Ballot Access Requirements For Political Candidates In North Dakota

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Note: This article is not intended to serve as an exhaustive guide to running for public office. Individuals should contact their state election agencies for further information.

In order to get on the ballot in North Dakota, a candidate for state or federal office must meet a variety of state-specific filing requirements and deadlines. These regulations, known as ballot access laws, determine whether a candidate or party will appear on an election ballot. These laws are set at the state level. A candidate must prepare to meet ballot access requirements well in advance of primaries, caucuses, and the general election.

There are three basic methods by which an individual may become a candidate for office in a state.

  1. An individual can seek the nomination of a state-recognized political party.
  2. An individual can run as an independent. Independent candidates often must petition in order to have their names printed on the general election ballot.
  3. An individual can run as a write-in candidate.

This article outlines the steps that prospective candidates for state-level and congressional office must take in order to run for office in North Dakota. For information about filing requirements for presidential candidates, see "Ballot access requirements for presidential candidates in North Dakota." Information about filing requirements for local-level offices is not available in this article (contact state election agencies for information about local candidate filing processes).

DocumentIcon.jpg See state election laws

Year-specific filing information[edit]


U.S. Senate[edit]

The table below details filing requirements for U.S. Senate candidates in North Dakota in the 2022 election cycle. For additional information on candidate ballot access requirements in North Dakota, click here.

Filing requirements for U.S. Senate candidates, 2022
State Office Party Signatures required Filing fee Filing deadline Source
North Dakota U.S. Senate Ballot-qualified party 300 N/A 4/11/2022 Source
North Dakota U.S. Senate Unaffiliated 1,000 N/A 9/6/2022 Source

U.S. House[edit]

The table below details filing requirements for U.S. House candidates in North Dakota in the 2022 election cycle. For additional information on candidate ballot access requirements in North Dakota, click here.

Filing requirements for U.S. House candidates, 2022
State Office Party Signatures required Filing fee Filing deadline Source
North Dakota U.S. House Ballot-qualified party 3% of all cast for the candidate for the same office and carrying the same party affiliation at the last general election, or 300, whichever is less N/A 4/11/2022 Source
North Dakota U.S. House Unaffiliated 1,000 N/A 9/6/2022 Source

For filing information from previous years, click "[Show more]" below.

Show more


U.S. House[edit]

The table below details filing requirements for U.S. House candidates in North Dakota in the 2020 election cycle. For additional information on candidate ballot access requirements in North Dakota, click here.

Filing requirements for U.S. House candidates, 2020
State Office Party Signatures required Signature formula Filing fee Filing fee formula Filing deadline Source
North Dakota At-large District Recognized party 300 Fixed number N/A N/A 4/6/2020 Source
North Dakota At-large District Unaffiliated 1,000 Fixed number N/A N/A 8/31/2020 Source

State House[edit]

The table below details filing requirements for North Dakota House of Representatives candidates in the 2020 election cycle.

Filing requirements for state legislative candidates, 2020
Chamber name Party Signatures required Filing fee Filing deadline Source
North Dakota House of Representatives Qualified party 1% of total population of the district N/A 4/6/2020 Source
North Dakota House of Representatives Unaffiliated 2% of total population of the district N/A 8/31/2020 Source

State Senate[edit]

The table below details filing requirements for North Dakota State Senate candidates in the 2020 election cycle.

Filing requirements for state legislative candidates, 2020
Chamber name Party Signatures required Filing fee Filing deadline Source
North Dakota State Senate Qualified party 1% of total population of the district N/A 4/6/2020 Source
North Dakota State Senate Unaffiliated 2% of total population of the district N/A 8/31/2020 Source


See also: State and federal candidate filing deadlines for 2018 and North Dakota elections, 2018

See below for 2018 candidate filing deadlines.

April 9, 2018


See also: North Dakota elections, 2016

The calendar below lists important dates for political candidates in North Dakota in 2016.

Dates and requirements for candidates in 2016
Deadline Event type Event description
January 1, 2016 Ballot access First day for primary candidates to begin circulating candidate petitions
January 4, 2016 Ballot access First day for primary candidates to file completed petitions
April 8, 2016 Ballot access First day for independent general election candidates to begin circulating petitions
April 11, 2016 Ballot access Deadline for primary candidates to file completed petitions
May 13, 2016 Campaign finance Pre-primary statement due
May 24, 2016 Ballot access Deadline for write-in primary candidates for congressional or statewide office to file certificates of write-in candidacy
June 10, 2016 Ballot access Deadline for write-in primary candidates for state legislative office to file certificates of write-in candidacy
June 14, 2016 Election date Primary election
September 6, 2016 Ballot access Deadline for independent general election candidates to file completed petitions
October 7, 2016 Campaign finance Pre-general statement due
October 18, 2016 Ballot access Deadline for write-in candidates for congressional or statewide office to file certificates of write-in candidacy
November 4, 2016 Ballot access Deadline for write-in candidates for state legislative office to file certificates of write-in candidacy
November 8, 2016 Election date General election
January 31, 2017 Campaign finance Year-end statement due
Source: North Dakota Secretary of State, "North Dakota 2016 Election Calendar," accessed June 12, 2015



Process to become a candidate[edit]

Petition/certificate of nomination form, 2013

For party candidates[edit]

DocumentIcon.jpg See statutes: Chapter 16.1-11, Section 6 of the North Dakota Century Code

A candidate seeking the nomination of a recognized political party can submit a petition/certificate of nomination, an affidavit of candidacy, and a statement of interests in order to have his or her name printed on the primary ballot. A petition/certificate of nomination must include the following information:[2]

  • the candidate's name, post office address, and telephone number
  • the title of the office being sought
  • the name of the party the candidate seeks to represent

For statewide partisan offices (including congressional offices), petitions must contain signatures equaling 3 percent of the total number of votes cast for the party's candidate for the same office in the last general election. No more than 300 signatures, however, may be required for such offices.[2][3][4]

For state legislative offices, petitions must contain signatures equaling least 1 percent of the total resident population of the legislative district according to the most recent federal census.[2]

In addition to petitions/certificates of nomination, candidates must also file affidavits of candidacy, which require basic information about the candidate. Any candidate for state executive or legislative office (excluding federal candidates) must also file a statement of interests, which details the candidate's sources of income and any businesses or organizations in which he or she has a financial or fiduciary responsibility.[5][6][7]

Candidates for federal, statewide executive, or state legislative office must file the aforementioned paperwork with the North Dakota Secretary of State by 4:00 p.m. on the 64th day before the election.[2][1][8][9][10]

Candidates can also be added to the primary ballot via an endorsement from the political party's convention. Former Republican Party state chair and national committeeman Curly Haugland has argued that the party convention process supersedes the primary process and that each party's general election candidate should be selected via the convention process with a vote from the party membership.[11]

For independent candidates[edit]

DocumentIcon.jpg See statutes: Chapter 16.1-12 of the North Dakota Century Code

Independent candidates petition for placement on the general election ballot. Like party candidates, an independent candidate must file a petition/certificate of nomination, an affidavit of candidacy, and a statement of interests. Signature requirements for independent candidates differ from those to which party candidates are held. Signature requirements for independent candidates are summarized in the table below.[12]

Independent candidate signature requirements
Office Required signatures
United States Senator
United States Representative
Secretary of State of North Dakota
Attorney General of North Dakota
Agriculture Commissioner
Tax Commissioner
Public Service Commissioner
North Dakota Legislative Assembly At least 2 percent of the resident population of the district according to the most recent decennial federal census, but no more than 300 signatures may be required

Completed filing paperwork must be submitted to the North Dakota Secretary of State office by 4:00 p.m. on the 64th day before the general election.[1][8][9][10][13]

For write-in candidates[edit]

In order to have his or her votes tallied, a write-in candidate for federal, statewide, or state legislative office must submit a certificate of write-in candidacy to the North Dakota Secretary of State. Certificates for federal and statewide candidates are due by 4:00 p.m. on the 21st day prior to the election. Certificates for state legislative candidates are due by 4:00 p.m. on the fourth day prior to the election. The certificate must include the candidate's name, address, and office being sought. Along with this form, the candidate must also submit a statement of interests (the same as that submitted by party and independent candidates).[8][9][10][14][15]

Petition requirements[edit]

See also: Methods for signing candidate nominating petitions

In some cases, candidates may need to obtain signatures via the petition process to gain access to the ballot. This section outlines the laws and regulations pertaining to petitions and circulators in North Dakota.

Signature requirements[edit]

The North Dakota Secretary of State produces official petition forms for candidates. Only qualified electors of the state (or district, as may be the case) may sign petitions. A signer must include his or her signature, date of signing, complete residential address, and complete mailing address (if different from the residential address provided).[16]

Circulation requirements[edit]

Primary election candidates may begin circulating petitions on January 1 of the election year and must file completed petitions by 4:00 p.m. on the 64th day prior to the election. Independent general election candidates may begin circulating petitions on the 150th day before the election and must file completed petitions by 4:00 p.m. on the 64th day prior to the election.[16]

The relevant statutes do not stipulate any requirements (such as residency or pay status) that petition circulators must meet.

Election-related agencies[edit]

See also: State election agencies

North Dakota Secretary of State, Elections Division

600 E. Boulevard Ave., Dept. 108, First Floor
Bismarck, North Dakota 58505-0500
Telephone: 701-328-4146
Toll-free: 1-800-352-0867

Term limits[edit]

State executives[edit]

State Executive Officials
See also: State executives with term limits and States with gubernatorial term limits

There are no state executive offices with term limits in North Dakota.

State legislators[edit]

See also: State legislatures with term limits

There are no term limits placed on North Dakota state legislators.

Congressional partisanship[edit]

Portal:Legislative Branch
See also: List of United States Representatives from North Dakota and List of United States Senators from North Dakota

The table below lists the current partisan breakdown of the congressional delegation from North Dakota.

Congressional Partisan Breakdown from North Dakota
Party U.S. Senate U.S. House Total
Democratic 0 0 0
Republican 2 1 3
Independent 0 0 0
Vacancies 0 0 0
Total 2 1 3

State legislative partisanship[edit]

Portal:State legislatures

The tables below lists the current partisan breakdown of the state legislature of North Dakota.

North Dakota Senate[edit]

Party As of September 2022
     Democratic Party 7
     Republican Party 40
     Other 0
     Vacancies 0
Total 47

North Dakota House of Representatives[edit]

Party As of September 2022
     Democratic Party 14
     Republican Party 80
     Other 0
     Vacancies 0
Total 94

Recent news[edit]

The link below is to the most recent stories in a Google news search for the terms North Dakota ballot access. These results are automatically generated from Google. Ballotpedia does not curate or endorse these articles.

See also[edit]

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External links[edit]

Official state and federal links[edit]

Other information[edit]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 North Dakota Secretary of State, "2014 Election Calendar," accessed November 15, 2013 Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; name "ndcalendar" defined multiple times with different content
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 North Dakota Century Code, "Chapter 16.1-11, Section 6," accessed February 6, 2014
  3. North Dakota Secretary of State, "Running for Partisan Statewide Executive Office in 2018," accessed October 17, 2017
  4. North Dakota Secretary of State, "Running for U.S. Congress," accessed October 17, 2017
  5. North Dakota Secretary of State, "Affidavit of Candidacy," accessed February 6, 2014
  6. North Dakota Secretary of State, "Statement of Interests," accessed February 6, 2014
  7. North Dakota Century Code, "Chapter 16.1-11, Section 10," accessed February 6, 2014
  8. 8.0 8.1 8.2 North Dakota Secretary of State, "Running for Partisan Statewide Executive Office in 2014," accessed February 6, 2014
  9. 9.0 9.1 9.2 North Dakota Secretary of State, "Running for the ND Legislature," accessed February 6, 2014
  10. 10.0 10.1 10.2 North Dakota Secretary of State, "Running for U.S. Congress," accessed February 6, 2014
  11. Ballotpedia email communication with Curly Haugland on February 17, 2018
  12. North Dakota Century Code, "Chapter 16.1-12, Section 02," accessed February 7, 2014
  13. North Dakota Century Code, "Chapter 16.1-12, Section 4," accessed February 7, 2014
  14. North Dakota Century Code, "Chapter 16.1-12, Section 2.2," accessed February 7, 2014
  15. North Dakota Secretary of State, "Certificate of Write-in Candidacy," accessed February 7, 2014
  16. 16.0 16.1 North Dakota Century Code, "Chapter 16.1-11, Section 16," accessed February 7, 2014

Categories: [North Dakota] [Ballot access requirements for political candidates by state] [Election policy tracking]

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