
From Isbe



There are several Hebrew and Greek words which are rendered "morning," the most common in Hebrew being boqer, which occurs 180 times. It properly means "the breaking forth of the light," "the dawn," as in Genesis 19:27; Judges 19:8,25,27. Another word with the same meaning is shachar (Genesis 19:15; Nehemiah 4:21; Isaiah 58:8). mishchar ("womb of the morning," Psalms 110:3) is a poetical term derived from. the same root. See HIND OF THE MORNING, THE. noghah, naghha' (Daniel 6:19 (Hebrew 20)), mean "brightness." hashkem, comes from hishkim, "to load an animal" (for a journey), and as the nomads are accustomed to do this early in the morning it came to mean early morning (1 Samuel 17:16).


In the New Testament orthros, is properly "dawn," and is used for early morning (John 8:2; Acts 5:21), and proia signifies the same (Matthew 27:1). proi, "early," is an adverb and means early in the morning (Mark 1:35). Morning as an adjective is orthrinos (Revelation 22:16), or proinos (1 Esdras 1:11; 5:50; Revelation 2:28; 22:16).

H. Porter

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Bibliography Information
Orr, James, M.A., D.D. General Editor. "Entry for 'MORNING'". "International Standard Bible Encyclopedia". 1915.  

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