Joe Biden

From Conservapedia
See also: Biden family corruption
Joseph Robinette “Joe” Biden, Jr.
Biden's Hellscape.jpg
Personal life
Date and place of birth November 20, 1942 (age 80)
Scranton, Pennsylvania
Parents Catherine Jean Biden
Joseph Biden Sr.
Claimed religion Roman Catholic (In Name Only)
Education University of Delaware
Syracuse University
Spouse Neilia Hunter (died 1972)​
Jill Biden ​(m. 1977)
Children Beau (d.2015) • Hunter
Naomi (d.1972) • Ashley
Dictatorial career
Country United States
Military service 4-F
Highest rank attained Junta leader
Political beliefs Socialism with Chinese characteristics
Xi Jinping Thought
White Supremacy[1]
Political party Democratic Party
Date of dictatorship Nov. 4, 2020
Wars started U.S. Color Revolution
NATO war in Ukraine
Nordstream terror attack
Number of deaths attributed 33-40 Marxist color revolution[2]
10 Non-combatant drone killings[3]
200 Kabul airport bombing[4][5]
856 illegal migrant deaths,[6][7][8] plus the horrific 51 deaths in a truck found June 2022.[9]
703,227 Covid Death Tracker[10]
48,465 CMS Medicare Tracking System;[11] 40,097 reported to VAERS[12]
478,000 from experimental mRNA Covid vaccines[13]
NATO aggression in Ukraine
180,000+ (civilian, military, and foreign mercenary fighters as of 2/09/23)

Joseph Robinette “Joe” Biden, Jr., aka Pops, The Big Guy,[14][15][16] and My Chairman[17][18] (born November 20, 1942) is the authoritarian kleptocrat and dictator of the United States.[19][20] He is being challenged by environmental and children's health champion Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. for the Democratic party presidential nomination in the 2024 elections. Biden has been described by close confidants as an "egomaniacal autocrat."[21]

79% of Americans believe that the 2020 presidential election was unjustly manipulated by dishonest whitewashing of the Biden family's criminal activities.[22] The official position of the Biden regime as articulated by its chief press spokesperson is that political opposition is "a threat to democracy."[23]

A prominent Holocaust trivializer, Biden has compared migrants who illegally crossed the U.S.–Mexican border to Jews who perished in the Shoah.[24]

After pushing conspiracy theories about the 2020 US presidential election,[25] Biden seized power and occupied the White House in January 2021. Biden's systemically racist foreign policy in support of Ukrainian Nazism and white supremacists has brought the world to the brink of nuclear war. In March 2022, The New York Times reported that the Biden family personally profited from the corrupt Ukrainian regime which came to power after the U.S. overthrow of the democratically elected government.[26] Biden has treated political opponents in the same manner that Vladimir Putin has been accused of.

Biden is the self-appointed leader of a second New World Order, rebranded the 'Liberal World Order', after the disastrous failure of globalization and the first New World Order.[27] His removal from the White House for high crimes or his mental incapacity is regularly discussed by members of Congress, the media, foreign leaders, and the American public.[28] Only 24% of Democrats in his own party support his re-election.[29]

As of October 2021, the Biden regime trafficked over 45,000 children.[30][31] Biden has referred to African American children as "roaches."[32] On November 26, 2021, Biden implemented a racist and xenophobic travel ban of people coming from Africa.[33]

Under Joe Biden, for the first time in the Republic's 233 year history, the United States had to receive foreign food aid from abroad for baby milk formula to feed its children. The infant formulas had to be brought in by a special emergency military air transport.[34]

Audits in Fulton County, Georgia[35] and Maricopa County, Arizona[36] reveal election irregularities and criminal corruption propelling Biden into the White House.[37] His right hand henchman, chief-of-staff Ron Klain, has tweeted that 68% of Americans are correct in their belief that American elections are rigged.[38]

As the Democrat Party nominee in the 2020 presidential election, he was endorsed by Neo-Nazi white supremacist Richard Spencer, organizer of the June 2017 Charlottesville protests in which one person, Heather Heyer, was killed.[39] Biden publicly proclaimed that defenders of the Confederate flag were "many fine people".[40] Biden referred to former chair of the Congressional Black Caucus and an Advisor to the President, Cedric Richmond, as "my boy".[41] Biden repeatedly insisted that minorities were too stupid to know how to use the internet to find vaccinations sites,[42][43] and too stupid to get a state-issued identification card or drivers license.[44] Since Biden's mandate to revive Tuskegee-like genetic experiments,[45] Biden's approval rating among African Americans fell 25 percentage points.[46] Biden threatened Blacks and Hispanics with the highest unvaccinated rates[47] saying "this is not about freedom...our patience is wearing thin."[48] Biden faces a potential malicious defamation lawsuit by Kyle Rittenhouse for inciting racial violence and race baiting.[49] After using California Senator Kamala Harris to exploit African American voters,[50] rumors circulated throughout Washington D.C. that racist and misogynist Democrats wanted to remove her from the vice presidency.[51] By November 2021, Biden's approval rating among African Americans stood at a historical low for any Democrat Oval Office occupant at 52%.[52]

In late 2021 and early 2022, with foundering approval ratings one year after the seizure of power, Biden attempted to provoke war with Russia and Vladimir Putin over Ukraine and as a favor to his old family business partners in Burisma oil and gas.

Biden promised to cure cancer and "shut down the virus."[53] Biden has colluded with foreign governments and entities to interfere in American democracy with his Build Back Better program.[54] As of 2022, the Biden family has received $31 million from its business partners in Chinese intelligence since 2012.[55] Violent crime including homicide rose at the fastest rate on record.[56] Biden refused to condemn the attempted murder of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh.[57]

Laptop from hell, December 14, 2018.[58]
Anti-Russian neo-Nazi group supported by Biden and NATO in Ukraine.[59][60][61]
Biden shaking hands with Ukrainian Neo-Nazi Oleh Tyanhbok.[62] Following the conviction and sentencing of John Demjanjuk as an accessory to the murder of 27,900 people at the Sobibor death camp, Tyahnybok met with Demjanjuk’s lawyer, presenting the Nazi death camp guard as a hero, a victim of persecution ‘’who is fighting for truth’’.[63]
Biden gas prices hit $10 per gal in California in June 2022 as the globalist's war on energy continued.[64]
The enduring image of Biden's concern for the health, safety, and wellbeing of Americans.[65][66]
Biden family text with Hunter telling his daughter Naomi that "Pop" received 50% of the Burisma kickbacks.[67]
Biden war crimes in Serbia.[68]
Blacks protesting racist vaccine mandates.[69]
Biden embraced the Green New Deal agenda to terminated fossil fuel usage in the United States as an "urgent need to embrace on an epic scale".
Former Polish Foreign and Defense Minister and Member of the EU Parliament thanked Biden for his environmental terrorism and Act of War against Germany and Russia.[70]



Hunter Biden has for a longtime served as the frontman or cut out for bribes and kickbacks paid to the Biden family.[71] Joe Biden, also known as "Pops" or "The Big Guy" in FBI investigative documents,[72] sits atop the family.[73] Biden is suffering from a high degree of cognitive decline (see: Joe Biden's cognitive decline). Biden's Chinese business partners have stolen military secrets from the United States and have been labeled by the State Department and Pentagon as threats to national security.[74][75] The Chinese government and military has been accused of deliberately releasing a deadly bioweapon on the world after a leak from the Wuhan lab.[76] The government of China itself has murdered 80 million of its own people throughout its seventy-year plus existence,[77] and is far more powerful and dangerous than the Nazi regime or Soviet Union ever were.[78] Biden called the genocide of the Uyghur people by the Chinese Communist Party a "cultural norm."[79]

Biden has been thoroughly compromised by the Chinese Communist Party[80] and was endorsed by the official state media outlet Global Times.. [81] Vice-dean Di Dongsheng of the School of International Relations at Renmin University in Beijing made public statements before a large audience on November 28, 2020:

The Easter Bunny instructs Biden not to talk to the press or public.[82] See: Joe Biden's cognitive decline
"We know that the Trump administration is in a trade war with us, so why can’t we fix the Trump administration? Why did China and the US used to be able to settle all kinds of issues between 1992 and 2016? I’m going to throw out something maybe a little bit explosive here. It’s just because we have people at the top. We have our old friends who are at the top of America’s core inner circle of power and influence.

During the US-China trade war, Wall Street tried to help, and I know that my friends on the US side told me that they tried to help, but they couldn’t do much. But now we’re seeing Biden was elected, the traditional elite, the political elite, the establishment, they’re very close to Wall Street, so you see that, right?

Trump has been saying that Biden’s son has some sort of global foundation. Have you noticed that? Who helped [Hunter] build the foundations? Got it? There are a lot of deals inside all these."[83][84][85]

Biden is a 10% shareholder in a company that is a partner of the government-owned Bank of China and Chinese military.[86][87][88] Bohai Harvest RST (BHR) was formed when Bohai Capital (a Chinese-government-linked firm) merged with Rosemont Seneca Partners (a company formed by Hunter Biden and Chris Heinz, John Kerry’s stepson). In April 2020 Chinese business websites showed Hunter Biden’s name removed from the BHR board of directors, however the sites also show Skaneateles LLC, owned solely by Hunter Biden, as still being a “sponsor/shareholder” with 3 million yuan ($464,000) invested in the company, comprising a 10% stake in the China-based business venture. The business records for Skaneateles found on the Department of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs website list Hunter Biden as the “executing officer” of the company, and the address for the LLC is a multimillion-dollar home in Hollywood Hills, Los Angeles.[89] That is where the Washington Examiner previously reported Hunter Biden and his wife, Melissa Cohen, had been renting a $12,000-a-month home.[90]

While Biden was abandoning $83 billion in weapons to Afghan terrorists, he was delivering arms to Ukrainian Nazis for war with Russia.[91]

One of the companies in BHR’s portfolio as of August 30, 2021, Joe Biden's target date for the withdrawal from Afghanistan, is Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited (CATL),[92] the “world’s largest maker of electric vehicle batteries.”[93]

China dominates the world’s production of lithium-ion batteries used in electric vehicles and most portable consumer electronic devices such as cell phones and laptops. China accounts for 80 percent of the world’s total output of raw materials for advanced batteries.[94] If Joe Biden were to implement his “clean energy” plans, the United States would become dependent on China to produce the batteries that power America’s technologies.[95] CATL is the largest manufacturer of electric vehicle batteries with a 27.9 percent market share. Since Biden's green agenda came to the fore in November 2020, and the August 31, 2021 Fall of Kabul, CATL's stock price tripled.[96] On August 28, 2021 Forbes magazine reported,

"the mineral resources under the ground in Afghanistan could be worth almost 10 times the country’s infamous opium crop.

These minerals include lithium, gold, silver, platinum, iron, copper aluminum and uranium. Among those lithium stands out as a real prize because it has become essential to the manufacture of the lithium ion batteries used in electric vehicles.

Better still for China, if it gets its way, is that Afghanistan is set to be the Saudi Arabia of Afghanistan. In other words, the central Asian country is reputedly home to heaps of lithium. As the largest car market in the world, and the global move to EVs [electric vehicles], China will likely want to secure every last pound of lithium that it can."[97]

According to the Chinese state media Global Times, on June 28, 2021 a deal between CATL and Tesla Motors was announced;[98] four days later the AP reported that the US abandoned Bagram airfield at on the middle of the night without telling the new Afghan armed forces commander.[99]

Before the dust even settled over Afghanistan, CNBC reported China was already in talks with the Taliban to exploit Afghanistan's rare earth metals.[100] The Biden family is set to personally benefit from China gaining access to Afghanistan’s rare earth elements.

On top of an overall failure regarding Afghanistan exit, a Nov/2021 revealed that almost none of the 82,000 people airlifted from Kabul to the US in August/2021 were vetted.[101] Biden holds the unprecedented indignity as the only American leader held in contempt by the Parliament of the UK, America's closest NATO ally,[102] doing irreparable damage to the special relationship between the United States and Great Britain established in 1942 and the war against fascism.

Biden regime[edit]

See also: Biden Junta, Biden regime occupation, year 1, Biden junta personnel, and Western propaganda: rebranding Nazism

On the day the Biden kleptocracy seized power Rodney Joffe's company Packet Forensics received a huge government contract.[103]

In advance of the 2022 State of the Union speech, Marc Theissen of the Washington Post wrote, "Most Americans don’t think the state of our union is strong; they think Biden’s first year has been disaster…Since he took office, we have experienced the worst inflation in 40 years; the worst crime wave in many cities since the 1990s; the worst border crisis in U.S. history; the worst foreign policy debacle in recent memory, in Afghanistan…The worst global health crisis in a century is still upending our lives…And we are witnessing the worst act of unprovoked aggression in Europe since World War II”.[104]

Propaganda apparatus[edit]

Junta chief spokesperson Jen Psaki (right) with Hammer and Sickle. Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov (left). According to Biden aide Eric Ciaramella, Lavrov instructed President Trump to fire James Comey.[105]
See also: Biden/Harris regime propaganda apparatus

On May 13, 2022 America hit a milestone in its historical development when Karine Jean-Pierre, the unqualified but simply being first openly gay, female, black, immigrant assumed the thankless task as chief White House propagandist,[106] succeeding Soviet commissar like Jen Psaki who went to the thoroughly discredited mainstream fake news source MSNBC as an "expert" contributor.[107] Jean-Pierre, who is black, is likely to remain through the 2022 Midterm elections as part of the Democrats GOTV campaign.

Roddy Keenan writing in The Saker observed, "‘Scratch a liberal and a fascist bleeds’, I was once told many years ago." Keenan continued, "One only has to look at the manner in which the Azov Battalion, a fully-fledged Ukrainian Nazi militia, with significant influence, has been whitewashed in the space of ten weeks. Whereas prior to February 24th 2022, they were recognized as a neo-Nazi battalion, these fascists are now being portrayed as valiant defenders of an oppressed people, fighting bravely against insurmountable odds."

WaPo since Biden took office.png

On non-unrelated note, In Dec 2022, it was reported, that the Washington Post lost half a Million subscribers since Biden took office.[108]

The Liberal World Order[edit]

See also: Liberal World Order

In June 2022 Biden economic adviser Dennis Henderickson said the sanctions on Russian gas and fertilizer that destroyed the Western economy and created mass starvation were to insure the future of the "Liberal Word Order".

Stolen classified documents[edit]

See Biden's classified documents scandal

On January 10, 2023 it was reported that the National Archives asked the Biden DOJ to investigate Biden for leaving classified documents in his private office at the UPENN Biden Center. The UPENN Biden Center is a Communist Chinese-supported front organization. Days later, Biden attorneys turned over more classified documents held in Biden's garage in Wilmington, DE. Biden chief prosecutor Merrick Garland thwarted the House Weaponization of Government committee's investigations by troughing a bag over the theft by appointing a Special Counsel to look into the matter.

A vice president has no authority to de-classify documents. Only the President can order de-classification. This is precisely what President Trump did with the classified documents illegally seized by the Biden junta in the Mar-a-Lago raid. All documents, which Biden attorneys came forward with from both locations, are reported to relate to the Biden crime family's involvement with Ukraine and Russia.

An email sent from Hunter Biden to his business partner Devon Archer on April 13, 2014 contained information from a classified State Department memo one week before Joe Biden visited Ukraine to meet the then prime minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk and refers to “my guys upcoming travels”. The email listed 22 points about Ukraine’s political situation, with detailed information about the upcoming election and predicting an escalation of Russia’s “destabilization campaign, which could lead to a full scale takeover of the eastern region, most critically Donetsk":

“The strategic value is to create a land bridge for RU to Crimea. That won’t directly affect Burisma holdings but it will limit future UK exploration and utilization of offshore opportunities in particular.

It will also result in further destabilization of UK nationally and for whatever govt is in power. And the US will respond with even stronger sanctions. Those sanctions will threaten the tenuous support of the EU which does not have the political will to incur steep energy price increases.”[109]

Jennifer Granholm[edit]

In June 2023, Jennifer Granholm, Joe Biden’s Secretary of Energy, informed Congress that she lied during her confirmation hearings.

Jennifer Granholm, Joe Biden’s Secretary of Energy, informed Congress that she lied during her confirmation hearings. High-ranking government officials responsible for shaping policies are expected to refrain from owning stocks that could potentially create conflicts of interest. Granholm did not completely divest herself of all the stocks she possessed, and she retained six stocks in her portfolio. During her confirmation proceedings, when questioned by the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee, she declared under oath that she did not own any individual stocks and conveniently omitted mentioning the six stocks she still held at that time.


Domestic policy[edit]

See also: Biden/Harris domestic policy and Biden junta human rights violations

Biden promised a "Dark Winter" should he ever succeed at occupying the White House.[111] Suicide and drug overdoses reached an all-time high within the first year of the regime. Among its other first acts was to politicize the nation's military, instituting a witch hunt to drive conservatives out of officer and enlisted ranks,[112] and renewing the Obama era weaponization of the intelligence apparatus against American citizens. Democrats unleashed a contingent of criminal sociopaths on law abiding Americans to affect change.

As the Biden Junta took power, the American people were excluded from what traditionally has been a public event.

The junta took power under the watchful eye of National Guardsmen while the American people were excluded. The next day in the dead of winter, Democrats kicked the Guardsmen out of the U.S. Capitol building and the soldiers were ordered to sleep in an unheated parking garage,[113] without internet reception, with just one electrical outlet, and one bathroom having only two stalls for 5,000 troops.[114] Under the Geneva Convention, prisoners-of-war are mandated to be taken care of better than how the Biden regime treated U.S. military units as the junta assumed power their first night.[115] Meanwhile the junta spent $86 million to house illegal immigrants in hotels.[116] Over the protestations of majority Black D.C. citizens, the occupation forces remained in place for months. Democrat Congressional leaders ordered the construction of a Wall to keep the American people out.[117] Guardsmen were fed raw stale meat with metal shavings and hospitalized.[118]

Biden also embraces many far-Left thoughts like the abortion issue, immigration policies and his refusal to denounce terrorist Antifa and Black Lives Matter acts, which makes it impossible for him to unite the division. Very troublesome for Americans of faith was, his May, 2021 decision to omit God from the National Day of Prayer. A first.[119] Despite Biden's far-Left positions, liberal media outlets attempted to paint him as a supposed "moderate".[120] The day after the seizure of power, The Washington Post shut down its alleged "fact checking" operation.[121]

By Memorial Day Weekend 2021, Biden continued stoking racial hatred between Americans, traveling to Tulsa, Oklahoma to commemorate a race riot that took place in 1921. One speaker at the ceremonies said,

“Black people will kill everything white in sight,” because of “all what you’ve done to us, all of what you’re done in the 6,000 year span and killing 600 million of us and 408 years in particular. They are a race that’s trying to hold on to power, and a race has beginning, and an ending and your ending time has been made up since 1914, no-good peckerwood. This is the time when Malcolm talked about. He spoke about a united front, and it was time to give these crackers hell.”[122]

Another revolutionary progressive told the crowd,

"We’re pushing death to white supremacy, death to capitalism, death to imperialism, and death to fascism. We’re pushing an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, a head for a head, and a life for a life.”[123]

All this coming on the heels of widespread attacks on Jews by racist Arabs, Islamic bigots often shielded by Leftists in the United States incited by prominent Democrats[124] and not condemned by the junta.[125]

In face of 2022 eliminating Palestinian Islamic-jihadi (PIJ) terrorists[126] and Jihadists failed launched rockets,[127] that killed its civilians in Gaza at Operation Breaking Dawn,[128][129] In addition, information received also among many Palestinian civilians that affirms the fact that the injury to children in Jabaela was caused by a failed rocket of Islamic Jihad.[130][131] Biden showed two faces.[132]

Hiring bigots[edit]

In June 2023, Biden hired another bigot, his name is Ramzi Kassem, a professor at CUNY's law school, was tapped to serve as a senior policy adviser for immigration in the White House's Domestic Policy Council.[133]


See also: Build Back Bolshevism and Biden recession
Fascist stooge and Democrat Uncle Tom Wally Adeyemo said shelves will remain empty until people are fully vaccinated.[134]

In October 2022 the New York Post reported: "Since the start of this year, 401(k) plans have suffered $2.1 trillion in losses…The average 401(k) plan had over $135,000 at the start of this year. Today, those assets have shrunk on average to about $101,000…In other words, the average 401(k) plan is down about $34,000 — more than 25% in less than one year!...In terms of purchasing power, inflation also has brought the “real value,” in 2021 dollars, of the average 401(k) down another $5,000, from $101,000 to $96,000...More traditional pension funds also are getting flattened by inflation...At the beginning of this year, pensions in the US had $27.8 trillion in assets…Now, it’s under $24 trillion, a drop of about 15% that has wiped out the last two years’ worth of gains — nearly $4 trillion”.[135]

Two years into the regime, 44% of Americans were working two jobs, a 13% increase relative to the Trump administration. A survey found 69% of employed professionals either worked a side job or wanted one.[136]

Inflation (BidiInflation)[edit]

Beginning in Biden's first 100 days, inflation began creeping up. A federal judge found Biden's farm debt relief program racist and unconstitutional.[137]

Per October (1-19), 2021 poll, Biden support has dropped sharply among independent voters. The non-improvement, Gallup attributes to recent setbacks such as the infrastructure bill debate and issues such as inflation and worker shortages.[138]

The spike in inflation was especially hard towards 2021 Thanksgiving day, most Americans affected, polled, blamed Biden.[139] Biden called more inflation "a great asset" and a reporter questioning its impact on the 2022 midterm elections a "stupid son-of-b****."[140]

Though Biden administration officials, in 2021, called high inflation “transitory.” But Biden on at least one occasion acknowledged the possible impact of generous social spending. By Feb 2022, Biden, reluctantly admitted:[141] "Americans are being 'clobbered' by inflation."

Per Feb 10, 2022 report, it showed, inflation soared to a 40-year high.[142] When NBC's Lester Holt asked him, Biden first snapped arrogantly at him: "wise guy."[143]

In March 2022, Biden blamed ‘Putin’s price hike’ --no less-- for February Inflation...[144]

Indeed, on Mar 10, 2022, Fox News' journalist Doocy jabbed at Psaki: ‘Are you guys going to just start blaming Putin for everything until the midterms?’[145]

In an ABC News/Ipsos poll, based on interviews conducted between March 11–12, 2022, 70% of Americans disapprove of Biden's handling of inflation. Though support ban on Russian oil. [146]

On Apr 14, 2022, Biden had the audacity, with a straight face, conveniently, pinning it all on Ukraine war. Claiming:[147]
"What people don't know is that 70% of the increase in inflation was the consequence of Putin's Price Hike." 

In June 2022, Biden admitted:[148]

We’re gonna live with this inflation for a while.

In June 2022, Biden blamed it all, conveniently, on Russia. "The reason why gas prices are up, is because of Russia—Russia, Russia, Russia. The reason why the food crisis exists, is because of Russia, Russia..."[149]

In July/2022, Biden said the US is not in a recession, despite two consecutive quarters of shrinking economy.[150] Though the WH did admitted -earlier- on the inflation reality by announcing a so-called Inflation Reduction Act.

Months later, in Sep 2022, the Dow Jones 20% fell from intraday record high of Jan thst year.[151]

Biden partied over 'Inflation Reduction' just as inflation surged upward.,[152] in fact, Dems.' Signature legislation actually 'goosed' higher prices.

Under Bidenism, NYC hit record numbers in homelessness. [153]

Some project that, "US recession may strike in September 2023 as Fed continues to fight Bidenflation."[154]

In Jan 2023, noted economist Steve Moore blasted Congress for ramming through insane $1.7T Omnibus Spending Bill.[155]

Campaiging for his 2024 bid, desperate to try to win his image, with the economy in trouble, he/his team came up with a pitch "Bidenomics".

Much in the MSM media who are more than happy to serve him, went into overdrive.

With two-thirds of the country unhappy with how President Joe Biden is handling the economy, the White House will have to fight to sell Americans on "Bidenomics."


Deficit and dishonesty[edit]

In Dec 2022, Biden, also, lied to the American poeole that he supposedly cut national debt by $1.7T, ×hike actualky he was increasing it $3.7T.[157]

Biden wrongly claimed Tuesday that he lowered the national debt by $1.7 trillion — when in fact the debt grew by nearly $3.7 trillion during his first 23 months in office. Biden made the error while using the terms “deficit” and “debt” interchangeably during remarks touting the slight decline in the annual inflation rate to 7.1% in November. “We’ve done all of this while lowering the federal deficit in the two years we’ve been in office $1.7 trillion,” Biden said before incorrectly adding, “Let me say that again — $1.7 trillion we’ve lowered the federal debt.”

Showed in Feb 2023, how the Government's own numbers undermine Biden's boasts about deficit reduction.[158]

Now it is the government's own numbers that show Joe Biden is misleading the American public when he boasts that he made a huge reduction in the nation's budget deficit.

Biden repeatedly has claimed he has reduced the budget deficit by a trillion dollars – more than anyone else ever.

Oil dependency and High Gas Prices[edit]

Biden Ukraine.PNG

On its first day, the Biden junta killed 70,000 high-wage middle class and union jobs by canceling the Keystone Pipeline,[159] making America energy dependent on Vladimir Putin, Saudi Arabia, and the Venezuelan Marxist regime while making America's enemies richer.[160][161] Biden signed an executive order to revoke a permit for the Keystone XL,[162] which led to killing 11 thousands jobs immediately, including 8,000 union jobs.[163] Even far-left Canadian prime minister Justin Trudeau expressed disappointment.[164] Crude oil prices immediately rose 24%.[165]

Sinopec is a Chinese natural gas and mineral oil company and is the biggest company in China. Sinopec Marketing Company enjoyed nearly $1 billion in investment from Hunter Biden’s private equity firm BHR Partners. Finalized in March 2015, the investments from the BHR Partners led to BHR amassing a nearly 30 percent stake in Sinopec. BHR Partner’s LinkedIn profile highlights its Sinopec investment, revealing it was involved “in the pilot state-owned enterprise reform deal involving the segregation and capitalization of Sinopec Group’s non-oil business into Sinopec Marketing Corporation.” As of October 2021, Hunter Biden reportedly still owned a 10 percent stake in BHR Partners.[166]

After the Biden regime canceled the Keystone XL destroying America's energy independence, by October 2021 when the global energy crisis hit, Sinopec reported record-breaking output figures. A company press release stated: "Fuling Shale Gas Field – the first commercially developed and operated large-scale shale gas field in China – announced on October 8 that it has produced 40 billion cubic meters of shale gas, setting a new record for the cumulative production of shale gas in the country."[167] In addition to killing off the domestic oil industry and enriching Russia and Saudi Arabia by doing so, Biden pledged to increase gas taxes by $90 billion.

After banning Russian oil due to Putin's operation to de-nazify Ukraine, Republicans[168] and conservative pundits tried to push Biden to increase domestic oil production. Since March 2022, the Biden Junta has been releasing Oil from the Strategic Reserves to Europe.[169] On June 2, 2022, the Biden Junta's Energy Secretary spoke about "clean energy goals" and gleefully asserted that gas will remain above $4 a gallon.[170]

Many police agencies in local communities stopped answering 911 emergency calls for lack of gasoline to get to the site.

Real estate crash[edit]

Amid surging layoffs in the real estate market, slumping homebuilder sentiment, soaring rates and plunging mortgage applications, housing Starts crashed 14.4% month-over-month in May 2022 and Permits plunged 7.0% MoM.[171]

[Dis]Approval rating[edit]

Poll, Oct 1-19, 2021.[138]

Biden’s job approval rating has been underwater since August/2021. Per Dec 2021 report, weeks before the start of a midterm election year. The three main issues are: pandemic, economic recovery and crime.[172] In Jan 2022, Biden disapproval hits new high as voters give him bad grades on economy.[173]

One of the 'early' casualties of Biden's low approval rating, was, for example in Detroit district.[174]

In Jan 2022: Biden's approval rating drops to new low of 33% on concerns about his handling of COVID, economy.[175]

In a CNN Poll released on Feb 10, 2022, it found: [176]

Most Biden detractors say he's done nothing they like since becoming president.

Feb/2022 poll showed:[177] Independent voters give former President Donald Trump an edge in a hypothetical 2024 head-to-head matchup against President Joe Biden.

The CNN on March 31, 2022 argued that it's about the economy,[178] and that the news doesn't look likely to improve for Biden—at least in the near term.

Indeed, Axios[179] reported that "Dems air anxieties after Biden's brutal NBC poll."

It led to: NBC panel fretting over polls as liberal media begins to move on from Biden: 'This is a problem'.[180]

Gallup explains in Apr 2022:[181] 'Biden job approval down most among younger Generations.'

April 2022 polls spelled trouble for Biden with Hispanic voters.[182]

In May 2022, Amid Flagging Poll Numbers, Biden Tells Dems It’s Us vs. Them [183] 490 days into the occupation, Biden registered the lowest approval rating since records started being kept in 1945, according to liberal pollster Nate Silver,[184] exceeding such despised office holders as Jimmy Carter, Lyndon Johnson, and Richard Nixon.

Americans stated clearly (June 2022), gas prices, economy will dictate midterm election votes. And Biden fails miserably.[185]

June 8, 2022, approval Biden’s job performance slipped to just 33%.[186] Sinking to 22% among young adults, 24% among Hispanics.

A July 2022 poll showed that most Democratic voters don’t want Joe Biden in 2024. His pproval rating at 31%.[187][188]

Aug 2022 polls showed strong numbers for Ron DeSantis and bad numbers for Biden and Kamala Harris.[189]

In Aug 2022, despite Biden's administration finally passing a gigantic budget bill, his approval rating stood still at 42%.[190] (The same as in Oct 2021.[191]).

Vilifying half of Americans[edit]

See also: Left-wing violence under the Biden junta
Comparison of an angry Joe Biden and an angry Adolf Hitler engaging in demagogic gesturing during a speech.

Biden, in his Jan 2022 speech, uttered angry gaslighting calling half of America 'racist' - for defending voting verification, ID. In addition, the White House, later on, still tripled down defending this.[192]

In a September 1, 2022 prime time, nationally televised speech, Biden unleashed a wave of violence against his political opponents.[193][194]

Censoring criticism[edit]

In July 2023, Joe Biden revealed he’s got no defense for his censorship campaign.

President Joe Biden played his cards. He’s all bluff, no aces.

Biden is the defendant in a lawsuit that accuses him and his team of, in federal District Court Judge Terry Doughty’s words, “the most massive attack against free speech in the United States.”

Yet the appeal Biden filed Monday is devoid of even one convincing argument in his own defense.

Count on the appeal to go nowhere. Biden’s been caught red-handed violating the Constitution.

On July 4, Doughty announced that the evidence produced so far indicates the president is operating a vast, illegal censorship scheme to muzzle his critics.

Doughty knows tyranny when he sees it: He’s got the goods on the Biden administration, and he laid out his evidence in 155 pages, all meticulously footnoted.

Biden, numerous White House staff and employees of 11 federal agencies are being sued for operating a whole-of-government censorship operation to prevent you — the public — from seeing social-media postings that challenge Biden policies on issues like vaccines, climate change, inflation and more.

Not to mention any postings that mock Biden family members.

Straight out of Kim Jong Un’s playbook.[195]

Empty catchphrases[edit]

Biden rolled out a catchphrase trying to negatively characterize the GOP as "ultra-MAGA, referring to former President Donald Trump's "Make America Great Again" slogan.  It was later revealed that the label was the result of a six-month, liberal-funded focus group research project. His spokesperson, Karine Jean-Pierre, talked and talked (Aug/2022) but couldn't explain Biden's 'semi-fascism' jab against GOP,' of course.[196]

Rising crime[edit]

Biden is rated poorly on handling crime.[197]

The only "good news," state commentators:[198]
There's good news, and there’s bad news. The good news (which really is also bad news) is that the Biden administration has finally been forced to acknowledge and admit that the surge in violent crime—especially the surge in homicides in many cities—is a problem.

Yet, "it's COVID-19 and guns," not President Joe Biden's policies, that are causing widespread looting and soaring crime rates, insisted Biden's spokesperson in Dec 2021.[199]

In addition, another Joe Biden calamity never seen before: trains have been robbed and raided wholesale in Los Angeles. Commentator asked: "Where's Pete Buttigieg? Where's Joe Biden? In the past, the U.S. would call in the military for this kind of assault on interstate trade."[200] Per Dec 2021 ABC News report,[201] 12 major U.S. cities hit all-time highs for crime in 2021. All those cities are Democrat-run, even the ones in Republican states.[202]

War on cops[edit]

Democrat riots in Compton, California, 2020.[203]
See also: Black Lives Matter organization

The Biden regime provided fresh impetus to the War on Cops with Kamala Harris leading the raising money for bail for violent looters and insurrectionists. The number of policemen and women killed in 2021 exceeded the number of police deaths for every year since 1995. Biden and the Democrats’ efforts to defund the police and label the police perpetrators led to widespread murders of police across the United States.[204]

Seventy-three officers were intentionally killed in the line of duty during Biden's first year after the seizure of power — a nearly 59 percent increase over 2020, when 46 cops were murdered.[205]

Per The National Fraternal Order of Police (FOP), as in the beginning of April 2022, 101 police officers shot in line of duty, a 43% increase from 2021.[206]

In June 2022, Biden showed his softness on anti police lefty terorism. Such as the May 2020 attack by Colinford Mattis and Urooj Rahman - Molotov cocktails throwers.[207] Reducing their decades sentence to just less than two years.[208]

Insecurity under Biden[edit]

Overall, nearly 7 in 10 Americans have that concern.[209]

After almost two weeks investigation, "The Secret Service did not find sufficient DNA, fingerprint or video evidence to determine who brought cocaine into the White House."[211]

The U.S. Defense Department’s inspector general report found a lack of accountability in maintaining the equipment it sends to Ukraine. According to the 19-page report by the Pentagon’s Office of Inspector General through the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), a group posing as humanitarian aid workers worked to obtain a hoard of U.S.-provided bulletproof vests.“[212]


See also: Joe Biden's racist history and History of Democrat racism

Racist travel ban[edit]

See also: Xenophobia

Biden banned people from Africa entering the United States because they were Black and alleged to carry mysterious foreign diseases.

Regime chief propagandist Jen Psaki refused to answer questions about Biden's racist travel ban on Africans travelling from Black African countries. When Simon Ateba, a black African reporter with Today News Africa, attempted to question Psaki about the racist motivations behind the travel ban on black Africans, Psaki ignored Ateba in favor of a sympathetic white liberal reporter.[213] Ateba was persistent, and wanted to know why with no cases of the Omicron coronavirus variant in Zimbabwe, Namibia, Lesotho, and Mozambique, what justified the travel ban on countries with zero cases of the variant. Ateba asked, “What would you say to those who believe that this is a racist ban, that it is only on African and black African nations?”[214]

Psaki couldn't answer the question and scolded Ateba about decorum, telling him to learn his place by watching his white counterparts.[215] According to Fox News, Ateba said,

Psaki made rude and disparaging comments toward Simon Ateba of Today Africa News.
"The travel ban was built on a lie. The president on November 26 [2021] banned 8 African countries. Only 2 of those countries had any case of the omicron variant.”

Ateba, a native of Cameroon according to the Committee to Protect Journalists, went on to question the supposed science behind Biden’s ban, pointing to Namibia, a small country on the continent’s Atlantic coast. The nation of 2.5 million people registered only 400 cases of COVID-19 since the virus’ inception, he said, but yet Biden essentially punished them anyway.

“There’s total chaos: People can’t travel to Namibia, Zimbabwe [or] Mozambique, yet they have zero cases. So I don’t believe I was the one being disrespectful. I think Africa was disrespected, by banning countries based on a lie,” he said, referencing claims by Psaki he was being disrespectful of his fellow White House reporters."[216]

Ateba was retaliated against by being dropped from Stripe, an online payment program, and the news organization may now have to shut down.[217]

Racist Biden advisors[edit]

Politico reported,

"Some of [Kamal] Harris’s advisers believed the president’s almost entirely white inner circle did not show the vice president the respect she deserved,” Martin and Burns write. “Harris worried that Biden’s staff looked down on her; she fixated on real and perceived snubs in ways the West Wing found tedious.”

At one point, Harris dispatched [incoming chief of staff Tina] Flournoy to talk to top Biden adviser ANITA DUNN to convey displeasure that White House staff was not standing up for Harris when she entered the room the way they did for Biden. “The vice president took it as a sign of disrespect,” according to the excerpt.[218]

Spike in Antisemitic attacks[edit]

Per March 2023 report, "Antisemitic attacks reach record high under Joe Biden."[219]

Attack on civil liberties[edit]

See also: Biden/Harris attack on civil liberties, Obama/Biden FISA abuse, and Police state

Weeks after the seizure of power, chief procurator Merrick Garland and Biden lifted President Trump's ban on harassment of political opponents and executed a warrant on former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani to seize electronic devices with names and cell phone number's of all Giuliani's contacts.[220] Giuliani led the challenges to Democrat election fraud after the 2020 presidential election.[221] Additionally, Giuliani had in his possession damning evidence related to the Biden family corruption scandals.[222] The seizure of Giuliani's electronic devices with cell phone numbers and email contacts opened the door for further FISA 702 abuse. Two weeks before the seizure it was discovered Mary McCord (DOJ), who succeeded John Carlin as head of the DOJ-NSD during the corrupt Obama administration and submitted the fraudulent Carter Page FISA warrant to the FISA Court, was hired by FISA Court chief judge James Boasberg as Amicus Curiae.[223][224]

Two days prior to the seizure of Giuliani's electronic devices, it was reported that the FISA Court determined Obama era FISA abuse was ongoing.[225] Edward Snowden described in detail how Obama FISA abuse worked to illegally surveil political opponents, elected officials, and judges for blackmail purposes and to interfere in elections.[226] The home of Victoria Toensing was also raided.[227] Toensing, the wife of former D.C. US Attorney Joe diGenova, represented Dmytro Firtash and also whistleblower William J. Campbell in the Uranium One bribery scandal.

Misuse of FBI: To target journalists and political opponents[edit]

Ashley Biden left her diary behind in a drug rehabilitation center alleging "inappropriate" showers with her father as a child;[228] the FBI verified the authenticity of the diary when it seized it from journalists.[229]

In November 2021 the FBI raided the founder of Project Veritas, James O'Keefe's home looking for First Daughter Ashley Biden's diary. In the diary Ashley Biden ruminates about taking inappropriate showers with her father and becoming sexualized as a small child.[230] Project Veritas itself was never able to verify the authenticity of the diary, did not publish it, and turned it over to local law enforcement. The FBI seized Project Veritas' donor list and all telephone contacts in an attempt to intimidate donors and whistleblowers with illegal FISA 702 surveillance and abuse.

In June 2021 it was reported the Biden NSA was spying on Fox News host Tucker Carlson and his communications team.[231]

Biden used the pseudonym "Peter Henderson" on social media; Hunter Biden stored his father's phone number on his contact list as "Pedo Peter."[232]

Misuse of FBI: That al-Jazeera's propagandist "journalist" case[edit]

In Nov 2022, after the DOJ's final decision on the accidental death of Al Jazeera's propagandist "journalist" Shireen Abu Akleh in a crossfire between terrorists and IDF in May/2022, and after US and Israeli elections,[233] where by the latter, linked Biden liberals meddled, invested in propaganda in that country, trying so hard to prevent Netanyahu's return, and Biden, anti-Israel actors (like Soros linked for example) by failing in it, upset,[234] by failing in it, big time, Biden, politicized the FBI (using its resources for politics) to "investigate," the pro Jihad reporter.[235] Setting a sudden precedent, after not doing do in wake of US citizens murdered by Arab "Palestinian" terror attacks in the past.[233]

After this Biden's politicization of the agency, and in the wake of Nov 23, 2022 Arab "Palestinian" attack targeting Jews[236][237] in Jerusalem, where an American was injured, it was remarked "Don't hold your breath for an FBI investigation of this attack on a US citizen".[238] And attorney and the father of Alisa Flatow, who was murdered in an Iranian-sponsored Palestinian terrorist attack in 1995, author of A Father’s Story: My Fight for Justice Against Iranian Terror:[239] "FBI should investigate the attack on US citizen in Jerusalem bombing," asking, why the double standard?

Indeed, since the State Department as well as Israel have already ruled death an accident, a probe from the America First Legal Foundation, a conservative watchdog group, wants to know why Biden’s DOJ is investigating the accidental death.[240] The army still emphasized (as late as Dec 2022) that the possibility that the journalist was killed by Palestinian fire remains.[241]

Al Jihadzeera's star witness - terror-Jihad linked

Revealing sensitive U.S. Military info at CNN interview[edit]

In July 2023, Biden gave away sensitive U.S. Military info during a CNN Interview:

Was it dementia, or was Old Joe rubbing it in that we now have a two-tier justice system in the this country, such that he and his cronies can do whatever they want without fear of penalty while the entire massive apparatus of the United States government is devoted to finding new crimes for which Donald Trump can be charged? Either way, he sat for a softball interview with CNN’s Fareed Zakaria on Sunday but ended up revealing information about our military that could make our most formidable global enemies newly emboldened and aggressive. Is there nothing Old Joe won’t do to make America weaker and more vulnerable?[242]

War on Parents[edit]

See also: War on parents

There are 13 federal statutes the Biden regime domestic terrorism task force uses to intimidate and silence parents from speaking out at local school board meetings to protest Marxist indoctrination, critical race theory, gender indoctrination, mask mandates, and the rape of their children and subsequent cover-up.[243] These statutes include mail threats, cyberstalking, anonymous telecommunications harassment, repeated phone calls, repeated harassing communication, false information and hoaxes, depriving a person of their civil rights and other statutes related to interstate extortion, injury to property, person, or reputation, kidnapping, and interference with a federally protected activity.[244]

DOJ/White House/NSBA collusion[edit]

Parents Defending Education, an advocacy organization, obtained emails through the Freedom of Information Act showing that National School Board Association (NSBA) and officials were in contact with White House staffers before the NSBA sent a letter to Biden requesting that federal law enforcement officials address unruly behavior, including threats, directed toward public education officials. One email explains that White House staffers “requested additional information on some of the specific threats.”[245] Garland told the House Judiciary Committee under oath that the NSBA’s letter was the pretext for his instructions to Department of Justice-National Security Division, US Attorney's, and FBI five days later.

The NSBA retracted its letter two weeks later, however Garland refused to retract his instructions to federal prosecutors and investigators.

Loudoun County transgender rape case[edit]

Scott Smith, a parent, was at a Loudoun County, Virginia school board meeting on June 22, 2021 because his daughter had been raped by a transgender boy in the girls’ bathroom on May 28, 2021 at Stone Bridge High School.[246] The school told Smith his daughter had been assaulted but didn't call police. Smith reported the assault to the Loudoun County Sheriff's Office (LCSO) and rape kit evidence collected. Prior to the June 22 meeting, When Smith showed up at the school to complain about what had happened, they accused him of lying and called the police.[247]

Parent arrested at Loudoun County, Virginia school board meeting after his daughter was raped in a public school transgender bathroom.

Moments before Smith’s arrest Superintendent Scott Ziegler of the county’s schools “said the school hadn’t had any incidents involving a transgender student in bathrooms and declared that ‘the predator transgender student or person simply does not exist.'” [248] An Antifa activist at the meeting claimed his daughter was lying. When an argument ensued, police grabbed his arm. When he pulled his arm away, he was assaulted and thrown to the ground, handcuffed, and removed from the room.[249] A damning email proved the board had been informed of the rape on the day the rape occurred.[250]

And while the far-left prosecutor’s office, which would eventually try to throw the book at Smith over his arrest at the school board meeting, insisted they were taking the rape case seriously, the same boy was transferred to another school in the district. On October 6, 2021, the same boy was alleged to have committed another rape. A sheriff's office press release stated, "A teenager from Ashburn has been charged with sexual battery and abduction of a fellow student at Broad Run High School."[251]

The National School Board Association (NSBA) sent a letter to Joe Biden complaining about parents speaking out at school board meetings. The letter specifically cited the June 22, 2021 Loudoun County, Virginia incident as an example.[252] The NSBA letter states that parents’ protests and speeches at school board meetings “could be equivalent to a form of domestic terrorism.” Biden handed the letter to Garland. Garland issued a memo directing the FBI and numerous other federal and state agencies to take “measures designed to address the rise in criminal conduct directed toward school personnel,” a clear example of the politicization of the Department of Justice. A liberal advocacy group sent the Office of the President a letter; Merrick Garland dutifully turned that letter into DOJ policy.

Smith’s case was used in Merrick Garland's October 2021 memo warning of “domestic terrorism” at school board meetings.[253] The memo's intent is to intimidate parents to not speak out at school board meetings against critical race theory.

Mar-a-Lago raid[edit]

See also: Mar-a-Lago and Two-tier system

U.S. Federal Magistrate Bruce E. Reinhart signed the Mar-a-Lago raid warrant.

FBI internal regulations bar the FBI from making any political indictments or public disclosures 90 days prior to a general election. Monday August 8, 2022, a day that will live in infamy, occurred 91 days prior to the 2022 Midterm elections. On that day, the Wray FBI raided President Donald Trump's home and seized boxes of materials.[254] Trump was said to be in possession of certain documents with dirt on the Deep State.[255] The warrant, signed by an associate of Jeffrey Epstein,[256] authorized the seizure of "Any government and/or presidential record created between January 20, 2017 and January 20, 2021."[257] President Trump, who has for many years been the target of corrupt FBI activities, suggested one purpose of the raid was to plant evidence.[258] FBI and DOJ operatives overstepped the separation of powers the following day by seizing Rep. Scott Perry's phone.[259]

A Wall Street Journal oped noted:

"Monday was a sad day for our democracy and a dark day for the Federal Bureau of Investigation. The search of Donald Trump’s Florida residence was a politically sensitive operation that would have tested the FBI’s reputation for fairness and impartiality in the best of circumstances. But the bureau’s behavior since Mr. Trump came onto the political scene has already left its reputation in tatters."[260]

President Trump held evidence of a politically weaponized U.S. intelligence and justice system. To include an extensive paper trail showing how the DC apparatus under the Obama-era intelligence system, Dept. of Homeland Security (DHS), Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI), Dept. of Justice (DOJ) and FBI coordinated with the 2016 Hillary Clinton campaign to install her into office.[261]

Rep. Henry Cuellar[edit]

Democrat Rep. Henry Cuellar represents Texas’ 28th Congressional District, which extends to the U.S.- Mexico border, had been very public and critical of how Joe Biden collapsed the U.S-Mexico border enforcement.[262][263] Cuellar's home and campaign office were the subject of an FBI raid on January 20, 2022.[264]

Vaccine mandates[edit]

See also: Biden's vaccine mandate

Political prisoners[edit]

See also: Biden regime political prisoners, J6 protests, and Police state

Election integrity[edit]

Biden quoted Joseph Stalin, "It's not about who gets to vote, it’s about who gets to count the vote."[265]

In May 2022, the Department of Homeland Security admitted that Dominion Voting Systems have inherent vulnerabilities that are easily manipulated by local election officials.[266] The junta is adamantly opposed to securing the integrity of all future elections. Polls show 77% of voters support election integrity laws like voter ID, which Biden labeled "Jim Crow in the 21st century."[267] Biden instructed all elements of the U.S. government and private sector to defend him against sunlight. The Biden regime prepared to initiate hostile actions against the American electorate to protect the fraudulent results of the 2020 election. The U.S. Department of Justice was activated along with the Federal Department of Homeland Security, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the U.S. Intelligence Community and elements of the U.S. Department of Defense. In addition, the Democrat National Committee,[268] the Lawfare alliance, activist groups, the U.S. media and Big Tech social media platform control agents were enlisted. Big Tech oligarchs, aligned with the interests of the Chinese Communist Party, also provided hundreds-of-millions in defense of their own interests which are tied directly to the Biden junta. D.C. politicians under the control of multinational corporations were instructed to push the “domestic extremist” narrative. Any organized and articulate sources outside the mainstream fake news media the regime considers subversive. Approximately 100 million American voters are considered dissidents.

Evidence of election fraud was labeled “domestic extremism”,[269] and any entity that aligned with the objective to review or audit any election outcome was targeted as an enemy of the installed regime.[270]

Democrats claim that Black people cannot find the Department of Motor Vehicles to obtain a state-issue ID or a driver's license.[271]

On December 14, 2021, at a meeting of DNC operatives, Biden quoted Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin, "It's not about who gets to vote, it’s about who gets to count the vote."[272][273]

On October 31, 2022, nine days before the 2022 Midterms, the Biden regime arrested and jailed the founders of the election watch and election integrity project True the Vote.[274][275]

Broken / open borders[edit]

See also: Biden border crisis
El Paso, TX, Dec 2022.[276]

In January 2022 regime chief propagandist Jen Psaki was asked by Fox News' Peter Doocy:[277]

DOOCY: "Why is it that large numbers of single adult men are being released into the United States just hours after being apprehended at the southern border?"

PSAKI: "Well, I'm not sure the specifics of what you're referring to, Peter."

Analyst argues: "The border stampede isn't a Biden a 'failure' — it's exactly what he and Dems want."[278]

The 'Afghan Adjustment Act' would legalize 36,000 unvetted Afghans.[279]

In Sep 2022, it was reported that "surging number of suspected terrorists nabbed jumping Mexico border this year."[280]

In Oct 2022, outrageously, Biden drops English and US history testing for mentally challenged immigrants.[281] All you have to do is to just "say" you have some mental issue.

Per CBP, (report released in Oct 2022), 20 known or suspected terrorists arrested at the southern border in September, bringing the total terror watchlist arrests at the border for the fiscal year 2022 to 98. [282]

By Oct 2022, there were 4.5 million individuals encounter at the border during the two years. Many got away.[283]

In Nov 2022, it was revealed that Biden opened secret amnesty door, swamping border facilities, a new system to let in potential lawbreakers that also puts them on a fast track to legal status. [284]

On Nov 30, 2022,[285] Biden's Admin. WH claimed Biden has been to the border despite no record of any visit.

On Dec 6, 2022, Joe Biden said he would not visit the southern border during his trip to Arizona, despite an ongoing migration crisis. "More Important Things Going On," he said.[286]

In Dec 2022, under Biden, changes were announced to the U.S. naturalization test on reducing the difficulty of the English-speaking section and editing the civics section to make the test easier for citizenship applicants.[287]

Outrageously, Kamala Harris, after she denied there is a crisis at the border, refused to visit there, in Dec 2022, in an NPR interview, she rather blamed Republicans, no less.[288][289]

By the end of 2022, Supreme Court justices issued scathing Title 42 dissent: 'We are a court of law.'[290] Gorsuch, a Trump appointee, was joined by Jackson, who Biden nominated to court earlier this year. This has temporarily stopped making a bad situation worse.

In a highlighted case, one migrant simply used an Uber to come from Tijuana, as he was told, the border is open.[291]

On Jan 5, 2023, Biden outrageously compared so-called "asylum seekers" at America’s southern border to Jews fleeing Nazi Germany.[292] (while in fact most come for dconomic reasons).

“Biden just compared illegal aliens—lawbreakers who have been found to be terrorists, drug dealers, and bad actors—to Jews fleeing Germany during the Holocaust. Not even remotely the same situation. This kind of mindset prevents us from legitimately securing our border,” tweeted [22] Rep. Andy Biggs (R-Ariz.)

Stephen Miller, who was a senior advisor to former President Donald Trump, also weighed in [23] on Twitter.

“Comparing Haitians leaving Haiti or Nicaraguans leaving Nicaragua to Jews fleeing violent extermination from Nazi Germany is both an outrageous minimization of the Holocaust and a vile slander of Latin American nations,” wrote Miller. “Biden will say or do anything to expand illegal immigration.”

Release of migrants into the U.S. interior w/o court dates

In 2023, nearly two dozen Republican-led states have backed Florida’s legal challenge to a Biden administration policy that allowed for the release of migrants into the U.S. interior without court dates[293] The policy, known as "parole with conditions" was outlined in a May 10, 2023. memo and came a day before the end of Title 42.


After refusing to for so long, as even the lef had criticized the mess at the border (- he is guilty of), Biden was left with no choice but to agree to visit (Jan 8, 2023), to show that he "cares" but refused to include in the group the very local GOP's Tony Gonzales,[294] lest it will hinder his propaganda optics.

Biden had to make the visit, at least a day before meeting Mexico's president A.M.L. Obrador at the Summit there.[295]

National security[edit]

See also: Long march through the institutions
Hillary Clinton and Biden National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan peddled deliberately false national security information.

Under the junta, the most important national security issue is the protection of transgenderism in the military. This was affirmed in presidential Executive Order No.14004 signed five days after the seizure of power. The White House’s 2021 “Interim National Security Strategic Guidance,” instead of offering guidance on Russian, Iranian and Chinese aggression, the document was laden with PC nonsense. In its 24 pages, the ‘Guidance’ mentions climate change more than a dozen times, as well as racial justice and LGBTQI+ rights.[296]

On January 29, 2021, four days after Biden’s transgender executive order, defense minister Lloyd Austin followed with a military-wide order that all restrictions on transgenderism would be lifted pending a review of the issue which radical leftists consider crucial to America’s national security.[297] Biden signed an Executive Order on January 25, 2021 mandating taxpayers to pay for gender reassignment surgery for active military personnel and veterans, with some treatments costing upward of $200,000.[298]

The Biden budget increased defense spending only 1.6%. Adjusted for inflation, it’s a cut.[299] Meantime CCP state media called for increases in the PRC nuclear weapons.[300] Pentagon analysts project the CCP military to match and overtake the U.S. military in strength in 5 to 10 years. Pentagon spending was rotated out for other domestic vote-buying schemes, such as the Green New Deal disguised as infrastructure, and supposed slave reparations including people of mixed race and immigrants who not need to prove they are descendants of American slaves (ADOS).

Under Lloyd Austin, the Pentagon canceled a $10-billion ‘JEDI’ cloud-computing contract with Microsoft in July 2021 and handed it back to tech giant Amazon, which had sued after President Trump took it away from Amazon in 2019.[301] Weeks earlier, Speaker Nancy Pelosi's husband, who handles the families finances, bought $1 million in Amazon call options.[302]

Among the modern Pentagon's lesser priorities after transgenderism and critical race theory is its report that the possibility of nuclear weapons being used in regional or global conflicts is growing.[303]

The Great Purge[edit]

Another of Austin's first actions was to order a 60 day nationwide stand down across all service branches to root out Trump voters, euphemistically referred to as "extremists".[304] The junta attempted to identify military personnel who exercised their First Amendment right to peacefully assemble on January 6, 2020. In a Pentagon briefing with reporters, Ramón "CZ" Colón-López, the senior enlisted adviser to the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said that some troops have asked, when the January 6, 2021 riot is brought up, "How come you're not looking at the situation that was going on in Seattle prior to that?" "This is coming from every echelon that we're talking to," he added.[305]

Russian Army.PNG US Army.PNG

Left: Russian Army recruiting ad.
Right: woke progressive U.S. Army recruiting ad.[306]

In May 2021, the DOD press secretary was asked about plans to monitor the social media accounts of active military members: "part of that insider threat program is to take a look at social media activity out there so that we're – that we can be as informed as possible.... If there is – again, the insider threat, right, is, you know, when there’s a concern about the potential of a threat coming from inside, you know, one of the things you want to do is take a look at the social media footprint and see what’s out there in the public space."[307] 130 retired generals and admirals demanded the resignations of Mark Milley and Llyod Austin “based on negligence in performing their duties primarily involving events surrounding the disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan....The consequences of this disaster are enormous and will reverberate for decades beginning with the safety of Americans and Afghans who are unable to move safely to evacuation points; therefore, being de facto hostages of the Taliban at this time. The death and torture of Afghans has already begun....The loss of billions of dollars in advanced military equipment and supplies falling into the hands of our enemies is catastrophic. The damage to the reputation of the United States is indescribable. We are now an unreliable partner in any multinational agreement or operation. Trust in the United States is irreparably damaged....our adversaries are emboldened to move against America...China benefits the most followed by Russia, Pakistan, Iran, North Korea and others. Terrorists around the world are emboldened and able to pass freely into our country through our open border with Mexico....there are leadership, training, and morale reasons for has become clear that top leaders in our military are placing mandatory emphasis on PC “wokeness” related training which is extremely divisive and harmful to unit cohesion, readiness, and war fighting capability."[308]

Marine Battalion Commander, Lt. Col. Stuart Scheller, was relieved of command for criticizing Austin and Milley's decision to close Bagram AFB in Afghanistan before evacuating American civilians and soldiers. Lt. Col Scheller made a public Facebook post criticizing the decisions that led to the deaths of 13 U.S. Marines and 170 other non-combatants. “Did any of you throw your rank on the table and say, ‘Hey, it’s a bad idea to evacuate Bagram Airfield, a strategic airbase, before we evacuate everyone’? Did anyone do that? And when you didn’t think to do that, did anyone raise their hand and say, ‘We completely messed this up’?”[309] Scheller stated,[310] “Because it appears to me that no general officers are willing to hold each other accountable, I am submitting charges against Gen. McKenzie for his bad assumptions – not because I’m vindictive, but because the senior leaders need to be held accountable to the same standard as us.” Scheller vowed to file the charges through his chain of command and directly to “the former Raytheon board director, Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin.” He also said he would file a complaint with the Department of Defense Inspector General’s Office.[311] For demanding accountability of the regime, Scheller was sent to the brig without being charged.[312] Members of Congress demanded his immediate release.[313] Scheller was the only person disciplined following the Afghan debacle.[314]

In his resignation letter 18 year veteran Lt. Col. Paul Douglas Hague wrote,

“First, and foremost, I am incapable of subjecting myself to the unlawful, unethical, immoral and tyrannical order to sit still and allow a serum to be injected into my flesh against my will and better judgment. It is impossible for this so-called ‘vaccine’ to have been studied adequately to determine the long-term effects. It simply has not existed for enough time and any claim otherwise is blatantly ignorant and likely an outright lie driven by negligent political agenda....I cannot and will not contribute to the fall of this great nation and its people. The values that our nation was founded on, has lived by and thrived under, have been utterly decimated by the current presidential administration and the leadership of the military; to include the Army....We are watching the fall of liberty at this moment. Governors and mayors forcibly locking down millions of Americans, restricting them from their unalienable right to pursue happiness, forcing them out of their jobs and their ability to participate in the most basic and fundamental rights life offers because of their beliefs and values.[315]

Marxist indoctrination[edit]

See also: Mark Milley
The Progressive woke military in high heels for diversity awareness.[316]

On May 14, 2021, Lt Col. Matthew Lohmeier, a commander in the United States Space Force, was relieved of command for criticizing Marxist ideology.[317][318][319] Lohmeier said the Biden junta is teaching in the military that patriotism is evil.[320][321] The teaching of military history was replaced with training on police brutality, ‘systemic racism’ and ‘white privilege’.

In June 2021 it was reported that Lt. Col. Andrew Rhodes told hundreds of his “Fighting Eagle” soldiers at at Fort Carson, Colorado, “If you’re a white male, you are part of the problem.”[322][323] Navy Admiral Mike Gilday suggested Navy Sailors read How to Be Antiracist by extremist author Abram X. Kendi. The title of the book betrays its readers when the contents inside insist that America is racist in history and continues to be today in every structure that exists in the country.[324] Navy Command of Construction Battalion Maintenance Unit 303 Mainbody of Sunset, California forced all of its members on a gay pride march with a rainbow-themed American Flag.[325][326]

Future officers at the U.S. Army‘s military academy at West Point are being taught several leftist courses that are part of Marxist indoctrination. Three classes in particular at the academy are being taught with what critics say is the goal of social engineering and politicization of the 4,294 cadets: “Social Inequality,” “Military Leadership: Leading Inclusive Teams” and “Politics of Race Gender and Sexuality and Diversity.” West Point also offers a seminar on diversity and inclusion that features images of Black Lives Matter protesters.[327]

Woke frenzy[edit]

In woke frenzy, Biden wants the White House to war on 'algorithmic discrimination'.[328]


The Biden DHS warned Ukraine was actively recruiting foreign Nazis to fight against Putin's special denazification operation.

On February 24, 2022 President Vladimir Putin of Russia announced Operation Denazification to clean out the fascist battalions which have waged war on the civilians of the Donbas Republics since 2014, killing at least 13,000.[329] Politico reported, "The day after Russia launched its full-scale invasion, the Azov Regiment invited foreigners to join, Rita Katz of SITE Intelligence Group has detailed. Since then, neo-Nazis around the world have expressed enthusiasm for the fight."[330] Biden said of Putin, "For God's sake, this man cannot remain in power."[331]

On March 7, 2022 DHS issued an intelligence bulletin warning that 3,000 Americans mercenaries sign up with to fight Ukraine. Th bulletin noted
"Ukrainian nationalist groups including the Azov movement are actively recruiting racially or ethnically motivated violent extremist-white supremacists (RMVE-WS) to join various neo-Nazi battalions in the war against Russia."[332]


See also: CCP pandemic, Death panels, Biden's vaccine mandate, and COVID OSHA rules

In Mar 2023, Biden was accused of "dragging his feet" on declassifying COVID origins intel because "it will open Pandora's box".[333]

Pandemic of the unvaccinated[edit]

Biden accused resistors of the mandated covid death jab of spreading a "pandemic of the unvaccinated".

Foreign policy[edit]

Joe Biden has been wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades.

Robert Gates[334]

See also: Biden/Harris regime foreign policy

Biden revived Adolf Hitler's Lebensraum program to secure territory in Eastern Europe and Ukraine for Western interests. Biden and Democrats insisted that supplying weapons to the neo-Nazi fascist Ukrainian regime was to "defend democracy." The Ukrainian regime came to power in 2014 in a U.S.-backed coup that included the support of Ukrainian anti-Russian neo-Nazi paramilitary organizations.[335] India, Brazil, UAE, Saudi Arabia, Venezuela, Iran and China rejected Biden's sanctions scheme against Russia,[336] which only did more to hurt American consumers than Russia or Putin. Bishop Talbert Swan of the NAACP condemned the Biden-backed Ukrainian regime during the 2022 Russia-Ukraine conflict:

"White folks in Ukraine are: blocking Black people from getting on trains, dragging Black people off buses, denying shelter to Black people in freezing temperatures, and holding Black students at gunpoint."[337]

On March 28, 2022 U.S. dictator Joseph Biden trashed the November 1985 joint declaration issued by President Reagan and Mikhail Gorbachev at the Geneva Summit which read,[338] "a nuclear war is unwinnable and must never be fought" when Biden issued an updated version of the National Defense Strategy (NDS).[339]

Ukraine adventurism[edit]

Burisma exec thanks Hunter for introducing him to his father, Joe Biden.[340] Biden has always denied any knowledge or involvement with his son's business activities or associates.
See also: Biden-Ukraine scandal

Ukraine functions as the corrupt money laundering operation for Washington, D.C. politicians to receive kickbacks of taxpayer money from their financial support into Ukraine.[341] In May 2021 it was revealed that Joe Biden met with Ukrainian, Russian and Kazakh business associates of Hunter Biden in the private “Garden Room” at Café Milano,[342] a Georgetown institution whose catchphrase is: “Where the world’s most powerful people go" in April 2015 while Biden was vice president. The following day, April 17, Hunter Biden received an email from Vadym Pozharskyi, an executive of Burisma, to thank him for introducing him to his father.

“Dear Hunter, thank you for inviting me to DC and giving an opportunity to meet your father and spent [sic] some time together....It’s realty [sic] an honor and pleasure.”

Burisma was paying Hunter $83,333 a month to sit on its board a the time. Biden has always denied any knowledge of or involvement with his son's business or associates.

While ignoring the U.S. southern border, the Biden regime escalated tensions with Russia over the sacred "inviolability" of Ukraine's border in an effort qualm questions over American leadership within NATO caused by the Afghan debacle.[343]

Compromised by corrupt Ukrainian oligarchs[edit]
See also: FBI summary of confidential human source's meeting with Burisma executives, Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists, and Alexandra Chalupa

Biden restored the Obama era support for Ukrainian Neo-Nazis.[344] On March 1, 2021 Biden funneled $125 million in grants to Ukraine,[345] a country his son has extensive investments in.[346] Ukrainian neo-Nazis have been battling Ukraine's indigenous Russian speaking population since the Great Patriotic War.[347] One month later Biden junta neo-Nazi allies held a rally in Kiev to commemorate the 77th anniversary of the creation of the SS Galicia Division, made up primarily of Ukrainian nationalists armed by Nazi Germany to fight against the Soviet Union.[348] The SS Galicia Division is responsible for multiple mass murders and war crimes against Jewishs and Polish civilians.[349] The governments of Germany and Israel condemned the celebration,[350][351] but not the Biden junta. Former Democratic presidential candidate Tulsi Gabbard asked on the Tucker Carlson Show,[352]

Biden at the Council on Foreign Relations: "‘I’m leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money'...Well, [SOB], he got fired."[353]
The question for the American people is, Are we willing to go to war with Russia on behalf of Ukraine? We need to understand that such a war would come at a cost beyond anything that we can really imagine. This is something that will directly impact every single one of your viewers and all of our loved ones. This is a war that is not a game. It's a war in which there are no winners. Russia has thousands of nuclear weapons aimed towards us that could hit any town or city in America in less than 30 minutes and exact a cost upon every one of us that would result in excruciating death and suffering beyond comprehension. Hundreds of millions of people dying and suffering, seeing their flesh being burned from their bones. This is something you know you can't really even imagine. And it's a cost that we will all pay.

Why in the world would we ever contemplate going to war with Russia? Honestly, it is one that we should not do for those very reasons. If you look at the impacts of what a nuclear war brings it, really brings about the end of the world as we know it. And our leaders should understand this consequence and take it seriously. And this is why President Biden, instead of continuing to escalate tensions and continuing this new Cold War between the United States and Russia, he needs to de-escalate these tensions and actually focus on bringing an end to this new Cold War because if he doesn't, then it's not a question of if we go to war with Russia if this war ends up with a nuclear holocaust, it really is then just a question of when. And if we continue down this path that we are on it's something that could happen a lot sooner than any of us think.

For speaking out against the Biden regime's policy of war with Russia, Sen. Rand Paul and Tulsi Gabbard were place on the Ukrainian Nazi kill list.[354]

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky accused the junta of handing a "weapon" to the Kremlin by allowing the completion of the Nord Stream 2 pipeline, "This is a weapon, a real weapon … in the hands of the Russian Federation. It is not very understandable … that the bullets to this weapon can possibly be provided by such a great country as the United States. How many Ukrainian lives does the relationship between the United States and Germany cost?"[355]

Gennadiy Druzenko, a Fulbright-Kennan Institute Research Scholar at the Kennan Institute and fellow at the Wilson Center in Washington, D.C.,[356] head of the Center for Constitutional Design,[357] a former researcher at the Center for Constitutional Democracy at Indiana University, and served as the Government Commissioner for Ethno-National Policy in the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine[358] who now operates a war-zone mobile hospital in eastern Ukraine told a Ukrainian Channel 24 TV interviewer that he had instructed his doctors to castrate captured Russian POWs. Druzenko said:

"I have always been a great humanist and said that if a man is wounded, he is no longer an enemy but a patient. But now [I gave] very strict orders to castrate all [captured Russian] men, because they are cockroaches, not people."[359]

Since 2014 when the Kyiv regime initiated the Donbas war against Russian civilians, some 500 doctors have worked with Druzenko's mobile hospital.

Ethnic cleansing in the Donbas[edit]
See also: Ethnic cleansing in the Donbas and Donbas war

On November 20, 2021, Trump-Russia hoaxer and Biden DNI Avril Haines[360] alleged that Russia had massed 100,000 troops at the border with Ukraine and was planning an invasion. In late December 2021 Jake Sullivan said a four-week window was left to prevent such an invasion and that if it were to happen the sanctions against Russia "would be overwhelming, immediate and inflict significant cost on the Russian economy and their financial system."[361] Germany had called upon the US not to impose sanctions, insisting that doing so will "damage transatlantic unity", Axios reported,[362] citing newly obtained German documents dated November 19, 2021 and marked as "classified":

"US Sanctions targeting Nord Stream 2 would undermine the commitment given to Germany in the Joint Statement, weaken the credibility of the US government, and endanger the achievements of the Joint Statement, including the provisions supporting Ukraine."[363]

The ongoing reality was a massive buildup and activity of NATO forces inside Ukraine, which Putin had warned about crossing Russia's red line days before Haines panicked statements.[364] CIA leaker David Ignatius told the Washington Post that the US was supporting an anti-Russian military insurgency in Ukraine.[365] Germany refused flyover permission for arms deliveries to Ukraine. Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova reported that ten thousand NATO soldiers, including four thousand Americans, were already stationed and active in Ukraine. Drones and Stingers have been provided and used in eastern Ukraine.[366] Several NATO members refused to send troops if NATO got involved in Ukraine.

The so-called "Revolution of Dignity" which the Obama administration supported. Written on the wall: “Ukraine for Ukrainians.”[367]

Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova reported that ten thousand NATO soldiers, including four thousand Americans, were already stationed and active in Ukraine. Drones and Stingers have been provided and used in eastern Ukraine.[366] In light of all the threatening activity on its border, on December 17, 2021 President Putin presented two treaties to be signed, one with the US[368] the other with NATO,[369] the essence of which is that the West pledges not to threaten Russia's borders by offering membership to Ukraine or by arming and basing missiles in Ukraine. Putin stated, "You are on our doorstep. We cannot back down." Putin promised a response if the NATO powers do not stop their offensive actions. NATO General Secretary Jens Stoltenberg rejected them out of hand. Russia's deputy foreign minister Alexander Grushko said on December 18, 2021 that NATO has been living in a fantasy world and that Europeans must think about whether they mean to turn their continent into a field of military confrontation.

Former U.S. ambassador to Russia Jack Matlock wrote in Krasno Analysis on December 14, 2021 that interference by the U.S. and its NATO allies in Ukraine's civil struggle has exacerbated the crisis within NATO and raised the specter a possible conflict between the nuclear powers. Russia is extremely sensitive about foreign military activity adjacent to its borders, as any other country would be, and as the United States has always been. Russia has signaled repeatedly that it will stop at nothing to prevent NATO membership for Ukraine. Ukraine's friends in Europe and America should help them understand, rather than Ukraine is pursuing what could easily turn out to be a suicidal course. He concluded, "back in October 1962 it was the U.S. southern border that was being approached closely by Soviet soldiers and missiles in Cuba which threatened the devastating first strike. Today it is the relentless march of NATO, closer and closer to Russia's borders. 60 years ago President John F. Kennedy said. "within the past week unmistakable evidence has established the fact that a series of offensive missile sites is now in preparation on that imprisoned island," and he said that "this is in an area well known to have a special and historical relationship to the U.S. and is a deliberately provocative and unjustified change in the status quo which cannot be accepted by this country." President Kennedy demanded that the Soviet Union remove and never again try to place nuclear-capable missiles and aircraft virtually on the U.S. border and in an area with a special and historical relationship to the U.S.[370]

President Putin's agreement proposed to Biden on December 7, 2021 was that the United States ensure that Ukraine would not join NATO and thereby have U.S. and NATO forces and missiles of various types placed right on Russia's border and in an area with a special and historical relationship to Russia.

After a month of CIA/MSM warmongering hysteria, in late January 2022 President Zelensky of Ukraine told Biden to tone down the rhetoric.[371] French Premier Emmanuel Macron said after meeting with Putin in February 2022, "The geopolitical objective of Russia today is clearly not Ukraine, but to clarify the rules of cohabitation with NATO and the EU."[372]

Support for Ukrainian fascism[edit]

Tucker Carlson summed up Biden regime policy toward Ukraine:

Zelensky transvestism.PNG Putin and Zelensky.png

The clown president Volodoymr Zelensky (second from left), chest exposed, tight leather pants, wearing high heels depicted as the modern "Churchill";[373]
(right) Vladimir Putin receives briefing on Zelensky.
Ukrainian nazis castrate Russians.PNG Azov victim 1.PNG

(left) Former Commissioner for Ethno-National Policy in the Ukrainian Cabinet of Ministers instructed doctors to castrate Russian POWs "because they are cockroaches, not human."[374] (right) female victim of Ukrainian Nazis found in the basement of Mariupol School #25, which the Azov Battalion used as a headquarters, with a swastika painted on her chest in her own blood;[375][376][377]
Ukrainian nazis.PNG Pravy Sektor black and red.PNG

(left) Viral tweet during the Zelensky regime. (right) Ukrainian soldiers invading the Donetsk People's Republic with the flags of the United States and Ukraine along with the Red and Black Nazi 'Blood and Soil' banner of the Pravy Sektor.[378] Pravy Sektor are responsible for the murders of the "Heavenly Hundred".
"Since the day that Donald Trump became president, Democrats in Washington have told you it's your patriotic duty to hate Vladimir Putin. It's not a suggestion. It's a mandate. Anything less than hatred for Putin is treason.

Many Americans have obeyed this directive. They now dutifully hate Vladimir Putin. Maybe you're one of them. Hating Putin has become the central purpose of America's foreign policy. It's the main thing that we talk about. Entire cable channels are now devoted to it. Very soon, that hatred of Vladimir Putin could bring the United States into a conflict in Eastern Europe.

Before that happens, it might be worth asking yourself, since it is getting pretty serious: What is this really about? Why do I hate Putin so much? Has Putin ever called me a racist? Has he threatened to get me fired for disagreeing with him? Has he shipped every middle-class job in my town to Russia? Did he manufacture a worldwide pandemic that wrecked my business and kept me indoors for two years? Is he teaching my children to embrace racial discrimination? Is he making fentanyl? Is he trying to snuff out Christianity? Does he eat dogs?

These are fair questions, and the answer to all of them is no. Vladimir Putin didn't do any of that. So why does permanent Washington hate him so much?

If you've been watching the news, you know that Putin is having a border dispute with a nation called Ukraine. Now, the main thing to know about Ukraine for our purposes is that its leaders once sent millions of dollars to Joe Biden's family. Not surprisingly, Ukraine is now one of Biden's favorite countries. Biden has pledged to defend Ukraine's borders even as he opens our borders to the world. That's how it works. Invading America is called equity. Invading Ukraine is a war crime.

So with every day, we move closer to some kind of conflict with Russia, a conflict that could easily spin out of control given that the people running us have no fine motor skills, the administration assures us this has nothing at all to do with ripping Joe Biden's personal debts to Ukrainian oligarchs. Not at all. It's completely and totally unrelated.

The point here is to defend democracy, not that Ukraine is a democracy. It is not a democracy. Ukraine's president has arrested his main political opponent. He has shut down newspapers and television stations that have dared to criticize him. So in American terms, you would call Ukraine a tyranny. But Joe Biden likes Ukraine. So Putin bad, war good. How will this conflict affect you?

Will affect you quite a bit, actually. Energy prices in the United States are about to go way up, and that means that everything you buy will become much more expensive, from the food you eat to the car you drive to the tickets you need to take your family on vacation this summer, assuming you can still afford a vacation by then. You're about to become measurably poorer. That's not a guess. Joe Biden has admitted this.

On the other hand, you're going to win an important moral victory against dastardly old Vladimir Putin, who is much, much worse than Justin Trudeau. Just so you know. So you can feel good about that because…because…let's see, come to think of it, why would you feel good about that? It seems like a pretty terrible deal for you and for the United States. Hunter Biden gets a million dollars a year from Ukraine, but you can no longer afford to go out to dinner. That's not a bargain.

So what are we missing here? What we're missing is the big picture, and that's why Joe Biden has dispatched Kamala Harris to explain that picture to us. Kamala Harris’ old job was to open America's border. She did that. Her new job is to keep Ukraine's borders closed.[379]

Chris Hedges of the leftist Salon magazine, speaking of Biden's $40 billion aid package to Ukraine, said the United States "is trapped in the death spiral of unchecked militarism."[380]

Russia-Ukraine war[edit]
See also: Russia-Ukraine war

On January 9, 2022 Reuters reported on a telephone call between Biden and Ukranian President Volodymyr Zelensky. Reuters reported, “U.S. President Joe Biden assured Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy that Kyiv’s bid to join the NATO military alliance was in its own hands, Zelenskiy’s chief of staff said after the two leaders spoke."[381] On March 20, 2022, in an CNN interview Zelensky said “I requested them personally to say directly that we are going to accept you into NATO in a year or two or five, just say it directly and clearly, or just say no. And the response was very clear, 'you’re not going to be a NATO member, but publicly, the doors will remain open.'”[382]

NSA Dir. Gen. Paul Nakasone told Sky News that United States military hackers conducted offensive operations in support of Ukraine: "We've conducted a series of operations across the full spectrum; offensive, defensive, [and] information operations."[383]

When Russia conducted an incursion into Ukraine to end the Donbas war, all Russia's allies supported Vladimir Putin, but no U.S. allies supported Joe Biden, apart from a few token initiatives.[384] Asked if he underestimated Putin, Biden stared vacantly and picked his teeth. [385] On April 14, 2022, a Bloomberg News op-ed stated:

"Joe Biden never planned for a war like this. The assumption was that Russia would quickly conquer much of the country, so the U.S. would be supporting a simmering, low-intensity Ukrainian insurgency. Instead, Ukraine’s successful resistance has led to an ongoing, high-intensity conventional fight, with prodigious consumption of munitions and intense attrition of key military assets. Pentagon officials say that Kyiv is blowing through a week’s worth of deliveries of antitank munitions every day. It is also running short of usable aircraft as Russian airstrikes and combat losses take their toll. Ammunition has become scarce in Mariupol and other areas.”

For the same reason, the war in Ukraine is a sobering preview of the problems the U.S. itself would face in a conflict against Russia or China. If forced to go to war in Eastern Europe or the Western Pacific, Washington would spend down its stockpiles of missiles, precision-guided munitions and other critical capabilities in days or weeks. It would probably suffer severe losses of tanks, planes, ships and other assets that are sophisticated, costly and hard to replace.”[386]

Kyiv operational command center[edit]

The New York Times reported on June 25, 2022:

"C.I.A. personnel have continued to operate in the country secretly, mostly in the capital, Kyiv, directing much of the vast amounts of intelligence the United States is sharing with Ukrainian forces...a few dozen commandos from other NATO countries, including Britain, France, Canada and Lithuania, also have been working inside Ukraine....commandos from these allies either remained or have gone in and out of the country since then, training and advising Ukrainian troops and providing an on-the-ground conduit for weapons and other aid...their presence in the country — on top of the diplomatic staff members who returned after Russia gave up its siege of Kyiv — hints at the scale of the secretive effort to assist Ukraine that is underway and the risks that Washington and its allies are taking....commandos are not on the front lines with Ukrainian troops and instead advise from headquarters in other parts of the country or remotely by encrypted communications...the signs of their stealthy logistics, training and intelligence support are tangible on the battlefield....Ukrainian commanders recently expressed appreciation to the United States for intelligence gleaned from satellite imagery, which they can call up on tablet computers provided by the allies. The tablets run a battlefield mapping app that the Ukrainians use to target and attack Russian troops."[387]

On August 1, 2022 in an interview published in the UK Telegraph, Ukrainian defense official Vadim Skibitsky acknowledged they consult with Washington before launching strikes and that Washington has veto power over decision-making.[388][389] Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova responded with the statement: “No other confirmation of the direct involvement of the United States in hostilities on the territory of Ukraine is required...They are fully involved…Now Kiev representatives are talking about their military involvement not only through the supply of weapons, but through personnel management in the ranks of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, direct instructions and the choice of targets”.[390]

Decision to arm Ukraine with offensive weapons[edit]

On June 1, 2022 Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov told RIA Novosti news that Biden's decision to arm Ukraine with HIMAR missile launchers increases the risk of direct confrontation between Russia and the United States. Foreign secretary Blinken said the weapons, which have a precision range of up to 300 kilometers, were given on the pretext of a promise by Zelensky not to use the HIMARs against Russian territory. However Zelensky's transgender chief propagandist Alexei Arestovich immediately threatened, "Crimea is ours…It belongs to Ukraine…And they know it…Therefore, it will fly to Crimea double-time."[391] Deputy Chairman of Russia’s Security Council Dmitry Medvedev retorted, “If those types of weapons are used against the territory of Russia, the armed forces of our country will have no other choice but to strike decision-making centers...It is obvious what those decision-making centers are: the defense ministry, the general staff and so on...But it should be understood that, in this case, the ultimate decision-making centers are regretfully not even on the territory of Kiev." [392]

The Washington Post reported on June 17, 2022,

"Biden administration officials had discussed the possibility of a protracted conflict with global spillover effects even before February [2022], as U.S. intelligence suggested Putin was preparing to invade.

The Biden administration hopes that the new weaponry, in addition to successive waves of sanctions and Russia’s diplomatic isolation, will make a difference in an eventual negotiated conclusion to the war, potentially diminishing Putin’s willingness to keep up the fight, the official said.

Even if that reality does not materialize immediately, officials have described the stakes of ensuring Russia cannot swallow up Ukraine — an outcome officials believe could embolden Putin to invade other neighbors or even strike out at NATO members — as so high that the administration is willing to countenance even a global recession and mounting hunger."[393]

Terrorist attack on Nordstream pipeline[edit]
See also: Nord Stream pipeline#Morganthau Plan 2.0

Biden and his foreign policy team—National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan, Secretary of State Tony Blinken, and Victoria Nuland had been vocal and consistent in their hostility to the two pipelines, which ran side by side for 750 miles under the Baltic Sea from two different ports in northeastern Russia near the Estonian border, passing close to the Danish island of Bornholm before ending in northern Germany.

Many Germans saw Nord Stream 1 as part of the deliverance of former Chancellor Willy Brandt’s famed Ostpolitik, which would enable postwar Germany to rehabilitate itself and other European nations destroyed in World War II by, among other initiatives, utilizing cheap Russian gas to fuel a prosperous Western European market and trading economy.

Biden authorized Jake Sullivan to bring together an interagency group to come up with a plan. In December of 2021, two months before the first Russian tanks rolled into Ukraine, Sullivan convened a meeting of a newly formed task force—men and women from the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the CIA, and the State and Treasury Departments—and asked for recommendations about how to respond to Putin’s impending invasion.

Over the next several meetings, the participants debated options for an attack. The Navy proposed using a newly commissioned submarine to assault the pipeline directly. The Air Force discussed dropping bombs with delayed fuses that could be set off remotely. The CIA argued that whatever was done, it would have to be covert. Everyone involved understood the stakes. “This is not kiddie stuff,” according to a source directly familiar with the matter said. If the attack were traceable to the United States, “It’s an act of war.”

Throughout “all of this scheming,” the source said, “some working guys in the CIA and the State Department were saying, ‘Don’t do this. It’s stupid and will be a political nightmare if it comes out.’” Nevertheless, in early 2022, the CIA working group reported back to Sullivan’s interagency group: “We have a way to blow up the pipelines.”

What came next was stunning. On February 7, 2022 less than three weeks before the seemingly inevitable Russian invasion of Ukraine, Biden met in his White House office with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, who, after some wobbling, was now firmly on the American team. At the press briefing that followed, Biden defiantly said, “If Russia invades . . . there will be no longer a Nord Stream 2. We will bring an end to it.”

Twenty days earlier, Nuland had delivered essentially the same message at a State Department briefing, with little press coverage. “I want to be very clear to you today,” she said in response to a question. “If Russia invades Ukraine, one way or another Nord Stream 2 will not move forward.”

Several of those involved in planning the pipeline mission were dismayed by what they viewed as indirect references to the attack.

“It was like putting an atomic bomb on the ground in Tokyo and telling the Japanese that we are going to detonate it. The plan was for the options to be executed post invasion and not advertised publicly. Biden simply didn’t get it or ignored it.”

Biden’s and Nuland’s indiscretion, if that is what it was, might have frustrated some of the planners. But it also created an opportunity. According to the source, some of the senior officials of the CIA determined that blowing up the pipeline “no longer could be considered a covert option because the President just announced that we knew how to do it.”

The plan to blow up Nord Stream 1 and 2 was suddenly downgraded from a covert operation requiring that Congress be informed to one that was deemed as a highly classified intelligence operation with U.S. military support. Under the law, the source explained, “There was no longer a legal requirement to report the operation to Congress. All they had to do now is just do it—but it still had to be secret. The Russians have superlative surveillance of the Baltic Sea.”

The Agency working group members had no direct contact with the White House, and were eager to find out if Biden meant what he’d said—that is, if the mission was now a go. The source recalled, “Bill Burns comes back and says, ‘Do it.’”

On September 26, 2022, a NATO P8 surveillance plane made a seemingly routine flight and dropped a sonar buoy. The signal spread underwater, initially to Nord Stream 2 and then on to Nord Stream 1. A few hours later, the high-powered C4 explosives were triggered and three of the four pipelines were put out of commission. Within a few minutes, pools of methane gas that remained in the shuttered pipelines could be seen spreading on the water’s surface and the world learned that something irreversible had taken place.

Asked at a press conference days later about the consequences of the worsening energy crisis in Western Europe, Blinken described the moment as a potentially good one:

“It’s a tremendous opportunity to once and for all remove the dependence on Russian energy and thus to take away from Vladimir Putin the weaponization of energy as a means of advancing his imperial designs. That’s very significant and that offers tremendous strategic opportunity for the years to come, but meanwhile we’re determined to do everything we possibly can to make sure the consequences of all of this are not borne by citizens in our countries or, for that matter, around the world.”

Victoria Nuland expressed satisfaction at the demise of the newest of the pipelines while testifying at a Senate Foreign Relations Committee hearing in January 2023.

Bucha massacre[edit]
Ukraine Special Forces SAFARI was sent into Bucha after the Russian withdrawal to hunt down so-called "collaborators", for example, people who accepted Russian humanitarian relief.[394]
See also: Bucha massacre

Joe Lauria of Consortium News reported that on March 30, 2022, according to the Russian Defense Ministry, all Russian forces left Bucha. This was confirmed on March 31 Bucha mayor Anatolii Fedoruk in a video on the Bucha City Council official Facebook page. The translated post accompanying the video says:

“March 31 – the day of the liberation of Bucha. This was announced by Bucha Mayor Anatolii Fedoruk. This day will go down in the glorious history of Bucha and the entire Bucha community as a day of liberation by the Armed Forces of Ukraine from the Russian occupiers."[395]

There was no mention of a massacre of hundreds of civilians littering the streets. Evidence of crimes appeared only on the fourth day after the Security Service of Ukraine and representatives of Ukrainian media arrived in the town.[396]

SBU special forces with Cyrillic СБУ acronym brutalizing civilians, April 2, 2022.[397]

The New York Times was in Bucha on April 2, 2022 and did not report a massacre. Instead, the Times confirmed the Russian withdrawal was completed two days after the mayor of Bucha said it was, and that the Russians left “behind them dead soldiers and burned vehicles, according to witnesses, Ukrainian officials, satellite images and military analysts.” The Times said reporters found the bodies of six civilians. “It was unclear under what circumstances they had died, but the discarded packaging of a Russian military ration was lying beside one man who had been shot in the head,” the paper said. In Bucha, the Times was close to the neo-Nazi Azov Battalion, whose soldiers appear in the newspaper’s photographs. The Times suggests that Azov Nazis may be responsible for the killings:

“Something very interesting then happens on [Saturday] 2 April, hours before a massacre is brought to the attention of the national and international media. The US and EU-funded Gorshenin Institute online [Ukrainian language] site Left Bank announced that:
‘Special forces have begun a clearing operation in the city of Bucha in the Kyiv region, which has been liberated by the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The city is being cleared from saboteurs and accomplices of Russian forces.’[398]

The Russian military has by now completely left the city, so this sounds for all the world like reprisals. The state authorities would be going through the city searching for ‘saboteurs’ and ‘accomplices of Russian forces.’ Only the day before [Friday], Ekaterina Ukraintsiva, representing the town council authority, appeared on an information video on the Bucha Live Telegram page wearing military fatigues and seated in front of a Ukrainian flag to announce ‘the cleansing of the city.’ She informed residents that the arrival of the Azov battalion did not mean that liberation was complete (but it was, the Russians had fully withdrawn), and that a ‘complete sweep’ had to be performed.”

According to War On Fakes, "the first unit of the Ukrainian armed forces to enter Bucha was the special forces of the National Guard of Ukraine. The official Telegram channel of the National Guard posted a video, filmed by the fighters of this detachment themselves. We can see on this video that the Ukrainian military calmly pass through the streets of the city—and no ‘mountains of corpses’ are visible on these streets.” War On Fakes then asks, “So where did the corpses on the streets of Bucha come from. And who are these people? The answer may lie in the video of the Territorial Defense of Ukraine, which clearly states the question ‘Can I shoot at them if there are no blue armbands?’ To which a positive response follows. The video was originally posted by the leader of the Territorial Defense Sergey ‘Botsman’ Korotkikh.”[399] Sergey ‘Botsman’ Korotkikh later makes startling postings about the disappearance of Chilean/American journalist Gonzalo Lira from Kharkiv[400]

On April 3, 2022 when the story broke, Russia immediately requested a meeting if the UN Security Council for the following Monday, April. The United Kingdom, another permanent member of the Security Council, vetoed holding a Security Council meeting in the matter.[401] Russian UN Ambassador said in a statement:

"London shows clearly what does the so-called new world order looks like, the order based on rules and based, it seems, on violation of all possible and impossible norms of international law, treaties and any norms of civilized behavior at all."[402]

The Pentagon refused to confirm the Ukrainian government's claim that Russians were responsible for the massacre.[403][403][404]

Former leader of the Socialist Party of Ukraine, Ilya Kiva said that the story in Bucha was planned and prepared in advance by the counterintelligence of Ukraine, with the assistance of the British MI6. Kiva said,

"The whole story in Bucha was prepared and planned in advance by the SBU and MI6. They arrived early in the morning, cordoned off the area, scattered the corpses and then sent journalists there. That's why that clown Zelensky even came back. To raise the interest of the international press in the alleged tragedy, but it's all a pure fake. Why didn't such a situation take place in other areas? Don`t you understand that it was staged in advance, which was supposed to arouse the aggression and hatred in you first of all. But it didn't happen."[405]

All the corpses wore white arm bands which were distributed by the Russian military to identify civilian non-combatants, who then became the victims of Ukrainian security forces as collaborators in reprisal actions. Some alleged corpses sat up after television cameras filmed them.[406][407] Ukrainian television showed footage of Ukrainian security forces dragging corpses into place for the TV cameras.

Western coverup[edit]

Western media and the NATO allies coverup came unglued by their own investigation. A team of forensic investigators from Kyiv reported that dozens of civilians who died in the city of Bucha were killed by tiny metal arrows from shells fired by the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) artillery.

Pathologists and coroners who are carrying out postmortems on bodies found in mass graves in the region north of Kyiv said they found small metal darts, called fléchettes, embedded in people’s heads and chests. “We found several really thin, nail-like objects in the bodies of men and women and so did others of my colleagues in the region,” Vladyslav Pirovskyi, a Ukrainian forensic doctor, told The Guardian. “It is very hard to find those in the body, they are too thin. The majority of these bodies come from the Bucha-Irpin region.”

Independent weapons experts who reviewed pictures of the metal arrows found in the bodies confirmed that they were fléchettes, an anti-personnel weapon widely used during the first world war. These small metal darts are contained in tank or field gun shells. Each shell can contain up to 8,000 fléchettes. Once fired, shells burst when a timed fuse detonates and explodes above the ground.

“According to a number of witnesses in Bucha, fléchette rounds were fired by artillery a few days before Russian forces withdrew from the area at the end of March”, – The Guardian reported.[408] The same fléchettes were used by the AFU in 2014 in the Lugansk Peoples Republic (LPR) at the start of the Donbas war.

Fléchettes were not widely used during the Second World War, but were brough back by the US during the Vietnam war. “Fléchettes are an anti-personnel weapon designed to penetrate dense vegetation and to strike a large number of enemy soldiers,” according to Amnesty International. “They should never be used in built-up civilian areas.”[409]

A team of 18 experts from the forensic department of France’s national gendarmerie, alongside a team of forensic investigators from Kyiv, have started documenting the situation after the re-occupation of Bucha by the SBU Safari force. “We are seeing a lot mutilated (disfigured) bodies,” said Pirovsky. “A lot of them had their hands tied behind their backs and shots in the back of their heads. There were also cases with automatic gunfire, like six to eight holes on the back of victims. And we have several cases of cluster bombs’ elements embedded in the bodies of the victims.”

Evidence collected by experts during a visit to Bucha, Hostomel and Borodianka, and reviewed by independent weapons experts, showed that cluster munitions and powerful unguided bombs were used in the region. They killed a large number of civilians and destroyed at least eight buildings. These types of weapons are banned by the Ottawa Convention, which Ukraine is party to. Illegal cluster munitions were discovered in Ukrainian weapons storage depots.

Expropriation of grain stocks[edit]

Biden called for the expropriation of 20 million tonnes of Ukrainian grain stocks to alleviate price increases caused by American and European sanctions.[410]

NYT turns on Biden's war policy[edit]

On May 19, 2022, after NATO's humiliating defeat in the Battle of Mariupol, the New York Times editorial board turned on Biden's war policy which was having a disastrous effect on the US economy and causing the senseless destruction of lives and property in Ukraine:

"Recent bellicose statements from Washington — President Biden’s assertion that Mr. Putin “cannot remain in power,” Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin’s comment that Russia must be “weakened” and the pledge by the House speaker, Nancy Pelosi, that the United States would support Ukraine “until victory is won” — may be rousing proclamations of support, but they do not bring negotiations any closer.

In the end, it is the Ukrainians who must make the hard decisions: They are the ones fighting, dying and losing their homes....Biden should also make clear to President Volodymyr Zelensky and his people that there is a limit to how far the United States and NATO will go to confront Russia, and limits to the arms, money and political support they can muster. It is imperative that the Ukrainian government’s decisions be based on a realistic assessment of its means and how much more destruction Ukraine can sustain.

Confronting this reality may be painful, but it is not appeasement. This is what governments are duty bound to do, not chase after an illusory “win.”[411]

Decision to use cluster bombs[edit]

In early July 2023, the Biden regime ran out of 155mm artillery shells for its M777 Howitzers it donated to Zelensky regime.[412] Biden authorized the transfer of cluster munitions to Ukraine.[413] Jen Psaki stated from the White House Press Briefing Room podium that use of cluster bambs was a war crime.[414] The most commonly quoted statistics used internationally are that civilians make up 98% of the victims of cluster bombs and up to one third of these are children.

President Trump remarked, “Joe Biden should not be dragging us further toward World War III by sending cluster munitions to Ukraine—he should be trying to end the war and stop the horrific death and destruction being caused by an incompetent administration...These unexploded cluster munitions will be killing and maiming innocent Ukrainian men, women, and children for decades to come, long after the war—we pray—has ended”.[415]


We have only to kick in the door and the whole rotten structure will come crashing down.

Adolf Hitler call for regime change in Russia, 1941.

For God's sake, this man cannot remain in power.

—Joe Biden call for regime change in Russia, 2022.

Vladimir Putin (left) Oleg Deripaska (right). Christopher Steele of the Steele Dossier was hired by Deripaska to lobby the Obama/Biden DOJ; Andrew McCabe then met with Deriapaska two months before the 2016 election.
See also: Russophobia

Biden portrays his policy as being more tough against Russia than President Trump's has been,[416] although this policy under the Obama regime was to let Russia expand into the Crimea and the Middle East. Under an Obama era policy, Islamist groups like the Islamic State were allowed to expand in Syria. Biden has called Putin a killer,[417] which severed relations between the U.S. and Russia without in any way being able to rein in the latter's activities. This is heavily remote from the Trump Administration's approaches which successfully and effectively weakened the Kremlin.

While the Biden junta has imposed a few sanctions on the country,[418] they have been unable to halt Russia from flexing its muscles on its neighbors.

In early April 2021, Vladimir Putin signed a law to permit two additional terms for himself in office.[419]

It was reported by The Hill on April 17, 2021 that Russia increased their military presence in the Black Sea.[420] A diplomat from Ukraine was also detained in Russia.[421]

In August 2021, Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said that the U.S. continued support of Ukraine “will continue to nurture the neo-Nazi and racist mentality of the current Ukrainian government.”[422]

Relations with Vladimir Putin[edit]

As vice-president in 2011, Putin snubbed Biden in a face-to-face meeting. Sitting across a conference table Putin, Biden attempted to lecture Putin. Biden said, "I’ve been around a long time. The first time I was here…” and in mid-sentence his microphone was cut off,[423] the lights for the TV cameras went off, and the press was told to leave. The press exited quickly and quietly. Videocameras were disassembled from tripods and still photographers stopped shooting. Portable lights came down from retractable poles. No one spoke and no one lingered. Putin pulled the plug, stole Biden's audience, and rendered him speechless. Putin and the Russian delegation sat motionless as their American counterparts realized the rug had been pulled out underneath Biden's feet. Putin had neither fear nor respect for Biden, and Biden was humiliated.[424]

Biden, who called Putin a "killer" in March 2021, now called him a "bright and worthy adversary" on the eve of the June 16, 2021 summit in Geneva.[425] Putin criticized Biden's human rights record, the mass incarceration of dissidents, and the murder of Ashli Babbitt, a peaceful protester at the January 6, 2021 Capitol election theft protests.[426] Biden ducked out and refused to appear at the traditional post-summit press conference leaving more questions about Biden's mental fitness.[427]

In 2014 Hunter Biden colluded with and received $3.5 million from Elena Baturina, the richest woman in Russia and widow of former Moscow mayor Yury Luzhkov as payment to establish an American bank account for her.[428] Baturina eventually laundered $39 million through American banks with the help of Rosemont Seneca of funds stolen from contractors while her husband was the mayor of Moscow. In late 2019 Baturina was declared a fugitive from justice by a Russian court.[429]


Biden's sanctions on Russia led to the de-dollarization of the planet, abandonment of the U.S. dollar and the global reserve currency, the creation of alternative and competing international networks and mediums of exchange, the suicide of globalization, food and energy shortages in Europe and the United States, declining living standards in the NATO bloc, and global recession. Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova explained that the Biden regime's economic war on Russia and unacceptable behavior was caused by

“impotent rage because the plan to turn Ukraine into 'anti-Russia' and use it as a bridgehead for delivering all types of strikes on the territory of the Russian Federation failed...Apparently, it was not expected that Russia would withstand this blow, and problems, according to the law of communicating vessels, would begin to multiply in the United States of America itself, not to mention its satellites from the European Union singing along with them ... This is the root of aggressive rhetoric and personal insults that go beyond all limits of decency, performed by the American President as well…They reflect internal turmoil, uncertainty, irritation with the fact that it did not work out, as it always worked before, and as it was planned this time”.[430]


On April 11, 2022, Antony Blinken stated that the U.S. is monitoring "a rise in human rights abuses" in India.[431] In May 2022, the Biden Junta's ambassador to the UN, attacked India for banning wheat exports, despite India facing shortages and a heatwave.[432] Additionally, the Biden Junta has been putting pressure on India to resume trade and ties with Pakistan.[433] On June 2, 2022, Blinken falsely accused India of "attacks on religious minorities".[434] On June 5, 2022, the Biden Junta called Gilgit-Baltistan a part of Pakistan.[435]

Killings of Hindus in Jammu and Kashmir[edit]

A significant portion of the weapons left behind in Afghanistan by the U.S. is being used by Pakistani terrorists to kill Hindus in the Indian state of Jammu and Kashmir.[436]


Iranian nukes[edit]

At least 3 US negotiators on Iran nukes, resign, for Biden's dangerous soft stand.[437]

In Feb/2022, Israeli officials lashed Biden over pointless Iran diplomacy, that Biden "has turned diplomacy into a religion."[438] And looming accord doesn't address advances Tehran has made since 2015, so 'agreement the US will sign with Tehran is meaningless'[439] As the new agreement ignores the fact that Iran has made rapid advancements in uranium enrichment since 2015 and addresses issues that are no longer relevant instead. In addition, the draft of the new agreement does not obligate Iran to destroy its advanced centrifuges, instead allowing it to "store them." Above all, the first phase of the agreement allows the Iranians to continue perpetrating its global terror network by almost immediately granting it access to about $7 billion of funds now frozen in South Korean banks due to sanctions.[440]

In Mar 2022, at the days of Russia-Ukraine war, Mike Pence decried Biden:


"Seeks dangerous agreement with Iran... It is inconceivable that while Putin is committing atrocities on Ukrainian soil, the administration is negotiating a nuclear deal with Iran, it is unacceptable...

It's a bad thing to do in peacetime, but working so closely with the Russians now to return to the dangerous and flawed agreement with the ayatollahs in Iran - it's really unacceptable. I believe that especially in this period the US administration should not work with Russia to ease sanctions or repay "Iran in some way into the arms of the nations."

Biden's push for a bad deal, got so bad, that in Mar 2022,[442] Saudi Arabia, UAE leaders not returning Biden's calls, disappointed with US.

Gabriel Noronha, who served for two years in former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo’s Iran Action Group on Biden's deal (Mar/2022):[443]
This isn’t Obama’s Iran deal. It’s much, much worse.

Iran is set to get access to a massive windfall of cash: My latest estimate (derived from figures declassified during my tenure at the State Department) is $90 billion in access to foreign exchange reserves, and then a further $50-$55 billion in extra revenue each year from higher oil and petrochemical exports, with no restrictions on how or where the money can be spent.

Personally, the most troubling transfer of funds will be the $7 billion ransom payment the United States is preparing to pay for the release of four Americans from an Iranian jail. Now, let me be clear: I would be extremely glad to bring these Americans back home safely as quickly as possible. They are innocent victims who, along with their families, have suffered unjustly for far too long. But make no mistake: Biden’s payment will only supercharge Iran’s hostage-taking industry….
Iran's proxy Islamist terrorists: Houthis[edit]

Biden has reversed Trump's designating the Houthis as a terrorist group under a facade of "humanitarian" effect. Yet, in 2022, a bipartisan House group argued that ‘removing the designation… has done little’ to improve the humanitarian situation in Yemen.'[444]

Reported in Feb/2022:[445]

In an address delivered at a student rally in Hajjah, Yemen, a Yemeni student said that the Houthis will strike New York and Tel Aviv with their drones. He also said that the Houthis’ missiles will continue to strike deep in Saudi Arabia and the UAE. The rally was broadcasted [sic] on Al-Masirah TV (Houthis-Yemen) on January 24, 2022.

Student: “Placing their trust in Allah, our missile forces are continuing to strike deep inside Saudi Arabia and the UAE. Allah willing, our UAVs will reach Tel Aviv and New York in the very near future.”

In Feb 2022, The United Nations Security Council imposed an arms embargo on Yemen's Iran-backed Houthis labeled group as terrorists.[446]

Due to the UAE's disappointment with Biden - reluctance to designate the Houthis as a terrorist organization, it avoided voting against Russia when pressed by the US in Feb 2022, UN Security Council on the US resolution against the Russian invasion of Ukraine.[447]

Illicit oil[edit]

Iran’s illicit oil sales help fuel mass military buildup. Biden admin’s lax sanctions enforcement drives Iranian military spending.[448]

Missile attack on US Consulate[edit]

Hours after Donald Trump noted Biden was “crawling around on his knees trying to find alternative oil sources” from countries like Iran on March 12, 2022,[449] the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps claimed responsibility for firing an estimated 12 long-range Fateh-110 ballistic missiles near a US military base and American consulate located in Erbil, Iraq.[450]


See also: 2021 Hamas war
A Nazi flag appears at a Pro-Palestinian rally during Operation Guardian of Walls.[451]

After four years of peace during the Trump years ending decades of war, soon after Biden's 100th day Israel was subjected to an attack of over 3,000 Iranian-built missiles launched from Gaza, Lebanon, and Syria.[452] When the Iranian sponsored terror group Hamas attacked, Biden ordered all U.S. troops out of Israel, abandoning an ally.[453]

In late March 2021, Biden junta admin Linda Thomas-Greenfield wasted $15 million of U.S. taxpayer dollars, handing them in foreign aid to Palestinians in the Middle East to "resume diplomatic ties".[454] According to ABC News on March 31, 2021, nearly $300 million were allocated for the Palestinians.[455]

The Biden junta has attempted to restore over $200 million in foreign aid to the Palestinians which the Trump Administration slashed,[456][457] an effort that Republican lawmakers blocked two days later.[458] The Palestinians have a record of documented terrorism.[459][460][461] One of their terrorist organizations, Hamas, uses human shields[462] which anti-Zionist/anti-Semitic propagandists then deceitfully exploit to accuse Israel of murdering civilians. As the junta set about undoing the Abraham Accords, Hamas launched over 100 missiles.[463][464]

In fact, Biden frozen the Abraham Accords.[465] Cobtributibg to more instability in the Middle East.


Biden offers a million dollar for "reporting" on so-called human rights "violations", allegedly, but only if by Israel.[466] Just more incentives to Pallywood lies and emboldening bigoted BDS. As if George Soros anti-Israel money wasn't enough. Indeed, watchdog wants Biden to disclose origins of $1 Million grant program to demonize Israel.[467]

ISIS among Arab-Islamists: "Palestinians" and/or residing in Israel[edit]

The Biden admin. failed to address the fatal dangerous ISIS problem at Arab-Islamists "Palestinians" and/or those residing in Israel.[468] See: ISIS among Islamic Arab "Palestinians" in Isr.

Blood money - "Palestinian" terror: Pay for Slay[edit]

Non-public State Department report (2022) furnished to Congress: Palestinian Authority is still paying imprisoned terrorists stipends and inciting violence against Israel, even as the Biden administration provides nearly half a billion dollars in American taxpayer funds to the government.[469]

Victims of terrorism sued Biden admin for sending taxpayer aid to "Palestinians."[470] The Palestinian Authority has been criminally using aid for bloody murderers terror.[471]

Pay for slay, blood money staggering toll. After Biden sent $1 billion to the PLO, Israeli deaths rose 900%. It cost $10,000 to kill a 6-year-old—and the terrorists have the money.[472]

In July 2023, lawmakers call on Biden to end PA’s ‘pay for slay’[473]

Money to UNRWA[edit]

US taxpayer dollars & UNRWA

The Trump Administration cut off US funding to UNRWA in 2018 but the Biden administration reversed the decision. Under him, the White House has been "reckless" in its decision to "funnel millions of dollars into this corrupt organization." In Feb 2023, GOP senators and reps. introduce bill to cut UNRWA funding, blasting it for 'rampant history' of ties to antisemitism and terrorism.

The United Nations Relief and Works Agency Accountability and Transparency Act seeks to end the use of American taxpayer dollars flowing to UNRWA which the bill’s sponsors noted has a “rampant history of anti-Israel and antisemitic propaganda and activity.”

“UNRWA’s lengthy and detailed history of promoting antisemitism, violence, and terrorism through ‘educational’ materials, and its continued ties to Hamas, should completely disqualify this corrupt entity from receiving any US taxpayer funding,” Roy said.

“UNRWA has failed to meet previous commitments to stop its hostility towards Israel, and it is an obstacle to peace. Israel is one of our greatest allies and closest friends; we cannot say we truly stand with them while helping prop up a corrupt organization like this. If our actions do not match our words, then our word means nothing.”

Roy pointed out that the Trump Administration cut off US funding to UNRWA in 2018 but the Biden administration reversed the decision. He accused the White House of being "reckless" in its decision to "funnel millions of dollars into this corrupt organization."

Risch, the ranking member on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, slammed UNRWA for employing people with ties to Hamas, adding that continued US funding of the organization as it now stands was “unacceptable.”

"More than 70 years [after its creation], the organization has employed individuals affiliated with Hamas, a US designated foreign terrorist organization (FTO), and its schools have been used to promote antisemitism and store Hamas weapons," he said. "It is unacceptable that US taxpayer dollars are being used to fund this agency, which is why I've introduced legislation to cease US contributions to UNRWA unless the administration can certify without a doubt that the agency has no affiliation with US designation FTOs and does not support antisemitic rhetoric."[474]

Tom Nides[edit]

Tom Nides was appointed by Biden as Ambassador to Israel in 2021 and has called himself a reform and a liberal.

[He is in anti-Israel style - like Jstreet/JVP type].

Reported in Feb 2023, (after bloody anti-Jewish terror attacks), about Tom Nides, not differentiating between the accidental death of a "Palestinian" civilian during an anti-terror raid with dozens of Palestinian Islamic Jihad terrorist, and stating that 60% of his time is helping "Palestinians."[475]

U.S. Ambassador to Israel Tom Nides said he spends the majority of his time helping Palestinians, an unusual remark from a diplomat purporting to serve as the U.S. envoy to Israel. He also made several comments relating to Israel’s domestic policies, including telling Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to “pump the brakes” on the government’s proposal to reform the judiciary and calling on Israel’s new Arab allies to condemn the Jewish state over its recent decision to legalize nine Jewish so-called outposts in the West Bank. “I spend 60% of my time trying to help the Palestinian people,” Nides told podcast host David Axelrod, a former senior advisor to Barack Obama. He drew a moral equivalency between Palestinian terrorism and the IDF’s counter-terror operations, and made no differentiation between the accidental death of a Palestinian civilian during an anti-terror raid with dozens of Palestinian Islamic Jihad terrorists, and the intentional murder of Jewish Israelis in any one of the five terror attacks to take place in Jerusalem in the past three weeks.

After Nides called to slow on judicial reform, Diaspora Affairs Minister Amichai Chikli spoke out against Nides to respect Israeli democracy after call to slow on judicial reform. [476]

In June 2023, after yet another massacre by Arab-Islamists "Palestinians", Tom Nides --monitored by Biden's people-- was slammed for outrageously attempts of some moral equivalence between Arab-Islamic terrorists targeting the unarmed and anti-terror operations.[477]

Meddling against Conservative government?[edit]

There were charges in Feb 2023, that Biden is meddling in Israel, that the admin is funding "progressive" anti-Bibi movement.[478][479] The kind of aid, Bernie Sanders & AOC are fine with. No protests.

Biden's anti-Israel appointments[edit]

Partial list:

U.S. Department of State Special Representative for Commercial and Business Affairs

“Following Mr. Syed’s confirmation hearing, Emgage Action released incendiary statements during the regional unrest, stating “This state of affairs is not a case of ‘both sides.’ Not when Palestinians are occupied and the State of Israel is the occupier.”[480]

Deputy Assistant Secretary for Israeli-Palestinian Affairs Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs: then elevated to Special Envoy to the Palestinians

“I was inspired by the Palestinian intifada,” Hady Amr wrote a year after Sept. 11, 2001.[481]

Deputy Director of the White House Office of Legislative Affairs

Dodin legitimized and even encouraged suicide bombings against Jews. [482][483]

Under Secretary of State for Civilian Security, Democracy, and Human Rights

Zeya has a long record of denouncing the “Is.. lobby” and the “secret money” it uses to control American politicians…. She appears not to care that Hamas & the PLO endanger their own civilians by placing weapons in schools, hospitals, mosques…. Nor does her support of Hamas and the PA suggest she should be in charge of defending “democracy” anywhere else.[484]

Senior Director for Intelligence at the National Security Council

Bitar wrote in one paper, “Israel’s political existence as a state is the cause for Palestinian dispossession and statelessness…. Israel’s rejection of their right to return remains the main obstacle to finding a durable solution.”[485]

Deputy Secretary of State

Sherman also downplayed PLO suicide bombings and other terror attacks on innocent Israelis engineered by Arafat following the Oslo accords, by calling this mere “nagging disruptions from the Palestinian side.”

Assistant Attorney General for the Civil Rights Division

The linked letter [in Clark’s tweet] accused ADL of playing a “destructive role . . . in undermining struggles for justice,” based on a few occasions when ADL criticized antisemites such as Ilhan Omar.

Interior Secretary

Haaland tweeted: ‘The murder of 60 Palestinians in Gaza just as Ramadan begins weigh heavy on my heart today…” but failed to mention that Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad acknowledged almost all casualties were their militants. J Street called her their hero.

Director of National Intelligence

Haines signed a vicious letter falsely condemning Israeli violence, terrorism, and incitement.


Senior Advisor and Chief Spokesperson to the Vice President

Sanders praised Israel-basher and Jew-hater Linda Sarsour as dedicating her career to fighting for justice.

White House Press Secretary

Jean-Pierre condemned those who condemned Jew-haters Reps. Omar, Tlaib, and AOC; and successfully urged Democratic presidential candidates not to attend a major pro-Israel conference.  

United States Attorney General

Judge Garland’s decisions repeatedly blocked or limited innocent victims of Palestinian Arab terrorism and Iranian terrorism from obtaining justice.

Treating Islamic Republic of Iran better...[edit]

On July 13, 2023, The Wall Street Journal devoted its editorial to criticism of the US president and wondered "What does Biden have against Israel?... He treats the governing coalition in Jerusalem worse than he does Iran.

In a harsh criticisms hurled by the American administration towards Israel and in its title asked "What does Biden have against Israel?". "Why does President Biden go out of his way to criticize and try to impose orders on the Israeli government? At least rhetorically, the president and his administration treat Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his ruling coalition worse than the Islamic regime in Iran," the article reads.

It also noted in it that "Mr. Biden again this week publicly refused to invite Mr. Netanyahu to the White House and excused it from the Prime Minister's coalition partners. Tom Neids, Mr. Biden's outgoing ambassador to Israel, said that the U.S. must intervene to prevent Israel from 'going off the rails.' . When Mr. Netanyahu was most vulnerable, at the end of March, Mr. Biden stated regarding legal reform - an internal Israeli issue - that 'Israel will not be able to continue on this path.' Netanyahu has already changed course and moderated the reforms - and it should be remembered that this is an internal Israeli affair in which the American president has no legitimacy to interfere. Instead, Ambassador Naides was sent to publicly order Netanyahu to 'press the brakes' on the reform."

The authors of the article state that "it is clear that the government is siding with the opposition parties in Israel, and this is not a way to treat a democratic ally, especially in light of the fact that the party represented by the Prime Minister of Israel has been in power for most of the last 25 years."

"The Israelis are the ones who have to debate the question of whether the proposed reforms will curb the extraordinary powers of their Supreme Court or change the balance in another way. They don't need Mr. Biden's interpretation," the article reads.

The authors do not spare criticism of the conduct of the president and his administration towards Israel. "The president's policy towards Israel is not good. US aid to anti-Israeli international bodies has been renewed, the 'West Bank' and East Jerusalem are constantly mentioned as 'occupation' but it is not clear how this conduct promotes peace. While Mr. Biden is undermining the Netanyahu government, Hamas and other branches of Iran are gaining strength and opening another front with Israel in Judea and Samaria."

"The most disappointing thing is the failure of the Biden administration to extend the Abraham Accords. Even on the Iranian issue, the president promised a stronger agreement and his administration meanwhile is basing its discourse on an unwritten agreement that will allow Iran to release tens of billions of dollars and achieve a breakthrough in the nuclear field. This is a startling retreat even from Barack Obama's position," conclude the writers.[486]

Push back against Israelophobia from Congress, House[edit]

Despite a handful of radical-left with the duo bigots Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar (who use them) propaganda and slander and Biden often caving, however, as Israel's President Isaac Herzog, spoke on July 19, 2023 [487] there was "tremendous love for Israel in Congress."[488]

In an effort to combat bigoted slander, in July 2023, "the US House of Representatives on Tuesday overwhelmingly voted in favor of a resolution condemning antisemitism and stating that Israel" is not so called "apartheid" or the R word.[489]


In Jan 2022, Biden told Qatar’s emir, Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani, earlier this month that the Gulf country is to be designated as a major non-NATO ally, a significant upgrade in relations between the two countries. Yet the designation comes despite concerns over Qatar’s backing of Islamist groups throughout the region, including Hamas.

Experts add:[490]

“For decades, Qatar has provided financial and political support, directly and indirectly, to virtually every anti-American Islamic terrorist organization,” noted Carmon.

This list includes the terror-based Muslim Brotherhood, Al-Qaeda and even organizations affiliated with ISIS, he claimed.

Senior Muslim cleric and Muslim Brotherhood leader Sheikh Yusef al-Qaradawi, a prominent Islamist known for his vicious anti-Semitism and justification of the Holocaust, has been operating for years from Qatar under its protection, said Carmon. “In addition, Qatar has provided shelter to several other jihadi leaders.” For example, according to testimony in 2003 before a committee in the U.S. House of Representatives, the Qatar Charitable Society is linked to top levels of the Qatari government and played a significant role in funding jihadi groups, including Al-Qaeda... In addition, the “charity” organization was first named as funding Al-Qaeda during the trial proceedings of the 1998 bombings of the U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania. “If it weren’t for Qatar, the September 11 attacks might not have taken place,” he continued.

“In 1996, terrorist mastermind Khalid Sheikh Muhammad had been under Qatari protection in Doha. When the U.S. government notified the Qatari emir that they were coming to arrest KSM for his involvement in terrorist plots, KSM disappeared within hours, only to reappear in 2001 as the mastermind behind 9/11.” Jonathan Schanzer, senior vice president at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, told JNS, “the Biden decision was driven in part by the looming energy crisis. Qatar is a major global gas producer and provider.” “With Russia set to invade Ukraine and potentially cut off gas to Europe, the administration needs alternatives. So, some of this may link back to our large air-force base at Al Udeid,” he said. “But don’t ignore the looming energy crisis. It accounts for quite a bit right now,” he added.

Qatar has ruled out normalizing relations with Israel

... the official Qatari-owned TV channel, Al Jazeera, functions as a mouthpiece for jihadi terror organizations. “It has praised Osama bin Laden and broadcasted his speeches and allowed a sheikh to pledge allegiance to ISIS on air.” “The Qatari-based channel has also aired calls for terror attacks against American oil installations,” he said. “It even hosted a birthday party—complete with a large cake, fireworks and a band—for released terrorist Samir Al-Kuntar,” a Lebanese Druze member of the Palestine Liberation Front and Hezbollah “who brutally murdered a 4-year-old [Israeli] girl and her father in 1979.”

Qatar’s duplicity regarding the United States is manifest in its diplomacy, too. “Qatar funded the Taliban throughout America’s presence in Afghanistan, yet the American administration is eagerly thanking Qatar for its ‘help’ in preventing an even greater disaster during the withdrawal last August.” According to an exclusive report by Axios last week, Qatar arranged with the Taliban to resume evacuation flights with Qatar Airways to allow American and other countries to evacuate thousands of their citizens.

Another Axios report, also last week, said that Qatar ruled out normalizing relations with Israel. Al Thani said that while Qatar continues to have a “working relationship” with Israel to help the Palestinians, he does not envision the country joining the Abraham Accords “in the absence of a real commitment to a two-state solution.” The country has been involved in ensuring that Israel helps move aid and reconstruction supplies to Palestinians in the Gaza Strip and has transferred hundreds of millions of dollars of aid to Hamas, which rules the coastal enclave with an iron fist.

Moreover, the United States acts like it is indebted to Qatar for hosting the Al Udeid Air Base and U.S. Central Command (CENTCOM) headquarters, which Qatar built at the cost of $2 billion, stated Carmon. There was another option: Both the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia had offered to host the CENTCOM base in Qatar’s stead, but America rejected their offers.

He said “the Qataris should be thanking the U.S. for guaranteeing their security, but instead, Qatar has been strengthening security relations with countries like China and telling the Iranians that ‘only countries along the coast [of the Persian Gulf] should keep security in the region.’ ”

See related, it's propaganda TV, Al Jazeera.


No American was killed in Afghanistan since February of 2020 until Biden's seizure of power.

Joe Biden, author of the Violence Against Women Act, abandoning the women and girls of Afghanistan to the Taliban rape jihad.

The Taliban warned in late March 2021 that the group would start targeting foreign troops in Afghanistan if they remain in the country beyond the May 1, 2021 deadline set by the US-Taliban peace deal.[491] As American troops departed, the Peoples Republic of China began expanding their Belt and Road Initiative with a $62 billion aid package to Afghanistan to extend the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC).[492]

On July 8, 2021, Biden said from the White House, "I trust the capacity of the Afghan military, who is better trained, better equipped, and more competent in terms of conducting war,"[493] "There's going to be no circumstance where you're going to see people being lifted off the roof of an embassy of the United States from Afghanistan."[494] The same month the Defense Department said it was providing the Afghan Air Force 35 Black Hawk helicopters and three A-29 Super Tucanos. The United States spent $83 billion equipping and training the Afghanistan National Defense and Security Forces (ANDSF), including $10 billion in aircraft and vehicles.[495] Less than a month later several Black Hawks helicopters and other aircraft were seized by the Taliban. Many of the aircraft and helicopters are armed. These A-29 Super Tucanos can fire laser-guided and other types of bombs. The Afghan government also had 50 American-made MD-530 attack helicopters, which are armed with machine guns and rockets. The Afghan Air Force had UH-60 Black Hawks and Russian-made Mi-17 helicopters, as well as C-130 and Cessna transports, and a small fleet of armed Cessnas.[496]

As the impending crisis escalated, White House chief propagandists Jen Psaki said "The Taliban has to make an assessment about what they want their role to be in the international community."[497] Her comments came as reports flowed in of Taliban fighters going door-to-door and forcibly selecting girls as young as 12 to reward as brides for the victorious jihadis.[498]

Former Obama Ambassador to Afghanistan Ryan Crocker said,[499] the Islamist group cares less about diplomatic relations than it does about the idea that it has defeated the world’s strongest military, a narrative that will embolden other Islamist militants around the world.

“We’re going to pay for that for a long time to come, and that’s why it is insane – just idiotic – to think that we can tell the Taliban that if they don’t stop taking over territory and play nice, the international community will withhold recognition and support. The Taliban really doesn’t care, because they’ve got something far more valuable.”

“We have seen this movie before. This would be the Taliban of the 1990s that gave safe haven to al-Qaida, except they’re meaner and tougher than they were then because of what they’ve been through.”

“But even with all of that, I’m afraid a lot of people are going to die. As the Taliban moves into different cities and towns, they’ve got their hit list. So it’s going to be messy, it’s going to be incomplete and more people are going to die, but we’ve got to make our best possible effort.”

“I’m left with some grave questions in my mind about his ability to lead our nation as commander-in-chief.”[500]

Crocker told CBS Face the Nation, "It has created a global crisis, quite frankly. It has emboldened violent Islamic radicals, and I think we’re all gonna see the fallout of that, certainly in Pakistan, a champion the Taliban. The Taliban victory, the narrative of defeating the great infidel, empowers radicals in Pakistan that they’re going to have to deal with if they can. And that’s a country of 220 million people with nuclear weapons.[501] Politico chief European correspondent Matthew Karnitschnig wrote, "Biden told allies to join him in proving that democracy works and defending it against authoritarianism. Instead, they look at Afghanistan and see “the discrediting of the Western alliance and everything it is supposed to stand for in the world.”[502] Former Obama Defense Secretary Leon Panetta said that there is no question that "our national security is threatened by what has happened."[503] According to the U.K. Telegraph,

Sunday Mirror, August 22, 2021.[504]
“Joe Biden’s handling of the Afghanistan withdrawal was condemned as “catastrophic” and “shameful” on Wednesday as the Houses of Parliament delivered an unprecedented rebuke to a US president. MPs and peers from across the political spectrum, including Boris Johnson, put some blame for the Taliban’s takeover and the chaos that followed on Britain’s closest ally. Mr Biden was accused of “throwing us and everybody else to the fire” by pulling out US troops, and was called “dishonourable” for criticising Afghan forces for not having the will to fight. Former defence chiefs who led British troops in the Middle East were among those to speak out, while there were warnings that the West’s withdrawal would embolden Russia and China.

[…] Labour MP Chris Bryant called Mr Biden’s remarks about Afghan soldiers “some of the most shameful comments ever from an American president”. Khalid Mahmood, a Labour MP and former defence minister, said: “The Biden government have just come in and, without looking at what is happening on the ground, have taken a unilateral decision, throwing us and everybody else to the fire.” [505]

Former Labour Party Prime Minister Tony Blair slammed Biden's "imbecilic" retreat.[506]

The Taliban regime that the Biden junta facilitated to power contained several leaders on the FBI's Most Wanted List. Biden's abandonment of $83 billion in military equipment made the United States, bar far, the world's largest state-sponsor of terror.

See also: Fall of Kabul
Taliban mock U.S. flag raising at Iwo Jima in their victory over America.[507]

Panic ensued as the Kabul airport was flooded with people fleeing the Taliban terror. Some people were stampeded to death.[508] The New York Times reported about the dangerous road thousands of people face trying to get to the Kabul airport: “There were volleys of rifle fire, along with pushing, pulling and beating with wooden sticks, Kalashnikovs and hoses.”[509] At the airport, “in desperate scenes, babies were passed to U.S. soldiers in the hope of giving them a life outside the country,” The Guardian reported.[510] Tens of thousands of Afghans lined up outside the airport in the hopes of finding a way out.[511] Three young men clung to the tires of an airplane, only to fall on top of people's houses once the plane was airborne.[512] Remains of a fourth body were found crushed inside the wheel well upon landing.[513]

People died after being crushed or succumbing to sweltering temperatures in the crowds outside the airport gate as individuals and families sought refuge from the Taliban.[514] UK Independent journalist Kim Sengupta saw four women crushed to death in the space of about an hour, in the crush as Afghans scrambled to leave the Taliban-controlled country.[514] Sky News chief correspondent Stuart Ramsay saw people crushed to death, medics check their vital signs and then cover the bodies in white sheets.[515] A heartbroken mother found her 2-year-old daughter trampled to death.[516] Biden told ABC’s George Stephanopoulos "no one's being killed right now."[517] On August 26, 2021, two suicide bombs went off outside the Kabul airport, killing about 60 people including 12 American soldiers and injuring more than 100. One was a car bomb about 200 yards away, outside the Baron hotel, which was a staging area for evacuees from the airport.[518] ISIS-K claimed responsibility. An Italian C-130 also came under fire as it departed the airport.[519] A translator for the U.S. Marine Corps spoke with Fox News and gave a first-hand account of what he witnessed after the suicide attack.His 5-year-old girl died in his hands.[520]

With 40,000 Americans stranded,[521] embassy personnel in Kabul were apprised by the State Department to leave the embassy and make their way to the airport. Staffers reported being jostled, hit, spat on and cursed at by Taliban fighters at checkpoints near the airport. Some staff members reported that they were almost separated from their children, while others collapsed in a crush of people and had to be taken to hospitals with injuries. Others said they had collapsed on the road because of heat exhaustion. “It would be better to die under the Taliban’s bullet” than face the crowds again, a staff member was quoted as saying in a State Department cable. “Happy to die here, but with dignity and pride," according to NBC News.[522] A heart-wrenching audio clip of a stranded American woman in fear for her life was posted to social media.[523] At least 24 students from a San Diego school district and 16 parents had tickets to fly out but were not able to get to the airport.[524]

While the Biden regime did not inform our Afghan allies it was abandoning Bagram Airbase,[525] Army Gen. Chris Donohue, commander of the 82nd Airborne, did inform the Taliban commander whom he had been coordinating with on August 30, 2021 that the Biden regime was abandoning the Kabul airport, according to CENTCOM commander Gen. Frank McKenzie.[526] Donohue had refused entry to the airport of American citizens with passports to leave Afghanistan.[527][528][529][530] This was done with the full knowledge of the chairman of the Joint Chiefs, Gen. Mark Milley.[531]

Lauren Boebert on Biden's 2022 SOTU speech:[532]

13 brave and heroic members of our military died during Biden's botched Afghanistan withdrawal. They deserved to be recognized during the State of the Union speech so I made sure to speak up.

"Some of the thousands of Afghans denied help during the August 2021 evacuation of US forces from Kabul chose horrific deaths rather than risk capture by the Taliban after helping Americans during their 20-year war there."[533]

Emboldening adversaries[edit]

Following Iran's Mar 12, 2022, attacking Erbil,[534] via 12 missiles, reaching near US consulate and damaging Kurdish media offices, a journalist: 'I have not seen a united Iraq around anything for a long time... Condemnations all-over-the-map against Iran'.[535]

Yet, all the weak Biden administration had to say that it doesn't believe it was the target...[536]

It has then went back and forth, between cowardly appeasing the Iranians first then telling the truth.[537]

Experts connected Biden's failed method /form of Agfhanistan withdrawal with the Russia-Ukraine war in Feb/2022.

In fact, a Feb/2022 Caps-Harris poll showed 62% of respondents believe Putin would not have ordered troops into Ukraine with Trump in White House.[538]

As pundits explain:[539]
Trump not only successfully deterred Russia from acting against Ukraine, he effectively deterred a lot of bad behavior across the planet.

Liberal B Maher rhetorically asked: ‘If Putin thought Trump was really that supportive’ then ‘why didn’t he invade when Trump was in office?'[540]

Taliban threatens to send 2000 suicide bombers to DC[edit]

The Taliban told the United States that if America wants 2,000 soldiers to guard its embassy in Kabul, the Taliban too will deploy a similar number of suicide bombers at the Afghan embassy in Washington D.C. On December 11, 2021, a tweet by Maulvi Mohammad Yaqoob Mujahid, the son of the late Afghan Taliban founder Mullah Mohammad Omar Mujahid and now the acting defense minister of Afghanistan under the Taliban regime, stated: “If America wants 2,000 English [i.e., American] troops at its embassy in Afghanistan, we also want 2,000 Fidayeen Mujahideen [i.e., suicide bombers] from the Fateh Force at the embassy of Afghanistan in America.” The tweet is the first indication that the U.S. is seeking to deploy 2,000 troops to open its embassy in Kabul, according to the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI).[541]

Fidayeen is another term used by jihadi groups for their suicide bombers. “Fateh Force,” or “victorious force,” is a “martyrdom force” within the Badri 313 unit of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan. Badri 313 is named after the Ghazwa-e-Badr, the first Islamic battle led by Islam’s founder Muhammad in which 313 Muslims defeated thousands of non-Muslim tribesmen.

Looting Afghanistan's central reserves[edit]

On February 11, 2022 Joe Biden signed an executive order which splits Afghanistan's $7 billion in foreign reserves between 9/11 victims and aid to Afghans.[542]

Bases housed Afghan evacuees - unrepairable damage[edit]

A Dec 2022 report showed, US military bases that housed Afghan evacuees suffered $260 million in damage.[543]

Alleged killing of Zawahiri[edit]

In August 2022 Biden announced the alleged killing of former al-Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri, who was reported dead in November 2020. Zawahiri was allegedly killed by violating international airspace with an experimental weapon prohibited by the Geneva Convention. Hours later, the U.S. State Department issued a travel alert for the heightened probability of retaliatory terrorist attacks against U.S. citizens.


In a two hour telephone conversation in late February 2023, Biden attempted to cajole President Xi Jinping to help end the war in Ukraine that the United States instigated by sanctioning Russia. New York Times diplomatic correspondent Edward Wong reported, "Xi didn't suggest a role China could play in ending the war…And he used a favorite phrase of his to cast blame on the US: 'Let he who tied the bell on the tiger’s neck take it off?'.”[544]

China First policy[edit]
The Biden White House official Youtube channel cozying up to Chinese Communist dictator, mass murderer, and slave master Xi Jinping.

Since 2017 China's communist government has imprisoned more than one million people and subjected those not detained to intense surveillance, religious restrictions, forced labor, and forced sterilizations.[545] Biden has friendly relations with the communist regime of China. Biden refuses to see Communist China as a threat to the United States and condemned the notion by calling it "bizarre".[546] According to an assessment by the 17 member U.S. Intelligence Community, China interfered in the 2020 presidential election on behalf of their officially favored candidate and family business partner, Joe Biden.[547] China was one of first countries which welcomed the media declaration of the Biden junta. Shortly thereafter China imposed covid butt swab tests on American diplomats.[548]

China is the world’s largest source of Marine debris, the largest consumer of trafficked wildlife and timber products, the greatest emitter of mercury, and the largest emitter of greenhouse gases, producing nearly one third of all global emissions.

Vice foreign minister He Yafei said: despite differences in political ideology, there could still be opportunities for long-term cooperation. “Multilateralism, I will say, is very much needed at this critical moment,” he said. “For China, the US and the EU, all of us should rethink who we are and what roles we can play in the future.[549] Biden referred to the genocide of the Uyghur people as a cultural norm[550] and called the sovereign republic of Taiwan a "renegade province" of Communist China.[551]

The CCP moved to further the grip Beijing had over Hong Kong[552] and has China intimidated Taiwan.[553] Wary of the fact that many in the junta and Biden himself are shills for the CCP, China has pleaded for Trump's policies which supported Taiwan and weakened the communist regime to be lifted.[554][555]

Analysts explain that the Saudis are working on alliance with China under Joe Biden's 'careless' foreign policy. "It's 'a damning indictment of the Biden administration' treatment of Saudis."[556]

Taiwan provocations[edit]

In August 2022, in retaliation for provocative acts by the Biden regime against Taiwan and in the Taiwan Straits, China passed numerous sanctions against the United States, American citizens and their families. The Chinese Defense Ministry released a list of areas in which there will no longer be communication between Chinese and American officials, that includes working meetings between defense departments, maritime security consultation, cooperation on illegal migration, judicial assistance, transnational crime, drug control, and climate change, and a planned phone call between senior military commanders of the two nations was canceled.

Chinese spying: objects / TikTok[edit]

TikTok - Trump / Biden

After ridiculing Trump for wanting to ban TikTok (especially by radical MSNBC, finally, it came out in 2022, that TikTok admits to spying on U.S. users.[557] And the FBI said China could use TikTok to spy on Americans, including government workers.[558]

Spy Balloon case

In Jan 2023, as Chinese spy balloon hovered over US citues, only after he was pressured, the spy balloon was shut down. Even Dems. uploaded on Biden for the delay.[559]

US officials also detailed what they've discovered about the broader spying operation they say the Chinese government has undertaken using a fleet of high-altitude surveillance balloons across the globe.

But senior Biden officials faced pointed questions on Capitol Hill from lawmakers in public hearings and classified briefings as Congress is demanding more information about why the balloon wasn't shot down sooner.[560]

He played it down.[561] 

It was revealed later on, that US Intelligence watched spy balloon as it lifted pff near China’s south coast – US military tracked it tor a week before it entered US airspace.[562] After 4 take downs of Chinese spying "objects" in 8 days, GOP ramped up criticism over lack of information [563] and general pressure mounted on Biden to break his silence as 'people are freaked out' over objects shot from sky.[564]

House Oversight Committee chair, James Comer, accused China of ‘spy ring’ in US, that the concerns with China are a "whole lot bigger" than the spy balloons. He called on the Biden administration to take a tougher approach to the world’s most populated country.[565]

TikTok after Balloon case

Feb 2023, Chinese Spying Concerns fueled new calls for TikTok nan.[566]

Fred Fleitz (former U.S. government official, serving since January 2022 as Vice Chairman of the America First Policy Institute Center for American Security) reiterated the threat via TikTok that the Balloon was just a test which Biden failed at. But TikTok is the real danger.[567]

Drug cartels[edit]

After the kidnapping and murder of US citizens in Feb 2023, it was reported that the White House opposes designating drug cartels as terrorist organizations. [568]

Sexual misconduct[edit]

See also: Creepy Uncle Joe and Tara Reade
Biden and Tara Reade. Beginning in 1993 Reade made credible allegations about being assaulted and penetrated by Joe Biden and was hounded out of her job in his Senate office in retaliation for doing so.[569]
I'm a tactile politician.

—Joe Biden, March 2019[570]

Tara Reade is a former aide to Senator Joseph R. Biden.[571] Reade filed sexual penetration and assault charges against Biden.[572] Biden, a supposed women's rights advocate and author of the Violence Against Women Act which the Supreme Court found unconstitutional, is the original founder of the 'Believe All Women' movement when in 1991 he hastily arranged the racially-motivated Anita Hill hearings to against Justice Clarence Thomas. Washington, D.C. police are actively investigating the allegations of rape.[573]

Reade has been trying to tell her story since it happened in 1993. It's a story about sexual assault, digital penetration which is rape, retaliation, and silencing.

Then in January 2020 Reade tried to come forward again. This time she contacted Times Up Now, the sexual harassment organization. Ryan Grim at The Intercept reported the organization claimed they could not help her because Joe Biden was a candidate for federal office and supporting a case against him could jeopardize their nonprofit status.[574] They also pointed out that the public relations firm that works on behalf of the Times Up Now Legal Defense Fund is SKD Knickerbocker, and SKDKnickerbocker managing director is former Obama White House Communication's director, the notorious Maoist and liberal apologist for mass murder, Anita Dunn.[575] Dunn is the top adviser to Joe Biden.[576]

In other words, Times Up Now, an alleged women's support group, and Anita Dunn will take political dirt on their enemies, and give a heads up to their allies. In the case of Tara Reade, Dunn used Reade to vault herself into Biden's inner orbit and a cushy job in the future Biden administration. It was no surprise when Biden appointed Dunn his chief advisor in January 2020 before the 2020 New Hampshire Democratic primary, since Dunn now had the goods on Biden. Given Biden's mental incapacity questions have surged as to who really is in charge. Anita Dunn, the woman who considers the greatest mass murderer the planet has ever known as her "favorite philosopher', appears to hold that trusted position.

Reade's allegations against Biden have been publicly corroborated by multiple people with whom she discussed the incident in the mid-1990s.[577] When Reade first came forward in April 2019 along with 7 other accusers, Sen. Kamala Harris said, "I believe them and I respect them being able to tell their story and having the courage to do it.[578]

In 2023, Biden accuser Tara Reade --who accused President Joe Biden of sexual assault-- claimed she fled to Russia fearing for her life

Tara Reade, a former Senate aide who accused President Joe Biden of sexual assault, announced Tuesday she defected to Russia.

The shocking confession was made during a Russian state press conference, where Reade was sitting next to alleged Kremlin spy—and pal—Maria Butina. Reade told the pro-Putin press the “very difficult” decision to move came after the realization that she no longer feels safe in Biden's America.

“I'm still kind of in a daze a bit but I feel very good,” Reade told Sputnik. “I feel very surrounded by protection and safety. And I just really so appreciate Maria [Butina] and everyone who's been giving me that at a time when it's been very difficult to know if I'm safe or not.”

“You have U.S. and European citizens looking for safe haven here,” Reade added. “And luckily, the Kremlin is accommodating. So we're lucky.”[579]

Biden is known for his sexual misconduct and bad behavior with multiple women and little girls, like touching, kissing and hair smelling without their consent.[580] Several videos show Biden's inappropriate behavior with women and especially little girls. Several women have accused Biden of sexual misconduct.[581] many videos shows creepy Biden hair sniffing and kissing without permission Stephanie Carter, wife of former secretary of Defense Ashton Carter.[582] other videos shows Biden sexual misconduct to Senators daughters, like daughter of senator Cory Gardner,[583] and daughter of senator Chris Coons.[584] Former Senator Jeff Sessions was one of the few who paid attention to Biden's behavior with young girls, so he Swats Biden hands away from his granddaughter, when he wanted to touch her.[585] The niece of Sen. Steve Daines accused Biden of inappropriate touching while her uncle was being sworn in when she was 8 years old. Video evidence exists to support the allegation.[586] Days after that report surfaced, Biden assaulted a 7-year-old girl during a White House bill signing ceremony.[587]

By Memorial Day weekend after seizing power, Creepy Uncle Joe couldn't control himself again, making inappropriate sexualiazed comments to a 7-year--old girl sitting in the audience, "Look at her, she looks like she’s 19, sitting there with her legs crossed."[588]

Mental competence[edit]

Biden cue cards.[589]

See also: Joe Biden's cognitive decline and Joe Biden's age and Joe Biden's frequent ice cream and junk food consumption, ultra-processed food and cognitive decline

Since occupying the White House, Biden boasted of once having placed a dead dog on the door step of a person "not of the same political persuasion as me."[590]

Biden apparently suffers from Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus (NPH), a form of dementia[591] with symptoms like forgetting how many grandchildren he has,[592] thinking that he is running for the Senate, not the US presidency,[593] forgetting that he is running against President Trump, not George Bush,[594] getting his wife confused with his sister,[595] forgetting where he is,[596] and loss of bowel control.[597] Critics of Biden have derided what they describe as clownish and buffoonish behavior by him in the public eye over the years[598] and have attributed that behavior, which likely predates his selection by Barack Obama to be his running mate, to his advancing senility and dementia.[599] Despite all of these symptoms, many Democrats deny Biden's erratic behavior and are content with someone mentally unfit to be President of the United States,[600] while more aggressive apologists make excuses and attack critics by accusing them of "ageism" and "ignorance".[599] He has been referred to as "the American Brezhnev."[601]

Biden has had two brain surgeries, and his speech is occasionally slurred in pronouncing common words. In addition to his socialist views Biden has had a subarachnoid hemorrhage, which likewise is known to cause permanent brain damage.[602] During a CNN town hall on 17 February 2021 Biden claimed that he didn't have the COVID Vaccine when he took office.[603] He didn't remember that he himself took the vaccine on 21 December 2020, one month before occupying the office.[604]

Biden blew his nose and snot clung to his chin. When informed by staff 8 minutes later, Biden ate the booger off his chin.[605]

After his occupying the White House, he forgot the name of his Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin,[606] calling Kamala Harris president,[607] forgetting what he is doing in Texas.[608] talk that he is coming to Senate 120 years ago.[609] Biden made history as the first Oval Office occupant in over 100 years to not hold a press conference in his first 65 days in office. When twice asked by reporters if he was ready the day before the big event, Biden responded, "What press conference?"[610] One purpose of presidential press conferences is so the public can see and judge for themselves a president's mental acuity. When the press conference finally was held, it was a disaster for Biden as he stumbled and mumbled his way through, ready prepared notes to answer serious policy questions and losing this train of thought.

Six weeks after the seizure of power, a Rasmussen Poll of likely voters showed 50% said they were not confident that “Joe Biden is physically and mentally up to the job of being president of the United States.”[611] Shortly thereafter Biden fell three times attempting to board Air Force One.[612] White House internal propagandists tried to explain away the incident as the wind blowing Biden over.[613] Not one day earlier Biden referred to Kamala Harris, "President Harris."[614] Former White House physician for Presidents George W. Bush, Barack Obama and Donald Trump, Dr. Ronnie Jackson tweeted, "I served as White House physician under THREE Presidents. I’ve seen what it takes physically AND mentally to do the job. I can tell you right now that the way Biden is hiding from the public is a MAJOR red flag. Something’s not right."[615]

Biden's public performance at the G-7 summit at Cornwall, England in June 2021 with the entire planet looking on was universally panned as demented.[616] Even other heads of government could only laugh in front of the cameras as Biden wandered off aimlessly or forgot what he had been told 30 seconds earlier.[617] His closing press conference in front of the fawning liberal media devolved into rambling gibberish.[618] A Snoop Dogg tweet of Biden shaking hands with thin air after a speech was viewed 7.5 million times.[619]

While preparing for a video conference with the nation's governors on wildfires, Biden was informed by aides of having a booger on his chin, and proceeded to eat it on camera.[620] Reports say Biden's erratic conduct has caused staffers to nickname him, the Nightmare on Elm Street.[621]

In June 2023,

President Biden on Thursday wandered off the set of a live television interview on MSNBC before the show even cut to a commercial break. With the cameras still rolling, Biden got out of his chair, shook hands with host Nicolle Wallace and awkwardly walked away after she thanked the 80-year-old president for granting her a rare interview. “Don’t go anywhere,” the MSNBC host told viewers as Biden made his exit, walking directly behind her. It is unusual for guests to leave the set of cable news shows before the host tosses the program to a commercial break.[622]

Afghan debacle[edit]

The body of a young man crushed in the wheel well of a C-17, desperately trying to flee Afghanistan after Biden ordered a sudden ill-planned and chaotic withdrawal.[623]

On August 20, 2021 Biden claimed the U.S. went to Afghanistan to destroy al Qaeda, and had done so. Less than an hour later, a Pentagon spokesman contradicted him and said al Qaeda still existed in Afghanistan.[624] His assurance that the Taliban promised people with U.S. passports were being cleared through Taliban checkpoints was immediately contradicted by the State Department. When asked by ABC News' George Stephanopoulos: “Your military advisers did not tell you, ‘we should just keep 2,500 troops. It’s been a stable situation for the last several years. We can do that. We can continue to do that’?" Biden insisted, “No. No one said that to me that I can recall.”[625] Under oath CENTCOM commander Gen. Kenneth McKenzie testified,

"I recommended that we maintain 2,500 troops in Afghanistan. I also recommended earlier in the fall of 2020 that we maintain 4,500 at that time. Those were my personal views. I also have a view that the withdrawal of those forces would lead inevitably to the collapse of the Afghan military forces and eventually the Afghan government.”[626]
Like Pres. Woodrow Wilson's 2nd wife Edith, Joe Biden's 2nd wife Jill carried on much of her spouse's official duties during the time of his incapacitation.[627]

Biden said, "I have seen no question of our credibility from our allies around the world. I've spoken with our NATO allies, we've spoken with NATO allies. ... The fact of the matter is, I have not seen that. As a matter of fact, the exact opposite I've got." In the real world, the European Parliament Committee on Foreign Affairs held a virtual session and Josep Borrell, high representative of the EU for foreign affairs and security policy and vice president of the European Commission, branded the situation in Afghanistan "a catastrophe." Former UK prime minister Theresa May said "What does it say about NATO if we are entirely dependent on a unilateral decision taken by the United States? ... Did we feel we just had to follow the United States and hope that on a wing and a prayer it'd be all right on the night?" Former UK prime minister Tony Blair called Biden an "imbecile."[628] Armin Laschet, the top candidate to succeed outgoing German Chancellor Angela Merkel, said, "This is the greatest debacle that NATO has seen since its foundation, and it is an epochal change that we are facing."[629] And the UK Parliament held Biden in contempt.

Leaked document reveals Biden’s Afghan failures:[630]

Hours before the Taliban seized control of Afghanistan's capital on Aug. 15, 2021, senior Biden administration officials were still discussing and assigning basic actions involved in a mass civilian evacuation. Outsiders were frustrated and suspicious the administration was having plenty of meetings but was stuck in bureaucratic inertia and lacked urgency until the last minute. While the word "immediately" peppers the document, it's clear officials were still scrambling to finalize their plans — on the afternoon of Aug. 14. For example, they'd just decided they needed to notify local Afghan staff "to begin to register their interest in relocation to the United States," the document says. And they were still determining which countries could serve as transit points for evacuees. The big picture: President Biden was determined to end the country's involvement in its longest war, and last April he announced his plans to withdraw all U.S. forces from Afghanistan by Sept. 11, 2021. President Trump had previously cut a deal for a U.S. withdrawal by May 2021

Taliban kill list[edit]

Biden provided the Taliban with a kill list of American names and Afghan collaborators.

The Biden regime gave the Taliban a list of names of American citizens, Afghan allies, green card holders, that they said they wanted to evacuate.

“Basically, they just put all those Afghans on a kill list,” said one defense official, who like others spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss a sensitive topic. “It’s just appalling and shocking and makes you feel unclean,” according to Politico.[631]

People who had worked for the Afghan government went into hiding, "awaiting their death sentence."[632] At least 24 students from San Diego school district and 16 parents had tickets to fly out but were not able to get to the airport.[524] The New York Times reported that about 600 American University students were “terrified” after having a list with their names and passports shared with the Taliban. One student explained: “They told us: we have given your names to the Taliban.” The students were informed by the university president "evacuations were permanently called off” and the airport “has announced there will be no more rescue flights” before the Biden regime's self-imposed August 31, 2021 deadline.[633] The Times reported that the Taliban posted a picture of themselves on social media standing at the entrance of a university building saying that’s where America trained infidel “wolves.” A Taliban attack on the campus in 2016 killed 13 people, including seven students.[634]

The Taliban executed a police officer in front of her husband and children at their family home.[635] Relatives supplied graphic images showing blood spattered on a wall in the corner of a room and a body, the face heavily disfigured. The family said she was eight months pregnant. Her son said she was "brutally killed in front of kids and her brain was taken out. This is Taliban 2.0. United States and NATO let this happen."[636]

25th Amendment[edit]

See also: 25th Amendment and Legal capacity

Four weeks into the junta, s, Politico reported that nearly three dozen House Democrats called on Biden to relinquish his sole authority to launch nuclear weapon due to his diminished mental capacity.[637]

With advanced age Biden has become increasingly unbalanced.
“...Vesting one person with this authority entails real risks...Past presidents have threatened to attack other countries with nuclear weapons or exhibited behavior that caused other officials to express concern about the president’s judgment...While any president would presumably consult with advisors before ordering a nuclear attack, there is no requirement to do so...The military is obligated to carry out the order if they assess it is legal under the laws of war. Under the current posture of U.S. nuclear forces, that attack would happen in minutes.”[638]

The effort was spearheaded by Democrat Reps. Jimmy Panetta and Ted Lieu after both international and national media questioned Biden's mental capacity and the threat it posed to national security.[639][640] In late 2020, Speaker Nancy Pelosi introduced a bill creating a 25th Amendment Commission. The 25th Amendment reads in part, "Whenever the Vice President and a majority of either the principal officers of the executive departments or of such other body as Congress may by law provide...". Biden insiders began dumping on Kamala Harris in fear she would invoke the 25th Amendment as Biden's dementia became more obvious. When a Trafalgar poll revealed 58% of Americans had no confidence that Kamala Harris could assume the duties of president, a series of leaks trashing Harris emanated from the White House.[641] In the wake of her disastrous photo-op in Guatemala, Mexico, and El Paso, staffers began to quit, citing that Kamala is impossible to work with.[642] Politico reported that Kamala's office is "Not a healthy environment’: rife with dissent. There is dysfunction inside the VP’s office, aides and administration officials say. And it’s emanating from the top."[643]

Biden with Liz Truss (left) and Queen Consort Camilla Parker Bowles (right). While representing the United States before British royalty, Biden broke wind. "It was long and loud and impossible to ignore."[644] Biden was seated in the back row during Queen Elizabeth II funeral.[645]
"Harris’ team is experiencing low morale, porous lines of communication and diminished trust among aides and senior officials....22 current and former vice presidential aides, administration officials and associates of Harris and Biden described a tense and at times dour office atmosphere. Aides ....created an insular environment where ideas are ignored or met with harsh dismissals and decisions are dragged out. Often, they said, she refuses to take responsibility for delicate issues and blames staffers for the negative results that ensue.... “It all starts at the top,” said one of the administration officials, who like others requested anonymity to be able to speak candidly about a sensitive matter.

“People are thrown under the bus from the very top, there are short fuses and it’s an abusive environment,” said another person with direct knowledge of how Harris’ office is run. “It’s not a healthy environment and people often feel mistreated. It’s not a place where people feel supported but a place where people feel treated like s---.”

The dysfunction in the VP’s ranks threatens to complicate the White House’s carefully crafted image as a place staffed by a close-knit group of professionals working in concert to advance the president’s agenda. It’s pronounced enough that members of the president’s own team have taken notice and are concerned about the way Harris’ staffers are treated....for some of the people who know Harris best, it’s become an all-too-familiar pattern for a politician who has churned through several iterations of staff on her rise and took office with a team almost entirely new to her.

Just six months in, some of those aides in the Office of the Vice President said they are eyeing other employment opportunities. Others have left already. ...The morale level for current Harris staffers is “rough” and in many ways similar to the failed presidential campaign and her Senate office, according to the former Senate aide."

Aides describe Harris as unpredictable and at times demeaning to her staff. She often hung up on her aides, berated them when she didn’t think they were prepared enough for briefings, and had a reputation for churning through interns and lower-level staff.[646] Some of her former staffers claimed to be suffering from a form of post-traumatic stress after Harris started her ascension to the White House. According to the Washington Free Beacon, “they sought therapy to ‘resolve trauma from the on-the-job abuse’ after Harris was selected as Biden’s running mate in 2020.”[647] After an Axios hit piece on Kamala,[648] the New York Post reported the knives were out for Kamala in the racist and misogynist Biden White House.[649]

After Biden's disastrous performance in a nationally televised CNN townhall meeting,[650] speculation was rife over Harris invoking the 25th Amendment.[651]

Dangerous rhetoric[edit]

Biden has become increasingly unbalanced with age.[652]

On March 26, 2022, on his trip to Poland, Biden, in a bravado, trying to impress, uttered some dangerous statements,[653][654] such as implying 'regime change' seeking in Russia. The WH worked frantically overtime to try to do some damage control.[655] Admiral James Stavridis, who took part in NATO's illegal war in Libya and arms smuggling to groups that became the Islamic State, said he would remember the speech "on NATO as a sacred obligation."[656] Former CBS News White House correspondent Mark Knoller said Biden's speech topped former President Ronald Reagan's "tear down that wall" speech,[657] while Biden aides and State Department officials said it was only a reference to placate and inflame Polish officials and the Polish people.[658] Not two months earlier European officials and critics were labeling the Polish government as totalitarian and fascist.[659]

Tucker Carlson said the incident shows Biden's incoherence and incompetence has become a threat to national security and cause for invocation of the 25th Amendment.[660]

Bigoted rhetotic[edit]

In Dec 2022, this wise man uttered a 'casual, old school, anti-Irish stereotyping:' "I may be Irish but I'm not stupid."[661][662]

Facebook collusion[edit]

The Biden family has a long relationship with Facebook dating back to 2010, and the ability to get critics banned. There also has been a revolving door of employees between the Obama and Biden regimes, campaign organizations, consultants, and Biden family enterprises.

On October 10, 2010, Hunter Biden emailed Arlene Busch, a partner at Rosemont Seneca, the firm set up to sell access and influence to Vice President Joe Biden. The subject of the email was his relationship with Chris Kelly, Mark Zuckerberg's right-hand-man.

"Chris is worth about $350 MILLION. He remains Mark Zuckerberg’s closest adviser....He is more tied to Silicon Valley money than anyone I know and is looking for places to put his money."
"I brought Chris Kelly to lunch. We can talk in more detail tomorrow about the meeting, but just to be clear– Chris is worth about $350 MILLION. He remains Mark Zuckerberg’s closest adviser and was the first person outside of programers Facebook hired.

He is more tied to Silicon Valley money than anyone I know and is looking for places to put his money. H[e] just spent $10 MILLION of his own money on race for AG in Dem primary without blinking.”[663]

Kelly just dumped $10 million of his own money in a failed primary contest against Kamala Harris for Attorney General of California. Days later, a Kelly flunky emailed Hunter asking what favor he could do. Hunter wanted a critic's account on Facebook taken down.

“Hi Mr. Biden, Chris Kelly forwarded me your message about a Facebook profile that you’re trying to get shut down?”

To which Hunter Biden replied:

“Thanks Adam—I will get info to you ASAP.”

Adam replied, saying, “Thank you”.[664]

Two days later the Facebook flunky confirmed the hit against a third party had been carried out.

“Mr. Biden,

We have removed the fake profile. Thank you for bringing this to our attention.


Adam Connor

Facebook DC[665]

In 2012 Eric Schwerin, who formally headed up the partnership with Chinese Communists, devised a scheme to milk money out of Facebook and other Silicon Valley Democrats for then Delaware Attorney General Beau Biden:

“Does it make sense to reach out to Chris Kelly (maybe in an email from Hunter) and ask him to suggest a number of Silicon Valley Dem Types that we should invite to Beau’s party? I am sure he would encourage them to come and giving him some ownership of that group might not be a bad idea.

“Any complications vis a vis Kamala Harris and Chris? I assume they are all good?”[666]

Hunter Biden replied to this email saying, “Very good idea”.

Schwerin replied, saying, :

“Great. I’ll draft an email and send it from Hunter. Hunter, if you want to see it first, let me know. Otherwise, we’ll send it off tomorrow.”[667]

Biden chief of staff Ron Klain publicly agrees that elections are rigged.

Shortly after Hunter got on the payroll of Burisma, Secretary of State John Kerry's chief-of-staff gave Schwerin a heads up that Wall Street Journal reporters were poking around in the deal:

“FYI, at David Wade’s[668] urging I spoke to the WSJ [Wall Street Journal] on background tonight. They were about to run with a story that said Rosemont Seneca had invested in Burisma. Told them that was not the case. Didn’t say much else. Not sure what else they were going with but they were apparently asking questions about ownership as well. Probably going to run tonight. Didn’t seem too concerning to me.”[669]

David Wade at the time was Kerry's chief-of-staff. Wade previously was Joe Biden press secretary during the 2008 presidential campaign. In 2017 Wade became a PR consultant for Rosemont Seneca and Hunter Biden to handle all the negative publicity regarding Joe and Hunter Biden raking off $166,000 per month in kickbacks from Burisma. In the 2020 election cycle Wade went to work for Facebook.

The same day as the Schwerin email about Wade and the Wall Street Journal, other members of the Washington press corp were probing the issue of the Biden family's conflict of interest and influence peddling, as well. At the State Department, junior propagandist Jen Psaki was asked by Matt Lee of the Associated Press:

Lee: “Does this building diplomatically have any concerns about potential perceptions of conflict or cronyism – which is what you’ve often accused the Russians of doing?”
Paski: “No, he’s a private citizen."[670]

On October 14, 2020, three weeks before the 2020 presidential election, Twitter and Facebook locked the account of the New York Post and limited their ability to share and post news stories after the New York Post published a bombshell report detailing some of Hunter Biden’s emails proving that Hunter Biden introduced his father, Joe Biden, to a top Ukranian energy firm executive from Burisma while Joe Biden was vice president. This was evidence Joe Biden used his influence as vice president to enrich his family through lucrative business deals with foreign nations like Ukraine and China, compromising the integrity of the vice presidency, as well as US national security. Facebook’s Policy Communication’s Director Andy Stone said,

“While I will intentionally not link to the New York Post, I want to be clear that this story is eligible to be fact-checked by Facebook’s third-party fact-checking partners. This is part our standard process to reduce the spread of misinformation. We temporarily reduce distribution pending fact-checker review.”[671]

Before working for Facebook, Andy Stone worked for the Democrat’s House Majority PAC as well at the Democrat Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC), which is a clear conflict of interest during an election year. Facebook and their executives made the pre-emptive decision to label the New York Post‘s Hunter Biden story as factually incorrect and limited the publishing ability of the New York Post’s account before they even “fact checked” the already factually correct article.[672]

2020 Presidential campaign[edit]

See also: Joseph Biden 2020 presidential campaign, Ukrainegate, United States presidential election, 2020‎‎, and 2000 Mules

On April 25, 2019, Biden announced his candidacy against President Trump in 2020 and was the immediate Democrat Party frontrunner.[673] In 2020 the Biden family came under FBI investigation.[674]

In April 2020, Joe Biden began spreading an election conspiracy theory that President Trump would attempt to delay the date of the vote.[25]

Iconic logo from the 2020 election forever engraved into a betrayed generation's consciousness.

Biden received 66 million votes nationwide;[675][676] however, Democrat election officials manufactured an additional 13 million fraudulent mail-in ballots[677] giving the appearance of a Blue Mirage. [678][679] An open letter published by The Democracy Institute entitled Reasons Why The 2020 Presidential Election Is Deeply Puzzling begins by noting the fact that:

“Something very strange happened in America’s democracy in the early hours of Wednesday November 4 [2020] and the days that followed...Trump earned the highest share of all minority votes for a Republican since 1960…Trump grew his support among black voters by 50 percent over 2016…Nationally, Joe Biden’s black support fell well below 90 percent, the level below which Democratic presidential candidates usually lose...We are told that Biden won more votes nationally than any presidential candidate in history...But he won a record low of 17 percent of counties; he only won 524 counties, as opposed to the 873 counties Obama won in 2008...Yet, Biden somehow outdid Obama in total votes...Victorious presidential candidates, especially challengers, usually have down-ballot coattails; Biden did not...The Republicans held the Senate and enjoyed a ‘red wave’ in the House, where they gained a large number of seats while winning all 27 toss-up contests...Trump’s party did not lose a single state legislature and actually made gains at the state level”.[680]

More than 26% of African Americans refused to allow Biden to put them back in chains and exited the Democrat plantation.[681] Credible rape allegations and failing cognitive skills of the Democrat nominee were largely ignored by the liberal media.[682] Former Bernie Sanders co-chair Nina Turner said voting for Joe Biden is like eating "a bowl of s***."[683][684]

In the immediate aftermath of a record number of Latinos voting for President Trump, Biden's former boss, Barack Obama, launched a vile and racist attack on people of Hispanic heritage.[685] A common question circulating on social media was, "Who did you for, Trump or that senile old racist?"

The largest voter fraud organization ever[edit]

Dozens of documented examples of election shenanigans.[686]
GPS evidence of ballot harvesting in the 2020 presidential election. Ballot harvesters perform massive ballot dumps in drop boxes.[687]
See also: Cloward-Piven strategy, Voter fraud, Ballot harvesting, and 2020 Voter fraud timeline

The probability of mail-in voter fraud creating chaos after Election Day, November 3, 2020, is very real. Some states may force residents to use mail-in ballots during the current health emergency. Voting by mail makes it easier to commit fraud, intimidate voters, and destroy the protections of the secret ballot. Without the oversight of election and polling officials, mail-in ballots are the ballots most vulnerable to being altered, stolen, or forged. Fraud by duplicate voting can occur, once by absentee or mail-in ballot, and then again in person. Employees of private companies hired to contact and register voters have been known to change party affiliations of voters and forge signatures on voter registration forms, among other things.

When Democrats want to tilt elections in their favor outside the ballot box, Marc Elias of Perkins Coie is the go-to guy. Perkins Coie is the Democratic law firm, paid by the Hillary Clinton campaign, that hired Fusion GPS to dig up dirt on Donald Trump in 2016. They failed, but still compiled the Steele dossier full of foreign-solicited lies about Trump and Russia, which was leaked by Obama intelligence officials to try to sabotage the new president’s administration, sow doubt in his election victory, and invalidate the votes of 63 million Americans. From Wisconsin to Nevada, to California, Marc Elias and the Democrats pushed lawsuits disguised as “election reform” to water down important election safeguards and increase the opportunity for fraud, abuse, and corruption. In August 2020 Politico reported,

Four highly anomalous ballot dumps highlighted in yellow account for the "win" in Michigan, Wisconsin, and Georgia and represent forty-two electoral votes.[688]
Coronavirus has turned the Democratic Party’s voter contact program, one operative said, into something more like a tech support operation than a traditional door-knocking effort.....Priorities USA, the Democratic super PAC, is spending $24 million on voter mobilization, which includes vote-by-mail education. Fair Fight, a group founded by Stacey Abrams, has rolled out voter protection programs in 17 states....

Meanwhile, President Donald Trump’s recent attacks on the USPS and on mail-voting is raising concern among voters, operatives say.

“We've seen such an increase from young people in terms of concern about their ballot casting,” said Jared DeLoof, the states director of NextGen America, which targets younger voters. “They want to vote, they want to make sure that that vote is going to count.” [...]

Democrats believe they will also have to follow up with some voters after their ballot has been cast, in an effort to help them fix ballots that have been rejected for technical reasons. State rules vary widely on if or how voters can correct their ballots, and the time windows to do so can be short.

While Democrat campaigns and groups navigate the patchwork of state rules governing mail ballots to encourage turnout, Democrat election attorney Marc Elias is trying to change many of those rules.


This is the other half of the party’s vote-by-mail efforts: a sprawling legal effort that spans every battleground state and is costing tens of millions of dollars. Priorities USA, just one of Elias’ clients, has expanded its voting litigation budget to $32 million.

“One of the features of vote by mail is that between the point that the voter cast the ballot and the point that the ballot is counted, several things have to go right,” Elias said in an interview. “One is that the ballot has to be received by the election officials in time. ... And the second is that the ballot needs to be verified and accepted.”

Elias, who was the lead attorney in former Sen. Al Franken’s (D-Minn.) 2008 recount victory and the general counsel for Hillary Clinton and John Kerry’s presidential campaigns, is pursuing what he calls “four pillars” of legal changes to election laws during coronavirus. The first, that mail ballots should include paid postage with them, has some cross-partisan support.

The other three do not, locking Elias in a wide-range legal fight with Republicans all over the country, including the Republican National Committee and its legal budget of at least $20 million. Those fights are over Elias’ push to mandate that states count ballots postmarked by Election Day but received after the fact; overhauling signature matching laws, which Elias derides as based on pseudoscience; and allowing for third parties to collect and turn in voters’ sealed absentee ballots, which Democrats call “community collection” and Republicans largely deride as “ballot harvesting.”

“One thing you do is you make sure that people whose ballot is being challenged based on signature matching, that the people that are doing that have been trained, are applying uniform non-discriminatory standards. And most importantly, the voter is notified and has an opportunity to cure,” Elias said of his legal strategy. (A cure process mandates that a state contacts voters whose ballots have been rejected to give them the ability to fix — or cure — their ballot.)

Several Democrat-backed lawsuits have also pushed to expand who can cast absentee ballots. In 44 states, any voter can, at a minimum, request an absentee ballot if they choose to do so, and some states have changed that requirement as a response to the pandemic. [...]

Republicans argue that allowing for outside parties to collect and deliver ballots could lead to coercion or fraud. [...]

Depending on how close the races for the White House and battleground Senate seats are, "we could be headed for a Bush v. Gore situation in every battleground state, depending how close the results are."[689]

The RNC and the Trump campaign pushed back against the Democrats’ assault on the integrity of elections. All across the country, Democrats tried to use coronavirus and the courts to legalize ballot harvesting, implement a nationwide mail-in ballot system, and eliminate nearly every safeguard in our elections.

One in five mail in ballots have been rejected in several 2020 elections. Nearly two-thirds (62%) say there is fraud in U.S. elections, and that fraud would concern them under Democrats’ nationwide mail-in ballot system. Americans overwhelmingly approve of the safeguards Democrats are suing to eliminate like signature matching (84%), voter identification (80%), and a ballot receipt deadline of election day (83%). Voters also oppose (67%) allowing campaign workers to collect mail-in ballots, also known as ballot harvesting.[690]


Origins of Trump-Russia conspiracy hoax

On September 29, 2020 the Biden campaign paid Neustar, the cyber firm that hacked the Trump White House, $18,819, FEC records show.[691] Neustar is at the center of Special Counsel John Durham’s investigation into the origins of the Trump-Russia probe. According to Durham, Neustar’s chief technology officer, Rodney Joffe, accessed sensitive web traffic data that the company maintained on behalf of the White House executive office in order to collect "derogatory" information about Donald Trump. Joffe allegedly provided the information to Hillary Clinton campaign lawyer Michael Sussmann, who in turn gave it to the CIA.[692] Durham alleged that Joffe and his associates "mined" Trump White House traffic data "for the purpose of gathering derogatory information about Donald Trump." Clinton campaign lawyers told campaign officials, including Jake Sullivan, about the Alfa Bank claims. Sullivan later joined the Biden campaign and was appointed national security adviser. His wife is counselor to Attorney General Merrick Garland, who oversees the Durham probe and has final say over a release of a report of the investigation.[693]

Election fraud[edit]

See also: Democrat election fraud and Deep Rig

Ten days before the election Biden openly boasted of having "the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in history.”[694] On a conference call over the Summer, a Dominion Voting Systems executive in charge of Strategy and Security is reported to have said, "Don’t worry Trump won’t win the election, we fixed that."[695]

According to the Progressive election analyst group Catalist, Democrats are losing support among minorities.[696]

At 2:30 AM EDT of the 4th of November 2020, TV broadcasts reported that Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Arizona, and Nevada and Georgia decided to cease vote counting operations and would continue the following day. This unanimous decision to initially and intentionally stop counting by all five battleground states was unprecedented, and it demonstrates prior coordination by election officials in battleground states. This allowed for more time to manufacture fraudulent ballots.

An independent forensic audit of Dominion Voting Systems machines used in Michigan concluded:

“The Dominion Voting System is intentionally and purposefully designed with inherent errors to create systemic fraud and influence election results. ...The intentional errors lead to bulk adjudication of ballots with no oversight, transparency, and no audit trail. This leads to voter or election fraud. Based on our study we conclude that the Dominion Voting System should not be used in Michigan....The allowable election error rate established by the Federal Election Commission guidelines is of 1 in 250,000 ballots (.0008%). We observed an error rate of 68.05%. This demonstrated a significant and fatal error in security and election integrity."[697]

The chairman of the Federal Election Commission, Trey Trainor, said there was voter fraud in key states. “The massive amounts of affidavits that we see in these cases show that there was in fact fraud that took place.”[698]

Vice president 2009–2017[edit]

See also: Vice Presidency of Joe Biden (2009–2017) and Recovery Summer

Five months into the Obama regime in June 2009 Hunter Biden and Chris Heinz, son of Joe Biden and stepson of Senate Foreign Relations Committee chair John Kerry formed Rosemount Seneca. The firm partnered with the Thornton Group run by James Bulger, and the Bank of China, to form Bohai Harvest RST (BHR) in the Peoples Republic of China.

Biden was a strong supporter of the Russian Reset to facilitate the sale of Uranium One to Clinton Foundation donors.

Biden was placed in charge of promoting the Obama regime's alleged Recovery Summer which never materialized.[699]

Susan Lagana served as North Carolina’s Communications Director for the 2008 Obama/Biden campaign and then as Director of Communications for the U.S. Navy, an attorney a the Office of Personnel Management, and the Director of Public Affairs at the Department of Transporation. Less than a year after leaving the Obama/Biden administration signed Hikvision, a state-owned company of the Peoples Republic of China (PRC), to a $25,000 per month retainer for her lobbying firm. Hikvision has been identified by the U.S. Department of Defense as a proxy of the Peoples Liberation Army, and “linked to Uyghur abuses,” according to Reuters, which describes the company as the “world’s largest purveyor of video surveillance systems and vendor to Xinjiang police agencies.”[700] as a lobbying client in 2019. Lagana’s lobbying firm would “advise” the manufacturer and supplier of video surveillance equipment on the following matters, according to Foreign Agent Registration Act (FARA) filings: “Public affairs and policy issues, Strategic planning and guidance, Media relations, Issues management, Internal and external communications, Coordinate outside consultants, Message development, Media monitoring, Media Engagement, Fact Sheets, Messages, and Q&As.” The arrangement, which was extended to expire on December 31, 2021, counted Lagana as a signatory on the documents outlining the initial agreement.[701] The PRC's treatment of the Uyghur people was designated as genocide in 2021.[702]

Hunter Biden meeting with President Obama in the Oval Office.
Official White House Photograph

Influence peddling as Vice president[edit]

See also: Biden-Ukraine scandal, Bohai Harvest RST, United Front Work Department, and Biden crime family

Five months into the Obama regime in June 2009 Hunter Biden and Chris Heinz, son of Joe Biden and stepson of Senate Foreign Relations Committee chair John Kerry formed Rosemount Seneca. The firm partnered with the Thornton Group run by James Bulger, and the Bank of China, to form Bohai Harvest RST (BHR) in China. Devon Archer is a longtime friend of former Secretary of State John Kerry and of stepson Chris Heinz and James Bulger, the nephew of notorious Boston gangster Whitey Bulger.[703] Archer was convicted in 2022 and sentenced to one year in prison for defrauding a Native American tribe.[704]

The Bank of China is owned by the Chinese government and closely connected with the Chinese military and intelligence services. Biden, Heinz, and Archer transferred and sold "duel use" technology to the Chinese military which was used to create the Chinese drone program and replicate the Chinese version of the F-15 fighter.[705]

Bohai Harvest RST (BHR) invested in an app the Chinese leftwing Communist regime is using to surveil ethnic minority Muslims in western China. Over one million Muslims living in the region are now incarcerated in Chinese gulags.

Biden-Ukraine scandal[edit]

Devon Archer (far left) is pictured with Joe and Hunter Biden. (Screenshot from Twitter)[706]
See also: Biden-Ukraine scandal

Vice President Joe Biden oversaw the disbursement of $1 billion allocated by the U.S. to the new government of Ukraine. In 2014, Biden's son Hunter Biden, was appointed to the board of directors of Burisma Holdings, the largest oil and gas company in Ukraine. Hunter Biden was hired by Mykola Zlochevsky, who served as Ukraine's ecology minister in the previous administration. Hunter Biden was paid $166,000 per month. The money was split with the nephew of Whitey Bulger.

Zlochevsky came under investigation by the new administration for alleged embezzlement of $5 billion while ecology minister. The prosecutor traced payments made to Hunter Biden. Vice President Biden threatened the new Ukrainian administration to withhold $1 billion in U.S. allocated funds unless the prosecutor investigating Hunter Biden was fired.[707]

Documents show payments from Burisma to Hunter Biden.[708][709][710][711]

Biden bragged about having caused the firing of the Ukraine prosecutor to a CFR conference.

U.S. banking records show Hunter Biden's firm, Rosemont Seneca Partners LLC, received regular transfers — usually more than $166,000 a month — from Burisma from spring 2014 through fall 2015, during a period when Joe Biden was the main U.S. official dealing with Ukraine. Biden threatened Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko that the Obama administration would pull $1 billion in U.S. loan guarantees, sending Ukraine toward insolvency, if it didn't immediately fire Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin who was investigating his son, Hunter. Biden recounted,

"'You’re not getting the billion'. I’m going to be leaving here in, I think it was about six hours. I looked at them and said: ‘I’m leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money'...Well, [SOB], he got fired. And they put in place someone who was solid at the time."[712][713]

Yuriy Lutsenko, who replaced Shokin as the prosecutor looking into Burisma, said the evidence in the Burisma case he'd like to present to William Barr, particularly the vice president's intervention.

Between April 2014 and October 2015, more than $3 million was paid out by Burisma to an account linked to Biden's and Devon Archer's Rosemont Seneca firm, according to the financial records placed in a federal court file in Manhattan in another case against Archer. The bank records show that, on most months when Burisma money flowed, two-wire transfers of $83,333.33 each were sent to the Rosemont Seneca–connected account on the same day. The same Rosemont Seneca–linked account typically then paid Hunter Biden one or more payments ranging from $5,000 to $25,000 each. Ukrainian prosecutors reviewed internal company documents and wanted to interview Hunter Biden and Archer about why they had received such payments, but couldn't because of Joe Biden's intervention. In a text message from Hunter Biden to his daughter Naomi, Hunter said their father, "Pop", takes 50% of his salary.[714][715]

London mayor Sadiq Khan and Elena Baturina.

On September 4, 2019, former Prosecutor General Victor Shokin made a sworn affidavit outlining Joe Biden's shakedown.[716]

Russian collusion[edit]

In 2014 Hunter Biden colluded with, and received $3.5 million in payment from the widow of former Moscow and the richest woman in Russia. The $3.5 million payment from Elena Baturina was for helping to establish a bank account in the United States for her.[428] Baturina eventually laundered $39 million through American banks, with the help of Rosemont Seneca, of funds stolen from contractors while her husband Yury Luzhkov was mayor of Moscow. In late 2019 Baturina was declared a fugitive from justice by a Russian court.[429]


In 2009, Richard Holbrooke was appointed as a special adviser on Pakistan and Afghanistan, working under Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.[717] According to Holbrooke's diary which was turned over to his official biographer George Packer following his death, when Vice President Joe Biden was asked about America's obligation to maintain their presence in Afghanistan to protect vulnerable civilians, he scornfully replied, "F*** that, we don't have to worry about that. We did it in Vietnam, Nixon and Kissinger got away with it."[718]

Seal Team 6[edit]

See also: Afghan War

The families of Navy Seal Team 6 blame Vice President Biden for revealing the identity of the Navy Seal Team that killed Osama bin Laden.[719] Seal Team 6 is a covert action force, and all its members are sworn to secrecy to never reveal the actions they participate in. The government likewise is bound to protect their identities against reprisals. In boasting of the killing, Biden named Seal Team 6 by name as the unit that found bin Laden.

On August 6, 2011, the Taliban ambushed a Chinook helicopter carrying 30 U.S. service members — including 15 SEAL Team 6 members — in Afghanistan.[720] Everyone on board was killed.[721] In a show of multiculturalism, the Obama administration insisted a Muslim cleric be present when the bodies were recovered.[722]

Families of the slain SEAL members held a news conference at the National Press Club demanding an investigation into why their sons had been identified, despite specific assurances by the Obama administration their identities would be protected.[723] To add insult, the families complained about the Muslim cleric that the Obama administration required to preside in a ceremony over their remains, damned their souls to hell as infidels in an Islamic prayer proclaiming victory.[724]

Bowe Bergdahl swap[edit]

See also: Obama war crimes

When Barack Obama released five Taliban commanders from the Guantanamo Bay prison in exchange for American deserter Bowe Bergdahl in 2014, he assured Americans that the enemy combatants would not be allowed to return to Afghanistan. 6 American soldiers lives were lost searching for the American deserter.[725] Upon Bergdahl's return, Obama celebrated Bergdahl as a heroic “POW,” a designation the Pentagon never gave him. Khairullah Khairkhwa, one of the five released from Guantanamo, sat across the table from Joe Biden’s personal representative in Moscow in the spring of 2021, where Mullah Khairkhwa was part of the Taliban delegation that negotiated the terms of the US withdrawal. Mullah Khairkhwa is the mastermind of the Taliban takeover, even though the Pentagon classified Khairkhwa as too dangerous to release.

Khairkhwa assured the Biden junta that the Taliban would not retaliate against Afghans who worked with the US military or the US-backed government in Kabul. However, reports out of Kandahar and Kabul soon after the fall of Afghanistan indicate the Taliban was going door to door with a kill list to wipe out their enemies. Mullah Khairkhwa previously served as the Taliban’s interior minister prior to 2002, where he oversaw Islamist punishments, including beheadings and stonings.[726]

All five of the terrorists in the Bowe Bergdahl swap assumed prominent positions in the Taliban interim government announced on September 11, 2021:[727]

Early life and career[edit]

Biden: "My children are going to grow up in a jungle, the jungle being a racial jungle."[729]
See also: Joe Biden early life and career

At 21, a radical subversive and treasonous Joe Biden breached the U.S. Capitol building, entered the Senate chamber, sat in the presiding officer's chair, and was arrested.[730] Biden championed Russia's accession to the World Trade Organization.

Relationship with George Wallace[edit]

Title VI of the 1964 Civil Rights Act prohibits discrimination based on race, color, or national origin in programs or activities receiving federal financial assistance.[731] Biden told the Philadelphia Enquirer on October 12, 1975:

“Liberals have rejected common sense. Anybody who has studied the area knows that we don't have a workable rehabilitation program. Yet we continue to insist that the function of prison is to rehabilitate, not punish. I think the Democratic Party could stand a liberal George Wallace — someone who’s not afraid to stand up and offend people, someone who wouldn’t pander but would say what the American people know in their gut is right”[732]

George Wallace praised Biden as "one of the outstanding young politicians of America."[733] Wallace is famous for coining the slogan in a gubernatorial inaugural address,

"Segregation now, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever!"[734][735]
The same year Biden authored an amendment to gut Title VI of the 1964 Civil Rights Act. Politico writes of the whole sordid affair,
Biden morphed into a leading anti-busing crusader—all the while continuing to insist that he supported the goal of school desegregation, he only opposed busing as the means to achieve that end. This stance, which many of Biden’s liberal and moderate colleagues also held, was clever but disingenuous. It enabled Biden to choose votes over principles, while acting as if he was not doing so....In a seminal moment, the Senate thus turned against desegregation. The Senate had supported the 1964 Civil Rights Act, 1965 Voting Rights Act and 1968 Fair Housing Act....the Senate remained the last bastion for those who supported strong integration policies. Biden stormed that bastion...[736]
“I think the Democratic Party could stand a liberal George Wallace — someone who’s not afraid to stand up and offend people, someone who wouldn’t pander but would say what the American people know in their gut is right” - Joe Biden

Sen. James Abourezk of South Dakota related how Biden reacted when Abrourezek tried to block the amendment:

‘Abourezk, you **********, if I ever vote for another one of your bills, it'll be a cold day in hell.'

‘Calm down, Joe,' I told him, ‘You're eventually gonna thank me for doing this.'

‘Like hell I will you dirty *******.'

A few days later, Biden came into the scheduled committee meeting, this time with a broad, friendly grin aimed directly at me.

‘Jesus, Abourezk, you were right,' he said. ‘I am gonna thank you. You should see the Delaware newspapers—big front-page headlines saying, ‘Biden Battles Liberals in Washington.' He was unabashedly elated. ‘They love me back home, how did you know this would happen?'[737]

The New York Times published a lengthy story on Biden's advocacy of segregation. In a 1977 congressional hearing related to anti-desegregation orders, Biden emphasized,

"Unless we do something about this, my children are going to grow up in a jungle, the jungle being a racial jungle."[738]
Jimmy Carter and Joe Biden

Republican Sen. Edward Brooke, the first black senator ever to be popularly elected, called Biden's amendment “the greatest symbolic defeat for civil rights since 1964.” Brooke accused Biden of leading an assault on integration.

Prof. Ronnie Dunn said opposition to busing was motivated by racism and that without the court-ordered policy Biden probably would not have become vice president in 2009. “What I find ironic is that [Biden] was the vice president under a president who, if it hadn’t been for the social interaction that occurred during the era of busing, I argue we likely would not have seen the election of Barack Obama." Dunn, an Urban Studies professor at Cleveland State University and author of the book Boycotts, Busing, & Beyond, said Biden made the case in favor of maintaining segregation. "That was an argument against desegregation.” Dunn said Biden must address the issue if he runs for president. “People have to be held accountable."[739]

Biden's opposition to integration didn't stop there. HuffPo reported:

"That little girl was me." The Biden Amendment of 1975 to the 1965 Civil Rights Act restored funding for schools that practiced racial segregation. Democrat presidential contender Kamala Harris was ostracized and silenced after exposing Biden's corrupt and racist history.
In 1977, two black men nominated for key Justice Department posts by President Jimmy Carter easily won approval from the Senate Judiciary Committee. After confirmation by the full Senate, Drew Days III became the nation’s first black head of the department’s civil rights division and Wade McCree became the second black solicitor general. Only one member of the committee voted against them. It wasn’t segregationists Strom Thurmond (R-S.C.) or James Eastland (D-Miss.). It wasn’t even former Ku Klux Klan member Robert Byrd (D-W.Va.). The lone Judiciary Committee vote against the two men was Sen. Joe Biden (D-Del.).[740]

In 1981 Biden said in a Senate hearing, “sometimes even George Wallace is right about some things.” Wallace is famous for saying in 1963, “segregation now, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever.”[741] Biden read the "N" word into the Congressional Record during an open hearing in 1986.[742] In a farewell address to retiring Democrat segregationist Sen. John Stennis, Biden said:

"To think that I would be one day on the floor of the United States Senate, being paid such accolades by such a man of character and courage as John Stennis is beyond my wildest dreams. And I mean that sincerely."[743]

When Biden announced his candidacy Politico attempted to poo-poo and explain away Biden and liberal Democrat racism with a back-handed slap at school vouchers for minority students, which liberal elites have strenuously opposed ever since the Biden Amendment passed:

School desegregation, as part of a broader suite of civil rights reforms, was once as a vital component of the Democratic Party platform. Yet since the 1970s, Democrats, in the face of concerted white backlash, have largely accommodated themselves to increasing segregation in public schools across the nation. Party leaders, even the most progressive among them, rarely propose serious solutions to this vexing problem. A sincere critique of Biden’s busing record would require a broader reckoning of the Democratic Party’s—and by extension the nation’s—abandonment of this central goal of the civil rights movement. And it’s hard to see that happening anytime soon.[744]

Sen. Cory Booker of New Jersey condemned the 2020 Democrat primary frontrunner at the Juneteenth annual commemoration of Republican Abraham Lincoln ending slavery in the United States.

You don’t joke about calling black men 'boys'...frankly, I’m disappointed that he hasn’t issued an immediate apology for the pain his words are dredging up for many Americans. He should.[745]

Influence peddling as Senator[edit]

Politico reported on Biden family corruption:

As the Democrats have airbrushed their racist history, CNN continues the long tradition by airbrushing the Washington Redskins logo from this 1970s photo of Joe Biden and son. The Washington NFL team dropped the name 'Redskins' in June 2020 because it was deemed "racist".[746]
The day the Bidens took over Paradigm Global Advisors was a memorable one.

In the late summer of 2006 Joe Biden’s son Hunter and Joe’s younger brother, James, purchased the firm. On their first day on the job, they showed up with Joe’s other son, Beau, and two large men and ordered the hedge fund’s chief of compliance to fire its president, according to a Paradigm executive who was present.

After the firing, the two large men escorted the fund’s president out of the firm’s midtown Manhattan office, and James Biden laid out his vision for the fund’s future. “Don’t worry about investors,” he said, according to the executive, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, citing fear of retaliation. “We've got people all around the world who want to invest in Joe Biden.”

At the time, the senator was just months away from both assuming the chairmanship of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and launching his second presidential bid. According to the executive, James Biden made it clear he viewed the fund as a way to take money from rich foreigners who could not legally give money to his older brother or his campaign account. “We've got investors lined up in a line of 747s filled with cash ready to invest in this company,” the executive remembers James Biden saying.[747]

Personal life[edit]

Dr. Jill Biden standing before a fascist symbol invoking the Nazi image of 'blood and soil'.[748]

Biden is married to Dr. Jill Biden and has 4 children 3 from a previous marriage. According to personal interviews by Associated Press reporters Julie Pace and Darlene Superville for the biography, Jill, Joe Biden proposed marriage four times and was rejected, and Jill reluctantly accepted the fifth proposal.[749] Hunter Biden is the only surviving child from Biden's first marriage. Ashley Biden is the only child from Biden's marriage to Jill. Naomi Biden is Hunter Biden's daughter. Hunter Biden's sister Naomi was killed at the age of one in the same auto crash that killed Hunter's mother and Joe Biden's first wife in 1972. Beau Biden, the former Attorney General of Deleware who issued the arrest warrant for Larry Sinclair in 2008,[750] and whose identification was found in an abandoned rental car rented by Hunter Biden along with trace evidence of crack cocaine,[751] died in 2015. Hunter began an extra-marital affair with Beau's widow sometime around the death of Beau or shortly afterward.[752] And was accused of sexual improprieties and drug use with his niece, Beau and Beau's widow's minor child. According to an April 2021 Matt Viser article in the Washington Post, every night Joe Biden calls Hunter before he goes to bed — and, if Hunter doesn’t pick up, a string of texts follows.[753]

Jill Biden insulted Hispanics calling them "tacos."[754]

He has been criticized for his callousness and indifference to the suffering and harm he has caused other people.[755] The Biden’s have been described as "grifters," "in this for family prestige, indulgences and affluence; not much more....The Biden “presidency” is a front; a ruse, a manipulative scheme that needs a face to go with the asterisk beside the title… That’s Joe Biden."[756]

Jill Biden has been criticized for her racist comments about Kamala Harris and doing a disservice to America by allowing her clearly mentally incapacitated husband to run for president.[757]

According to the Washington Post, whenever Jill Biden was not home, Biden stripped naked and walked around the house.[758] The female Secret Service agents were afraid to report these incidents to their superiors for fear of retaliation and losing their jobs.[759]

When Kamala Harris called out Biden's racist track record during the 2020 Democrat primary debates, Politico reported,

"Jill Biden allegedly said then-presidential candidate Kamala Harris should “go f**k yourself” after Harris appeared to accuse then-presidential candidate, Joe Biden, of taking a racist stance on busing during the first Democratic debate in 2019…Jill allegedly told close supporters a week after the debate.[760]

Biden told Jill that if she ever was concerned for her safety, she should fire a shotgun from the porch which in most states could be considered reckless use of a firearm:

"I said, 'Jill, if there's ever a problem, just walk out on the balcony here, walk out and put that double-barrel shotgun and fire two blasts outside the house."[761]

Bidens’ dog Major was responsible for numerous biting incidents of Secret Service personnel. One email notes that “at the current rate an Agent or Officer has been bitten every day this week." Biden's dog was reportted dead in June 2021.[762]

Denied communion[edit]

At the 2021 G-7 meeting in Cornwall, UK, Jill had to scold Joe to “pay attention” while they were speaking to U.S. troops at Mildenhall,[763] and then had to lead him away like a child as he stumbled around in front of the press and got lost.[764] While in Europe Biden requested a meeting with Pope Francis I and was denied.[765] Francis did not want to administer Catholic communion to Biden because of Biden's advocacy of murder of unborn children.[766]

Family life[edit]

According to Ashley Biden's diary, verified by the FBI and the US Attorney of the Southern District of New York, as a young child Ashley took showers with her father which she, writing in her diary, described as "probably not appropriate." As an adult Ashley intimated in her diary why she was over-sexualized, ruminating that it began at an early age.[767] She speculates that because her mother, Jill, was "emotionally distant," she learned from her father, Joe, that she could "get love from men."[768]

CEFC China Energy chairman Ye Jianming, the former deputy secretary of the People's Liberation Army General Political Department International Liaison Department, formed a business partnership with the Biden family. In 2017 Hunter Biden told friends, "I am the managing director of CEFC."[769]

Emails from Hunter Biden's laptop reveal Joe and Hunter shared bank accounts and paid each other's bills. Emails between Hunter and Eric Schwerin, Hunter's business partner at Rosemont Seneca, show Schwerin was working on Joe Biden's taxes. Hunter complained that 'half' of his salary went to paying his father's bills while he was VP, casting doubt on Joe's previous claims that he's never benefited from his son's business dealings. In December 2020 Hunter admitted in a public statement that he was under federal investigation over his tax affairs. The FBI and IRS probe is reportedly also looking into Hunter's foreign business relationships and the potential for money laundering charges. The Senate Homeland Security Committee issued a report raising fears that the Chinese government was attempting to influence the White House through a billion-dollar business deal between Hunter's company he co-founded with Schwerin, Rosemont Seneca, and Chinese oil giant CEFC. The Biden's were offered $30 million for introductions.[770]

In yet more evidence of the deep commercial relationship between Hunter's firm and the Vice President's office during JoeBiden's tenure, Rosemont Seneca received special favors from the White House while Joe Biden was in office, including dozens of tickets to exclusive White House events and private tours for Rosemont Seneca clients or associates. When an aide to Sen. Robert Menendez requested VP Biden host the U.S.-Spain Council's 2010 annual meeting at his official Naval Observatory residence in Washington DC, they contacted Schwerin rather than Biden's White House office.

Hunter and Schwerin then privately discussed the potential to ingratiate themselves with 'CEOs of the major banks' if they helped arrange the request. Schwerin was also involved in the process of gifting Biden's senate papers to the University of Delaware. A member of the VP's office, Katherina Oyama, wrote to Schwerin in March 2010 detailing the restrictions Joe's White House attorney was recommending over the public release of the papers.

Schwerin made repeated references to Joe and Hunter paying each other's bills, in emails on Hunter's laptop. On June 5, 2010 he wrote: 'FYI, there are a few outstanding bills that need to be paid and I am not sure which ones are a priority and which should get paid out of 'my' account and which should be put on hold or paid out of the 'Wilmington Trust Social Security Check Account. In June 2010 he wrote: 'Mike Christopher [builder] is hassling me so I am paying a couple of the smaller things since I haven't heard from your Dad. Know he's busy — so it's OK. There is about $2,000 extra in 'my' account beyond what is used for monthly expenses.' Later that month he wrote: 'Mike Christopher [a construction worker Joe hired] is hassling me so I am paying a couple of the smaller things since I haven't heard from your Dad. Know he's busy — so it's OK.

Shared bank accounts with Hunter[edit]

Biden's son Hunter is known for his prolific use of the "n" word[771] and boasts of smoking crack with ex-D.C. mayor Marion Barry.[772] Barry was arrested while smoking crack as D.C. mayor in 1991. Hunter Biden used a racial slur to refer to Asians in text messages with his cousin Caroline Biden, who asked if he preferred "foreign or domestic" women. Hunter referred to Asians with the offensive term "yellow."[773]

Hunter Biden used a joint bank account with Joe Biden to pay a Russian escort service.[774]

One night in May 2018, Hunter attempted to pay a Russian escort service $8000 for an extended bender at the Chateau Marmont on Sunset Boulevard in Beverly Hills with a debit card. The transaction didn't go through. So Hunter tried two more times with two other debit cards, one being a joint account with his father, Joe. The transactions he thought failed eventually went through, one after the other. The first $8,000 is recorded leaving his account at 10:22 a.m. At 10:50 a.m., $2,000 leaves a different account. At 10:59 a.m., $3,500 vanishes. At 11 a.m., another $8,000. At 11:03 a.m., another $3,500. About $25,000 moved in under an hour. Another $3,500 was scheduled to transfer out later that afternoon but was delayed. The head of the Los Angeles Secret Service field office, who according to news reports allegedly was retired at the time, showed up at the hotel with Deputy Assistant Director of the Secret Service Dale Pupillo who headed up Joe Biden's protection detail. Hunter was told that one of the cards he used was linked to “Celtic’s account.” “Celtic” was the Secret Service’s code name for Joe Biden.[775]

Hunter had another laptop stolen in the summer of 2018 by a group of Russians he was partying with. In January 2019, Hunter left the camera rolling after filming himself having sex with a prostitute, he recounted a Las Vegas bender in which he spent ‘18 days going round from penthouse suite to penthouse suite,’ sometimes costing $10,000 a night. The video captured Hunter telling the story that during the summer of 2018 he had nearly overdosed while partying with his drug dealer and two other guys. When he came to later, he discovered his laptop was missing. “I think he’s the one that stole my computer. I think the three of them, the three guys that were like a little group. The dealer and his two guys, I took them everywhere. They have videos of me doing this....My computer, I had taken tons of like, just left like that cam on, and somebody stole it during that period of time.” The prostitute then asked Hunter if he worried the Russian thieves would try to “blackmail” him. “Yeah, in some way yeah,” Hunter replied, noting his father is “running for president,” and that “I talk about it all the time.” Joe Biden announced his candidacy just two months after the first laptop went missing. When The New York Post reported on the contents of the Hunter Biden MacBook in Octobeer 2020, “50 former senior intelligence officials,” led by former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, “signed on to a letter outlining their belief that the recent disclosure of emails allegedly belonging to Joe Biden’s son ‘has all the classic earmarks of a Russian information operation.’” Either U.S. intelligence knew of the theft of the first laptop or they didn’t. Either way, both scenarios are damning. The FBI had been in possession of Hunter's MacBook seized at tyhe Deleware repair shop since December 2019. In both instances of the two missing laptops, the intelligence community lied to cover up the scandal.[776]

In a March 2, 2019, conversation with an employee from Chateau Marmont Hunter recommended prostitutes should unionize. “You organize without even organizing in any traditional way. If you want to advertise legally you go through the unions [of which] you’re a member. Your dues are the fees that you pay for advertising. Whomever does this first will be running the largest union in the country.” Biden added that the people who need these unions the most are the “typical traditionally uneducated minority....It’s like any other job. There are parts of it that really suck. They’re tiring. There are clients that are complete pains in the ass. There’s management that can be really horrible...There’s really bad situations, of course. It’s like any other job. But they dance because they love it.” Biden added that he has been “telling strippers for 25 years that they should unionize.”[777]

As Democrats attempted to destroy American citizens' constitutional rights to bear arms and seize weapons, it was discovered Joe Biden's drug-addicted son, Hunter lied on a background check document in 2018 when he purchased a gun. Hunter lied about his narcotics use, and the Secret Service then illegally intervened in a criminal investigation by attempting to seize the documentation before local police and the ATF could find it.[778]

One text message between Joseph R. Biden and Hunter Biden found on the laptop reads:

Joe Biden: This is [name of 14-year-old girl redacted] right

Hunter Biden: She told my therapist that I was sexually inappropriate with [name of 14-year-old girl redacted] when she says that I facetime naked with her and the reason I can’t have her out to see me is because I’ll walk around naked smoking crack talking [redacted] girls on face time. When she was pressed she said that [the unnamed 14-year-old girl] never said anything like that but the bottom line is that I created and caused

Hunter Biden: A very unsafe environment for the kids.

Hunter Biden: If it stopped there I would let it go

Hunter Biden: But then [redacted] friend [redacted] sober coach.[779]

Joe Biden refers to his son Hunter as, "the smartest guy I know."[780]

Photos Place Hunter Biden At Father's House The Day He Invoked Dad’s Name to Chinese Business Partner.[781]


Ahead of Biden's Jan 11 2022 Georgia political speech about do called "voting rights", Raffensperger defended Georgia election integrity,[782] and had called for ban on non-citizen voting.[783] Appearing on CNN TV,[784] Raffensperger reminded, the US is the only country where non citizens are able to vote. And has criticized Biden.


See also: Civil Rights in the Biden era
Throughout Biden's half-century career Biden never saw or felt shame for belittling Blacks to their faces with racist and insensitive remarks.[785]

The Civil Rights movement in the Biden era took a daunting turn for the worse. Under the leadership of Senator and later Democrat president Joseph Biden, the civil rights movement suffered many heartbreaking setbacks. Beginning with Biden's attack on school desegregation and the Civil Rights Act of 1965, later the mass incarceration of a generation of American American youth, and as president, the setting up of concentration camps for immigrant children,[786] Biden re-established what many consider the Democrat party's birthright to dominate and control minorities.

Biden's "you ain't black" comment targeted at African American freethinkers was voter intimidation and summed up his 47 year career as a Democrat plantation master. Black Entertainment Television (BET) co-founder Bob Johnson noted,

"This proves unequivocally that the Democratic nominee believes that black people owe him their vote without question; even though we as black people know it is exactly the opposite. He should spend the rest of his campaign apologizing to every black person he meets."[787]

Biden's most enduring legacy, however, was bringing 7th century terrorists into the 21st century and equipping them with the most state-of-the-art weaponry to be used against the taxpayers and citizens who paid for and developed those same weapons to protect their civilization. Some believe Biden's ccomplishment was a warped or distorted form of "progressivism", but Biden, ever the "social engineer", considered it "leveling the playing field" and "equity." Republican George W. Bush liberated millions of Afghan women and girls from abuse and captivity,[788] and was reviled by leftists; Democrat Joseph R. Biden returned Afghan women to servitude and won praise from his fellow leftists.[789]

Enlisting bigots to "fight" Antisemitism[edit]

In 2023, Biden administration announced it will supposedly "fight" antisemitism but enlisted bigoted antisemitic Hamas-linked bigoted Islamist lobby CAIR for "help".[790][791] [792][793]

Jewish groups - ‘extremely disturbed’ and say Biden ‘blew it’ on policy to counter anti-Semitism. "The Republican Jewish Coalition also believes that the White House caved in to influence from the “anti-Israel left” when crafting the document."[794] Noted:[795]

Whatever the Biden plan’s merits, the White House celebrations should be tempered by the hard reality that antisemitic incidents in the US rose by a third from 2021 to 2022.
In response to @WhiteHouse plan to combat antisemitism, which equivocates on the use of @The IHRA definition of antisemitism, senators introduce resolution to urge exclusive use of IHRA definition across all gov't & academic institutions:[796]
The International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance’s (IHRA) definition of antisemitism is the essential tool for combatting antisemitism that the federal government should adopt.”


In Oct 2022, Biden tells crowd in Colorado that his son Beau ‘lost his life in Iraq’. In the real world, he died in Maryland from brain cancer.[797]


In Popular culture[edit]

Biden as Conrholio.

See also[edit]


    *Lee Keltner was murdered by an Antifa terrorist working for NBC News;
    including two children and three police.
    At least 6 Black bystanders
    including a one year old baby in a stroller A staffer for Lacy Johnson GOP opponent of Ilhan Omar was shot and killed.
    Multiple references:
  9. Texas migrant truck was covered in spices to hide odor of 51 dead bodies NYPost, June 28, 2022.
  10. BIDEN COVID DEATH TRACKER (20 January 2021).
  14. Josh Boswell, Hunter Biden's associates called his dad Joe the 'big guy' in emails, Daily Mail Online, Apr 8, 2022.
    EXCLUSIVE: Psaki in denial: Hunter's emails reveal 'Big Guy' Joe Biden was to get 10% stake in Chinese oil deal, dined with Hunter's shady business partners when he was VP, shared a bank account with his son and flew associate to Mexico on Air Force 2.
  15. Vogt, W. (March 30, 2021). Joe Biden the Big Guy. (n.p.): Independently Published.
    This book is about the trail of corruption that has followed Joe Biden since he dodged the draft 5 times during the 1960's. His 50 year tenure in both the Senate and the Executive branch has taught us that he has been wrong on issues most of the time. Joe's rise to claim the presidency did not come without a payback plan to the Deep State and Obama's Socialist cronies. Biden's family has also been front and center eating the fruits of corruption from the tree of political influence planted by Joe Biden. He has been a bully since puberty which only recently has been dampened by his cognitive decline. Enjoy my tongue and cheek depictions and explanations of the "Big Guy".
  18. Also PedoPete. Joseph R. Biden used the pseudonym "Peter Henderson" for his regular cell phone service, and according to the Laptop from Hell, Hunter Biden programed his contacts to recieve and make calls to and from Joe Biden under the name "PedoPete", implying Hunter Biden was fully aware of his father's reputation and activities as a chomo. A chomo is prison parlance for a child molester.
  19. The Great Reset: Joe Biden and the Rise of Twenty-First-Century Fascism, January 11, 2022, by Glenn Beck, Justin Trask Haskins.
  20. Fox News Chyron Calls Biden a ‘Wannabe Dictator', Mike Ive. New York Times, June 14, 2023.
  24. Tobin, Jonathan S. (January 11, 2023). Biden Compares Illegal Immigrants to Holocaust victims. Where’s the Outrage?. The Jewish Press. Retrieved January 11, 2023.
  25. 25.0 25.1 Joe Biden fuels election conspiracy theory while the media keeps quiet
  31. [1]
  53. Biden Promises to 'Cure Cancer' If Elected. Here's Why That's Laughable. By Isobel Whitcomb published June 14, 2019.
  69. Anti-mandate protesters "Storm" Dos Toros Restaurant to protest Incident, Sep 21, 2021, FNTV - FreedomNewsTV
  74. The Troubling Reason Why Biden is so Soft on China, N.Y. POST (May 11, 2019).
  75. Press Release, U.S. Dep’t. of Justice, U.S. Nuclear Engineer, China General Nuclear Power Company and Energy Technology International Indicted in Nuclear Power Conspiracy against the United States (Thursday, April 14, 2016).
  80. Gertz, Bill (November 11, 2020). Biden favors China appeasement. The Washington Times. Retrieved November 14, 2020.
  83. Chinese Scholar Boasts About "Old Friends At The Top Of America's Core Inner Circle Of Power And Influence". Real Clear Politics (December 8, 2020).
  98. is the largest manufacturer,, BMW, Volkswagen and Geely.
  101. Anna Giaritelli, Homeland Security Reporter, "Tens of thousands entered US unvetted after Kabul airlift officials say in memo," Washigton Examiner, November 24, 2021
    Biden was called a greater danger to the Western alliance than the Taliban.
    British war hero: Biden is more of a danger to the West than the Taliban, Washington Examiner, Sep 6, 2021
  108. Andrew Stiles, Report: Washington Post Lost Half a Million Subscribers Since Biden Took Office, Free Beacon, December 8, 2022 .

    Trump was right. He was 'the best thing to ever happen' to the Bezos-owned paper.

    Former president Donald Trump often said he was "the best thing to ever happen" to the Washington Post and other mainstream news outlets.

    He was right.

    The Wall Street Journal reports that the Jeff Bezos-owned publication has lost 500,000 subscribers since Trump left office in January 2021, which amounts to a decline of roughly 20 percent. The Post is on track to lose money in 2022 after years of profitability. The New York Times reported in August that the Post‘s business has "stalled" since President Joe Biden was sworn in, and layoffs are being discussed amid management's frustration with "numerous low performers in the newsroom."

  110. Matt Margolis, Biden’s Energy Secretary Admitted She Lied Under Oath. Where’s the Accountability? Pjmedia, June 11, 2023
  119. Joe Biden Leaves God Out of the National Day of Prayer. National Review, May 10, 2021.
  120. Surprise! Joe Biden is a moderate institutionalist!. CNN. Retrieved January 23, 2021.
  126. Israel Targets Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) Commander in Gaza, FDD, Aug 5, 2022.

    Latest Developments:  An Israeli strike has killed Taysir al-Jabari, the Gaza commander of Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ), which the U.S. Department of State designated as a Foreign Terrorist Organization (FTO) in 1997. The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) said Jabari “was responsible for multiple terrorist attacks against Israeli civilians.” PIJ had threatened to attack Israeli targets after the arrest earlier this week of senior PIJ figure Bassam al-Saadi. Israel’s internal security service, Shabak, said Saadi was the PIJ leader in the West Bank and was behind the “building of a significant military force.” Shabak added that Saadi “was a significant factor in the radicalization of the organization’s operatives in the field.”

    PIJ Profile:  Founded in 1981, PIJ is the second-largest militant group in Gaza after Hamas. In the 1990s and again during the Second Intifada from 2000 to 2005, PIJ targeted Israeli civilians with suicide bombings, including the Netanya mall bombing in December 2005, which killed five Israelis and wounded fifty.

    Dependent on Iran:  PIJ is the Palestinian militant group closest to Iran, on which it depends for financial and military support. Thanks to Iran, PIJ in Gaza has acquired military-grade weapons that range from small arms to man-portable air-defense systems (MANPADS), rockets, anti-tank guided missiles (ATGMs), and explosive-laden unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). PIJ fighters have also trained inside Iran.

    Remotely Led:  PIJ has a local leadership structure in Gaza, although its senior leaders reside in Syria, Lebanon, and other countries in the region. Unlike Hamas, PIJ does not compete in elections, employ civilian front organizations, or govern any part of Gaza. When weighing the risks of attacking Israel, it therefore has less need to consider the impact of a potential military response. Ziyad al-Nakhlaheh, Khaled al-Batsh, Hader Adnan, and Muhammed al-Hindi are among PIJ’s most visible leaders and spokesmen.

    Independent from Hamas:  Despite PIJ’s cooperation with Hamas, which also has close ties to Iran, PIJ has launched attacks on Israel at times when Hamas would have preferred not to escalate. These attacks seek to demonstrate that PIJ is the most militant organization in Gaza and can act independently.

    History of Clashes with IDF:  In November 2019, an IDF strike killed Jabari’s predecessor, Bahaa Abu al-Atta, resulting in several days of clashes between PIJ and the IDF. In February 2020, the IDF conducted strikes against PIJ militant infrastructure in both the Gaza Strip and Syria. There has been a sharp increase in PIJ casualties over the last year and half, with numerous militants killed during engagements with Israeli personnel during counter-terrorism operations. Coupled with the establishment of PIJ fighting units, or “katibat,” in several West Bank cities, the increase in violence suggests an organized PIJ effort to expand its military capabilities in the West Bank.

    Expert Analysis from FDD’s Joe Truzman: “Israel likely felt an attack by Palestinian Islamic Jihad was imminent and reacted first. The history of conflict with the PIJ suggests a high likelihood of an armed response in the coming days by PIJ and the other militant groups that belong to Palestinian Joint Operations Room, including Hamas.”
  127. Mariella Marsden, Islamic Jihad rockets killed more civilians in Gaza than IDF airstrikes, JPost, Aug 8, 2022.

    briefing about Operation Breaking Dawn revealed that one in five Islamic Jihad rockets fell in Gaza. That means 200 out of 1,100 rockets fired.

    More innocent people in Gaza were killed by failed Islamic Jihad rockets than by Israeli airstrikes during Operation Breaking Dawn, according to a briefing by the commander of the IDF Spokesperson’s Unit Brig.-Gen. Ran Kochav.

    Operation Breaking Dawn lasted for 66 hours in which the IDF struck 170 targets, killing several high-ranking Islamic Jihad operatives and destroying much of the terrorist organization’s military capabilities, terrorist attack tunnels and weapon storage facilities. For its final action on Sunday night, the IDF destroyed three warehouses storing a variety of weapons.

    According to the briefing, Sunday night was quiet after the ceasefire came into effect at 11:30 p.m. except for a few rockets fired by the Palestinian Islamic Jihad eight minutes later...
  128. This is the rocket of Islamic jihad that caused the death of the children in the Gaza Strip - View documentation.
    Aug 6, 2022
    Two incidents tonight - Southern Command investigation: A failed Palestinian launch killed Palestinian children - Targeted counterattack against the PIJ senior in Rafah, with the details Dr. Amir Bohbot | listen.
    Aug 6, 2022.
  129. Tal Marciano, The children who were killed in Jabaliya - as a result of Jihad shooting, Srugim news, 06.08.22.
    Contrary to the Palestinian publications regarding the killing of the children in Jabaliya, it appears that the IDF did not attack in Jabaliya and the deaths are the result of failed shooting by the Islamic Jihad... after an investigation it was reported that there had been no attack by the IDF in Jabaliya since 18:51 and the deaths there were the result of failed shooting by the Islamic Jihad organization.
  130. Senior Military Intelligence Directorate - We have solid information also among many Palestinian civilians that affirms the fact that the injury to children in Jabaela was caused by a failed rocket of Islamic Jihad.
    Hamal, Aug 6, 2022.
  131. Senior Military Intelligence Directorate official: We have solid information that the harm to the children was caused by a failed Jihad rocket, 0404 News, Aug 6, 2022. [2]
  132. D Greenfield, Biden Calls for Investigation Into Israel Strikes on Terrorist, FPM, Aug 8, 2022.

    The president has two faces. Here's one paragraph:

    My support for Israel’s security is long-standing and unwavering—including its right to defend itself against attacks.  Over these recent days, Israel has defended its people from indiscriminate rocket attacks launched by the terrorist group Palestinian Islamic Jihad, and the United States is proud of our support for Israel’s Iron-Dome, which intercepted hundreds of rockets and saved countless lives.  I commend Prime Minister Yair Lapid and his government’s steady leadership throughout the crisis.

    Here's the next one:

    The reports of civilian casualties in Gaza are a tragedy, whether by Israeli strikes against Islamic Jihad positions or the dozens of Islamic Jihad rockets that reportedly fell inside Gaza.  My Administration supports a timely and thorough investigation into all of these reports, and we also call on all parties to fully implement the ceasefire, and to ensure fuel and humanitarian supplies are flowing into Gaza as the fighting subsides.
  133. Adam Kredo, White House Hires Anti-Israel Professor From University Engulfed in Anti-Semitism Controversy, Free Beacon, June 27, 2023.
  138. 138.0 138.1 Patrick Reilly, "Biden support has dropped sharply among independent voters, poll finds", NYPost, October 22, 2021.

    The data, taken from Oct. 1-19, suggests no improvement in public support, which Gallup attributes to recent setbacks such as the infrastructure bill debate and issues such as inflation and worker shortages.... Gallup said the 11-point decline is larger than any prior president registered between his first and third quarters. Next closest are President Barack Obama at 10 points and Bill Clinton at seven points.

  139. Mark Moore, "More than 75% of US hit by inflation and most blame Biden, poll shows," NYPost, Nov 24, 2021
  140. Remarks by President Biden Before Meeting with the White House Competition Council, WH, Jan 24, 2022.
  141. S Nelson, Joe Biden admits that Americans are being 'clobbered' by inflation, Feb 4, 2022.
  142. Christopher Rugaber, "US inflation highest in 40 years, with no letup in sight, AP, Feb 10, 2022.
  143. Nightly News. Feb. 10, 2022. NBC News [3] [4]. "you're being a wise guy, a little."
  144. Charlie Spiering, Joe Biden Falsely Blames ‘Putin’s Price Hike’ for February Inflation, Breitbart, 03/10/2022.

    President Joe Biden on Thursday reacted to the latest report showing soaring inflation numbers for February by blaming Russian President Vladimir Putin.

    “[T]oday’s inflation report is a reminder that Americans’ budgets are being stretched by price increases and families are starting to feel the impacts of Putin’s price hike,” the White House said in a statement sent to reporters in Biden’s name.
  145. Virginia Kruta, "Doocy Jabs At Psaki: ‘Are You Guys Going To Just Start Blaming Putin For Everything Until The Midterms?’", Daily Wire, Mar 10, 2022.

    On inflation: 'How long do you guys think temporary is?'

    Fox News White House Correspondent Peter Doocy cornered Press Secretary Jen Psaki on both her claims that inflation was likely to be temporary and the Biden administration’s repeated insistence that the rising cost of gas could be tied solely to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Doocy pointed to Psaki’s claim, made a short time earlier in Thursday’s White House press briefing, that economists were predicting that inflation would begin to resolve by the end of the year — and he noted that the Biden administration had been claiming that inflation would be “transitory” or “temporary” since spring of 2021, only to reach record levels at the end of the year.
  146. Americans continue to support ban on Russian oil | Ipsos*Brittany Shepherd, "Americans remain critical of Biden's handling of inflation, support ban on Russian oil: POLL", ABC News, March 13, 2022.

    Seventy percent of Americans disapprove of Biden's handling of inflation.

    Americans feel economic impact of crisis in Ukraine

    Consumer prices continue to soar on everyday necessities such as gas and food.

    Americans overwhelmingly support the White House's proposed ban on Russian oil, though they remain very critical of President Joe Biden's handling of the economy, in general, and inflation, in particular, according to a new ABC News/Ipsos poll.

    Over the past several months, Americans' wallets have been hit by skyrocketing inflation, and now, Biden is feeling that crunch in his approval numbers. Seventy percent of Americans disapprove of his handling of inflation.
  147. BIDEN: "What people don't know is that 70% of the increase in inflation was the consequence of Putin's Price Hike." 
    — Breaking911 (@Breaking911) April 14, 2022
  148. Trevor Hunnicutt, Biden warns U.S. inflation could last 'for a while', Reuters, June 11, 2022.
  149. BIDEN: "The reason why gas prices are up, is because of Russia—Russia, Russia, Russia. The reason why the food crisis exists, is because of Russia, Russia..." 
    — Breaking911 (@Breaking911) June 30, 2022.
  150. Brooke Singman, Megan Henney, Biden says US not in a recession despite two consecutive quarters of shrinking economy, Fox Business, July 28, 2022.
    Biden, on Monday, said the U.S. is 'not coming into recession'
  151. Caroline Valetkevitch, Dow falls 20% from intraday record high of Jan 5, Reuters via Yahoo, September 23, 2022.
  152. Bob Unruh, Biden parties over 'Inflation Reduction' just as inflation surges upward, WND, October 8, 2022.
  153. NYC homelessness hits record number, FOX 5 NY STAFF, Dec 17, 2022.
  154. Lightning Strikes? US Recession May Strike In September 2023 As Fed Continues To Fight Bidenflation (10Y-2Y Yield Curve Inverted For 112 Straight Days),  December 20, 2022
  155. WATCH: Economist Steve Moore Blasts Congress for Ramming Through Insane $1.7T Omnibus Spending Bill, NewsBusters, Jan 3, 2022.
  156. Drew Holden, Media Try To Sell a Dubious Public on the Benefits of 'Bidenomics', Free Beacon, July 5, 2023
  157. Steve Nelson, [Biden falsely says he cut national debt by $1.7T — after increasing it $3.7T], NYPost, Dec 13, 2022.
  158. Government's own numbers undermine Biden's boasts about deficit reduction, WND, 16 Feb 2023
  161. *Canadian tribes flip pipeline script by urging Biden not to cancel Keystone XL. Washington Times. Retrieved January 23, 2021.
  162. Two references:
  163. Ted Cruz Grills Pete Buttigieg on Biden Killing ‘Thousands’ of Keystone XL Jobs
  164. Trudeau “Disappointed” With Biden’s Decision to Cancel Keystone XL Pipeline (Details)
  172. Hunter Schwarz, "Biden’s job approval is falling because of these 3 issues," Deseret, Dec 19, 2021.

    Americans aren’t as optimistic as they used to be about Biden’s handling of the pandemic, economic recovery and crime, according to new polling.

    Weeks before the start of a midterm election year, President Joe Biden finds his approval falling across several top issues, a new poll found.

    Biden’s job approval rating has been underwater since August, and an ABC News-Ipsos poll released Sunday showed public opinion is down when it comes to his handling of the pandemic, economic recovery and crime.
  173. Thomas Franck, Biden disapproval hits new high as voters give him bad grades on economy, new CNBC/Change poll says, CNBC, Jan 4, 2022.


    President Joe Biden's overall disapproval rating reached a new high in December as more voters signaled their unhappiness with his handling of the economy and the Covid pandemic.

    Results from a CNBC/Change Research poll show 60% of respondents said they disapprove of Biden's handling of the economy as he nears the conclusion of his first year in office.

    A 55% majority of survey respondents also signaled disapproval of his leadership during the pandemic, an area in which he previously excelled.
  174. David M. Drucker, Biden dragging down Elissa Slotkin in Michigan's new 7th Congressional District: Poll, Washington Examiner, Jan 5, 2021
  175. Joey Garrison, Biden's approval rating drops to new low of 33% on concerns about his handling of COVID, economy: poll, USA Today, Jan 12, 2022
  176. CNN Poll: Most Biden detractors say he's done nothing they like since becoming president, CNN, Feb 11, 2022.; The Hill via Nexstar Media Wire, Poll on Biden performance says 58% of Americans disapprove Fifty-eight percent of Americans said they disapprove of Biden's performance, while only 41 percent approved, according to a CNN poll released Thursday.; Tal Axelrod, "Nearly 60 percent of Americans disapprove of Biden's job performance", The Hill, Feb 10, 2022.
  177. H. Bleau, Poll: Independent Voters Give Donald Trump 7-Point Edge over Joe Biden, Breitbart, Feb 12, 2022.
  178. Chris Cillizza, Here's *exactly* why Joe Biden's poll numbers aren't getting better, CNN, March 31, 2022.
    the economy is front and center. And Biden's approval on the economy is, well, dismal.

    Just 1 in 3 Americans (34%) approved of how Biden was handling the economy in the Quinnipiac poll, with 58% disapproving. (That same poll had Biden roughly even -- 44% approve, 45% disapprove -- in terms of how he is handling the conflict in Ukraine.) The math is simple then. Americans care far more about inflationary costs in their own lives than they do about Russia's invasion of Ukraine. And on that issue, they don't think Biden is doing a very good job.

    The news doesn't look likely to improve for Biden -- at least in the near term.
  179. Alayna Treene, author of Axios Sneak Peek, Dems air anxieties after Biden's brutal NBC poll, Axios, 31 March 2022.

    Why it matters: Moderate and progressive Democrats, particularly in the House, are fearful of an electoral tsunami this November. They tell Axios they're unsure whether the party can repair the damage in time.

    "People are extremely discouraged, there's no doubt," said Rep. Annie Kuster (D-N.H.), a moderate and leading member of the New Democrat Coalition.

    Kuster was among the NDC members who met with President Biden on Wednesday and urged the administration to take action on supply chain and inflation issues, gas prices and a budget reconciliation bill. 

    Rep. Susan Wild (D-Pa.), a swing-district member, told Axios's Andrew Solender the poll gives credence to her distancing herself from Biden: "It’s always a concern when the president's numbers are bad and you're in the same party."

    "In my district, and I think in most frontline districts, you win your campaign because people know you know what work you've done, … and they also know that I don't always vote in line with the party.
  180. NBC panel frets over polls as liberal media begins to move on from Biden: ‘This is a problem, Fox News video. Apr 19, 2022.
  181. Jeffrey M. Jones, Biden Job Approval Down Most Among Younger Generations, Gallup, Apr 14, 2022.

    During the honeymoon phase of Biden's presidency, spanning January 2021 through June of that year, an average of 56% of Americans approved of how he was handling his job as president.

    The first obvious decline in Biden's approval occurred in July and August 2021, when 49% of Americans, on average, approved.

    By September, Biden's approval rating had fallen further to the low 40% range; it has stayed there since, averaging 42%.
  182. Rafael Bernal, Brett Samuels, Polls spell trouble for Biden with Hispanic voters, The Hill, 04/16/22.

    President Biden has been mired in a stretch of disappointing polls, but recent surveys suggest he’s having particular trouble keeping the support of Hispanic voters.

    A Quinnipiac University poll published this week found that just 26 percent of Hispanic voters surveyed approved of Biden’s job performance, the lowest mark of any demographic group.
  183. Susan Milligan, Amid Flagging Poll Numbers, Biden Tells Dems It’s Us vs. Them, US News, May 10, 2022
  187. Mark Moore, Most Democratic voters don’t want Joe Biden in 2024, approval rating at 31%, NYPost, July 21, 2022.
  188. CNN Poll: 75% of Democratic voters want someone other than Biden in 2024, CNN, Jul 27, 2022.
  189. Polls: Strong Numbers for DeSantis, Bad Numbers for Biden and Harris, National Review, Aug 5, 2022.
  190. NBC, Aug 21, 2022. [5]. " But the survey doesn’t show a significant improvement in the president’s standing, with 42% of registered voters approving of Biden’s job performance and 55% disapproving."
  191. [6]
  192. Spencer Brown, Psaki Triples Down Defending Biden's Angry Gaslighting Calling Half of America 'Racist', Townhall, Jan 18, 2022.

    The White House apparently didn't have enough foresight to realize that a presidential address last week in which Biden attacked roughly half the country for being on the side of historical racists wouldn't play well.

    Shocker: comparing more than half the United States Senate to Jefferson Davis is not a recipe for unity. Despite days of stinging criticism for the speech that was labeled a "break point" for the Biden administration by Peggy Noonan, the White House is maintaining Biden's divisive rant was totally normal...
  195. Betsy McCaughey, Joe Biden reveals he’s got no defense for his censorship campaign, New York Post 07/12/2023
  196. Joseph A. Wulfsohn, Karine Jean-Pierre clashes with CNN's Don Lemon on Biden's 'semi-fascism' jab against GOP, Fox News, Aug 26, 2022.

    Jean-Pierre snaps at CNN anchor for interrupting her...

    Earlier this year, President Biden rolled out a catchphrase trying to negatively characterize the GOP as "ultra-MAGA, referring to former President Donald Trump's "Make America Great Again" slogan. 

    It was later revealed that the label was the result of a six-month, liberal-funded focus group research project.
  197. Biden is rated poorly on handling crime, ABC News, Jul 2, 2021
  198. Biden’s Hypocritical Efforts to Stem the Wave of Violent Crime Fall Far Short | The Heritage Foundation, Heritage Foundation, June 25, 2021
  199. Naomi Lim, White House blames pandemic and guns for increased crime, Washington Examiner, Dec 2, 2021.

    It's COVID-19 and guns, not President Joe Biden's policies, that are causing widespread looting and soaring crime rates, the White House insisted Thursday.

    Biden believes the crime increase is correlated to the frustration and economic hardship caused by COVID-19, according to White House press secretary Jen Psaki. She also attributed the new data to gun prevalence.
  200. Monica Showalter, As if there weren't enough Joe Biden calamities, now it's pirate attacks?, American Thinker, 01/15/22.
    Trains are being robbed and raided wholesale in Los Angeles. Where's Pete Buttigieg? Where's Joe Biden? In the past, the U.S. would call in the military for this kind of assault on interstate trade.
  201. Bill Hutchinson, 'It's just crazy': 12 major cities hit all-time homicide records, ABC News, December 8, 2021.
    "It's worse than a war zone around here lately," police official said.
  202. Lauren Boebert (@laurenboebert) Tweeted (Jan 26, 2022):

    12 major U.S. cities hit all-time highs for crime in 2021 according to ABC News.

    All those cities are Democrat-run, even the ones in Republican states.

    If this isn’t an indictment of radical left policies, I don’t know what is.
  204. Mark Moore, Biden’s first year in office saw 73 police officers killed — most deaths since 1995, NY Post, Feb 6, 2022
  205. Audrey Conklin, "More cops killed under Biden than previous years: 'We're going to continue to speak up'", Fox News, February 6, 2022.
  206. Audrey Conklin, "101 police officers shot in line of duty, a 43% increase from 2021: National Fraternal Order of Police", Fox News, April 2nd, 2022.
  207. The Biden Justice Department’s Shameful Pandering to Bomb-Throwing Rioters, NRO, June 7, 2022.

    The Biden administration has just added to this shameful spectacle by retroactively reducing the plea-bargained sentence in one of the most high-profile of those crimes, in which two white-shoe lawyers in Brooklyn threw a Molotov cocktail into a police car.

    Colinford Mattis and Urooj Rahman were well-compensated attorneys in their early thirties when they joined the protesting mob in May 2020. Rahman was caught on tape throwing the firebomb into an unoccupied police car, and Mattis was arrested with more such improvised explosives in his car and was videotaped trying to hand them out to others. These are gravely serious crimes, more so than those committed by all but a tiny handful (at most) of the people charged in connection with January 6. An unapologetic Rahman told reporters later, “The only way they hear us is through violence.”
  208. How the Left Learned To Stop Worrying and Love Domestic Terrorism, Washington Free Beacon, June 7, 2022.

    On the cusp of nonstop, around-the-clock (primetime!) coverage of the Jan. 6 committee hearings, a couple of domestic terrorists are actually getting their day in court, and it is informative to see how Merrick Garland’s Justice Department is handling their prosecution. Recall Garland’s breathless declaration, during his confirmation hearings, that “150 years after the Department’s founding, battling extremist attacks on our democratic institutions also remains central to its mission.” Colinford Mattis and Urooj Rahman were arrested in the “mostly peaceful” protests following George Floyd’s murder. The two lawyers handed out Molotov cocktails to the crowd, and Rahman tossed one into a police car before fleeing the scene in Mattis’s van. They reached a plea deal with federal prosecutors in October 2020 that wiped out six of the seven charges against them. Those prosecutors, nonetheless, sought a maximum 10-year sentence and argued that the incident qualified for a so-called terrorism enhancement that would turbocharge sentencing—a determination with which the U.S. Probation Office concurred. Ginning herself up to distribute explosives to the crowd, Rahman gave a video interview in which she declared, “This shit won’t ever stop until we fuckin’ take it all down,” adding that “the only way [the police] hear us is through violence.” Then, Garland and the U.S. attorney for New York’s Eastern District, Breon Peace, who’s handling the prosecution, took office, and you won’t believe what happened next! In mid-May, the same career DOJ prosecutors who argued for that 10-year sentence were back in court withdrawing their plea deal and entering a new one that allowed the defendants to cop to the lesser charge of conspiracy. It tosses out the terrorism enhancement entirely.

    The new charge carries a five-year maximum sentence, but the prosecutors are urging the judge to go below that, asking for just 18 to 24 months on account of the “history and personal characteristics of the defendants” and the “aberrational nature of the defendants’ conduct.”…
  209. Bob Unruh, Nearly half of Dems feel less safe since Biden took office, WND, September 22, 2022.
  210. The Secret Service found cocaine at the White House, AP sources say, AP, Jul 4, 2023
  211. Secret Service ends White House cocaine investigation with no leads, NBC News, Jul 13, 2023.
  212. Criminal Gangs Are Taking U.S. Shipments of Weapons Meant for Ukraine, Town Hall, July 23, 2023
  219. Joel B. Pollack, Antisemitic Attacks Reach Record High Under Joe Biden, Breitbart, Mar 24, 2023.
    Antisemitic attacks reportedly reached a record high in the U.S. in 2022 — the second year of President Joe Biden, who ran for office based on promises to fight antisemites and other extremists.
  233. 233.0 233.1 Sean Burns, The Washington Post’s Short-Sighted Editorial on the FBI’s Abu Akleh Investigation, The Algemeiner, Nov 21, 2022.
    As Richard Goldberg, a senior advisor to the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, a Washington D.C.-based think tank, noted: “It should be an expectation of every American that our government will press democratic allies for expedited and transparent investigations when U.S. citizens die in any circumstance — and that’s what already happened in this case.” Goldberg pointed out that “the top U.S. security official in the area oversaw an independent forensic analysis and concluded that Abu Akleh’s tragic death was not intentional.”

    The White House has claimed that it wasn’t aware of the DOJ investigation — a claim that is questionable. But if this were true it raises questions of its own — questions that the Washington Post isn’t asking. For example: Why now? Why only after the Israeli and US elections? And why a second investigation; does the DOJ think that State’s conclusions were wrong — and if so, why? The timing could suggest a politically motivated investigation, one being conducted to appease certain members of Congress, some with a history of antisemitic remarks and questioning Israel’s existence, who have been petitioning the Biden administration to investigate the Jewish state and put it on the defensive. The DOJ’s decision is far from standard practice. Indeed, numerous Americans have been attacked and killed by Palestinian terrorists, only for the perpetrators to receive tax-deductible salaries from the Palestinian Authority in return. The US did not conduct two separate investigations in those instances, whether it was Ari Fuld, Taylor Force, or any of the dozens of other victims. (The journalist killed in the counter-terror operation was a dual American citizen). Indeed, the current administration has restored aid to the PA, which pays those very terrorist salaries. Such incongruities don’t merit a mention from the Post.

    What really seems to be happening is an attempt to use Abu Akleh’s tragic death to cast Israel as a pariah state. And the Washington Post is a willing participant in this chicanery.
  234. Eric Levine, Biden is turning on Israel to satisfy progressives, JNS, Dec 4, 2022.
    The president knows he needs the Israel-hating left in 2024, and is acting accordingly.

    Angry that Israel’s free and fair election resulted in a victory for Benjamin Netanyahu rather than the Biden administration’s preferred candidate, Yair Lapid, the administration has adopted a policy towards Israel characterized by petulance, insults and slights. While this policy undermines both the U.S.-Israel relationship and America’s national security interests, it serves to advance President Joe Biden’s ambitions as he prepares to run for reelection in 2024 and stave off a primary challenge from the progressive left.

    The toxicity of this approach is demonstrated by three notable examples: The recently announced FBI investigation into the death of Palestinian-American Al Jazeera reporter Shireen Abu Akleh; the keynote address delivered by Secretary of State Antony Blinken at the left-wing lobby J Street’s annual conference; and the Biden administration’s craven attempt to revive the disastrous 2015 Iran nuclear deal.
  235. Caroline Glick, The Biden administration weaponizes the FBI against Israel, JNS, Nov 16, 2022.

    As in the Dreyfus affair, there are no Jewish criminals here, and everyone knows it. The Biden administration has ordered the FBI probe into Shireen Abu Akleh’s death because it wants a crisis with Israel.

    The Biden administration is feeding Israel to the wolves. That is the only reasonable way to understand Channel 14’s bombshell report on Sunday that the FBI has opened an investigation of IDF soldiers in relation to the death of Al Jazeera reporter Shireen Abu Akleh.

    Abu Akleh died on May 11 in Jenin while she was embedded with Iranian-controlled Palestinian Islamic Jihad terrorists engaged in a gun battle with IDF soldiers. The battle took place in the midst of an onslaught of murderous terror attacks carried out by Jenin-based terrorists affiliated with the Iranian-proxy. On May 5, two PIJ terrorists from Jenin hacked three Israelis to death with axes and wounded three more in the haredi city of Elad, just as Israel’s Independence Day celebrations were ending. The soldiers that entered Jenin on May 11 were part of a counter-terror force tasked with breaking up the PIJ infrastructure in the city.
  236. Staff, Canadian-Israeli Yeshiva Student Killed in Jerusalem Bombing Laid to Rest: ‘He Was Beloved by All’, The Algemeiner, Nov 23, 2022.
  237. Hadas Gold, Shira Gemer and Alex Stambaugh, 15-year-old student dead after 2 explosions rock Jerusalem, CNN, Wed November 23, 2022.
    Lapid offered his condolences for the family, calling Shechopek "a boy who never wronged anyone in the world." "He was murdered simply because he was Jewish," he said.
  238. Lahav Harkov @LahavHarkov (Nov 23, 2022):

    I won't hold my breath for an FBI investigation of this attack on a US citizen.

    Jerusalem bombing: 18-year-old American olah injured By Jerusalem Post Staff

    Published: November 23, 2022.
  239. Stephen M. Flatow, FBI should investigate the attack on US citizen in Jerusalem bombing, JPost, November 27, 2022.
    The FBI announced that it will be investigating the killing of journalist Shireen Abu Akleh but was silent when an American was injured in a bombing.

    The Biden administration’s Justice Department recently announced that the Federal Bureau of Investigation is investigating the accidental death of an Arab-American journalist in Israel. So why isn’t it investigating this week’s intentional attempted murder of a Jewish American citizen in Israel?

    Shireen Abu Akleh, a reporter for the Qatari media agency Al Jazeera, was accidentally shot and killed while covering a shooting attack by Palestinian Arab terrorists against Israeli soldiers in Jenin last May.

    The incident has already been thoroughly investigated by the Israeli government, journalists, and so-called human rights organizations. None of the inquiries could determine who actually fired the fatal bullets, nor could they find evidence that the shooting was intentional.

    By contrast, the attempt to murder a Jewish American teenager, Naomi Pilichowski, and other passersby in Jerusalem on Wednesday was clearly intentional. Palestinian Arab terrorists planted bombs in two Jerusalem locations filled with pedestrians.

    The bombs were packed with nails and screws to inflict maximum suffering on the victims. A Canadian teenager, Aryeh Shechopek, was murdered, and at least eighteen others, including Naomi Pilichowski were wounded, some of them critically.

    So why the double standard?

    Why is the FBI investigating the Abu Akleh case, and not investigating this week’s Jerusalem bombing?

    The Department of Justice has not yet commented publicly on its decision to have the FBI enter the Abu Akleh case. A spokesman for the Biden administration’s National Security Council commented by heaping praise on her as "a fearless[sic] reporter" and expressing solidarity with the Abu Akleh family. 

    US Senator Chris Van Hollen (D-Maryland) called the FBI investigation "an overdue but necessary and important step in the pursuit of justice and accountability in the shooting death of American citizen and journalist, Shireen Abu Akleh."

    So why isn’t Naomi Pilichowski – the victim of an intentional attempted murder, not an accidental shooting – receiving similar attention?

    Why isn’t the Biden administration’s National Security Council expressing solidarity with the Pilichowski family? Why isn’t Senator Van Hollen calling for the FBI to investigate the attempt to murder Naomi?

    US law does not restrict the pursuit of terrorists who harm Americans overseas only to those who kill Americans. It also includes anybody who “attempts to kill” a US citizen (18 US Code 2332).

    Palestinian Arab terrorists have murdered 146 American citizens, and wounded 204 more, since 1968. Yet, not one of those killers has ever been handed over to the United States for prosecution.

    Over the years, I have had the opportunity to discuss this matter with senior officials of multiple administrations, Republicans as well as Democrats. The excuses I have heard as to why they don’t pursue Palestinian Arab killers of Americans have ranged from evasive to downright disingenuous.

    For example, they have claimed that the US “can’t find” the suspects, even when they are hiding in plain sight, by serving openly in the Palestinian security forces or – in the case of Sbarro pizzeria killer Ahlam Tamimi – hosting a radio show in Amman, Jordan.

    US officials also have claimed that nothing can be done because America does not have an extradition treaty with the Palestinian Authority – even though the US frequently arranges for the transfer of criminal suspects from countries with whom it does not have formal treaties.

    In fact, the real reason that the FBI is not investigating the latest attempt to murder an American citizen in Israel is the same reason it has never pursued any of the other Palestinian terrorists who have killed or injured Americans: because it would interfere with the administration’s goal of maintaining friendly relations with the Palestinian Authority in order to bring about the creation of a Palestinian state.

    The PA will resist any request to hand over killers of Americans, since it regards the killers as heroes. For the United States to pursue justice, it would have to be willing to confront the PA, including putting political and financial pressure on the PA leadership. That would interfere with the Biden administration’s warm relationship with the PA.

    And so, justice is sacrificed in order to avoid angering the PA. That’s why the FBI will investigate the accidental death of an Arab-American in Israel who placed herself in a dangerous situation, but not the deliberate murder and attempted murder of Jewish Americans in Israel. That’s why terrorists will be extradited and transferred to the US from around the world – but not if they are Palestinian Arab killers of Americans. And this outrageous double standard will continue until American Jewish leaders make it clear to the Biden administration that they will no longer stand for it.

    The writer is an attorney and the father of Alisa Flatow, who was murdered in an Iranian-sponsored Palestinian terrorist attack in 1995. He is author of A Father’s Story: My Fight for Justice Against Iranian Terror.
  240. Adam Kredo, Biden’s DOJ Is Investigating an Accidental Death in Israel. A Watchdog Wants To Know Why., Free Beacon, December 7, 2022.

    State Department, Israel have already ruled death an accident.

    A watchdog group is asking the Justice Department to turn over all internal documents related to its decision last month to launch an FBI probe into Israel's accidental killing of a Palestinian-American reporter.

    The probe from the America First Legal Foundation, a conservative watchdog group, comes after the DOJ sent shockwaves through the American pro-Israel community and the Israeli government when it announced last month that it is conducting its own investigation into the death of Shireen Abu Akleh, an Al Jazeera journalist who was shot by Israeli forces during a standoff with Palestinian terrorists. Israel conducted its own investigation in the matter with cooperation from the U.S. State Department and determined that Abu Akleh was accidentally killed by a stray bullet fired by Israeli soldiers. While the State Department said it was satisfied with Israel's probe, the DOJ decided to involve the FBI after a cadre of far-left lawmakers in Congress pressured it on the matter...
  241. Lesson... Mako N12, Dec 13, 2022
  242. Biden Gave Away Sensitive U.S. Military Info During CNN Interview,Pjmedia, Jul 10, 2023
  265. E C Fenig, Stalin and Biden agree: Who gets to count the votes matters more than who gets to vote, American thinker, Dec 15, 2021
  276. Migrants crawl into El Paso through hole cut into fence along Border Highway, KVIA, Dec 20, 2022
  277. Breaking911 @Breaking911 Tweeted (Jan 25, 2022)
  278. Deroy Murdock, "The border stampede isn't a Biden a 'failure' — it's exactly what he and Dems want.", NPost, Feb 4, 2022.
  279. D. Greenfield, 'Afghan Adjustment Act' Would Legalize 36,000 Unvetted Afghans, FPM, Mar 3, 2022.
    Don’t ask questions, just give them their citizenship. The majority of them were not interpreters, had no visas, and no basis for entering the country. Despite that, they were rapidly brought here with virtually no vetting, dropped off at military bases, and then put through the resettlement process across the United States. There’s no one problem. At last count around 36,000 Afghans or 40% of the “refugees” had no legal basis for being evacuated even after the Biden administration and its congressional allies, both Democrat and Republican, watered down standards for applying for SIV visas so much so that virtually any Afghan employed in any capacity by any contractors, charities, or even the media qualified. The vast majority of Afghans in the evacuation were not visa recipients, but the evacuees got past Taliban checkpoints even while Americans and visa holders were being turned back. Many of them have no paperwork and no legitimate basis for even claiming political asylum.
  280. Stephen Dinan, Surging number of suspected terrorists nabbed jumping Mexico border this year, Washington Times, September 20, 2022.
  281. Paul Bedard, Biden drops English and US history testing for mentally challenged immigrants, Washington Examiner, October 20, 2022.

    The Biden administration this week opened the path to citizenship for immigrants with mental disabilities so great that they can’t learn basic English or pass a U.S. civics test. The changes are raising new questions that enemies of the nation may claim mental disabilities to skirt requirements to swear loyalty to the United States or demonstrate they have good moral character.

    “It’s one thing to promote policies that encourage naturalization and make it accessible, but these new rules cross the line, diluting the requirements in a way that potentially will lead to abuse of the system,” said Jessica Vaughan, director of policy studies for the Washington-based Center for Immigration Studies.

    “We do not necessarily want to bar disabled immigrants from becoming citizens, but we should want the government to have appropriate rules to make sure that the attestations that naturalization applicants make are meaningful and made in good faith,” Vaughan told Secrets. Homeland Security said it was loosening the rules under orders from President Joe Biden to remove barriers to immigration. DHS plans to change a form to help “underserved populations” win naturalization.

    It targets “applicants with a physical or developmental disability or mental impairment that precludes them from fulfilling the English and civics testing requirements for naturalization,” said Citizenship and Immigration Services, part of DHS.

    But in removing some requirements of immigrants, including explaining their disability, the changes go too far, said Vaughan.

    “Citizenship is precious and must be earned by immigrants. It requires them to swear loyalty to our nation, demonstrate that they have good moral character, and have at least modest English proficiency and understanding of our government and society. This is not too much to ask, and exceptions should be very limited. When immigrants gain citizenship, they are then eligible to vote, sponsor family members for green cards, and hold sensitive government jobs,” said the immigration expert.

    “For example, someone with anti-American views should not be able to hide behind a concocted disability to avoid swearing loyalty to America and still become a voting citizen eligible for a security clearance,” Vaughan added. What’s more, she said, the target population is small and can already gain access to naturalization.

    “If a disabled immigrant is not competent to fulfill the requirements for naturalization, they still are able to live here as permanent residents, and it would not create problems for them; no one is sending them back to their home country. There is no penalty for not naturalizing, so there is no humanitarian reason not to have high standards,” said Vaughan.
  282. Bill Melugin and Landon Mion, September migrant encounters hit record high, 20 suspected terrorists arrestedFox News, October 22, 2022.
    The number of migrant encounters at the U.S. southern border climbed to a record more than 227,000 during the month of September and more than 2.3 million for fiscal year 2022...

    The number of migrant encounters at the U.S. southern border climbed to a record more than 227,000 during the month of September and more than 2.3 million for fiscal year 2022, according to data from U.S. Customs and Border Protection. CBP uploaded the border numbers on Friday night in what was the highest number of encounters during the month of September in Department of Homeland Security history. CBP’s numbers also show that there were 20 known or suspected terrorists arrested at the southern border in September, bringing the total terror watchlist arrests at the border for the fiscal year 2022 to 98. The number of terror watchlist arrests at the border for the last five years combined was 26.

    September’s migrant encounter number was a significant increase from the same month in recent years. In September 2021, there were 192,001 migrant encounters. Border agents encountered 57,674 migrants in September 2020 and 52,546 in September 2019….
  283. [Henry] CUELLAR: You know, first of all, no, the border is not secure. When you have 1.7 million individuals last year, and now another 2.7, that's over 4.5 million individuals encounter at the border, plus the - if you add the getaways, that's going to be over 5 million individuals in just two years. No, the border is secure - it's not secured and we've got to make sure that we have repercussions there.

    Fox News Sunday, Oct 23, 2022.

  284. Paul Bedard, Biden opens secret amnesty door, swamping border facilities, Washington Examiner, Nov 21, 2022
  285. White House claims President Biden has been to the border despite no record of any visit, Fox News, Nov 30, 2022.
  286. Charlie Spiering, Joe Biden Refuses to Visit the Border During Trip to Arizona: ‘More Important Things Going On’, Breitbart, Dec 6, 2022.
    President Joe Biden on Tuesday said he would not visit the southern border during his trip to Arizona, despite an ongoing migration crisis.

    The president spoke briefly with reporters as he left the White House for a trip to Arizona to promote new investments in semiconductor chip manufacturing.

    When asked why he was going to a border state without visiting the border, Biden replied, "Because there are more important things going on."
  287. Arjun Singh, Biden Dumbs Down American Citizenship Test, Daily Caller, Dec 16, 2022.
    U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services announced changes to the U.S. naturalization test on Wednesday, reducing the difficulty of the English-speaking section and editing the civics section to make the test easier for citizenship applicants.
  288. Hanna Panreck, Harris blames Republicans for border crisis: 'Unwillingness to engage in any meaningful reform', Fox News, Dec 20, 2022.
    Harris was tapped by President Biden to address the root causes of the border crisis in 2021.
  289. You’ll Never Guess Whom Kamala Harris Blames for the Border Crisis, pjmedia, Dec 20, 2022.

    Nominal Vice President Kamala Harris sat down for a series of softball questions from NPR Monday and promptly blamed Congressional Republicans for the border crisis. The only surprise was that she didn’t figure out a way to blame the Left’s feared and loathed Emmanuel Goldstein figure, Donald Trump, for the fiasco of our open Southern border. But anyone who has been paying attention knows who is really responsible for the never-ending influx of migrants, an influx that promises to inflict poverty and rising crime on Americans for years to come: Harris herself, her putative boss Joe Biden, and those who are really running this administration.

    Harris told NPR that the problem at the border stemmed from Republicans refusing to cooperate: “And sadly, what we have seen in particular, I am sad to say, from Republicans in Congress is an unwillingness to engage in any meaningful reform that could actually fix a lot of what we are witnessing.”

    By “meaningful reform,” Harris means the removal of any remaining restrictions on entry into the United States, so that virtually anyone can come in at any time for any reason without any difficulty. That’s essentially the case already, but Harris, Biden, and their henchmen want this chaotic situation codified into law. “I think that there is so much that needs to happen to address the issue,” she said. “Reform of our immigration system can only happen through Congress in terms of the passage of an immigration bill that allows for a legal pathway to citizenship and a legal presence in the country.”

    Remember, Kamala Harris is Old Joe Biden’s “Border Czar,” although after she was given that job early in the present dumpster fire, er, administration, she raised eyebrows by never actually visiting the border she was supposed to fix. When NBC’s Lester Holt asked her why she hadn’t been to the site of the crisis she was supposed to be working on ending, she snapped, “And I haven’t been to Europe, I don’t understand the point you’re making.”

    She might not have gone because there was nothing there she was interested in seeing: As far as she was concerned, there was apparently no crisis at all. In September, Harris declared, “The border is secure, but we also have a broken immigration system, in particular, over the last four years before we came in, and it needs to be fixed.” This once again suggested that the problem wasn’t the massive numbers of people streaming into the country, but the lack of an established mechanism to give them immediate citizenship and register them as Democrats. Harris continued, “We have a secure border in that that is a priority for any nation, including ours and our administration. But there are still a lot of problems that we are trying to fix given the deterioration that happened over the last four years. We also have to put into place a law and a plan for a pathway for citizenship for the millions of people who are here and are prepared to do what is legally required to gain citizenship.”

    What did Harris mean by “the deterioration that happened over the last four years”? She was obviously referring to the Trump administration and claiming that Biden’s handlers had fixed some problem at the border that they found upon taking office. So let’s look at the record. According to U.S. Customs and Border Protection, in 2020, 458,088 people were apprehended crossing the border. In 2021, Old Joe’s first year in office, that number nearly quadrupled, to 1,734,686. In 2022, the number shot up again, to 2,378,944. That’s the “deterioration” Harris was talking about: not the essential erasure of our nation’s Southern border, but the prevention of that erasure. The problem that Harris said that the administration was “trying to fix” was not that America is open and vulnerable to its enemies, but that for four years, it was less open and vulnerable.

    What the remaining sane Americans see as a border crisis, Kamala Harris and her cohorts see as a fine state of affairs. The only border crisis they see is that the dastardly Republicans, those threats to Our Democracy, won’t immediately grant American citizenship to everyone on the face of the planet. So of course she blames the Republicans for the border crisis. There would be no border crisis if they were just socialist internationalists like everyone else, intent on erasing the very idea of a nation-state. If it weren’t for them, our blissful socialist utopia may already have dawned.
  290. Paul Best, Supreme Court justices issue scathing Title 42 dissent: 'We are a court of law', Fox News, Dec 27, 2022.
  291. Illegal alien 'took an Uber from Tijuana to this drop off point', WND, 28 Dec 2022.
  292. Biden compares asylum seekers at US border to Jews escaping Nazi Germany, JNS, Jan 5, 2023.
  293. Adam Shaw, 23 GOP-led states back Florida challenge to Biden policy releasing migrants without court dates, Fox News, May 27, 2023.

    The policy was blocked hours before Title 42 ended. Nearly two dozen Republican-led states have backed Florida’s legal challenge to a Biden administration policy that allowed for the release of migrants into the U.S. interior without court dates -- but was blocked just hours before the expiration of the Title 42 public health order.

    "The Administration’s en masse parole of aliens violates federal immigration law and abdicates its responsibility to secure the nation’s borders," the 23 states, led by Virginia, said in an amicus brief filed this week.

    The policy, known as "parole with conditions" was outlined in a May 10 memo and came a day before the end of Title 42.
  294. Rep. Tony Gonzales on "Face the Nation," Jan. 8, 2023.
  307. Pentagon Press Secretary Conducts On-Camera Press Briefing, MAY 18, 2021, Pentagon Press Secretary John F. Kirby
  321. To this day, Russians, who defeated fascism, call World War II "The Great Patriot War". Marxist appeals to fight fascism were ineffective. Appeals to Mother Russia and patriotism however rallied the Russian people to defend their homeland.
  328. Andrew Stiles,Reprogram Artificial Intelligence to 'Advance Equity', Free Beacon, February 22, 2023.

    If It Ain't Woke, Fix It: Biden Wants to White House declares war on 'algorithmic discrimination'

    What happened: President Joe Biden issued an executive order last week reiterating his administration's efforts to "continuously embed equity into all aspects of Federal decision-making." Among other things, the order commanded federal bureaucrats to ensure that artificial intelligence (AI) systems are programmed to comply with his woke agenda.
  333. Jesse James, Biden accused of "dragging his feet" on declassifying COVID origins intel because "it will open Pandora's box", NotTheBee, Mar 12, 2023.
  338. The Reagan-Gorbachev Statement: Background, European Leadership Network, 17 November 2021.
  339. Biden Policy Allows First Use of Nuclear Weapons, Arms Control Association, April 2022.
  345. defense-department-announces-125m-for-ukraine/
  362. Scoop: Germany urges Congress not to sanction Putin’s pipeline, Zachary Basu, Axios, Nov 28, 2021.
  366. 366.0 366.1
  385. R Spencer, "Awkward: Asked if He Underestimated Putin, Biden Stares Vacantly and Picks His Teeth", pjmedua, Feb 23, 2022.
    when asked “Do you think you may have underestimated Putin?,” Old Joe Biden first continued to stare in the general direction of the question, a slight smirk on his face, expression absolutely unchanged from what it had been before the question was asked. A few seconds later he turned his head to face the camera and, after a few more seconds, grinned sardonically. A few seconds later, he began picking his teeth with his thumbnail, and then grins a bit vacantly before the video mercifully runs out. Amid all the wrong choices, erroneous policies, abject failures, and stupid missteps of this disastrous administration, it was a trivial moment, but it was a telling one.
  400. Sergey ‘Botsman’ Korotkikh
  403. 403.0 403.1
  411. Editorial, The War in Ukraine Is Getting Complicated, and America Isn’t Ready, The New York Times, May 19, 2022.
  415. Trump says Biden ‘dragging’ US ‘into World War III’ by sending Ukraine cluster bombs, BY SARAH FORTINSKY - 07/11/23. The Hill.
  416. Bowden, John (April 15, 2021). Kremlin: Biden encouraging hatred of Russia. The Hill.
  418. Kelly, Laura; Miller, Maggie (April 15, 2021). New US sanctions further chill Biden-Putin relations. The Hill. Retrieved April 20, 2021.
  419. Choi, Joseph (April 5, 2021). Putin signs law allowing him to remain president through 2036. The Hill. Retrieved April 20, 2021.
  420. Axelrod, Tal (April 17, 2021). Russia increases military presence in Black Sea amid rising Ukraine tensions. The Hill. Retrieved April 20, 2021.
  421. Jenkins, Cameron (April 17, 2021). Ukrainian diplomat briefly detained, ordered to leave Russia. The Hill. Retrieved April 20, 2021.
  428. 428.0 428.1
  429. 429.0 429.1
  437. Elizabeth Elkind, Politics Reporter and Rob Crilly, Senior U.S. Political Reporter 'Biden's put national security at risk': GOP lawmaker slams president after three of his team negotiating with Iran on nuclear deal RESIGN because US is being too soft and calls for him to revert to Trump's 'maximum pressure' policy, The Daily Mail, Jan 25, 2022.

    -Republican Rep. Michael Waltz praised the negotiators who have stepped back for 'recognizing when diplomacy is getting too desperate' -Waltz has had his own experience in the Middle East as an Army Green Beret  -State Department official confirmed Tuesday that Richard Nephew stood down -He was U.S. Deputy Special Envoy for Iran and known as sanctions architect -Nephew, who wanted Biden to take a harder stance against Iran, has reportedly been avoiding the meetings in Vienna since December  -At the same time, reports emerged that two other negotiators had left -It comes at a critical time in negotiations between the West and Tehran  -Iran has rejected talk of an interim agreement and wants a legal guarantee that the U.S. will not walk away from the nuclear deal

    -It also won't negotiate directly with the US, with European intermediaries 
  438. Elad Benari, Report: Senior Israeli officials blast Biden over Iran deal, INN, 21.02.22.
    Senior Israeli officials reportedly say Biden "has turned diplomacy into a religion" as talks with Iran advance.
  439. Staff, ‘Turned diplomacy into a religion’: Israel officials said to lash Biden on Iran deal, TOI, 20 February 2022.
    Sources quoted saying looming accord doesn't address advances Tehran has made since 2015, so 'agreement the US will sign with Tehran is meaningless'
  440. Channel 13 News [Israel], Feb 21, 2022
  441. Ariel Kahana, Former US Vice President Mike Pence in an exclusive interview: "Putin is creating atrocities in Ukraine and the US is on his side over Iran, it's inconceivable." ILH, 7/3/2022.

    Trump's former deputy attacks President Biden: "Seeks dangerous agreement with Iran" - on Russian invasion of Ukraine: "Putin must be arrested, and Putin must pay" - he adds: "Pressure must continue until Russian forces leave" "It is inconceivable that while Putin is committing atrocities on Ukrainian soil, the administration is negotiating a nuclear deal with Iran, it is unacceptable," former US Vice President Mike Pence said in an exclusive interview with Israel Today...

    "It's a bad thing to do in peacetime, but working so closely with the Russians now to return to the dangerous and flawed agreement with the ayatollahs in Iran - it's really unacceptable. I believe that especially in this period the US administration should not work with Russia to ease sanctions or repay "Iran in some way into the arms of the nations."
  442. Tal Spungin, "Saudi Arabia, UAE leaders not returning Biden's calls, disappointed with US - report", JPost, Mar 9, 2022.

    Saudi Arabia and the UAE are disappointed with the Iran nuclear deal, as well as the American response to Houthi terrorist attacks in recent weeks. The leaders of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) have declined calls from US President Joe Biden for several weeks, the Wall Street Journal reported on Wednesday citing officials in the Middle East and the United States. The messages of dissatisfaction sent by Saudi crown prince Mohammed bin Salman and Emirati Shiekh Mohammed bin Zayed al Nahyan come as the two leaders share concerns over the American response to recent missile and drone strikes from Yemen, claimed by the Iranian-backed Houthi rebels.

    The two nations are also reportedly disappointed with the state of negotiations in the ever-nearing Iran nuclear deal, according to the WSJ.
  443. Gabriel Noronha, "This Isn’t Obama’s Iran Deal. It’s Much, Much Worse", Tablet, March 7, 2022.

    Anyone seeking to gauge the imminent outcome of the international talks over Iran’s nuclear program being held in Vienna should take a look at reports from late January that three top U.S. diplomats had quit—largely in protest over the direction set by U.S. Special Envoy for Iran Robert Malley, who serves as the U.S. government’s chief negotiator.

    Having served for two years in former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo’s Iran Action Group, I knew that this development was tantamount to a public cry for an intervention. Such resignations—not of conservative dissenters, but of career staff and President Joe Biden’s own political appointees—should have been cause for Biden or Secretary Antony Blinken to recall Malley and investigate. Their failure to do so is a sign either of a troubling lack of attention to the talks, or else the possibility that Malley—who served in the same capacity under President Barack Obama when the first Iran deal, the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), was originally negotiated and signed—has been given a free hand to negotiate whatever he wants, as long as he gets Iran to sign.

    Evidence for the latter view can be gleaned from the fact that Blinken has reneged on his pledge that his Iran negotiating team would have “a diversity of views.” Instead, he has let Malley continue to concede issue after issue in Vienna. Multiple career officials view these capitulations as so detrimental to U.S. national security that they contacted me requesting that I rapidly share details of these concessions with Congress and the public in an effort to stop them.

    Reports out of Vienna indicate that a deal could occur within the next few days. While some issues are still being ironed out—such as whether the United States will grant Russia immunity from any economic sanctions relating to Iran, as Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has publicly demanded—the details that follow have been conveyed to me as finalized. My subsequent discussions with foreign diplomats—including those directly involved and those outside but close to the negotiations—confirmed their claims. Ambassador Mikhail Ulyanov, who led negotiations on behalf of Russia, has crowed that “Iran got much more than it could expect. Much more,” and bragged about how Russia teamed up with China and Iran to get dozens of wins over the United States and European negotiating positions.

    The list of concessions that follows is long, detailed, disturbing, but also somewhat technical. But this much is clear to me: The deal being negotiated in Vienna is dangerous to U.S. national security, to the stability of the Middle East, and to the Iranian people who suffer most under that brutal regime. The lack of evidence to justify a removal of U.S. sanctions is illegal, and the deal that will be foisted upon the world without the support of Congress will be illegitimate. This deal will not serve U.S. interests in either the short or long term.

    With Robert Malley in the lead, the United States has promised to lift sanction...
  444. Seventeen lawmakers write to Biden urging reinstatement of Houthi terrorist designation, JI, Feb 15, 2022.
  445. "Yemeni Student In Rally Aired On Houthi TV: Soon Our Drones Will Strike New York And Tel Aviv," MEMRI, January 24, 2022. [7]
  446. Darryl Coote,"U.N. imposes arms embargo on Houthis, labels group as terrorists", Feb. 28, 2022.The United Nations Security Council on Monday imposed an arms embargo on Yemen's Iran-backed Houthis as several ambassadors voiced concern.
  447. Roi Kais @ kaisos1987 Tweeted (Feb 28, 2022):
    A senior Emirati official tells Kann News that his country's failure to vote in the UN Security Council on the US resolution against the Russian invasion of Ukraine over the weekend is due in part to disappointment with the US position regarding the Houthi rebels in Yemen...
  448. Iran’s Illicit Oil Sales Help Fuel Mass Military Buildup, Free Beacon, Oct 11, 2022.
    Biden admin’s lax sanctions enforcement drives Iranian military spending.

    The Biden administration’s lax enforcement of sanctions on Iran’s illicit oil trade has allowed the hardline regime to infuse more than $15 billion into its military and terrorist proxies during the past two years, according to analysis by a watchdog group. Iranian military spending significantly jumped in 2022 as the regime got more access to cash through its multibillion-dollar trade in illicit oil—cash that made its way to the regime as a result of the Biden administration’s decision not to enforce U.S. sanctions, according to United Against Nuclear Iran (UANI), a watchdog group that tracks the regime’s oil sales and military spending.

    Iran, according to a report by UANI and an open source military spending database, has allocated $10.5 billion this year for its military and Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC), a paramilitary fighting force that backs terrorist groups across the region. That number, which jumped from $4.5 billion in 2021, comes after the regime took in some $43 billion in funds from illicit oil sales, primarily to China. This cash is fueling Iran’s regional terror enterprise, as well as its crackdown at home on a growing protest movement that threatens to topple the hardline regime.
  454. Two references:
  455. Lee, Matthew (March 31, 2021). Biden administration quietly ramping up aid to Palestinians. ABC News. Retrieved April 20, 2021.
  456. Two references:
  457. Multiple references:
  458. Two references:
  459. Terrorism: Palestinian Terrorism. Jewish Virtual Library. Retrieved April 20, 2021.
  460. Palestinian Terrorism: Major Terror Organizations. Jewish Virtual Library. Retrieved April 20, 2021.
  461. Durns, Sean (January 21, 2021). The Palestinian Authority Is Still Paying Terrorists | Opinion. Newsweek. Retrieved April 20, 2021.
  462. Does Hamas use civilians as human shields?. 4 News. Retrieved April 20, 2021.
  465. How Joe Biden Froze The Abraham Accords That Was Bringing Peace Between Israel and the Arab Countries, Lid, Nov 30, 2022.
  466. Lahav Harkov, US offering $1 million to report on Israeli (supposed) "human rights" violations, JPost, March 23, 2022.
  467. Adam Kredo, Watchdog Wants Biden To Disclose Origins of $1 Million Grant Program To Demonize Israel, Washington Free Beacon, Mar 21, 2022.
  468. Daniel Greenfield, Will Biden fund ISIS in (Arab Islamists in) Israel to aid the Palestinians?, JNS, March 29, 2022.

    The "Palestinian people" have spoken. Will Biden listen to them?

    "In the name of Allah, the merciful and compassionate," said Palestinian Authority leader Mahmoud Abbas, “we would like to welcome Secretary Clinton.” “Blinken,” someone corrected him.

    “Sorry, Blinken,” said the 86-year-old Islamic terrorist leader.

    U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken had to travel thousands of miles to find a leader even more unpopular and out of it than the one he had left behind at the White House. That was last year. This year, Abbas got Blinken’s name right, but not much else.

    In 17 years (and just one election), Abbas has seen a lot of secretaries of state come and go to get their pictures taken with him before sending him a few hundred million dollars.

    Last year, Abbas told Blinken that he had “postponed the elections” because of Israel and that the moment he gets his paws on Jerusalem, “we will hold them immediately and without any delay, because ultimately what we’re interested in is to establish democracy throughout Palestine.” This year they can’t be held either, because Abbas still doesn’t have Jerusalem.

    The last Palestinian Authority presidential election was in 2005. Abbas won. The last parliamentary election was in 2006. Hamas won. The presidential and parliamentary elections have been postponed since then but are expected to resume any time now. If not, blame Israel.

    Since elections won’t be happening anytime soon, a recent poll reveals that 73% of the “Palestinians” occupying the West Bank and Gaza Strip want Abbas to resign. If elections were somehow held today, the Hamas presidential candidate would win 54% of the vote while Abbas would only get 38%. So you can see why there will be no elections.

    Sixty-one percent want to tear up all agreements with Israel (since they haven’t kept them, that would be a technicality), 70% don’t want to negotiate with Israel and 64% don’t even want to negotiate with Biden. Fifty-eight percent oppose the “two-state solution” that is the touchstone of the entire peace process.

    Seventy-three percent believe that the Koran predicts that Israel will be destroyed, but only 32% believe it will happen in 2022. Under these circumstances, the last thing the Biden administration wants is democracy for the quarreling foreign jihadist tribes who invaded Israel over the last few centuries and were rebranded with the name of the European colonists known as the Philistines.

    Blinken is fine with Abbas postponing the elections forever, because otherwise the terror clans will do what they did the last time that Bush naively allowed elections and vote for Hamas.

    And that would be inconvenient because Hamas won’t pretend that they aren’t terrorists.

    Four Israelis were murdered last week by a Muslim terrorist attack at a mall in Beersheva.

    Despite  the terrorist’s Islamic State membership, a Hamas spokesman praised “the executor of the heroic operation” and promised more “heroic operations: stabbings, ramming and shooting” like the car-ramming and stabbing spree that killed a rabbi who ran a soup kitchen and two mothers of three. So much for the claim that Hamas will inhibit the rise of the “extremists” of ISIS. P.A. media also hailed the terrorist, Muhammad Abu al-Kiyan, who was shot and killed by an Israeli bus driver who chased him down on foot, as a “martyr.” If the P.A. follows its usual “Pay to Slay” policy in this case, it won’t just be financially supporting the usual stable of PLO, Hamas and Islamic Jihad families, but also an ISIS terrorist’s family.

    And that will mean American taxpayers will end up subsidizing ISIS terrorism in Israel, as the Biden administration explores ways to bypass the Taylor Force Act’s ban on terror funding.

    At a joint press conference on Sunday with Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett, Blinken gave a speech mostly blaming Israel for future violence during Passover and Ramadan. That speech was followed by another ISIS attack in which two heavily armed terrorists opened fire on a bus. The Islamic terrorists were taken down by cops who had been eating nearby, but not before they killed two officers.

    Hamas celebrated the “valor and courage” of the ISIS terrorists, as did Islamic Jihad. Hezbollah, backed by Iran, praised the ISIS attack as an “important and most effective practical response to the infamous and treacherous normalization meetings that some Arab regimes are carrying out with the enemy entity,” referring to the anti-Iran summit in Israel with the foreign ministers of Bahrain, UAE, Morocco and Egypt.

    Iran’s pro-Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps outlet, too, praised it as a “martyrdom operation.” When it comes to Israel, Iran and ISIS are on the same side. Much as Al-Qaeda and Iran were on the same side when it came to the terrorist attacks of September 11.

    Blinken meanwhile used the visit to pitch Israelis on a Biden plan to remove the IRGC, Iran’s terror hub, from the list of foreign terrorist organizations, claiming it would be “symbolic.”

    He failed to condemn the terrorist attack as an ISIS attack, calling it “senseless” violence.

    At his joint press conference with Abbas, Blinken also failed to condemn terrorism or to note that ISIS, with the tacit support of his PLO hosts in Ramallah and of Hamas in Gaza, was planting its flag in Israel. Instead, Blinken once again condemned Jewish Israeli “settler violence.”

    Like Undersecretary of State Victoria Nuland’s previous visit, the formula of Biden administration officials condemning Israeli “settler violence” while promising to “strengthen” the terrorists of the P.A. is as familiar as it is evil. The P.A. is an unwanted institution whose leader 73% of the people he rules over want to see out of office. And 49% want to dissolve the Palestinian Authority.

    Considering the decades of failure, misery and terrorism wrought by the failed Clinton initiative to create a Palestinian state, it’s long past time for everyone to turn the page on this disaster.

    Neither Arab Muslims nor Israelis want Abbas or the P.A. Only diplomats like Blinken and Nuland insist on keeping the senile tyrant of Ramallah in office until he dies.

    In a final statistic, the poll asked who was “most deserving of representing and leading the Palestinian people.” Thirty-one percent picked Hamas, 29% chose Abbas’ P.A., and 33% chose none of the above. Eighty-four percent believe the P.A. is corrupt and 70% believe Hamas is dirty. The “Palestinian people” have spoken. Will Biden listen to them?

    The root source of the corruption is the hundreds of millions of dollars Blinken came bearing last year for the regime of a corrupt, senile autocrat who didn’t even know whom he was talking to. There’s more money coming this year to prop up the terrorist regime.

    All in the name of a peace which doesn’t exist and that the majority of “Palestinians” don’t want.

    The United States has gone from using its foreign aid to the P.A. to prop up PLO, Islamic Jihad and Hamas terrorism against Israel to subsidizing ISIS terrorism.

    Will ISIS be a final red line for the corrupt farce of a two-state solution and a peace process?
  469. Palestinian Government Still Pays Terrorists as US Aid Dollars Flow, Washington Free Beacon, Oct 18, 2022
    The Palestinian government is still paying imprisoned terrorists stipends and inciting violence against Israel, even as the Biden administration provides nearly half a billion dollars in American taxpayer funds to the government, according to a non-public State Department report recently furnished to Congress.

    The Palestinian Authority, which committed to stop these acts to receive new tranches of U.S. aid money, "continued payments to Palestinian prisoners who had committed acts of terrorism, as well as the families of so-called ‘martyrs’ who died while committing acts of terrorism," according to the report, a copy of which was reviewed by the Washington Free Beacon. Official Palestinian government media organizations and social media accounts also "broadcast or published content praising or celebrating acts of violence."

    Details from the State Department report are likely to fuel congressional opposition to the Biden administration’s renewed funding of the Palestinian Authority, which almost immediately resumed when the Democratic administration entered office. U.S. aid was slashed by the Trump administration due to the Palestinian Authority’s support for terrorism, as well as a bipartisan U.S. law mandating that American aid be frozen until the Palestinian government ends its terrorist payment policy, also known as "pay-to-slay." That law, the  Taylor Force Act, was passed in 2018 and banned the State Department from allocating aid to the Palestinian government until it could certify that payments to terrorists and incitement against Israel ceased.
  470. Adam Kredo, Victims of Terrorism Sue Biden Admin for Sending Taxpayer Aid to PalestiniansWashington Free Beacon, December 20, 2022.

    Victims of Palestinian terror attacks are suing the Biden administration for awarding nearly half a billion dollars in U.S. taxpayer funds to the Palestinian government, which allegedly uses these funds to pay convicted terrorists and their families.

    The lawsuit, filed in federal court on Tuesday by American victims of Palestinian terror attacks and Rep. Ronny Jackson (R., Texas), alleges the Biden administration is in violation of federal law for resuming U.S. aid to the Palestinian government, according to a copy of the lawsuit exclusively obtained by the Washington Free Beacon. The Trump administration froze these funds due to the Palestinian government’s financial support for terrorists as part of a program known as pay-to-slay.

    The plaintiffs, led in the suit by the America First Legal Foundation, a watchdog group composed of lawyers, are asking the court to halt the Biden administration’s Palestinian aid program over charges it is sustaining the pay-to-slay program in violation of a 2018 law known as the Taylor Force Act. That law—named after an American who was killed in 2016 by a Palestinian terrorist—bars all U.S. payments to the Palestinian government until it halts the terrorist payment program.

    The State Department, which is named as a defendant in the suit, has formally determined in congressional notifications that the Palestinian government pays terrorists and incites violence against Israel. Now, a court must determine if U.S. aid payments should be stopped for violating federal law.

    Force’s family is also listed as a plaintiff in the case, along with Jackson and Sarri Singer, who survived a Palestinian suicide bombing in 2003.

    “I am committed to doing everything in my power to get the accountability these families so richly deserve as we work to make sure U.S. taxpayer-funded terrorism never happens again,” Jackson told the Free Beacon. “President Trump showed tremendous leadership when he signed the Taylor Force Act into law and ended taxpayer support for the Palestinian Authority’s terrorist activities. Joe Biden’s decision to reverse course knowing full well blood is on his hands as a result is unconscionable.”

    Stuart and Robbi Force, Taylor’s parents, said in a statement that President Joe Biden and Secretary of State Antony Blinken are “dishonoring the memory and legacy of a good man, and ignoring the citizens of the United States who understand that taxpayer dollars should not be used to fund the killing of innocent civilians.”

    The lawsuit centers on the Biden’s administration’s decision to resume U.S. aid even as the State Department determines the pay-to-slay program has continued, disclosures that were first made public by the Free Beacon reveal.

    The Palestinian government “continued payments to Palestinian prisoners who had committed acts of terrorism, as well as the families of so-called ‘martyrs’ who died while committing acts of terrorism,” the State Department affirmed in a non-public report to Congress earlier this year.

    The Palestinian government has provided an estimated $1.5 billion to convicted terrorists and their families from 2013 to 2020, according to information contained in the lawsuit. As much as $15 million per month is being paid into the pay-to-slay fund as of 2020, according to Palestinian officials quoted in regional news outlets….
  471. Pay for Slay, Palwatch.
  472. Daniel Greenfield, After Biden sent $1 billion to the PLO, Israeli deaths rose 900%, JNS, February 15, 2023.

    It cost $10,000 to kill a 6-year-old—and: the terrorists have the money.

    When U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken met with PLO leader Mahmoud Abbas last month, he boasted of the over one billion dollars in aid that the Biden administration had programmed for the terrorist territories.

    That aid has come with a very heavy price.

    In Feb. 2019, President Trump’s total cutoff of aid to the Palestinians became official. That year, 10 Israelis or people in Israeli controlled areas were killed in stabbings, shootings, rocket and other attacks, down from 12 the previous year, 15 in 2017 and 16 in 2016.

    In 2020, however, only three Israelis were killed.

    These numbers reflected the diminished capacity of the Islamic terrorists. The reduction in numbers was not due to the pandemic. The year still saw attacks, including firebombings, rocket launches and stabbings, but the success and lethality rates for these attacks were lower.

    The numbers turned around dramatically once again in 2021.

    In April 2021, the Biden administration restored aid to the PLO. Terror incidents, reflecting attack attempts, shot up sharply, from 91 in February and 89 in March to 130 in April.

    By May, major fighting had resumed, with 13 Israelis, including two children, killed.

    By the time the year was over, 17 people in Israeli areas had been killed. The over 400% increase in deaths was only the beginning. In 2022, 31 Israelis or people in Israeli areas were killed, up from only three in 2020, for a massive 900% increase in casualties since the restoration of foreign aid to the terrorists. This was the worst death toll since 2015 under Obama.

    But in January and the first half of February, 10 Israelis have already been killed, including a 6-year-old boy and his 8-year-old brother. [8]

    Three times as many have been killed in the past month and as in all of 2020. That’s a 233% increase over 2020 in just a fraction of a year, but it’s also a marked month-to-month escalation from 2022, which featured no attacks at all in January or February. More people have already been killed by terrorists in 2023 than through most of March 2022.

    What a difference a billion dollars makes.

    While the media has tried to portray the terrorism as “lone wolf” attacks, they’re crowdsourced violence of the kind that Al Qaeda and Islamic State helped innovate. But the PLO’s version is unique through its ‘Pay-to-Slay’ program [9], which rewards terrorists, regardless of their formal affiliation, with salaries and payments for their families. [10]

    Terrorists are paid based on the length of their prison sentence. That means successful killers can earn $2,000 to $3,000 a month in a part of the world where the average salary is around $700 a month. It’s five times more profitable to be a terrorist than a teacher. [11], [12].

    The Palestinian Authority calls for the murder of Jews, praises it and then rewards it.

    Muhammad al-Lahham of the Fatah Revolutionary Council, which runs the political movement behind the terrorists of the P.A., was caught on video praising the “patriotic conscience” of a terrorist who had killed a rabbi taking his two-year-old son for a walk in 2022. [13].

    The Trump administration cut off aid to the PLO’s P.A. and Congress passed the Taylor Force Act, banning funds from going to finance Pay-to-Slay.

    Throughout all this, PLO leadership have been consistent in refusing to stop financing terrorism.

    “We will neither reduce nor prevent [payment] of allowances to the families of martyrs, prisoners and released prisoners, as some seek, and if we had only a single penny left, we would pay it to families of the martyrs and prisoners,” Abbas had bragged. By “martyrs,” he meant those Islamic terrorists who were killed while carrying out terrorist attacks. [14].

    Despite this, the Biden administration restored aid and rebuilt diplomatic relations. Biden and Blinken have met with Abbas. And while they have attacked Israel over everything from letting Jews pray on the Temple Mount (due to Jewish prayers offending Muslim sensibilities) to democratic judicial reform that will limit the unilateral authority of pro-terrorist judges, Biden and Blinken have had nothing to say to the terrorists about the program funding the murder of Jews. [15], [16].

    America First Legal, under Stephen Miller, filed suit against the Biden administration on behalf of the parents of Taylor Force: a non-Jewish Afghanistan war vet murdered in Jerusalem. [17], [18].

    “The Biden Administration is well aware that the P.A. pays Palestinian terrorists to injure or kill innocent Americans and Israelis in Israel. Yet, in blatant violation of the Taylor Force Act, a federal law that prohibits the government from sending American taxpayer dollars to the P.A. until it stops supporting terrorism, President Biden and Secretary of State Blinken have resumed payments to the P.A. after the Trump Administration had stopped these payments in compliance with the Taylor Force Act,” America First Legal declared..

    “The Taylor Force Act, named after our son, was passed by Congress and signed by President Trump to stop this Pay to Slay. Yet the Biden Administration has resumed payments to the P.A. notwithstanding its Pay to Slay program,” said Stuart Force, Taylor’s father.

    The Biden administration’s decision to fund the P.A. has consequences beyond Israel. Islamic terrorism is a global threat and has been a reliable killer of Americans abroad.

    “Robbi and I call upon President Biden to stop sending fungible taxpayer dollars to the P.A. that will end up funding terrorism,” Stuart Force appealed.

    And the latest wave of violence shows just how “fungible” that money is.

    The massive uptick in successful terrorist attacks is not a coincidence. The numbers become more significant when we distinguish between so-called “lone wolf” attacks, which are most directly impacted by Pay-to-Slay, and rocket attacks by other terrorist groups. Fourteen people were killed in direct terrorist attacks in 2018. That number dropped to five in 2019, the year Trump cut off aid to the PLO. By 2020, it fell to three, in 2021, the year Biden restored aid, it rose to four and then shot up to 32 in 2022, reflecting the “slow burn” effect of fungible aid money being taken away and then restored within a government bureaucracy, even if it’s run by and for terrorists.

    As the Biden administration continues pumping money into the terrorist entities occupying parts of Israel, the violence is drastically increasing. 2023 is already on track to top 2022, which had the worst numbers since 2015. The level of Islamic terrorism is returning to that of the Obama administration, and that means that we can expect an even higher death toll in Israel.

    The billion dollars in aid is a factor, but an even bigger factor is that the Biden administration, like its Democrat predecessor, has made no secret of its support for the P.A. And the Biden administration has gone even further with its diplomatic support for the PLO regime and its pressure on Israel. The latest murders are the work of a terrorist group that knows that Washington, D.C., has its back and will intervene to protect it from Israel.

    The Biden administration’s decision to appoint Hady Amr, an open supporter of Islamic terrorism and opponent of the Jewish state who was “inspired” by the intifada, as its key liaison to the PLO, has consequences, and dead bodies in Jerusalem are among the most obvious. [19], [20].

    Islamic terrorism runs on money and foreign support. The Biden administration has provided both. The Palestinian Authority spends hundreds of millions of dollars a year on Pay-to-Slay.

    The pipeline of terror may end with a six-year-old boy lying dead on a Jerusalem street, but it begins with cash coming out of Washington, D.C. The attacks of Sept. 11 cost Al Qaeda about half a million dollars. The cost to the PLO of killing that little boy, his brother and a newly married man going to spend the Sabbath with his wife’s family probably comes out to about $30,000 a year. Or $10,000 per dead Jewish person. That’s a fraction of the millions of dollars in foreign aid which could be used to finance hundreds and thousands of more murders of Jews.

    $10,000 to kill a six-year-old boy, another $10,000 to kill his 8-year-old brother. Thanks to the financiers of murdering Jews in the Biden administration, the terrorists have the cash.

    And we’re the ones providing it.
  473. Joshua Marks, US lawmakers call on Biden to end PA’s ‘pay for slay’, JNS, July 19, 2023.

    The Congress members asked Secretary Blinken for an update on the Palestinian policy of rewarding terrorists.

    A bipartisan group of U.S. lawmakers is calling on the State Department to update Congress on negotiations to end the Palestinian Authority’s policy of paying terrorists.

    In a letter sent to Secretary of State Antony Blinken, the 50 members of Congress noted with concern the uptick of violence in Judea and Samaria in recent months and the P.A.’s refusal to condemn the killings of Israelis while at the same time continuing its “pay for slay” program.
  474. Senate and House Republicans move to cut funding to UNRWA, '"Israel National News, Feb 21, 2023.
  475. Deborah Brand , U.S. Ambassador to Israel (Nides): 60% of My Time Is Helping Palestinians, Breitbart, 20 Feb 2023.
  476. Chikli tells Nides to respect Israeli democracy after call to slow on judicial reform, JPost, Feb 18, 2023.
  477. US State Department appears to double down on Nides’s moral equivalence, JNS, June 20, 2023.
  478. Republican Senator: Biden admin funding anti-Bibi movement, INN, 3/8/2023.
    Republican Senator Tom Cotton claims that the Biden administration is funding Israel's Movement for Quality Government that is "trying to bring down Netanyahu."
  479. How US taxpayer funds are flowing to a group bankrolling anti-Netanyahu protests, INN,  3/8/2023.
    The U.S. government has been funneling taxpayer money to the left-wing group bankrolling protests against Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu, according to Israeli funding documents reviewed by the Washington Free Beacon.
  480. Senator Hawley, Colleagues Call for Another Hearing on SBA Nominee After Ties to Anti-Israel Group Revealed, June 30, 2021
  481. Melanie Phillips, Biden administration won’t stop appeasing the Palestinians, JNS, June 2, 2022
  482. Incoming senior Biden staffer justified suicide bombers during Second Intifada, JNS, Nov 24, 2020.
    In 2002, Reema Dodin, then a student at the University of California, Berkeley, spoke about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, saying that “suicide bombers were the last resort of a desperate people.”
  483. Evie Fordham , Senior Biden staffer called Palestinian suicide bombings ‘the last resort of a desperate people’, Fox News, Nov 24, 2020.
    Dodin is a volunteer for Biden's transition team and currently serves as Deputy Chief of Staff for Sen. Dick Durbin
  484. Alana Goodman, Biden Nominee for Top State Dept Post Contributed to Book About How 'Israel Lobby' Controls American Politics, Free Beacon, Feb 18, 2021
  485. Lela Gilbert, Abraham Accords, the JCPOA, and Joe Biden’s Strange Attachment to Iran, Hudson Institute, Dec 14, 2022
  486. What Does Biden Have Against Israel? The President treats the governing coalition in Jerusalem worse than he does Iran. By The Editorial Board. July 13, 2023.
    Why does President Biden go out of his way to snub, criticize and give marching orders to the government of Israel? At least rhetorically, the President and his Administration treat Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his governing coalition worse than they do the ruling mullahs in Iran.
    WSJ: Biden Treats Israel Worse than He Does Iran, The Jewish Press, July 14, 2023.;

    The Wall Street Journal: Biden's attitude towards Israel - worse than the attitude towards Iran, INN, Nitzan Keidar, 25 in Tammuz 5783. 07/14/23.

  487. Herzog hails Israel’s ‘greatest partner and friend’ in Congress address, JNS, July 19, 2023.

    Israeli President Isaac Herzog had a “wonderful meeting” with U.S. President Joe Biden, whom he called a “huge friend of Israel.”

    Israeli President Isaac Herzog on Wednesday addressed a joint session of Congress, following a meeting the previous day with his U.S. counterpart at the White House.

    “At this moment in my people’s history, gathering on Capitol Hill to celebrate 75 years of Israeli independence with our greatest partner and friend, the United States of America, my soul is overflowing with pride and joy. The people of Israel are grateful to no end for the ancient promise fulfilled and for the friendship we have formed,” said Herzog.

    “When the State of Israel was established in 1948, the land which the Almighty promised to Abraham, to which Moses led the Israelites, the land of the Bible, of milk and honey, evolved into an exquisite land of democracy. Against all odds, the Jewish people returned home and built a national home, which became a beautiful Israeli democracy, a mosaic of Jews, Muslims, Christians, Druze and Circassians, secular, traditional and Orthodox, of all denominations and all possible views and lifestyles. A land which welcomed the ingathering of exiles from one hundred different countries,” continued Herzog.

    “A land which became the Startup Nation—a bustling hub of innovation and creativity, social action and intellectual discovery, spiritual awakening and business ventures, scientific ingenuity and lifesaving medical breakthroughs. We built a nation-state which has faced relentless war, terror and delegitimization since its birth. A country fighting to defend itself from enemy and foe, yet whose citizens continue to greet each other with the word ‘peace,’ shalom.”

    Herzog then shifted attention to Iran, calling the Islamic Republic’s nuclear program “perhaps the greatest challenge Israel and the United States face at this time.

    “Let there be no doubt: Iran does not strive to attain nuclear energy for peaceful purposes. Iran is building nuclear capabilities, that pose a threat to the stability of the Middle East and beyond. Every country or region controlled or infiltrated by Iran has experienced utter havoc. We have seen this in Yemen, Gaza, in Syria, Lebanon and Iraq. In fact, we have seen this in Iran itself where the regime has lost its people and is suppressing them brutally. ….

    “Iran is the only nation on the planet publicly calling, plotting and developing means to annihilate another nation, a member of the family of nations, the State of Israel. … Allowing Iran to become a nuclear threshold state—whether by omission or by diplomatic commission—is unacceptable,” the Israeli leader said.

    On the issue of peace, Herzog thanked the United States for its longstanding diplomatic efforts in the region.

    “The peace which the United States brokered between Israel and its neighbors has revolutionized the Middle East. The historic peace treaties with the Arab Republic of Egypt and the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan have demonstrated the many blessings of opting out of the cycle of war,” he said.

    “Three years ago, the Abraham Accords realigned our imaginations and our region. Israel eagerly welcomed the United Arab Emirates, the Kingdom of Bahrain and the Kingdom of Morocco into an exclusive, warm peace between our peoples. … Israel’s hand is extended, and our heart is open, to any partner in peace—near or far.

    “Israel thanks the United States for working towards establishing peaceful relations between Israel and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, a leading nation in the region and in the Muslim world. We pray for this moment to come. This would be a huge sea change in the course of history in the Middle East and the world at large,” continued Herzog.

    “My deep yearning is for Israel to one day make peace with our Palestinian neighbors. Over the years, Israel has taken bold steps towards peace and made far-reaching proposals to our Palestinian neighbors. Notwithstanding the deep political differences, and the numerous challenges that surround Israeli-Palestinian relations, and I do not ignore them, but it should be clear that one cannot talk about peace while condoning or legitimizing terror, implicitly or explicitly. True peace cannot be anchored in violence.

    “Palestinian terror against Israel or Israelis undermines any possibility for a future of peace between our peoples. Israelis are targeted while waiting for buses, while taking a stroll on the promenade, while spending time with their family.

    “At the same time, successful terror attacks are celebrated, terrorists are glorified, and their families are financially rewarded for every Israeli they attack. This is inconceivable. It is a moral disgrace. Terror is not a bump in the road. Terror is hatred and bloodshed. It contradicts humanity’s most basic principles of peace. Israel cannot and will not tolerate terror, and we know that in this we are joined by the United States of America,” added Herzog.

    “We pray for the fulfillment of Isaiah’s prophecy, ‘Nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war anymore.”

    With respect to the Netanyahu government’s judicial reform initiative, Herzog expressed “great confidence in Israeli democracy.

    “Although we are working through sore [painful] issues, just like you, I know our democracy is strong and resilient. Israel has democracy in its DNA,” he said.

    “I will say to you, our friends, in English, what I have said to my people, to my sisters and brothers, in Hebrew back home: As a nation, we must find a way to talk to each other no matter how long it takes. As head of state, I will continue doing everything to reach a broad public consensus, and to preserve, protect and defend the State of Israel’s democracy,” added Herzog.

    He proceeded to stress the importance of the Jewish state’s relationship with America.

    “We are proud to be the United States’ closest partner and friend. We are grateful to the United States for the necessary means you have provided us to keep our qualitative military edge, and to enable us to defend ourselves, by ourselves,” he said.

    “This reflects your ongoing commitment to Israel’s security. We are also tremendously proud that ours is a two-way alliance, in which Israel has been making critical contributions to the national security and interests of the United States in numerous ways. Thank you, dear members of Congress, for your support of Israel throughout history, and at this critical moment in time,” added Herzog.

    The Israeli president invited a slew of guests to attend the speech, including Clifton Truman Daniels, grandson of former U.S. president Harry Truman, who recognized Israel 11 minutes after its declaration of independence in 1948.

    Herzog is also being accompanied by Leah Goldin, whose son Lt. Hadar Goldin was killed in action during the 2014 conflict with Hamas in Gaza. His body is still being held by the Palestinian terror group....
  488. Uzi Baruch, Erdan to INN: We saw tremendous love for Israel in Congress', INN, Jul 19, 2023.
    Israeli Ambassador to the UN says President Herzog showed there is no crisis in US-Israel relations.
  489. Elad Benari, House approves resolution: Israel is not a racist or apartheid state, INN,  | 19/7/23 .

    The US House of Representatives on Tuesday overwhelmingly voted in favor of a resolution condemning antisemitism and stating that Israel is not a racist state, NBC News reported.

    The vote was 412-9, with 195 Democrats joining all Republicans in voting yes. Nine Democrats voted against the non-binding resolution, several of whom have previously denounced Israel as an “apartheid state”. One Democrat voted present.

    The resolution was a Republican response to Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-WA), who over the weekend called Israel a “racist state”, before walking back the comments and stating that she had directed them at Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s government.

    Before Tuesday’s vote, Jayapal declined to provide any lengthy comment about the GOP effort, only calling it “ridiculous” before the elevator doors closed.

    Authored by Rep. August Pfluger (R-TX), the resolution does not mention Jayapal by name but it clearly takes aim at her recent remarks, noted NBC News. It states that it’s the sense of Congress that “the State of Israel is not a racist or apartheid state,” that “Congress rejects all forms of antisemitism and xenophobia," and that “the United States will always be a staunch partner and supporter of Israel.”

    “This is about an affirmation of support,” said Pfluger, a member of the Foreign Affairs Committee. “This is about a stance: 75 years after Israel became a nation, the United States was within minutes the first country to recognize ...
  490. Ariel Ben Solomon, "With major non-NATO designation, America seems to court terror-supporting Qatar", JNS, Feb 18, 2022.
  494. Naomi Lim, White House Reporter, Biden dismisses comparisons between Afghanistan and Vietnam wars, Washington Examiner, Jul 8, 2021
  499. The Atlantic (2011). Panetta Will Run Pentagon; Petraeus to Lead CIA.
  504. Sunday Mirror, Aug 22, 2021
  505. Parliament holds Joe Biden in contempt over Afghanistan, By Ben Riley-Smith, The Telegraph, 18 August 2021.
  514. 514.0 514.1
  524. 524.0 524.1
  532. Lauren Boebert @laurenboebert Tweeted:
    13 brave and heroic members of our military died during Biden's botched Afghanistan withdrawal. They deserved to be recognized during the State of the Union speech so I made sure to speak up. March 3, 2022
  533. Caitlin Doornbos, Afghans chose razor wire suicide over Taliban when Kabul fell, US Marine tells lawmakers, NYpost, 3/8/2023.
  534. Missiles fired from Iran fall near US consulate in Erbil, Iraq - report, Jerusalem Post, Mar 12, 2022.
    Some 12 missiles were fired from Iranian territory and fell near the US consulate in Erbil in northwestern Iraq on Saturday night.

    The Kurdistan Counter-Terrorism Service announced that 12 ballistic missiles were fired from "outside the borders of Iraq and the Kurdistan region, specifically from the east," according to the Iraqi News Agency (INA).

    Independent open-source intelligence (OSINT) accounts shared videos reportedly shared by Iranian civilians showing missiles being fired from Iran at the time of the attack, with at least one of the videos being geolocated to a site in Khasabad in the East Azerbaijan province of Iran.
  535. Indeed, I have not seen a united Iraq around anything for a long time. Condemnations all-over-the-map [in Iraq] against Iran following the missile attack, from Erbil to Baghdad, including the "crowner" of kings Shiite preacher Muqtada al-Sadr. Why is this interesting? Because the shooting of the Iranians takes place on days when there is some breakthrough in the contacts for the formation of the government with the participation of factions affiliated with Iran.
    -- roi kais • روعي كايس רועי קייס (@kaisos1987) March 13, 2022.
  536. Fox News Sunday, Mar 13, 2022
  537. Farnaz Fassihi (@farnazfassihi) Tweeted (Mar 14, 2022):
    Update from @EricSchmittNYT: A senior Biden administration official refuted the earlier comment by a US official, saying the administration believes that the building that was hit was a civilian residence only and did not also serve as an Israeli training site.

    -IntelOmarion (@IntelOmarion) Tweeted (Mar 14, 2022):

    @farnazfassihi @EricSchmittNYT
    Seriously? This is extremely unprofessional and dangerous reporting. Your previous claims have only fuelled Iranian propaganda & will enable further attacks on Iraq.
  538. Edward Helmore, "Poll: US majority believes no Russian invasion with Trump as president", The Guardian, Feb 26, 2022.

    Caps-Harris poll shows 62% of respondents believe Putin would not have ordered troops into Ukraine with Trump in White House...

    In partisan terms, the survey found that 85% of Republicans and 38% of Democrats held the view.
  539. John Ratcliffe, Cliff Sims, "Fear Of Donald Trump Kept Putin From Invading Ukraine. Here’s How Trump Pulled It Off", The Federalist , Mar 3, 2022.
  540. Ian hatchett, Maher: ‘If Putin Thought Trump Was Really That Supportive’ Then ‘Why Didn’t He Invade When Trump Was in Office?’, Breitbart, 03/11/2022.
    On Friday’s broadcast of HBO’s “Real Time,” host Bill Maher criticized people who have attempted to make the Russian invasion of Ukraine about their pet issues and criticized those who have attempted to blame the invasion on former President Donald Trump by asking, “if Putin thought Trump was really that supportive of him, why didn’t he invade when Trump was in office?” And arguing that the question’s worth asking “if you’re not locked into one, intransigent thought.”
  543. Houston Keene, US military bases that housed Afghan evacuees suffered $260 million in damage, Fox News, December 28, 2022.
    DOD report notes 'tables, chairs and cots broken' by Afghans, 'tents and cots ruined by spray paint, human biological matter and holes' ... A new Department of Defense (DOD) report found that the U.S. military bases that housed Afghan evacuees suffered $260 million in damages, with the Air Force saying the damage was "unrepairable." The DOD inspector general reported last week that the eight bases housing the refugees in Texas, Wisconsin, New Jersey, Virginia, New Mexico and Indiana are asking for repair money after they sustained over a quarter-billion dollars in damage. Over 17 days, 120,000 evacuees..
  546. Joe Biden: ‘Bizarre’ to Say China is America’s Competition
  549. US-China relations: Trump divisions could haunt Biden presidency
  551. President Biden Calls Uyghur Genocide In Xinjiang “Different Norm”
  552. Axelrod, Tal (March 11, 2021). Chinese lawmakers back move to tighten grip on Hong Kong. The Hill. Retrieved April 20, 2021.
  553. Mitchell, Ellen (April 13, 2021). China sends 25 warplanes into Taiwan air zone. The Hill. Retrieved April 20, 2021.
  554. Bowden, John (March 7, 2021). China calls on Biden to reverse Trump's 'dangerous practice' on Taiwan. The Hill. Retrieved April 20, 2021.
  555. Lonas, Lexi (March 18, 2021). China to ask Biden administration to lift Trump policies: report. The Hill. Retrieved April 20, 2021.
  556. Saudis are working on alliance with China under Joe Biden's 'careless' foreign policy, WND, Dec 24, 2022
  557. TikTok admits to spying on U.S. users as effort to ban the app heats up, Dec 23, 2022.
  558. FBI says China could use TikTok to spy on Americans, including government workers, NPR, November 16, 2022.
  559. Brandon Gillespie, Democrat unloads on Biden decision delaying takedown of Chinese spy balloon, says admin 'owes America answers', Fox News, February 9, 2023 .
  560. Jeremy Herb, Jennifer Hansler, Kylie Atwood, Manu Raju and Haley Britzky, US officials disclosed new details about the balloon's capabilities. Here's what we know, CNN, February 09, 2023.
  561. Victor Nava, Biden downplays Chinese spy balloon, claims ‘not a major breach’, NYPost, February 10, 2023.
  562. BREAKING: US Intelligence Watched Spy Balloon as it Lifted Off Near China’s South Coast – US Military Tracked it For a WEEK Before it Entered US Airspace, GWP, Feb 15, 2023
  563. Republicans ramp up criticism over Chinese spy balloon, The Hill, 02/11/23
  564. MJ Lee and Kevin Liptak, Pressure mounts on Biden to break his silence as 'people are freaked out' over objects shot from sky, CNN, February 13, 2023.
  565. Mark Moore. House Oversight Committee chair accuses China of ‘spy ring’ in US, NYPost, February 13, 2023.
  566. Marisa Herman, Chinese Spying Concerns Fuel New Calls for TikTok Ban, Newsmax, 10 February 2023.
  567. TMZ Live @TMZLive (Feb 8, 2023):
    After the Chinese spy balloon fiasco, TikTok is under a microscope. What is the Government doing about TikTok? We spoke with @FredFleitz on TMZ Live..
  568. White House opposes designating drug cartels as terrorist organizations, March 8, 2023 | Ben Whedon
  579. Pilar Melendez, Biden Accuser Tara Reade Claims She Fled to Russia Fearing for Her Life, Daily Beast at Yahoo, 5/30/2023.
  580. Here are all the times Joe Biden has been accused of acting inappropriately toward women and girls
  581. 8 Women Have Accused Joe Biden Of Sexual Misconduct, Inappropriate Touching
  582. Stephanie Carter: U.S. Defense Secretary Ashton Carter’s Wife
  583. Video: Joe Biden Fondles Little Girls’ Breasts; Uses Bible to Entice Girl at Senate Ceremony
  584. WATCH: Chris Coons Confronted About Biden Groping His Daughter
  585. Sessions Swats Biden’s Hands Away From His Granddaughter
  591. Watch: Joe Biden's Probable Dementia Was on Full Display Today
  592. Joe Biden Forgets How Many Grandchildren He Has...Again
  593. Biden repeats gaffe that he's running 'for the Senate,' appears to not remember Mitt Romney's name
  594. Biden Appears to Forget Trump’s Name, Tells Reporter He’s Running Against a Guy Named “George”
  595. Joe Biden Mistakes His Wife for His Sister
  596. Biden Goes Into Blank Stare After Forgetting Where He Is, Tries and Fails To Pass It Off as Joke
  598. Biden, the buffoon at the American Thinker
  599. 599.0 599.1 Is Joe Biden’s Sometimes Bizarre Behavior a Sign of Dementia?
  600. Democrat’s Endgame Is Beyond Strange: With Dementia-Biden In Severe Mental Decline, The Plan Is To Get Him Elected But Never Let Him Assume The Duties Of President
  603. Biden Claims ‘We Didn’t Have’ a COVID Vaccine When He Took Office
  604. Biden receives COVID-19 vaccination
  606. Biden seems to forget the defense secretary’s name, calls him ‘the guy who runs that outfit’
  607. Joe Biden's 'President Harris' Gaffe Comes after Third of Voters Doubt Mental Fitness
  608. Ignored by Media: Joe Biden Is Completely LOST in Texas Even with Handler Nearby
  609. Biden raises eyebrows with a quip he came to Senate 120 years ago
  622. Biden Walks Off Interview Set Before MSNBC host Is Finished Talking: ‘The Biden Presidency in One Clip’
  630. Jonathan Swan, Hans Nichols, Scoop: Leaked document reveals Biden’s Afghan failures, Axios, February 1, 2022
  631. U.S. officials provided Taliban with names of Americans, Afghan allies to evacuate, Politico, Aug 26, 2021.
  634. U.S. woman killed in Taliban attack: 'Beautiful, funny and ... fearless'.
  653. Ukraine: Macron warns against escalation after Biden's Russia comments, By Euronews with AP, AFP. 28/03/2022.
  654. Curtis Houck, Doocy Time Returns in Battle With Biden Over Rash of White House Walkbacks, NewsBusters, March 28, 2022.
  655. Biden's off-the-cuff remark on Putin sends shock waves on dramatic final day of trip, CNN, Mar 27, 2022
    Biden's off-the-cuff remark on Putin sends shock waves on dramatic final day of trip", "description": "At nearly the same moment President Joe Biden declared him a "butcher" Vladimir Putin's missiles began falling in Lviv, Ukraine.
  661. , Joe Biden roasted for busting out ‘old school, anti-Irish’ slur, claiming he’s Italian: ‘He needs help’, Fox News, Dec 17, 2022.
    One user called Biden's comment 'casual, old school, anti-Irish stereotyping'
  662. Biden says 'I may be Irish but I'm not stupid' - then confuses Jill's father with her grandfather in Delaware speech, Daily Mail, Dec 16, 2022
  666. Kamala Harris and Chris Kelly had opposed each other in 2010 California Attorney General Democratic primary.,_2010#Democratic_primary
  673. Biden is considered the Konstantin Chernenko of the modern Left.
  699. Administration Kicks Off "Recovery Summer" with Groundbreakings and Events Across the Country, The White House, Office of the Press Secretary, Press Release, June 17, 2010. Retrieved from October 9, 2010.
  703. Whitey Bulger was the head of the Boston Irish mafia who enjoyed federal protection under FBI director Robert Mueller as an informant.
    Bulger was convicted of 19 murders that occurred while under Mueller's protection; some have linked the Bulger clan to as many as 52 murders while Mueller was U.S. Attorney in Boston.
    Whitey Bulger was murdered in prison at the age of 89 a few months before the Mueller Report was released.
  717. Kantor, Jodi. "Back on World Stage, a Larger-Than-Life Holbrooke", 7 February 2009. 
  755. "It’s not as if Biden didn’t know what he was doing....He just didn’t care. Biden had made a calculated decision that the elections he would win were worth the damage he inflicted....the rank cynicism and callousness involved in his two-decade-long championing of carceral policies should be more than enough to give anyone pause about his qualities as a leader"
  758. What are we going to do about Creepy Uncle Joe Biden?, WaPo
  781. Chuck Ross and Andrew Kerr,Photos Place Hunter Biden At Father's House The Day He Invoked Dad’s Name to Chinese Business Partner, Free Beacon, June 22, 2023
  782. Ryah Mills, Raffensperger Defends Georgia Election Integrity ahead of Biden’s Voting Rights Speech, NRO, January 11, 2022
  783. Dave Williams, Raffensperger calls for ban on non-citizen voting, Capitol Beat News Service, Jan 11, 2022
  784. CNN Tonight. 9pm ET/6pm PT. Jan 11, 2022
  790. Alana Goodman, White House Caves to Anti-Israel Pressure on Anti-Semitism Rollout, Free Beacon, May 25, 2023.

    Biden admin says it 'welcomes and appreciates' watered-down definition of anti-Semitism

    ... The White House said on Thursday that it is also partnering on the initiative with the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), which has a long history of anti-Semitism. CAIR "will launch a tour to educate religious communities about steps they can take to protect their houses of worship from hate incidents" as part of the initiative to combat anti-Semitism, the White House said in a statement.
  791. J B Pollak, [ Jewish Groups Blast Biden's Anitsemitism Strategy; Shaped by CAIR, Breitbart, May 25, 2023.
  792. 5th Gen AZ Family- unelected to SC @bullfrog35 (May 26, 2023):
    Remember "Lady Al-Qaeda" who the #Colleyville terrorist wanted freed for synagogue hostages? There was a “free Lady Al-Qaeda” rally organized by CAIR weeks earlier in Ft. Worth. Yesterday, Biden administration mentioned CAIR: CAIR’s (supposed) job is to protect houses of worship.


    Remember Ilhan Omar’s “some people did something” at the CAIR banquet? CAIR can now market their banquets as “fighting antiSemitism with the Biden-Harris Administration."
  793. Nikki Haley @NikkiHaley:
    Joe Biden is pandering to the radical Left and siding with Israel’s enemies. It’s shameful. Anti-Semitism is not hard to define if you’re serious about stopping it.
    (May 26, 2023)
  794. Victor Nava, Jewish groups ‘extremely disturbed’ and say Biden ‘blew it’ on policy to counter anti-Semitism, NY Post, May 25, 2023.
    The White House on Thursday rolled out a 60-page strategy to counter anti-Semitism in the United States that some Jewish and anti-hate groups say misses the mark...
  795. Paul Packer, No room for antisemites, JPost, June 22, 2023.
  796. Canary Mission @canarymission (June 22, 2023):
    In response to @WhiteHouse plan to combat antisemitism, which equivocates on the use of @The IHRA definition of antisemitism, senators introduce resolution to urge exclusive use of IHRA definition across all gov't & academic institutions.

    Sen. Rick Scott Leads Resolution to Clearly Label Attacks Against Israel as Anti-Semitism, June 15, 2023.

  797. President Joe Biden tells crowd in Colorado that his son Beau ‘lost his life in Iraq’, Twitchy, Oct 12, 2022
  800. Andrea Widburg, "As a Christmas present to America, Biden denounces himself," American Thinker, 25 Dec, 2021.
    Joe Biden and Mrs. Joe Biden were taking calls from children and their parents to NORAD (which “tracks” Santa Claus). One father, speaking in cheerful and respectful tones, ended the call by saying “Merry Christmas and let’s go, Brandon.” And to the delight of Biden’s tens of millions of detractors, Biden echoed those words and added, “I agree.” His supporters could argue that he was taking the air out of the phrase, but alternative explanations are that he couldn’t hide from the truth or that he was revealing yet another sign of dementia...
  801. Biden says 'Let's go Brandon, I agree' during Christmas call with kids, parents, WND, Dec 24, 2021
  807. Does Joe Biden Have Butt Hair on His Head?, By Jessica Pressler, The Intelligencer, Aug. 25, 2008.
  808. Biden explains Indian-American remarks, MSNBC
  810. Biden's description of Obama draws scrutiny, CNN

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