
From Conservapedia
Biden: "My children are going to grow up in a jungle, the jungle being a racial jungle."[1]

Racism is making a moral judgment about a person based on skin color or ethnic heritage. The hatred of another person because of the color of his or her skin is racist; some use the term racism for the perceived difference in origin, as a member of an ethnic group. It stems from a collectivist ideal toward the group of one's ethnic origin.

Racism, often expressed through dog whistles and code words, is a manifestation of the sin of pride - thinking you are something you are not, in this case, better than someone else because of your ethnic heritage or because of someone else's ethnic heritage outside your bloodline.

The doctrine of substantive due process in United States constitutional law can be used to invalidate racist laws. Alternately, the equal protection clause of the Fourteenth Amendment can be used to do the same. See e.g. Brown v. Board of Education, 347 U.S. 483 (1954).

Systemic or institutionalized racism[edit]

Institutional racism includes the Jim Crow laws in heavily Democrat states or the discrimination and violence against minority white South Africans by their country's own government[2] approaching the level of genocide.[3]

According to leftists, racists practice diversity, allowing black white supremacists who run for public office against white Democratic party candidates into their ranks.[4]


There has been an increase in hate speech and racially motivated violence during the covid 19 pandemic, especially against the ethnically Chinese community. This includes blaming China for the outbreak, and vilifying medical experts of Chinese descent, such as Canadian Theresa Tam, who has been called a Chinese Communist Party plant.[5][6] It has been called '"Chinese Virus", "Wuhan Virus", "kung flu'"[7] and the "Chinese Communist Party (CCP) flu".[8]

Reconciliation vs. vindictiveness[edit]

The future of the Democratic party, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, flashing a white supremacist coded message.[9]

Laird Wilcox wrote:

"There is a humanist anti-racism that focuses on reconciliation and healing, that works to bring people together, that functions openly and honestly without the use of dossiers, spies, specious lawsuits, disinformation, and that recognizes the rights of individuals whether they agree with one another or not. This is the anti-racism of good neighbors, of people helping people, of community goodwill, and of the realization that we are all human beings. ...
On the other hand, there is a vindictive and corrupt anti-racism that focuses on paybacks and punishment, that demonizes and degrades its critics, that attempts to carve out special rights for its constituency, that opposes free and open discussion of ideas, that attempts to silence, censor and stifle its opposition through intimidation and harassment, and encourages law enforcement scrutiny of opponents because of their alleged values, opinions and beliefs."[10]

American writers and filmmakers have created many works to undermine racism. Uncle Tom's Cabin opposed slavery. Huckleberry Finn showed a black man as a moral equal to whites. Song of the South was Disney's first live-action film starring a black man (the actor received a special Oscar for his performance).

Racism hoaxes[edit]

The decline of taking legitimate claims of racism in America reached a height when after 2009 the authoritarian ruling Democrat Party, with a veto-proof Congress, impugned opponents with legitimate concerns about the socialist and coercive mandates of the Affordable Care Act, or Obamacare as it is more popularly known, as motivated by "racism".

According to the liberal magazine, Today's Parent, teaching a child to eat with a knife and fork is "racist".[11]

The Democrat Party's role in Civil Rights[edit]

1924 Democratic Convention.
See also: Liberalism and racism

From 1868 onward, Southern terror groups like the Ku Klux Klan carried out a brutal repression of both blacks and whites complicit in the plan to give the former slaves social and political equality. Thousands – especially prominent blacks – were whipped, beaten, mutilated and killed. The Southern political apparatus, primarily the Democrat Party, was no friend to blacks either, and in conjunction with the Klan carried out a de facto disenfranchisement through fraud and intimidation.[12]

Liberals attempt to divide the races into different social classes through the use of racial quotas and affirmative action and place value on people and judge them based on their race and/or skin color. While most Americans look forward to a "post-racial America," where race is not a factor in a person's success, liberal interests demand that one's success depends on government intervention, and so attempt to artificially affect hiring and admissions decisions in order to keep certain people dependent on and grateful to the government for their livelihoods.

In contemporary times, cultural Marxists have replaced the proletariat with identity politics as the oppressed group. Hence, a group of "oppressors" are needed whom doctrinaire Marxists falsely accuse of "racism" to fulfill their authoritarian agenda.[13]

In reality, many Democrat presidents from the end of the Civil War until now were either racist or had racist sympathies. In Seattle, Democrat city councilmen Larry Gossett objected to cleaning the sidewalks surrounding the courthouse because pressure washing the sidewalks of urine and excrement, in the Democrat councilman's words, "is racist."[14]

On some college campuses, liberals have supported and even implemented segregated college housing, with the segregation based purely on one's skin color.[15]

Woodrow Wilson[edit]

Despite historians revisionism, Democrat racism was well known at the time.

Woodrow Wilson was only the second Democrat elected president since the Civil War, and he believed that blacks were inferior. Wilson segregated Washington, D.C. and all federal buildings and installations throughout the country with separate bathrooms and cafeterias - even in states without Jim Crow Laws. Wilson segregated the Army, wiping out 50 years of social progress that Blacks had made under Republican administrations.[16] Military bases, post offices, and federal buildings in Northern states - states that won the war - were transformed to resemble Southern plantations, with Blacks allowed to work in the kitchen, but couldn't dine with Whites and had to use their own separate restrooms.

Wilson also believed that Italians were even more inferior,[17] and he later appointed his anti-Semitic attorney general James McReynolds to the Supreme Court. According to Sigmund Freud, Wilson had a mental disorder.

Franklin Roosevelt and Harry Truman[edit]

Franklin Roosevelt appointed Ku Klux Klan Grand Wizard Hugo Black to the Supreme Court. Franklin Roosevelt always opposed Republican civil rights bills and anti-lynching legislation.

FDR excluded the four-time Olympic gold medalist Jesse Owens from the customary White House visit by Olympic athletes. As Jesse Owens later explained:[18]

Hitler didn’t snub me; it was our president FDR who snubbed me. The president didn’t even send a [congratulatory] telegram.

Harry Truman, a Ku Klux Klan sympathizer, wrote a letter to his own wife condemning blacks and Orientals.[19]

The Civil Rights movement[edit]

See also: Segregation and Systemic racism

John F. Kennedy[edit]

John F. Kennedy admired Hitler,[20] and his father Joe opposed US entry into World War II out of anti-Semitism.

John Kennedy campaigning.

Sen. John F. Kennedy of Massachusetts, who later ran for president, voted against the Civil Rights Act of 1957.[21] Kennedy's 1957 book, Profiles in Courage, celebrated the vote of Sen. Edmund Ross to acquit Pres. Andrew Johnson, the first step in ending Republican Reconstruction reforms and paving the way for the Democrat era of Jim Crow laws and the segregation era.[22]

Lyndon Johnson[edit]

The 1957 Civil Rights Act was the first federal civil rights legislation passed by the United States Congress since the Republicans passed the Civil Rights Act of 1875. Johnson told Sen. Richard Russell,

"These Negroes, they're getting pretty uppity these days and that's a problem for us since they've got something now they never had before, the political pull to back up their uppityness. Now we've got to do something about this, we've got to give them a little something, just enough to quiet them down, not enough to make a difference. For if we don't move at all, then their allies will line up against us and there'll be no way of stopping them, we'll lose the filibuster and there'll be no way of putting a brake on all sorts of wild legislation. It'll be Reconstruction all over again."[23]

Lyndon Johnson sought to buy off Blacks through dependency and said "I will have those n---ers vote Democrat for the next 200 years." While Johnson also appointed NAACP lawyer Thurgood Marshall the first African American Supreme Court Justice, a young White House attorney recommended Federal Judge William Henry Hastie—who had been Marshall's professor at Harvard Law School—as a more qualified African American candidate, but LBJ rejected the light-skinned Hastie, explaining, "Son, when I appoint a ni--er to the court, I want everyone to know he's a ni--er." [24]

Joe Biden[edit]

In 1972 Delaware Sen. Joseph Biden re-cycled the racist rhetoric of John C. Calhoun, arguing that school segregation was a "positive good" for Blacks. Calhoun famously laid out his doctrine of separation of the races as a civilizing force among Blacks which became Democrat talking points before the Dred Scott decision, throughout the Civil War, Reconstruction, the Jim Crow era, and the New Deal. In a Democrat filibuster on the floor of the Senate, Calhoun famously said:

Biden called segregation "a matter of Black pride" and pushed for a Constitutional Amendment to outlaw Court ordered de-segregation.[25]
"I hold that in the present state of civilization, where two races of different origin, and distinguished by color, and other physical differences, as well as intellectual, are brought together, the relation now existing in the slaveholding States between the two, is, instead of an evil, a good—a positive good."

Biden resurrected the idea that segregation was "for their own good" and that Blacks were grateful for it.

“I think the concept of busing … that we are going to integrate people so that they all have the same access and they learn to grow up with one another and all the rest, is a rejection of the whole movement of black pride, a rejection of the entire black awareness concept, where black is beautiful, black culture should be studied; and the cultural awareness of the importance of their own identity, their own individuality.”[26]

In the 21st century Biden tried to separate himself from his previous racist statements on school integration:

"Poor kids are just as smart as white kids."

Biden led a coalition of segregationists that was opposed by Republican Sen. Edward Brooke, the first African American senator elected since Democrats forced the end of Reconstruction after the Civil War. National Public Radio's David Ensor asked Biden, "What about a constitutional amendment? Isn’t that what you’re gonna have to end up supporting if you want to stop court ordered busing, too?" Biden responded,

"That would clearly do it. I’m hopeful, and I have — now that I have some sort of new allies in this area, it’s become respectable now for liberals to at least say publicly what they’ve been saying in private, that busing doesn’t work. We are trying to figure out whether or not we can come up with an innovative piece of legislation which would limit the remedy, and I don’t — honestly don’t know whether we can come up with something constitutional. And if we can’t, I will not in an attempt to eliminate busing violate the Constitution. I won’t do that. The only way, if I’m gonna go at it, I’m gonna go at it through a Constitutional Amendment if it can’t be done through a piece of legislation."

Ensor reported that Biden proposed renewing segregation because busing "wasn't working" ("wasn't working" to the electoral advantage of Democrats and not necessarily to the cause of equal rights for Blacks), and Biden was afraid that older liberal colleagues were blind to how Black separatists felt about their children being bused to white schools.

"There are those of we social planners who think somehow that if we just subrogate man’s individual characteristics and traits by making sure that a presently heterogeneous society becomes a totally homogeneous society, that somehow we’re going to solve our social ills. Quite to the contrary."
Title VI of the 1964 Civil Rights Act prohibits discrimination based on race, color, or national origin in programs or activities receiving federal financial assistance.[27] By 1975, Biden authored an amendment to gut Title VI of the 1964 Civil Rights Act. Politico writes of the whole sordid affair,
Biden morphed into a leading anti-busing crusader—all the while continuing to insist that he supported the goal of school desegregation, he only opposed busing as the means to achieve that end. This stance, which many of Biden’s liberal and moderate colleagues also held, was clever but disingenuous. It enabled Biden to choose votes over principles, while acting as if he was not doing so....In a seminal moment, the Senate thus turned against desegregation. The Senate had supported the 1964 Civil Rights Act, 1965 Voting Rights Act and 1968 Fair Housing Act....the Senate remained the last bastion for those who supported strong integration policies. Biden stormed that bastion...[25]

Sen. James Abourezk of South Dakota related how Biden reacted when Abrourezek tried to block the amendment:

‘Abourezk, you **********, if I ever vote for another one of your bills, it'll be a cold day in hell.'

‘Calm down, Joe,' I told him, ‘You're eventually gonna thank me for doing this.'

‘Like hell I will you dirty *******.'

A few days later, Biden came into the scheduled committee meeting, this time with a broad, friendly grin aimed directly at me.

‘Jesus, Abourezk, you were right,' he said. ‘I am gonna thank you. You should see the Delaware newspapers—big front-page headlines saying, ‘Biden Battles Liberals in Washington.' He was unabashedly elated. ‘They love me back home, how did you know this would happen?'[28]

The New York Times published a lengthy story on Biden's advocacy of segregation. In a 1977 congressional hearing related to anti-desegregation orders, Biden emphasized,

"Unless we do something about this, my children are going to grow up in a jungle, the jungle being a racial jungle."[29]

Republican Sen. Edward Brooke, the first black senator ever to be popularly elected, called Biden's amendment “the greatest symbolic defeat for civil rights since 1964.” Brooke accused Biden of leading an assault on integration.

Prof. Ronnie Dunn said opposition to busing was motivated by racism and that without the court-ordered policy Biden probably would not have become vice president in 2009. “What I find ironic is that [Biden] was the vice president under a president who, if it hadn’t been for the social interaction that occurred during the era of busing, I argue we likely would not have seen the election of Barack Obama." Dunn, an Urban Studies professor at Cleveland State University and author of the book Boycotts, Busing, & Beyond, said Biden made the case in favor of maintaining segregation. "That was an argument against desegregation.” Dunn said Biden must address the issue if he runs for president. “People have to be held accountable."[30]

Biden's opposition to integration didn't stop there. HuffPo reported:

In 1977, two black men nominated for key Justice Department posts by President Jimmy Carter easily won approval from the Senate Judiciary Committee. After confirmation by the full Senate, Drew Days III became the nation’s first black head of the department’s civil rights division and Wade McCree became the second black solicitor general. Only one member of the committee voted against them. It wasn’t segregationists Strom Thurmond (R-S.C.) or James Eastland (D-Miss.). It wasn’t even former Ku Klux Klan member Robert Byrd (D-W.Va.). The lone Judiciary Committee vote against the two men was Sen. Joe Biden (D-Del.).[31]

In 1981 Biden said in a Senate hearing, “sometimes even George Wallace is right about some things.” Wallace is famous for saying in 1963, “segregation now, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever.”[32] Biden read the "N" word into the Congressional Record during an open hearing in 1986.[33] In a farewell address to retiring Democrat segregationist Sen. John Stennis Biden said:

"To think that I would be one day on the floor of the United States Senate, being paid such accolades by such a man of character and courage as John Stennis is beyond my wildest dreams. And I mean that sincerely."[34]

When Biden announced his candidacy Politico attempted to poo-poo and explain away Biden and liberal Democrat racism with a back-handed slap at school vouchers for minority students, which liberal elites have strenuously opposed ever since the Biden Amendment passed:

School desegregation, as part of a broader suite of civil rights reforms, was once as a vital component of the Democratic Party platform. Yet since the 1970s, Democrats, in the face of concerted white backlash, have largely accommodated themselves to increasing segregation in public schools across the nation. Party leaders, even the most progressive among them, rarely propose serious solutions to this vexing problem. A sincere critique of Biden’s busing record would require a broader reckoning of the Democratic Party’s—and by extension the nation’s—abandonment of this central goal of the civil rights movement. And it’s hard to see that happening anytime soon.[35]
Sen. Cory Booker of New Jersey condemned the 2020 Democrat primary frontrunner at the Juneteenth annual commemoration of Republican Abraham Lincoln ending slavery in the United States.
You don’t joke about calling black men 'boys'...frankly, I’m disappointed that he hasn’t issued an immediate apology for the pain his words are dredging up for many Americans. He should.[36]

Jimmy Carter and Walter Mondale[edit]

Jimmy Carter on the campaign trail with the Democratic nominee, Walter Mondale, in 1984.

The Mississippi Freedom Party was organized by African Americans to challenge the establishment Democratic Party, which allowed participation only by whites. The party ran a slate of delegates with close to 80,000 people casting ballots.[37] The party hoped to replace the Regular Democrats as the official Mississippi delegation at the 1964 Democratic National Convention.

At the convention the party challenged the Regular Democrats' right to be seated, claiming that the Regular Democrats were illegally elected in a segregated process that violated both party regulations and federal law.[38] The Equal Protection Clause had been on the books for nearly 100 years already. The Democratic Party referred the challenge to the credentials committee,[39] which televised its proceedings and allowed the nation to see and hear the moving testimony of several delegates and the retaliation inflicted on them by Democrats for attempting to vote.[40]

After that, most observers and pundits thought the credentials committee were ready to unseat the Regular Democrats and seat the Freedom Party delegates in their place. But some Democrats from other states threatened to leave the convention and bolt the party if the Regular Democrats were unseated. President Johnson wanted a united convention and feared losing support. To ensure his victory in November, Johnson maneuvered to prevent the Mississippi Freedom Democrats from replacing the all-white Regular Democrats.

Two future Democrat Presidential nominees, Hubert Humphrey and Walter Mondale, denied Blacks equal protection and made a mockery of the civil rights movement.[41] Johnson held a private meeting with Humphrey, Mondale, Roy Wilkins, Andrew Young, United Auto Workers President Walter Reuther and Martin Luther King Jr. A plan was hatched to offer the Freedom Democrats two non-voting At-Large seats with observer status, rather than replace the all-white delegation which had been undemocratically and illegally elected.[42] Johnson arrogated to himself the right to pick which two, and Johnson chose one white and one black. Johnson dispatched Humphrey and Mondale and ordered them to make sure that “that illiterate woman," Fannie Lou Hamer would never be a delegate. Dr. King protested and was told by Reuther to shut up.

The offer was rejected, but Humphrey and Mondale remained powerhouse liberals in the Democratic party for another 20 years.

According to The Real Jimmy Carter by Steven Hayward, Jimmy Carter did nothing to help the desegregation cause in the South and sometimes did the opposite, and like Bill Clinton, endorsed racist candidates for political offices.

Carter actively campaigned for his former vice-president, Walter Mondale against Ronald Reagan in 1984 under the Confederate flag. Jesse Jackson refused to release his delegates in 1984 to Gary Hart, Clinton's old boss from the McGovern campaign of 1972. Jackson, the first African-American to win states in a major party primary, questioned the disparity between his vote total and delegate count, but even Hart sided with the DNC's rigging the primary rules.[43] In 1988 Jackson selected Ron Brown as his chief negotiator at the 1988 Democratic National Convention.[44] Brown went on to serve as DNC Chairman and Commerce Secretary until he died in a mysterious plane crash.[45]

Democratic Leadership Council[edit]

The Democratic Leadership Council (DLC) was a racist organization formed by remnants of the George McGovern and Gary Hart campaigns - less Jesse Jackson's Rainbow Coalition.[46][47] By 1992 it had taken over the DNC. Democrat strategists sought to distance themselves from the civil rights movement and begin pushing the "centrist" candidacy of Bill Clinton.[48]

It is unknown why liberals feel the need to interfere in the lives and careers of hard-working African Americans, but it is likely due to a condescending attitude towards the African American community, which boasts some of the highest church attendance rates in the country and is therefore directly opposed to the liberal secularist agenda.

Creativity, which is espoused by the Creativity Movement, is an atheistic white racist movement.[49][50][51]

Mass incarceration and the New Jim Crow[edit]

See also: Bill and Hillary Clinton and racism

The Clintons' cynical manipulation of Black voters and pandering to "white working class, hard-working white" nativist sentiment is well known.[52][53] Under the Clintons, 250,000 African Americans were imprisoned in the United States, more than than under President Reagan,[54] a fact which Hillary Clinton takes credit for.[55] Cumulatively since the Clintons passed their crime bill, 2.5 million adult black males—more than 10% of the population—have been incarcerated leaving untold damage on black families.[56]

The Clintons call Jesse Jackson that "Goddamn n****r" behind his back.[57][58][59][60]

That fact that 30-year-old allegations of sexual assault and improprieties are hurled at Bill Cosby with a devastating effect on his life and career while Bill Clinton was at the same time held up by many liberal Democrats as a paragon of manhood and public service in the media and judicial system is a testament to the bigotry and racism of the mainstream media and their supporters.

Voting Rights violations[edit]

In Arkansas, the Clinton administration was sued several times by blacks and Hispanics for violations of the 1965 Voting Rights Act and lost every case. 10 years into their grip on Arkansas the United States Supreme Court ruled

Clinton/Gore 1992 convention button.
"violations of the fourteenth or fifteenth amendment justifying equitable relief have occurred in Arkansas.

In May 1990, the district court turned to those claims, holding that "the State of Arkansas has committed a number of constitutional violations of the voting rights of black citizens." In particular, the court determined that the "State has systematically and deliberately enacted new majority-vote requirements for municipal offices, in an effort to frustrate black political success in elections traditionally requiring only a plurality to win." In 1990...Devotion to majority rule for local offices lay dormant as long as the plurality system produced white office-holders. But whenever black candidates used this system successfully -- and victory by a plurality has been virtually their only chance of success in at-large elections in majority-white cities – the response was swift and certain. Laws were passed in an attempt to close off this avenue of black political victory...

This series of laws represents a systematic and deliberate attempt to reduce black political opportunity. Such an attempt is plainly unconstitutional. It replaces a system in which blacks could and did succeed, with one in which they almost certainly cannot. The inference of racial motivation is inescapable."[61][62]

In more than one thousand legislative elections, the Arkansas delta region sent not one black to the legislature. In 1988 the federal district court forced a change to the system in Crittenden County that watered down the presence of a large number of black voters.

The case began when blacks in Crittenden County filed a voting rights lawsuit attacking the county's at-large system for electing two members to the Arkansas House. The suit contended that the system deprived black voters of a chance to elect a black to the state assembly.

The evidence at trial was indeed overwhelming that the Voting Rights Act had been violated. Plaintiffs offered plenty of proof of monolithic voting along racial lines, intimidation of black voters and candidates, other official acts that made voting harder for blacks. A panel of 3 judges ordered Clinton, the Attorney General, and Secretary of State to redraw the boundaries to give maximum strength to black voters.

Lani Guinier Local press reports in Arkansas from the late 1980s paint an ugly picture of the Clinton administration's attempts to intimidate black voters.[63] In her 1998 memoir Lift Every Voice, former U.S Justice Department Civil Rights Division nominee Lani Guinier revealed that Clinton's record on race in Arkansas was so bad she was forced to take legal action. "As a staff lawyer for the NAACP Legal Defense and Education Fund [LDF], I had sued Gov. Clinton over Arkansas's deputy voter registration statute." A deputy voter registrar is someone authorized to register voters.

Guinier wrote, "In the late 1980s, in a particularly tense meeting in southeastern Arkansas - a section of the Mississippi Delta region where antebellum social relations are still in many respects the order of the day," Dayna Cunningham, a civil rights lawyer, was "one of a handful of black people there to discuss remedies for a highly contentious LDF voting rights suit. The meeting turned sour when one of the local whites demanded to know why, in his view, the whites were always made to pay for others' problems. Other whites in the group began to echo his charge...Bill Clinton, the lead defendant in the case, took to the podium to respond. In a tone of resignation, Clinton said, 'We have to pay because we lost,'" the inference being the loss of the Civil War as well as the Clintons' loss in the Supreme Court.

"Clinton had irresponsibly pandered to the backwards feeling of the white constituency," said Cunningham.

No good deed goes unpunished of course, so Guinier was not without her own problems for having unfortunately crossed paths with the Clintons, beginning at Yale. Three years after the ruckus in Arkansas President Clinton nominated her as Deputy Attorney General for Civil Rights. But the Clinton surrogates were lying in wait for her. A media smear campaign not only distorted her views, but in many cases presented them as the exact opposite. The New York Times, which ordinarily presents the Clintons as the wonders of an age, ran an op-ed highly critical of Clinton's appointment, alleging Guinier was in favor of “segregating black voters in black-majority districts.” The Washington Post, again no friend of conservatives, twisted Guinier's advocacy of proportional representation into a vision of “a society in which a minority can impose its will on the majority.”

Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting says of the ambush and firestorm that surrounded Guinier's nomination:

there was also an ideological agenda at work: promoting Clinton’s media-celebrated shift “back to the center.” ... To make her a proper sacrificial offering, however, the establishment media had to reinvent Guinier — transforming a sophisticated advocate of racial reconciliation and participatory democracy into a sinister, race-baiting enemy of the American Way.[64]

The Democrats held both Houses of Congress and the presidency. Guinier's nomination, if the Clintons were serious about it should have been easy. She had been Hillary snd Bill's classmate at Yale. It was classic Clintonism: destroying the life of a friend who was an advocate of racial reconciliation, painting the American people as racist, and promoting themselves. George Will, it has been said, was too stupid and too lazy to actually read her writings. As Mike Klonsky noted, when the liberal lions of the Democratically controlled Senate, such as Ted Kennedy and even Carole Moseley Braun stepped away, now the Clintons could turn a message of reconciliation into repudiation in front of the whole nation.

What's a little misunderstanding among friends? Guinier said she felt betrayed by Clinton, whom she considered a friend since their days together at Yale Law School, and was angered when he called her "anti-democratic," - the person who protected voting rights of African-Americans despite Clinton's fight against it - in a nationally televised address announcing he was scuttling her nomination.[65]

Ricky Ray Rector On the eve of the New Hampshire primary in 1992, Bill Clinton took off from the campaign trail to sign the death warrant and oversee the execution of a retarded black man, Ricky Ray Rector. Rector, who had been lobotomized, was mentally incompetent and unable to understand the charges against him. [66][67] "It was like executing a child," the prison chaplain said. Hillary, the master strategist of the Clintons' rise, fearing the Willie Horton syndrome which torpedoed Michael Dukakis in 1988 and the 'monkey business' which destroyed Gary Hart as well, still defended the execution in 2016.[68][69]

Hillary was at his side when Bill Clinton raised mandatory sentencing guidelines which disproportionately sent Blacks to prison, giving the United States the highest mass incarceration rate in the world.[70] The Clinton's championed the “three strikes you're out” law, passed a crime bill that created dozens of new federal capital crimes, mandated life sentences for some three-time offenders, and authorized more than $16 billion for more state prisons. By the time the Clintons' left office in 2001, the United States had the highest rate of incarceration in the world. Human Rights Watch reported that in seven states, African Americans constituted 80 to 90 percent of all drug offenders even though they were no more likely than whites to use or sell illegal drugs. Prison admissions for drug offenses reached a level in 2000 for African Americans more than 26 times the level they had been under Ronald Reagan.[71]

In late 2015, while several American cities smoldered in riots over police shootings, Hillary Clinton had several prison industry lobbyists working as fundraisers for her campaign. These fundraiser-lobbyists worked for the Corrections Corporation of America and Geo Group, which also run most of the immigrant detention centers.[72]

Rep. Ben McGee In 1988 the U.S. Supreme Court ruled Clinton wrongfully tried to overturn the election of a black state representative, Mr. Ben McGee, and replace him with a white Democrat Clinton handpicked. The case grew out of the suit against Clinton to win voting rights for the people of Crittenden County.

Robert 'Say' MacIntosh Robert 'Say' MacIntosh is a civil rights activist whom the Arkansas Democrat newspaper named Arkansan of the Year in the late 1970s for his charitable work with children in Little Rock's housing projects.[73] MacIntosh unsuccessfully ran for public office under Arkansas's racial gerrymandering and minority voter suppression laws of the Clinton era, including running as Lieutenant Governor in 1980. He considered challenging Bill Clinton in the 1986 Democratic gubernatorial primary but backed out when another African-American candidate, former anti-poverty agency head W. Dean Goldsby, filed on the last day.

A tree was ceremoniously planted on the Arkansas capitol grounds in the Clinton years on Martin Luther King, Jr. Day to honor Dr. King. McIntosh showed up the next day and chopped it down in front of the press, and commented, "No black man was invited to be present for the tree planting. I'm cutting it down till blacks are invited to be part of the political process in Little Rock." Wikipedia says "few debate that he has been a major part of local color in Arkansas."[74]

MacIntosh publicized allegations that Bill Clinton fathered an out of wedlock child named Danney Williams.[75] When Bill Clinton was in Little Rock, McIntosh would distribute leaflets within a five-block area to raise money for the child's upbringing. He had frequent face-to-face confrontations with Gov. Clinton over child support. Clinton privately referred to MacIntosh with aides using the "n" word.[59]

The story resurfaced during the 2008 primaries, only this time the denials weren't so strong and adopted a more forgiving attitude.[76][77] Many blacks and Obama supporters were put off by the mainstream media spin and questioned the untimely death of Ron Brown.[78][79] Even the Washington Post noticed the racial undercurrent in Hillary Clinton's campaign.[80]

Ron Brown The death of Ron Brown remains a controversial subject among African-Americans.[81] Ron Brown was the first black Secretary of Commerce who died in the crash of Air Force Two. The crash occurred one week before Brown was slated to give testimony in the Clinton campaign finance scandal, among other scandals.[82]

The father of Bill's vice president Al Gore was an ardent segregationist.

Confederate Flag Day[edit]

The Arkansas State Flag. The top star above Arkansas represents the slaveholding Confederacy, an Act signed into law by Clinton.

The Arkansas Legislature's Act 116 of 1987 designated the star above the word "Arkansas" on the state flag as a commemoration of the Confederacy, signed into law by Gov. Clinton, as well as annual proclamations for Confederate Flag Day.

In April 1985 Clinton signed Act 985 into law, making the birthdates of Martin Luther King Jr. and Robert E. Lee, General of the Confederate army, state holidays on the same day. The coded message sent to white constituents could not have been clearer.

Anti-Hispanic The Clintons instituted racial profiling of Latinos as drug dealers in 1988. Specifically, the troopers were authorized to stop and search cars driven by Hispanics, especially those with Texas license plates. Again, the Clintons' Criminal Apprehension Program was challenged in federal court and ruled unconstitutional. But the program went on anyway with further destruction of civil liberties when the Clintons authorized state troopers to stop and search any car regardless of race.[83]

Roberto Garcia de Posada, executive director of the Hispanic Business Roundtable, cited the fact that Clinton was "a strong supporter of racial profiling against Hispanics," and that they do not have "the moral authority to lead a national campaign on this issue." The Clintons need to "apologize to all those Hispanics who suffered this 'morally indefensible' practice".

The Biden Crime Bill[edit]

Main article: Biden Crime Bill

Democrat Sen. Joe Biden authored the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994.[84] His New Jim Crow bill incarcerated 2.5 million Black males, one-tenth of the Black male population,[85] destroying lives and families. The bill included the notoriously racist hundred-to-one sentencing disparity between crack and powder cocaine,[86] and added more than forty federal death penalty crimes. Biden boasted “we do everything but hang people for jaywalking.”[87]


Democrat Presidential nominee Hillary Rodham Clinton confronted by Black Lives Matter protesters in 2016.

A Black Lives Matter activist confronted Hillary Clinton in 2016 about the Clintons' history of racism.[88] In January 2016 Salon published an article on the dirty little secret among the liberal intelligentsia no one wants to talk about: the Clintons' rise and success has been based on stoking racial fears. Stan Greenberg conducted the focus groups that dictated the Clintons' daily buzzwords and talking points to provide the fodder and fuel the Clinton's lived and died on. Greenberg's work produced results claiming the Democratic party was too identified with Jesse Jackson and minorities to speak for 'average Americans' and it needed to appeal to white working-class swing voters.[89]

In 1992, for the first time in nearly half a century, the party platform made no mention of redressing racial injustice. Through triangulation and a policy of 'get tuff on crime', the Clinton's sought to repudiate and distance themselves from the Democratic party's commitment to the struggles of African-Americans. The Clintons formulated a crime bill purportedly to 'put 100,000 new cops on the street'. Hillary became one of the chief spokespersons referring to black teens as dogs.

They are not just gangs of kids anymore. They are often the kinds of kids that are called ‘super-predators.’ No conscience, no empathy. We can talk about why they ended up that way but first we have to bring them to heel.[90][91]

Judicial appointments[edit]

In 1991, upon the retirement of Justice Thurgood Marshall, President George H.W. Bush nominated Clarence Thomas to fill the newly vacant seat. Democrats were outraged that a Republican president would nominate a conservative African-American role model for Black youths to the Supreme Court. Sen. Joseph Biden, chairman of the Judiciary Committee, called for extended hearings to delay a vote on Thomas.[92][93]

Thomas has stated that the biggest impediment to his confirmation and his life, in general, were the "modern day liberal," and he noted that liberals held a double standard toward him.[94] Thomas was the victim of a racially-motivated smear campaign by Democrats. The accusation was known to be false, and was concocted to publicly intimidate and humiliate an African-American Republican from accepting an appointment to the nation's High Court, and derail his nomination. None of the allegations could be substantiated. The deliberate falsehoods did however persuade former Ku Klux Klan Grand Cyclops and Democratic Senator Robert Byrd to change his vote from "yes" for confirmation to "no". Thomas was confirmed by the Senate with a vote of 52–48, which was at the time the narrowest confirmation of a Supreme Court nominee in history.

Senate Judiciary Committee Democrats discussed among themselves that they should defeat Supreme Court nominee Miguel Estrada because he is an attractive candidate and Hispanic. A document titled "Talking Points on Estrada for Caucus" was circulated.[95]

"That boy" Obama[edit]

Barack Obama, who is half white, making a racist hand gesture.

In the 2008 presidential primaries, the Clintons were back at it: fostering racial fear and paranoia,[96] which by now seemed to be the regular program of the Democratic Leadership Council.[97] They tried to marginalize Obama as the black candidate with comparisons to Jesse Jackson[98] emphasizing Hillary's 'wide appeal': "Sen. Obama's support among working, hard-working Americans, white Americans, is weakening again", Hillary told USA Today.[99] She stayed in the race even after it became apparent she lost, according to her, only because Obama might be assassinated.[100]

As heir to the New Deal tradition and key to the New England donor base, Sen. Ted Kennedy's blessing on the candidate for the 2008 Democrat presidential nomination was vital. The Clintons also were seeking bona fides among liberals and the civil rights movement. Clinton said of Obama, "that boy would have been carrying our bags and getting us coffee a few years ago".[101] Kennedy was offended by Clinton's racism and refused to give Hillary the endorsement.[102][103]

Obama/Biden and the decline of race relations[edit]

CNN airbrushed out the Washington Redskins logo from this 1970s photo of Joe Biden and son. The Washington NFL team dropped the name 'Redskins' in June 2020 because it was deemed "racist".[104]

Barack Obama has no bloodline tracing back to American blacks. Obama was raised by his white mother and white grandparents and has little in common with the attitudes and experiences of American blacks.

Race relations largely deteriorated under Obama.[105] Many Blacks felt he had neglected and abandoned them as he basked in his elite status among White liberals and gave tacit support and approval to radical fringe elements who rioted and burnt down Black communities.[106] Obama wanted to take away their Second Amendment rights, leaving Blacks at the mercy of criminals.[107]

His church was Trinity United Church of Christ, a Black Liberation Theology Church. Obama personally bears much responsibility for the resurgence of human trafficking and slavery in Africa while serving the globalist agenda.[108]

Vice President Joe Biden has a longstanding alliance with fellow Democrat segregationists in the U.S. Senate. Biden is known for a history of making racially insensitive remarks. Reportedly, Biden’s political approach to race has long been geared toward assuaging the racial anxieties of white voters. Biden exposed his racial insensitivity towards the 2008 Democratic Presidential candidate and running mate, Barack Obama, when he declared, "I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy." He later claimed, "Barack Hussein Obama is change enough for most people."[109] Biden has made racist comments about Indian South Asians.[110] Democrat presidential nominee former Vice President Joe Biden made a particularly offensive and egregious racist comment toward African American's during a radio interview.[111] Biden's comments were an effort at voter intimidation. Black Entertainment Television (BET) co-founder Bob Johnson called him out saying in part,

"This proves unequivocally that the Democratic nominee believes that black people owe him their vote without question; even though we as black people know it is exactly the opposite. He should spend the rest of his campaign apologizing to every black person he meets."[112]

NBC's America’s Got Talent host Terry Crews[113] pointed out the inherent racism in the Democratic nominee's train of thought:

“When you’re white, you can be Republican, Libertarian, Democrat. You can be anything. But if you’re black, you have to be one thing. Even Joe Biden said, ‘Hey man, if you don’t vote for me, you ain’t black.’”[114]
Richard Spencer officially endorsed Joe Biden. Spencer organized the 2015 Neo-Nazi Charlottesville March and is one of the "fine people" Biden claims Trump praised.[115]

Biden won the Democrat presidential nomination when South Carolina Rep. Jim Clyburn endorsed him, and the dominos of the Democrat machine fell into place. In short choreographed order, the remaining white candidates, Amy Klobuchar, Pete Buttigieg, Tom Steyer, Michael Bloomberg and a host of local officials began goosestepping in lockstep. The minority candidates, Kamala Harris, Cory Booker, Julian Castro, and Tulsi Gabbard had been driven out earlier in a rigged process that allowed rich white male billionaires - Steyer and Bloomberg - to buy their way into the process once all the people of color had been forced out.[116] Clyborn admitted he cringed when he heard Biden's racist attack on Black people.[117]

The Democrats cynically tried to take advantage of George Floyd's killing, which occurred only days after Biden's racist comments, to repair his relations with Blacks by attacking the alleged systemic racism of police departments. Police groups and unions which Biden courted since the 1990s on behalf of the Democratic party and Clinton administration with the Biden Crime Bill, mass incarceration, and effort to put 100,000 new cops on the street to deal with "Superpredators", responded by withdrawing their support.[118] Jacobin magazine summarized Biden's record:
"It’s not as if Biden didn’t know what he was doing.... He just didn’t care. Biden had made a calculated decision that the elections he would win were worth the damage he inflicted....even if Biden has subsequently learned the error of his ways, the rank cynicism and callousness involved in his two-decade-long championing of carceral policies should be more than enough to give anyone pause about his qualities as a leader, let alone a progressive one."[119]

Lee Stranahan observed the organized George Floyd riots were an attempt to win the alienated white Bernie Sanders supporters back to the Democrat plantation.

Racism in the European Union[edit]

Josep Borrell, the minister for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy of the European Union told a group of students at the European Diplomatic Academy in Bruges, Belgium, that "Europe is a garden and the rest of the world is a jungle." He also said that the jungle could invade the garden and that the gardeners have to go to the jungle to protect the garden.[120] Borrell claimed that Europe is the best "that the humankind has been able to build."[121][122] In context, Borrell said,

"The rest of the world… is not exactly a garden. Most of the rest of the world is a jungle, and the jungle could invade the garden. The gardeners should take care of it, but they will not protect the garden by building walls. A nice small garden surrounded by high walls in order to prevent the jungle from coming in is not going to be a solution. Because the jungle has a strong growth capacity, and the wall will never be high enough in order to protect the garden.

The gardeners have to go to the jungle. Europeans have to be much more engaged with the rest of the world. Otherwise, the rest of the world will invade us, by different ways and means," and the gardeners must put their “privilege” to positive use.[123]

Racism in the NATO war in Ukraine[edit]

See also: NATO war in Ukraine

On November 4, 2022 a message and video was posted to Telegram from an African American mercenary in the Armed Forces of Ukraine that read:

"My name is Bradley Burke, I am a private in the Armed Forces of Ukraine, and on October 28 [2022] I was brutally attacked by Ukrainian sergeants and colleagues, as well as other foreigners. I was in my room for a moment, sleeping, they entered in balaclavas and with pepper spray , flooded me and my bed, after that they started beating me. One of the Ukrainians grabbed my hair and hit me in the face several times, threw me to the ground, one of the foreigners took me by the throat and choked me until I lost consciousness. When I got up to leave, other Ukrainians took turns beating me. Now I ask the Ukrainian police or the Ukrainian state to investigate the "Carpathian Sich" battalion for their involvement in corruption and bribery, I reported this to my commander, and they did not answer me. The people who attacked me are still on duty at the moment, and I received a letter notifying me of my dismissal in the near future."[124]

Hate crimes[edit]

In very early January 2017, an extremely horrific and disturbing racist hate crime occurred when four black teens brutally beat and tortured an 18-year-old mentally-disabled white teenager in Chicago. It was a horrific hate crime, and one of the many, many horrifying things they did was tell the person to curse Donald Trump and white people.[125] It was charged as hate crime[126] and they were denied bail.[127] It was one of many anti-Trump hate crimes after the 2016 election.[128][129]


Among some prominent leaders promoting "racial justice", the idea of racism can be used to promote a much larger narrative, and even cloak a viewpoint that may or may not actually care about racial injustices but is decidedly anti-American. Thomas Sowell points out in his Reader:[130]

Of all the tragic facts about the history of slavery, the most astonishing to an American today is that, although slavery was a worldwide institution for thousands of years, nowhere in the world was slavery a controversial issue prior to the 18th century. People of every race and color were enslaved – and enslaved others. White people were still being bought and sold as slaves in the Ottoman Empire, decades after American blacks were freed.
Everyone hated the idea of being a slave but few had any qualms about enslaving others. Slavery was just not an issue, not even among intellectuals, much less among political leaders, until the 18th century – and then it was an issue only in Western civilization. Among those who turned against slavery in the 18th century were George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Patrick Henry and other American leaders. You could research all of the 18th century Africa or Asia or the Middle East without finding any comparable rejection of slavery there. But who is singled out for scathing criticism today? American leaders of the 18th century.

Atheism and racism[edit]

See also: Atheism and racism

There is a significant amount of racism within the atheist population (see: Atheism and racism).

See also[edit]


  1. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/biden-racial-jungle-quote/
  2. Multiple references:
  3. Multiple references:
  4. https://newspunch.com/cnn-african-american-white-supremacists-are-americas-next-big-threat/ CNN: African American ‘White Supremacists’ Are America’s Next Big Threat], September 13, 2021, Sean Adl-Tabatabai. NewsPunch.com
  5. Who is Dr. Theresa Tam, Trudeau’s public health officer? at Rebel News blog
  6. CV #13(B): More On Who Theresa Tam Really Is
  7. Trump again refers to coronavirus as 'kung flu'
  8. Coronavirus: China’s first confirmed Covid-19 case traced back to November 17, Josephine Ma, 13 Mar, 2020. www.scmp.com
  9. https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2019-05-30/aoc-white-supremacist
  10. The Watchdogs: A Close Look at Anti-Racist "Watchdog" Groups, Laird Wilcox, Editorial Research Service, 1999, pg. 3. ISBN 0-993592-96-5.
  11. https://www.todaysparent.com/family/parenting/why-the-way-we-teach-kids-table-manners-is-actually-kind-of-racist/
  12. [1]
  13. https://youtu.be/PkNzYttjSHE
  14. https://www.zerohedge.com/political/leftist-politician-decides-cleaning-poop-seattles-streets-pressure-washer-racist
  15. Duke, Selwyn (September 10, 2018). Leftists Are Now Advocating Racial Segregation. The New American. Retrieved September 10, 2018.
  16. https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2015/11/wilson-legacy-racism/417549/
  17. https://www.csmonitor.com/Books/chapter-and-verse/2015/1214/5-surprising-facts-about-Woodrow-Wilson-and-racism
  18. https://fee.org/articles/hitler-didn-t-snub-me-it-was-our-president/
  19. https://www.trumanlibrary.org/whistlestop/study_collections/trumanpapers/fbpa/index.php?documentid=HST-FBP_1-21_01&documentVersion=both
  20. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4340596/JFK-s-diary-reveals-deep-fascination-Adolf-Hitler.html
  21. HR. 6127. CIVIL RIGHTS ACT OF 1957. PASSED. https://www.govtrack.us/congress/votes/85-1957/s75
  22. https://brewminate.com/andrew-johnson-impeachment-and-reconstruction/
  23. Said to Senator Richard Russell, Jr. (D-GA) regarding the Civil Rights Act of 1957. As quoted in Lyndon Johnson and the American Dream (1977), by Doris Kearns Goodwin, New York: New American Library, p. 155.
  24. http://www.msnbc.com/msnbc/lyndon-johnson-civil-rights-racism
  25. 25.0 25.1 https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2015/08/joe-biden-integration-school-busing-120968_full.html
  26. https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/read-the-transcript-of-the-october-1975-npr-interview-with-sens-joe-biden-and-edward-brooke
  27. https://quizlet.com/45411923/ethical-and-legal-issues-2-flash-cards/
  28. https://freebeacon.com/politics/biden-exploded-at-dem-colleague-over-busing-called-him-dirty-bastard/
  29. https://www.nytimes.com/2019/07/15/us/politics/biden-busing.html
  30. https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/politics/joe-biden-embraced-segregation-in-1975-claiming-it-was-a-matter-of-black-pride
  31. https://www.huffpost.com/entry/joe-biden-busing-nominees_n_5ca3c03de4b03174b92904f7
  32. https://thefederalist.com/2019/07/09/biden-sometimes-even-george-wallace-is-right/
  33. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/10/exclusive-newly-uncovered-transcripts-reveal-joe-biden-said-n-word-public-senate-hearing-1986/
  34. https://youtu.be/9X6Y2CLqgDM
  35. https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2019/05/05/joe-biden-busing-problem-226791
  36. https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2019-06-20/biden-doubles-down-after-reminding-everyone-democrats-owned-slaves
  37. Freedom Ballot in MS ~ Civil Rights Movement Veterans
  38. The Mississippi Movement & the MFDP ~ Civil Rights Movement Veterans
  39. Branch, Taylor (1998). Pillar of Fire. Simon & Schuster. 
  40. Carmichael, Stokely, and Charles V. Hamilton. Black Power: The Politics of Liberation, (New York: Random House, 1967), p. 90.
  41. https://www.minnpost.com/eric-black-ink/2011/05/sad-story-humphreys-role-1964-democratic-convention/
  42. Mills, Kay, This Little Light of Mine: The Life of Fannie Lou Hamer, (New York: Plume, 1994), p. 5.
  44. https://socialistworker.org/2016/07/25/how-democrats-got-over-the-rainbow
  45. https://www.amazon.com/Ron-Browns-Body-Presidency-Hillarys/dp/0785262377
  46. http://www.blackcommentator.com/46/46_cover.html
  47. https://ofamerica.wordpress.com/tag/democratic-leadership-council/
  48. The Clintons’ sordid race game: No one will say it, but the Clintons’ rise was premised on repudiating black voters, Corey Robin, Salon, Jan 31, 2016
  49. The new white nationalism in America: its challenge to integration. Cambridge University Press. Retrieved on 2011–03–27. “For instance, Ben Klassen, founder of the atheistic World Church of the Creator and the author of The White Man's Bible, discusses Christianity extensively in his writings and denounces religion that has brought untold horror into the world and divided the white race.” 
  50. Contemporary voices of white nationalism in America. Cambridge University Press. Retrieved on 2011–03–27. “World Church of the Creator, an organization that espouses an atheistic and white supremacist religious philosophy known as Creativity.” 
  51. The World's Religions: Continuities and Transformations. Taylor & Francis. Retrieved on 2011–03–27. “A competing atheistic or panthestic white racist movement also appeared, which included the Church of the Creator/ Creativity (Gardell 2003: 129–134).” 
  52. https://youtu.be/vjoMcqMTMfw
  53. https://youtu.be/ijhL3-5sr18
  54. http://www.blackelectorate.com/articles.asp?ID=320
  55. https://www.thenation.com/article/hillary-clinton-does-not-deserve-black-peoples-votes/
  56. http://www.prisonpolicy.org/research/incarceration_rates_growth_causes/
  57. http://polidics.com/news/hillary-clintons-jew-bastard.html
  58. http://rapmusic.com/threads/hillary-clinton-hates-blacks-and-jews-caught-by-the-secret-service-and-endorsers.1074368/
  59. 59.0 59.1 https://emptysuit.wordpress.com/2010/08/02/the-clintons-jews-and-niggers-warning-graphic-language/
  60. https://www.theblaze.com/contributions/racial-slurs-are-unsettling-if-used-by-celebrity-chefs-or-top-democrats/
  61. Findings of the Supreme Court of the United States in Clinton vs Jeffers No. 90-394 (1990) on appeal 730 F. Supp. 196, 198-201 (ED Ark. 1989) (three-judge court), aff'd, No. 89-2008 (Jan. 7, 1991).
  62. http://commonsensewonder.blogspot.com/2016/09/bill-clintons-comment-about-trumps-make.html
  63. http://www.siliconinvestor.com/readreplies.aspx?subjectid=28880&msgid=18476315
  64. http://fair.org/extra/lani-guinier/
  65. https://www.c-span.org/video/?42098-1/assistant-attorney-general-nomination
  66. Christopher Hitchens, Skeptical Brotha. Retrieved 23 June 2016
  67. Bill Clinton "Hopped Up On Whack" -- Ricky Ray Rector Part 2, Colin Benjamin, Black Star News, April 13, 2016
  68. Hillary Clinton’s Indefensible Stance on the Death Penalty, Liliana Segura, The Intercept, Mar. 17 2016
  69. Jan 31, 2016 04:00 AM MDT The Clintons’ sordid race game: No one will say it, but the Clintons’ rise was premised on repudiating black voters, Corey Robin, Salon, Jan. 31, 2016
  70. The Clintons’ War on Drugs: When Black Lives Didn’t Matter, By Donna Murch, The New Republic, February 9, 2016
  71. Why Hillary Clinton Doesn’t Deserve the Black Vote, Michelle Alexander, The Nation, February 10, 2016
  72. While Missouri Students Battle Racism, Prison Lobbyists Funded Hillary Clinton’s Campaign, H.A. Goodman, Huffington Post, Nov 13, 2015
  73. [2]
  74. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_"Say"_McIntosh
  75. https://twitter.com/danney_williams?s=09
  76. https://www.usnews.com/news/articles/2008/01/17/sex-lies-and-major-headlines
  77. http://epubbookonline.com/b/3035/roger-stone/the-clintons-war-on-women/27
  78. http://wc.blackplanet.com/news/article_comments.html?news_item_id=46467
  79. http://aapoliticalpundit.blogspot.com/2007/12/blacks-clintons-presidency-and-ron.html
  80. https://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/12/22/AR2007122201762.html
  81. https://youtu.be/BMXnPYGDgVc
  82. https://youtu.be/HR-WkSEzaho
  83. https://www.highbeam.com/doc/1G1-56765970.html
  84. https://www.nytimes.com/2015/08/22/us/politics/joe-bidens-role-in-90s-crime-law-could-haunt-any-presidential-bid.html
  85. https://www.sentencingproject.org/news/could-joe-bidens-role-in-90s-crime-law-haunt-a-presidential-bid/
  86. https://www.c-span.org/video/?18528-1/violent-crime-control-act-1991
  87. The First Civil Right: How Liberals Built Prison America, Naomi Murakawa, Oxford University Press, Jul 10, 2014, p. 141.
  88. Why Did It Take an Activist to Bring ‘Superpredators’ Into the Campaign?, By Jim Naureckas, FAIR, 27 Feb 2016
  89. From Crisis to Working Majority, Stan Greenberg, The American Prospect 2, no. 7 (September 1991). Republished 24 May 2005
  90. Bernie Sanders slams Clinton's "racist" 1996 super predators comment, By Reena Flores, CBS News, April 14, 2016
  91. Superscapegoating, Teen 'superpredators' hype set stage for draconian legislation, By Robin Templeton, FAIR, 1 Jan 1998
  92. https://www.essence.com/news/politics/joe-biden-anita-hill-comment-2020-presidential-run/
  93. https://youtu.be/sM19YOqs7hU
  94. Multiple references:
  95. http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1024910/posts
  96. America's New Racial Reality: White Minority Status, While Obama raises the bar for racial understanding, the Democratic Leadership Council leverages white voter fear. By Roberto Lovato / New America Media, March 21, 2008
  97. Muzzling The African-American Agenda With Black Help, Bruce A. Dixon, The Black Commentator. www.blackcommentator.com
  98. Bill Clinton: Obama Is Just Like Jesse Jackson, Huffington Post, 03/28/2008
  99. Clinton makes case for wide appeal, By Kathy Kiely and Jill Lawrence, USA TODAY, 5/8/2008
  100. https://youtu.be/qipFBK7tGOc
  101. Did You Know Bill Clinton Made Racist Comments About Barack Obama When He First Ran For President, F. Taylor, Urban Intellectuals, July 17, 2015.
  102. Hillary has cynically turned to the one argument she has left: race, Gary Younge, Guardian UK, 2008.
  103. America's New Racial Reality: White Minority Status, While Obama raises the bar for racial understanding, the Democratic Leadership Council leverages white voter fear. By Roberto Lovato / New America Media, March 21, 2008.
  104. https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2020/sep/9/joe-bidens-son-has-redskins-logo-on-cap-wiped-from/
  105. [3]
  106. https://web.archive.org/web/20141120061248/http://www.examiner.com/article/obama-met-with-ferguson-activists-concerned-protests-stay-on-course
  107. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/2013/02/15/chicagos-murder-epidemic-complicates-obama-gun-ban-pitch.html
  108. http://dailypost.ng/2017/11/30/libya-barack-obama-caused-slave-trade-africa-reno-omokri/amp/
  109. Ryan Grim | The Intercept_, Joe Biden’s Stunningly Racist Answer on the Legacy of Slavery Has Been Overlooked, https://theintercept.com/2019/09/13/joe-biden-democratic-debate-slavery/, September 13, 2019
  110. http://content.time.com/time/specials/packages/article/0,28804,1895156_1894977_1643323,00.html
  111. https://youtu.be/GaTv5FQHqVw
  112. https://www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/2020/05/25/joe-biden-you-aint-black-racism-trump-column/5254434002/
  113. https://www.nbc.com/americas-got-talent/credits/host/terry-crews
  114. https://pjmedia.com/election/tyler-o-neil/2020/06/18/terry-crews-slams-biden-warns-against-black-supremacy-n545003
  115. https://www.facebook.com/prageru/videos/the-charlottesville-lie/698538344061850/
  116. https://legalinsurrection.com/2020/02/michael-moore-goes-ballistic-on-dnc-for-changing-debate-rules-for-bloomberg/
  117. https://youtu.be/HNgrTu1YhuU
  118. https://www.politico.com/news/2020/06/04/police-groups-joe-biden-300222
  119. https://www.jacobinmag.com/2018/08/biden-crime-mass-incarceration-police-prisons
  120. https://www.opindia.com/2022/10/eu-foreign-policy-chief-says-europe-is-a-garden-rest-all-is-a-jungle/
  121. https://korybko.substack.com/p/josep-borrell-blew-a-racist-dog-whistle
  122. https://youtu.be/f8SKblpc7kY
  123. https://english.almanar.com.lb/1711888
  124. https://rumble.com/v1rdrbq-my-name-is-bradley-burke-i-am-a-private-in-the-armed-forces-of-ukraine.html
  125. 4 charged with hate crimes in kidnap, torture of mentally disabled man. WND. January 4, 2017. Retrieved January 6, 2017.
  126. Hate crime charges filed in Chicago beating streamed on Facebook Live. Fox News. January 5, 2017. Retrieved January 6, 2017.
  127. Pathieu, Diane; Hope, Leah (January 6, 2017). Judge denies bail for 4 Chicago Facebook Live torture suspects. ABC 7. Retrieved January 6, 2017.
  128. Facebook Live attack the latest in string of anti-Trump assaults. Fox News. January 5, 2017. Retrieved January 6, 2017.
  129. Nolte, John (July 5, 2018). Sheet: ***555** Acts of Media-Approved Violence and Harassment Against Trump Supporters. Breitbart News. Retrieved August 21, 2018.
  130. The Thomas Sowell Reader

External links[edit]

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