), the first in Italian, and the Judæo-Spanish "Puerta del Oriente," or "Sha'are Mizraḥ" (1846), the first in Turkey.

In 1847 the "Jewish Chronicle" of England from a fortnightly became a weekly, and Geiger's "Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift" resumed publication for a short time. In 1848 are to be noted "Die Zeitung"—this and "Die Jüdische Post" (1849) were the first Galician Judæo-German papers; "Die Zeitschwingen," "Die Zeitung für's Judenthum," and the "Centralorgan für Glaubensfreiheit"—the first German papers in Vienna, all edited by Busch and all unsuccessful; Einhorn's "Ungarische Israelit," the first German paper published in Hungary, and one which gave the first impulse to Reform in that country; and the "Liturgische Zeitschrift" (1848-62) in Germany, the first periodical devoted to synagogal music and to the interests of cantors. In Holland the weekly "Nieuws en Advertenticblaad," and the literary "Tijdschrift," were founded in 1849; the former, with various changes of title, continued to appear until 1893. In 1849, also, appeared in America "The Asmonean" (until 1858), the first weekly there; "Israel's Herold," short-lived, but noteworthy as the first German-American paper (both of these appeared in New York); and the "Jewish Advocate" (of Philadelphia); "The Hebrew Leader," a Conservative paper established in 1850, is noteworthy at least in that it continued to appear until 1882.


The decade 1851-60 was characterized by a steadily increasing attention on the part of German periodicals to the scientific aspect of Judaism, perhaps at the expense of purely religious interests, the comparative silence of the so-called official organs being noteworthy (in 1860 the "Allgemeine Zeitung des Judenthums" was practically the only paper making propaganda for Reform); there were also renewed attention to the Hebrew press, especially in Galicia, and marked journalistic activity in America. To the four or five German periodicals already established on a permanent basis were added in Germany and Austria eleven or twelve which were to have a life of ten years or more—three of them are still in existence. It is worthy of note, furthermore, that of the total thirty new German periodicals established in this period one-third were literary "Jahrbücher." Fourteen new Hebrew publications likewise were founded.

The "Monatsschrift." Page from the "Dyhernfurther Privilegirte Zeitung." (In the possession of Prof. Richard Gotcheil , New York.)

In 1851 Frankel, in reviving the "Zeitschrift für die Religiösen Interessen des Judenthums" and changing it to the more scientific "Monatsschrift für die Geschichte und Wissenschaft des Judenthums," took a step characteristic of the period, though for a time, it is true, the "Monatsschrift" was the only scientific journal in Germany. In the same year "Der Israelitische Volkslehrer," a family weekly of a superior belletristic character, was founded by L. Stern and continued to appear for about twelve years (from 1859 with Stern's "Der Freitagabend"). The "Deutscher Volkskalender und Jahrbuch," also established in 1851, proved to be one of the most enduring of its class, and is still being published as the "Jüdischer Volks- und Haus-Kalender" (Brieg, from 1853); it was joined in the following year by Pascheles' "Illustrirter Israelitischer Volks-Kalender" (Prague, 1852-94), apparently the earliest illustrated periodical. In 1852 "He-Ḥaluẓ," a scientific Hebrew year-book, was established in Galicia and was published successively in various places until 1889. In England a rival to the "Jewish Chronicle" appeared, in 1853, in the "Hebrew Observer"; but in the following year it united with the "Chronicle," which remained the only organ of the community for some years. In Italy was established the first successful Italian periodical, "Educatore Israelità," taking the place of the "Rivista Israelitica"; since 1874 it has been known as "II Vessillo Israelitico." In Constantinople the establishment of the Judæo-Spanish "La Luz de Israel" (1853) especially to report the Crimean war is significant.

In 1854 were established Philippson's "Jüdisches Volksblatt" (until 1866); Samson R. Hirsch's "Jeschurun," a valiant defender of Orthodoxy (the other Orthodox organ, the "Treue Zionswächter," ceased publication in the following year), which was of importance in the development of Judaism until 1870; and M. Letteris' "Wiener Mittheilungen" (1854-66), the first successful one of his several attempts. In the same year Busch's highly prized "Kalender und Jahrbuch für Israeliten" was continued by Wertheim as the "Jahrbuch." In 1851 the "Annuaire du Culte Israélite" (until 1870), in 1853 another Dutch weekly, "De Israeliet" (short-lived), and in 1855 another French journal, "Le Lien d'Israël" (until 1862), were founded.

"American Israelite."

In the United States the "American Israelite," supporting Reform, the oldest existing journal in that country, was established in 1854; and in the following year "Deborah," with the same objects, but to appeal to the large number of German Jews for whom English was not as yet the literary language, became one of a series of German and German-English papers. Thus in the eastern part of the country "Sinai" was published at Baltimore from 1856 to 1862; in the West "The Hebrew Observer," in English and German, was established, the oldest existing Jewish paper on the Pacific coast, and two years later a second journal was established there, "The Gleaner," which was succeeded by "The Pacific Messenger" (1860-61), likewise in German and English. In 1857 the "Jewish Messenger" of New York appeared, and until 1902 it occupied in the Conservative rank a position corresponding to that of the "American Israelite" among the Reform papers. "The Asmonean," however, ceased publication in 1858. In 1859 "The Corner-Stone" of New Orleans gave evidence that another section of the country had awakened to a realization of journalistic influence.

Kobak's "Jeschurun."

By the middle of this decade Galicia had become recognized as the center of a Haskalic influence which extended over Poland and Lithuania; among the Jews of this region, whose literary language was still Hebrew, the Crimean war had awakened interest in the world at large; and therefore when the weekly "Ha-Maggid" was established it met with instantaneous and lasting success. This was really the beginning of the Hebrew newspaper. Most of the Hebrew journals thenceforth established in Turkey and in Slavic countries contained political and mercantile news of the Gentile as well as of the Jewish world, while special literary and scientific supplements supplied the other demands of their readers. In Lemberg, too, "Jeschurun," a Hebrew journal for science and literature, was founded (1856-58; from 1859 it was published in Germany, partly in German and partly in Hebrew); likewise "Meged Yeraḥim," and later "Oẓar Ḥokmah," neither of which lived many years, however. "Ha-Mebasser" (1860-70) was eminently more successful. "Oẓar Neḥmad" (1856-64), another Hebrew periodical of the same class as those of Galicia, was published in Vienna.

The only other important journalistic event of 1857 was the appearance of the Rumanian "Israelitulu Romanulu" of Bucharest, the first journal in Wallachia. The Jews of Hungary were provided with a journal in the following year, when Löw revived his "Ben Chananja," but with a more scientific trend; it continued publication till 1867. Steinschneider's "Hebräische Bibliographie" was the first purely bibliographical periodical established; its importance is indicated by the length of its life (1858-82). "La Famille de Jacob" was one of the few Jewish journals of France published outside of Paris; "La Vérité Israélite" (1860-62) was an attempt to provide a French juvenile paper. The last year of the sixth decade was somewhat active, especially in Russia, where two important Hebrew weeklies, "Ha-Karmel" (until 1881) and "Ha-Meliẓ" (until 1904), and also "Razsvyet" (continued as "Zion" in 1861, then again as "Razsvyet" in 1879), a weekly and the first journal in Russian, met with success.


During the decade 1861-70 the comparative journalistic inactivity of Germany continued, though a temporary change was noted about the middle of the period in the establishment of a number of papers of brief existence. Of about a hundred new periodicals established—of which nine or ten were added to the list of permanent ones, and ten others enjoyed a life of ten years' duration or more—Germany supplied only about fifteen, one of which is still being published; and four others, with ten of those previously existing, outlived the decade. In America, too, the increased activity hardly kept the pace which the growth of the Jewish population and the journalistic conditions of the preceding decade would seem to have predicted;perhaps a dozen new periodicals were founded there, of which only three were to outlive the decade together with about five previously existent papers. England's activity was even less marked. On the other hand, the growth of the periodical press in Austria, including Galicia and Hungary, was steady, and resulted in a number of permanent additions to the list of Hebrew papers, of which between twenty and twenty-five new ones were founded in various parts of the Jewish world. A remarkable feature, too, was the number of Judæo-Spanish periodicals—at least ten-which made their appearance, although perhaps only one survived long. Furthermore, permanent papers were established in a number of the countries less prominent in the history of Jewish journalism.

Geiger's "Zeitschrift."

In Germany Geiger, fifteen years after the cessation of his "Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift," resumed its publication under the title "Jüdische Zeitschrift für Wissenschaft und Leben" (1862-1873); in 1868 Kobak's "Jeschurun" was removed to Bamberg (until-1878), Grätz became editor of the "Monatsschrift für die Geschichte und Wissenschaft des Judenthums," and the "Israelitische Wochenschrift" (until 1894) made its appearance; and the following year "Die Jüdische Presse" was founded as a Conservative journal, one which is still being published.

Judæo-German Press.

In Austria and Hungary the cause of Reform received added and energetic journalistic representation in "Die Neuzeit" of Vienna (1861-1904), which at the same time became a rich source of material for the history of the Jews in Austria-Hungary. "Ben Chananja" increased its influence in Hungary by becoming a weekly in 1861; and its efforts were supplemented in the same year by those of the Hungarian "Magyar Izraelita." The "Izraelita Magyar Néptanitó" (1865-68) was pedagogic in character, as was the "Zsidó Iskolai és Hitköztégi Lapok" (1869-71); and the Orthodox interests were represented by the "Magyar Zsidó." In Austria, toward the end of this period, Smolenskin founded "Ha-Shaḥar" (1869-1884), an eminently successful periodical and one which inaugurated the epoch of original literature in modern Hebrew. In Galicia, however, a Hebrew weekly for political and general news, "Ha-'Ibri," had been founded in 1865, and it continued publication until 1890; in 1869 a still-existent German paper was established there as "Der Israelit," for moderate Reform; while the "Lemberger Jüdische Zeitung" represented the Judæo-German press for a number of years during this decade. The history of Judæo-German journalism had really begun in Russia in 1863. Until that time the better-educated classes of Russian Jews, for all of whom Hebrew was the literary language, had formed the bulk of the reading public; but now, as was the case in other countries, a vernacular press was demanded, and "Ha-Meliẓ," issued as a Judæo-German supplement "Ḳol Mebasser," for literature and belles-lettres. A Russian periodical, "Posrednik," also appeared for a short time from 1869. In Poland "Jutzrenka," the first Jewish paper in Polish, appeared from 1861 to 1863; its place was taken in 1866 by the still-existent "Izraelitá." This country played its part, too, in the history of the Hebrew press; "Ha-Ẓefirah" (1862-63, then 1874 until the present time), a weekly, ranking with the similar journals of Galicia and Russia. With these countries must be grouped in this respect Palestine, where "Ha-Lebanon" appeared from 1863 to 1864, but where "Ha-Ḥabaẓẓelet," a strongly Orthodox newspaper, was of greater importance and, though its publication has at times been interrupted, is still active.

Ladino Periodicals.

The "Jornal Israelith" (1860-71), whose editor Ezekiel Gabbai was the real founder of journalism in Turkey, owed its success to the fact that, being printed in Judæo-Spanish, it supplied a long-felt want of the Jews of Turkey, who were for the greater part uninstructed and without any knowledge of languages other than the vernacular. The Judæo-Spanish papers of Turkey which followed the "Jornal" were mostly of one character: they supplied information as to foreign and domestic affairs in general and Jewish communal affairs in particular; and, to such an extent as to be forced to suspend publication, fearlessly fought for reforms and protested against abuses even when connected with the grand rabbinate. The activity of the Judæo-Spanish press about 1864 was notable not only in Turkey, but also in other parts, particularly in Vienna, where the Judæo-Spanish colony published, in rabbinical characters, various journals intended for the Balkan Peninsula, especially Bulgaria. They include, peculiarly enough, what appears to have been the first Jewish comic paper, "Risi Bisi" (1867); "El Verdadero Progreso Israelito" (1863) appeared in Paris; and "Sema Israel" (1864) in Curaçao. In 1869 the first of five unsuccessful attempts to publish Jewish papers in Turkish was made with "Al-Sharḳiyyah." "Salonik" (1869) was printed not only in Judæo-Spanish and Turkish, but also in Greek and Bulgarian. In Rumania the "Israelitulu Romanulu" resumed publication in Rumanian and French, in 1867. In Corfu the "Chronica Israelitica," in Italian and Greek, was founded in 1861, and "La Famiglia Israelitica," in Italian, was published from 1869 to 1877; while in Italy the "Corriere Israelitico" (from 1863) appeared beside and eventually outlived the "Educatore Israelitico." In France Isidore Cahen became editor of the "Archives Israélites" in 1862; that this journal and the "Univers Israélite" were sufficient to supply the journalistic wants of Paris is shown by the end of "Le Lien" and "La Vérité" about this time, though the "Revue Israélite," a weekly, was founded in 1870, and appeared for several years. In Holland renewed activity was indicated by the appearance of the annual "Achawa" (1865-68) and of three new weeklies which are still in existence: the "Nieuw Israelietische Weekblaad" (from 1866), the "Onafhankelijk Israelietisch Orgaan voor Nederland" (from 1867), and the "Weekblaad voor Israelietische Huizgesinnen" (from 1870); in addition "Ibri," a literary weekly, existed for a short time in 1869. The "Israelitisk Tidende" (1865), published at Copenhagen for a short time, seems to have been the only Danish Jewish periodical published, unless the "Jödisk Almanak" (1861) be reckoned as such.

In the United States the "Zeichen der Zeit," a German monthly with a Reform tendency, soon paid the penalty for the caustic tone it adopted; on the other hand, "The Hebrew," (1863 to the present), in German and English, was another successful publication of the Pacific coast. "The Jewish Times" of New York (1869-79) was for a time the foremost representative of the Reform element; and in 1870 "Ha-Ẓofeh ba-Areẓ, ha-Ḥadashah" was founded as one of the most successful Hebrew periodicals ever published in America. In England the "Londoner Jüdisch-Deutsche Zeitung" was the first Judæo-German publication to appear in English-speaking countries; while the "Jewish Record" (1868-71) was the first penny Jewish paper. "The Guide" is to be noted as another journal of Kingston, Jamaica, and "The Australian Israelite" (1870-1882) as one of the longest-lived Jewish newspapers of Australia.


During the decade 1871-80 the increase in the number of Hebrew publications was maintained, principally in Galicia, but also in Palestine and Russia and, to a smaller extent, in Germany, Austria, Hungary, and the United States, though many of these publications suspended before the end of the decade; in the last-mentioned country both English and Judæo-German journalism likewise displayed a decidedly greater activity (about twenty-five new foundations in each language were made); furthermore, six or seven new journals in Russian appeared, and an equal number in Judæo-Spanish.

German Scientific Journals.

In Germany it is perhaps noteworthy that Geiger's "Jüdische Zeitschrift," which had been at least in part religious, came to an end in 1872, and that the "Jüdisches Literaturblatt" (Magdeburg, 1873-97; Cracow, 1897 to the present) was almost entirely scientific and literary. So, too, were Berliner's "Magazin für die Wissenschaft des Judenthums" (1874-93) and Brüll's "Jahrbücher für Jüdische Geschichte und Literatur." The "Predigt-Magazin" was a homiletical quarterly; while "Der Israelitische Bote" and "Die Reform" (each several years from 1875) were two new religious and literary papers, the former Orthodox, the latter progressive. "Joseph," edited for a number of years from 1879, was a special publication for the young, and "Der Jüdische Kantor" (1879-98), one of the most successful of the liturgical papers. "Die Neue Israelitische Zeitung" (1880) was a second attempt at Jewish journalism in Switzerland. Of Judæo-German papers in Germany the "Ḳol la-'Am," edited for several years from 1876 by Rodkinsohn, requires mention. In Alsace "L'Israélite Alsace-Lorraine" (1878-80) appeared partly in French and partly in German.

The principal new publications in Austria during this decade were Judæo-German and Hebrew; e.g. , of the former, "Der Wiener Israelit," a newspaper published three times a week from 1873 for many years. Nor was the proverbial light-heartedness of the Austrian capital without its expression in Jewish journalism; as formerly the first Judæo-Spanish humoristic paper had been published there, so now the first Judæo-German, Wilhelm Weiss's "Jüdischer Kikeriki" (1877), which was, in addition, illustrated. In contrast "Ha-Emet" (1877), though only a few numbers appeared, is noteworthy as the first Hebrew socialistic paper. In Hungary the "Ungarisch-Jüdische Wochenschrift" (1871-72), especially "Der Ungarische Israelit" (1874 to the present—a general paper), and "Die Zeit" (1878-81; for theology and history), were important German publications; "Das Jüdische Weltblatt" (from 1878) was a successful semiweekly Judæo-German organ; "Ha-Yehudi" (1875-80), a Hebrew literary magazine; while "A Magyar Izraelita Orzágos Tanitó-Egylet Ertesitöje" (from 1875) was to prove itself the longest-enduring of the periodicals published in Hungarian. Bohemia, too, established a successful German periodical in this decade—the "Israelitischer Lehrerbote," continued as "Die Israelitische Gemeindezeitung" (1873), the oldest Jewish paper in Bohemia;" Der Fortschritt im Judenthume" (1880-85) likewise was published in Bohemia.

Title-Heading of the Humorous Section of the "New-Yorker Illustrirte Jüdische Zeitung." Galician Hebrew Press. Title-Headings of Jewish Illustrated Humorous Periodicals .

In Galicia the Judæo-German periodicals which reenforced the "Israelit" and the "Lemberger Jüdische Zeitung" were "Die Neue Jüdische Presse" (1872) and "Yisrulik" (1875-76). Except "Svjit," a Polish weekly, and "Ojczyzma," which appeared for five years in both Polish and Hebrew, all the other important new Galician papers were in the latter language; most of them appeared in the ranks beside the long-established "He-Ḥaluẓ," "Ha-Maggid," and "Ha-'Ibri," to combat which, however, the "Maḥaziḳe ha-Dat" was founded in 1879 as the organ of Ḥasidism. In Rumania—where the demand for journals in the vernacular was met by "Fraternitatéa" (1879) and the annual "Anuar Penetrul Israeliti" (1878) in Rumanian, and by "Ha-Yo'eẓ" (1876) in Judæo-German—Hebrew journalism was represented by "Ha-Ḥolek" (1878) and by "Yizra'el" (1877), which had as its object, as did "Ha-Yo'eẓ," the rousing of interest in the Holy Land. The Hebrew pressin Russia was likewise active for a time, although "Ha-Karmel" in 1871, more in keeping with its literary character, became a monthly; among the new journals were: "Yagdil Torah" (1871-81), "Bet Wa'ad la-Ḥakamim" (1875), "Ha-Boḳer Or" (1876-86), and "Dabar be'Itto" (1878). On the other hand, the Judæo-German "Ḳol Mebasser" ceased publication in 1871, and there seemed to be a growing fondness for languages other than Hebrew and Judæo-German; several Russian periodicals were established, including the highly successful "Voskhod," which, founded as a weekly in 1879 and changed to a monthly in 1881, has continued to appear with weekly and annual supplements until the present time, though not uninterruptedly. When the renewed activity of the Hebrew periodical press was most noted, "Ha-Ẓebi" (1876-1900) was founded as the most successful opponent of the very Conservative "Ha-Ḥabaẓẓelet," (which became a monthly in 1877), and fought twice a week for the introduction of modern civilization into the Holy Land and for the renascence of Hebrew as a spoken language. About the same time were established "Yehudah wi-Yerushalayim" (1877-78) and "Sha'are Ẓiyyon" (1876-80), and in 1880 "'Ammud ha-Yir'ah," as an organ of the rabbis; and Frumkin edited for a short time the first Judæo-German periodical of Palestine.

The Judæo-Spanish press of this decade was very active in its attempts to educate the Jews of the Orient. "El Tiempo" (from 1871) was one of the most widely circulated papers of the East. "El Nacional," which in 1871 became the successor of the "Jornal lsraelith," and "El Telegrafo" (from 1872) were of a similar nature. Of the other Judæo-Spanish periodicals—principally "La Epoca" (for many years from 1874), "El Sol" (1879), and "La Buena Espéranza" (1874; originally called "La Espéranza")—some were of a more general popular-scientific nature, treating in part the natural sciences and containing also translations of stories from the French and Hebrew. "La Politica" (1878) was published by the Judæo-Spanish colony in Vienna. "Zeman" (1872) and "Jeridiyyah Terjumah" were two more of the attempts to educate the Jews of Turkey to the use of Turkish as a written language.

In Italy the "Educatore Israelita," with a change in title to "II Vessillo Israelitico," received a new lease of life in 1874. "Mosè," an Italian monthly of Corfu, the third Jewish paper of that island, was established in 1878. In France one of the most valuable of the scientific periodicals in the whole of Jewish journalism—the "Revue des Etudes Juives"—began to appear in 1880; while in Holland, of five or six new publications, the scientific and literary "Israelietische Letterbode," with a news supplement, the "Israelietische Nieuwsbode," was published for fourteen years alongside its older contemporaries; and the "Echo de l'Orient" (1875), a French fortnightly and interesting on this account, appeared for a short time.

In English-Speaking Lands.

Of several papers established during this decade in England, one, "The Jewish World," founded in 1873, was destined to be of great importance in the development of English Jewry. "Der Londoner Israelit" (1878) was a successful Judæo-German socialist paper, and "Ha-Kerem," a Hebrew weekly. In Australia, of four English papers established between 1871 and 1875 one was edited by the Jewish schoolboys of Adelaide; in India the first Jewish journals appeared during this period: "The Jewish Gazette" (1874) of Calcutta and the "Light of Truth" (1877-1882) of Bombay, both in Mahrati (Hebrew characters) and English.

Title-Heading of the First Number of "Ha-Maggid."

In the United States several English papers appeared whose continued publication during a term of years allows the inference that the number of new journals published there was proportionate to a growing need, even if the literary and utilitarian character of many of the new productions was not such as to give them a high place in Jewish history. One of the most enduring of American juvenilepapers was "Young Israel" (later "Israel's Home Journal"), founded in 1871; another, which had a succession of distinguished scholars as editors, was "The Sabbath Visitor" (from 1874), edited at first with a German section. "The New Era," (1871-75) was the first of a number of monthly literary magazines established in succession in various cities under the same name. "The Occident" (Chicago, 1874), "The Jewish Record" (Philadelphia, 1874-87), "The Jewish Progress" (San Francisco, 1876), and "The Jewish Tribune" (St. Louis, 1879) were typical weeklies; "The American Hebrew," founded in New York in 1879, became with "The American Israelite" a representative of this class of journals. "The Jewish Advance" (Chicago, 1878-82) and "The Jewish Chronicle" (Baltimore, from 1876) were comparatively successful German-English papers; "Die Wahrheit" was published at St. Louis (1871), and "Der Zeitgeist," a German family paper, at Chicago (1880-83). "The Hebrew Review" (Cincinnati, (1880-90) was one of the few purely literary magazines published in America. Of the various Judæo-German papers—including one which had English, German, and Hebrew departments also, and another which was devoted to anarchism—only the "Jüdische Gazetten" in New York (from 1874) and the "Israelitische Presse" of Chicago (from 1876; with a Hebrew supplement, "Hekal ha-'Ibriyyah") were of much importance. The latter was strongly Orthodox; the former, which was Conservative but inclined toward liberalism, and which contained popular literary articles as well as news-items, was perhaps the most successful paper of its class published. "Ha-Ḳol" (New York, 1889-90), founded originally in 1876 in Königsberg by Rodkinsohn as a literary and news journal, deserves notice as one of the most radical Hebrew periodicals ever published.

1881-1900: Of Recent Years.

During the last twenty years of the nineteenth century a marked change was noticeable in the condition of the Jewish periodical press. Before the opening of this epoch all the various types of Jewish journalistic activity had been established; but from now on one type in particular, that of the newspaper, became predominant. At the same time there was a shifting in the preponderance of influence, which previously rested with the German press. Even here a change had gradually been taking place, in that the weekly half-news, half-literary paper had increased in numbers at the expense of the more strictly scholarly magazine. But it was especially in America and the Slavonic countries that the change was most noticeable. The new period was ushered in by the sudden increase in the immigration into the former from the latter, attended in the United States by a corresponding advance in the number of local English weeklies as well as the more-to-be-expected Judæo-German dailies and weeklies; the Judæo-German press becoming of wide significance in connection not only with Jewish questions, but also with the economic questions of the world at large. Exactly how great was the reflex influence of the new settlers in America upon affairs in their old homes can not be determined; at any rate, Russia and Galicia shared in the new movement, though not so much in the Judæo-German as in the Hebrew press. Zionism likewise contributed toward the increase in journalistic activity during this period.

Germany and Austria-Hungary:

Of the older periodicals in Germany the "Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift des Judenthums" ceased publication in 1881, the "Jahrbücher für Jüdische Geschichte und Litteratur" in 1890, the "Magazin für die Wissenschaft des Judenthums" in 1893, the "Israelitische Wochenschrift" in 1894, and "Der Jüdische Kantor" in 1897, in which year, too, the "Jüdisches Literaturblatt" removed to Cracow; there were thus left of the old foundations only the "Monatsschrift für Geschichte und Wissenschaft des Judenthums" (which, moreover, also suspended from 1887 to 1892), the "Allgemeine Zeitung des Judenthums," "Der Israelit," and "Die Jüdische Presse," and of the annuals only the "Jüdischer Volks- und Haus-Kalender."

However, at least thirty new German periodicals appeared in Germany during the twenty years. Of these "Die Laubhütte" (from 1883), the "Israelitisches Gemeindeblatt" (from 1888), the "Allgemeine Israelitische Wochenschrift" (from 1892), and the "Jüdisches Familienblatt" (from 1898) belong in the category of religious and social newspapers; the "Populär-Wissenschaftliche Monatsblätter" (from 1881), "Israelitische Monatsschrift" (1884-95; supplement of "Die Jüdische Presse"), and "Zeitschrift für die Geschichte der Juden in Deutschland" (1887-1892) were scientific—the fact that only one of them outlived the century is significant. The "Zeitschrift für Hebräische Bibliographie" was founded in 1896 to replace Steinschneider's "Hebräische Bibliographie," which ceased publication in 1882. "Lehrerheim" (1895) was established as a special organ for teachers, and the "Israelitischer Jugendfreund" (1895) one for the young; the "Jüdische Turnzeitung" (1900) became the organ of the Jewish athletic societies; the "Berliner Vereinsbote" (1895), "Zion" (1895), and "Jeschurun" (1900) supported Zionism; "Palästina" devoted itself to the study of economic conditions in the Holy Land; the "Jüdische Moderne" (1897) is especially belletristic, and "Ost und West" (1900), an illustrated monthly for general interests.

Among the Hebrew periodicals in Germany "Ha-Medabber le-Yisrael" (1881-82) and "Ha-Ḥozeh" were short-lived; later, however, two scientific magazines, "Mi-Mizraḥ umi-Ma'arab" (published at first in Vienna) and "Ha-Shiloaḥ" (1896), were more successful; the latter was Zionistic.

In Austria the only long-established papers published during this period were "Die Neuzeit" (until 1902) and the "Mittheilungen der Oesterreichisch-Israelitischen Union" (1888, still appearing in 1904). Of the dozen or more new papers the most important perhaps was "Dr. Bloch's Oesterreichische Wochenschrift," founded in 1884 especially to combat anti-Semitism. The "Jüdisches Volksblatt" and the "Monatsschrift der Oesterreichisch-Israelitischen Union" (both in 1889) are likewise important. Two papers were founded to represent labor interests: "Die Welt" (1897) and "Der Jüdische Arbeiter" (1898), the former of which became the organ of Zionism, together with the "Zionistische Rundschau." A special periodical for cantors, as a supplementto "Die Wahrheit," was founded in 1881 under the title "Oesterreichisch-Ungarische Kantoren Zeitung." The "Monatsschrift für Literatur und Wissenschaft des Judenthums," like many similar scientific magazines in Germany, had but a short existence (1889-90). The few attempts at the publication of Hebrew periodicals in Vienna during this period met with little success. "Ha-Shaḥar" itself, despite its popularity, had to cease publication in 1884 for lack of subscribers; the most successful of the new Hebrew papers was "Bet Talmud" (1880-1886), a scientific monthly.

During the period under discussion there were added to the "Magyar Izraelita" as permanent publications in Hungarian "Egyenlöség" (from 1882), "Magyar Zsidó Szemle" (from 1884), "Pályázat" (from 1891), and "A Jövö" (only 1897). Of German papers in Hungary the "Mitteilungen der Freien Vereinigung für die Interessen des Orthodoxen Judenthums" (1887) and the "Ungarische Wochenschrift" (1895) were the only two of five or six to rival for any length of time "Der Ungarische Israelit." In Bohemia beside the older "Israelitische Gemeindezeitung" there appeared the "Jüdische Chronik" (1895), a literary monthly, and "Jüdisches Gefühl" (1900), a periodical for the young.

America—English Papers:

The number of new English papers which appeared for a longer or shorter duration of time during the period 1881-1900 was over seventy-five; as many as ten were estabished in the year 1895 alone. A few, such as "The Reform Advocate" of Chicago (1891) for example, took a place of influence beside the "American Israelite," "The Jewish Messenger," "The American Hebrew," and "The Hebrew," of San Francisco. By far the greater part of them, however, are of local interest only. Among the longest enduring and most important in the various centers of Jewish settlement the following may be mentioned: "The Chicago Israelite" (1884); the "Hebrew Standard" (1883) and "Hebrew Journal" (1885) of New York; "The Jewish Spectator" (1885) of Memphis; "The Jewish Exponent" (1887) of Philadelphia; "The Jewish Tidings" (1887) of Rochester; "The Jewish Voice" (1888) of St. Louis; "The Jewish Chronicle" (1890-93) of Boston; "The American Hebrew News" (1892-1901) of Portland, Ore.; "The Jewish South (1893) of Richmond; "The Jewish Sentiment" (1895) of Atlanta; "The Jewish Comment" (1895) of Baltimore; "The Jewish Ledger" (1895) of New Orleans; and "The Jewish Review and Observer" (1899) of Cleveland.

Of magazines "The American Jewess" (1895-1899) was especially devoted to women's interests; "The Rabbinical Review" (1881-82) and the "Menorah" (founded 1886) were among the last of the scientific-literary magazines in the United States (the latter became one of the foremost periodicals in the country), the "Publications of the American Jewish Historical Society" (since 1893) being entirely historical. "The American Jews' Annual" (1884-97) was one of the few of its class ever established in America. A single number of a magazine devoted to cabalistic science appeared in Boston in 1895. Of German papers in America "Sulamit" was a literary monthly; and "Freitag zu Nacht" (from 1888), a weekly. There were likewise several Zionist papers of brief existence, and two or three organs of the B'ne B'rith or other lodges.


The Jews who came to America from Slavonic countries during the great immigrations were not long in appreciating the usefulness of the newspaper. Ninety or a hundred Judæo-German journals were founded between 1885 and 1900, the period of greatest activity in this regard being around 1890, when many papers appeared in the interests of the working classes. The greater part of the journals enjoyed but a brief existence; the most important of all remained the first-established, the "Jüdische Gazetten," which, in full accord with the spirit of its adopted country, purchased and consolidated about twenty of the new papers, some of which, however, continued to appear as its daily ( e.g. , the "Jüdisches Tageblatt") or other special editions. Among the most important or interesting papers of this class which have appeared are: The "New Yorker Jüdische Zeitung" (1885-89), in the special Judæo-Hungarian dialect; Goldfaden's "New-Yorker Illustrirte Jüdische Zeitung" (1887), the first of its kind in America, in the Judæo-Polish dialect; "Der Volksadvokat" (from 1887); "Der Jüdischer Courier" (1887-1902); "Der Volksfreund" (1889); "Die Arbeiter Zeitung" (1890-1902), most important of the labor journals; "Sulamit (from 1890), a Zionist publication; "Der Telegraf" (1890-1899); "Der Täglicher Herold" (from 1891); and "Vorwärts" (from 1897), a socialist organ. Of the Judæo-German magazines the principal ones have been: "Yom-Ṭob Blätter" (1897-99), issued only for Jewish and American holidays; "Die Freie Gesellschaft" (1895-1902), an anarchist monthly; "Die Zukunft" (from 1892; still published), a socialist monthly; "Der Neue Geist," a monthly edited by Harkavy, which, like "Natur und Leben," had but a brief existence (in 1897); and, finally, "Der Land Ḥakam" (from 1893) and "Der Jüdischer Puck" (1894-96), two humoristic periodicals. In South America "Der Jüdische Phonograph" was founded at Buenos Ayres in 1897.


An attempt was made also to force the American Hebrew press to share the revival which took place in the native countries of the new-comers. No fewer than fifteen or twenty Hebrew periodicals were established between 1888 and 1900 in the United States, devoted in part to literature and science, in part to political and social topics. Only a few, however, had so long a life as "Ha-Pisgah" (founded in 1890 and continued as "Ha-Teḥiyyah" until 1900) and "Ha-'Ibri" (1892-98), or even as "Ner ha-Ma'arabi" (1895-97) and "Ha-Modia' le-Ḥodashim" (1900-2).

England: Title-Headings of the First Numbers of Current Jewish Periodicals .

Conditions in England reflected, but only to a small degree, those in America. "The Jewish Chronicle" and "The Jewish World" met with no serious rivalry in their field of activity. Of half a dozen new journals in English founded between 1882 and 1890, only "The Jewish Standard" (1888-90), an-Orthodox weekly, had any measure of success. "Palestine," the quarterly of the Chovevei Zion Association, and "Young Israel," a magazine for the young, were established in 1897. In the domain of science the "Jewish Quarterly Review" (from 1888) took a leading place among the few magazines of its class existing in the Jewish world during the period under discussion. The new Judæo-German publications were chiefly of the socialist and labor class; the most successful after the early immigration movement was "Der Arbeiterfreund" (1886-91); later "The Jewish Observer" (from 1894) and "Der Jüdischer Express" (from 1896) became the representatives of this class of papers; "Germinal" (1900) was anarchistic. The comic press was represented by "Pee-Pee-Fox." At Cardiff in 1904 "The South Wales Jewish Review" first appeared. Of Hebrew periodicals "Ha-Degel" (founded in 1897) became a successful newspaper; "Ha-Yehudi" (1898) was founded in the interests of Zionism and Orthodoxy. In English-speaking places outside of the United States and England Gibraltar established the "Voice of Jacob" in 1882; Sydney and Melbourne (Australia), "The Jewish Herald" in 1883, and the former "The Australian Hebrew" in 1895 and the latter "The Australian Hebrew" in 1897; and Montreal, "The Jewish Times" (the first in Canada) in 1898. In India Bombay has had at least three Mahrati-English papers and Calcutta two Arabic in Hebrew characters.


As was noticed above, toward the beginning of the period under discussion there had been on the part of Jewish readers in Russia a marked inclination toward non-Hebrew literature; indeed, it seemed to some that Hebrew as the language of periodicals was doomed; "Ha-Karmel" ceased publication in 1881, three years before "Ha-Shaḥar" in Vienna did the same. With the renewed persecution of the Jews, however, a decided change to earlier ideals took place; the Maskilim redoubled their efforts, and met a willing response. "Ha-Asif," a literary annual established in 1884, found 7,000 subscribers—a considerable number when compared with the 800 which "Ha-Shaḥar" had had in its most successful days. Other annuals and monthlies followed before 1886. A daily press of any kind had never been able to exist in Russia; and even the weeklies issued from time to time had been so restricted as to be without importance. The measure of the change in conditions in the new era, therefore, can be estimated from the fact that in 1886 a Hebrew daily, with paid contributors—the first in the history of Jewish journalism—was established as "Ha-Yom," and that in the same year "Ha-Meliẓ" and "Ha-Ẓefirah" likewise became dailies, with thousands of subscribers (see also Russia, Periodicals in ). Of the Judæo-German publications in Russia, Zederbaum's "Jüdisches Volksblatt," a weekly, was published from 1881 to 1889; and "Der Jüdischer Arbeiter" (from 1897) represented the interests of the Russian Social Democrats. Of periodicals in Russian several were attempted before the revival of Hebrew, but the "Voskhod," which became a monthly in 1881, found no important rival until "Budushchnost" appeared (1900-2).

Galicia shared in the revival of Hebrew to a greater extent even than Russia. Between twenty and twenty-five periodical publications of various classes, principally literary weeklies and monthlies, were published there. Among the most noteworthy are the weekly "Ha-Maggid le-Yisrael" (since 1893); the monthly "Ahabat Ẓiyyon" (since 1894); the quarterly "Ha-Eshkol" (since 1898); "Gan Sha'shu'im" (from 1899), a weekly for children. "Oẓar ha-Sifrut" (1887-96) was an annual for literature, belles-lettres, and science. Of the half-dozen Judæo-German periodicals founded in Galicia toward the close of the century, "Der Jude" (since 1899) is a general news weekly. Of German paperṣ, "Jerusalem" (founded in 1899) for literature, and the "Krakauer Jüdische Zeitung" (1898) for science and Zionism, may be mentioned. In the South-Slavonic provinces of the Austrian empire there was never an active Jewish press, although Moritz Grünwald's "Das Jüdische Centralblatt" (1882) appeared for seven years. In Moravia the "Jüdische Volksstimme," a labor journal, was founded in 1900. In Rumania seven or eight Rumanian journals—principally Zionist—and half as many Judæo-German were established, most of them near the beginning of the new century. The first journal in Bulgarian was "El Tresoro" (1894-96), although within the following few years several others appeared.


The new period brought several Hebrew papers to the aid of Ha-Ḥabaẓẓelat" and "Ha-Ẓebi" in Palestine, the latter of which ceased publication in 1900 and was continued as "Hashḳafah." Luncz's annual "Yerushalayim," scientific, and "Torah mi-Ẓiyyon" (1886-87, 1896-99), rabbinical, are examples of the most important of the new foundations.

Ladino Press.

The activity of the Judæo-Spanish press noted during the preceding decade continued during 1881-1900 (Bulgaria having a share therein from 1894), though toward the close of the period all Turkish journals were compelled to suspend publication for a time. Of the older papers, "El Tiempo," "El Lunar," "El Telegraf," and "La Esperanza" continued publication into the new century, together with several out of fifteen or twenty new ones that were established; viz., "La, Verdad" of Smyrna, "El Novelista," "Carmi," "El Avenir," "El Messerrit," and "La Verdad" of Sofia. "El Luzero de la Paciencia" (Turn-Severin, 1886-87) was the first Judæo-Spanish journal of the East printed in Latin characters; "El Progresso" (1899) was founded in Vienna, "El Sabado Segreto" in Mexico (1889), and "El Colono Israelita" in Buenos Ayres. "O Israelitis Chronographos" of Corfu is the only Jewish periodical recorded which has a Greek title, though some of the Judæo-Spanish papers have been issued with Greek departments. In Italy "Or ha-Lebanon" (1886), an Arabic monthly, was edited by a native of Algiers.

In North Africa several Arabic journals were founded: "Al-Mubashshir" (1884) and "Al-Bustan" (1889) in Tunis (the former of which was forced by the government to suspend issue), and "Al-Faraḥ" (1900) in Egypt. The "Vigio Israélite" (1885-93), in Arabic and French, and "La Jeunesse Israélite" (1890), "Ha-Shofeṭ" (1894), and "L'Israélite Algérien" (1900) in French were established in Oran. Aside from annuals and bulletins, the few new periodicals which appeared in France during this period were: in French," La Vraie Parole" (1893), "Kadimah" or "En Avant" (1896; by the students of theNationalist party), and two Zionist papers, "Le Flambeau" (1899) and "L'Echo Sioniste" (1900); in Judæo-German, "Die Pariser Allgemeine Jüdische Volkszeitung" (1892) and "Ha-Tiḳwah" (1897); and in Hebrew, "Ha-Ḥoḳer" (1891). In Holland the principal new papers were "Achawa" (1888), pedagogic, and the "Centraal Blad voor Israelieten in Nederland" (1885), a successful weekly.

Since 1900:

The Jewish press in the new century has continued to develop along the lines laid down in the closing decades of the nineteenth. The increase in the number of English and Judæo-German periodicals in America is steady, though of Hebrew magazines "Ha-Le'om" seems to stand alone. Russia's daily press has been increased by at least one Hebrew and one Judæo-German paper, and another Hebrew journal appears several times a week. In Germany the short-lived "Ha-Ḳeshet," a Hebrew illustrated journal devoted especially to art, was especially noteworthy. New Hungarian, Rumanian, Bulgarian, and Judæo-Spanish journals have likewise been founded. The Italian "Rivista Israelitica" has been established as a companion journal to the "Revue des Etudes Juives" of France and the "Jewish Quarterly Review" of England. In Switzerland several Zionist organs are now being published in various languages. In more distant countries the "Message Zioniste" (French) of Alexandria and "Al Miẓrayim" (Arabic and Judæo-Spanish) of Cairo; "Shoshannah" (Arabic) and "The Voice of Sinai" of Calcutta; the "South African Jewish Chronicle" (English) and the "Jewish Advocate" (Judæo-German) of Cape Town, and, finally, "Israel's Messenger" of Shanghai are the latest established.

Title-Page of "Jung Juda."

Detailed accounts of the more important Jewish periodicals are given in The Jewish Encyclopedia under the respective captions. The list of periodicals herewith annexed includes the available data concerning every periodical publication of which any notice could be found; it has been revised and augmented by Dr. Meyer Kayserling of Budapest, Dr. N. Porges of Leipsic, Dr. Samuel Posnanski of Warsaw, Moïse Schwab of Paris, M. Franco of Rumelia, Dr. Aaron Freimann of Frankfort-on-the-Main, S. Seeligman of Amsterdam, Dr. Samuel Krauss of Budapest, and Rabbi Ehrenpreis of Sofia. The supplementary table on page 640 recapitulates the number of journals (including newspapers, but excluding year-books, calendars, and other annuals), in each language, founded in the various countries, the figures in parentheses indicating the number now being published (so far as can be ascertained; the actual numbers are in excess of those given). See also Almanacs .

Title-Page of "'Olam Ḳaṭan."
  • American Israelite, June 8, 15, 22, 29, 1893;
  • American Jews' Annual, 1888, p. 90;
  • Bockler, Presse und Judenthum, in Giese, Die Judenfrage, Berlin, 1889;
  • Davidson, The Genesis of Hebrew Periodical Literature, Baltimore, 1900;
  • Franco, Essai sur l'Histoire des Israélites de l'Empire Ottoman, pp. 277 et seq., Paris, 1889;
  • Freidus, in American Jewish Year Book, i. 271-282, Philadelphia, 1899;
  • Geiger, in Wiss. Zeit. Jüd. Theol. iv. 286, 459; v. 372;
  • Grünbaum, Jüdisch-Spanische Chrestomathie, pp. 148-158, Frankfort-on-the-Main, 1896;
  • Harris, in Jewish Chronicle (London), May 6, 1904;
  • Jacobs and Wolf, Bibl. Anglo-Jud. pp. 369 et seq., London;
  • Jüdische Gazetten, xx. 43 et seq. (April 20, 1894);
  • Kayserling, in Winter and Wünsche, Die Jüdische Litteratur, iii. 860-880;
  • Lippe, Bibliographisches Lexicon, i. 662 et seq., new series, i. 457 et seq., Vienna, 1881, 1899;
  • Markens, The Hebrews in America, pp. 265-274, New York, 1888;
  • in R. E. J. xl. 271;
  • Sablozki, in Oẓar ha-Sifrut, 1896, v. 270-283;
  • Singer, Presse und Judenthum, Vienna, 1882;
  • Steinschneider, Hebr. Bibl. i. 6, xv. 63;
  • idem, in Zeitschrift für die Religiösen Interessen des Judenthums, 1846, iii. 28-33;
  • Weissberg, Die Neuhebräische Aufklärungs-Literatur in Galizien, pp. 49-77, Vienna, 1898;
  • Wiener, History of Yiddish Literature, pp. 357-360, New York, 1899;
  • Wise, in Judaism at the World's Parliament of Religion, pp. 402-409, Cincinnati, 1894;
  • Zeitschrift für Hebräische Bibliographie, i. 35, v. 159, vii. 25.
G. W. P. LIST OF PERIODICALS. Abbreviations .
Languages. Countries. Periods of Issue.
A Arabic. I Italian. A America. Eg Egypt. Pa Palestine. A Annually. M Monthly.
B Bulgarian J Judæo-German. Al Australia. F France. Po Poland. B-M Bimonthly. Q Quarterly.
D Dutch. M Mahrati. Au Austria. G Germany. R Russia. D Daily. S-A Semiannually.
E English. P Polish. Bc Bohemia. Ga Galicia. R Rumania F Fortnightly. S-W Semiweekly.
F French. R Russian. Bs Bosnia. Ho Holland. S South America. I Irregularly. W Weekly.
G German. Rm Rumanian. Bu Bulgaria. Hu Hungary. Se Servia.
Gr Greek. Sp Judæo-Spanish. C Canada. I Italy. Sw Switzerland. * Still published. ‡ See last column.
H Hebrew. T Turkish. E England. In India. T Turkey.
Hu Hungarian.
Title. (Titles in capitals indicate special articles under the respective captions.) Language. Country. Issue. Place of Publication. Date. Editors, Characteristics, etc.
Abendblatt vun die Arbeiter Zeitung J A D New York 1894 - 1902. Organ of the Socialist Labor Party. See "Arbeiter Zeitung."
Abendland, Das G Bo F Prague‡ 1864 - 69 Daniel Ehrmann. ‡ Then Brünn.
Abne ha-Nezer H Au Q Vienna 1853 Meïr Halevi Letteris. Literary sup. of "Wiener Vierteljahrs-Schrift." 3 numbers.
Achawa G G A Leipsic 1864 - 67 Leopold Stein. Pedagogic, literary, historical. Year-books for 1865-68.
Achawa D Ho M Amsterdam 1888 - Teachers' Society Achawa. Pedagogic.
Advance, The .. .. .. ....................... ............ See "Jewish Advance" (Chicago).
Aggudat ha-Zobehim H Hu .. Nagy-Surany 1904 - * Organ of the Jewish butchers.
Ahabat Ẓiyyon G, H Ga M Cracow‡ 1894 - Zechariah Shapira, for the Ahabat Ziyyon Colonization Society; at first with "Ha-Maggid," then with "Ha-'Ibri." First numbers in German, Hebrew, and Polish.
Aḥare ha-Meassef .. .. .. ....................... ............ See "Meassef he-Hadash." ‡ Then Lemberg.
Aḥiasaf H Po A Warsaw 1893 - * Ahiasaf Society. Literary, belletristic.
'Ale Hadas H R M‡ Odessa 1865 M. E. Belinson. Literary, scientific. One volume. ‡ Irregular.
Allgemeine Illustrirte Judenzeitung G Hu W Pest 1860 - 62 Joseph Bärmann and David Schwab. Literary, scientific, religious, news; illustrated.
Allgemeine Israelitische Wochenschrift G G W Berlin 1892 - * A. Levin (1892-97); M. A. Klausner. News; religious, social, belletristic. Scientific supplement: "Jeschurun."
Allgemeine Jüdische Zeitung G Hu W Budapest 1887 - * Continuing "Pester Jüdische Zeitung."
Allgemeine Zeitung des Judenthums G G W Berlin 1837 - * Ludwig Philippson (1837-89); G. Karpeles. Literary, scientific, general.
Allgemeines Archiv des Judenthmus G G M Berlin 1839 - 43 Jeremiah Heinemann. Historical. See "Jedidja."
Alliance Club News .. .. .. ....................... ............ See "Alliance Review."
Alliance Review E A M New York 1899 - * Clubs of the Educational Alliance. Reports; literary. Founded as "Alliance Club News."
Almanach für die Israelitische Jugend G G A Berlin 1818 - 20 Jeremiah Heinemann.
Altes und Neues Morgenland G Sw M Basel 1834 - 40 Samuel Preiswerk. Exegetical.
Altneuland G G M Berlin 1904 - * S. Soskin. Economic (Palestine); Zionistic.
Alvorada, La Sp Bs‡ W Sarajevo‡ 1898 - 1902 Abraham Cappon. Organ of Jews of Bosnia. Literary. ‡ Sofia, Sept., 1898, then suppressed; No. 2 and a few succeeding numbers appeared in Rumania: resumed in Sarajevo, 1901.
'Am, Ha- H Ga M Kolomea 1891 - 92 D. I. Silberbusch.
'Am, Ha- J Ga ....................... ............ Kolomea Political, religious, industrial. ‡ Three times per month.
Ametican Hebrew, The E A W New York 1879 - * Editorial board. News, literary; conservative. Now (1904) "The American Hebrew and Jewish Messenger."
American Hebrew News E A .. Portland, Ore 1892 - 1901 R. Farber.
Ametican Israelite, The E A W Cincinnati 1854 - * Isaac M. Wise, then Leo Wise. General. Reform. Until 1874 "The Israelite." See "Chicago Israelite" and "Deborah, Die."
American Jewess E A Q New York 1895 - 99 Rosa Sonnenschein. Religious, social, literary.
American Jewish Almanach E A A Cincinnati 1887 - 93.
American Jewish Sentiment E A W Little Rock.
American Jewish Year Book E A A Philadelphia 1899 - * Cyrus Adler and Henrietta Szold. Statistical, historical.
American Jews' Annual E A A Cincinnati 1884 - 1897 Leo Wise. Literary, belletristic.
Amerikaner, Der J‡ A W New York 1904 - * General, literary. ‡ With English supplement.
Amerikanischer Volks-Kalender, Der .. .. .. ....................... ............ See "Jüdisch-Amerikanischer Volks-Kalender."
Ami des Israélites, L' F F M Strasburg 1847 Jérome Aron. Religious, moral, literary.
Amigo de la Familia Sp T W Constantinople 1886 David Fresco and Moses Delmedigo. Historical, geographical, literary; illustrated.
Amigo del Pueblo, El Sp Se M‡ Belgrade 1888 - 1893 Samuel Bekor Elias. Religious, social, historical, literary. ‡ Fortnightly, 1890-93.
Bu W Sofia; Rustchuk 1893-1902
'Ammud ha-Yir'ah H Pa M Jerusalem 1880 - Akiba Joseph Schlesinger. Religious; organ of the rabbis.
Analele Societatii Istoriel y Barasch Rm Rm .. Bucharest 1887.
Anglo-Jewish Magazine E E M London 1848 Successor of "Voice of Jacob."
Annuaire des Archives Israélites F F A Paris 1882 - H. Prague.
Annuaire du Culte Israélite F F A Paris 1851 - 70 A. Créhange. ‡ Literary, portraits.
Annuaire Israélite F F A Paris 1876 -
Annuaire de la Société des Etudes Juives F F A Paris 1881 - 84 Société des Etudes Juives. Statistical, scientific.
Annuario Israelitico I .. A Corfu 1870 Flaminio Servi. Literary, historical.
Anuar Rm Rm A Jassy 1885 - Moses Schwarzfeld.
Anuar Penetru Israeliti Rm Rm A Bucharest 1878 - Moses Schwarzfeld. With literary supplements.
Anzeiger, Der J A W Brooklyn 1897 - 99 V. E. Pomeranz.
Anzeiger, Der J G W Hamburg 1882‡ M. L. Rodkinsohn. Political, literary. ‡ Two months.
Arbeitende Jüudische Jugend, Die G Au M Vienna 1903 - * Zionistic. For youthful laborers.
Arbeiter Welt, Die J A W New York 1904 - * United Hebrew Trades of the State of New York.
Arbeiter Zeitung J A W New York 1890 - 1902 Sunday edition of "Abendblatt" since 1894.
Arbeiterfreund, Der J E W London 1886 - 91 International Workingmen's Educational Club. At first a monthly.
Arbeiterstimme J R .. ....................... ............ Published by the "Bund."
Archiv des Judenthums G G S-A Berlin 1839 - 43 Continuation of "Jedidja."
Archiv für die Gesch. der Juden in Böhmen .. .. .. ....................... ............ M. Grünwald. See "Jüdische Centralblatt, Das."
Archives Israélites de France F F M, W Paris 1840 - * Samuel Cohen (1840-62) ; Isidore Cohen (1862-1902) ; H. Prague. Political, religious. historical, literary.
Ariel, Ha- H Pa M Jerusalem 1870 - 80 Michael Kohen and A. Sussmann. Literary.
Ashmedai, Der J A W New York 189 Morris Rosenfeld and Abraham Sharkansky. Last number called "Der Haman Klapper."
Asif, Ha- ( Ha-Asif ) H Po A Warsaw 1884 - 93 Nahum Sokolow. Literary, historical, biographical, popular-scientific. 6 vols.
Asif, Ha- H iEiiG A i London; ii Leipsic 1847 - 49 Hirsch-Filipowski. Scientific. With Meldola's "Luaḥ."
Asifat Ḥakamim H G M Köonigsberg 1877 - 78 Michael Rodkinsohn. Supplement of "Ha-Kol." 8 numbers.
Asmonean, The E A W New York 1849-58 Robert Lyon. Political , religious, literary, news.
Associate, The E A M Philadelphia 1901 - * Organ of the Young Men's Hebrew Association.
Association Bulletin E A B-M Philadelphia 1881 - Organ of the Young Men's Hebrew Association and kindred societies.
Atlantic Coast Jewish Annual E A A Philadelphia 1896 - J. S. Levy.
Australasian Hebrew E Al W Sydney 1895 - 96 Jacob Goldstein.
Australasian Jewish Chronicle E Al .. Melbourne 1861.
Australian Hebrew E Al .. Melbourne 1897.
Australian Israelite, The E Al .. Melbourne 1870 - 82 S. Joseph.
Avenir, El Sp T W Salonica 1898 - D. Florentin. Political, commercial, literary.
Baltimore Wegweiser, Der J A W Baltimore 1897 - * .
Ben 'Ammi H R M St. Petersburg 1886 Judah Löb Kantor. Literary, scientific. Supplement of "Ha-Yom." 8 numbers.
Ben Chananja G G I Leipsic 1844 Leopold Löw. For religious affairs of Hungary (Reform).
Ben Chananja G Hu M, W Szegedin 1858 - 67 Leopold Löw. Rabbinical; scientific, critical, theological.
Bene Israelite, The E, M In .. Bombay 1894 - Literary, news.
Beobachter, Der G Hu .. Presburg 1873 - 74 I. Back.
Beobachter an der Weichsel, Der (Dostrzegacz Nadwiślańnski). P, G‡ Po W Warsaw 1823 - 24 A. Eisenbaum. ‡ In Hebrew characters. 44 numbers.
Berliner Anzeiger G‡ G W Berlin 1881 J. Taubes. ‡ In Hebrew characters.
Berliner Kalender für Israeliten G G A Berlin 1878 - 79 H. Itzkowski.
Berliner Vereinsbote G G W Berlin 1895 - E. Flanter. Organ of Jewish associations in Berlin; continued as "Israelitische Rundschau."
Berliner Volkskalender für Israeliten G G A Berlin 1861 - M. Poppelauer.
Berliner Wochenblatt G G W Berlin 1857 David Cassel. A few months.
Berliner Zeitung für die Gesammten Interessen des Judenthums. G G W Berlin 1870 S. Nascher.
Bet Leḥem H Hu A Budapest 1871 - 72 I. Reich. Agricultural.
Bet ha-Midrash H Au M Vienna 1865 Isaac H. Weiss. Historical, scientific. 4 numbers.
Bet ha-Midrash H Ga I Cracow 1888 M. J. Berditchewsky. 1 number.
Bet Oẓar ha-Sifrut H Ga .. Cracow 1887 - 92.
Bet Talmud H Au M Vienna 1880 - 86 Isaac H. Weiss and M. Friedmann. Rabbinical; literary, historical. 5 vols.
Bet Wa'ad la-Ḥakamim H A M New York 1903 Dob Bär Abramowitz. Rabbinical.
Bet Wa'ad la-Ḥakamim H E M Leeds 1902 - 4 O. Ch. Daiches. Exegetical, Talmudical, scientific.
Bet Wa'ad la-Ḥakamim H Hu M Presburg 1875 Leopold Landesberg. Historical, literary. 1 number.
Bet Yisrael H Au M Vienna 1888 Jacob Kopelovitz. Literary, scientific. 4 numbers. German supplement: "Der Familientisch."
Bevis Marks Gazette, The E E .. London 1886 H. Guedalla.
Bibel'Sche Orient, Der G G .. Munich 1821 Isaac Bernays. Mystical.
Biblioṭeḳa 'Ibrit H Po W Warsaw.
Bijdragen Betrekkellijk de Verbeter v. d. Maatschappilijken Staat d. Joden. D Ho W The Hague 1806 - 7‡ ‡ Eleven months. 2 vols.
Bikkoret ha-'Ittim H G M Leipsic 1864 Dob Bär Fischer. Humoristic and satirical political review.
Bikkure Ha- 'Ittim H ‡ Au A Vienna 1820 - 31 Shalom J. Cohen (1820-22): then, at different times, M. J. Landau, S. Pergamenter, J. Jeiteles, B. Schlesinger. Literary. ‡ i- viii. also German.
Bikkure ha-'Ittim (new series) G Au .. Vienna 1844 M. E. Stern. Exegetical, belletristic. 1 number. Continued as "Kokebe Yiḥak."
Bikkure ha-'Ittim ha-Hadashim G, H Au A Vienna 1845 I. S. Reggio and I. Busch. 1 volume. Continuation of "Bikkure ha-'Ittim."
Bikkure ha-Shanah H, D Ho A Amsterdam 1843 Gabriel Polak. Literary almanac.
Bikkure To'elet H Ho W Amsterdam 1820 Samuel Mulder. Literary.
Bikkurim H Au A Vienna 1864 - 65 Naphtali Keller. With literary and scientific supplement.
Blätter für Israel's Gegenwart und Zukunft G G .. Berlin 1845 - 47 Three volumes. 8vo.
Blätter für Jüdische Gesch, und Literatur G G M Mayence 1860 - * Leopold Löwenstein (since 1900). Supplement of "Der Israelit."
Blumengarten, Der J A W Chicago 1903 - * .
Blumengarten, Der J A .. Pittsburg 189 - 99 Joel Liebling.
B'nai B'rith Advocate E A .. Houston.
B'nai B'rith Journal E A M Little Rock.
B'nai B'rith Messenger E A W Los Angeles 1897 - * Victor Harris (until 1901). Formerly "The Emanu-El."
B'nai B'rith Mirror E A H Vicksburg - * Intellectual Advancement Committee, District Grand Lodge No. 7, I. C. P. B.
Boḳer Or, Ha- H R M Warsaw‡ 1876 - 86 Abraham B. Gottlober. Literary, belletristic. ‡ Lemberg, 1876-79; Warsaw, 1880-81, 1885-86.
Bril's Telephon J E W London 1902 - News.
Budushchnost R R W St. Petersburg 1900 - * S. O. Gruzenberg. Historical, literary; Zionistic. With annual supplement.
Buena Esperanza, La Sp T W Smyrna 1874 - Aaron de Joseph Hazan. Founded as "La Esperanza."
Bulletin, The E A M New York 1900 - Joseph Hirschman. Organ of the Y. M. H. A.
Bulletin de l'Association des Etudes Israélites F F
Bulletin Mensuel de l'Alliance Israélite Universelle F F M Paris 1861 - * Isidore Loeb and successors.
Bund, Der J R .. ....................... * Published by the "Bund."
Bustan, Al- A‡ .. .. Tunis 1889 Uzan and Castro. ‡ In Hebrew characters.
Calendarul Israelit Illustrat Rm Rm .. Bucharest 1903.
Calendrier à a l'Usage des Israélites F F A Paris 1863 - 93 Leopold Blum.
Calendrier Annuaire Israélite F F A Toulouse 1895 R. Hirschler.
Calendrier Israéelite F F A Bordeaux.
Cap-Makers' Journal E, J A M New York 1903 - * William Edlin. For trade-unions in general.
Carmel G Hu W Pest 1860 - 61 W. A. Meisel. News, literary. Third year with "Allgemeine Illustrate Judenzeitung."
Carmel F Bu .. Philippopolis 1895 - 96 Joseph M. Baruk, Zionist. With fortnightly Judæo-Spanish supplement.
Carmi .. .. .. ....................... ............ See "Karmi."
Centraal Blad voor Israelieten in Nederland D Ho W Amsterdam 1885 - * Van Creveld & Co. News, essays, fenilleton. First year called "Israelnisch Vnegenblad."
Central-Anzeiger für Jüdische Litteratur G G .. Frankfort o. M 1891 Nehemiah Brüll. Continuation of Steinschneider's Hebräische Bibliographic." One volume.
Centralblatt für die Interressen des Judentums .. .. .. ....................... ............ See "Jüdische Centralblatt, Das."
Chabazeleth .. .. .. ....................... ............ See "Habaẓẓelet."
Charity Work E A F New York 1902 - * Max cohen, for the United Hebrew Charities.
Chicago Israelite, The E A W Chicago 189 - 99 Jewish news. Chicago edition of the "American Israelite."
Chicagoer Jüdischer Tageblatt J A D Chicago 189 - 99 Leon Zolotkoff. News. English title, "Chicago Jewish Daily News."
Chicagoer Wochenblatt J A W Chicago 1885 - * Sarasohn & Son. News. Weekly edition of "Der Jüdischer Courier" since 1892.
Choreb D Ho M Rotterdam ............ Rabbi T. Tal. Literary; illustrated. 1 vol.
Chronica Israelitica (Ha-Mazkir) Sp .. .. Gibraltar 1842 Judah Zarfati.
Chronicle of the Hebrew Orphan Asylum E A .. New York 1904 Literary Society of the Hebrew Orphan Asylum.
Colonial Jewish Monthly E Al .. Melbourne 1874 Nahum Barnat ben Isaac Dob.
Colono Israelita, El Sp S .. Buenos Ayres ............ P. J. Grunblat. Zionistic.
Corner-Stone, The E A .. New Orleans 1859 - Solomon Jacobs.
Correo de Vienna Sp Au W Vienna 1870 - Adolf Zomlinski; then A. Semo and J. Saxel. Political and general news; supplement: literary, historical, belletristic ("El Tresoro de la Casa"). At first fortnightly. Several years.
Corriere Israelitico I Au M Triest 1862 - * A. di S. Curiel; then A. V. Morpurgo. Historical.
Cronica Israelita Gr, I Gr M Corfu 1861 - 63 M. D. Levi and Z. Nacamalli General.
Cronica Israelita Rm Rm W Bucharest 1901 Josef R. Petriant. News.
Cup of Salvation E E M Liverpool 1846 D. M. Isaacs and Moses Samuel. Orthodox.
Dabar be-'Itto H R .. Wilua 1878 Höschel Lewin. Theological, homiletical. One year.
Daily Jewish Herald .. .. .. ....................... ............ See "Der Täglicher Herold."
Darkest Russia E E I London 1891 Record of Russian persecution.
De Hirsch School Journal E A .. Woodbine, N. J. 1901 - * Supplement: "Farmers' Leaflet," four times a year.
Deborah, Die G A W Cincinnati 1855 - 1900 Isaac M. Wise (continued as monthly, 1901-2, by G. Deutsch). Belletristic.
Degel, Ha- H E W London 1897 - * Isaac Suwalski. Jewish news; literary.
Degel Mahaneh Yehudah J Rm W Jassy 1901 - * News; Zionistic.
Degel Yeshurun H
Den R R W Odessa 1869 - 71 S. Ornstein.
Derek Ṭobim H E .. London 1852 - 53 Hirsch Edelmann. Scientific (1853 called "Dibre Hefez").
Deutsche Israelitische Zeitung .. .. .. ....................... ............ See "Laubhütte, Die."
Deutscher Volkskalender und Jahrbuch G G A Brieg; Breslau 1851 - * M. Breslauer (1851-52); H. Liebermann (1853-88); continued as "Jüdisher Volksund Haus-Kalender," with a "Jahrbuch zur Belehrung und Unterhaltung," by M. Brann, Breslau.
Dia, El Sp Bu W Philippopolis 1897 - Joseph B. Pardo. News; Zionistic; with Bulgarian supplement.
Dialectic, The E Al M Melbourne 1875.
Dibre Ḥakamim H G .. Metz 1849 Eliezer Ashkenazi. Literary, scientific One year.
Dibre Ḥefeẓ .. .. .. ....................... ............ See "Derek Ṭobim."
Dor, Ha - H Ga W Cracow 1900 - 01 David Frischmann.
Dostrzegacz Nadwislanski .. .. .. ....................... ............ See "Beobachter an der Weichsel, Der."
Dr. Bloch's Oesterreichische Wochenschrift G Au W Vienna 1884 - * Josef Bloch. Political (against anti-Semitism), news, religious polemics (conservative); belletristic feuilleton.
Dragoman, El Sp ‡ Au F Vienna 1865 Josef Calvo. ‡ In square characters.
Drepturile Rm Rm W Focsani 1897 - M. Botoseneanu.
Drohobyczer Zeitung G ‡ Ga W Drohobyez 1883 - Aron H. Zupnik. News; promotion of culture. ‡ In Hebrew letters.
Dyhernfurter Privilegirte Zeitung G ‡ G S-W Dynernfurth 1771 - 72 General news (including letters from Warsaw, Constantinople, etc.), market reports. ‡ In Hebrew characters.
East-Side Life E A W New York 1903 - *
Echo, De D Ho W Amsterdam 1885 - 86 News. 29 numbers.
Echo de l'Orient F Ho F Amsterdam 1875 S. Carmelin.
Echo des Judenthums G A W New York 1892 Emil Herzfield. Fraternity news.
Echo Sioniste. L' F F M J'aris 1900 - * A. Mamorcḳ. Organ of the French Zionists.
Eco Judaico Sp Bu Sofia 1901 - * A. Piperno; then M. Ehrenpreis. Organ of Jewish consistory.
Educatore Israelità I I M Vercelli 1853 - 74 Giuseppi Levi and Esdra Pontremoli. Religious. Continued as "ll Vessillo Israelitico."
Egalitatea Rm Rm W Bucharest 1882 - M. Schwarzfeld.
Egyenlöség Hu Hu W Budapest 1882 - * Moritz Bogdány; then M. Szabolesi.
Einige Israel, Das G Hu W Pest 1872 Josef Natonek. Religious, political. A few numbers.
'Eked Sippurim H Ga F Lemberg 1887 - Reuben Braudes and Joshua Meisach. Stories.
Emanu-El E A W San Francisco 1895 - * Jacob Voorsanger. News.
Emanuel Bulletin E A M Paeblo * .
Emes, Der J A W Boston 1895 - 99 Morris Winchevsky. Socialistic, literary.
Emet, Ha- H Au M Vienna 1877 Aaron Liebermann. Socialistic. Two numbers.
Emet, Ha- H A M New York 1894 - 95 Ḥayyim Enowitz.
Emigrant, Der J Ga .. Galatz ............ Eliezer Rokeah.
Epoca, La Sp T W Salonica 1874 - * Sa'ndi ha-Levi. Political, commercial, literary.
Ertesitö .. .. .. ....................... ............ See "Magyar Izraelita Orzágos Tanitó-Egylet Ertesitöje, A."
Eshkol, Ha- H Ga Q Cracow 1898 - * J. S. Fuchs and E. Ginzig (alone since vol. iii.). Scientific, literary, belletristic; Zionistic.
Esperanza, La .. .. .. ....................... ............ See "Buena Esperanza, La."
Esperanza Israelitica Sp .. .. Gibraltar 1843.
'Et, Ha- H Ga W Lemberg 1871 - 72 ‡. Moses Schulbaum. Supplement: "Kol ha-'Et." ‡ Two years.
Evkönyo H Hu A Budapest 1895 - 1901 W. Bacher and Fr. Mezey (1895-1900); then Jos. Bánóezi. For the Jewish-Hungarian Literary Society.
Evkönyo Zsido Hu Hu .. Budapest 1848 Jewish community of Budapest.
Evreiski Glass B Bu W Sofia 1896 - Joshua Caleb. Zionistic.
'Eẓ ha-Da'at H A M New York - 96 Ch. Enowitz.
'Eẓ Ḥayyim H Ga ‡ M Lemberg ‡ 1881; 1884 David Ephrati and Israel Hildesheimer. Rabbinical. ‡ Berlin, 1884.
Famiglia Israelitica, La I .. M Corfu 1869 - 77 G. Nacamulli. Religious.
Familien-Blatt G G W Magdeburg 1884 - M. Rahmer. Feuilleton-supplement of "Israelitische Wochenschrift."
Familienfreund, Der J Po .. Warsaw 1887 - 88 M. Spektor.
Familien-Jahrbuch G G A Leipsic 1894 M. A. Altschüler and C. Schott.
Famille de Jacob, La F F M Avignon 1859 - 91 Benjamin Mossé. Religious.
Faraḥ, Al- A Eg M Alexandria 1900 - * Faraj Mizraḥi.
Farmer Zeitung .. .. .. ....................... 1885.
Farmers' Leaflet E A I Woodbine 1903 - * Supplement of "Hirsch School Journal."
Feierabend G G .. ....................... ............ Supplement of "Israelitische Schul- und Jugend-Bibliothek."
First Fruits of the West (Bikkure ha-Yam) E .. M Kingston, Jamaica 1844 M. N. Nathan and Lewis Ashenheim. Historical, religious.
Flambeau, Le F F M Paris 1899 Jacques Bahar. Socialistic, Zionistic.
Foia Israelita J Rm W Bucharest 1877 - 79 M. Spiresco.
Fortschritt im Judenthume G Bo F Bilin ‡ 1880 - 85 J. Baum. General. ‡ Lobositz, 1882-85.
Foyer Israélite, Le F F M ....................... 1862 - 65 Isaac Lévy. Juvenile, supplement of "La Vérité Israélite."
France Israélite, La F F I Paris 1855 E. Carmoly. Biographical.
Frankfurter Israelitisches Familienblatt G G W Frankfort o. M 1902 - Saly Geis. Jewish news.
Frankfurter Israelitisches Gemeindeblatt .. .. .. ....................... ........ See "Israelitisches Familienblatt."
Fraternitatéa Rm Rm .. Jassy 1879 - Elias Schwarzfeld.
Free Press E A .. St. Louis.
Freie Arbeiter Stimme J A W New York 1900 - * Anarchistic; news.
Freie Gesellschaft, Die J A M New York 1895 - 1902 M. Leontiev and M. Katz. Anarchistic.
Freie Stunde, Die J A M New York 1904 - * .
Freie Welt, Die J E M London 1891 - 92 Freie Welt. Socialistic.
Freies Blatt G Au W Vienna 1892 - Ernst Victor Zenker. Directed against anti-Semitism.
Freind, Der J R D St. Petersburg 1902 - * S. M. Ginzburg and S. J. Rapoport. News.
Freitag zu Nacht G A W New York 1888 - Louis Schnabel.
Freitagabend, Der G G W Frankfort o. M 1859 - Leopold Stein. Family paper; belletristic.
Friend of Israel E, M In M Bombay 1898 - A. Reuben.
Frühling, Der J E .. London ............ M. D. Goldmann.
Füllhorn, Das G G F Bamberg 1835 - 36 Samson W. Rosenfeld. Religious (Reform).
Gal'ed .. .. .. ....................... ............ See "Hebrew Review and Magazine for Rabbinical Literature, The."
Galizische Bote, Der G ‡ Ga .. Lemberg 1861 Political, commercial. ‡ In Hebrew characters.
Gan, Ha- H .. W ....................... ............ Jacob Fischer. News; Literary, belletristic.
Gan, Ha- H G M Frankfort o. M ............ Judah Aryeh le-Bet Friedland. Rabbinical.
Gan Sha'shu'im H G W Lyck 1899 - Abraham Piyourka. Juvenile.
Gazeta de Amsterdam Sp Ho .. Amsterdam 1678 ‡ Printed by David Tartas. News. Small 8°. ‡ Jan. 24-Nov. 14.
Gegenwart, Die G G W Berlin 1867 Carl Hirsch. News; literary, scientific; feuilleton.
Gegenwart, Die G Hu W Pest 1867 M. Kilényi.
Gegenwart, Die G Bo F Prague 1868 News; literary.
Gegenwart, Die G A W Philadelphia 1895 David Apotheker. News; belletristic.
Geist der Pharisäischen Lehre G G M Mayence 1823 - 24 Michael Creizenach. Rabbinical.
Gemeindebote, Der G G .. Leipsic.
Gemeinde-Zeitung G Bo F Prague 1873 - B. Brandeis. General.
General-Anzeiger für die Gesammten Interessen des Judenthums. G G W Berlin 1902 - * Dr. Julius Moses. Jewish news.
Germinal J E F London 1900 - R. Rocker. Anarchistic.
Gil'ad .. .. .. ....................... ............ See "Hebrew Review and Magazine for Rabbinical Literature , The."
Gleaner, The E A W San Francisco 1858 Julius Eckmann. Religious.
Gleaner, The E A M Doylestown, Pa 1901 - * William J. Serlin and students of the National Farm School.
Glos Bundu P Sw .. Geneva * Published by the "Bund."
Goren, Ha- H R A Berdychev 1898 - * S. A. Horodetsky. Scientific.
Grosse Baitsch, Der J A .. ....................... 1880 David Apotheker and Joseph Petrikovski. 15 numbers.
Guerta de Historia Sp Au .. Vienna 1864 Shem-Tob b. David Semo.
Guerta de Jerusaleïm Sp Pa M Jerusalem 1902 - * Ben Zion Taragau and Israel Cherezli. Literary, historical.
Guide, The E .. M Kingston, Jamaica 1865 Raphael d'C Lewin. Literary.
Ḥabaẓẓelet, Ha- H Pa W ‡ Jerusalem 1869 ‡ - * Israel Frumkin. Jewish news; Ultra-Orthodox. ‡ Fortnightly until 1877. Founded by Israel Back in 1863, but suspended by the government in 1864.
Haḳiḳ, Al- A Eg .. Alexandria 1902 Faraj Mizraḥi.
Halumy .. .. .. ....................... ............ See "Le'ummi, Ha-."
Ḥaluẓ, He - H .. A ....................... 1852 - 89 Joshua Schorr. Year-book with scientific articles. 13 vols.
Haman Klapper, Der .. .. .. ....................... ............ See "Ashmedai, Der."
Hamon, Der J G .. Berlin 1903 - Society Herut. Zionistic.
Har Sinai Sp, H‡ Rm W Turn Severin 1894 ‡ And Rumanian.
Ḥarsah, Ha- H Ga .. Kolomea 1888 - Hirsch Löb Gottlieb. Literary; news.
Hashḳafah H Pa W Jerusalem 1900 - Eliezer Ben-Judah. News; literary. Continuation of "Ha- Ẓebi."
Hashḳafah Shebu'it H Pa W Jerusalem 1897 - News.
Hausfreund, Der J A W New York 1889 - 90 J. Jaffa (Nos. 1-8); then Joseph Petrikovski. 20 numbers.
Hausfreund, Der J Po A Warsaw 1888 - 96 M. Spektor. Historical, literary.
Ḥayye 'Olam H Au ‡ M Vienna; Paris 1878 - 79 Ber Goldberg and M. Adelmann. Scientific; for publishing ancient manuscripts. [‡ i. Vienna; ii. Paris.
Hebraica E A M New York 1879 Supplement of "Jewish Messenger."
Hebräische Bibliographie ( Ha-Mazkir ) G G .. Berlin 1858 - 82 M. Steinschneider. Bibliographical. Continued as "Central-Anzeiger für Jüdische Literature" and then as "Zeitschrift für Hebräische Bibliographie."
Hebrew, The .. .. .. ....................... ............ See "'Ibri, Ha-."
Hebrew, The E, G A W San Francisco 1863 - * Philo Jacoby.
Hebrew Citizen, The E A
Hebrew Globe, The E A W Syracuse 1894 - Aaron B. Levi.
Hebrew Intelligencer E E M London 1823 Anonymous. 3 numbers.
Hebrew Journal, The E A W New York 1885 - Joseph Davis. Conservative.
Hebrew Leader, The E, G A W New York 1850 - 82 Jonas Bondy (1859-74). Conservative; masonic news.
Hebrew Leader, The E A .. Danbury, Conn 1898.
Hebrew National, The E E W London 1867 Hirsch Filipowski. 6 months.
Hebrew Observer, The E E .. London 1853 - 54 Abraham Benisch. United with "The Jewish Chronicle," Jan. 12, 1855.
Hebrew Observer, The E, G A .. San Francisco 1856 - William Saalburg. News. See "Jewish Times and Observer."
Hebrew Observer, The E A W Cleveland ‡ 1889 - Hiram Strauss (‡ from 1892 also in Pittsburg, ed. George Strauss). News.
Hwbrew Review, The E A Q Cincinnati 1880 - 82 Max Lilienthal; then Kaufmann Kohler. Literary. Organ of the Rabbinical Literary Association of America.
Hebrew Review and Magazine for Jewish Literature, The (Ha-Meassef). E E W London 1859 - 60 Marcus Breslau. Continuing "Hebrew Review and Magazine for Rabbinical Literature".
Hebrew Review and Magazine for Rabbinical Literature, The. E E .. London 1834 - 35 Morris J. Raphall. Rabbinical. See also "Hebrew Review." New series: "The Hebrew."
Hebrew Standard E Al W Sydney.
Hebrew Standard, The E A W New York 1883 - * J. P. Salomon. Conservative. Successor to "The Hebrew Leader."
Hebrew Union College Annual E A A Cincinnati 1904 - *
Hebrew Union College Journal E A M Cincinnati 1896 - * Edmund A. Landad.
Hebrew Watchword and Instructor E A M Philadelphia 1897 - Henry S. Morais. Sunday-School.
Hebrew World, The E A
Hekal ha-'Ibriyyah H A W Chicago 1877 - 79 N. B. Ettelsohn and S. L. Marcus. Supplement of "Israelitische Presse."
Helpful Thoughts E A M New York 1897 - 1903 Julia Richman and Rebecca Kohut, later with Richard Gottheil, M. Harris, and G. Kohut successively. Juvenile. See also "Jewish Home, The."
Ḥemdah Genuzah H G .. Königsberg 1856 Hirsch Edelmann.
Hermon H Ga A Lemberg 1902 G. Bader. Literary.
Hirsch School Journal E A I Woodbine 1901 - * Faculty and pupils of the Baron de Hirsch Agricultural and Industrial School. Local news, literary, agricultural. Supplement: "The Farmers' Leaflet."
Historisches Taschenbuch für Israeliten und Israelitinnen. J Bo A Prague 1814 Markus Fischer.
Hitközségi Hivatalnok Hu Hu M Budapest 1882 - 97 Moritz Friedmann and R. Goldberg. Organ of the community officials.
Hoda'ot ha-Hebrah Ahabat Ẓiyyon .. .. .. ....................... ............ See "Ahabat Ẓiyyon."
Hoffnung, Die J Rm .. Botoshani ............ Eliezer Rokeaḥ.
Ḥoḳer, Ha- H Ga M Cracow 1891 - 95 Isaac Solomon Fuchs. Rabbinical, scientific. Merged with "Ha-Maggid." 2 vols.
Holek, Ha- H Rm W Jassy 1878 - 79 Moses Orenstein. Scientific.
Homiletische Beilage .. .. .. ....................... ............ See "Ungarische Israelit, Der."
Homiletische Monatsschrift G Bo M Prague 1868 S. Sonneshchein. Theological, exegetical, homiletical.
Homiletisches und Literarisches Beiblatt G G .. Berlin 1870 - 72 M. Kayserling. Homiletical. Issued together with Kayserling's "Bibliothek Jüdischer Kanzelredner." i., 1870; ii., 1872.
Hosafat Madda'it H R .. St. Petersburg 1871 - 72 Z. G. Rabbinowicz. Scientific. Supplement of "Ha-Meliz."
Ḥozeh, Ha- H G W Berlin 1881 M. L. Rodkinsohn and Moritz Taubes. Political, literary.
Ibri D Ho W Dordrecht 1869 L. Landsberg. Literary. 12 numbers.
'Ibri, Ha- J Ga F ‡ Lemberg 1898 Moses Ewinger. Zionistic. With "Ahabat Ziyyon" as supplement (‡ from Jan., 1899, three times per month).
'Ibri, Ha- H A W New York 1892 - 1902 Gerson Rosenzweig. Literary, political,
'Ibri, Ha-, and 'Ibri Anoki H Ga W Brody 1865 - 90 Baruch Werber (1865-76) and Jacob Levin; Jacob Werber (1877-90). Political, general.
Idea Sionista, L' I I M Ferrara 1901 - * Carlo A. Conigliano; then Carlo Levi (1904 - ). Zionistic.
Idish, Idisher. See Jüdisch, Jüdischer.
Ikkar, Ha- J Pa .. Jerusalem 1893 - 96 M. Meierowik and A. M. Lunez. Agricultural, statistic. Supplement: Kolonist" numbers).
Ikkar ha-Yehudi, Ha- H, F Pa W Jerusalem ............ See "Zebi, Ha-."
Illustra Guerta de Historia Sp Au W Vienna 1877 - A: Semo and J. Saxel. Illustrated; literary, historical.
Illustrirte Gemeinde-Zeitung G Au .. Vienna 1891 Ad. Tanto. General.
Illustrirte Judenzeitung G Hu .. Pest ............ Joseph Bermann and David Schwab.
Illustrirte Monatshefte für die Gesammten Interessen des Judenthums. G Au .. Vienna 1865 - 66 Arnold Hilberg. Scientific.
Illustrirte Wiener Jüdische Presse J Au W Vienna 1877 - 79 Leo Fein.
Illustrirter Israelitischer Volkskalender G Bo A ....................... 1880 - Jacob Brandeis. Historical, belletristic, popular-scientific.
Illustrirter Israelitischer Volks-Kalender G Bo A Prague 1852 - 94 Wolf Pascheles; then Jacob Pascheles and Samuel Pascheles successively. Scientific, historical, belletristic.
Illustrirter Jüdischer Familienkalender G G A Halberstadt 1878 - Julius Meyer.
Illustrirtes Israelitisches Jahrbuch für Ernst und Scherz G Hu A Budapest 1859 - 60 S. Winter. Historical, literary, scientific; illustrated.
Im Deutschen Reich G G M Berlin 1895 - * Alfred Levy for the Centralverein Deutscher Staatsbürger Jüdischen Glaubens.
Independent Hebrew, The E A W New York 1876 S. N. Leo. 3 months.
Independent Order Free Sons of Israel E A M Chicago 1903 - * Isaac A. Loeb.
Infraterea Rm Rm .. Bucharest 1887 Adolf Weinberg.
Instructor, El Sp T W Constantinople 1888 David Fresco. Illustrated; historical, geographical, scientific, literary.
Ish Yehudi J Ga .. Kolomea 1896 - Zionistic.
Israel J G W Löban 1879 S. Schreiber and Can. Congregational news.
Israel E E M London 1897 - 1901 L. J. Greenberg and Joseph Jacobs. "Young Israel" until March, 1899. Two supplements beginning 1899: "Israel's Budget" (juvenile) and "Messenger of Zion."
Israeliet, De D Ho W Rotterdam 1880 -
Israeliet, De D Ho W Meppel 1853 - 54 News. 39 numbers.
Israelietisch Advertenticblad D Ho W Rotterdam 1901 - 02 9 numbers.
Israelietisch Nieuws- en Advertenticblad D Ho W Amsterdam 1901 - * News.
Israelietisch Weekblad .. .. .. ....................... ............ See "Nieuwsblad voor Israelieten."
Israelietische Letterbode D Ho Q Amsterdam 1875 - 89 M. Roest. Historical, literary. 11 vols.
Israelietische Nieuwsbode D Ho W Amsterdam 1875 - 93 With "Israelietische Letterbode." 18 vols.
Israelit G A Philadelphia.
Israelit, Der G‡ G S-W Mayence 1860 - * Meïr Lehmann; then Oscar Lehmann. ‡ At first weekly; for a time in Judæo-German. Supplements: "Ha- Lebanon" (for a short time); "Blätter für Jüdische Geschichte und Literatur." See also "Jeschurun."
Israelit, Der G ‡ Ga F Lemberg 1869 - * J. Klein. Organ of the society Shomer Yisra'el. ‡ In Hebrew characters.
Israelit, Der J A W Baltimore 1891 - 93 William Schur.
Israelit des Neunzehnten Jahrhunderts, Der G G W ‡ Hersfeld ‡ 1839 - 48 Mendel Hess (later with S. Holdheim). Reform. ‡ Until 1841 fortnightly in Meiningen.
Israelit und Jeschurun .. .. .. ....................... ............ See "Jeschurun."
Israelita I I M Leghorn 1866 Benamozegh.
Israelita, El Sp T Constantinople 1866 Ezekiel Gabbai.
Israelite .. .. .. ....................... ............ See "American Israelite, The" (vols. i. -xxii.).
Israélite Algérien, L' F .. F Oran 1900 - Moïse Netter. Jewish news; progressive.
Israelite Alliance Review E A M New York 1904 - * Nissim Behar. American organ of the Alliance Israélite Universelle. For Jewish rights.
Israélite Alsace-Lorraine, L' F, G F M Mülhausen 1878 - 80 Isaac Wurmser.
Israélite Français, L' F F A Paris 1817 - 18 A society. Moral, literary.
Israelitis Chronographos, O Gr .. M Corfu 1899 - * M. Caïmi.
Israelitische Annalen G G W Frankfort o. M 1839 - 41 I. M. Jost. Historical, literary. 3 vols.
Israelitische Bote, Der G G W Würzburg ‡ 1875 - 80 Moritz Baum. Religious (Orthodox), scientific, pedagogic. ‡ First in Bonn, then Frankfort o. M.
Israelitische Gemeindeblatt, Das G G W Cologne 1880 - 90 Carl Brisch. General.
Israelitische Gemeinde- und Familienzeitung G G W Löbau 1879 - Emanuel Schreiber. Reform.
Israelitische Gemeindezeitung ‡ G Bo F Prague 1873 - * J. B. Brandeis, for the Israelitisches Lehrerverein in Böhmen. General and pedagogic. Supplement: "Israelitisches Familienblatt." ‡ Founded as "Israelitischer Lehrerbote" (D. Stransky; 1873- * ).
Israelitische Haus- und Schulfreund, Der G G M Münster 1858 A. Treu and Emanuel Hecht. General.
Israelitische Lehrerzeitung G G F Löban 1881 - M. Rahmer and Th. Kroner. Pedagogic, religious.
Israelitische Merkur, Der G G W Hechingen 1837 Samuel Mayer. Religious.
Israelitische Monatsschrift G G M Berlin ............ D. Hoffmann (1884-95); E. Biberfeld. Scientific. Supplement of "Die Jüdische Presse."
Israelitische Neuigkeitsboten J Hu .. Budapest 1878.
Israelitische Presse J A W Chicago 1879 - N. B. Ettelsohn and S. L. Marcus. Orthodox. Supplement: "Hekal ha-'Ibriyyah."
Israelitische Rundschau G G W Berlin 1895 ‡- * R. Wohlberg; then Heinrich Löwe. Organ of German Zionist Union. ‡ Formerly "Berliner Vereinsbote" (fd. 1895); since Oct. 1, 1902. "Jüdische Rundschau."
Israelitische Schul- und Jugend-Bibliothek G G .. Mayence 1858 R. Klein. Pedagogic, Juvenile; supplement: "Feierabend."
Israelitische Volksfreund, Der G A M Cincinnati 1858 G. M. Cohen.
Israelitische Volkslehrer, Der G G M Frankfort o. M. 1851 - 62 Leopold Stein; later with S. Süsskind. Homiletic, religious (Reform) ; news. During its latter years appeared with "Der Freitagabend."
Israelitische Wochenschrift, Die G G W Berlin 1892 - M. A. Klausner.
Israelitische Wochenschrift, Die G G W Magdeburg ‡ 1868 - 94 A. Treuenfels (‡ Breslau, 1868-78); then M. Rahmer (1878-94). Religious, social. Organ of the Jewish Theological Seminary in Breslau. Supplements: Jüdisches Familienblatt," "Jüdisches Litteraturblatt," and "Homiletische Beiage."
Israelitische Wochenschrift für Elsass-Lothringen G G W Strasburg 1904 - * .
Israelitische Zeitbote, Der G Bo A Prague 1864 - Belletristic; calender.
Israelitischer Anzeiger J G W Berlin ‡ 1881 - 82 M. L. Rodkinsohn. Political, literary. ‡ Hamburg, 1882.
Israelitischer Jugendfreund G G F Berlin 1895 - E. Flanter. Juvenile, pedagogic.
Israelitischer Lehrer G G W Mayence 1861 - 72 J. Klingenstein. General; Reform.
Israelitischer Lehrer und Cantor G G W Berlin 1881 - S. Meyer. Supplement of "Die Jüdische Presse."
Israelitischer Lehrerbote .. .. .. ....................... ............ See "Israelitische Gemeindeszeitung."
Israelitischer Musenalmanach G G A Dinkelsbühl 1840 Samuel Mayer.
Israelitischer Volksfreund für das Grossherzogthums Posen. G G M Trzemesno 1846.
Israelitisches Familienblatt G Bo .. Prague ............ J. B. Brandeis. Supplement of "Israelitische Gemeindezeitung."
Israelitisches Familienblatt G G W Hamburg 1898 - * Alb. Jacoby, for the Verband der Jüdischen Lehrervereine im Deutschen Reich.
Israelitisches Familienblatt G G .. Frankfort o. M. 1900 - 01 L. Heller. General. Title in 1901 (Nos. 1-9): "Frankfurter Israelitisches Gemeindeblatt."
Israelitisches Familienblatt .. .. .. ....................... ............ See "Die Laubhütte. ".
Israelitisches Gemeindeblatt G G W Elbing 1876 - 79 Emanuel Schreiber and J. Caro. Continued as "Israelitische Gemcinde- und Familienzeitung."
Israelitisches Gemeindeblatt G G W Cologne ‡ 1888 - Karl Brisch, then S. Simchowits (‡ Mühlheim); Julius Kauffmann General.
Israelitisches Predigt-Magazin G G Q ....................... 1875 - M. Rahmer. Homiletic.
Israelitisches Predigt- und Schulmagazin, Das G G M Magdeburg 1834 - 36 Ludwig Philippson. Homiletic, pedagogic.
Israelitisches Samstagsblatt G G W Hechingen 1837 Samuel Mayer.
Israelitisches Volksblatt G G .. ....................... 1854 - 66 Ludwig Philippson.
Israelitisches Volksblatt J Ga .. Kolomea 1890 E. Laufer.
Israelitisches Wochenblatt für die Schweiz G Sw W Zurich 1900 - * M. Littmann and David Strauss.
Israelitisk Tidende .. .. Copenhagen 1865 Short time. ‡Danish.
Israelitulu Romanulu Rm‡ Rm .. Bucharest 1857 - Julius Barasch. Political. ‡Since 1867 Rumanian and French.
Israel's Herold G A W New York 1849 Isidor Busch. General. Organ of B'ne B'rith. Three months.
Israel's Home Journal E A M New York 1901‡ - * M. C. Gunsberg. Illustrated. Successor to "Young Israel" (founded ‡ 1871).
Israel's Messenger E .. F Shanghai 1904 - * M. Meyer. General. Organ of Shanghai Zionist Association.
Israel's Stimme .. .. .. ....................... ............ See "Voix d'Israël."
Isralik .. .. .. ....................... ............ See "Yisrulik."
'Ittur Soferim H R .. Wilna 1888 - 89 Abraham Isaac ha-Kohen.Religious, literary.
Izraelita P Po W Warsaw 1865 - * S. H. Peltyn (1865-97); then N. Sokolow (with Grosglek since 1901).
Izraelita Hitközségi és Iskolai Lapok Hu Hu .. Budapest 1873 - 74 Nathan Fischer. Communal news, pedagogic.
Izraelita Közlöny Hu Hu .. Budapest 1866 - 70 Moritz Mezei; Heinrich Deutsch. Religious (Reform).
Izraelita Magyar Néptanitó Hu Hu .. S. A. Ujhely 1865 - 67 Nathan Fischer. Pedagogic, with "Der Jüdische Schulbote."
Jaarboeken voor de Israelieten of Joden binnen het Koningrijk Holland. D Ho A Amsterdam 1808 1 vol.
Jaarboeken voor de Israelieten in Nederland D Ho B-M The Hague 1835 - 40 Jakob Belinfante. News; literary. 4 vols.
Jahrbuch G G A ....................... 1856 Adolph Hlawatsch. Pedagogic.
Jahrbuch G G A Berlin 1858 - 59 Philip Wertheim.
Jahrbuch der Jüdisch-Literarischen Gesellschaft G G A Frankfort o. M 1903 - Literary.
Jahrbuch des Deutschen-Israelitischen Gemeindebundes G G A Berlin 1888 - * Statistical.
Jahrbuch des Nützlichen und Unterhaltenden G G A Brieg ‡ 1841 - 65 K. Klein; then J. K. Buchner. ‡ Then Breslau, Dresden, Darmstadt, Leipsic.
Jahrbuch für die Geschichte der Juden und des Judenthums. G G A Leipsic 1860 - 69 Institut zur Förderung der Israelitischen Litteratur. 4 vols.
Jahrbuch für Israeliten G Au A Vienna 1854 - 65 Josef Wertheim (1854-64); Leopold Kompert (1864-65). Continuation of "Kalender und Jahrbuch für Israeliten."
Jahrbuch für Israeliten und Israelitinnen G Bo A Prague 1811 Marcus Fischer.
Jahrbuch für die Israelitischen Cultus-Gemeinden in Ungarn. G Hu A Arad 1860 Leopold Rosenberg.
Jahrbuch für die Israelitischen Kultusgemeinden Böhmens. G Bo A Prague 1894 Centralverein zur Pfiege Jüdischer Angelegenheiten.
Jahrbuch für Jüdische Geschichte und literatur G G A Berlin 1898 - * Union of the societies for Jewish history and literature. Scientific.
Jahrbuch für die Jüdischen Gemeinden Preussens G G A Berlin 1859 Ph. Wertheimer.
Jahrbuch zur Beförderung des Ackerbaus, Handwerks, und der Industrie unter den Israeliten Ungarns. G Hu A Budapest 1872 Ignaz Reich.
Jahrbuch zur Beförderung einer Wissenschaftlichen Kenntniss des Alten Palästina. .. .. .. ....................... ............ See Yerushalayim."
Jahrbücher für Judische Gesch. und Litteratur G G A Frankfort o. M 1874 - 90 N. Brüll. Historical. literary. 10 vols.
Jedidja G G S-A Berlin 1817 - 33 ‡ Jeremias Heinemann. Religious, moral, pedagogic. ‡ 1817-1823, 1831; continued as "Allgemeines Archiv des Judenthums," 1839-1843.
Jedidja D Ho W Rotterdam 1887 Juvenile. 1 vol.
Jehudith Sp F W Paris 1864 - 65 Ezra Benveniste.
Jeridiyyah Tarjumah T T Constantinople 1876 Nissim Niego.
Jerusalem .. .. .. ....................... ............ See "Yerushalayim."
Jerusalem G Ga M Cracow 1899 - J. Kreppel. Literary, belletristic, religious.
Jerusalem E E .. London 1882 H. Guedalla. 1 number.
Jeschurun G G M Frankfort o. M. 1854 - 70. Samson R. Hirsch. Isaac Hirsch. Religious (Orthodox), exegetical. congregational news.
W Hanover 1883 - 86 Continued as "Der Israelit." New series (xvi.) No. 1 issued as "probenummer. "Dec. 1, 1882. and again Jan. 4, 1883.
Jeschurun G, H G ‡ I ‡ 1856 - 78 Josef Kobak. Scientific. ‡i., ii., Lemberg. 1856-58 ; iii., Breslau 1859; iv., v., Fürth, 1864-66 ; vi., vii., viii., ix., Bamberg, 1868-71, 1872, 1873-78.
Jeschurun G G W Pleschen 1900 - 04 Königsberger. onigsberger. Religious, social. Zionistic since 1903.
Jeschurun G Hu W Budapest 1882 - 83 Kaim Pollak. Supplement of "Allgemeine Israelitische Wochenschrift."
Jeschurun G G W Berlin 1892 - * A. Levin. News, religious, social, belletristic.
Jeunesse Israélite, La F W Oran 1890.
Jew, The E A M New York 1823 - 25 Solomon H. Jackson. Anti-missionary.
Jewish. See also Jüdisch Most Judaeo-German periodicals whose titles begin with "Jewish" are given under "Jüdisch (e, er, es)."
Jewish Abend-Post J A D New York 1899 - * George Selikovich. News. Weekly edition, "Der Jüdischer Journal."
Jewish Advance, The E A W Buffalo 1893 - J. Feybush. Local news.
Jewish Advance, The E A M Detroit 1904 - * N. E. Aronstam. News.
Jewish Advance, The G, E A W Chicago 1878 - 82 News.
Jewish Advocate, The E A F ‡ Rochester 1898 - 1900 Isaac M. Brickner. Local news. ‡ At first monthly.
Jewish Advocate E A New York 1870.
Jewish Advocate E A M New York 1879 - 86 Raphael d'C. Lewin. News, literary.
Jewish Advocate E A Philadelphia 1849 Isaac Leeser.
Jewish Advocate J W Cape Town 1904 - * General. ‡ South Africa.
Jewish American, The E A W Detroit 1901 - * S. M. Goldsmith. News; Reform.
Jewish Charity E A M New York 1902 - * Joseph Jacobs, then Leo K. Frankel for The United Hebrew Charities. Formerly "Charity Work."
Jewish Chronicle E A W Boston 1890 - 93 Solomon Schindler. Religious (radical).
Jewish Chronicle, The E A W Montgomery, Ala 1899 - * .
Jewish Chronicle, The E, G A W Baltimore 1876 - D. Binswanger.
Jewish Chronicle, The E E W ‡ London 1841 - 42 D. Meldoia and M. Angel (1841-42; ‡ fortnightly); Joseph Mitchell ("The Jewish Chronicle and Workingman's Friend," 1844-54; ‡ weekly after 1847); M. H. Bresslau ("The Jewish Chronicle and Hebrew Observer," 1847-55); A. Benisch (1855-69); Michael Henry (1869-75); A. Benisch (1875-78); Asher I. Myers (1878-1902); M. Duparc (1902- * ). News, literary; illustrated; conservative.
1844 - *
Jewish Chronicle and Hebrew Observer .. .. .. ....................... ............ See "Jewish Chronicle, The" (London).
Jewish Chronicle and Workingman's Friend, The .. .. .. ....................... ............ See "Jewish Chronicle, The" (London).
Jewish Citizen, The E A M Omaha 1903 - * Charles L. Schless. General, religious, literary.
Jewish Comment E A W Baltimore 1895 - * Max Myers; then Louis H. Levin. News, literary; conservative.
Jewish Conservator, The E A W Chicago 1904 - * .
Jewish Criterion, The E A W Pittsburg 1895 - * Samuel Greenfield (1895-99); Charles H. Joseph (1899-1901); Leonard Levy (1901- * ). News; Reform.
Jewish Exponent, The E A W Philadelphia 1887 - * Charles Hoffman and editorial board. News; conservative. Organ of the Chautauqua and of the Jewish Theological Seminary of America.
Jewish Expositor.
Jewish Express, The J A W St. Louis 1903.
Jewish Free Press .. .. .. ....................... ............ See "Jüdische Freie Presse."
Jewish Free Press E A .. St. Louis ............ See "Jewish Tribune, The" (St. Louis).
Jewish Gazette, The M ‡ In .. Calcutta 1874 ‡ In Hebrew letters.
Jewish Guide, The E A W Peoria 1893 David B. Rich.
Jewish Herald, The E Al M Melbourne 1880 - * E. Blaubaum and M. Benjamin. News.
Jewish Herald, The E Al F Sydney 1883 - * News.
Jewish Herald, The E A .. New York 1882 - 85 Aaron Wise (1884). Boston edition, "The Boston Hebrew Observer."
Jewish Herald, The E A W Des Moines 1903 - * .
Jewish Home, The E A M New York 1903 - * George A. Kohut ‡. For family and religious school. Formerly "Helpful Thoughts." ‡ Bought by Philip Cowen 1904.
Jewish Home Journal, The E A W Ligonier, Ind 1896 - 1900. Julius M. Magil.
Jewish Independent E A
Jewish Index E A W Philadelphia 1872 Samuel Mendelsohn.
Jewish Ledger, The E A W New Orleans 1895 - * M. J. Lehman. Moderate reform.
Jewish Literary Annual, The E E A London 1903 - Literary.
Jewish Messenger, The E A W New York 1857 - 1903 Samuel M. Isaacs (1857-78); Abram S. Isaacs (1878-1903). General (Orthodox); literary. Supplement from 1879: "Hebraica." Merged with "The American Hebrew."
Jewish News, The E A F Syracuse ............ Local news.
Jewish Observer, The .. .. .. ....................... ............ See "Jewish Review and Observer, The."
Jewish Opinion, The E A W Indianapolis.
Jewish Orphan Asylum Magazine, The E A M Cleveland 1903 - * .
Jewish Outlook, The E A W ‡ Denver 1903 - * William Friedman. Religious (Reform), literary. ‡ First two numbers monthly.
Jewish Post, The E A .. Pittsburg.
Jewish Press and Progress E, J A S-W Chicago ‡ 1903 - * Joel Liebling. Orthodox. ‡ Founded at Cleveland (1890-94) as "Die Jüdische presse" and "Der Jüdischer Progress."
Jewish Progress E A W San Francisco 1876 - Hugo Bacharach. General news (Reform); belletristic.
Jewish Progress of the Twin Cities, The E A W Minneapolis 1904 - * First numbers: "The Israelite of the Twin Cities."
Jewish Quarterly Review E E Q London 1888 - * I. Abrahams and C. G. Monteflore Scientific.
Jewish Record, The E A W Philadelphia 1874 - 87 Alfred Jones and Henry Morais. Conservative.
Jewish Record, The E A W New York 1862 - Abraham S. Cohen; Jonas Bondi. Orthodox.
Jewish Record, The E A W Albany.
Jewish Record, The E A W Kansas City 1899 - * .
Jewish Record, The E E W London 1868 - 71 L. B. Abrahams.
Jewish Record, The E E .. Manchester 1887 -
Jewish Reformer, The E, G A .. New York 1886 K. Kohler, E. G. Hirsch, and Adolph Moses.
Jewish Review The E A W Cleveland 1893 - 99 Jessie Cohen, . News; belletristic. Merged with "The Observer."
Jewish Review, The E A M St. Joseph, Mo.
Jewish Review and Observer, The E A W Cleveland 1899 - Jessie Cohen. See "Jewish Review, The"and" Jewish Observer, The."
Jewish Sabbath Journal E E W London 1855 Mrs. Hartog. 14 numbers.
Jewish Schoolfellow, The E Al .. Adelaide 1873 Schoolboys.
Jewish Sentiment E A W Atlanta 1895 - 1901 Frank J. Cohen. News. Merged with "The Southwestern Jewish Sentiment," 1901.
Jewish Sentinel E A .. St. Louis 1868.
Jewish Society E E W ....................... 1890 Personals.
Jewish South, The E A W New Orleans ‡ 1880 - 82 J. B. Browne, ‡ Atlanta; then J. H. C. Chumaceiro, New Orleans. News, literary; Reform Merged with "The American Israelite."
Jewish South, The E A W Richmond 1893 - Herbert J. Ezekiel.
Jewish Spectator, The E A W Memphis 1885 - * M. Samfield.
Jewish Standard E E W London 1888 - 91 Harry S. Lewis. Orthodox.
Jewish Star J .. Johannesburg * ‡ South Africa.
Jewish Telephone J E W London.
Jewish Tidings E A W Rochester 1887 - 97 S. Brickner (1887-89) and Louis Wiley (1887-94); Isaac Brickner. News; radical.
Jewish Times E E W London 1876.
Jewish Times, The E, G A W New York 1869 - 79 Moritz Ellinger; then Harry H. Marks (1878-79). Scientific, rabbinic, literary; news; Reform. Title, "The Reformer and Jewish Times," 1878-79.
Jewish Times, The E A W San Francisco ............ Jacob Voorsanger; Emanuel Katz. Reform.
Jewish Times, The E C F Montreal 1898 - * .
Jewish Times and Observer E A W San Francisco 1855 - * M. S. Lovy and William Saalburg. News; belletristic; conservative. Formerly "The Jewish Times" and "The Hebrew Observer."
Jewish Tribune, The E A W St. Louis 1879 - M. Spitz. Reform. Succeeded by "The Jewish Free Press," and then "The Jewish Voice." German monthly supplement for a time: "Sulamith."
Jewish Tribune, The E A W Portland, Ore 1903 - * N. Mosessohn, News; literary; conservative.
Jewish Voice, The E A W St. Louis 1888 - M. Spitz. Founded as "The Jewish Tribune" (1879), continued as "The Jewish Free Press."
Jewish Weekly Review E A W St. Joseph, Mo 1898 - Charles Schless.
Jewish Woman E A M Philadelphia 1892 - 93 Herman Brunswick.
Jewish World, The .. .. .. ....................... ............ See "Die Jüdische Welt."
Jewish World, The E E W London 1873 - * Myer Davis (1873-75); George Lyon; various others; John Raphael. News; political, literary; illustrated; Zionistic.
Jewish World, The E A W New York ............ G. L. Löwenthal
Jewish World, The E A W Omaha - 1902.
Jewish Year, The E A .. Philadelphia 1895 Louis E. Levy.
Jewish Year Book, The E E A London 1896 - * J. Jacobs (1896-1900); I. Harris. Statistical, literary.
Jew's College Journal, The E E .. London 1875 Pupils of the Jews' College School. 3 numbers.
Jidisch. See Jüdisch
Jodisk Almanak .. .. A Copenhagen 1861 M. Mielziner.
Joodsche Courant, De D Ho W The Hague 1902 - 04 General.
Joodsche Letterkundige Bijdragen D Ho Amsterdam 1867 - 68 Meyer Roest. Literary. Supplement of "Nieuw Israelietische Weekblad." ‡ 8 numbers per year. 10 numbers.
Joodsche Stuiversblad D Ho W Amsterdam 1903 Literary; illustrated. 5 numbers.
Jornal Israelith, El Sp T Constantinople 1860 - 71 Ezekiel Gabbal. ‡ At first weekly, then three times a week. Continued as "El Telegrafo."
Joseph G G F Kattowitz 1879 - S. Fredthal.
Journal de Salonique, Le F T F Salonica 1895 - * Sa'adi ha-Levi.
Journal Scientifique de la Théologie Juive F
Jövö, A Hu Hu W Budapest 1897 - 98 Jul. Weissburg. Scientific; news.
Jude, Der G A W New York 1895 M. Singer. Title changed to "Jüdischer Anzeiger" with No. 11.
Jude, Der G G F ‡ Altona 1832 - 35 Gabriel Riesser. Political, religious. ‡ Irregular.
Jude, Der J Ga F Cracow 1899 - * Ahiasaf. General. With feuilleton.
Jude, Der G Hu .. Kassa 1886.
Jude, Der G A W New York 1887 - S. Wiener.
Jüdisch. See also Jewish.
Jüdisch-Amerikanischer Volks-Kalender, Der J A A New York 1894 - 97 Alexander Harkavy. First two volumes called "Der Amerikanischer Volks-Kalender.
Jüdisch-Deutsche Monatsschrift J Bo M Prague ‡ 1802 ‡ And Brünn.
Jüdisch-Israelitische Zeitung G ‡ Hu .. Pest 1869 ‡ In Hebrew characters.
Jüdische Arbeiter, Der G Au M Vienna 1898 - S. R. Landau. Industrial; Zionistic.
Jüdische Bibliothek, Die J Po ‡ S-A ‡ Warsaw ‡ 1891 - 95‡ J. L. Perez. Literary, social, agricultural. 3 vols. ‡ Since 1904 Cracow, monthly.
Jüdische Centralblatt, Das G Hu F Belovar ‡ 1882 - 89 Moritz Grünwald Popular-scientific. (Founded as "Centralblatt für die Interesdes Judenthums"; title changed to "Studien und Kritiken" iii. and iv., then to "Jüdisches Centralblatt, Zubleich Archiv für die Gesch. der Juden in Böhmen"). ‡ viii. Prague, 1888.
Jüdische Chronik G Bo M Saaz; Teplitz 1895 - * Adolf Kurrein (with S. Stern and I. Ziegler until 1896). Literary, belletristic; Zionistic.
Jüdische Familie J Ga M Cracow 1902 J. Lurie.
Jüdische Frauenwelt J Ga .. Cracow 1902 - Moses Deutscher. Women's interests. Supplement of "Jüdische Volkszeitung."
Jüdische Freie Presse J Ga .. Przemysl.
Jüdische Freie Presse, Die E, J A .. Cleveland 1902 - *
Jüdische Gazetten J ‡ A W New York 1874 - * K. H. Sarasohn. News; conservative. Weekly edition of "Jüdisches Tageblatt." ‡ English page since Sept. , 1897.
Jüdische Gazetten fun der West J A W Chicago 1894 - 96 George Selikovitsch.
Jüudische Geist, Der J Rm Jassy 1898 - L. Rokeah. General. ‡ Three times per week.
Jüdische Gemeinde- und Schulzeitung G Hu .. Budapest 1869 - 71
Jüdische Gemeindezeitung G Hu .. Budapest 1882.
Jüdische Illustrirte Zeitung .. .. .. ....................... ............ See "New Yorker Illustrirte Jüdische Zeitung."
Jüdische Kantor, Der ( Kantor, Der Jüdische ) G G W Bromberg 1879 - 98 A. Blaustein. For cantors; musical, pedagogic.
Jüdische Kantor, Der G G .. ....................... 1860 H. Ehrlich. See "Liturgische Zeitschrift."
Jüdische Moderne, Der G G F Berlin 1897 - Max Jungmann; then Birnbaum. Belletristic, critical.
Jüdische Monats-Blätter G A M New York 1899 - William Broch. Zionistic.
Jüdische Monatsschrift G ‡ Au M Brünn; Prague 1802 ‡ In Hebrew letters.
Jüdische Nächstenliebe G Hu .. Marmaros-Sziget 1896.
Jüdische News, Die E, G, H, J, A W New York 1871 Jacob Cohen. News.
Jüdische Phonograph, Der J S W Buenos Ayres 1897 - General.
Jüdische Post, Die J A W New York 1872 Henry Gersoni.
Jüdische Post, Die J A W Pittsburg 1903 - * J. S. Glick. News; Zionistic.
Jüdische Post, Die G ‡ Ga .. Lemberg 1849 A. N. Blücher. Political, commercial. ‡ Corrupt German.
Jüdische Presse, Die J A .. Chicago 1885 - 86 A. B. Ettelson.
Jüdische Presse, Die J A W Philadelphia 1892 - 94 John Paley.
Jüdische Presse, Die J Rm W Bucharest ............ B. Suffrin. General.
Jüdische Presse, Die G G W Berlin 1869 - * S. Enoch; Israel Hildesheimer; Hirsch Hildesheimer. General; Orthodox, Supplements: "Israelitischer Lehrer und Cantor"; "Israelitische Monatsschrift"; "Sabbat-Stunden."
Jüdische Rundschau .. .. .. ....................... ............ See "Israelitische Rundschau."
Jüdische Schulbote, Der G Hu .. S. A. Ujhely 1865 ‡ Nathan Fischer. Pedagogic. With "Izraelita Magyar Néptanitó." ‡ Then, after interruption, 1867.
Jüdische Student, Der G G M Berlin 1902 - * Heinrich Löwe for the Bund Jüdischer Corporationen. Academic, literary, sociological.
Jüdische Turnzeitung G G M Berlin 1900 - Herman Jolowicz. Organ of the Bar Kockba athletic association. Zionistic.
Jüdische Volksbibliothek, Die G R .. Kiev 1888 - 89 S. Rabinowitsch. Literary, scientific, critical.
Jüdische Volksschule G Hu F Arad 1863 Moritz Ehrentheil.
Jüdische Volksstimme G Au F Brünn 1900 - * Solomon Rubinstein; then Samuel Bock; then Max Hickl. Industrial; news; with feuilleton.
Jüdische Volkszeitung G G W Leipsic 1873 I. Klingenstein. Pedagogic.
Jüdische Volkszeitung J Ga W Cracow 1902 - M. Spektor and Ḥayyim Hurwitz. General. Supplement: "Jüdische Frauenwelt."
Jüdische Volkszeitung J Ga W Stanislawow 1903.
Jüdische Volkszeitung, Die J A W New York 1878 M.Taplowsky and G. Landau. Socialistic, atheistic.
Jüdische Welt, Die ( Jewish World, The ) E, J A D New York 1902 - 04 ‡ Bukanski. For Americanization of Russian immigrants. One page English, edited by Joseph Jacobs, then Jacob de Haas. ‡ United with "Der Morgen Journal."
Jüdische Weltblatt, Das .. .. .. ....................... ............ See "Jüdisches Weltblatt."
Jüdische Wiestnik, Der J
Jüdische Zeitschrift für Wissenschaft und Leben G G Q Breslau 1862 - 73 Abraham Geiger. Scientific, religious.
Jüdische Zeitung .. .. .. ....................... ............ See "New Yorker Jüdische Zeitung."
Jüdische Zeitung J Ga W Lemberg 1863 - 67 S. Kugel.
Jüdische Zukunft, Die J E .. London 1904 * Ch. Wortsmann. Zionistic.
Jüdischen Arbeiter J Sw .. Geneva ..... * Published by the "Bund."
Jüdischer Adler, Der J A W Boston 1893 George Selikovitsch. News.
Jüdischer Anzeiger .. .. .. ....................... ............ See "Jude, Der."
Jüdischer Arbeiter, Der J R .. ....................... 1897 Industrial; socialistic.
Jüdischer Courier, Der J A D ‡ Chicago 1887 - 1902 Leon Zolotkoff. News. (‡ Weekly until 1892.) Weekly edition: "Chicagoer Wochenblatt."
Jüdischer Demokrat J A W New York 1888 - Julius Bloomenson. Political.
Jüdischer Express, Der J E D ‡ London ‡ 1896 - 1901 Ginsberg Bros. News. ‡ And Leeds; weekly to 1899; then daily and weekly.
Jüdischer Farmer, Der J A M New York 1892 - 93 Herman Rosenthal.
Jüdischer Herold, Der J A D New York 1890 George Selikovitsch. News. 26 numbers.
Jüdischer Journal, Der J A W New York 1899 - * Saphirstein and Rosenbaum. Weekly edition of "New Yorker Abend-Post."
Jüdischer Kikeriki J Au F Vienna 1876 Wilheim Weiss; then Mor. Dornbusch. Humoristic, political; illustrated.
Jüdischer Kol, Der J A D Chicago 190
Jüdischer Observer, Der J E W London 1894 - J. A. Meczyk.
Jüdischer Progress, Der J A .. Baltimore 1889 Alexander Harkavy.
Jüdischer Puck, Der J A W New York 1894 - 96 Nahum Sharkewitz and M. Seiffert. Humoristic.
Jüdischer Recorder, Der J A W New York 1893 Gustav Mentz.
Jüdischer Volks- und Haus-Kalender G G A Breslau 1853 - Brann. See "Deutscher Volkskalender und Jahrbuch."
Jüdischer Volkskalender J Ga A Lemberg 1895 - G. Bader.
Jüdischer Volkskalender G G A Cologne 1897 - 1900.
Jüdischer Volkskalender G Au A Brünn 1902 - * Literary; Zionistic; illustrated.
Jüdischer Wächter, Der J A W New York 1898 S. Schnur. Organ of the Kolel Amerika Tif'eret Yerushalayim.
Jüdischer Wecker, Der J R .. Odessa 1887 M. L. Lilienblum.
Jüdisches Centralblatt J G .. Frankfort o. M 1902 H. Slobotzki. General.
Jüdisches Familienblatt G G .. Hamburg 1898 - * M. Deutschländer (in 1902 called "Israelitisches Familienblatt").
Jüdisches Gefühl G Bo Prague 1900 - Juvenile.
Jüdisches Litteraturblatt G Ga Cracow ‡ 1873 - * M. Rahmer (1873-1904); C. A. Rosenthal (1904- * ). ‡ Magdeburg, 1873-97, weekly; Ezekiel Caro and Landau, Lemberg, 1897- , every ten days; new series, quarterly, Cracow, 1897- * . Literary, scientific. Supplement for a time of "Die Israelitische Wochenschrift."
Jüdisches Tageblatt E, J A D New York 1885 - * M. Jalonistein. News. Sunday edition: "Jüdische Gazetten."
Jüdisches Volksblatt G Au W Vienna 1899 - * Alois Munk and Committee of Jüdisches Volksverein. News.
Jüdisches Volksblatt G G W Breslau 1895 - Louis Neustadt. News, feuilleton.
Jüdisches Volksblatt G G .. Leipsic 1854 - 66 Ludwig Philippson. Literary, belletristic. Absorbed by " Allgemeine Zeitung des Judenthums."
Jüdisches Volksblatt G G W Berlin 1870 Nathan Schlessinger. Religious.
Jüdisches Volksblatt J R W St. Petersburg 1881 - 89 A. Zederbaum (1881-87); L. O. Cantor (1888-89). Literary, political.
Jüdisches Weltblatt J Hu S-W Presburg 1878 - Jos. Waltuch (1878-80); M. Dornbusch (from 1880-). General.
Jüdisches Wochenblatt J A W New York 1885 - Sarasohn & Sons. News. Page 7 has separate title: "Der Jüdischer Auswanderer."
Jung Juda G Bo F Prague 1900 - * Siegmund Springer; Emil Eisner. Juvenile.
Jutrzenka P Po W Warsaw 1861 - 63 Daniel Neufeld. Historical, belletristic.
Kabbalistische Biblische Occident, Der G G .. Hamburg 1845 S. L. Schwabacher. Cabalistic. 1 number.
Kadimah F F F ‡ Paris 1896 - 97 Joseph D. Mosseri. Organ of Jewish Nationalist students. ‡ Irregular.
Kadimah, Ha- H A M New York 1899 Gerson Rosenzweig. Literary. 6 numbers.
Kalender für Israeliten G Au A Vienna 1892 - * M. Waitzner, for the Oesterreichisch-Israelitische Union. Literary.
Kalender und Jahrbuch für Israeliten G Au A Vienna 1842 - 47 Isidor Busch. Historical, scientific, belletristic. Continued as "Wiener Jahrbuch."
Kanfe Yonah .. .. .. ....................... ............ See "Yonah, Ha-."
Karmel, Ha- ( Ha-Karmel ) H R M ‡ Wilna 1860 - 80 S. J. Fünn and H. L. Markon. Literary, scientific, critical. Supplement: "Ha-Sharon." also Russian supplements. ‡ Weekly (irregular) until 1871.
Karmi ( Carmi ) H, Sp T .. Adrianople ‡ 1882 Baruch Mitrani. Literary. ‡Printed at Presburg.
Kebod ha-Lebanon H .. .. ....................... ............ Published with "Ha-Lebanon."
Keneset ha-Gedolah H R Q Warsaw 1890 - 91 I. Suwalski. Literary, historical, scientific. 4 volumes.
Keneset Ḥakme Yisrael H R I Odessa 1891 - 97 A. J. Abelsohn and M. Belinsohn. Rabbinic, halakic.
Keneset Yisrael H R A Warsaw 1886 - 88 Saul P. Rabinowitz. Literary, historical, scientific; illustrated. Supplement: "Liwyat Ḥen."
Keneset Yisrael .. .. .. ....................... ............ See "Yonah, Ha-."
Kerem, Ha- H R A Warsaw 1888 E. Atlas. Historical, literary, belletristic.
Kerem, Ha- H .. A ....................... 1887 - L. Altmann. Supplement of "Ha-Meliẓ."
Kerem, Ha- H Ga M Lemberg 1870 Michael Wolf.
Kerem, Ha- H G W Königsberg 1879 Julius Jacoby.
Kerem, Ha- H E W London 1878 Naphtali Levi.
Kerrem Ḥemed H Au .. Vienna ‡ 1833 - 56 Samuel Löb Goldenberg (Vienna, 1833, 1836; ‡ Prague, 1838-43); Senior Sachs (‡ Berlin, 1854-56). Scientific, historical, literary, belletristic. 9 volumes.
Ḳeren Orah H A M Chicago 1889 Leon Zolotkoff, for the Hebrew Literary Association of Chicago. 2 numbers.
Keshet, Ha- H G M Berlin 1903 Joseph Lin. Artistic, literary; illustrated. 3 numbers.
Ḳiḳayon Yonah H F .. Paris 1860 Senior Sachs. Continuation of "Ha-Yonah." 1 number.
Ḳiryat Sefer H Ga B-M ‡ Cracow 1903 - * B. Z. Scheinfinkel Bibliographical; scientific. ‡ Irregular.
Kischenew R G M Berlin 1903 M. Sukennikow.
Ḳobeẓ 'al Yad H G A ‡ Berlin 1885 - * Mekize Nirdamim. Scientific. ‡ Irregular.
Ḳobeẓ Ẓiyyon wi-Yerushalayim H Pa I Jerusalem 1897 - Isaac Badhaw. Rabbinical, scientific; for printing MS. material.
Kodimo R R .. ....................... 1904 - * Zionistic.
Ḳohelet, Ha- H Ga W Przemysl 1872 Arthur S. Weissmann. Scientific. Supplement of "Neue Jüdische Presse." 3 numbers.
Ḳohelet Musar H G W Berlin 1750 Moses Mendelssohn and Tobias Back. Moral. 2 numbers.
Kokabim, Ha- H R Q Wilna 1865 Israel Wohlmann. Literary, historical, exegetical. 1 number.
Kokebe YiẒḥaḳ H Au A ‡ Vienna 1845 - 73 Max E. Stern (1845-69); Marcus Weissman (1873). Exegetical, literary, scientific, belletristic. 37 numbers. ‡ Irregularly at first.
Ḳol, Ha- H G S-W Königsberg 1876 - 80 Michael L. Rodkinsohn. Literary; news: political, radical. At first weekly, then several times per week, then weekly again. Monthly supplement: "Asifat Ḥakamim" (1878- ). 1 number appeared at Chicago (Sept. 24, 1893).
Au W Vienna 1885
A W New York 1889 - 90
Ḳol ha-'Et H Ga .. Lemberg 1870 - 71 Moses Schulbaum. Literary; Jewish news.
Ḳol ha-'Ir H A W New York 1889 Michael L. Rodkinsohn. Forming with "Ha-Ḳol" a semiweekly. A few numbers.
Ḳol Ha-Tor H Ga F Cracow 1878 - Jenkel Beer. News; literary.
Ḳol la-'Am J G W Königsberg 1876 - 79 Michael L. Rodkinsohn. Political; Jewish news.
Ḳol Mebasser J R W Odessa 1863 - 71 A. Zederbaum and A. I. Goldenbaum. Literary, belletristic. Supplement of "Ha-Meliz."
Ḳol von der Ghetto, Der J A D New York 1901 Political.
Ḳol Ya'akob .. .. .. ....................... ............ See "Voice of Jacob" (London).
Ḳ Yisrael A .. W Oran 1882 David Benadi.
Kompass J Rm W Bucharest 1896 - L. Rokeah and Lowy Segal. General.
Korem, Ha- H E .. London 1878 Louis Levy .
Ḳorot ha-'Ittim J Rm S-W Jassy 1855 I. Singer.
Kos Yeshu'ot .. .. .. ....................... ............ See "Cup of Salvation."
Krakauer Jüdische Zeitung G Ga F‡ Podgérze 1898 - 99 Ahron Marcus. Scientific: Zionistic. ‡ Monthly at first.
Kritik und Reform G Au F Vienna 1884 - 85 Moriz Weiss. Religious, scientific; with feuilleton.
Kritiker, Der J A W New York 1893 J. Jaffa. 5 numbers.
Kurant (Freitagische and Dienstagische) J‡ Ho S-W Amsterdam 1686 - 87 Printed by Uri Phoebus ha-Levi, then by David Tartas. ‡ In Hebrew characters.
Labor Record, The E A F Kansas City‡ 1900 - R. L. Ziv. Political, social, religious: Zionistic. Second sheet has title "The Jewish World" (from 1901). ‡ At first Joplin, Mo.
Lamp of Judaism E I .. Bombay.
Lamteren, Der J Po D Warsaw 1894 Belletristic.
Land Hakam, Der J A .. New York 1893 - 94 Nahum Meïr Shaikewitz. Humoristic.
Laubhütte, Die G G .. Hamburg 1866 - Reform.
Laubhütte, Die (Deutsche Israelitische Zeitung) G G W Regensburg 1883 - S. Meyer. General; Orthodox.
Lebanon, Ha- H .. 1863 - 87 Jehiel Brill. Literary, general: Orthodox. ‡ Jerusalem, monthly, 1863 - 64, 12 numbers, with supplement, "Kebod ha-Lebanon"; Paris, fortnightly, 1865 - 68, weekly, 1868 - 70, with supplement, "Yen Lebanon"; Mayence, weekly, 1871 - 75, 1877 - 82, as supplement of "Der Israelit" (Mayence); London, 1886.
Lehrerheim G G M Breslau 1895 - Louis Neustadt. Pedagogic. Organ of the Deutscher Reichsverband Jüdischer Religionslehrer.
Lemberger Jüdische Zeitung J Ga W Lemberg 1865 - Ḥayyim Rohatin. General.
Le'om, Ha- H A M‡ New York 1902- * ‡ Weekly since 1904.
Le'ummi, Ha- H A W New York ‡ 1888 - 89 Ephraim Deinard. Literary. 23 numbers. ‡ Last 3 numbers in Newark, N. J.
Licht, Der .. .. .. ....................... ............ See "Light, The."
Liebermann'sche Jahrbuch, Das .. .. .. ....................... ............ See "Deutscher Volkskalender und Jabrbuch."
Lien d'Israel, Le F F M Strasburg‡ 1855 - 61 S. Dreyfus. General. ‡ i.-iii. Mülhausen, 1855-May, 1858, fortnightly.
Light, The E, J A W Philadelphia ‡ 1891 ‡ N. Mosessohn. Religious; general. ‡ Dallas, Tex., 1897; San Francisco, 1898.
Light of Truth M‡ In .. Bombay 1877 - 82 Organ of the Beni Israel. ‡ Mahrati in Hebrew characters.
Literatur un Leben J Po I Warsaw 1894 L. Peretz.
Literaturblatt des Orients .. .. .. ....................... ............ See "Orient, Der."
Litteraturblatt der Menorah G G M Hamburg 1891 - Isidor Hirsch. Theological, scientific.
Liturgische Zeitschrift G G I Meiningen 1848 - 62 Hermann Ehrlich Musical.
Litwakel, Der ( ) J A W New York 1889 J. Jaffa. Humoristic.
Liverpool Jewish Magazine, The E E W Liverpool 1883 James Nucompton. 1 number (Aug. 1). Some copies add: "and Teachers' Advertiser."
Londoner Israelit, Der J E W London 1878 - Naphtali Levi. General.
Londoner Jüdisch-Deutsche Zeitung J E .. London 1867.
Luaḥ Ereẓ Yisrael H Pa A Jerusalem 1895 - * A. M. Lunez. Literary: news.
Luaḥ Sha'shu'im H Ga A Cracow 1902 H. Rumeld and M. A. Wiesen. Literary.
Luaḥ Yisrael (Yevrejski Kalendar) H, R R A St. Petersburg 1877 - 83 H. J. Gurland.
Lumea Israelita Rm Rm M Crajova 1902 - Ralian and Ignat Samitca.
Lunar, El Sp T .. Salonica 1878 - Judah Nehama. Historical, biographical, literary.
Lux I I M Leghorn 1904- * Arrigo Lates and Alfredo Toaff. Scientific, literary.
Luz de Israel Sp T .. Constantinople 1853 Leon de Castro. News (reports of Crimean war).
Luzero, El (Sefat Emet) Sp T .. Constantinople 1867 - Moses Elie.
Luzero de la Paciencia, El Sp‡ Rm W Turn Severin 1886 - 87 L. M. Crispin. Historical, literary. ‡ In Latin characters.
Mabbiṭ, Ha- (alternating with Ha-Mabbit le-Yisrael) H Au W Vienna 1878 Perez Smolenski. Political and social news; with literary feuilleton: "'Ale Ḥemed" popular scientific section: " Ha-Tebel weha-Yezirah."
Maccabæan, The E ‡ A M New York 1901 - * Louis Lipsky (1901-2); J. de Haas (1902- * ). Literary: Zionistic. ‡ Also Judaæo-German until 1902. Organ of the Federation of American Zionists.
Maccabean E A M Chicago 1882 Henri Gersoni 1 vol.
Maccabee, The E A .. Chicago
Maccabeul Rm Rm F Bucharest ............ Zionistic
Magazin für Jüdische Geschichte und Literatur .. .. .. ....................... ............ See "Magazin für die Wissenschaft des Judenthums."
Magazin für die Wissenschaft des Judenthums G G Q ‡ Berlin 1874 - 93 Abraham Berliner and (1876-93) David Hoffmann. Historical, literary, scientific. ‡ Founded as fortnightly with title "Magazin für Jüdische Geschichte und Literatur."
Maggid, Ha- H Ga, G W ‡ Lyck 1856 :- 90 Eliezer Silbermann (1856-79; ‡ irregular until 1858); David Gordon (1879-85); Dob Bär Gordon (1886-90); Jacob S. Fuchs (1891- * ). General and Jewish news. Supplements: "Ha-Ẓofeh, " "Maggid Mishneh, " "Maggid le-Yisrael."
Berlin 1891
Maggid he-Ḥadash (new series) Cracow 1892 - *
Maggid le-Yisrael, Ha- H Ga W Cracow 1893 - * Jacobs S. Fuchs. Supplement of "Ha-Maggid, " and printed therewith.
Maggid Mesharim A In W Calcutta 1889 - Solomon A. Twena. Local and foreign Jewish news. Rashi characters.
Maggid Mishneh H G W Lyck 1879 - 81 David Gordon. Scientific, literary. Supplement of "Ha-Maggid."
Maggid Mishneh H Ga M Lemberg 1872 Mordecai Weissmann (-Chajes). Literary, historical. 4 numbers.
Magnet, The E A Q Atlanta 1894 - Hebrew Orphans' Home.
Magyar Izraelita Hu Hu W Budapest 1861 - 64 ‡ Dr. Rockenstein; Paul Tencer. Reform. ‡ Founded in 1861: suppressed and resumed in 1862.
Magyar Izraelita Orzágos Tanitó-Egylet Ertesitöje, A Hu Hu M Budapest 1875 - * National Hungarian Jewish Teachers' Association. Pedagogic.
Magyar Zsidó Hu Hu .. Budapest 1867 - 68 Albert Farkas. Orthodox.
Magyar Zsidó Nepiskola Hu Hu .. Nyitra 1893 - 94 L. Erdélyi. Pedagogic.
Magyar Zsidó Szemle Hu Hu Q ‡ Budapest 1884 - * Joseph Bánóczi and Wilhelm Bacher (1884-90); L. Blau (1800- * ) and F. Mezey (1890-95). Scientific, historical, theological. ‡ Monthly until 1895.
Magyar Zsidó Tanitók Lapja Hu Hu .. Budapest 1893 - 04 A. Laszló Pedagogic.
Magyar Zsinagóga Hu Hu Q Papa 1846 - 47 Leopold Löw.
Magyar Zsinagóga Hu Hu M Magocs 1900 - * Joseph Leboics.
Mahazike ha-Dat H Ga F Lemberg ‡ 1879 - Isaac Moses Bader (1879-83); then Judah Krongold (from 1883); Josiah Lipsky. Rabbinical; organ of the Hasidim Orthodox. ‡ Cracow 1879-.
Margarita G G M Berlin 1874 A. Willmars. For the Verein für Geschichte der Israeliten. Historical.
Massa, Ha- .. .. I ....................... 1890 - 94 Samuel Phillip.
Mazkir, Ha- .. .. .. ....................... ............ See "Hebräische Bibliographie."
Mazkir, Ha- H Ga .. Lemberg 1881 - 86 Moses I. Landau; then Isaac A. Bernfeld.
Meassef, Ha- H G 1784 - 97 Ha- Meassefim. ‡ Monthly; i.-iii., Königsberg; quarterly: iv.-vi., Königsberg and Berlin; vii., Breslau; viii., Berlin; ix. 1 - 2, Altona; ix. 3, 4-x., Dessau. Scientific, philosophical, historical. Continued as "Ha-Meassef he-Hadash."
Meassef, Ha- H R A St. Petersburg 1902 L. Rabinowitz. Scientific, literary. 1 vol.
Meassef, Ha- G Au M ‡ Vienna 1874 Ḥayyim Lippe. Bibliographical. ‡ Irregular. 3 numbers.
Meassef, Ha- H G M Königsberg 1880 - M. L. Rodkinsohn. Literary, critical.
Meassef, Ha- H Pa M ‡ Jerusalem 1896 - * Ben-Zion Kuinka. Rabbinic (responsa). ‡ Weekly until 1898.
Meassef, Ha- H A Q New York 1881 Shoḥare Sefat 'Eber. Literary. 1 number.
Meassef he-Ḥadash, Ha- H G .. 1809 - 11 Shalom Kohen. Continuation of "Ha-Meassef." ‡ i., Berlin, 1809; ii., Altona, 1810; iii., Dessau, 1811.
Meassef le-Ḳol, Ha- H G M Königsberg 1879 Michael L. Rodkinsohn. Literary, scientific.
Meassef Niddaḥim .. .. .. ....................... ............ See "Meliz, Ha-, " and "Shahar, Ha-."
Mebasser, Ha- H Ga W Lemberg 1860 - 70 A. Minkes. Exegetical, historical, literary, belletristic, critical.
I Leghorn 1861 - 67 Joseph Kohen-Zedeḳ. Literary supplement (1860-64): "Ha-Nesher."
Mebasseret Ẓiyyon J A W New York 1898 Abraham Tannenbaum. Bulletin of the Federation of Zionists.
Mebasseret Ẓiyyon H Pa M Jerusalem 1883 Ben-Yeudah. On Palestine. Supplement to "Ha-Habazzelet."
Medabber, Ha- H G W Berlin 1881 - 82 Michael L. Rodkinsohn. 12 numbers.
Medabber le-Yisrael, Ha- H G W Berlin 1881 - Zebi Hirsch Itzkowski. News; literary.
Me-'Et la-'Et H A I New York 1901 Solomon Judison and Phinehas Turberg. Scientific, literary.
Meged Geresh Yeraḥim H Au M Vienna 1848 Isaac Reggio. Supplement of "Oesterreichisches Centralorgan für Judische Interessen."
Meged Yerahim H Ga M Lemberg 1857 - 58 Joseph Kohen-Zedek. Scientific, belletristic 4 vols.
Mehaker, Ha- .. .. .. ....................... ............ See "Die Zeit."
Mekilta de-Rabbanan H R .. Odessa 1886 - 87 Moses Belinson. Rabbinical (halakic, Talmudic).
Meliẓ, Ha- ( Ha-Meliẓ ) H R W Odessa 1860 - 71 Alexander Zederbaum (1860-93); Leon Rabinowitz (1893-1904). News: political, literary; Haskalic, then Zionistic. ‡ Weekly until 1886. Supplements: "Ha-Kerem"; and "Meassef Niddahim, " literary, bibliographic, 1878 - 79."
D‡ St. Petersburg 1871 - 1904
Menorah, Die G G W Hamburg 1891 - M. Deutschländer Literary; news. With two supplements.
Menorah, The E A M New York 1886 - * B. F. Peixotto; then Moritz Ellinger. Literary, scientific; organ of the B'nai B'rith.
Menorah, The E A M Toledo 1904 Sabbath-school Children of Zion.
Menschenfreund, Der J A W New York 1889 - 91 Nahum M. Shaikewitz. News; literary, belletristic.
Message Zioniste F Eg .. Alexandria 1902 -
Messerret, El Sp, T T M Smyrna 1897 - * Alexander ibn Ghayyat. News; with feuilleton.
Milḥamah be-Shalom H R W Wilna 1870 Polemical (Orthodox).
Mi-Mizraḥ umi-Ma'arab H G‡ I‡ Berlin‡ 1894 - 96 Ruben Brainin. Literary, scientific. ‡ Started as a monthly in Vienna; only 4 numbers; then Berlin, irregular, until 1896.
Minhah Ḥadashah H Pa A Jerusalem 1856 - Albert Cohn. Literary.
Misderonah, Ha- H Pa M Jerusalem 1886 - 87 Ḥayyim Hirschensohn. Rabbinical. 2 vols., and vol. iii., No. 1.
Mishpaṭ, Ha- Sp Bu .. Philippopolis 1902 Anonymous. Zionistic.
Mitteilung der Gesellschaft zur Erforschung Jüdischer Kunstdenkmöler. G G A Frankfort o. M 1900 - * Scientific; illustrated.
Mitteilungen der Freien Vereinigung für die Interessen des Orthodoxen Judenthums. G G F Frankfort o. M 1887 - * Orthodox.
Mitteilungen der Gesellschaft für Jüdische Volkskunde. G G S-A Hamburg 1898 - * M. Grunwald. Scientific.
Mitteilungen der Gessellschaft für Sammplung und Conservirung von Kunst-und Historischen Denkmäler des Judenthums. G Au I Vienna 1895 Scientific.
Mittheilungen der Oesterreichisch-Israelitischen Union. G Au M Vienna 1888 - * Political against anti-Semitism.
Mittheilungen des Israelitischen Landes-Lehrervereines in Böhmen. G Bo M Prague 1895 M. Freund.
Miẓpah Bulletin, The E A M Chattanooga * Community news.
Miẓpah, Ha- H Au W Czernowitz 1888 Moses Orenstein.
Miẓpah, Ha- H R M St. Petersburg 1885 Alexander Zederbaum. Historical, belletristic; illustrated. 4 numbers.
Miẓpah, Ha- H Ga W Cracow 1904 - * News; Zionistic.
Miẓpah, Ha- H Ga M Cracow 1903 - * J. Reines. Scientific; Zionistic.
Miẓrayim, El A‡ Eg W‡ Cairo 1903 - * Isaac Karmona. News; Zionistic. ‡Judaeo-Spanish, 1903; mostly Arabic from 1904. Hebrew characters. With interruptions.
Modern Builder, The E A M Kansas City 1901 - * Organ of the Modern Builders of Israel.
Modern View, The E A W St. Louis 1901 - * A. Rosenthal and Benjamin Koperlik. Social and religious (Reform) news, belletristic; illustrated.
Modia' la-Ḥadashim, Ha- H A M New York 1900 - A. H. Rosenberg (1900-2); Herman Rosenthal (1900-1). Historical, belletristic, religious; Zionistic.
Molva R R .. Odessa ............ Adolph Landau.
Monatsblätter für Vergangenheit und Gegenwart des Judenthums. G G M Berlin 1890 - 91 Bernard Königsberger. Scientific. 4 numbers.
Monatschefte für die Gesammten Interessen des Judenthums. G G M ....................... 1856 - 66.
Monatsschrift der Oesterreichisch-Israelitischen Union. G Au M Vienna 1889 - Siegfried Fleischer.
Monatsschrift für Geschichte und Wissenschaft des Judenthums G G M Leipsic; Breslan 1851 - 87 Z. Frankel (1851-68); H. Graetz (1869-87) and Pinkus Frankl (1881-86); Marcus Brann (1892- * ) and D. Kaufmann (1892-99). Scientific, literary, critical. Continuation of "Zeitschrift für die Religiösen Interessen des Judenthums."
1892 - *
Monatsschrift für Literatur und Wissenschaft des Judenthums. G Au M Vienna 1889 - 90 Arthur S. Weissmann. Scientific, literary.
Monteflore, The E A M New York 1896 - Lucien Bonheur. Bulletin of Young Ladies' and Gentlemen's League of the Monteflore Home.
Monthly Bulletin E A M New York 1900 - * Young Men's Hebrew Association.
Moreh, Ha- H A M New York 1894 Moses Goldman. Literary and belletristic. 1 number."
Morgen Journal, Der J A D New York 1902 - * Evening edition: "New Yorker Abend-Post"; weekly edition: "Der Jüdischer Journal."
Morgenland G G .. ....................... c. 1858 Jakob Goldenthal.
Morgenstern, Der J A W New York 1898 Braslavsky, J. Jaffa, and Abner Tannenbaum. Radical.
Moriah P Ga .. Lemberg 1903 - Jacob Thon. Juvenile; Zionistic.
Moriyyah, Ha- H Pa Jerusalem 1892 Simḥah Blumenthal. ‡ Several times per month.
Morning Star, The E E .. ....................... ............ Leeds Zionist.
Moseè H, I .. M Corfu 1878 - 85 Giuseppe Levi. Literary, scientific.
Mount Sinai Monthly E A M Boston 1902 - * Meyer Bloomfield. Literary; illustrated.
Mubashshir A .. .. Tunis 1884 R. Farḥi.
Museum zur Belehrung und Unterhaltung G G A Brieg 1842 - K. Klein. Juvenile.
Myronocets B Bu .. Sofla 1899 Stef. Blajef. Orthodox.
Nacional, El Sp Au W Vienna 1867 Joseph Calvo.
Nacional, El Sp T W Constantinople 1871 - Marco Mayorcas; Moses del Medico; David Fresco. Political and Jewish news; commercial trade, literary.
Natur und Leben J A M New York 1897 - 98 Jacob Terr. 8 months.
Nederlandsche Israeliet, Het D Ho .. ....................... 1843 Only 36 pages.
Nederlandsch Israelietsche Jaarboekje D Ho A The Hague 1849 - 63 Gesellschaft zu Israel's Besten in Niederland. Literary, scientific, statistical.
Nedylnaya Khronika Voskhoda R R W St. Petersburg 1882 - * Adolph A. Landau. General; Jewish news. Weekly edition of "Voskhod."
Ner ha-Ma'arabi H A M New York 1895 - 97 Abraham Rosenberg (1895-97); then Samuel Schwarzberg for the Society Mezife Sifrut Yisrael. Literary, belletristic, critical.
Nesher, Ha- H Ga W Lemberg 1860 - 70 Joseph Kohen-Zedek. Historical , belletristic, critical, exegetical. Supplement of "Ha-Mebasser" until 1864, then independent.
Neue Israelitische Zeitung G Sw S-W Zurich 1880 A. Kisch.
Neue Jüdische Presse J Ga .. Przemysl 1872 Supplement: "Ha-Ḳohelet."
Neue Judische Zeitung J Rm W Jassy ............ N. Fränkel. Jewish news.
Neue Stimme, Die J A Q New York 1904 - * Radical-Zionist organization.
Neue Welt, Die J A W New York 1894 Solomon. J. Silberstein. 3 weeks.
Neue Welt, Die J E W London 1900 - T. Rothstein.
Neue Welt, Die J A M New York 1897 Abraham M. Sharkansky.
Neue Zeit, Die J A W New York 1886 Rayevsky and Abraham Cahan. Socialistic. A few numbers.
Neue Zeit, Die J A M New York 1898 - 99 Socialistic.
Neue Zion, Das G G M Leipsic 1845 Jacob Goldenthal. 1 number.
Neuer Geist, Der J A M New York 1897 - 98 Alexander Harkavy. Literary, scientific, artistic. 10 numbers.
Neuer Telefon, Der J A W New York 1899 Nahum Shaikewitz.
Neueste Nachrichten J‡ Ga W Lemberg 1866 - J. Kohn. Political, news; with historical supplement. ‡ Hebrew letters vocalized.
Neueste Post G‡ Hu W Pest 1862 J. Kohn. General, political, commercial. ‡ In Hebrew characters.
Neueste Post, Die J A W New York 1888 David Apotheker and Morris Wechsler.
Ne'urim, Ha- H Ga F Cracow 1904 - * Ben Avigdor. Juvenile.
Neuzeit, Die G Au W Vienna 1861 - 1904 Simon Szántó (1861-82); A. Jellinek (1882-93); D. Löwy (1893-1904). Religious (Reform), political, literary. Continued as "Die Wahrheit."
New Era, The E A .. Brooklyn.
New Era, The E A M New York 1871 - 75 Raphael d'C. Lewin. Literary.
New Era, Comment, The E A M New York 1904 New Era Club.
New Era Illustrated Magazine, The E A M New York 1903 - * Isidor Lewi. Literary; illustrated. Continuing "The New Era Jewish Magazine."
New Era Jewish Magazine, The E A M Boston 1900 - 1903. See "New Era Illustrated Magazine, The."
New Occident, The E A M‡ San Francisco 1900 - Jacob Nieto. News. ‡Established as weekly organ of the Young Men's Hebrew Association; monthly from vol. iii.
New Yorker Abend-Post J A D New York 1899 - * Saphirstein and Rosenbaum. Weekly edition: "Der Jüdischer Journal."
New Yorker Illustrirte Jüdische Zeitung J‡ A F New York 1887 - 88 Abraham Goldfaden. Illustrated. 17 numbers. ‡ Polish-Jewish.
New Yorker Israelit J A W New York 1875 Mordechai Jalomstein.
New Yorker Jüdische Volkszeitung J A W New York 1886 - 87 Moses Mintz and Dr. Braslavsky. Socialistic.
New Yorker Jüdische Zeitung G A W New York 1872 K. H. Sarasohn. German in Hebrew characters.
New Yorker Jüdische Zeitung J‡ A W New York 1885 - 89 Morris Wechsler Ultra-Orthodox; literary. ‡Hungarian-Jewish; some Hebrew.
Nieuw Israelietische Weekblad D Ho W Amsterdam 1866 - * M. Roest (1866-75); Philip Elte (1875- * ). With "Joodsche Letterkundige Bijdragen."
Nieuws en Advertenticblad .. .. .. ....................... ............ See "Nieuwsblad voor Israelieten."
Nieuwsblad voor Israelieten D Ho W Amsterdam 1849‡ - 93 News. ‡Founded as "Nieuws en Advertenticblad" (1849-50); title changed to "Israelietisch Weekblad (1850-55); then to "Weekblad voor Israelieten" (1855-84).
Nogah ha-Yareaḥ H Ca M‡ Lemberg‡ 1872 - 73 Berisch Goldenberg. Scientific, religious, exegetical. ‡ 10 numbers per year; 11 numbers in Lemberg, 1872 - 73; 4 numbers in Tarnopol. 1881.
Tarnopol 1880
Northwick College Times E E .. London 1873 Pupils of Northwick College School.
Nouvelliste, Le F T W Smyrna 1890- * Leon Tedeschi: then Gad Franco. Scientific, commercial, agricultural, geographical, etc.; news. At first French, then Judaeo-Spanish.
Novelista, El Sp
Nützlicher Kalender, Der J R .. Wilna 1876 S. Abramowitsch.
Occident, The E A W Chicago 1874 - Julius Silversmith (at first with M. Hoffman); news; literary, scientific, artistic.
Occident, The (and the American Jewish Advocate) E A M‡ Philadelphia 1843 - 69 Isaac Leeser (last volume, Meyer Sulzberger). News, literary; conservative. ‡ Weekly 1855 - 61.
Oesterreichisch-Ungarische Kantoren- Zeitung G Au Vienna 1881- * Jacob Bauer. For cantors. Supplement to "Die Wahrheit, " ‡ 3 times a month.
Oesterreichisches Central-Organ für Glaubensfreiheit, Cultur, Geschichte und Literatur der Juden. G Au W Vienna 1848 - Isidor Busch and M. Letteris. Historical, literary, scientific; news.
Oheb 'Ammo we-Erez Moladto H Ga Przemysl 1879 - 80 S. A. Graäber. Political, literary. 16 numbers. ‡ Several times a month.
Ohel Mo'ed H Ga Q Cracow 1898 J. A. Kammelhar. Rabbinic, Talmudic.
Ojczyzna P, H Ga W Lemberg 1881 - 86 I. Bernfeld and M. Thumen.
'Olam Ḳaṭan H Ga W Cracow 1901- * A. L. Ben-Avigdor and S. L. Gordon, for Ha-Tushiyyah. Juvenile; illustrated.
Onafhankelijk Israelietisch Orgaan voor Nederland D Ho W Amsterdam 1867- * L. B. Berel. News; feuilleton.
Or, Ha- H Ga M Lemberg 1882 - 83 David I. Silberbusch. Literary.
Or, Ha- H Pa W Jerusalem 1889 - 93 Eliezer Ben-Judah. Reform.
Or ha-Lebanon A I M Leghorn 1886 Shalom Bekache. Belletristic, stories.
Or Torah H G M Frankfort o. M 1874 Joseph Kohen-Ẓedeḳ. Exegetical, critical, historical, literary. 4 numbers.
Or Torah H Pa Q Jerusalem 1895 - S. Zuckermann (1895-98); A. Sonnenfeld and A. Blumenthal. Rabbinical. nalakic.
Or Yisrael H, Sp T W Constantinople 1853 Leon Ḥayyim de Castro.
Ordens Echo G A M New York ............ Mrs. Robitschek for the Order of True Sisters.
Orgaan voor Nederland D Ho .. Amsterdam 1875 S. L. Knock.
Organ des Ungarischen Cultusbeamten-Vereins G Ha .. Budapest ............ Moritz Friedmann.
Orient, Der G G W Leipsic 1840 - 51 Julius Fürst News; literary, historical, scientific; with literary supplement "Litteraturblatt," which appeared alone 1849 - 51.
Ost und West G G M Berlin 1901 - * Davis Trietsch and Leo Winz. Zionistic ; illustrated.
Owl, The E A .. New Orleans - 1903 Maurice Switzer. Absorbed by "The Jewish Ledger."
Oẓar Ḥokmah H Ga Q Lemberg 1859 - 65‡ Joseph Kohen-Ẓedeḳ. Historical, critical, philological, belletristic. ‡ 3 vols.: i. 1859; ii. 1862; iii. 1865.
Oẓar ha-Ḥokmah weha-Madda' H A Q Newark, N. J. 1894 Nehemiah Libowitz and Ch. Enowitz. Literary, scientific. 2 numbers.
Oẓar Neḥmad H An .. Vienna 1856 - 63 Ignatz Blumenfeld. Literary. 4 vols.
Oẓar Ha-Sifrut (Bet Oẓar ha-Sifrut) H Ga A‡ Cracow ‡ 1887 - 1902. Eisig Graeber. Literary, scientific, belletristic. ‡ i., Przemysl, 1887; ii. -v. v., Cracow, 1888, '90, '93, '96; vi (monthly), 1902. 1 number.
Oẓar Ṭob .. .. .. ....................... ............ Supplement to "Magazin für die Wissenschaft des Judenthums."
Pacific Messenger, The E, G A W San Francisco 1860 - 61 H. Bien. Religious, historical, literary. Successor to "The Gleaner."
Pädagogischer Hausfrennd, Der G G .. Stuttgart 1871 S. Dessau. Pedagogic.
Padgog, Ha- H Ga M Cracow 1902 - * Ben-Abigdor and S. L. Gordon. Literary supplement of "'Olam Ḳaṭan."
Paix, La F F M ....................... 1846 A. Baruch Créhange. Religious, literary.
Palaestina D Ho M Leyden 1848 - 49 S. Keyzer. 12 numbers. 8vo.
Palästina G G .. Berlin 1902 - 04 Agricultural, commercial; for Palestine. 2 vols.
Palestine E E Q London 1897 - Chovevei Zion.
Pályázat Hu Hu .. Székes-Fehérvár 1891 - * I. Peterfy.
Pamphlet Library E A M New York 1900 - Michael Singer. Historical, literary; Zionistic.
Pariser Allgemeine Jüdische Volkszeitung, Die J F D Paris 1892 - Moses Zuckermann. News; scientific; with feuilleton.
Patriot, Der J A .. Newark, N.J. 1891 Ephraim Deinard; Zionistic. A few numbers.
Peles, Ha- H G M Berlin 1900 - * Elijah Rabinowicz. Literary, scientific, religious.
Peleṭat Soferim H R .. Wilna 1863 Joshua Höschel Levin. Rabbinical.
Peraḥ A‡ In W Calcutta ............ Moses ha-Kohen Dwich. General and Jewish news. ‡ With Hebrew literary supplement.
Peri 'Eẓ Ḥayyim H Ho M Amsterdam 1728 - 61 Bet ha-Midrash 'Eẓ Ḥayyim. Rabbinical; decisions of members.
Peri To 'elet H Ho .. Amsterdam 1825 S. Mulder. Literary.
Pester Jüdische Zeitung G‡ Hu Budapest 1869 - 87 I. Reiss (1869-79); M. Ehrentheil; M. Grossmann. Jewish news; Orthodox; political, commercial; with feuilleton. ‡ 5 times a week; in Hebrew characters. Continued as "Allgemeine Jüdische Zeitung."
Philadelphia Stadt-Zeitung J A W Philadelphia 189 - Hyman Brodsky and Ḥayyim Malitz. News.
Philadelphiär Jüdische Presse J A D Philadelphia 1904 - * Louis H. Cahan. News; literary.
Philadelphiär Post J A W Philadelphia 1898 Osias Wagman. 8 numbers.
Pinḳes, Der J A Q New York 1900 - M. Rosenfeld and A. M. Sharkansky. Literary, historical; discussions of timely topics.
Pipifox J E W London 1901 - Humoristic; illustrated.
Pirḥe Ẓafon H R I Wilna 1841, 1844 L. Hurwitz and S. J. Fuenn. Historical, literary, exegetical. 2 numbers.
Pisgah, Ha- H A I 1890 - 99 W. Schur. Literary; Zionistic. ‡ New York (1890-91); then Baltimore, later Chicago; continued as "Ha-Teḥiyyah" (1899-1900).
Pisgah, Ha- H R Q Wilky (Kovno) 1895 - 1901 Hillel D. Truvosch. Rabinic, scientific. i. 1895; ii., iii. 1896; iv. 1897; then quarterly.
Plaudersack, Der J A .. New York 1893
Polischer Jüdel, Der J E W London 1884 M. Winchevsky. 16 numbers; then became "Die Zukunft."
Politica, La Sp Au .. Vienna 1878 Ad. Zemlinski. Supplement of "Correo de Vienna."
Politische und Sociale Monatsschrift G G M Leipsic 1849 L. Philippson. Political, general.
Populär-Wissenschaftliche Monatsblätter G G M Frankfort o. M. 1881 - * Adolph Brüll. Organ of the Mendelssohn Verein. Popular-scientific.
Poshedniya Izvestiya R Sw .. Geneva * Published by the "Bund."
Posrednik R R .. Odessa 1869 Alexander Zederbaum.
Predigt-Magazin G G Q Leipsic 1878 M. Rahmer. Homiletical.
Presse Israélite, La F F W Paris 1869 - 71 Moïse Schwab.
Progreso, El Sp T .. Constantinople 1876 - Behor M. Molko.
Pregreso, El .. .. .. ....................... ............ See "Yosef Da'at."
Pregreso, El Sp Au F Vienna.
Progreso Ladino, II.
Progress, The E A .. San Francisco.
Przyszlose Jedyny P Ga .. Lemberg ............ Organ of Interesow Zydowskich w Yezyku Polskim W Luarie.
Publications of the American Jewish Historical Society. E A A Washington, Baltimore 1893- *
Puerta del Oriente Sp T .. Smyrna 1846 - Uzziel Pincherle
Pure Vérité, La F F .. Strasburg 1846.
Purim E E A London 1883 S. H. Valentine.
Rabbinical Review, The E A .. Cincinnati 1881 - 82 Max Lilienthal. Reports of Rabbinical Association; literary.
Radio de Luz, El Sp T W Constantinople 1885 - Victor Levi. Scientific, literary; illustrated.
Rasaritul Rm Rm W Jassy ............ Zionistic.
Rathgeber, Der J Rm .. Bucharest.
Razsvyet R R W St. Petersburg ‡ 1860 - 61 O. A. Rabbinowitz. 52 numbers. Continued as "Zion" by Em. Soloweitschik ‡ Odessa, 1861 - 62.
Razsvyet R R W St. Petersburg 1879 - * A. Zederbaum and J. Goldenblum (1879-80) ; then G. I. Bogrow (1880-82) and Y. L. Rosenfeld (1882- * ). Literary, general.
Reform, Die G G W Berlin; Bonn 1875 - 80 Em. Schreiber and Abraham Guttmann. Reform ; literary.
Reform Advocate, The E A W Chicago 1891 - * Emil Hirsch. General, literary; news: radical Reform.
Reform des Judenthums, Die G G W Mannheim 1846 A. Adler and H. Wagner. Reform. 39 numbers.
Reform-Zeitung G G .. Berlin 1845 A. Rebenstein.
Reformer and Jewish Times, The E A .. New York ............ Moritz Ellinger. News; scientific, literary.
Régénération, La .. .. .. ....................... ............ See"Wiedergeburt, Die."
Register, The E A W Philadelphia 1900 - Bulletin of the Congregation Rodef Shalom.
Reichsbote G Au W Vienna 1894 H. L. Reich. Scientific and general.
Religlöse Wochenschrift für Gottgläubige Gemüther G G W Halberstadt 1844 - 45 Ludwig Philippson. Religious.
Revista Israelita Rm Rm F Bucharest 1886 - M. Beck.
Revue der Israelitischen Kultusgemeinden von Böhmen G Bo M Horowitz 1903 - * Julius Bondy. News.
Revue des Ecoles de l'Alliance Israélite F F Q Paris 1901 - Jacques Bigart.
Revue Des Etudes Juives F F Q Paris 1880 - * Isidore Loeb; then Israel Lévi Scientific.
Revue Israélite F F W Paris 1870 - 73 Isidore Loeb. Literary.
Revue Orientale F .. M ‡ Brussels 1841 - 46 Eliakim Carmoly. Scientific, historical. 3 vols. ‡ Irregular.
Risi Bisi Sp Au Vienna .. .. .. ....................... 1867 Joseph Calvo. Humoristic.
Rivista Israelitica I I .. Parma ‡ 1845 - 48 Cesare Rovighi. Scientific. ‡ From May, 1846, Modena.
Rivista Israelitica I I B-M Florence 1904 - * Samuel Hirsch Margulies. Scientific.
Rocznik Zydowski P Ga A Lemberg ............ A. Stand. Zionistic.
Ro'eh H Ga .. Lemberg ‡ 1837, 1839 M. Mohr and J. Bodek. Critical. ‡ Ofen, 1839. 2 vols.
Romanziere Israelitico, Il I I .. Leghorn 1867 Gallichi.
Rose, Die J Pa W Jerusalem ............ Israel Frumkin.
Ruaḥ ha-Zeman .. .. .. ....................... ............ See "Zeman, Ha-."
Russki Yevrei R R W St. Petersburg 1879 - 84 L. Behrmann (1879-83) and G. M. Rabbinowitz (1879-84); Judah Kantor (1883-84). Political, literary; Jewish news. After 1884 published with "Yevreiskoe Obozryenie."
Sabado Segreto, El Sp .. .. Mexico 1889 - Elias and David Abarbanel.
Sabbathblatt G G W Leipsic 1842 - 46 Hermann Sommerfeld with J. Saalschuütz, then with J. Fürst; vols. iv. and v., Jellinek. Religious, literary, scientific.
Sabbat-Stunden G G .. Berlin ............ Feuilleton; belletristic. With "Die Jüdische Presse."
Sabbath Leaves E E W London 1845.
Sabbath School Companion, The E A M Charleston, S. C. 1895 B. A. Elzas. Juvenile.
Sabbath School Journal E A M Philadelphia 1904 - * .
Sabbath Visitor, The E A W Cincinnati 1874 - Max Lilienthal; K. Kohler; I. M. Wise; D. Philippson; I. Voorsanger. Religious.
Schadchen, Der J A W New York 1900 - Matrimonial.
Schlemihl, Der G G M Berlin 1903 - Ernst D. Lesser. Humoristic, satirical; illustrated.
Sedmitchen Courier B Bu W Sofia 1901 Anonymous.
Sefer ha-Shanah H Po A Warsaw 1900 - 3 N. Sokolow. Literary, scientific.
Sefer ha-Yeraḥ H Pa M Jerusalem 1896 Ben Amittai. Scientific, belletristic.
Selanik Sp‡ T .. Salonica 1869 ‡ Judæo-Spanish, Turkish, Greek, and Bulgarian.
Selbst-Emancipation G Au F Vienna 1885 - 90‡ N. Birnbaum. Political; news. With a "Unterhaltungs-Beilage." ‡ i., ii., 1885 - 86; iii., 1890.
Sema Israel Sp .. .. Curacao 1864 - E. Benveniste.
Senigor, Ha- H A F New York 1890 - M. L. Rodkinson. Literary, theological, political, social.
Sha'are Mizraḥ .. .. .. ....................... ............ See "Puerta dei Oriente."
Sha'are Ẓiyyon H Pa W Jerusalem 1876 - 80 Israel Goscinni and J. Peres.
Sha'are Ẓiyyon H Hu M Nagy-Mihaly ............ Israel Brody.
Shabua', Ha- H Au W Vienna 1898 - Abraham Fuchs. General; Zionistic. Weekly edition of "Ha-Maggid" for Russia.
Shaḥar, Ha- ( Ha-Shaḥar ) H Au M Vienna 1869 - 84 Peter Smolenskin. Scientific, literary; news. 12 vols. Supplement, literary and bibliographical: "Meassef Niddaḥim," 1880.
Shaḥar Ha- B Bu .. Sofia 1902 - * Jewish students. Zionistic.
Shaḥar he-Ḥadash, Ha- H Ga M Cracow 1893 M. Orenstein. Scientific, literary; news. 2 numbers.
Sharḳiyyah, Al- T‡ T .. Constantinople 1869 ‡In hebrew characters.
Sharon, Ha- H Ga I Lemberg 1893 Gershom ha-Kohen Bader and M. Malles. Scientific, literary, belletristic; news.
Sharon, Ha- .. .. .. ....................... ............ See"Karmel, Ha-."
Shebet Aḥim G Hu W Budapest 1870 - 80 Ignaz Reich. Organ of the Shomere ha-Dat.
Shem we-Yafet G, H, F Ga Lemberg 1888 Israel Rall. Scientific; rabbinic. ‡ Once every six weeks; separate edition for each of the three languages. 4 numbers.
Shemesh, Ha- H Ga F Kolomea 1888 - Hirsch L. Gottlieb. Literary, scientific, belletristic; news.
Shiloaḥ, Ha- H G M Berlin 1896 - * Ascher Ginzberg. Scientific, literary, critical, belletristic; Zionistic.
Shofar, Ha- E E .. London 1874.
Shofar, Ha- Sp Bu W Philippopolis 1901 - * Zionistic.
Shofar, The E A .. Rochester 1899 - * Louis Lipsky. News.
Shofeṭ, Ha-(Le Juge) F .. M Algiers 1894 Joseph Baruch.
Shomer Ẓiyyon ha-Ne'eman H G M Altona 1846 - 55 S. J. Enoch and Jacob Ettlinger. Literary supplement of "Der Treue Zions-Wächter.
Shoshannah (The Jewish Gazette) A‡ In W Calcutta 1901 - News; religious. ‡In Rashi characters.
Shulammit, Ha- J E W London 1884 Jehiel L. Brill.
Sifre Sha'shu'im H Ga I Drohobiez 1896 - J. Fernhoff. Literary. Two or three times a year.
Sinai G G M Bayreuth 1846 Joseph Aub. Scientific, religious.
Sinai G A M Baltimore 1856 - 62 David Einhorn. Scientific, religious (Reform).
Sinai G A M Baltimore 1904 Two numbers.
Sol, El Sp T B-M Constantinople 1879 - David Fresco. Scientific, literary.
Sonntag Abend-Blatt J A W New York 1896 - Socialistic. See "Arbeiter Zeitung."
Sonntag Courier E, J A W Chicago 1887 - H. S. Wolf.
South-African Jewish Chronicle E .. W Cape Town 1902 -
South-African Jewish Standard E .. .. Durban
Southwestern Jewish Sentiment, The E A W Dallas, Tex 1901 - F. C. Cohen.
Stadt Anzeiger, Der J A M New York 1893 Philip Krantz and Abraham Sharkansky. Scientific, literary, commercial. 3 numbers.
Star of Israel, The E A F Chicago 1897 Joseph Parvin. Scientific, religious; Zionistic.
Studien und Kritiken .. .. .. ....................... ............ See "Jüdische Centralblatt, Das."
Sulamit J A W New York 1890 Joseph A. Bluestone. Zionistic.
Sulamit G A M St. Louis ............ S. H. Sonneschein and M. Spitz.
Sulamith D Ho .. Amsterdam 1806 - 08 Moses Belinfante. Local news.
Sulamith G G M Dessau 1806 - 33‡ David Frankel (and [i.] Jos. Wolf). Literary, belletristic; news; religious (Reform). ‡ i. 1806 - 07; ii. 1808 - 09; iii, 1810 (Cassel) 11; iv. 1812, 1815-16; v. 1817-1819; vi. 1819-21, 1822-24; vii. 1824-33; viii. 1833-40; ix. (new series) 1846.
Sun, Die J A W New York 1892 Morris Rosenfeld, Joel Aronson, and Jacob Ferr. News. 7 numbers.
Sviit P Ga W Tarnopol 1880 - J. M. Landau.
Svyet R R .. Odessa 1860 - 61 J. Tarnopol and O. Rabbinowicz.
Synagoge, Die G G F Würzburg‡ 1837 - 39 L. Adler. Religious, literary, belletristic. ‡ Würzburg, 1837 - 38; unich, 1839.
Synagogenblatt G G .. ....................... ............ S. Lipschütz.
Synodalblatt G G W Mayence 1871 - 72 I. Klingenstein. News of synods; supplement of "Israelitischer Lehrer."
Szombati Ujság Hu Hu W Budapest 1882 - 83 S. Zsengeri.
Ta'am Zeḳenim H G M Frankfort o. M 1854 Eliezer Ashkenazl Scientific.
Tafereelen uit de Geschiedenis der Israelieten D Ho A Amsterdam 1861 - 62 M. L. v. Ameringen.
Tägliche Presse J A D New York 1898 George Selikovitsch. News.
Tägliche Volkszeitung J A D New York 1899 - Official organ of the United Hebrew Trades.
Täglicher Herold, Der J A D New York 1891 - * Michael Mintz. News. Weekly edition: "Der Volksadvokat."
Täglicher Jüdischer Courier, Der J A D Chicago 1887 - * .
Tahdhib, Al- A Eg W Cairo 1901 - * Murad Faraj al-Mahami for the Ta'ifat al-Isra'iliyin al-Karra'in bi-Masr. Karaite; news.
Tal Talpiyyot H Hu M‡ Waitzen 1892 - D. Silberstein; then D. Katzburg. ‡ Then fortnightly.
Talpiyyot H Rm W Jassy 1898 - E. Rokeah.
Talpiyyot H R A Berdychev 1895 J. B. Lewin and B. Jerichimsohn. Literary.
Tanögyi Ellenoör Hu Hu .. Budapest 1890 S. Zsengeri.
Taschenbücher zur Belehrung der Jugend G G A Berlin 1818 - 20 Jeremiah Heinemann.
Taube, Die G Hu W Budapest 1876 J. W. Bak. Juvenile.
Tcheweschki-Prava B Bu .. Philippopolis 1899 Moses Cohen. Political, economic, literary. Against anti-Semitism.
Tebunah H G W Memel 1861 - 62 Israel Lipkin (Salanter). Rabbinical, religious.
Tefillah Zakkah H A .. New York 1890 - 91 Pioniere der Freiheit.
Teḥiyyah, Ha- H A W Chicago 1899 - 1900. W. Schur. Literary, social news; progressive; Zionistic. Continuation of "Ha-Pisgah."
Teḥiyyah, Ha- H G
Tekunat Ruaḥ ha-Yisraeli H A .. New York 1889 - Michael L. Rodkinson.
Telegraf, Der J A W New York 1890 - 99 Osias Wagman.
Telegrafo, El (El Télégraphe) Sp T Constantinople 1872 - * David Fresco; then Moses Delmedico and Isaac Gabbai. Political, literary, and news. Founded as "El Télégraphe" to continue "El Jornal Israelith." ‡ Three times a week.
Temple, The E A M Washington 1898 - Gus. Nordlinger. Religious; local communal news.
Temple Bulletin, The E A M Milwaukee ............ Temple Emanuel.
Tiempo, El Sp T Constantinople 1871 - 80 Mercado Fresco and S . Alkabez; then David Fresco. Political, literary, commercial, financial. ‡ Twice a week.
Tijdschrift van de Maatschappij tot Nut der Israelieten in Nederland. D Ho I Amsterdam 1849 - 51 Literary, scientific. 3 vols.
Tiḳwah, Ha- J F W Paris 1897 - J. Bernas. Political, literary, scientific.
Tiḳwah, Ha- H A W New York 1901 - H. L. Selikowitz and H. J. Luria. Literary.
Tiḳwat, Yisrael J A M New York 1893 - A. C. Gaebelein for the Tikwat Yisrael movement.
Tog, Der J R D St. Petersburg 1904 ‡ L. Rabinowitz. News. ‡6 months.
Toleranz G G W Berlin 1903 - Emil Schreiber. Against anti-Semitism.
Toleranz G A .. New York 1897 M. Singer. Zionist. Continued as "Der Zionist."
Tor, Ha- H Ga W Kolomea 1877 - 80 Abraham Günzler. Political, general.
Torah mi-Ẓiyyon H Pa Q‡ Jerusalem 1886 - 99 ‡. Samuel Zuckermann. Rabbinical. ‡Irregular; 1886 - 87; 1896 - 99.
Traditionelle Judenthum, Das G Hu .. ....................... 1869 Moritz Ehrentheil. Religious(Orthodox).
Transactions of the Jewish Historical Society of England. E E .. London 1895 - * .
Tresoro, El Sp T F Constantinople 1864 - Ezekiel Gabbai. Historical.
Tresoro, El Sp Pa .. Jerusalem 1902.
Tresoro, El B‡ Bu F Rustchuk 1894 - 96 Solomon Saloniccio. Political, literary; news. ‡ Lithograph, in Rabbinic characters.
Treue Zionswächter, Der G G W Altona 1845 - 55 Samuel Enoch and Jacob Ettlinger. Religious (Orthodox). Supplement: "Shomer Ẓiyyon ha-Ne'eman."
Tribune Philosémitique F .. .. ....................... 1883 Gaston Rossetti. 3 numbers.
Tri-City Advocate E A W Davenport, Iowa 1904 - * Finesheiber.
Tushiyyah, Ha- H Ga .. Cracow 1894 Ben Abraham ha-Ze'ir.
Twice-a-Month E A F Louisville ............ Organ of the Young Men's Hebrew Association.
Unabhängiges Journal G Bo Prague 1902 - Josef Stein. General. ‡3 times a month.
Ungarisch-Jüdische Wochenschrift G Hu W Budapest 1871 - 72 M. Kayserling and S. Kohn.
Ungarisch Jüdische Bote, Der G Hu .. Ungvär 1882.
Ungarisch Jüdische Schulzeitung G Hu .. Budapest 1873 S. Zsengeri.
Ungarisch-Jüdisches Archiv Hu, G Hu M Var-Palata 1890 A. Singer.
Ungarische Israelit, Der G Hu W Budapest 1848 Ignatz Einhorn. Reform.
Ungarische israelit, Der G Hu W‡ Budapest 1874 - * J. W. Back, ; then Elias Back. General Jewish news; non-partisan. Supplement: "Homiletische Beilage." ‡ Weekly, then three times a month.
Ungarische Wochenschrift G, Hu Hu W Budapest 1895 - * M. Dornbusch; I. Gabel. Religious, social.
Union Israélite F F M Paris 1847 - 48 ‡. A. Créhange. ‡ Three months.
Unionkalender G Au A Vienna.
Univers Israélite, L' F F M, W Paris 1844 - * S. Bloch (1844-79); L. Wogue (1879- * ). Political, historical, religious (Orthodox); news.
Unparteiische Beobachter, Der G Au F Vienna 1890 - Arthur S. Weissmann. Literary, news.
Unsere Hoffnung G Au M Vienna 1904 - * Literary, historical; Zionistic; juvenile.
Uriel E A M Boston 1895 N. H. Imber. Cabalistic. 1 number.
Ustadh T T .. Smyrna 1889 - 91 Moses Fresco. Rabbinical characters.
Verdad, La Sp T W Smyrna 1884 Bachor Ghayyat; David ibn Ezra; Raphael Cori.
Verdad, La Sp Bu W Sofia 1898 - * A. Pipano. Political, literary.
Verdadero Progreso Israelito, El Sp F W Paris 1863 Ezra Benveniste. Religious, moral, commercial. Several months.
Vérité, La F F M Paris 1848 A. Créhange. General.
Vérité Israélite, La F F W Paris 1860 - 63 Abraham Cohen (1860-62). Supplement: "Le Foyer Israélite."
Vessillo Israelitico, Il I I M Casale Monferrata 1853 - * Flaminio Servi. Historical, scientific, religious. "Educatore Israélite" until 1874.
Vestnik Bunda R Sw .. Geneva * Published by the "Bund."
Vigio Israélite (Shomer Yisrael) A, F .. W Oran 1885 - 93 ‡. Joseph Djian. Reform. ‡ Except 1887 - 92.
Viiterulo F, Rm Rm W Bucharest 1867 A. Levy.
Vocea Sionului Rm Rm .. Ploesti 1898 A. S. Gold and A. D. Rosen.
Voice of Israel, The E A W San Francisco 1856 Bien.
Voice of Jacob E E F London 1841 - 48 Jacob Franklin. News; Orthodox. Succeeded by "The Anglo-Jewish Magazine."
Voice of Jacob E Al .. Sydney 1842 George Moss. 6 months.
Voice of Jacob E .. .. Gibraltar 1882.
Voice of Sinai E In F Calcutta 1904 - * .
Voix d'Israël (Israel's Stimme) F, G F M Mülhausen 1865 S. Dreyfuss.
Volks-Journal J A M Philadelphia 1893 Ben-Joshua.
Volks Luach, Der J A A New York 1898 Abraham M. Sharkansky.
Volksadvokat, Der J A W New York 1887- * George Selikovitsch. Weekly ed. of "Der Täglicher Herold."
Volksblatt, Das J G .. Leipsic 1853 - 60 Ludwig Philippson. Belletristic.
Volksblatt J A W New York 1889 David Apotheker.
Volksblatt J R .. Warsaw.
Volksfreund, Der J A W Pittsburg 1889 - * Joseph S. Glick. Literary; news; Zionistic.
Volkswächter, Der J A W Philadelphia 189 John Paley.
Vorwärts J A D New York 1897 - * Jewish Socialistic Press Federation. Socialistic.
Vorwärts J A A New York 1902 -.
Voskhod R R M ‡ St. Petersburg 1881 - * Adolf Landau (1881-99); G. Syrkin (1899- * ). Scientific, historical. socio-political, belletristic. Supplement: "Nedylnaya Khronika Voskhoda" (weekly). ‡ Weekly from 1879 to 1881. Suspended by the government in April, 1904; resumed Oct., 1904.
Voz del Pueblo Sp T W Philippopolis 1899 - Calev.
Vozrozhdeine R R .. ....................... * Zionist.
Vrai Progrès Israélit, Le F F M Paris 1864 Ezra Benveniste.
Vraie Parole, La F F .. Paris 1893 - 94 Isidor Singer. Against anti-Semitism.
Vrije Woord, Het D Ho W Amsterdam 1895 - 96 News. 5 numbers.
Wa-Yelaḳḳet Yosef H Hu F Munkacs 1899 - Josef Schwarz. Rabbinic, halakic.
Wa'ad, Ha- H Au M Vienna 1889 Jacob Kopelowitz. Historical, literary. 3 numbers.
Wa'ad Ḥakamim H .. F Jaslowitz 1898 - H. B. Zitron. Rabbinic (pilpul and halakah).
Wacht Israels, Die G Hu W Kaschau 1872 - M. N. Rottenberg. News (school and communal); with feuilleton.
Wächter, Der J A W New York 1893 J. Jaffar. 8 numbers.
Wahrheit, Die G Au W Vienna 1899 - M. Löwy. General. Supplement; "Oesterreichisch-Ungarische Kantoren Zeitung."
Wahrheit, Die J Hu M Máramaros Sziget 1896 Hirsch Löb Gottlieb. 2 numbers.
Wahrheit, Die J A W New York 1889 Pioneers of Liberty. Anarchistic. 20 numbers.
Wahrheit, Die G A W St. Louis 1871 - S. H. Sonneschein. Literary, political, religious (Reform).
Warschauer Jüdische Zeitung J Po W Warsaw 1867 Hillel Gleitstern.
Webersche Zeitung, Die A W New York 1888 Morris Wechsler. ‡ Hungarian jargon.
Wecker, Der J Ga F Lemberg 1894 - News; with feuilleton.
Weekblad voor Israelieten .. .. .. ....................... ............ See "Nieuwsblaad voor Israelieten."
Weekblad voor Israelieten D Ho W Rotterdam 1875 - M. L. van Ploeg.
Weekblad voor Israelietische Huisgezinen D Ho W Rotterdam 1870 - * Gebr. Haagens. Popular-scientific.
Weekly Gleaner, The E A .. San Francisco 1862 - Julius Eckmann.
Weg, Der J Au M Vienna 1903 Zionist. 2 numbers.
Wegweiser in der Amerikaner Business-Welt, Der J A W New York 1892 Nahum Meïr Sharkewitz. Commercial.
Welt, Die G Au W Vienna 1897 - * Various editors, then S. Werner. Economic; Zionistic; Organ of the Action's Committee of the Zionist Movement.
Welt, Die J A W New York 1887 Rayevsky.
Wiedergeburt, Die (La Régénération) G, F F M Strasburg 1836 - 37 Simon Bloch. General; news.
Wiederkol, Das J Po .. Warsaw 1894.
Wiener Israelit, Der J Au Vienna 1873 - 80 Wilhelm Weiss. Political, financial, Jewish news. ‡ Weekly, then three times a week.
Wiener Jahrbuch G Au A Vienna 1866 - 68 Simon Sz´ntó (1866-68). Continuing "Jahrbuch für Israeliten."
Wiener Jüdische Illustrirte Presse, Die G Au W Vienna 1877 - Leo Fein. Political, commercial, scientific; Jewish news.
Wiener Jüdische Presse G Au .. Vienna 1899 - Wilhelm Morgenstern. Orthodox.
Wiener Jüdische Zeitung J Au .. Vienna 1874 - 76 Marcus Weissmann.
Wiener Mittheilungen G Au .. Vienna 1854 - 66 Max Letteris. Scientific (Jewish and Oriental), historical, artistic.
Wiener Monatsblätter für Kunst und Litteratur G Au M Vienna 1851 - 52 Max Letteris. Literary.
Wiener Vierteljahrsschrift G Au Q Vienna 1853 Max Letteris. Supplement: "Abne Nezer."
Wiestnik Russkikh Yevriev R R W St. Petersburg 1871 - 73 Alexander Zederbaum.
Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift für Jüdische Theologie G G .. 1835 - 48 Abraham Geiger. Theological (progressive), scientific, critical. ‡i., ii., Frankfort-on-the-Main, 1835 - 36; iii., iv., Stuttgart, 1837 - 39; v., Grünberg and Leipsic, 1844; vi. 1 - 3, ib. 1847 - 48.
Wochenblatt für die Familie G Ho W Rotterdam ............ Scientific.
Wschod P Ga W Lemberg ............ Zionistic.
Yagdil Torah H R Odessa 1871 - 81 M. E. Belinson. Rabbinical.
Yagdil Torah H G F Berlin 1890 - 93 Ackermann.
Yahadut, Ha- H Ga Lemberg 1887 Reuben Brundes and J. Meisach. Literary, scientific. ‡ Several times a month.
Yalḳuṭ Ma'arabi H A A New York 1904 - Ohole Shem (association). Literary.
Yareaḥ, Ha- H G M Königsberg 1872 - A. Süsskind. Religious (ultra-conservative), literary. Supplement: "Meged Yeraḥim, " news and scientific.
Yareaḥ, Ha- .. .. .. ....................... 1845.
Year Book of the Central Conference of American Rabbis. E A A Cincinnati 1890 - * .
Yehudah wi-Yerushalayim H Pa F Jerusalem 1877 - 78 Joel Moses ben Solomon. Religious.
Yehudah wi-Yerushalayim H Pa M Jerusalem 1901 - * Abraham Rotenberg and Joeb Moses ben Solomon. General.
Yehudi, Ha- H Hu ‡ W Presburg ‡ 1875 - 80 Jacob Fischer. Literary. ‡ Vienna, 1880.
Yehudi, Ha- H E W London 1898 - I. Suwalsky. Political, Orthodox; Zionistic.
Yehudi ha-Niẓḥi, Ha- H Ga M Lemberg 1866 Joseph Kohen-Ẓedeḳ. Historical. 4 numbers.
Yerushalayim H .. 1844 - 45 Jacob Bodek and A. M. Mohr. ‡Irregular: No. 1, Jerusalem (Zolkiev), 1844; No. 2, Lemberg, 1845; No. 3, Prague, 1845.
Yerushalayim H‡ Pa‡ A‡ Jerusalem‡ 1882 - * A. M. Luncz. Historical and archeological. ‡i., Hebrew and German, Vienna, 1882; ii., iii., iv., Hebrew and German, Jerusalem, 1887, '89, '92. Later quarterly.
Yerushalayim H Ga B-M Cracow 1900 - 1 J. Kreppel. Literary, belletristic. 5 numbers.
Yerushalayim H Pa .. Jerusalem 1878 - 79 Anonymous. Ashkenazic; to combat "Ha-Ḥabaẓẓelet."
Yeshurun .. .. .. ....................... ............ See "Jeschurun."
Yevreiskaya Biblioteka R R M St. Petersburg 1871 - 80 A. E. Landau. Historical, literary. 9 vols.
Yevreiskaya Familnaya Biblioteka R R .. St. Petersburg 1903 - Rywkin.
Yevreiskaya Zizu R R M St. Petersburg 1904 - * N. Rywkin. Popular-scientific; Zionistic.
Yevreiski Yezhegodnik R R A St. Petersburg 1901 I. Lurie.
Yevreiskiya Zopiski R R M Riga 1881 - A. Pumpyanski. Literary, historical.
Yevreiskoe Obozryenie R R M St. Petersburg 1884 M. Rabbinowicz and L. O. Kantor. Historical, literary.
Yiddish. See Jüdisch.
Yisrael H Ga .. Kolomea ............ Osias Fadenhecht.
Yisraeli, Ha- J G W Mayence 1873 - 79 Jehiel Brill. Political and Jewish news.
Yisrulik J Ga W Lemberg 1875 - 76 Isaac Linetzki and A. Goldfaden.
Yizra'el H .. W ....................... 1887 - 90 Eliezer Roḳeaḥ.
Yo'eẓ, Ha- J Rm S-W ‡ Bucharest 1876 - Josef Asiel. Political, literary, commercial, social; for Palestinian colonization. ‡ Weekly at first.
Yom, Ha- H R D St. Petersburg 1886 - 87 Judah Löb Cantor. Political, commercial, with weekly literary and scientific supplement.
Yom, Ha- H Ga D Cracow 1904 - *
Yom-Ṭob Blätter J A I ‡ New York 1897 - 99 Ch. Minikes. ‡Jewish and American holidays.
Yonah, Ha-, or Keneset Yisrael H G M Berlin 1851, 1860 Senior Sachs. Literary, scientific. Supplement: "Kanfe Yonah" (1848 sic!).
Yontev-Blättlech J Po .. ....................... 1894 - 96 J. L. Perez.
Yosef Da'at (El Progreso) H, Sp‡ T M Adrianople 1888 - 89 Abraham Danon. Historical (Jews of the Orient). ‡And Turkish, Hebrew characters.
Young Israel E E M London 1897 - 1901. L. J. Greenberg and Joseph Jacobs. Juvenile. Title "Israel" from 1899.
Young Israel E ‡ A M New York ‡ 1871 - Louis Schnabel; then M. C. Gunsberg. Juvenile until 1900, then also general literary; illustrated. Title changed to "Israel's Home Journal" in 1901. ‡ And Philadelphia; at first English and German.
Young Men's Hebrew Association Magazine E A F New Orleans 1903 - * .
Ẓebi, Ha-( Ha-Ẓebi ) H Pa W Jerusalem 1876 - 1900. Eliezer Ben-Judah. Scientific, literary, social, political (colonization of Palestino, and introduction of modern civilization there). Supplement: "Ha-'Ikkar ha-Yehudi" (agricultural, 1899). Continued as "Hashkafah."
Ẓebi le-Bet Yisrael J Pa F Jerusalem 1892 - 93 H. Ben-Jacob. One year.
Ẓefirah, Ha- ( Ha-Ẓefirah ) H Po W Warsaw 1862 - 63 Ḥayyim Slonimski. General, scientific; news. From 1886 Nahum Sokolow coeditor; ‡ Daily. General political and Jewish news. ‡ But Berlin, 1874 - 75.
1874 - *
Ẓefirah, Ha- H G .. Leipsic 1824 Max Letteris. Literary, historical. 1 number.
Ẓefirah, Tif'eret H Au M Vienna 1850 - 51 Max Letteris. Supplement of "Wiener Blätter." 12 numbers.
Zeichen der Zeit G A M Chicago 1863 - 65 Chronik. Religious and social; radical.
Zeit, Die G Hu F Budapest 1878 - 81 Albert Stern. Theological and historical (in popular form). Title "Ha-Mehakker" until 1880.
Zeit, Die J A M New York 1897 - 98 Menahem Dolitzky. General Jewish; Zionistic.
Zeitgeist, Der G A F Chicago ‡ 1880 - 83 Isaac L. Moses. Critical, religious (radical). ‡ And Milwaukee.
Zeitschrift für die Gesch, der Juden in Deutschland G G Q Brunswick 1887 - 92 Ludwig Geiger. Historical. Organ of the Historische Commission für die Geschichte der Juden in Deutschland.
Zeitschrift für die Reifere Jugend Jugened J G .. Fürth 1817 H. Schwabucher. Religious.
Zeitschrift für die Religiösen Interessen des Judenthums G G .. Berlin 1844 - 46 Z. Frankel. Religious, scientific, literary. Continued in 1851 as "Monatsschrift für Geschichte und Wissenschaft des Judenthums."
Zeitschrift für die Wissenschaft des Judenthums G G .. Berlin 1822 - 23 Leopold Zunz. Scientific. 3 numbers.
Zeitschrift für Hebräische Bibliographie G G B-M Frankfort o. M ‡ 1896 ‡ - * Heinrich Brody (and A. Freimann (since 1900). Bibliographical. ‡ Berlin 1896 - 98; not published in 1899.
Zeitschwingen, Die G Au .. Vienna 1848 Isidor Busch and Max Letteris.
Zeitstimmen G Bo W Prague 1863.
Zeitung .. Ga .. Lemberg 1848 A. M. Mohr.
Zeitung J F W Metz 1789 - 93.
Zeitung für's Judenthum G Au .. Vienna 1848 Isidor Busch and Max Letteris.
Zeman T ‡ T .. Constantinople 1872 Anonymous. ‡ Hebrew characters.
Zeman, Ha- H Ga F Cracow 1890 - 91 Reuben Braudes. Literary; news. 9 months.
Zeman, Ha- H R St. Petersburg 1903 - Ben-Zion Katz. Zionist; with 4 supplements a year. ‡ Several times a week.
Zeman, Ha- H A W New York 1895 - 96 Ḥayyim Enowitz and Joseph Gabreelow. 6 months.
Zeror ha-Mor H Pa M Jerusalem 1892 S. E. Tiktin. Stories.
Zerubabel G G M Berlin 1886 - 89 Willy Bambus and others. Jewish nationalistic.
Zimrat ha-Areẓ H Rm Q Jassy 1872 Mattathias Rabener. Religious.
Zion G G F Berlin 1833 - 35 Cohn. Religious.
Zion G G M Berlin 1895 - Heinrich Loewe (1895-97); then W. Bambus. Zionist.
Zion Rm Rm W Berlad ............ Zionistic.
Zion J A W New York 1898 Miaszud. Organ of the League of Zionist Societies of the United States.
Zion .. .. .. ....................... ............ See "Razsvyet."
Zion Messenger, The E A M Chicago 1904 - * Organ of The Knights of Zion.
Zionist, Der J A M New York 1898 Isaac Meirky for the Ohebe Ẓiyyon. Zionistic. 4 numbers.
Zionist, Der J A .. ....................... 1897 - M. Singer. Formerly "Toleranz."
Zionistische Monatshefte G Sw M Geneva 1903 - D. Pasmanik and L. Felix Pinkus. Zionist (Scientific).
Zionistische Rundschau G Au W ‡ Vienna ‡ 1898 Herman Berliner. Zionist (religious and political). ‡ And Zurich; semiweekly after Oct., 1898.
Zion's Monat-Blatt J A M New York 1899 - William Broch. Formerly "Jüdische Monats-Blätter" (German).
Ẓir, Ha- H Ga .. Lemberg 1860 - 62 Weber.
Ẓir Ne'eman H Au F Vienna 1882 - David L. Lewin. General news, literary; with feuilleton.
Ẓiyyon H G M Frankfort o. M 1841 - 42 Michael Creizenach and I. Marcus Jost. Scientific, historical, biographical, bibliographical, religious (Reform).
Ẓiyyon H Ga I Drohobyez 1885 - 88 A. H. Zupnik. Literary.
Ẓiyyon H Ga M Drohobycz 1896 - 97 A. H. Zupnik. Scientific.
Ẓiyyon he-Ḥadash H G .. Leipsic 1845 Jacob Goldenthal. Scientific, religious (Reform). 1 number.
Ẓofeh, Ha- .. .. .. ....................... ............ Literary supplement of "Ha-Maggid."
Ẓofeh, Ha- .. .. .. ....................... ............ See "Jewish Observer, The."
Ẓofeh, Ha- H Ga F Lemberg 1878 - Abush Eisner. News, literary; scientific.
Ẓofeh, Ha- H Po D Warsaw 1902 -
Ẓofeh ba-Areẓ ha-Ḥadashah, Ha- H A W New York 1870 - 76 Mordecai ben David Jalomstein.
Ẓofeh be-Ereẓ Nod, Ha- H A .. ....................... ............ Sobel.
Ẓofeh le-Bet Yisrael, Ha- H Ga M Cracow 1890 - Gershon Bader. Literary.
Ẓofeh le-Bet Yisrael, Ha- H E F London 1887 M. D. Goldman and Ḥayyim Bash.
Zsidó Evkongo Hu Hu .. Budapest 1875 - * Josef Kiss.
Zsidó Hiradó Hu Hu .. Budapest 1892 - * "Vidar" (Daniel Weiss). Orthodox.
Zsidó Iskolai és Hitköztégi Lapok Hu Hu .. Budapest 1869 - 71 Nathan Fischer.
Zsidó Neplap Hu Hu .. Budapest 1903 - * I. Bokor. Zionistic.
Zsidó Nö Hu Hu .. Budapest 1900 S. Weiss. For Jewish women.
Zukunft, Die J A M New York 1892 - * Scientific, socialistic. Old series 1892-97; new series 1902- * .
Zukunft, Die J E W London 1884 - Rabbinowicz and Werber; Boris Winestone. Labor organ. Continuation of "Der Polischer Jüdel."
Zur Judenfrage in Deutschland G G M Berlin 1843 - 44 Wilhelm Freund. Political (Reform and emancipation).
Zweepje, Het D Ho W Amsterdam 1875 - 76 Satyrical; directed against the "Onafhankelijk Israelietisch Orgaan voor Neder land." 16 numbers.
Recapitulation .
Country. Number of Journals (Excluding Annuals) in Each Language. Totals.
America E 140 (55) G 18 H 25 (1) J 104 (25) E-G 8 (1) 295 (82)
Austria I 1 (1) G 32 (8) H 16 J 5 Sp 8 62 (9)
Bohemia G 13 (5) J 1 15 (5)
Bulgaria F 1 Bu 7 (1) Sp 5 (3) 13 (4)
Egypt and North Africa F 4 (1) A 7 (3) F-A 1 11 (4)
England E 30 (4) H 7 (1) J 15 (2)
France F 25 (4) G-F 3 H 2 J 3 Sp 2 35 (4)
Galicia P 4 P-H 1 G 7 (2) H 55 (10) J 18 (4) G-H 2 (1) 87 (17)
Germany G 115 (20) H 29 (2) J 9 153 (22)
Holland D 29 (4) G 1 F 1 H 3 J 1 Sp 1 36 (4)
Hugary Hu 23 (8) G 27 (2) H 8 (1) J 3 H-G 1 62 (11)
India E 2 (1) A 4 M 2 E-M 2 (1) 10 (2)
Italy I 8 (4) A 1 H 1 10 (4)
Palestine H 22 (5) J 4 (1) Sp 1 27 (6)
Poland P 2 (1) G-P 1 H 3 (1) J 7 13 (2)
Rumania Rm 13 (1) Sp 1 Rm-F1 H 3 J 8 Sp-H-Rm 1 27 (1)
Russia R 16 (7) G 1 H 22 J 9 (2) H-R 1 49 (9)
South Africa E 2 (1) J 2 (2) 4 (3)
South America J 1 Sp 1 2
Switzerland P 1 G 4 (1) J 1 (1) R 2 (2) 8 (4)
Turkey T 4 Sp 21 (2) F 1 Sp-T 1 (1) Sp-F 1 (1) 30 (5)
Sp-H-T 1 Sp-T-Gr-B 1 F 1 (1)
Australia E 11 (2); Belgium F 1; Bosnia Sp 1; Canada E 1 (1); China E 1 (1); China E 1 (1); Corfu Gr 2 (1), I 1, H-I 1; Curaçao Sp 1; Denmark Danish 1; Gibraltar Sp 2 E 1; Jamaica E 2; Mexico Sp 1; Servia Sp 1.
Languages (totals; journals printed in more than one language are listed under one only): A 12 (3); B 7 (1); D 29 (4); Danish 1; E 199 (66); F 37 (6); G 218 (38); Gr 2 (1); H 199 (22); Hu 23 (8); I 10 (5); J 191 (37); M 4 (2); P 9 (1); R 19 (9); Rm 14 (1) ; Sp 53 (7); T 4; grand total 1059 (211).
Note. —The figures immediately following each abbreviation indicate the number of periodicals (including newspapers, but excluding almanacs, year-books, and other annuals) that have been established in the language and in the country in question. The figures in parentheses indicate the number of these periodicals still (1904) being published, as far as has been ascertained: the actual numbers are larger than those given.

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