Zuzana Čaputová née Strapáková, born June 21, 1973, is a liberal Slovak lawyer and the current (5th) President of Slovakia. Elected with 58.4 % of the vote on March 30 and inaugurated on June 15, 2019, she became the first woman to hold the presidency,[1] as well as, at the age of 45, the youngest president in the history of Slovakia.
Prior to her candidacy, she held vice-chairmanship at a liberal extra-parliamentary political party Progressive Slovakia, the position she gave up on March 19, 2019, shortly after the first round of the presidential election. Before entering the politics altogether, she worked as an attorney and often participated in non-governmental organization's projects aimed to strengthen the rule of law in Slovakia and provide legal help for people in need. She became known by prevailing in the struggle against the situating of a toxic landfill in her hometown of Pezinok.[2]
Categories: [Slovakian People] [Liberals] [Current Heads of State] [Politicians] [Women] [Globalists]