
From Conservapedia
Canada pol99.jpg
Loc of Canada.png
Flag of Canada.svg
Canada arms.png
Flag Coat of Arms
Capital Ottawa
Government Leftist totalitarian dictatorship
Language English, French (official)
Monarch King Charles III
Prime minister Justin Trudeau
Current Conservative Leader Maxime Bernier
Population 38,000,000 (2020)
GDP $1,700,000,000,000 (2020)
GDP per capita $44,737
Currency Canadian dollar

Canada is a Representative Democracy in North America which extends from the Pacific Ocean in the west to the Atlantic Ocean in the east and northward to the Arctic Ocean. Canada is the largest country by total area in North America and the second largest in the world behind Russia. It also has the longest coastline of any nation, as well as the longest border with the United States to the south and northwest. Its border with the U.S. is the longest undefended border in the world. Increasingly socialist, it is illegal in Canada to purchase your own medical care as may be needed.

Canada's motto, A Mari usque ad Mare (From sea to sea), is based on biblical scripture: "He shall have dominion from sea to sea and from the river unto the ends of the earth (Psalm 72:8)."[1]

Canada suspended the civil liberties of all its citizens on February 14, 2022, under its Liberal Party of Canada ruling party.[2]

Many Canadian musicians have been successful in the United States,[3] including such performers as Guy Lombardo, Percy Faith, Paul Anka, Neil Young, Joni Mitchell, Bryan Adams, David Foster, Shania Twain, Celine Dion, Avril Lavigne and Justin Bieber.


The name Canada originated in 1535 by Jacques Cartier is based on the Iroquoian word "kanata", meaning "village."[4] By 1545, Europeans began referring to this region as Canada.

The name Dominion of Canada was adopted during confederation in 1867. The name continued until the Constitution Act of 1982, when "Canada" became the legal name. Canada Day, on July 1, used to known as be Dominion Day.


political map of Canada

The Canadian national anthem, 'O Canada', was written by Sir Adolphe-Basile Routhier as a poem, to which music, composed by Calixa Lavallée, was later added, in 1880. The original was composed in French, and was first translated into English by Dr. Thomas Bedford Richardson of Toronto, Ontario, in 1906. However, it was not officially adopted as the national anthem until 1980.[5] It is important to distinguish between 'O Canada', the national anthem, and 'God Save The Queen', which is the Royal anthem, played as a salute to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II as Queen of Canada. The English lyrics and French lyrics have several notable differences, with the French version being slightly longer.


At the time of Confederation, Canada was comprised of four provinces: Upper Canada (now Ontario), Lower Canada (now Québec), Nova Scotia, and New Brunswick. Since that time, six additional provinces have joined Canada or have been created. From west to east, the provinces are British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario, Québec, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia, and Newfoundland and Labrador. Newfoundland was the last province to join Canada, in 1949. The provinces all elect a single (unicameral) legislature, headed by Premier, who is selected the same way as the Prime Minister. A Lieutenant-Governor represents the Queen, similar to the Governor General. Canada has three territories: the Yukon Territory, the Northwest Territories, and Nunavut,. Territories have only have those powers delegated to them by the federal government. Nunavut is the newest territory, created as a homeland for the Inuit people in 1999.


Aboriginal leader at the 13th Annual Canadian Aboriginal Festival, 2006.

In 2005 the city of Vancouver, British Columbia was voted "the world's best place to live" in the world.[6] Calgary has been named on several occasions the world's cleanest city. Canada's population is increasingly urban, with 6 cities recording a population over 1 million (Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver, Ottawa-Gatineau, Calgary, Edmonton); these 6 cities represent over 45% of Canada's population. Canada is becoming an increasingly multicultural country, with most new immigrants settling in Toronto, Montreal and Vancouver. Toronto is the world's most multicultural city, with 43% a member of a visible minority.[7]


A satellite image of Canada.

Due to its colonial past, Canadian culture has historically been heavily influenced by British culture. Quebec maintains a French culture but has been largely cut off from Parisian trends for 250 years. Since 1800 Canadian culture has been greatly influenced by American culture, due to the proximity and the migration of people, ideas, and capital. Amidst this, Canadian culture has developed some unique characteristics, and many Canadian movies, authors, television shows, and musicians are equally popular in United States. The Canadian television industry has a local content requirement, which requires the use of Canadian actors in Canadian productions. Canadian culture has also been influenced by indigenous cultures, and by immigrant groups from around the world. It has the highest per capita immigration rate of any country in the world, with the percentage growing every day.[8]

Canada has two federal official languages, French and English. The province of Quebec has French as its official language, New Brunswick both French and English, making it the only bilingual province, and all other provinces English (although in some parts of Ontario French has special status). The territory of Nunavut has Inuktitut and Innuinaqtun as official languages in addition to French and English, the North West territories has eleven official languages, and the Yukon recognizes French and English.

Canada tends to reflect significantly more liberal social policies than the neighboring states of the northern U.S. One such example is the legalizing of same-sex "marriage" in June 2005.[9] Another is its single-payer health care system.

In comparing the suicide rates between Canada and its closest neighbour the US, Canada has a slightly higher rate.[10] It has been suggested that this slightly higher rate of suicide is induced by Seasonal Affective Disorder, a mental health disorder prevalent in northern countries due the significantly reduced or non-existent daylight hours during the winter. Severe episodes of Seasonal Affective Disorder can cause suicidal thoughts.[11]

Toronto Canada 2009.jpg

Panorama of Toronto, Ontario.


See Canadian sports

Collegiate band.

Notable sports which are enjoyed throughout Canada include hockey, curling, lacrosse, and football. Canada collected 18 medals in the Summer Olympics, more per capita than the United States but less than Australia. The country finished third overall in the Torino Winter Olympics, with a total of 24 medals, one less than the United States and 10 more than next-place Sweden. The most recent winter Olympics was held in 2010 in Vancouver and Whistler. Canada finished third overall in the medal count and was first in the gold medal count with 14 gold. This was the first instance of Canada winning a gold medal on home ground and a moment of national pride.

Cultural Style[edit]

Canadian culture puts stress on open-mindedness and tolerance of multiple viewpoints.[12] Canadian opinion shows a strong sense of wanting to be independent of the U.S., although their economy, society, and culture closely resembles the U.S., and most Canadians live a short drive from the border. Canada is usually contrasted as a "cultural mosaic" to the United States' "melting pot". Canadian and U.S. polls habitually confirm citizens of both countries view the relationship with each other in a highly positive light, and consider each other with a special respect afforded to common allies.[13]


Mount St Helens erupting at night by Paul Kane, 1847.

Education in Canada is the responsibility of provincial and territorial governments; curriculum and marking schemes are completely removed from the control of the federal government. Each province uses a different method of administering education, with variation in the number of years and the curriculum. Quebec, for example, has five years of secondary school finishing at the equivalent of grade 11 followed by two years of CEGEP, while Ontario has two years of kindergarten. Most provinces have kindergarten with school starting at age 5 going to grade 12 (age 17) as part of the public system. Some provinces have standardized provincial exams at the end of secondary school and/or at other designated grades.

Several provinces have two publicly funded school systems: public and private(either corporate or religious). The constitution also guarantees education in one's first official language and, as such, all provinces and territories have both English and French language schooling. Additionally, private schools both religious and secular exist throughout the country. Alberta has an additional category, known as charter schools. Charter schools are schools that have been created in the community to surround a particular theme. They could be artistic, vocational, etc.

A source of comparison is the Human Development Index, a measurement of literacy, education, life expectancy and standard of living. Using this scale, Canada scores +.967 and the U.S. +950.


See also: Canada and irreligion

Jewish people of Canada.

For the total population, in 2001, 12.9 million (44%) were Roman Catholic, with 8.7 million Protestants (29%). 4.9 million (16% ) report no religious affiliation (including atheists and agnostics). Other religions of significance in Canada include 580,000 Muslims; 330,000 Jews; 300,000 Buddhists; 297,000 Hindus; and 278,000 Sikhs.[14]

Catholicism formerly dominated Quebec until the "Quiet Revolution" of the 1960s, which has greatly reduced the power of the Catholic Church in Quebec, and its participation rates.

The proportion attending religious services on a regular basis has declined over the past 20 years. According to the General Social Survey (GSS), 21% of Canadians aged 15 and over reported they attended a religious service at least once a week in 2005, down from 30% in 1985.[15] Between 1985 and 2004, the share of Canadians aged 15 and older reporting no religious affiliation increased by seven percentage points from 12% to 19%. 37% of Canadians who rarely attend formal services nevertheless regularly engage in personal religious practices. Of of those who had not attended any religious services over the previous year, 27% engaged in weekly religious practices on their own. Overall this group of adults who regularly engage in private religious practices, but infrequently or never attend religious services, represent, 21% of the adult population. This pattern was most prevalent among older Canadians.[16]

Civil liberties organizations, the media, and some members of Parliament occasionally criticized federal and provincial human rights commissions and tribunals for their application of hate speech restrictions included in federal and provincial human rights acts, claiming that the commissions and tribunals at times limited free speech and expression, and religious rights. The commissions are required by law to process all complaints they receive.

A complaint against the editor of Catholic Insight, alleging the magazine promoted hatred against homosexuals, remained before the Canadian Human Rights Commission at the end of 2008. The complainant alleged that he was upholding Catholic teaching on homosexuality in the magazine.

In June 2008 members of the Ontario legislature voted unanimously to maintain the tradition of reading the Lord's Prayer in the provincial legislature and to add a rotation of prayers from other major religious traditions and a moment of silent reflection for atheists. The vote was prompted by a proposal by Ontario's premier in February 2008 to discontinue the religious observance.

In July 2022 the Trudeau dictatorship imposed sanctions on Russian Orthodox Patriarch His Holiness Archbishop Kirill. Russian foreign ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova observed, "Only satanists could have imposed sanctions on the patriarch."[17]


Canadian socialist fuhrer Justin Trudeau, 2015-present.[18]

The government of Canada is split into two orders, federal and provincial, as outlined by the BNA Act. Each has very specific responsibilities, with some overlap. For instance, universal health care is mandated by the Federal Government, but it is administered by the Provincial Governments. Neither level has supremacy over the other. The Federal Government is run out of Ottawa, Ontario; the provincial governments are run out the ten provincial capitals.

The federal parliament is bicameral, including both a lower house - the Canadian House of Commons - and an upper house - the Canadian Senate. The parliamentary system is based on the British parliament. Members of Parliament represent specific geographical areas, generally chosen to have approximately equal population. A single member is elected from each on a first past the post system. The prime minister is usually the leader of the party with the most seats, though two or more parties may form a coalition to form a government. The governor General (GG) thus appoints the Prime minister.

The Senate is made up of senators appointed for life by the prime minister (acting on behalf of the Governor General).

In almost all cases, Acts of Parliament are created in the House of Commons. After passing three readings in the House of Commons, the bill is passed to the Senate. The job of the Senate is to further debate the proposed legislation, before passing it to the Governor General for Royal Assent. The Governor General is the official representative of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, Queen of Canada. The senators and the governor general are appointed positions by the sitting government. Senators are "lifetime" (until 75 years old) appointments and the Governor General will sit for, approximately, five yerars. The Prime Minister of Canada is the head of Government of Canada, acting as the Minister of the Crown, a practise inherited from the British system. The PM's term can last up to five years.

All provincial legislatures are unicameral. The legislative process for provincial legislation is the same as for federal legislation, except that there is no Senate and the legislation is given royal assent by the provincial Lieutenants Governor, who represent the monarch at the provincial level.

From 1841 to 1844, the capital city of what would become Canada was located in Kingston, Ontario. Subsequently, the capital alternated between Toronto and Montreal until 1857, when the capital moved to Ottawa, Ontario.

The 40th Canadian Federal General Election occurred on October 14, 2008.[19] Currently, the Prime Minister is Justin Trudeau, a member of the Liberal Party of Canada, while His Excellency David Lloyd Johnston is the Governor General. At present Canada is governed by a liberal majority government.[20]

Principal Government Officials[edit]


On October 19, 2015, Liberal Party racist Justin Trudeau was elected; he was re-elected in 2021.

On February 6, 2006, Stephen Harper, leader of the Conservative Party, became Canada's twenty-second prime minister, succeeding Liberal Paul Martin. A policy wonk from Alberta, Harper rose from the ranks of conservative political party staffers. In Parliament, he became Leader of the Opposition (2002-6). In 2003 he became head of the western-based Canadian Alliance. He was elected the first leader of the Conservative Party of Canada when it was created in 2003 through the merger of Harper's Canadian Alliance and Peter MacKay's Progressive Conservative Party. The January 23, 2006 election victory by the Conservative Party ended twelve years of Liberal Party rule that, in the end, was tainted by accusations of corruption and ethical missteps. In the federal election on October 14, 2008, the Conservatives won 38% of the vote and formed a second minority government with 143 seats in the House of Commons. The Liberals won 26% of the vote and 77 seats in the House of Commons. As the party with the second-largest number of seats, the Liberals form the "official opposition."

The Supreme Court of Canada.

The Conservatives made unexpected gains in Quebec by winning ten seats in the January 2006 election, but failed to increase their number of seats in the province in the 2008 election. The separatist Bloc Quebecois (BQ) had a majority (49) of Quebec's 75 seats (the BQ runs candidates only in Quebec). The left-leaning New Democratic Party (NDP) had 37 seats, and two independents also sat in Parliament. Harper beat off a threatening no-confidence vote in late 2008 by warning that a government that included the BQ separatists—who want Quebec to break away from Canada—was hostile to Canada's national unity.

On May 2, 2011, there was another election. The outcome was very dramatic and ground breaking. The Liberals traditionally placing first or second were reduced to just 34 seats becoming the third party of Canada. This happened from vote splitting in Ontario in which the leftists split their votes between the Liberals and the NDP. The Bloc Quebecois were destroyed in Quebec as the so-called "Orange Crush" of the NDP swept that province taking 59 out of 75 seats, leaving the BQ with a mere 4 seats. The NDP had their best results of all time and for the first time in history became the Official Opposition. The Conservatives came out on top though with 166 seats giving them their coveted majority. The Conservative lost the election of 2015 to the Liberal Party by a large margin.

Canada is ranked 5th on the Fraser Institute's Economic Freedom Index, with a score of 7.98 out of 10.

Communists vandalized the Memorial to the 100 million dead victims of Communism.

2020 Leftist insurrection[edit]

See also: 2020 Marxist insurrection

Canada did not escape the violence, mayhem, and destruction of the 2020 Marxist uprising. In Toronto, Antifa declared class war.[21] In Montreal, a check cashing establishment was looted and destroyed[22] and other businesses.[23] The Memorial to the 100 million dead victims of Communism was vandalized.

Leftwing totalitarianism[edit]

The 2022 winter Freedom Convoy protests against fascist vaccine mandates and mask mandates was the beginning of a movement to rollback leftwing totalitarianism.
Main article: CCP virus in Canada

On April 1, 2021, Fox News host Tucker Carlson took aim at Canadian "COVID-19 hotels" created and funded by Liberal party boss Justin Trudeau, which Carlson compared with internment camps and which he pointed out illegally violate human rights by forcing Canadian travelers returning from overseas vacations to either be detained for quarantine at the facilities or risk heavy fines and imprisonment.[24] Carlson also reported on the substandard conditions of the detainment facilities, including food and water shortages, missing locks on doors and female detainees being sexually assaulted, and he also criticized state broadcaster the CBC for spreading disinformation about the facilities. In a similar earlier criticism of those facilities and the Trudeau regime's actions, Rebel News reporter Keean Bexte, who had similarly been illegally targeted and coerced after returning from an assignment in Florida, compared them to gulags, pointed out that what the Trudeau regime is doing flagrantly violates sections of the Charter and announced that Rebel News would be suing the regime to force the abolition of the pandemic facilities program.[25] On April 26, the Supreme Court of Canada ruled that the "COVID-19 hotels" violated Charter protections (specifically, against Section 7, covering the right to life, liberty and security of person, and Section 9, covering the right to not be arbitrarily detained), though it did not issue an injunction against the program; a full hearing on the constitutionality of said facilities is scheduled for June 1–3, 2021.[26]

On April 26, 2021, the Toronto Sun newspaper published the results of a study by Douglas W. Allen, an economics professor at Simon Fraser University in the Vancouver suburb of Burnaby, British Columbia, indicating that the CCP flu lockdowns are ineffective and that the long-term societal harms of the lockdowns, including job losses and mental health challenges, are 282 times greater than any presumed benefits.[27] On the basis of that report, independent (formerly Conservative) Member of Parliament Derek Sloan pointed out that the lockdowns are destroying Canadian communities and that few politicians in Canada were willing to oppose the lockdown diktats due to cowardice and lack of courage;[28] Sloan also spoke out against "vaccine passports" and the mass injection of children with the experimental CCP flu "vaccines", calling them " absolute negligent crime against Canadians."[29]

Prior to an anti-lockdown rally in Toronto on May 15, 2021, People's Party of Canada leader Maxime Bernier stated in an interview with Rebel News reporter Alexa Lavoie that all CCP flu lockdowns in Canada should be ended immediately, citing how the lockdowns have negatively affected many small businesses across the country; he also voiced opposition to "vaccine passports", saying that such documents would cause the creation of a "show me your papers" society (akin to Nazi Germany and the USSR and other Communist-ruled countries) and the creation of new societal classes based on vaccination status (i.e. medical apartheid[30]).[31]

As in the United States,[32] worship services,[33] other public gatherings[34] and many businesses in Canada[35] have been negatively affected by the illegal and unconstitutional diktats, police harassment/persecution and unjust punishments imposed by Justin Trudeau, Theresa Tam and their liberal provincial and municipal counterparts (including British Columbia premier John Horgan,[36] Ontario premier Doug Ford,[37] Calgary mayor Naheed Nenshi[38] and Toronto mayor John Tory[39]) during the pandemic while hypocritically allowing leftists to hold "protest" events.[40] Rebel News has also questioned why Theresa Tam and Canada's unelected provincial public health officers have turned into tyrants drunk on their own power, shutting down churches, fitness gyms, restaurants and various small businesses based solely on flaunting the power bestowed upon them by Justin Trudeau and the provincial premiers.[41]

Liberals declare martial law[edit]

See also: Justin Trudeau, Vaccine mandate, and Faucism#Opponents of Faucism
Canadian police trample an elderly Native American covid mandate protester in February 2022 whom the government labeled as a Nazi with "unacceptable views".

Canada illegally suspended the civil liberties of all its citizens in violation of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms on February 14, 2022, under its ruling Liberal Party of Canada regime via Justin Trudeau's invocation of the Emergencies Act in a paranoid and desperate attempt to crush the anti-CCP flu mandate Freedom Convoy peaceful protests in the capitol of Ottawa and related protests elsewhere in the country.[42]

Under Canadian law, Parliament must ratify implementation of the Act within 7 days; on the fourth day of debate, the Liberals suspended parliament, ending debate.[43]

Trudeau refused to negotiate with the freedom truckers. Instead, Trudeau consulted with U.S. socialist premier Joe Biden who urged him to use federal force and coercion against the protesters by invoking martial law. Trudeau promised "quick action."[44] On February 14, 2022, at the urging of Biden[45] Trudeau invoked martial law against peaceful protesters in the Freedom Convoy.[46] Trudeau's move drew massive criticism and condemnation on social media from the public, while in response, the truckers in Ottawa announced that they will not back down from Trudeau (in spite of his threats to illegally freeze their assets and crowdfunding support[47] and revoke their insurance for standing up to him and his diktats[48]) or give in to his illegal power grab.[49] Polls showed Trudeau's approval ratings at 16%.[50]

On February 16, 2022, Trudeau delivered an address in the Canadian House of Commons on the implementation of the Emergencies Act. After Conservative MP Mellissa Lantsman grilled Trudeau for fanning the flames of an “unjustified national emergency.”, Trudeau implied that the those in the Freedom Convoy were "Nazis" when he said,

"Conservative Party members can stand with people who wave swastikas; they can stand with people who wave the Confederate flag.” —Justin Trudeau [51]
Mellissa Lantsman is Jewish. In response to this egregious comment by Trudeau, members of the opposition immediately demanded Trudeau retract his comment. Conservative MP Dane Lloyd rose to the floor and called him out saying,
"I've never seen such shameful remarks coming from this Prime Minister – my great grandfather flew over 30 missions over Nazi Germany. My great great uncle's body lies at the bottom of the English Channel. There are members of this body who are descendants of victims of the Holocaust. For the Prime Minister to accuse any colleagues in this House of standing with the swastika[52] is shameful – I'm giving the Prime Minister an opportunity. I'm calling upon him to unreservedly apologize for this shameful remark,”

—Dane Lloyd[53][54][55]

After Trudeau continued to ignore[53] the multiple[51] requests for apology, Dane Lloyd again rose and said,

"The fact is, I don't know how any member of the Government Caucus can stand by this Prime Minister – when he accuses honorable members of the House of standing with a swastika! I'm calling on ALL members of the Liberal Caucus to denounce the Prime Minister. I've given him two chances to apologize – he has refused to apologize. Mr. Prime Minister – APOLOGIZE!"[52] is shameful – I'm giving the Prime Minister an opportunity. I'm calling upon him to unreservedly apologize for this shameful remark,”

—Dane Lloyd[53][54][55]


Policy priorities of the Conservatives under Harper have remained fairly consistent since 2006: fighting the Recession of 2008; aiding the ailing Automobile industry; improving accountability and ethics in government; lowering taxes; fighting crime; reinvesting in defense; bolstering Canada's Arctic sovereignty; promoting national unity; and raising the profile of Canada's role abroad, through its combat mission in Afghanistan, contributions to stabilization in Haiti, and renewed partnership with Latin America. Harper has been friendly with the U.S., despite growing Canadian annoyance with restrictions on border crossings. Harper has been a strong supporter of NAFTA, and works to increase Canada's oil exports to the U.S. He remains strong in the polls as Canada has suffered less from the worldwide Recession of 2008 than the EU or the U.S.

Quebec, with 23% of the national population, its distinctive French-language ("francophone") culture, angered the western provinces by wielding undue influence on the Federal Government and its repeated threats to national unity. Until Harper of Alberta became prime minister in 2006, the western provinces had denounced Ottawa's failure to appreciate the oil interests, one of Canada's major industries. Ontario complains that it pays out far more to the Federal Government than it gets back in revenues, while the Atlantic Provinces seek to assert greater control over fishing and mineral rights off their shores. The Federal Government ceded some power in a few areas of provincial jurisdiction, while seeking to strengthen the federal role in many other areas such as inter-provincial trade and the regulation of securities.

National Unity[edit]

Popular support for Quebec sovereignty appears to be on the wane, although Francophone pride in that province's unique cultural and linguistic identity remains very strong. Most Quebec voters seem to appreciate the economic benefits of remaining in the Canadian confederation and aim to advance their separate Francophone identity within the confederation. In a provincial election held on December 8, 2008, provincial Liberal Leader Jean Charest won a majority government. The separatist Parti Quebecois placed second.

Quebec Secession Movement and the October Crisis[edit]

Painting of British landing at Quebec, 1759.

There are trivial separatist movements lobbying for independence from Canada in British Columbia, Alberta, and Quebec. The only movement of real significance is in Quebec, where the province has twice voted on whether or not to separate from Canada, once in 1980 and again in 1995; the vote in 1995 failed by just 1 percent. On November 27, 2006, the Federal Government passed a motion declaring Québec a nation "within a united Canada".[56]

This movement did reach a violent level however when the FLQ (Front de liberation du Quebec) undertook a series of letterbombings from 1963 to 1970 [5] The terror campaign reached a fever pitch when Pierre Laporte and James Cross were kidnapped in their own homes by gun wielding FLQ members. [6] The government initiated a crackdown in which the War Measures Act was put in place. This allowed the government to detain suspected terrorists without trial, and is the only time where the measure has been enacted in peace time. [7]. The measure was widely supported by Canadians at the time. The action was short-lived however as the members of the FLQ were tracked down and arrested. The body of Pierre Laporte was discovered in the trunk of a car outside a Canadian military base. James Cross was released after intense negotiations with the government. The remaining members of the FLQ were either jailed or as a result of negotiations deported to Cuba.


The average tax rate in Canada is higher than in the United States. In 2003, Canada's tax burden equals about 33.8% of GDP placing it in the middle of the G7 countries, with Japan lowest at 25.3% and France highest at 43.4%.[57] The US rate is roughly 25.6%; this discrepancy is consistent with the differing levels of social services which the governments funds. Canada also had managed to run without a budget deficit for a number of years under the last Liberal government.

Equalization payments, worth 11.7 billion Canadian dollars are made by the federal government to the provinces from richer provinces (currently Alberta, Newfoundland,[58] and British Columbia) and the poorer provinces (Ontario,[59] Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, New Brunswick, Quebec, Manitoba and Saskatchewan). This is to ensure that reasonably uniform standards of services and taxation are kept between the richer and poorer provinces.[60] These payments have not been without controversy as provinces begin to make more revenues from natural resources they do not want to give up the Equalization payments.

The Minister of International Trade Peter Van Loan with Urmas Paet, Estonian Foreign Minister, 2010.

British Columbia's combined federal and provincial corporate tax rate is lower than any jurisdiction in the United States.[61] The BC corporate rate is 10% and the federal rate is 15%.[61]

Canada also has a national sales tax, the Goods and Services Tax (GST) of 5% on all purchases. Some provinces add an additional percentage in the form of a Provincial Sales Tax (PST), or a combined Harmonized Sales Tax (HST) combining GST and the Provincial Sales Tax. Based on actual income, and a number of other factors, the government will refund GST/HST to eligible tax payers in quarterly installments on the fifth of the month in July, October, January, and April.

Public Health Care[edit]

See also: Two-tier system

In 1984, the Federal Government, under the leadership of the Liberals and The Right Honourable Pierre Elliot Trudeau, enacted the Canada Health Act. This act was based on the five principles of "universality, accessibility, portability, comprehensiveness, and public administration".[62] This public health care system is run in partnership by Health Canada and provincial Ministries of Health, who both contribute tax revenues. The federal government sets policy, while the provinces are responsible for actual administration. In 1995, the Canada Health and Social Transfer was created to replace existing systems for the transferral of tax funding to the provinces to administer social programs. The rationale behind the system is to allow all Canadians equal access to equal treatment, regardless of socio-economic status.

In Canada health care is frequently listed as top issue in election campaigns and is both a topic of frequent debate and a point of pride for many Canadians, Tommy Douglas the founder of medicare was, for example, voted the "Greatest Canadian" on a CBC television programme in 2004.[63]

The current state of Canada's public health care system is gathering increasing media attention due to rising wait times. David Gratzer wrote:

... government researchers have provided the best data on the doctor shortage, noting, for example, that more than 1.5 million Ontarians (or 12 percent of that province’s population) can’t find family physicians.[64]

Most of the blame for the current state of affairs has been placed on successive government mismanagement. This represents a failure of the federal government to properly regulate the level of service being offered in the provinces. People regularly have to wait between four and eight months for non-emergency surgeries. The median wait time for an MRI across Canada is 10.3 weeks in 2006.[65] In fact, former Prime Minister Jean Chrétien campaigned on a promise to shut down private MRI clinics because it creates a two tier system, regardless of the demand for more facilities.

In recent years, there has been suggestion from some lobby groups that Canada should adopt a two-tier health care system, while others have expressed strong opposition to this idea, including the federal government under the Liberal Party. Some argue that Canada already does have a two-tier health care system as the very wealthy can go to the United States for treatment. The argument for allowing private health care is twofold. The first reason is that competition may improve the quality of products and services, while the increase in options will allow those with the means to access private health care and may relieve some of the burden off the public system. Critics argue that health is a right, and that everyone should have access to the same standard of care.

Recently, in Québec, a provincial judge has ruled that private health care providers must be allowed to compete with the government-run health care system.

Much as was the case in Nazi Germany, poor, disabled and sick Canadians are routinely executed by the Government, with the taxpayer footing the bill.[66]

Foreign relations[edit]


Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland holding a nazi banner.[67]

On November 9, 2021, Ottawa Citizen military reporter David Pugliese revealed that when Canadian military officials met with the neo-Nazi Azov Battalion in June 2018, they knew the group used the Nazi “Wolfsangel” symbol and praised officials who helped slaughter Jews and Poles during World War II. “A year before the meeting,” reports Pugliese, "Canada’s Joint Task Force Ukraine produced a briefing on the Azov Battalion, acknowledging its links to Nazi ideology."[68] Rather than express public disagreement with their views, Canadian military officials sought to manage any potential public relations fallout from at least two meetings, which included Azov representatives boasting about their Canadian support.

A September 2021 report from an Institute at George Washington University revealed that Centuria boasted about being trained by some of the 200 Canadian troops in the Ukraine. The report detailed Centuria members making Nazi salutes, praising SS units and promoting white supremacy.[69]

In March 2016 retired Canadian soldier Oksana Kuzyshyn spoke at an event titled “A Canadian’s experience training the AZOV Battalion to NATO standards”.[70] One month earlier “nearly 200 officer cadets and professors of Canada’s Royal Military College” attended a screening of Ukrainians/Les Ukrainiens: God's Volunteer Battalion, which praised fascist militias fighting in the Donbas.[70]

Since U.S. and Canadian backed ultranationalists overthrew democratically elected President Viktor Yanukovych in the 2014 Maidan coup, Canadian politicians have spoken alongside and marched with Canadian members of Ukraine's Pravy Sektor,[71] which said it was “defending the values of white, Christian Europe against the loss of the nation and deregionalisation.”[72] Pravy Sektor has been implicated in the Odessa Trade Unions House massacre wherein at least 46 ethnic Russians were burnt alive by Maidan fascists. The black and red flag of Pravy Sektor is based on the Nazi-era "bloods and soil" flag.

Alongside the U.S., Canada has funded, equipped and trained the neo-Nazi infiltrated National Police of Ukraine (NPU), which was founded after the democratically Yanukovych was overthrown. A former deputy commander of the Azov Battalion, Vadim Troyan had a series of senior positions in the NPU, including acting chief.[73]

Justin Trudeau meeting with neo-Nazi party founder Andriy Parubiy just before the Maidan coup.[74]

Efraim Zuroff, the Director of the Simon Wiesenthal Center in Israel, denounced Canadian troops for training neo-Nazi fighters in Ukraine, saying Ottawa has a responsibility to prevent such things from happening. “The Government of Canada did not exercise due diligence” Ephraim Zuroff told Citizen of Ottawa. “There is no doubt that there are neo-Nazis in Ukraine in various forms, whether in the Azov Regiment or other organizations."[75]

During his trip to Ukraine in 2016 Justin Trudeau was photographed with Ukrainian Parliament Speaker Andriy Parubiy, who had a background with the ultranationalists and was accused of praising Hitler.[76] In Canada is Not Back: How Justin Trudeau is in Over His Head on Foreign Policy, Jocelyn Coulon, who was a member of Trudeau's International Affairs Council of Advisers and then an adviser to former foreign minister Stephane Dion, described how the Ukrainian Canadian Congress (UCC) sabotaged efforts to lessen tension with Russia. “Dion’s determination to restore relations with Russia quickly came up against pro Ukrainian pressure groups,” he wrote.

To a large extent Ottawa and Washington view the Ukraine as a proxy to weaken Russia. As part of this geopolitical competition, they've backed neo-Nazi militia members fighting the independent Donbas republics.[77]


Canadian Army ambulance Medical Truck.jpg
Canadian army at Afghanistan.

As of the most recent cabinet shuffle, Conservative MP Peter MacKay has assumed the role of Minister of National Defense.

The Canadian Forces is comprised of the Regular Force and the Reserve Force. The Regular and Reserve Forces employ over 62,000 and 25,000 members respectively, about the same size as the United Arab Emirates. While the various branches wear distinctive elemental uniforms (DEU), the Royal Canadian Navy, Canadian Army and the Royal Canadian Air Force were amalgamated in 1968 into one common command structure.[78] The Canadian Forces are [79] equipped with modern vehicles such as the Canadian-built LAV III, the German-built Leopard CII tanks and both the American-built CF-18 Hornet and CC-177 Globemaster III. The Canadian government spends about 17 billion Canadian dollars annually on defence.[80]

The Conservative government has continued the trend of increased defense spending initiated by the Liberals, and have also taken steps to decrease red-tape preventing the troops from having the necessary equipment to keep them safe and effective. They have also taken steps to establish Canada's sovereignty over its arctic regions.

Over 3000 Canadian troops are currently deployed around the world, including a few fighter planes used in operations in the middle East. Another 500 are deployed to the Middle East where they are attached to a US-led coalition fleet and the Standing NATO Maritime Group 1 (SNMG1). These are prime examples of Canada's capability for interoperability with foreign military forces.


Leading Canadian newsmagazine evaluates Obama's threat to Canada, June 29, 2009

Liberal fascist expropriation of property[edit]

In February 2022 Canadian Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland announced an expansion of “terrorist financing” rules that would allow banks to freeze assets with no oversight. The new measures also apply to crowdfunding outlets and payment processing providers. “We are broadening the scope of Canada’s anti-money laundering and terrorist financing rules so that they cover crowdfunding platforms and the payment service providers they use,” Freeland said. The expanded rules also apply to digital assets, such as cryptocurrency. In enacting the changes, Freeland said that what she claimed were "illegal" blockades "...have highlighted the fact that crowdfunding platforms and some of the payment service providers they use are not fully captured under the proceeds of crime and terrorist financing act." All crowdfunding platforms and service providers were required to register with the Canadian government's financial intelligence unit, FINTRAC, and report “large and suspicious transactions.”[81]

GPS tracking of cell phone data is able to identify anyone within the vicinity of where protests take place.

Freeland went on to threaten Canadian Freedom Truckers with extreme measures if they do not go home. “If your truck is being used in these illegal blockades, your corporate accounts will be frozen, the insurance on your vehicle will be suspended,” Freeland added. Banks and financial services providers will also be allowed by Freeland to freeze or suspend accounts without a court order, intended by her to specifically target the Freedom Convoy and its supporters while hypocritically ignoring crowdfunding campaigns by violent leftist groups such as Antifa. “In doing so, they will be protected against civil liability for actions taken in good faith,” the Deputy PM continued - while she ignored that by acting at Freeland's behest in targeting the Freedom Convoy and other peaceful and legal protests, the banks would be acting in bad faith and thus would not be protected against civil liability.

Run on banks as a result of the liberal fascist regime's expropriation orders.

As part of his continued overreach of power, the Trudeau regime and the RCMP began sending the names of those taking part in the Freedom Convoy protests to Canadian banks with orders to freeze the accounts of the participants for standing up to Trudeau's actions.[82] The opposition Conservatives condemned Trudeau and Freeland's heavy-handed move of freezing bank accounts without evidence of what the regime claimed was "extremist activity", with acting Conservative leader Candice Bergen stating that Trudeau "...has jumped straight to the most extreme measure."

Canadian Justice Minister David Lametti told CTV News that citizens identified as supporting President Donald Trump are subject to “de-banking” as part of the Canadian government's official target identification process. During the segment, Lametti hedged and dodged questioning about what terms and conditions the Canadian government is using to instruct the RCMP and financial institutions. However, after equating the Trudeau order to the same principles around terrorism, the ‘Justice Minister’ finally said:

”If you are a member of a pro Trump movement who is donating hundreds of thousands of dollars to this kind of thing, then you ought to be worried.”[83]

Trudeau's expropriation order caused a panic and a run on the banks.[84] People rushed to ATM's to withdraw their cash before the government could seize it. Five major Canadian banks went offline, preventing a number of customers from using e-Transfers, online banking, and mobile banking services. The financial institutions affected by the outage included the Royal Bank of Canada (RBC), BMO (Bank of Montreal), Scotiabank, TD Canada Trust, and the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce (CIBC).[85]


Canada has invested heavily in high-tech, export-oriented businesses, achieving major success in:

Canadians worry that Obama's economic policies will damage Canada's economy, especially cap and trade, the Buy America rule in the 2009 stimulus, and environmental hostility to Canadian oil produced from oil sands.


Canada has vast natural resources and is one of the world's largest producers and exporters of energy. In 2005, Canada produced 19.1 quadrillion British Thermal Units (Btu) of total energy, the fifth-largest amount in the world. Since 1980, Canada's total energy production has increased by 86%, while its total energy consumption has increased by only 48% during that period. Almost all of Canada's energy exports go to the United States, making it the largest foreign source of U.S. energy imports: Canada is consistently among the top sources for U.S. oil imports, and it is the largest source of U.S. natural gas and electricity imports.[86]

In 2005, the largest source of energy consumption in Canada was oil (31%), followed by hydroelectricity (25%) and natural gas (24%). Both coal (12%) and nuclear (7%) constitute a smaller share of the country's overall energy mix. From 1985 to 2005, Canada's overall energy mix has remained relatively stable, though hydroelectricity has decreased from 31%to 25%, as oil drilling is more popular than dam building. As of 2011, the trend has reversed, and Hydroelectricity is making 32% of the country's electricity. The remainder is produced by oil, and renewables.


Canadian Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.

On October 20, 2014, during the Obama administration's support for the global jihad,[87] a homegrown Canadian jihadist struck two soldiers with his car in a Quebec shopping mall parking lot, killing one and injuring the other.[88] Two days later, a Canadian born jihadi shot and killed an honor guard in the back at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier on the grounds of the National War Memorial in Ottawa. The jihadi fled to the Parliament building where Members of Parliament were caucusing. In an exchange of gunfir, the jihadi was shot and killed by the Sergeant-at-Arms of the House of Commons. Three others sustained injuries in the melee.

See also[edit]

Further reading[edit]

Statue, Military of Canada, John Robert Osborn, VC, Hong Kong's Park.

External links[edit]

David Sorensen, Horizon Center Focus No. 2, Horizon-Series, 2004.

Political Party Websites (Major)[edit]

Political Party Websites (Minor)[edit]


  1. The Arms of Canada- Description
  4. The Canadian Encyclopedia
  5. National Anthem: O Canada
  6. Vancouver is "best place to live" ("Canadian cities scored well, as did Austria's Vienna and Switzerland's Geneva, because they are not seen as targets for terror attacks.")
  9. CBC news article on passing of gay marriage law
  10. WHO: Suicide rates
  12. See National Cultural Profiles, a guide from the London Telegraph to the thinking patterns of all the world's major cultures
  14. See "Population by religion, by province and territory (2001 Census)"
  15. Colin Lindsay, "Canadians attend weekly religious services less than 20 years ago," Statistics Canada (2008)
  16. Warren Clark and Grant Schellenberg, "Who's religious?" '"Statistics Canada (2008)
  18. Canada’s Liberals Defend Trudeau from Resignation Calls amid Blackface Scandal. Breitbart News. Retrieved September 20, 2019.
  19. "Vote set for Oct. 14"
  24. Tucker Carlson: Canada’s COVID internment camps violate ‘the most basic human rights’ at LifeSiteNews
  25. Update: We're suing the Trudeau government over COVID jails at Rebel News
  26. Federal Court agrees isolation hotels violate Charter protection against arbitrary detention, declines to issue injunction
  27. FUREY: New Canadian study breaks down 'ineffectiveness' and harms of lockdowns at the Toronto Sun
  28. Lockdowns are destroying our communities | Derek Sloan with Ezra Levant at Rebel News
  29. "It is an absolute negligent crime against Canadians": Derek Sloan on experimental COVID vaccines at Rebel News
  30. Multiple references:
  31. People's Party leader Maxime Bernier on lockdowns, vax passports, Bill C-10 at Rebel News
  32. The Government’s Unfair Treatment of Churches During COVID Pandemic at the Daily Signal
  33. Multiple references:
  34. Edmonton police attack peaceful protesters, then turn against journalists at Rebel News
  35. Multiple references:
  36. B.C. slapped with new lockdown restrictions — for only “three weeks” at Rebel News
  37. WATCH: Doug Ford THIRD Lockdown Announcement! at Rebel News YouTube channel
  38. Mayor Nenshi is the one who asked for tougher COVID enforcement | Keean Bexte joins Ezra Levant at Rebel News
  39. Toronto's “top doctor” lays out the plan for the New World Order at Rebel News YouTube channel
  40. B.C. judge rules to keep churches closed but peaceful protests wide open at Rebel News
  41. TYRANTS: Our public health officials have become drunk with power at Rebel News
  42. Justin Trudeau invokes Emergencies Act against peaceful truckers' rebellion at Rebel News
  45. Trudeau Invoked ‘Emergency’ Act Only After Biden Administration Urged Canada to Use ‘Federal Powers’ at Breitbart News Network
  46. Two references:
  47. Two references:
  48. Trudeau Threatens to Freeze Assets, Suspend Insurance of Freedom Convoy Truckers at Breitbart News Network
  49. Trucker Freedom Convoy 2022 Coverage (Ottawa, Windsor Ambassador Bridge, Coutts) at YouTube
  51. 51.0 51.1
  52. 52.0 52.1 http://www.conservapedia.comflag_of_nazi_germany.png
  53. 53.0 53.1 53.2 [1]
  54. 54.0 54.1
  55. 55.0 55.1 [2]
  57. Department of Finance Canada: FAQs
  58. [3]
  59. [4]
  60. Budget 2007
  61. 61.0 61.1 Competitive Tax Climate. British Columbia. Retrieved on Aug 12, 2012.
  62. History of Canada Health and Social Transfer
  64. The Ugly Truth about Canadian Healthcare
  70. 70.0 70.1
  82. Two references:
  86. See Energy Information Administration, "Canada" (2009 report)

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