Unsolved Mysteries was a television program which ran on NBC from 1988-1997, then on CBS from 1997-1999. It revived for a brief time (mainly from repackaged segments of older episodes) on Lifetime Channel from 2001-2002, after which it has appeared as reruns on various cable networks. The movie streaming service Netflix produced six new episodes beginning in July 2020.
The show featured a documentary format with four segments at around ten minutes each, along with smaller segments featuring updates from prior episodes. Each segment would fall generally into one of four categories:
In the Wanted and Lost Loves categories, later episodes would feature updates (such as the capture of a wanted person, or a person seeking the whereabouts of another is reunited with that person).
The producers continue to maintain a website and accept leads on Wanted or Lost Loves segments (and update them as applicable).
Categories: [Television Shows]