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Uncertainty is an increasingly important concept in modern science and mathematics, which was largely undeveloped by the Greek philosophers until Jesus commented extensively on the issue.

An intrinsic uncertainty is the focus of the Parable of the Wheat and Chaff, Matthew 13:24-30 , which implies that perhaps not even God can initially and easily distinguish between those on his side and those who are against him in this world, or ideas which are good and those that are evil.

The uncertainty about when the master returns is a common theme in multiple parables, even to the point of implying that God uses uncertainty about time to identify who is faithful and who is not. In Luke 12:37-40 , Jesus speaks about the uncertainty in time of when the master will return, and when the Son, a Man will return. Riches themselves are described as fundamentally uncertain in 1Timothy 6:17 , and thus not worth pinning one's hopes on.

The word "uncertainty" is not mentioned in the KJV of the Bible, but there is this express reference to "uncertainty" at 1 Timothy 6:17 in modern translations:[1]

Instruct those who are rich in this present world not to be conceited or to fix their hope on the uncertainty of riches, but on God, who richly supplies us with all things to enjoy.

In Quantum mechanics[edit]

While much of science and engineering deals with the ordinary notions of accurate measurement, uncertainty takes on a much deeper and fundamental meaning in quantum mechanics. The wave function of a quantum mechanical system has an intrinsic uncertainty in it. Attempts to interpret that as mere inability to make accurate measurements (so-called "hidden variable" theories), have been shown to be incorrect. The uncertainty of physical systems, as in the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle, is truly fundamental.

In the Bible[edit]

Some people believe that an intrinsic uncertainty is the focus of the Parable of the Wheat and Chaff, Matthew 13:24-30 , which implies that perhaps not even God can initially and easily distinguish between those on his side and those who are against him in this world, or ideas which are good and those that are evil. Others consider this view heretical.

The word "uncertainty" is not mentioned in the KJV of the Bible, but there is this express reference to "uncertainty" at 1 Timothy 6:17 in modern translations:[2]

Instruct those who are rich in this present world not to be conceited or to fix their hope on the uncertainty of riches, but on God, who richly supplies us with all things to enjoy.

See also[edit]


  1. NASB quoted here; other modern versions also use "uncertainty" here.
  2. NASB quoted here; other modern versions also use "uncertainty" here.

Categories: [Bible] [Uncertainty]

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