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Intifada is an Arabic word which means shudder, awaken, or an uprising.[1] In politics this word refers to the ongoing terrorist actions taken by Palestinian Arabs against Israel. The most recent Second Intifada began before Ariel Sharon visited the Temple Mount, September-2000 and lasted till-2005. Despite dubbed the "Al-Aqsa Intifada" (opportunistically using Al-Aqsa Mosque: Use for Jihad) blamed by Arab Palestinians on Sharon, the anti-Israel incitement by "Palestinian" leadership to and acts of violence actually began before Sharon's visit on Temple Mount. But was later used as an excuse in order to rouse the masses into a "holy" war. And despite not even attempting to enter any mosques. Fact:[2]

Sharon did not attempt to enter any mosques and his 34 minute visit was conducted during normal hours when the area is open to tourists. Palestinian youths — eventually numbering around 1,500 — shouted slogans in an attempt to inflame the situation. Some 1,500 Israeli police were present at the scene to forestall violence.

There were limited disturbances during Sharon's visit, mostly involving stone throwing. During the remainder of the day, outbreaks of stone throwing continued on the Temple Mount and in the vicinity, leaving 28 Israeli policemen injured, three of whom were hospitalized. There are no accounts of Palestinian injuries on that day. Significant and orchestrated violence was initiated by Palestinians the following day following Friday prayers.

Planned after July 2000 Camp David

Imad Falluji, Arafat's Palestinian Minister of Communications: "Al-Aqsa Intifada has been planned since Camp David."[3][4][5][6]

In 2002, Ehud Barak confirmed this in an interview with Prof. Benny Morris: "We have solid intelligence that Arafat planned to release the war dogs, a violent clash, and Sharon's visit is an excellent excuse for that."[6]

As well as was declared so on June 29, 2010 by Mahmoud Al-Zahar, and by Arafat's wife Suha, on Nov 12, 2011.[5]

In Sep/2022, Fatah boasted: Arafat deliberately started the intifada terror campaign - testimony by Arafat’s advisor who was there.[7]

Nevertheless, Arafat called this outbreak the al-Aqsa Intifada, in order to create the impression that [if] it is a "response" to it.[4]

During the conflict, the Palestinian Arabs have resorted to terrorist tactics of killing many innocent Israelis. The international community, through the United Nations, has typically rebuked Israel for its attempts to deal with the ongoing threat to its people posed by suicide bombers who target civilians.

An iconic moment was a few weeks later with the shocking Oct Ramallah lynch defined as animalistic.

Arafat: "Dead children are the greatest nessage to the world." (Jan 15, 2002).[8][9]

At the Intifada, Yassir Arafat made great use of children as tools. Creating Martyrs for the Media. And has "improved" each time. [10][11]

The Muslim Brotherhood[edit]

Hamas leader abroad Khaled Mash'al: "The Muslim Brotherhood founded the Hamas movement, helped plan the Al-Aqsa Intifada, funded the Palestinian "Resistance [sic]" factions[12]


  2. Al-Aqsa Intifada: Background & Overview (September 2000 - September 2005)
  3. Palestinian minister: "Al-Aqsa Intifada has been planned since Camp David", Walla! news, Mar 2, 2001.
    According to Imad Falluji, the Palestinian Minister of Communications. The eruption was not spontaneous following Sharon's visit to the Temple Mount but was carefully planned; In a speech at a refugee camp in Lebanon: "We will escalate the struggle."
  4. 4.0 4.1 Dore Gold, "The Battle for Jerusalem: Israel's Political Challenge", Yefiot Achronot, 2008, p. 218.
    According to Imad Falluji, the Palestinian Authority's communications minister, the outbreak of Palestinian violence was planned in advance by Arafat, many months earlier; Nevertheless, Arafat called this outbreak the al-Aqsa Intifada, in order to create the impression that it is a response to it.
  5. 5.0 5.1 Michael Curtis, Truth and Misinformation: Yasser Arafat and the CIA American Thinker, April 6, 2014.

    Documents and public statements by Palestinians make clear that Yasser Arafat had planned and was determined to mount the violence against Israel after the breakdown of peace talks at the second Camp David summit on July 25, 2000.  Instructions to this effect were given to the Palestinian security forces. Arafat had already signaled his intentions in a speech to the Fatah movement in Nablus a month earlier. He said, referring to Arab battles, “We will sacrifice our lives for Palestine. (We) should remember the battle of Karameh, the Beirut Campaign, and the seven years of the (first) Intifada. We are willing to erase everything and start everything afresh.” A number of statements by individuals close to Arafat describe his decision to launch action by the political and security bodies of the Palestinian Authority. Meetings were held to discuss tactics by the forces controlled by the Authority. A clear statement was made in March 2001 by Imad Falluji , the Minister of Communications of the PA,  that Sharon was not responsible but that “It was planned since Arafat’s return from Camp David, and his rejection of President Bill Clinton’s peace proposals.”

    Perhaps most telling are the statements, two slightly different versions, by Suha Arafat, widow of Yasser, on TV interviews on November 12, 2011 and again on December 12, 2011 that Arafat had decided to initiate the Intifada. In one version the leader told her to leave “Palestine, because I want to start an intifada.” In the second version she said, “We met in Paris and he asked me to remain there” because “I am going to start an intifada.” Arafat explained he was doing this because “he was asked to betray the Palestinian people, but he was not about to do so.” Besides the confessions of the unrestrained widow is the bland if surprising statement on June 29, 2010 by Mahmoud Al-Zahar, one of the leaders of Hamas. He stated that Arafat had ordered not only his Fatah forces but also the Hamas movement to carry out military actions against Israel after he believed that negotiations had failed. Al-Zahar differed from Arafat on the rationale for and actions during the Intifada. Arafat had said he wanted to use terror attacks for tactical purposes, to pressure Israel presumably to improve his position in negotiations. The Hamas leader, however, wanted not merely tactical pressure but the attacks to be strategic ones against the State of Israel, euphemism for the elimination of Israel.

    In spite of all these assertions about the direct responsibility of Yasser in initiating the Second Intifada, some still persist in the belief that he was simply responding to Israeli provocation.
  6. 6.0 6.1 Uri Milstein, The Tomb of Joseph's - First Battle, News1, May 24, 2013.

    In September 2000, the Likud leader and leader of the opposition, Ariel Sharon, visited the Temple Mount with members of the Likud faction in the Knesset. Some estimated that this visit caused an intifada. This assessment was refuted by Arafat's postal and communications minister Imad Paluji, who said in a speech in Lebanon in March 2001, "Anyone who thinks the intifada broke out because of Sharon's heinous visit to the al-Aqsa Mosque is wrong. Reject Clinton's proposals."

    In 2002, Ehud Barak confirmed this in an interview with Prof. Benny Morris: "We have solid intelligence that Arafat planned to release the war dogs, a violent clash, and Sharon's visit is an excellent excuse for that."
  7. Itamar Marcus, Fatah boasts: Arafat deliberately started the intifada terror campaign - testimony by Arafat’s advisor who was there, Palwatch, Sep 13, 2022.

    This week, Fatah posted an old interview with Mamdouh Nawfal who served as Yasser Arafat's Advisor on Internal Affairs in 2000. Nawfal described in detail Arafat’s decision to take advantage of then Israeli Parliament Member Ariel Sharon’s visit to the Temple Mount in September 2000 to start a terror campaign that would last a “long” time. The terror orchestrated by Arafat and the PA lasted 4.5 years, during which time Palestinian terrorists, including many members of Arafat’s PA security forces funded by the West, murdered 1,100 Israelis.  Palestinian Media Watch reported at the time, and has added extensive documentation since, that the "second Intifada" was a terror campaign initiated and directed by Arafat, contrary to claims of the Western governments and some Israeli leaders who were misled into believing that Arafat was merely unable to stop it.   In the interview originally broadcast on Al-Jazeera on Feb. 3, 2009, and posted by Fatah on Facebook on Sept. 6, 2022, Arafat’s advisor Nawfal described that already on the day of Sharon’s visit to the Temple Mount, Arafat "dispatch[ed] many people under the name Guardians of Al-Aqsa" to initiate violence.  

    The very next day he gave the orders that the Palestinian terror was to be "everywhere"..
  8. Arafat: Dead children are the greatest message to the world, Palwatch.
    Official Palestinian Authority TV - Jan 15, 2002
  9. A.J. Caschetta, The Palestinian Solidarity Statement I’d like to see: Stop abusing your children!, INN Aug 22, 2021.
    We are haunted by images of Palestinian Arab children conscripted to Hamas and Islamic Jihad camps. It is time to end the travesty.
  10. The Use of Palestinian Children in the Al-Aqsa Intifada. Justus Reid Weiner, November 1, 2000.
  11. Arab Journalist Decries Palestinian Child-Soldiers Memri, October 31, 2000. Huda Al-Husseini, journalist with the London based pan-Arab daily Al-Sharq Al-Awsat, wrote the following article which was published on October 27, 2000.
  12. Hamas Leader Abroad Khaled Mash'al: The Muslim Brotherhood Founded The Hamas Movement, Helped Plan The Al-Aqsa Intifada, Funded The Palestinian "Resistance" Factions, Memri, February 7, 2023.

    Ibrahim Munir, a prominent leader of the Muslim Brotherhood (MB) who served in the recent years as the movement's acting general guide and who was the head of the movement's London faction, died in London on November 4, 2022. In the eulogy he delivered for Munir, Khaled Mash'al, the leader of the Hamas movement abroad, emphasized the close relations between the MB and Hamas, the MB's significant contribution to the establishment of Hamas, and the support it has extended to this movement over the years. Mash'al noted, for example, that when the Al-Aqsa intifada broke out, the MB leadership formed a support apparatus for the Palestinians, headed by Ibrahim Munir, which assisted Hamas and all the Palestinian resistance factions, helped with the planning of the intifada, and provided financial, political and media support to Hamas, which continued after Munir became the MB's acting general guide. Mash'al urged the members of the MB and of Hamas to follow in Munir's footsteps in order to achieve the important objectives, chiefly exalting Islam, the Islamic nation and the Palestinian cause.

    Born in 1937 in Mansoura, Egypt, Ibrahim Munir joined the MB in 1952 after being deeply influenced by the writings of the organization's founder, Hassan Al-Banna. During the Nasserist era he was jailed for 10 years for membership in the MB. After his release in 1975 he spent five years in Kuwait before being granted political asylum in Britain, where he lived until his death and was involved in the establishment of Islamic centers.  Munir served many prominent roles in the MB movement. He was appointed to the Guidance Office in 1995 and was subsequently appointed secretary of the international MB and the organization's spokesperson in Europe. In 2009 he became one of the deputies of MB general guide. From September 2020 he served as the movement's acting general guide, standing in for General Guide Muhammad Badie, who is serving a life sentence in Egypt, after the former acting general guide, Mahmoud 'Izzat,  was arrested as well. Since the MB split into two factions nine years ago, Munir was head of the faction based in London, opposing the rival faction, based in Istanbul, which did not recognize his authority. Under the Mubarak and Al-Sisi regimes he was tried in absentia for membership in a terror organization.</blockquot></span> </li>


"The Mufti.. concocted a new kind of antisemitism that combined traditional Muslim antisemitism, like the anti-Jewish verses you find in the Koran, with the Nazi antisemitism that demonised Jews... His whole ideology was antisemitic and from the very beginning he targeted Jews, not Zionists."
The difference between lies and reality is sometimes just a color on a map
The only tweet (July 2014) on the Twitter account of the late American Elan Ganeles - murdered by Arab-Islamist "Palestinian" on Feb 27, 2023 hy"d: "I think you're always going to have tension in the Middle East, when there's [are] people who want to kill Jews, and the Jews don't want to be killed, and neither side is willing to compromise."

Categories: [Israel] [Middle East Politics]

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