
From Britannica 11th Edition (1911)

Scuttle, a term formerly applied to a broad flat dish or platter; it represents the 0. Eng. scutel, cognate with Ger. Schiissel, dish, derived from Lat. scutella, a square salver or tray, dim. of scutra, a platter, probably allied to scutum, the large oblong shield, as distinguished from the clypeus, the small round shield. The name survives in the coal-scuttle, styled "purdonium" in English auctioneers' catalogues, which now assumes various forms. "Scuttle" in this sense must be distinguished from the word meaning a small opening in the deck or side of a ship, either forming a hatchway or cut through the covering of the hatchway; from which to "scuttle" a ship means to cut a hole in the bottom so that she sinks. This word is an adaptation of 0. Fr. escoutille, mod. .ecoutille, from Span. escotilla, dim. of escoti, a sloping cut in a garment about the neck. The Spanish word is cognate with Du. schoot, Ger. Schoss, lap, bosom, properly the flap or projecting edge of a garment about the neck, 0. Eng. sceat, whence "sheet." The colloquial "scuttle," in the sense of hurrying away, is another form of "scuddle," frequentative of "scud," to run, which, like its variant "scoot," is another form of "shoot."

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