Civil Service System

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Many countries have some kind of civil service system in place. People become employed by their government to do the many jobs of the government. An example is the administrative system giving stability to Chinese empires by using competitive exams to fill government offices.

U.S. civil service[edit]

The Civil War was not just a war between North and The South, it was a war between Democrat and Republican at the time of the spoils system, when the winning party took over all the government jobs.

The Republican party was founded in 1854 by single-issue voters called Abolitionists. Barely a dozen years later, after the 1863 Emancipation Proclamation, it had only two things to fight for: full civil rights for Blacks and the spoils of victory, that is, government jobs for those in the fight.

While the Democratic party may have lost the Civil War, it has won the battle to control the United States Civil Service bureaucracy.[1] Since the end of Reconstruction in 1876 and passage of the 1883 Pendleton Civil Service Reform Act, the Democratic party is no longer dependent on the spoils system and winning elections to maintain its power.

This control of unelected government positions is the source of the Democratic party's power. An unelected army of Democrat civil servants doing behind the scenes favors and handing out government goodies is the key to success for elected Democrats. Unionization has cemented the bond between party and civil service.[2] This is why Democrats spare no expense in the budget, none of them pay for anything and there are always votes to be bought. Their sweeping power is so encompassing they unabashedly call themselves, "the party of government."[3]

Spoils system[edit]

Main article: Spoils system

From the mid-1830s to the Civil War, the Democrats were the nation's majority party, controlling Congress, the presidency and many state offices.[4] Prior to the election of the notorious racist and founder of the Democratic party, Andrew Jackson, the federal government was dominated by the aristocratic 1% upper class bourgeois plantation owners. With the election of Jackson, for the first time backwoods hillbillies and common folk had access to opportunities to fill government jobs,[5] from the U.S. Post Office on up, through the spoils system.

The spoils system was rife with corruption and cronyism.


See also: Reconstruction

With the defeat of the Democrats and the South, to the victors went the spoils. The Republican party was founded a little more than a decade earlier, and lacked for issues other than dividing the spoils of victory, i.e. government jobs once the slaves were free. Republicans immediately stripped white males who engaged in rebellion against the United States of the vote, and gave it to Blacks. The white males who were deprived of the vote were also barred from holding any civil service position and were universally Democrats.

Reconstruction earned Republicans the undying hatred of Democrats, which has been passed down generation to generation until the modern day. This hatred is so intense, the very mention of the word "Republican" is often a trigger word whose utterance can send fourth and fifth generation Democrats into paroxyms of rage.[6]

Republican carpetbaggers flooded the South after the war to buy up tax-delinquent plantations and run for political office. Newly freed Blacks also held local, state and federal elected and non-elected positions. Many whites were barred from holding office and voting. This disenfranchisement created enormous resentment among Democrats, so they formed the Ku Klux Klan to engage in voter intimidation and suppression.

By 1876, the situation had become ungovernable for Republicans, who were ideological and inexperienced in the politics of the spoils system.[7] The Republicans had been able to pass the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments which guaranteed Blacks basic equality and civil rights, but at the same time also declared an amnesty for whites who engaged in rebellion. Reconstruction ended, and Republicans withdrew from social engineering which had divided the country so deeply and stirred up such bitterness and hatred among Democrats toward their fellow citizens - Blacks and Republicans.

The transgenerational hatred Democrats have toward Republicans, which persists into the 21st century, was born of the fact that Republicans stripped Democrats of the vote and gave it to Blacks.[8]

Civil Service Act[edit]

Main article: Pendleton Civil Service Reform Act

The experience of Reconstruction among Democrats, and the inexperience of a party at the crossroads among Republicans led to a general consensus throughout the nation to reform the spoils system.[9] Democrats leaped at the prospect of controlling government offices without winning elections through a so-called "professional career bureaucracy." It seemed like a logical, "progressive" reform.

The immediate impetus for ending patronage and introducing civil service reform was the assassination of President James Garfield by a disgruntled low level campaign worker who was by-passed and felt Garfield owed him a job. Under the spoils system, when voters rebelled and elected the opposition, everyone in an incumbent political machine lost their government job. The see-saw wholesale turnover of government workers created instability in the institutions of government.

Teddy Roosevelt's rise to national prominence as a "progressive" reformer began by ending the patronage system and implementing civil service reform in the New York City Police Department, and later as governor by implementing a state level civil service system.

Prior to creation of a professional career police force, like mail carriers, police forces were staffed with campaign get-out-the-vote volunteers and precinct poll watchers who stuffed the ballot box for their candidate. In the case of police, their job for the new mayor was often to beat up, intimidate and harass volunteers for the loosing side.

The Civil Service Reform Act restored the power that the Democratic party had prior to the Civil War, only this time with no accountability to the voters.

New Deal[edit]

See also: New Deal and Agricultural Adjustment Administration

FDR's New Deal began with, long before ever providing any direct relief to the public, an enormous expansion of the civil service bureaucracy. Agencies were created, and people hired, before there was even any idea or plan what they would do. These are the so-called Alphabet soup agencies.[10]

Among them was the AAA, or the Agricultural Adjustment Administration, an organization later found unconstitutional by the Supreme Court, which led to FDR's notorious court-packing scheme. However, when the AAA was founded, dozens of avowed Marxists and communists who had dedicated their lives to "social justice" and overthrowing the United States government, joined the U.S. Civil Service system.[11]

These were the brilliant geniuses who came up with the solution to ending agricultural surpluses and low prices by paying farmers not to grow crops.[12] The idea worked well for landowners, but not so well for Black sharecroppers who had jobs and were working when President Roosevelt took office, but were tossed out of work when the Democrat civil servants started paying their landlords not to allow crop production on their land. Having created Black unemployment in the depths of the Great Depression,[13] these loyal civil servants than gave cause to create more civil service positions to handle the new crisis they created - a class of unemployed Black voters dependent on Democrat civil servants and elected officials who voted the funding for civil service agencies and salaries, and the handout of "relief."[14]

By the time the Supreme Court found the AAA illegal in 1935, these new professional career civil servants were simply reassigned to other agencies, the idea being it was impossible to fire "non-political" career civil servants once their foot was in the door.

It's no exaggeration to say, many of these New Deal economists and civil servants in the McCarthy era of the 1950s fled to Maoist China to implement their real ambitions after they were suspected of attempting to subvert and overthrow the US Constitution and government.[15] Their time in China is memorialized in history as the Three Years of Disasters.

The Era of Big Government[edit]

See also: Great Society and Clinton Administration

The generation that fought World War II were convinced Keynesians - that government debt and spending was the key to prosperity. And the more of it, the better. President Lyndon Johnson and the Democratic Congress that rubber stamped his projects fully believed they could mount a major war effort by drafting the nation's teenage unemployed, pursue massive social programs in the War on Poverty, and fund ambitious scientific research in the space race to land a man-on-the-moon, all simultaneously. There were no shortages of government jobs, or civil servants to hand out money during the 1960s.

By the 1970s, the drunken spending boom resulted in a massive hangover. Nixon's attempt to reform the Civil Service system ended with him being railroaded out of town.[16] Jimmy Carter's efforts to revive big government spending funneled at and through the civil service resulted in stagflation. President Ronald Reagan's efforts to curb the rate of growth of government spending,[17] his hiring freeze on the federal workforce and firing civil service air traffic controllers resulted in the standard issue Democratic attacks of calling him Hitler or a Nazi; however Nazi's were not known for controlling the proliferation of civil service jobs, or as Bible thumpers, or encouraging private enterprise, the profit motive, individual initiative or accomplishment.

So successful was Reaganomics at restoring the health of the American economy by restraining the growth of Civil Service,[18] even Bill Clinton couldn't deny it when he said "The era of big government is over."[19] Nonetheless, this didn't stop Clinton from traditional Democrat Civil Service cronyism and expanding Civil Service into paid-volunteerism with Americorps, pushing middle-class welfare with homeownership (Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac) and the Community Reinvestment Act, implementing massive bailout schemes of the Mexican Peso and Long-Term Capital Management, or granting his girlfriends and sexual assault victims civil service positions to hush them.

Statism and the totalitarian police state[edit]

See also: Patriot Act, Obama Administration, and FISA abuse
John Kennedy created something of a hybrid human being, a bureaucratic Ubermensch in 1962 when he signed an Executive Order allowing the unionization of federal employees. Saul Montes-Bradley observed:
"The unionization of government employees created a new class of American citizen: A mass of untouchables who ran the daily business of government and who, through the alliance of their unions with the Democratic Party, created a state within the state."[20]

As civil servants, they already were impossible to fire; with collective bargaining rights and a shop steward to represent them, they become too costly and cumbersome to discipline.

A group of laws commonly referred to as "post Watergate reforms" have shaped the contemporary era. They are the War Powers Act, the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, the Freedom of Information Act, and the Federal Election Campaign Act which created the Federal Election Commission. Additionally, Congress created oversight committees of the intelligence community. The Senate Select Committee on Intelligence has been described as the heart of the Uniparty and Deep State, and the most corrupt committee of Congress.

Freedom of Information Act[edit]

Main article: Freedom of Information Act

The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) was passed so that ordinary citizens could have access to government records to see what their civil servants and bureaucrats were doing. Hillary Clinton served as an intern on the Watergate investigating committee, and was one of the first investigators to hear the famous Nixon Oval Office tapes.

Being first-hand involved in the intricacies and difficuties of obtaining government records, and why the FOIA was created, it was shocking and disingenuous when Hillary skirted the Freedom of Information Act with her own email server, knowing full well those records were the property of the U.S. Government and American people.

Much was made about "obstruction of justice" when a Nixon tape had an 18-minute gap, but nary a word was spoken by career civil service FBI officials when Hillary Clinton confessed to destroying 33,000 emails that were property of the American people.

Lisa Barsoomian is the wife of Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, who participated in the Deep State coup attempt against President Trump. Since 1998 Barsoomian has fought hundreds of cases to deny FOIA requests on the grounds of "national security."

Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act[edit]

See also: Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act and Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court

The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act was created to reign in illegal surveillance of domestic political opponents. Jennifer Dohrn, sister of Obama family friend and neighbor Bernardine Dohrn, apartment was illegally broken into and searched. The criminal action was authorized by the same career civil servant known as "Deep Throat" in Watergate histories. Dohrn only found out about what the FBI did by the FOIA.

The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act allowed wiretapping and surveillance on "agents of a foreign power" who were not protected by the Fourth Amendment. After 9/11, surveillance authorities were expanded to include terrorist organizations and drug cartels, but provisions remained in place to protect American citizens and domestic political opponents who often were caught up in electronic surveillance due to advances in technology.

Watergate was an illegal act of using outside contractors to spy on the domestic political opposition; despite the intended safeguards, Obamagate was an overt act of misusing the nation's law enforcement and foreign intelligence apparatus to target an opposition political party and interfere in a presidential election. In this action, the Obama administration found willing civil servants to violate their oath of office and duties.

Federal Election Commission[edit]

Main article: Federal Election Commission

At the time Nixon ordered campaign funds to be used to pay Watergate burglars' legal defense, there was no law prohibiting the action. The FEC was created to install reporting requirements and regulations. Its rulings often take years, and are farcical. For instance, President Obama was found to have accepted $2 million in illegal contributions and ordered to pay a $300,000 fine, thus pocketing $1.7 million in illegal money. It's not much of a deterrence, and no consolation to the public to be informed six months after a criminal regime leaves office.

War Powers Act[edit]

Main article: War Powers Act
Illegal leaks by career civil service system employees and Democrats spiked during the Deep State coup attempt against President Trump.[21]

Perhaps the most controversial of Watergate "reforms" is the War Powers Act. Much can be said about the controversies surrounding this Act, on the whole it appears to be a cosmetic ex post facto attempt to justify the charges of President Nixon's alleged wrongdoing. Every president since has violated it, and no Congress has asked the Supreme Court to rule on its constitutionality.

In violation of the War Powers Act, President Obama committed U.S. forces to a combat role in the Libyan War. After Col. Gaddafi was murdered, President Obama, Sec. of State Hillary Clinton, and CIA director John Brennan instructed civil servants to ship captured weapons to groups which became the Islamic State in Syria.

Senate Intelliegence Committee[edit]

See also: Senate Select Committee on Intelligence and James Wolfe indictment

CIA director John Brennan hacked into the Senate Intelligence Committee's computers when it was discovered civil servants and contractors were involved in torture. The penalty for illegal hacking and obstructing Congress's constitutional role of Executive Branch oversight? The civil servant was asked to apologise.[22]

The 30-year career civil servant who was director of security for the Senate Intelligence Committee later leaked the Carter Page FISA warrant to the press apparently on orders of his superiors. The leak was a major move in the Deep State coup plot against President Trump to create media speculation in the Trump-Russia collusion hoax.

Soviet Russia: the Socialist model[edit]

See also: Nomenklatura

The idea of an elite and privileged nomenklatura to staff the civil service of the Soviet state originated with its founder, Vladimir Lenin.


See also: Terrorism

The freedom and end of privilege, which the oppressed thought the revolution was to bring, was giving way to a new form of class rule by the nomenklatura. At each decisive step, the "workers' socialist state" under Lenin and Stalin, backed not the workers but the managers. A wide campaign of "education" was undertaken to show the people why "workers' rule" meant, in practice, managers' rule. Where necessary, the education by the word was supplemented with education by firing squad, concentration camp or forced labor battalion.

No one elected Lenin. Lenin used terrorism against the population to install the Marxist civil service.[23] This is the precise meaning of Marxism–Leninism, the use of terrorism to maintain power by a leftwing civil service and administrative state.

Selection process[edit]

See also: Indoctrination and Atheist indoctrination

Under the system known as Marxism–Leninism, all government jobs are held by socialist or Communist party members. From the Head of State to village librarian, from military officers, police officers to teachers and social services workers (there were no churches to provide social services, which was the church's traditional role in society).

In a typical Marxist society, special schools are set up for the children of party members and students selected by teachers, ages four to fourteen. In Soviet Russia they were known as the Young Pioneers. Separated from the mass of their peers, they are rigidly infused with socialist theory as tomorrow's leaders,[24] and as a privileged few.

At fourteen, those who haven't washed out yet go on to join the party Youth Organization (or Kosomol as it was known in Soviet Russia) consisting of young people ages 14–28,[25] where the hope is in meeting a spouse. By age 28, full party membership and a good government civil service job is granted, replete with all party privileges and voting rights denied to the masses.


Main article: Technocracy

Lenin and Trotsky, both, in the early years of the revolution, wrote pamphlets and speeches arguing the case of the specialists, the technicians,[26] the managers. Lenin, in his forceful way, used to declare that the manager had to be a dictator in the factory. "Workers' democracy" in the state, Lenin said in effect, was to be founded upon a managerial dictatorship in the factory.

Lenin, as the head of the state, helped to smash workers' popular, control over those instruments and to substitute for it control by the managers. And, of course, the managers of individual plants became subordinate to the big managers, to the boards and bureaus directing entire sectors of industry and governing industry as a whole. The managers under the new state included many who had been managers under the old "capitalist rule". Lenin and Trotsky poured scorn on "infantile leftists" [27] who were against making use of the "services" of the "bourgeois specialists.". Favorable terms were given to foreign "bourgeois specialists" who were willing to come to work under the new regime.[28]

The control, and the social rule which goes with it, when it leaves the hands of the capitalists, goes not to the workers, the people, but to the managers, the new ruling class.

Communist bureaucracy[edit]

See also: Patronage and Bureaucracy

Coextensive with the nomenklatura were patron-client relations similar to what existed under feudalism—the very cause that give birth to Marxist Doctrine—only the Nomenklatura had no legal authority as feudal lords did. Feudal lords gained position legally by inheritance, whereas Marxist theory and its ruling Nomenklature built its power by seizure, expropriation, and coercion.

Officials under this regime who had the authority to appoint individuals to certain positions cultivated loyalties among those whom they appointed. The patron (the official making the appointment) promoted the interests of clients in return for their support. Powerful patrons, such as the members of the Politburo, had many clients. Moreover, an official could be both a client (in relation to a higher-level patron) and a patron (to other, lower-level officials).

Because a client was beholden to his patron for his position, the client was eager to please his patron by carrying out his policies. The Soviet power structure essentially consisted of groups of vassals (clients) who had an overlord (the patron). The higher the patron, the more clients the patron had. Patrons protected their clients and tried to promote their careers. In return for the patron's efforts to promote their careers, the clients remained loyal to their patron. Thus, by promoting his clients' careers, the patron could advance his own power.[29]

See also[edit]


  1. Trump vs the Deep State, Evan Osnos, The New Yorker, May 14, 2018
  2. Taxpaying citizens, which includes private sector unionized workers, are the "unfair" employers. "Labor unity" between government workers and their private sector unionized bosses has been one of the most baffling and deceptive oxymoronic concepts pushed by the unholy alliance of the Democratic party and labor unions.
  3. See for example From Crisis to Working Majority by STANLEY GREENBERG, The American Prospect FALL 1991.
  5. Descendents of the people who were crushed in the Whiskey Rebellion who had no loyalty or love for the D.C government.
  6. See for example James O'Keefe debate with Hairy Hillbilly Hippie for an example of a partisan Democrat who votes against his own economic interests.
  7. "the Compromise of 1877, which resolved the disputed presidential election of 1876 by awarding the presidency to Republican Rutherford B. Hayes (who had lost the popular vote) in exchange for the removal of federal troops from the South after the Civil War (which benefitted Democrats, who wished to end Reconstruction and return white supremacy to southern state governments)." Gilded Age politics: patronage.
  8. See excerpt from Dinesh D'Souza's, Hillary's America: The Secret History of the Democratic Party, Regnery Publishing, July 18, 2016.
  9. Pendleton Act inaugurates U.S. civil service system, Jan. 16, 1883, by ANDREW GLASS, Politico, 01/16/2018
  10. The enabling legislation for the creation of a new bureaucracy in the administrative state delegates power to make regulations, hence law, and authorizes start-up funding for staffing. From this Nancy Pelosi's now infamous phrase "we have to pass the bill so that you can find out what's in it" can be understood. Another recent example of a corrupt, start-up bureaucracy is the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB). See : Obama’s Top Campaign Ad Firm Got Nearly $60M In Federal Contracts, The Daily Caller, September 13th, 2017."Obama’s presidential campaign advertising agency received nearly $60 million in federal contracts after he took office...The overwhelming majority of the $58 million funneled to GMMB came from the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) created by Democratic Sen. Elizabeth Warren in 2011. The CFPB awarded the agency a whopping $43.7 million, about 75 percent of GMMB’s total federal funding stream. The second-most lucrative government account for GMMB is a community service agency founded by Bill Clinton, the Corporation for National and Community Service, which awarded GMMB $13.1 million worth of contracts...."
  11. Venona: Decoding Soviet Espionage in America, John Earl Haynes and Harvey Klehr, Yale University Press, 2000.
  12. Creating an artificial shortage created artificially higher prices to raise depressed wages for those lucky enough to still be employed. Today it's called "picking winners and loosers." The benefits went to those with white privilege.
  13. For more detail, see Rexford_Guy_Tugwell#Economic_planning_and_the_New_Deal.
  14. The situation repeated itself in 1957 with passage of the Interstate Highway Act. Large tracts of land were bought up in urban areas and inner cities for construction of the Interstate Highway system, creating a housing shortage among African Americans. By 1964 the Department of Housing and Urban Development was founded to deal with the crisis in homelessness and minority housing that the federal government itself created.
  15. Unlike the landlords of sharecroppers, these former American civil servants turned Chinese Communist civil servants simply outlawed "landlordism," and exterminated the landlords, saving the state treasury billions in agricultural subsidies.
  16. See H.R. Haldeman, The Ends of Power, Book V : The Hidden Story of Watergate, pp. 221-249. With Nixon's massive and unsurpassed electoral mandate in the 1972 Presidential election, Nixon planned to fire all the New Deal and Great Society holdovers in the federal Civil Service bureaucracy, at all levels. When the Civil Service got wind of the scheme, they ran Nixon out of town first.
  17. "My dealings with the bureaucracy showed me their first priorities were maintaining the status quo in their agencies, and they were certainly not Republicans." - DONALD DEVINE, FORMER REAGAN HEAD OF THE OFFICE OF PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT. Deconstructing the Deep State, by Charles S. Cook.
  18. Guo jin min tui
  19. One drawback of the Reagan era privatization movement is the growth of outside contractors in the law enforcement, intelligence, and military spheres who are not subject to the Freedom of Information Act.
  22. New Documents Reveal CIA Spied on Congress, Whistleblowers, Sharyl Attkisson, The Epoch Times, November 14, 2018.
  23. Lenin's Hanging Order, 11 August 1918. Library of Congress.
  24. Friedrich Hayek writes:"It was not the Fascists but the socialists who began to collect children at the tenderest age into political organizations to direct their thinking. It was not the Fascists but the socialists who first thought of organizing sports and games, football and hiking, in party clubs where the members would not be infected by other views. It was the socialists who first insisted that the party member should distinguish himself from others by the modes of greeting and the forms of address [i.e. passwords like "Heil Hilter' or "Comrade," etc]. It was they who, by their organization of "cells" and devices for the permanent supervision of private life, created the prototype of the totalitarian party. By the time Hitler came to power, liberalism was dead in Germany. And it was socialism that had killed it."
    See also: If Liberalism Is Dead, What Comes Next?, NYT Book Review;
    Selfishness Is Killing Liberalism, The path to its revival lies in self-sacrifice, and in placing collective interests ahead of the narrowly personal. The Atlantic, FEB 19, 2018
  26. The Berlin Wall was constructed in 1962 to stem the outflow of technicians, specialists, and professionals such as medical doctors who are necessary for the proper functioning of a society but were fleeing to The West where salaries were higher.
  27. V. I. Lenin, "Left-Wing" Communism, An Infantile Disorder (1920) V. I. Lenin, Selected Works, English edition, Foreign Languages Publishing House, Moscow, 1952, Vol. II, Part 2.
  28. James Burnham, The Managerial Revolution, Indiana University Press, Bloomingham 1966.

External links[edit]

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