2022 Ballot Measures

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As of January 17, 2022, 64 statewide ballot measures had been certified in 30 states for the 2022 ballot.

Click here to read about potential measures that could be on the ballot in 2022.

Types of measures[edit]

Type of ballot measure 2022 2020 2018 2016 2014 2012 2010 Average[1]
Legislatively referred amendments 47 69 66 69 91 99 106 84
Initiatives 7 39 63 71 35 50 46 51
Veto referendums 2 4 5 5 5 13 4 6
Legislatively referred state statutes 5 6 9 2 20 20 23 14
Automatic ballot referrals 3 1 1 1 1 3 4 2
Commission-referred ballot measures 0 0 7 0 1 0 0 1
Advisory questions 0 4 2 3 5 3 1 3
Bond issues 0 6 14 11 0 0 0 5
Total 64 129 167 162 158 188 184 166

By date[edit]

May 7[edit]

  1. Texas Property Tax Limit Reduction for Elderly and Disabled Residents Amendment (May 2022) 
  2. Texas Increased Homestead Exemption for School District Property Taxes Amendment (May 2022) 

May 24[edit]

  1. Alabama Authorize $85 Million in Bonds for Public Historical Sites and State Parks Amendment (May 2022) 

June 7[edit]

  1. South Dakota Constitutional Amendment C, 60% Vote Requirement for Ballot Measures Increasing Taxes or Appropriating $10 Million Measure (June 2022) 

August 2[edit]

  1. Kansas No Right to Abortion in Constitution Amendment (August 2022) 

November 8[edit]

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By state[edit]


See also: Alabama 2022 ballot measures

May 24, 2022:

Type Title Subject Description
LRCA Authorize $85 Million in Bonds for Public Historical Sites and State Parks Amendment State parks and Bonds Amends state constitution to authorize $85 million in bonds to be issued for improving, renovating, and maintaining public historical sites and state parks excluding the Confederate Memorial Park in Marbury

November 8, 2022:

Type Title Subject Description
LRCA Remove Orphans' Business from Probate Court Jurisdiction Amendment State judiciary Removes orphans' business from the jurisdiction of county probate courts
LRCA Allow Denial of Bail for Offenses Enumerated by State Legislature Amendment Civil and criminal trials Amends state constitution to allow the state legislature to provide for offenses for which bail may be denied
LRCA Prohibit Changes to Election Conduct Laws within Six Months of General Elections Amendment Elections and Voting Amends state constitution to require changes to laws governing the conduct of a general election to be implemented at least six months from the general election
LRCA Authorize Certain Cities to Use Special Property Tax Revenue to Pay for Capital Improvements Directly Amendment Local budgets Authorizes specific cities to use a previously established property tax to directly fund capital improvements in addition to using the revenue to repay bonds and other debt


See also: Alaska 2022 ballot measures
Type Title Subject Description
ConCon Constitutional Convention Question Convention Asks voters whether to hold a state constitutional convention


See also: Arizona 2022 ballot measures
Type Title Subject Description
VR Reduce Number of Income Tax Brackets to Flat Rate of 2.50% Referendum Taxes Reduces income tax brackets to two and provides for a flat rate when state revenue exceeds $12,976,300,000
LRSS In-State Tuition for Non-Citizen Residents Measure Education Repeals provisions of Proposition 300 (2006) to allow in-state tuition for non-citizen residents
LRCA Legislative Changes to Ballot Initiatives with Invalid Provisions Amendment Direct Democracy Allows the legislature to amend or repeal voter-approved ballot measures that contain provisions ruled unconstitutional or invalid by the state or federal supreme court
LRCA Single-Subject Requirement for Ballot Initiatives Amendment Direct Democracy Requires citizen-initiated ballot measures to embrace a single subject


See also: Arkansas 2022 ballot measures
Type Title Subject Description Sponsor
LRCA 60% Supermajority Vote Requirement for Constitutional Amendments and Ballot Initiatives Measure Supermajority requirements and Direct democracy measures Requires a 60% supermajority vote of approval for initiated constitutional amendments and initiated state statutes to be adopted Rep. David Ray (R)
LRCA Legislature Power to Convene Special Sessions Amendment State legislatures measures Allows the state legislature to call itself into extraordinary sessions upon (a) a joint proclamation from the Speaker of the House and the Senate President Pro Tempore or (b) upon a proclamation signed by two-thirds of the members in each chamber Sen. Breanne Davis (R)
LRCA Government Burden of Free Exercise of Religion Amendment Religion Amends the state constitution to provide that "government shall not burden a person's freedom of religion even if the burden results from a rule of general applicability" Sen. Jason Rapert (R)


See also: California 2022 ballot propositions
Type Title Subject Description
CICA/SS Legalize Sports Betting on American Indian Lands Initiative Gambling Legalizes sports betting at American Indian gaming casinos and licensed racetracks in California
CISS Changes to Medical Malpractice Lawsuits Cap Initiative Tort Increases the cap on noneconomic damages in medical malpractice lawsuits
CISS Plastic Waste Reduction Regulations Initiative Business Requires CalRecycle to adopt regulations that reduce the use of plastic waste and enacts a fee on single-use plastic
VR Flavored Tobacco Products Ban Referendum Tobacco Upholds the ban on flavored tobacco sales


See also: Colorado 2022 ballot measures
Type Title/number Subject Description
CISS State Income Tax Rate Reduction Initiative (#31) Taxes Reduce the state income tax rate from 4.55% to 4.40% for tax years commencing on or after January 1, 2022


See also: Connecticut 2022 ballot measures
Type Title Subject Description
LRCA Allow for Early Voting Amendment Voting policy Allows the legislature to provide for early voting


See also: Florida 2022 ballot measures
Type Title Subject Description
LRCA Amendment 1 Property taxes Authorizes the state legislature to pass laws prohibiting flood resistance improvements made to a home from being taken into consideration when determining a property's assessed value for property tax purposes
LRCA Amendment 2 Direct democracy Abolishes the Florida Constitution Revision Commission


See also: Georgia 2022 ballot measures
Type Title Subject Description
LRCA Suspend Compensation for Public Officers Indicted for a Felony Amendment Administration of government and Salaries of government officials Allows the suspension of compensation of certain public officials while the individual is suspended from office for being indicted for a felony
LRSS Merged Family-Owned Farms and Dairy and Eggs Tax Exemption Measure Taxes and Agriculture Expands a property tax exemption to include merged family farms and dairy products and eggs


See also: Idaho 2022 ballot measures
Type Title Subject Description
LRCA Legislative Authority to Call a Special Session Amendment State legislatures Allows the president pro tempore of the state Senate and the speaker of the state House to convene a special session of the Idaho State Legislature upon receiving a joint written request from 60% of the members of each chamber to consider topics specified in the request


See also: Illinois 2022 ballot measures
Type Title Subject Description
LRCA Right to Collective Bargaining Amendment Unions Creates a state constitutional right to collective bargaining


See also: Iowa 2022 ballot measures
Type Title Subject Description
LRCA Right to Firearms Amendment Firearms Adds a right to own and bear firearms to the Iowa Constitution and requires strict scrutiny for any alleged violations of the right brought before a court


See also: Kansas 2022 ballot measures

August 2, 2022:

Type Title Subject Description
LRCA No Right to Abortion in Constitution Amendment Abortion Amends the Kansas Constitution to state that there is no right to an abortion or public abortion funding


See also: Kentucky 2022 ballot measures
Type Title Subject Description
LRCA Changes to Legislative Session End Dates and Special Sessions Amendment State legislatures Removes legislative session end dates and provides that odd-year sessions are limited to 30 legislative days and even-year sessions are limited to 60 legislative days; allows the state legislature to change the end date of the legislative session through a three-fifths vote in each chamber; provide that a special legislative session for up to 12 days may be called by the House speaker and the Senate president; and change provisions regarding when a law takes effect
LRCA No Right to Abortion in Constitution Amendment Abortion Amends the Kentucky Constitution to state that it does not provide a right to an abortion or public abortion funding


See also: Louisiana 2022 ballot measures
Type Title Subject Description
LRCA Adjustment of Ad Valorem Tax Rates Amendment (SB 154) Taxes Amends the Louisiana Constitution to provide for the adjustment of ad valorem tax rates by a taxing authority up to the maximum rate approved by the constitution until the authorized rate expires
LRCA Waiving Water Charges Amendment (HB 59) Water Amends the Louisiana Constitution to allow local governments to waive water charges for customers if damages are not caused by the customer
LRCA Limit on Assessed Value Increase of Reappraised Property in Orleans Parish Amendment (HB 143) Taxes Amends the Louisiana Constitution to limit the increase in assessed value of residential property in Orleans Parish to 10% of the property's assessed value from the prior year
LRCA Increase Maximum Amount Invested in Equities for Certain State Funds Amendment (HB 154) State budget Amends the Louisiana Constitution to increase the maximum amount of certain state funds authorized to be invested in equities to 65%
LRCA Classified Civil Service Employee Public Support of Family Members' Campaigns Amendment (HB 315) Elections and campaigns Amends the Louisiana Constitution to allow classified service/civil service employees to publicly support the election campaigns of individuals in their immediate family when off duty


See also: Maryland 2022 ballot measures
Type Title Subject Description
LRCA Renaming of the Courts of Appeals and Special Appeals Amendment State judiciary Renames the Maryland Court of Appeals to the Supreme Court of Maryland and the Maryland Court of Special Appeals to the Appellate Court of Maryland
LRCA Civil Jury Trials Amendment Civil and criminal trials Amends the Maryland Constitution to increase the amount in controversy in civil proceedings in which the right to a jury trial may be limited by legislation from $15,000 to $25,000
LRCA Residency Requirements for State Legislators Amendment State legislatures Amends the Maryland Constitution to require that state legislators reside and maintain a place of abode in the district in which they wish to represent for six months prior to the date of election


See also: Massachusetts 2022 ballot measures
Type Title Subject Description
LRCA Income Tax for Education and Transportation Amendment Taxes Creates a 4% tax on incomes that exceed $1 million for education and transportation purposes


See also: Missouri 2022 ballot measures
Type Title Subject Description
LRCA Amendment 1 State Exec Authorizes the state treasurer to invest in highly rated municipal securities
ConCon Constitutional Convention Question Convention Ask voters whether to hold a state constitutional convention


See also: Montana 2022 ballot measures
Type Title Subject Description
LRCA C-48 Law enforcement Requires search warrant to access a person's electronic data
LRSS LR-131 Abortion and Healthcare Requires medical care be provided to infants born alive and convicts healthcare providers that do not provide care with a felony
LRSS LR-132 State judiciary Requires state Supreme Court justices to be elected by district and a majority vote of the justices to elect the chief justice


See also: Nevada 2022 ballot measures
Type Title Subject Description
IndISS Gaming Fee Increase on Monthly Revenue above $250,000 Initiative Taxes and Gambling Increases the monthly fee rate on gaming revenue over $250,000 from 6.75% to 9.75%
IndISS Sales Tax Increase for Public Schools Initiative Taxes and Education Increases the state sales and use tax rate to fund public schools
LRCA Equal Rights Amendment Constitutional rights Adds a new section to the Nevada Constitution that states, "Equality of rights under the law shall not be denied or abridged by this State or any of its political subdivisions on account of race, color, creed, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, age, disability, ancestry or national origin."
LRCA Minimum Wage Amendment Minimum wage Incrementally increases the minimum wage in Nevada to $12 per hour for all employees by July 1, 2024

New Hampshire[edit]

See also: New Hampshire 2022 ballot measures
Type Title Subject Description
ConCon Constitutional Convention Question Convention Ask voters whether to hold a state constitutional convention

New Mexico[edit]

See also: New Mexico 2022 ballot measures
Type Title Subject Description
LRCA Land Grant Permanent Fund Distribution for Early Childhood Education Amendment State and local government budgets, spending and finance Funds devoted to early childhood programs from the Land Grant Permanent Fund

New York[edit]

See also: New York 2022 ballot measures
Type Title Subject Description
BI Environment and Climate Change Projects Bond Measure Bonds Issues $3.00 billion in general obligation bonds for projects related to the environment, natural resources, water infrastructure, and climate change mitigation


See also: Oregon 2022 ballot measures
Type Title Subject Description
LRCA Right to Healthcare Amendment Healthcare Amends the Oregon Constitution to add that the state "ensure that every resident of Oregon has access to cost-effective, clinically appropriate and affordable health care as a fundamental right"
LRCA Remove Slavery as Punishment for Crime from Constitution Amendment Constitutional language Repeals language allowing slavery or involuntary servitude as criminal punishments and authorizes an Oregon court or a probation or parole agency to order alternatives to incarceration for a convicted individual

South Dakota[edit]

See also: South Dakota 2022 ballot measures

June 7, 2022, primary election ballot:

Type Title Subject Description
LRCA Constitutional Amendment C Supermajority requirements, Direct democracy, State government finance Requires a three-fifths vote of approval for ballot measures (constitutional amendments and state statutes) placed on the ballot through citizen initiative or referred to the ballot by the state legislature that increase taxes or fees or that would require the state to appropriate $10 million or more in the first five fiscal years

November 8, 2022, general election ballot:

Type Title Subject Description
CICA Constitutional Amendment D Healthcare Amends the constitution to require South Dakota to provide Medicaid benefits to adults between 18 and 65 with incomes below 133% of the federal poverty level


See also: Tennessee 2022 ballot measures
Type Title Subject Description
LRCA Right to Work Amendment Labor and unions Makes it illegal for workplaces to require mandatory labor union membership for employees as a condition for employment
LRCA Remove Slavery as Punishment for Crime from Constitution Amendment Language Repeals language allowing slavery or involuntary servitude as criminal punishments
LRCA Acting Governor Amendment State Exec Provides process and line of succession for acting governor


See also: Texas 2022 ballot measures

May 7:

Type Title Subject Description
LRCA Property Tax Limit Reduction for Elderly and Disabled Residents Amendment Taxes Authorizes the state legislature to reduce the amount of the limitation on total ad valorem taxes imposed on the homesteads of elderly or disabled residents for school maintenance and operations to reflect any statutory reduction from the preceding tax year
LRCA Increased Homestead Exemption for School District Property Taxes Amendment Taxes Increases the homestead exemption for school district property taxes from $25,000 to $40,000


See also: Utah 2022 ballot measures
Type Title Subject Description
LRCA Emergency Session Appropriation Limits Amendment Government finance Increases emergency session appropriation limit and exempts federal emergency funding and spending cuts from the limit

West Virginia[edit]

See also: West Virginia 2022 ballot measures
Type Title Subject Description
LRCA No Court Authority over Impeachment Amendment State judiciary States that no courts have any authority over impeachment proceedings and that an impeachment judgment by the Senate cannot be reviewed by a state court
LRCA Incorporation of Religious Denominations and Churches Amendment Religion Authorizes the incorporation of religious denominations and churches
LRCA Tax Exemptions for Personal Property Used for Business Activity Amendment Taxes Authorizes the state legislature to exempt personal property (machinery, equipment, and inventory) used for business activity from ad valorem property taxes


See also: Wyoming 2022 ballot measures
Type Title Subject Description
LRCA Constitutional Amendment A State and local government budgets, spending and finance Allows local governments to invest in stocks and equities upon a two-thirds supermajority vote of the state legislature

See also[edit]

  1. These numbers are the averages from 2010 through 2020.

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