Liberalism And Bestiality

From Conservapedia

Bestiality is the act of engaging in sexual relations with an animal.

The atheist philosopher Peter Singer defends the practice of bestiality (as well as abortion, infanticide and euthanasia). Despite holding these immoral views the liberal and pro-evolution academic establishment rewarded his views with a bioethics chair at Princeton University.[1] Peter Singer was installed as the Ira W. DeCamp Professor of Bioethics at the University Center for Human Values at Princeton University in 1999 and in 2006 it was reported that he still worked part-time in that capacity.[2] See also: Atheism and bestiality

John Wiener in his essay entitled Is Princeton too liberal? wrote:

George F. Will complains that faculties like Princeton's are "intellectual versions of one-party nations;" David Horowitz of has complained about what he calls "the atmosphere of intolerance and hate towards conservatives" at Princeton.

How liberal is the Princeton faculty? The Center for Democratic Politics has collected and published the 2004 campaign contribution data on its website Now we know: Princeton employees gave $252,000 to the Democrats in 2004 and only $22,000 to the Republicans. That's 92 percent Democratic. The figure is for "employees," which of course includes staff as well as faculty. It's not perfect, but it's the best we have.

Princeton is not very different from other elite colleges and universities — Yale contributions were 93 percent Democratic, Columbia was 90 percent and Harvard was on top at 96 percent Democratic.[3]

Joe Carter's First Things article entitled The Dangerous Mind declares concerning Peter Singer declared:

Singer has spent a lifetime justifying the unjustifiable. He is the founding father of the animal liberation movement and advocates ending “the present speciesist bias against taking seriously the interests of nonhuman animals.” He is also a defender of killing the aged (if they have dementia), newborns (for almost any reason until they are two years old), necrophilia (assuming it’s consensual), and bestiality (also assuming it’s consensual).[4]

In 2006, it was also reported that Singer worked part-time as Laureate Professor at the University of Melbourne in the Centre for Applied Philosophy and Public Ethics since 2005.[5]

In 2005, four legislators in the liberal state of Massachusetts tried to soften it bestiality laws.[6]

he Bible says that bestiality is a perversion and, under the Old Testament Jewish Law, punishable by death (Exodus 22:19, Leviticus 18:23, Leviticus 20:15 and Deuteronomy 27:21). The atheistic worldview does not lend itself to the establishment of morality within society and individuals (see: Atheism and morality and Atheism and deception).

A study found that "Psychiatric patients were found to have a statistically significant higher prevalence rate (55%) of bestiality than the control groups (10% and 15% respectively)."[7] The atheist population has a higher suicide rate and lower marriage rates than the general population (see: Atheism and suicide and Atheism and marriageability and Atheism and health).

Areas of the world where bestiality has recently posed a notable problem[edit]

See also: Bestiality and various geographic areas

The first "bestiality/zoophile rights" group, called Equality for All, has its roots in secular Europe and formed in the '90s.[8]

In areas of the Western World where there is a significant amount of atheists and evolutionary belief, there have been notable problems related to bestiality (see: Atheism and bestiality and Evolutionary belief and bestiality and Bestiality and secular Europe).

Vice News, a global news channel which broadcasts documentaries about current topics, reported in 2014 concerning secular Europe:

Bestiality is having a weird renaissance in Europe. Perhaps ironically, it kicked off when activists succeeded in banning the practice in places like Germany and Norway. In the background, something else emerged simultaneously: an animal-sex-tourism industry, which has been blossoming in Denmark.[9]

On July 1, 2013 the Daily Mail reported that bestiality brothels were spreading quickly through Germany.[10] In addition, the Daily Mail reported that there "are even 'erotic zoos' which people can visit to abuse animals ranging from llamas to goats."[11]

In 2014, according to Danish journalist Margit Shabanzahen, a Danish man who ran a business catering to people who have sex with horses said that he had buses of people arriving at his business.[12]

On July 1, 2013 the Daily Mail reported that bestiality brothels were spreading quickly through Germany. In addition, there "are even 'erotic zoos' which people can visit to abuse animals ranging from llamas to goats."[13] See: Bestiality and Germany

In February of 2010, the UK news website Metro reported:

Given the illicit nature of the product, precise figures on animal pornography video sales are difficult to find, but the Dutch newspaper Algemeen Dagblad, in a 2007 survey, found that distributors in the Netherlands were responsible for some 80 percent of bestiality videos worldwide.[14]

Below is a list of areas where bestiality has recently posed notable problems and has been reported in news outlets:

First "bestiality rights" organization was founded in secular Europe[edit]

The first so called "bestiality/zoophile rights" group, called Equality for All, has its roots in secular Europe and formed in the '90s.[15] It is located in the Czech Republic. According to a 2010 Eurobarometer poll, 16% of Czech citizens responded that "they believe there is a God" which the lowest rate among the countries of the European Union.[16]

Homosexuality and bestiality[edit]

See also: Homosexuality and bestiality

Prominent homosexual activist Frank Kameny's comments on bestiality[edit]

See also: Homosexuality and bestiality

On Jun 04, 2008, LifeSiteNews wrote:

Long-time homosexual activist Frank Kameny’s claim to fame is successfully manipulating the American Psychiatric Association into declassifying homosexuality as a mental disorder, and today the Smithsonian honoree is now busily advocating bestiality "as long as the animal doesn’t mind."

Kameny, 83, has had a long career advocating the removal of any restrictions on human acts long considered by sane societies as obscene, dangerous, and disordered...

Kameny describes his mission as "Americanism in action" by advocating bestiality and encouraging the saturation of American culture with what he calls "more and better and harder-core pornography."

According to Americans for Truth about Homosexuality (AFTAH), Kameny wrote an e-mail to them saying that while he was personally opposed to bestiality, he found it an otherwise "harmless" quirk, so long as it was consensual with the animal involved.

"Bestiality is not my thing," Kameny wrote. "But it seems to be a harmless foible or idiosyncrasy of some people. So, as long as the animal doesn’t mind (and the animal rarely does), I don’t mind, and I don’t see why anyone else should."[17]

Homosexuals March in Madrid Cheering Bestiality[edit]

See also: Homosexuality and bestiality

On July 14, 2009, in an article entitled Homosexuals March in Madrid Cheering Bestiality and Demanding “Affective-Sexual Diversity” in School, LifeSiteNews reported concerning a homosexual parade in Spain:

"I like dogs, I like apples, in my bed I sleep with whomever I want," was one of the principal chants in the Gay Pride Parade last week in Madrid, where hundreds of thousands marched through the streets to advocate "gay rights" and homosexualist ideology, according to local media reports.[18]

Telegraph article on individuals asking for bestiality "rights" post homosexuality "rights"[edit]

On October 5, 2011, the British newspaper The Telegraph wrote:

Every society has its tragic perverts. What makes this new generation of bestialists different is their political and cultural savvy. They have latched onto the language of “rights” and are trying to identify themselves with other sexual minorities. Michele Bachmann must be overjoyed. This somewhat validates the Christian Right’s prediction that the campaign for gay equality has accidentally opened the door to some far freakier demands.

The push for the normalisaton of bestiality is astonishing for its candour...

Like other bestialists, Brenner cleverly adopts the language of minority persecution in defence of his “relationship”. It puts the reader onto a back foot, forcing them to justify their own “prejudice”. Another activist, Cody Beck, compares talking about his attraction to dogs and horses to a gay teenager coming out....

Of course, there is a big difference between gay marriage and zoophilia. But what Beck’s perverse logic illustrates is how the gay rights movement has moved American society to a point where it at least has to consider legalising things like polygamy and bestiality. Take this article by feminist author Victoria Bekiempis in The Guardian. It’s a cogent, intelligent summation of the arguments for and against bestiality. As such, its tone is simply astonishing. At no point does Bekiempis simply write what the sane reader is actually thinking, ie, “People who rape their guide dogs should be flogged within an inch of their lives.” While Bekiempis disagrees with the zoophiles, by taking them so seriously she elevates them.[19]

Liberal American entertainment industry and bestiality[edit]

LifeSiteNews reported:"In 46 hours of programming, NBC contained only one reference to marital sex, but 11 references to non-marital sex and one reference to adultery were made. References to incest, pedophilia, partner swapping, prostitution, threesomes, transsexuals/transvestites, bestiality, and necrophilia combined outnumbered references to sex in marriage on NBC by a ratio of 27 to 1.[20]

See also: Liberal American entertainment industry and bestiality and Liberal bias

American Television and bestiality[edit]

The mainstream American media has a liberal bias (see: Liberal bias).

On August 6, 2008 LifeSiteNews reported:

The Parents Television Council released a new study, Happily Never After: How Hollywood Favors Adultery and Promiscuity Over Marital Intimacy on Prime Time Broadcast Television, which revealed that broadcast networks depict sex in the context of marriage as either non-existent or burdensome, while showing positive depictions of extra-marital or adulterous sexual relationships with alarming frequency....

According to the PTC study, some of the once-taboo-for-TV sexual behaviors that are now found on prime time television include threesomes, partner swapping, pedophilia, necrophilia, bestiality, and sex with prostitutes...

In 46 hours of programming, NBC contained only one reference to marital sex, but 11 references to non-marital sex and one reference to adultery were made.

References to incest, pedophilia, partner swapping, prostitution, threesomes, transsexuals/transvestites, bestiality, and necrophilia combined outnumbered references to sex in marriage on NBC by a ratio of 27 to 1.[21]

New York Magazine and bestiality[edit]

The American Conservative website declares"

A couple of nights ago, I ran across a lengthy interview in New York magazine, titled, “What It’s Like to Date a Horse.” I thought it was a satire of some sort. It’s not. I’m not linking to it, because it is sick, sick stuff. It’s incredibly graphic, and I had decided not to write about it. But the more I thought about the thing, the more disturbed it made me. Here’s why: What’s significant is not that this deranged behavior happens. It has no doubt always been with us. What’s significant is that this interview appears in a mainstream magazine.

Says the zoophile in the interview: “I love me. I love who I am. I love my sexuality. … I wish we could talk more openly about sex and alternative sexual interests, or just sex in general.” He says that if we could do that, maybe so many zoophiles wouldn’t kill themselves.[22]

Occupy Wall Street and bestiality chant[edit]

See also: Occupy Wall Street and bestiality chant

Bestiality is the act of engaging in sexual relations with an animal. A crowd at Occupy Wall Street was led to repeat various chants which included a chant involving bestiality and the incident was videotaped.[23]

Below is an excerpt of the chant:

Everything seems to be possible. [Crowd Parrot Chant] You can travel to the moon. [CPC] You can become immortal [CPC] by biogenetics. You can have sex with animals, or whatever. [CPC].[24]

American public schools and bestiality[edit]

School in liberal state of Massachusetts had summer school reading with bestiality content[edit]

A Massachusetts parent filed a complaint with local police over an allegedly "pornographic" summer school reading assignment for high school students that involves bestiality and other sexually explicit material.

On July 7, 2008 Cybercast News reported:

A Massachusetts parent has filed a complaint with local police over an allegedly "pornographic" summer school reading assignment for high school students that involves bestiality and other sexually explicit material.

Mary Clossey filed her report with the Newton, Mass. Police Department Friday after learning that her 15-year-old son had been assigned to read 'The Perks of Being a Wallflower" by Stephen Chbosky.

Internet bookseller describes the book as the "funny, touching, memorable first novel from Stephen Chbosky," and praised it for "the resounding accuracy with which the author captures the voice of a boy teetering on the brink of adulthood." But Clossey takes a different view of the 213-page novel.

"I objected to it because of the different kinds of sex," she said. "We have sodomy, we have bestiality, sex with the dog, it's all in here."[25]

Public school library and bestiality related material[edit]

LifeSiteNews reported on February 13, 2008:

The perversion of children in America by books allowed and even promoted in public schools has been the cause of parental shock and outrage. Yesterday The Washington Times reported on the hair-raising story of Christine T. Schwalm, a mother who confronted the Montgomery County Board of Education with the perverse material recommended to students by the county school system. Mrs. Schwalm was forced to take the issue before the board, when School Superintendent Paul L. Vance denied her request to remove the filthy books from school libraries in January. The books contained graphic sexual prose laced with profanities depicting incest, bestiality, and rape.[26]

University of Chicago and bestiality[edit]

Journalist Peter LaBarbera reported that the University of Chicago had an exhibit which featured bestiality books and other pornography.[27]

On May 9, 2011, OneNewNow reported:

A pro-family leader says his group recently ran into an alarming display at an Illinois university.

Americans for Truth About Homosexuality (AFTAH) founder Peter LaBarbera visited the University of Chicago upon learning that the school had funded an exhibit called the "Leather Library," which featured books and magazines about sadomasochism.

"Incredibly, the university has now allowed an official student group dedicated to sadomasochism. This [is a] consensually violent, degrading sex fetish, and the university funded this Leather Library exhibit," he laments.

Peter LaBarbera (AFTAH) LaBarbera took pictures of some of the material....available to young people at the exhibit, which displayed themes of incest and pedophilia.

"There were bestiality books there, and even one that is too disgusting to mention -- a form of pornography which is the most vile in the world, eroticizing so-called 'snuff' films, where a person is murdered in the process of pornography," the AFTAH president reports.

He says he has learned that once the floodgates to homosexuality are opened, little can be done to stop what follows. And he concludes that this exhibit, for which developers hope to raise enough money to take nationwide, is an example of that.[28]

Agnostic and left leaning Cenk Uyger and his view on the legalization of bestiality in some circumstances[edit]

Cenk Uygur, the creator and host of the left leaning The Young Turks web news show, said, “I’m agnostic now. I was born Muslim. My whole family is Muslim.”[29]

In 2013, Cenk Uyger said that if he had the power to do so he would legalize bestiality in cases where the person is pleasuring the animal and the animal appears not to mind.[30][31]

Homosexual and abortion activist judge caught with bestiality on website[edit]

The liberal U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals Judge Alex Kozinski showcased images of bestiality on his website.[32][33]

(photo obtained from Wikimedia Commons, see: license agreement)

On June 16, 2008 LifeSiteNews reported in a story entitled Homosexual and Abortion Activist Judge Caught with Bestiality on Website:

The chief judge of a U.S. circuit court of appeals, which has been described by American Family Association founder Don Wildmon as "the most liberal court in the country", has just been caught operating a website containing explicit sexual content, while presiding over an obscenity trial.

Alex Kozinski, chief judge of the U.S. Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, suspended for 48 hours a trial he was presiding over after the prosecutor petitioned for time to investigate "a potential conflict of interest concerning the court having a…sexually explicit website with similar material to what is on trial here."[34]

On July 8, 2009, LifeSiteNews reported:

Peers have admonished and cleared Chief Judge Alex Kozinski of the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals for showcasing images of bestiality and other sexually explicit material on his personal website.

The images were discovered last year as Kozinski presided over an obscenity trial, from which the judge recused himself after the prosecutor in the case petitioned for time to investigate "a potential conflict of interest concerning the court having a ... sexually explicit website with similar material to what is on trial here."[35]

Socialist Spain schools and bestiality[edit]

LifeSiteNews reported:"According to reports originating from Cordoba, in the Spanish region of Andalucia, the EpC program there is..teaching bestiality."[36]

LifeSiteNews reported on February 04, 2010:

The program, known as "Education for Citizenship and Human Rights" (EpC) is being imposed on all schools in Spain, public and private. Families who refuse to allow their children to attend have been threatened with prosecution. Although schools have some latitude in how they implement the program, Spanish government officials at all levels are clearly seeking to normalize promiscuity and unnatural sexual behavior.

According to reports originating from Cordoba, in the Spanish region of Andalucia, the EpC program there is going even further—and teaching bestiality.

The organization "Cordoba Educates in Freedom," a group opposed to EpC, is accusing the EpC program at the Maimonides Institute for Secondary Education of teaching 13-14 year olds that "nature gives us sex so that we can use it with another girl, another boy, or with an animal," according to a report by Professionals for Ethics, another anti-EpC group.[37]

Sonja Dalton of Americans For Truth About Homosexuality on bestiality and homosexuality[edit]

Sonja Dalton of Americans For Truth About Homosexuality wrote:

The fact is that humans are hard-wired to distinguish normal, natural behaviors from depraved, wicked acts. God instilled man with a conscience whereby we know, intuitively and with confidence, that acts of righteousness evoke joy and that other acts are wicked and morally reprehensible…at least we recognize that until we start to rationalize, unless the conscience has been seared, hardened by sin’s deceitfulness. Nearly everyone understands that having “sex” with animals is appalling — there is no organized, multi-million dollar movement to advance the rights of those with a sexual proclivity for livestock (at least not yet), no claim that they were “born that way.”

The same God who condemns bestiality as “perversion” also calls homosexual acts “detestable.” His morality is the one upon which our nation’s laws were founded. If Christian morality is exiled, whose morality will become our standard?

And the real question is this: If we as a society still believe that bestiality is immoral, why are we so foolishly embracing “proud” homosexuality as “moral” — when it clearly cannot be?[38] on liberal Christianity and bestiality[edit]

See also: Liberal Christianity and bestiality

Liberal Christianity or Theological Modernism is a broad term which basically refers to a movement within American Protestant denominations to stress the social role of Christianity, as in the Social Gospel of the early 20th century. This movement is characterized by a lack of emphasis on or denial of the plenary Divine inspiration and authority of the Bible, and commitment to doctrinal purity. Prevalent Biblical themes such as repentance from personal moral sin, hell and damnation for those who reject Christ, His blood atonement and His future literal reign are minimized, or militated against. In 1937, H. Richard Niebuhr summarized their basic gospel message as preaching that "A God without wrath brought men without sin into a kingdom without judgment through the ministrations of a Christ without a Cross."[39][40] declared about liberal Christianity and bestiality:

Beginning about 250 years ago, liberalism -- a view of the Bible as a purely natural book that gutted Christianity of its historic beliefs -- began developing and growing in influence...

...liberals underestimate the moral and spiritual depravity of humanity. The liberal credo is that human beings are basically good, and it is on this basis that liberals reject much of the biblical revelation. For example, the doctrine of eternal punishment makes no sense if human beings are basically good — but it makes fine sense if fallen human beings are incorrigibly depraved and rebellious against God in their hearts apart from the transforming grace of God in Jesus Christ. God’s command to destroy the Canaanites makes a lot of sense when you realize that the whole culture was permeated with such gross evils as bestiality and child sacrifice (which is also why the Israelites were repeatedly warned not to engage in such practices).[41]

See also[edit]

External links[edit]


  1. The Basis of a Christian Worldview
  2. Is Princeton too liberal?, History News Network
  3. The Dangerous Mind by Joe Carter, First Things
  4. The Basis of a Christian Worldview
  5. [Massachusetts bill to repeal fornication, adultery, and blasphemy, and to soften bestiality laws]
  6. A prevalence study of bestiality (zoophilia) in psychiatric in-patients, medical in-patients, and psychiatric staff - Int J Psychosom. 1991;38(1-4):45-7.
  7. Aug 20 2009 article at entitled Those Who Practice Bestiality Say They're Part of the Next Sexual Rights Movement
  8. Secular Europe's weird bestiality renaissance
  9. Bestiality brothels are 'spreading through Germany'
  10. Bestiality brothels are 'spreading through Germany'
  11. Secular Europe's weird bestiality renaissance
  12. Bestiality brothels are 'spreading through Germany'
  13. [1]
  14. Aug 20 2009 article at entitled Those Who Practice Bestiality Say They're Part of the Next Sexual Rights Movement
  15. Eurobarometer Poll in 2010
  16. Prominent Homosexual Activist Says Bestiality OK “As Long as the Animal Doesn’t Mind”
  17. Homosexuals March in Madrid Cheering Bestiality and Demanding “Affective-Sexual Diversity” in School
  18. The dark side of sexual freedom: American 'zoophiles' take on the language of equality - October 5, 2011 - The Telegraph
  19. Study Finds TV Treats Marital Sex as Burdensome, Adultery as Positive
  20. Study Finds TV Treats Marital Sex as Burdensome, Adultery as Positive
  21. Galloping Toward Gomorrah, The American Conservative
  22. The 10 Greatest Moments From The Occupy Wall Street Protests So Far
  23. The 10 Greatest Moments From The Occupy Wall Street Protests So Far
  26. Univ. of Chicago promotes S&M porn
  27. Univ. of Chicago promotes S&M porn
  28. CENK UYGUR – 2010. They're afraid of our truth, Freedom From Religion Foundation website
  29. Cenk Uyger, Young Turks Host Now Running for Katie Hill’s Vacant House Seat, “I Would Legalize Bestiality”
  30. SICK 2013 Video Is a HORRIFYING Nightmare for House Dem Candidate That Should Lead to his ARREST
  31. Homosexual and Abortion Activist Judge Caught with Bestiality on Website, June 16, 2008, LifeSiteNews
  32. Chief U.S. Judge Slapped on Wrist for Bestiality, Porn on Personal Website
  33. Homosexual and Abortion Activist Judge Caught with Bestiality on Website, June 16, 2008, LifeSiteNews
  34. Chief U.S. Judge Slapped on Wrist for Bestiality, Porn on Personal Website
  35. Spanish Government Sex-Ed Program “Recommends” Sex to Adolescents
  36. Spanish Government Sex-Ed Program “Recommends” Sex to Adolescents
  37. Why Do We Regard Bestiality as Immoral?
  38. The Kingdom of God in America (1937), New York: Harper and Row, 1959, p. 193
  39. The Comforting Doctrine of Hell
  40. Letting Go: Liberal Christianity-Retreating from the Faith,

Categories: [Bestiality] [Sin] [Sexuality] [Liberalism] [Atheism]

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