Gretchen Whitmer

From Conservapedia
Gretchen Whitmer
Senator Gretchen Whitmer 2011.jpg
Governor of Michigan
From: January 1, 2019 – present
Lieutenant Garlin Gilchrist
Predecessor Rick Snyder
Successor Incumbent (no successor)
Michigan Senate, 23rd District
From: March 21, 2006 – January 1, 2015
Predecessor Virgil Bernero
Successor Curtis Hertel Jr.
Michigan House of Representatives, 70th District
From: January 1, 2001 – December 31, 2002
Predecessor Laura Baird
Successor Judy Emmons
Michigan House of Representatives, 69th District
From: January 1, 2003 – November 15, 2006
Predecessor ???
Successor Mark Meadows
Party Democrat
Spouse(s) Marc Mallory
Religion Christian (in name only)

Gretchen Esther “Half-wit” (see below) Whitmer (born August 23, 1971, age 51) is the sitting fascist Governor of Michigan and DNC Vice chair.[1] She was given the position of vice chair after speaking expletives while addressing the 2020 Democratic National Convention.[2] Previously Whitmer served in the Michigan Senate and the Michigan House of Representatives.

In October 2020 the Michigan Supreme Court denied Whitmer's request to extend her totalitarian grip on the state through Coronavirus lockdown orders.[3]

Whitmer has publicly urged violence and the assassination and removal of President Donald J. Trump.[4]

Capitol insurrection[edit]

In 2012, Whitmer lead a violent mob in an insurrectionary takeover of the Michigan state capitol building.[5] In Whitmer's own words, "I threw open the doors of the Capitol and led the resistance from my office" as Senate minority leader.[6] A marauding band of leftist militants invaded the Capitol building to protest then-governor Rick Snyder's enactment of a statewide right to work law.[7] Profane and violent liberal bigots assaulted peaceful protestors who supported right to work initiatives.[8] Steven Crowder, reporting on the event, was punched in the face by a leftist thug.

Governor of Michigan[edit]

Whitmer sent racially-motivated disparaging text messages to female African American state representative Karen Whitsett when the latter's conduct fell outside the acceptable norms and boundaries of the Democrat plantation.[9]

2018 Michigan gubernatorial election[edit]

See also: 2018 Midterm elections

Whitmer ran for governor in 2018 and easily won the gubernatorial election over Bill Schuette by almost 10% of the vote,[10] with the results largely attributed to a blue wave, Schuette being a weaker candidate, and Democrats blaming Rick Snyder and the Republicans over the Flint water crisis.[11]


Despite fake news "fact-checking",[12] Whitmer voiced support for defunding the police[13] and cut over $100 million from the statewide police budget, replacing the money with federal dollars at an insufficient amount.[14]

Whitmer asserted on May 25, 2020, that Donald Trump's tweets has caused her to have “the worst night's sleep” in ten weeks.[15]

Incompetent handling of coronavirus outbreak[edit]

Gretchen Whitmer (4th from left) partying at a bar with predominantly white Democrat bureaucrats, in violation of Whitmer's own mask and social distancing orders which destroyed many Michiganders lives and businesses.[16]
See also: CCP virus in the United States

After it came to be known that hydroxychloroquine was an effective treatment for the CCP virus, Whitmer banned doctors from prescribing it.[17] Only a few days later, Whitmer immediately reversed the crackdown and requested that the Trump administration supply the very drug she had just previously banned constituents from obtaining.[18]

Former U.S. representative Kerry Bentivolio reported to National File in late March 2020 that Whitmer and her office had rejected his offer of accepting several thousand facemasks to distribute throughout Michigan.[19]

Whitmer declared what items are and are not "essential", dictating to grocery stores what they can and cannot sell. In a move reminiscent of the Stalinesque Holodomor, Whitmer would not allow the purchase of seeds during the spring planting season for backyard fruit and vegetables gardens. Self-sufficiency and growing fruits and vegetables at home while on lockdown would maintain social distancing by avoiding grocery stores during the pandemic. Lottery tickets and revenue to the state from gambling however, is still permitted. In addition, Whitmer allows abortion "services" to maintain because they are supposedly "life-sustaining" (blatantly ignoring the fact that abortion is murder)[20] yet car seats were not "essential".

After Whitmer issued new oppressive regulations barring private gatherings "of any size", a Facebook page called "Michiganders Against Excessive Quarantine" grew to 344,000 followers.[21]

Whitmer banned motor boats and jet skies, but not canoes and sailboats,[22] proving her assumption of dictatorial powers to pursue the Green New Deal anti-fossil fuel agenda rather than to limit social distancing to protect public health. Whitmer's actions revealed the anti-democratic and totalitarian nature of Leftism and the Democrat Party. Michiganders are banned from traveling "between residences" if they own a cottage or a summer home, but the ban only applies to Michigan residents, so an out-of-stater with a cottage in the Upper Peninsula could presumably still visit. The ban also still allows travel between states, so if a Michigander has a cottage in Wisconsin or Ohio, he can travel without fear of being arrested or fined by state police.[23] University of Michigan Law school students filed a lawsuit against Whitmer on behalf of a Michigan timeshare owner over the governor's stay-home order for civil rights violations.[24]

Whitmer told Politico that 2020 presidential election candidate Joe Biden, sidelined with mental competency concerns and sexual assault allegations, is helping her with her communication strategy[25] and that she and Biden are cut from similar cloth.[26] Biden has admitted to counseling Whitmer as she navigated through unconstitutional territories.[27] Attorney General William Barr issued a statement:

I am directing each of our United States Attorneys to be on the lookout for state and local directives that could be violating the constitutional rights and civil liberties of individual citizens.... the Constitution is not suspended..."[28]

On May 22, 2020, Whitmer arbitrarily extended the statewide stay-at-home order from May 28 to June 12.[29]

On June 18, 2020, one day before the statewide emergency order was set to expire, Whitmer extended it until July 16.[30] On July 15, she extended the order once again, setting the state of emergency to continue until early-to-mid August.[31] Unsurprisingly, she again extended the order on August 7, 2020, to September 4,[32] and yet again exactly on September 4 to last until October 1.[33]

On July 10, Gov. Whitmer signed an executive order mandating people in Michigan to wear masks in any indoor public spaces and outdoor public areas;[34] violators are expected to be fined up to $500, and private businesses are unconstitutionally required to refuse entry to anyone not wearing masks under the threat of having their licenses withheld.

Whitmer announced on September 9, 2020, that statewide lockdown orders will remain until a coronavirus vaccine is produced and available.[35]

On September 9, 2020, Whitmer signed an executive order mandating face masks to be worn for players at organized sports events[36] despite the danger in breathing through face masks while heavily exercising.[37]

Whitmer said in a press conference on September 10, 2020, that the COVID-19 emergency order could last for additional months.[38]

In what seemed to be a victory for conservatives and libertarians in early October 2020, the Michigan Supreme Court struck down Whitmer's coronavirus emergency orders, ruling them to be excessive and in violation of the state's constitution.[39] Furious,[40] the stubborn governor, in defiance of the court, declared that the order would still last for an additional twenty-one days and vowed to use other means to retain her totalitarianism.[41] She later issued another totalitarian stay-at-home order in mid-November.[42]

Cronyism at the expense of public health[edit]

"All Business is Essential" billboards appeared to protest Whitmer's assault on the Constitution and human rights.

Whitmer awarded a contract for contact tracing in Michigan to Every Action VAN, an arm of the Democratic data behemoth NGP VAN. The liberal firm works with all of the major Democratic campaign committees and hundreds of labor unions across the country. The move has sparked concern that Whitmer was using the CCP pandemic to strengthen the Democratic Party's data operation, potentially at the expense of public health.

NGP VAN is run by Stuart Trevelyan, who worked in the Clinton White House and who is reportedly helping presumptive Democrat nominee Joe Biden’s campaign.

Whitmer’s own 2019 campaign paid NGP VAN nearly $5,000 in 2019, according to state campaign finance records. Every Action’s other clients include the radical anti-Israel group Jewish Voice for Peace, Planned Parenthood, and the left-wing National Women’s Law Center.

Whitmer also gave a contract to Great Lakes Community Engagement, which is run by Democrat consultant Michael Kolehouse. Kolehouse owns a firm that works to help elect far-left Democrats. Kolehouse said in a Facebook post:: “I hope [Trump] gets Coronavirus ASAP. Can someone do the country a favor and cough on that man.”[43]

Nursing home deaths[edit]

In May 2020, Whitmer directed a dangerous policy in ordering seniors, or anyone else, who test positive for COVID-19 to be transported to nursing homes that house healthy seniors,[44] a measure criticized by even a Democrat state representative. A few days later, Republican state senator Peter J. Lucido sought an investigation into the matter.[45] Whitmer's misguided directive came under heavy criticism[46] when in May 2020, a 75-year-old nursing home resident, an Army veteran who had been illegally seized from his apartment by Whitmer goons and sent to the residence without his relatives being notified, was brutally beaten in a racist attack[46] by 20-year-old Jaydon Hayden, a COVID-19 patient with mental health issues who had been sent to the same nursing home and has since been arrested and charged for the crime.[47]

It was reported on June 15, 2020, that one-third of all coronavirus-related deaths in Michigan were in nursing homes.[48] Despite this, Whitmer's administration irresponsibly refused to consider transporting COVID-19 positive patients to vacant centers rather than nursing homes.[49] When later questioned on the matter, Whitmer refused to specify details about the dangerous policy.[50]

The Macomb county prosecutor advised survivors who lost loved ones to COVID as residents or staff inside nursing homes should collect the vital information about the circumstances of their death and take that to local police and make a complaint as a wrongful death. Criminal charges could be filed against the Democrat fascist governor over putting COVID patients inside nursing homes used as hubs during the pandemic.[51]

In January 2022 the Michigan Auditor General reported that Gretchen Whitmer undercounted COVID nursing home deaths by as much as 42%.[52]

Disdain from Michiganders[edit]

Known as "Half-wit Whitmer" after a tweet by Donald Trump calling out the governor over her incompetence,[53] a petition to recall the election of Whitmer and oust her from office had garnered over 326,000 signatures as of April 24, 2020.[54] Michigan's Board of State Canvassers rejected it and a recall petition targeting Whitmer's attorney-general Dana Nessel in May 2020, justifying the rejection by claiming that the petitions contained "false statements", "inaccurate statements" and "spelling errors" without elaborating what those "errors" and "false/inaccurate statements" were.[55]

After many Michiganders expressed their strong disdain for the governor over her mishandling of the pandemic and her despotic behavior, a protest known as Operation Gridlock organized by the Michigan Conservative Coalition emerged on March 15, 2020, in Lansing to protest Whitmer's totalitarian policies, with thousands driving to the city to put a gridlock on the traffic and oppose the restrictive orders that have been enacted statewide.[56] A grassroots crowd of 100,000 ordinary people marched on the capital with traffic backed up 10 miles.

After the large protest that took place, Whitmer called the protesters "irresponsible" and suggested furthering the stay-at-home order, the very policy among several orders that led to the protest she has contempt for, which also proved the protesters' point regarding her abuse of power and elitism.[57] Whitmer said, "In World War II, there weren’t people lining up at the capitol to protest the fact that they had to drop everything they were doing and build planes or tanks, or to ration food;” Whitmer ignored the fact that during the World War II effort people were working and getting paid; but under her unilateral decrees people are forbidden from working and no-one is earning a living.[58]

Amid the anger from many Michiganders over totalitarian policies, Republicans in the state legislature introduced legislation to limit Gov. Whitmer's executive powers.[59]

It was reported by the Associated Press in early October that 539,000 petition signatures were submitted to repeal Whitmer's emergency powers.[60]

Whitmer at the coup to overthrow America's elected leader.

2020 Marxist uprising[edit]

See also: 2020 Marxist insurrection

FBI sting operation[edit]

See also: Gretchen Whitmer kidnap plot
FBI Agent Richard Trask, organizer of the 2020 Whitmer kidnap plot.[61]

In 2020 a group of undercover FBI informants and agent provocateurs convinced an anti-Trump, anti-police anarchist group to reconnoiter Whitmer's vacation home.[62] The anarchists then were arrested in what was alleged to be a kidnapping plot of Whitmer.[63] Whitmer used the FBI operation to bash President Trump as the head of a "vast right-wing conspiracy".[64][65][66][67] The alleged plot also included an alleged plan to storm the Michigan state capitol. Terrorism charges were later dropped against individuals charged.[68]

A look at the annotated indictment reveals that at every level of the plot, FBI operatives played the most important leadership roles:[69]

In one of the plot’s climactic scenes, in the main van driving up to look at Governor Whitmer’s vacation home, three out of the five people in the van — 60 percent of the plot’s senior leaders — were federal agents and informants. FBI infiltrators comprised, at the very least, 26 percent of the plotters. According to court papers, 12 FBI informants participated in making the arrests of 6 suspects in another October Surprise just prior to the 2020 general election.[70] The head of the FBI field office in Detroit, Steven D’Antuono, who oversaw the infiltration operation into the Michigan plot was quickly and quietly promoted to lead the Washington, D.C. field office.[71]

In a follow-up story, the FBI Special Agent in charge of the operation was charged with assault with intent to do great bodily harm, less than murder following a domestic incident with his wife.[72]

Whitmer sends out a coded message to radical Democrats on Meet the Press to assassinate President Trump.[4]

Impeachment call[edit]

On November 15, 2020, Michigan GOP state representative Matt Maddock announced that he is filing paperwork with the Michigan House of Representatives to start impeachment proceedings against Whitmer for her egregious abuse of power during the COVID-19 pandemic, citing her repeated defiance of Michigan Supreme Court orders limiting her powers so she could continue illegally imposing her will on the public while hypocritically ignoring her own orders,[73] her responsibility for the deaths of elderly people due to COVID-19 under draconian lockdown orders and her devastation of the state economy under her despotic rule, also due to those same lockdown orders.[74]

Despite strong efforts by conservative Republicans to hold Whitmer accountable, Michigan's RINO Majority Leader Mike Shirkley and House Speaker Lee Chatfield announced their opposition to calls in favor of impeachment.[75]

Election fraud[edit]

See also: Michigan election fraud

An independent forensic audit of Dominion Voting Systems machines used in Michigan in the 2020 presidential election concluded:

Michigan Democrat state representative Jewell James claimed he didn't have to have his mugshot taken after a DUI arrest because "Big Gretch is my homie."[76]
“The Dominion Voting System is intentionally and purposefully designed with inherent errors to create systemic fraud and influence election results. ...The intentional errors lead to bulk adjudication of ballots with no oversight, transparency, and no audit trail. This leads to voter or election fraud. Based on our study we conclude that the Dominion Voting System should not be used in Michigan....The allowable election error rate established by the Federal Election Commission guidelines is of 1 in 250,000 ballots (.0008%). We observed an error rate of 68.05%. This demonstrated a significant and fatal error in security and election integrity."[77]

Shutdown of gas pipeline[edit]

In the midst of gas shortages in a number of Southern states caused by a recent cyberhacking attack perpetrated by leftist hacker group DarkSide[78] that led to the shutdown of the Colonial Pipeline,[79] Whitmer added to the problem by ordering the shutdown of a gas pipeline in Michigan.[80]

Democrat party operative[edit]

After all the documented fraud in the Michigan 2020 presidential election was refused a hearing in the Democrat-controlled Michigan supreme court,[81] the Biden junta rewarded Whitmer with the appointment as Democrat National Committee Vice Chairperson.[82] When Democrat state representative Jewell Jones was arrested on DUI charges, first refusing to take a breathalyzer test, then have his mugshot taken without a covid mask, told police,

"Big Gretch is the homie. When she finds out about this, she might be a little upset."[83]


See: Liberal hypocrisy

Whitmer has come under severe criticism for acting like a tyrannical monarch and illegally abusing her power, and for treating Michigan like her own personal fiefdom and its residents as little more than serfs.[47] She is an elitist hypocrite who exempts herself from the edicts she imposes on the people of her state and expects them to follow without question[84] and who claims to be against "anti-choice" legislation[85] while having voted against a bill to reinforce punishments against those that coerce women to get an abortion.[86]

Despite having called a twenty-cent gas tax increase “ridiculous” at the 2018 gubernatorial debate,[87] Whitmer called for a forty-five-cent gas tax increase five months later as governor, claiming that it would fix roads in Michigan.[88]

On September 27, 2018, Governor Whitmer tweeted, "I believe Dr. Ford"[89] when Christine Blasey Ford made an unproven and unreliable sexual assault allegation against Brett Kavanaugh. However, in 2020, Whitmer said that she "believed Joe Biden" and that “just because you’re a survivor doesn’t mean that every claim is equal" when Tara Reade made a far more severe and credible sexual assault allegation against 2020 Democrat presidential nominee Joe Biden.[90]

It was reported on May 20, 2020, by the Gateway Pundit that Whitmer and her husband Marc Mallory had traveled to their summer home after banning constituents from doing the exact same thing.[91]

In mid-July 2020, Whitmer called efforts to impeach her “outrageous”,[92] making several highly ridiculous claims which highlighted her extreme liberal hypocrisy: Gov. Whitmer claimed that others were “trying to politicize this virus”, despite her being the one who exploited the pandemic to unconstitutionally legislate a far-left agenda; she also claimed that her policies “saved tens of thousands of lives”, when they have directly led to around two thousand deaths. Most importantly, Whitmer admitted to being a tyrant when asserting:

All of these political attacks on my power, all of these political attacks on the power of the executive office are incredibly dangerous.

According to Whitmer in early September 2020, a Trump rally would be "distressing" due to the CCP pandemic yet a Biden campaign event would "follow the science".[93] Donald Trump previously said in mid-July 2020 that he "wasn't allowed" to hold campaign rallies in Democrat-run states that locked down,[94] and upon the news, Whitmer then considered blocking such.[95]

Despite being a strong opponent of a southern border wall, it was reported on September 8, 2020, that Whitmer's residence would receive over $1 million in taxpayer dollars to spend on building an 8-foot tall fencing parameter surrounding it.[96]

Whitmer ironically claimed on September 10, 2020, that Donald Trump is "the biggest threat to the American people."[97]

In mid-September 2020, Whitmer said that Trump "has deceived the public."[98]

Whitmer claimed that a "lock her up" chant at a Trump rally in mid-October 2020 was "inciting violence";[99] at a Sunday interview, it was found in the background a symbol perceived to be a call to assassinate Trump.[100]

According to Whitmer, Donald Trump supposedly seeks "to undermine the foundational principles of this country."[101]

Political views[edit]

Endorsed by progressive organizations such as Planned Parenthood, MoveOn, and the Human Rights Campaign,[102] Whitmer is a leftist[103] who opposes voter ID, school vouchers, and late-term abortion bans.[104] Based on her opposition to the Michigan right-to-work law and her vehement protests against same as well as her strident support for abortion, she is also a social justice warrior.


  4. 4.0 4.1
  7. State Senator Gretchen Whitmer at the Right To Work Protest at the Capitol in Lansing
  8. UNEDITED UNION ASSAULT FOOTAGE! (Warning: Video is NOT for kids, as it contains recorded footage of repetitive expletive usage, assault, and mob violence)
  10. Two references:
  11. Who's to blame for the Flint water crisis? - PolitiFact
  12. Two references:
  13. Multiple references:
  14. Gretchen Whitmer Defunds Police: Cuts $115 Million from State Cops, Replaces Portion with Fed Cash
  15. Axios on HBO: Governor Gretchen Whitmer (Promo) | HBO
  17. Multiple references:
  18. Multiple references:
  19. EXCLUSIVE — Former Congressman: Gretchen Whitmer REJECTED My Offer of Facemasks
  20. Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer declares abortion a 'life-sustaining' service
  29. Two references:
  30. Multiple references:
  31. Multiple references:
  32. Multiple references:
  33. Multiple references:
  34. Multiple references:
  35. Michigan will not soften coronavirus response until there is a vaccine, Gov Whitmer says
  36. Multiple references:
  37. Wearing Face Mask Could Make Exercise Dangerous
  38. Gov. Whitmer says state of emergency could last for "months”
  39. Multiple references:
  40. Whitmer ‘vehemently disagrees’ with Supreme Court ruling, says emergency orders remain in place for 21 days
  41. Multiple references:
  42. Multiple references:
  44. Michigan Dem Lawmaker Sounds Off on Whitmer's Nursing Home Order
  45. Michigan Sen. Peter Lucido seeks investigation into placing COVID-19 patients at nursing homes
  46. 46.0 46.1 MI Gov Whitmer Has Some Explaining To Do: 20-Yr-Old Black Man With “Mental Issues” Who Brutally Beat 77-Yr-Old Veteran In Nursing Home, Was Moved To Nursing Facility After COVID Diagnosis
  47. 47.0 47.1 Turning nursing homes into extermination sites: the Gretchen factor at the American Thinker
  48. Two references:
  49. Michigan declined nursing home leader's idea to put COVID-19 patients in vacant centers
  50. Gov. Whitmer Declines to Answer Rep. Scalise's Questions on Devastating Nursing Home Policy
  54. Petition To Recall Michigan’s Radical Governor Gets Over 327K Signatures…Whitmer’s Legal Counsel Delays Petition Hearing Due To “Notification Error”
  55. Michigan panel rejects petitions to recall Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, Attorney General Dana Nessel
  56. Multiple references:
  57. Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer says protests can lead to extension of stay-at-home orders
  59. Michigan Republicans introduce legislation that would limit Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s emergency authority
  60. 539,000 signatures submitted to repeal Gretchen Whitmer's emergency powers
  73. Whitmer Defies the Supreme Court and Continues Her Draconian Reign
  74. BREAKING: Michigan House Member Files to Impeach Governor Gretchen Whitmer at the Gateway Pundit
  75. Two references:
  78. Hackers Behind Colonial Pipeline Attack Received $90 Million in Bitcoin Ransom Payments at the Gateway Pundit
  79. Reports of Gas Shortages and Long Lines at Gas Stations in Southeastern States After Hackers Shut Down Colonial Pipeline #BidenGasLines at the Gateway Pundit
  80. In Midst of Massive Gas Shortages Crazy Insane Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer Orders Shutdown of Pipeline at the Gateway Pundit
  84. Whitmer Shoves Hypocrisy in Michiganders’ Faces
  85. Gretchen Whitmer on Abortion
  86. SB 1156 - Prohibits Actions that Coerce a Woman to Get an Abortion - Michigan Key Vote
  87. Whitmer takes flak for calling 20-cent gas tax hike ‘ridiculous’
  88. 7 questions about Gretchen Whitmer's Michigan gas tax increase
  91. CONFIRMED: Governor Whitmer Begs Michiganders Not to Travel to their Summer Home — Then Her Cars Are Seen Parked Outside of HER SUMMER HOME!
  92. Two references:
  93. Two references:
  94. Trump wants to have a 'big rally' in Michigan, says he isn't allowed
  95. Multiple references:
  96. Multiple references:
  97. Multiple references:
  98. Whitmer: Trump Denying this Virus Is Deadly — He ‘Has Deceived the Public’
  99. Two references:
  100. Multiple references:
  101. Whitmer: Trump Seeks to Undermine America’s Foundational Principles
  102. Endorsements - Gretchen Whitmer
  103. Gretchen Whitmer on the Issues
  104. SB 776 - Late-Term/Partial-Birth Abortion Ban - Michigan Key Vote

External links[edit]

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