
From Conservapedia

Virginity as a term is an expression of purity. It implies pure, unadulterated, chaste. A virgin is a person of either gender who has not had sex.

Some girls stay secretive about their Christianity and desire for virginity until marriage. Don’t be ashamed to let others know where you stand. Ask your youth pastor about signing a document proclaiming your purity commitment. Then tell others about it. Consider wearing a purity symbol such as a ring or special necklace — especially on dates. These have no special power, but they can remind you of your plan to remain sexually pure.

What's Your Plan for Sexual Purity? by Elaine Creasman.

Virginity is respected and valued in many societies, especially female virginity, which is often interwoven with personal or family honor and patriarchy in some cultures. Some men place importance on a woman's virginity, especially in a prospective wife.

See also[edit]

This image is based on a World War I poster of Uncle Sam exhorting men to "protect the nation's honor".

External links[edit]

Categories: [Sexuality] [Ethics] [Virtues]

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