Islamic Apologism

From Conservapedia

Islamic Apologism refers to the whitewashing of Islam by Islamic apologists and Leftists. [1]

Myths pushed by Islamic Apologists[edit]

"Islam Means Peace"[edit]

The Myth[edit]

The root word of Islam is "Al-Salaam", which is "peace" in Arabic.


Arabic words have only one root. The root word in Arabic for Islam is "Al-Silm", which translates to "submission" or "surrender". There is no disagreement among Islamic scholars regarding this.

In Islam, "Peace" can only exist once all non-Muslims have been conquered and subdued. As the modern day Islamic scholar Ibrahim Sulaiman, puts it, "Jihad is not inhumane, despite its necessary violence and bloodshed, its ultimate desire is peace which is protected and enhanced by the rule of law."

"Islam Respects Women as Equals"[edit]

The Myth[edit]

"The Koran places men and women on equal foundation before Allah and each other. Women have equal rights under Islamic law."


There are four Koranic verses in which "Allah" says that an Islamic master full sexual access to their female slaves, but there is no verse that prohibits rape.

The Koran gives Islamic men permission to beat their wives for disobeying them, but nowhere does it order that there should be love in a marriage. The verses bluntly state that husbands are a "degree above" their wives. Additionally the Hadith claims that women are "intellectually inferior, and that they comprise the majority of Hell's occupants.

"Jihad means Inner Struggle"[edit]

The Myth[edit]

Jihad simply means struggle and really just refers to a peaceful striving against sin rather than a holy war to spread Islam.


The Koran in verses 4:95 and 9:91 specifically exempt the 'weak' and disabled from Jihad, which makes no sense in the context of a spiritual struggle.

"Islam is a Religion of Peace"[edit]

The Myth[edit]

Mohammed was a peaceful man who taught his followers to be the same. Muslims lived peacefully for centuries, fighting only in self-defense, and only when it was necessary. True Muslims would never act aggressively.


There is no real argument over who is a "true Muslim" due to the fact that in one of the Koran's last chapters, Sura 9, defines the true believer as one who, "strives and fights with their wealth and person". On the other hand, it defines hypocrites as those who "sit at home," refusing to join the jihad against unbelievers in foreign lands."

"Muslims believe in Jesus"[edit]

The Myth[edit]

In keeping with the tolerant religion of Islam, Muslims have great respect for the Jesus found in the Bible.


The Koran specifically refers to Christians as "blasphemers" (5:17 and 5:72), as "liars" (10:68-69), and claims that Christians will be mocked while being tortured in Hell (22:19-22).

"Islam is Tolerant of Other Religions"[edit]

The Myth[edit]

"Religious minorities have flourished under Islam. Muslims are ordered to protect Jews and Christians (the People of the Book) and do no harm to them. In Sura 109, the Koran says, "To you, your religion. To me, mine."


Any true Koran scholar would point out that the purpose of the verse was to distinguish Islam from the Polytheism of the Quraysh, rather than advocating tolerance for non-Muslims.

Additionally, there are over 500 verses of the Koran that talk about Allah's hatred for non-Muslims and the "punishment" that he has prepared for their unbelief.

"Islam Facilitated the Golden Age of Scientific Discovery[edit]

The Myth[edit]

"Islam fostered a rich heritage of scientific discovery, 'paving the way' for modern advances in technology and medicine."


Islam tends to discourage knowledge outside of itself (Koran 5:101-102). Additionally there are four simple reasons as to why Islam has no true claim to scientific achievement:

1. The Islamic world benefited off of the Greek Sciences, translated to them by Christians and Jews (who adherents of Islam refer to as "dhimmis").

2. Many of the scientific advances credited to Islam were actually stolen from other cultures conquered by Muslims. For example, the mathematical concept of "zero", was a Hindu discovery, falsely attributed to Islam by the modern day Leftist academia.

3. The best scientists of the Islamic world were often considered heretics in their days. Al-Razi, a Persian scientist and philosopher was denounced as a "blasphemer" for following his own religious beliefs.

4. Even the contributions attributed to Islam are not that big. For instance, the 'invention' of the words, "alchemy" and "elixir".

"Islam is Opposed to Slavery"[edit]

The Myth[edit]

"Islam is intolerant of enslaving human beings. The religion eradicated the institution of slavery thanks to the principles set in motion by Mohammed, who was an abolitionist."


Mohammed himself, captured, owned and sold slaves. In at least four separate Suras, the Koran gives slave-owners the freedom to sexually exploit their slaves. The Center of the Study of Political Islam, summarized their findings as such: "Mohammed captured slaves, sold slaves, bought slaves as gifts of pleasure, received slaves as gifts, and used slaves for work. The Sira is exquisitely clear on the issue of slavery."


Categories: [Islam]

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