Free Speech

From Conservapedia

Free speech is the right to express one's opinions in public or private, in print, by mail, or online. It is essential to republicanism and democracy, and along with the right to keep and bear arms is the greatest deterrent to tyranny. The United States is unique in protecting a full right of free political speech under the First Amendment, which has its biblical foundation in Mark 9:39.

Leftists are the biggest opponents of free speech,[1] as they demand liberal censorship of views they do not like, especially Christian, patriot, conservative, or libertarian ones. Such views are often demonized in the liberal media with its media bias. Ironically, however, Leftists used free speech to orchestrate the French Revolution by publishing damaging lies against King Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette,[2] as well as lies against Christianity,[3] as well as ensure the promotion and domination of destructive ideologies such as Communism and Socialism during the Free Speech Movement of 1964, along with promoting leftist ideology in general through free speech.[1] On a similar note, Vladimir Lenin was known to defend the right to free speech prior to the Russian Revolution and overthrowing Czar Nicholas II, yet after he came into power he notoriously did the complete opposite and suppressed free speech. When asked about what caused him to change, he replied with “I supported free speech when I was in the opposition.” Generally, the Left only favors free speech when it is convenient for them, but they are quick to demand that anyone who simply disagrees with their views and opinions be stripped of the right to free speech and, in violation of the First Amendment (or similar laws guaranteeing free speech in other countries, such as Canada's Charter of Rights and Freedoms), illegally try to do so through corrupt liberal public officials and leftist activists with the use of deceit (including false claims of "hate speech"[4][5]), threats, intimidation and criminal tactics.[6][7][8][9][10] In fact, federal law makes it illegal for anyone to conspire to suppress free speech or any other freedoms enjoyed by the public under the Constitution or federal law,[10] although leftists in the public sphere have gone out of their way to ignore such laws as not being convenient to their goals.

Free speech is threatened by "hate speech" codes favored by the Left which define certain types of statements as "hate crimes" (as defined by liberal politicians). While supposedly protecting vulnerable groups (such as "questioning gay teens") from verbal abuse, rules and laws provide no clear distinction between "hurtful" speech and simply expressing one's opinion. Religious people, accordingly, worry that "hate crimes" legislation in America will be used to stop preachers and others from saying out loud or in print that homosexuality is evil, dangerous and basically anti-life.

Not every form of expression is protected as free speech. For example, statements connected with unlawful conduct (including death threats against others and incitement to riot, vandalism, assault, terrorism and other criminal acts) are typically illegal.

Examples of restrictions and/or censorship of free speech in the West[edit]

While many Westerners, particularly on the globalist Left, hold up their countries as bastions of freedom, many Western countries, particularly in Western Europe, are limiting free speech.[11][12] The following is a non-exhaustive list of examples of the erosion of free speech rights in the West:

United States
European Union
United Kingdom

In August 2019, Australia's prime minister announced his government would block "extremist" online content.[94]

New Zealand
United Nations

See also[edit]


  1. 1.0 1.1 Williams, Thomas D. (July 1, 2018). Williams: Why Liberals Have Flip-Flopped on Free Speech. Breitbart News. Retrieved July 1, 2018.
    See also:
  2. Demonic by Ann Coulter
  4. Sorry, College Kids, There’s No Such Thing As Hate Speech at the Federalist
  5. 5.0 5.1 Pro-family activist in Canada under bizarre nationwide arrest warrant -- for passing out ‘anti-LGBT’ flyers at MassResistance
  6. 6.0 6.1 Outrageous: Canadian activist Bill Whatcott endured abuse in jail because of his pro-family stand at MassResistance
  7. Bloggers’ Free Speech Rights Under Attack at
  8. The Left's Crusade Against Free Speech at Real Clear Politics
  9. LGBT Activists Arm For Further War On Free Speech at the Federalist
  10. 10.0 10.1 Dear attorneys general, conspiring against free speech is a crime: Glenn Reynolds at USA Today
  11. 11.0 11.1 Turley, Jonathan (April 26, 2018). Embracing Macron's war against 'fake news' could kill free speech. The Hill. Retrieved April 26, 2018.
  12. Arvay, Robert (January 10, 2019). ‘Hate speech’ hysteria is getting out of control. LifeSiteNews. Retrieved January 10, 2019.
  13. Starnes, Todd (October 14, 2014). City of Houston demands pastors turn over sermons. Fox News. Retrieved January 9, 2017.
  14. Starnes, Todd (October 29, 2014). Houston mayor drops bid to subpoena pastors' sermons. Fox News. Retrieved January 9, 2017.
  15. Hallowell, Billy (August 3, 2015). Houston Gov’t Subpoenaed Pastors’ Sermons. Now, They’re Fighting Back. The Blaze. Retrieved January 9, 2017.
  16. Murphy, James (March 20, 2018). Despite Claims to the Contrary, Free Speech at Universities Is in Crisis. The New American. Retrieved March 22, 2018.
    See also:
  19. Bomberger, Ryan (May 10, 2019). Big Tech’s separate and unequal treatment of Christians and conservatives. LifeSiteNews (from the Radiance Foundation). Retrieved May 10, 2019.
  20. Multiple references:
  21. Multiple references: See also:
  22. The Open-Market Economy of Ideas at Conservative News and Views
  23. Bowden, John (February 5, 2019). Facebook removes 22 pages linked to Alex Jones, InfoWars. The Hill. Retrieved February 5, 2019.
  24. Baker, Trent (December 13, 2018). Lieu: ‘Would Love’ to Regulate Speech, But ‘First Amendment Prevents Me’. Breitbart News. Retrieved December 13, 2018.
  25. Duke, Selwyn (December 13, 2018). Dem Rep: I’d “Love” to “Regulate” Speech, but First Amendment Stops Me. The New American. Retrieved December 13, 2018.
  26. Multiple references: See also:
  27. Multiple references:
  28. Concha, Joe (July 18, 2019). Joy Behar on Trump: 'Why can't he be brought up on charges of hate speech?' The Hill. Retrieved July 18, 2019.
  29. Chasmar, Jessica (July 18, 2019). Joy Behar on Trump: 'Why can't he be brought up on charges of hate speech?'. The Washington Times. Retrieved July 18, 2019.
  30. Duke, Selwyn (July 23, 2019). Rep. Erica Thomas Wants Man Arrested for Exercising His First Amendment Rights. The New American. Retrieved July 24, 2019.
  31. Bokhari, Allum (October 6, 2019). Bokhari: The New York Times Declares War on Free Speech. Breitbart News. Retrieved October 6, 2019.
  32. Multiple references:
  33. Multiple references: See also:
  34. Deacon, Liam (May 31, 2018). ‘Save the Internet’ – EU Moves to Monitor Uploads, ‘Censor’ Memes, ‘Tax’ Website Links. Breitbart News. Retrieved July 3, 2018.
    See also:
  35. Tomlinson, Chris (September 22, 2018). European Court Ruling Opens Up Censorship of Comparing Abortion to Murder. Breitbart News. Retrieved September 22, 2018.
  36. Duke, Selwyn (September 26, 2018). 1984 Now: EU Thought Police Say “Hate” Must be Regulated Out of Media. The New American. Retrieved September 26, 2018.
  37. Montgomery, Jack (September 27, 2018). EU Accused of Threatening Press Controls to Curb ‘Bad Nationalism’ and Anti-Soros, Pro-Brexit Narratives. Breitbart News. Retrieved September 27, 2018.
  38. Multiple references:
  39. Smits, Jeanne (March 25, 2019). European Court upholds conviction of woman who condemned Muhammad’s marriage to 6-year-old. LifeSiteNews. Retrieved March 25, 2019.
  40. Newman, Alex (November 9, 2018). EU Resolution Demands Critics of LGBT and Islam Be Prosecuted. The New American. Retrieved November 9, 2018.
  41. Multiple references:
  42. Blake, Heidi (May 2, 2010). Christian preacher arrested for saying homosexuality is a sin. The Telegraph. Retrieved August 10, 2017.
  43. Tufft, Ben (March 29, 2015). Street preacher quoting from the Bible fined for calling homosexuality an 'abomination'. The Independent. Retrieved August 10, 2017.
  44. Turpin, Simon (January 8, 2016). Northern Ireland Pastor Not Guilty of Criticising Islam. Answers in Genesis. Retrieved January 9, 2017.
  45. Weatherbe, Steve (March 2, 2017). Christian street preachers arrested, fined for ‘challenging Muslims,’ ‘homophobia’. LifeSite News. Retrieved August 10, 2017.
  46. Berrien, Hank (August 3, 2017). These British Pastors Were Just Arrested For ‘Challenging Muslims’. The Daily Wire. Retrieved August 10, 2017.
  47. Turpin, Simon (March 6, 2017). The Loss of Free Speech in the UK and How We Should React as Christians. Answers in Genesis. Retrieved March 9, 2017.
  48. Multiple references: For specific examples:
  49. Rob Barras: "This is the Judge, Geoffrey Marson, responsible for the travesty of Justice today in the #UK namely the arrest and imprisonment of #TommyRobinson on Politically motivated trumped up charges" at Twitter
  50. Multiple references:
  51. Multiple references:
  52. Montgomery, Jack (June 16, 2018). Muslim Activist Who Beat Policeman at Tommy Robinson Rally Spared Prison (Robinson Still Locked Up). Breitbart News. Retrieved June 17, 2018.
  53. Multiple references: See also:
  54. Duke, Selwyn (February 12, 2019). Mother Arrested for Calling a Man a Man (Because He Claims Womanhood). The New American. Retrieved February 13, 2019.
  55. Lane, Oliver JJ (April 4, 2019). Speech Police: Top Cop Warns Pro-Brexit Politicians Not to ‘Inflame People’s Views’. Breitbart News. Retrieved April 4, 2019.
  56. Montgomery, Jack (June 21, 2019). Former Equality Chief: Islamophobia Definition a ‘Bullies’ Charter’ for Censorious Muslims. Breitbart News. Retrieved June 21, 2019.
  57. Miguel, Luis (November 6, 2019). U.K. Health Service to Deny Treatment to Patients Deemed Racist or Sexist. The New American. Retrieved November 7, 2019.
  58. Paul, Ron (December 30, 2019). Should Racists Get Health Care? The New American. Retrieved December 30, 2019.
  59. 59.0 59.1 McMorris, Bill (December 7, 2016). French Senate Passes Pro-Life Website Ban. The Washington Free Beacon. Retrieved January 9, 2017.
  60. Multiple references:
  61. Hurd, Dale (March 11, 2017). Strangling the Pro-Life Movement: What in the World Is Going on in France?. CBN News. Retrieved February 11, 2018.
  62. Morrison, Robert (April 4, 2017). France Reneges On Equal Rights For All By Banning Pro-Life Websites. The Federalist. Retrieved February 11, 2018.
  63. Multiple references:
  64. Tomlinson, Chris (April 6, 2018). French Conservative Given Suspended 5,000 Euro Fine for Mentioning ‘Migrant Invasion’. Breitbart News. Retrieved April 6, 2018.
  65. Thomsen, Jacqueline (November 27, 2017). Macron to introduce fines for 'gender-based insults' in France. The Hill. Retrieved November 27, 2017.
  66. Multiple references: See also:
  67. Multiple references:
  68. Multiple references:
  69. Yasmeh, Joshua (June 21, 2017). Thought Crime: German Police Raid Homes Of People Who Made ‘Hateful Postings’ On The Internet. The Daily Wire. Retrieved April 11, 2018.
  70. Escritt, Thomas; Carrel, Paul (May 28, 2019). Merkel heir faces widespread criticism after proposal to regulate online opinion. Reuters. Retrieved May 28, 2019.
  71. Tomlinson, Chris (June 22, 2019). Top Merkel Party MP: Strip Right-wing ‘Extremists’ of Free Speech, Free Assembly. Breitbart News. Retrieved June 22, 2019.
  72. Montgomery, Jack (November 30, 2019). ‘Freedom of Expression Has Its Limits!’ – Merkel Rails Against Free Speech. Breitbart News. Retrieved November 30, 2019.
  73. Tomlinson, Chris (May 15, 2018). 17 Austrian Identitarians to Be Prosecuted Under ‘Mafia Law’ Accused of Being Criminal Organisation. Breitbart News. Retrieved May 20, 2018.
    See also:
  74. Senior Italian League politician found guilty of racist slur. Reuters. January 14, 2019. Retrieved January 14, 2019.
  75. Chretien, Claire (June 28, 2017). Gov’t bans prayer to God; Christian preschool forced to thank ‘sun and rain’ for meals instead. LifeSite News. Retrieved August 6, 2017.
  76. Hale, Virginia (June 26, 2017). Christian Preschoolers Banned from Saying ‘Amen’, Talking About the Bible. Breitbart News. Retrieved August 6, 2017.
  77. Preschoolers in Sweden Banned from Saying 'Amen,' Mentioning the Bible. CBN News. June 29, 2017. Retrieved August 6, 2017.
  78. Freiburger, Calvin (October 9, 2018). Switzerland votes overwhelmingly to jail citizens for ‘homophobia,’ ‘transphobia’. LifeSiteNews. Retrieved October 9, 2018.
  79. Canadian District Bans Christian School from Teaching 'Offensive' Parts of Bible. CBN News. June 22, 2017. Retrieved August 6, 2017.
  80. Haskins, Justin (June 24, 2017). Canadian Christian school under attack for teaching ‘offensive’ Bible verses. The Blaze. Retrieved August 6, 2017.
  81. Foley, Avery (August 6, 2017). Canada Forces Government Speech and Bans Bible Verses. Answers in Genesis. Retrieved August 6, 2017.
  82. Richardson, Bradford (January 13, 2018). Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau scolds pro-lifers as ‘not in line’ with society. The Washington Times. Retrieved January 13, 2018.
  83. Laurence, Lianne (January 13, 2018). Trudeau: Believe what you want, but ‘we draw the line’ if you try to restrict abortion. LifeSiteNews. Retrieved January 13, 2018.
  84. Tennant, Michael (April 26, 2018). Trudeau: “Free Speech” Demands Funding Pipeline Protesters but Not Pro-Lifers. The New American. Retrieved April 26, 2018.
  85. Laurence, Lianne (February 21, 2018). 70-year-old man first to be arrested under Ontario’s new ban on pro-life speech. LifeSiteNews. Retrieved March 4, 2018.
  86. 86.0 86.1 Suppression of speech in Canada: Bill Whatcott’s trial for “willful promotion of hatred” to begin in Toronto June 1 at MassResistance
  87. Fiery Christian protest outside Canada police station as pro-family activist Bill Whatcott was taken into custody on national “hate speech” charge at MassResistance
  88. Multiple references:
  89. Tennant, Michael (April 1, 2019). Canadian Court Fines Christian for Publishing Truth About Transgender Activist. The New American. Retrieved April 1, 2019.
  90. Risdon, James (September 14, 2018). ‘I was spat upon’: Student speaks out against pro-abortion ‘dictatorships’ on Canadian campuses. LifeSiteNews. Retrieved September 17, 2018.
  91. Bokhari, Allum (October 1, 2019). Justin Trudeau’s Party Demands Big Tech ‘Hate Speech’ Crackdown. Breitbart News. Retrieved October 1, 2019.
  92. Schlee, Maxime (March 6, 2018). Belgium convicts first man under anti-sexism law. Politico. Retrieved March 22, 2018.
  93. Duke, Selwyn (December 12, 2018). Belgian (Thought) Cops Arrest Driver of Hungarian Anti-migration Van. The New American. Retrieved December 12, 2018.
  94. Rodrigo, Chris Mills (August 26, 2019). Australia to block extremist content online. The Hill. Retrieved August 26, 2019.
  95. Shaw, C. Mitchell (March 21, 2019). New Zealand Plays Into Terrorist’s Hands; Embraces Censorship in Wake of Deadly Attacks. The New American. Retrieved March 22, 2019.
  96. NZ Debates Free Speech Limits, Long Prison Terms for Downloading Christchurch Manifesto. Breitbart News (from the Associated Press). March 24, 2019. Retrieved March 24, 2019.
  97. Brazil Supreme Court rules homophobia a crime. Reuters. June 13, 2019. Retrieved June 13, 2019.
  98. Newman, Alex (November 12, 2018). UN Demands Ban on Trump-style “Nationalist Populism”. The New American. Retrieved November 12, 2018.
  99. Ruse, Austin (March 11, 2019). United Nations secretary-general prepared to fight free speech worldwide. LifeSiteNews (from C-Fam). Retrieved March 11, 2019.

Categories: [First Amendment] [Law] [Political Terms]

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