Bestiality And Various Geographic Areas

From Conservapedia
A 2015 Jerusalem Post article indicates "Copenhagen has for long been the bestiality capital of Europe and has attracted many tourists mainly visiting to have sex with animals. Legislation against this practice was only enacted this year."[1]
On July 1, 2013 the Daily Mail reported that bestiality brothels were spreading quickly through Germany. In addition, there "are even 'erotic zoos' which people can visit to abuse animals ranging from llamas to goats."[2] See: Bestiality and Germany

Bestiality is the act of engaging in sexual relations with an animal. In addition to being repulsive and being a sexual taboo in societies, bestiality can cause harm to both animals and humans.[3]

A 2015 Jerusalem Post article indicates "Copenhagen has for long been the bestiality capital of Europe and has attracted many tourists mainly visiting to have sex with animals. Legislation against this practice was only enacted this year."[4]

Vice News, a global news channel which broadcasts documentaries about current topics, reported in 2014 concerning secular Europe:

Bestiality is having a weird renaissance in Europe. Perhaps ironically, it kicked off when activists succeeded in banning the practice in places like Germany and Norway. In the background, something else emerged simultaneously: an animal-sex-tourism industry, which has been blossoming in Denmark.[5]

On July 1, 2013 the Daily Mail reported that bestiality brothels were spreading quickly through Germany.[6] In addition, the Daily Mail reported that there "are even 'erotic zoos' which people can visit to abuse animals ranging from llamas to goats."[7]

In 2014, according to Danish journalist Margit Shabanzahen, a Danish man who ran a business catering to people who have sex with horses said that he had buses of people arriving at his business.[8]

In February 2010, the UK news website Metro reported:

Given the illicit nature of the product, precise figures on animal pornography video sales are difficult to find, but the Dutch newspaper Algemeen Dagblad, in a 2007 survey, found that distributors in the Netherlands were responsible for some 80 percent of bestiality videos worldwide.[9]

In areas of the Western World where there is a significant amount of atheists and evolutionary belief, there have been notable problems related to bestiality (see: Atheism and bestiality and Evolutionary belief and bestiality and Bestiality and secular Europe).

Below is a list of areas where bestiality has recently posed notable problems and has been reported in news outlets:

The website Health24 recently published an article entitled Bestiality is much, much more common than you think which states:

You might think that bestiality has died out, or that it only happens on farms, or that it's illegal everywhere. You would be very, very, very wrong...

It would be naïve to suggest, though, that the problem disappeared after the laws changed. Even in situations where zoophilia is legal, it is still far from socially acceptable, and so those who indulge in it are used to keeping quiet. Instead, zoophiles tend to communicate and congregate through societies, like the Germany-based Zoophiles Engagement für Toleranz und Aufklrung, as well as dedicated websites which offer a judgement-free space to converse.

The largest such site, BeastForum, claims over 1.2 million registered members at the time of writing as well as more than that number again in unregistered visitors.[10]


First "bestiality rights" organization was founded in secular Europe[edit]

The first "bestiality/zoophile rights" group, called Equality for All, has its roots in secular Europe and formed in the '90s.[11]

The first so called "bestiality/zoophile rights" group, called Equality for All, has its roots in secular Europe and formed in the '90s.[12] It is located in the Czech Republic. According to a 2010 Eurobarometer poll, 16% of Czech citizens responded that "they believe there is a God" which the lowest rate among the countries of the European Union.[13]

In 2005, the Pew Forum reported:

According to a 2002 Pew Global Attitudes survey, there are striking differences in public opinion between the U.S. and European countries on issues such as the importance people attach to religion in their lives and the linkage they perceive between belief in God and morality. The survey shows that a large majority of Americans consider religion important in their personal lives and closely associate religion and morality. Furthermore, Pew Forum surveys over several years show that Americans are generally more comfortable with religion playing a major role in public life. In contrast, Europeans generally place much less importance on religion in their lives, and general indicators show that major churches in Europe are declining in terms of membership, recruitment of clergy, financial contributions and overall public influence. The Pew Forum convened distinguished experts Peter Berger, John Judis and Walter Russell Mead to analyze these differences between the U.S and Europe and to assess their impact on transatlantic relations.[14]

Atheistic Denmark and bestiality[edit]

See also: Denmark and bestiality and Evolutionary belief and bestiality

Denmark is the third most atheistic country in the world and the website reports that 43 - 80% of Danes are agnostics/atheists/non-believers in God.[15]

According to Danish journalist Margit Shabanzahen, a Danish man who ran a business catering to people who have sex with horses said that he had buses of people arriving at his business.[16]

Denmark has the highest rate of belief in evolution in the Western World.[17] In addition, in 2005 Denmark was ranked the third most atheistic country in the world and the website reported that in 2005 43 - 80% of Danes were agnostics/atheists/non-believers in God.[18]

A 2006 article entitled Animal bordellos draw Norweigans the Norway news website Aftenposten reported:

Neither Denmark nor Norway has a prohibition on sex with animals, as long as the animals do not suffer.

On the internet Danish animal owners advertise openly that they offer sex with animals, without intervention from police or other authorities, Danish newspaper 24timer reports.[19]

Report of buses of people going to Denmark to engage in bestiality[edit]

As noted above, in 2014, according to Danish journalist Margit Shabanzahen, a Danish man who ran a business catering to people who have sex with horses said that he had buses of people arriving at his business.[20]

Rise in bestiality tourism in Denmark. Denmark considering a ban on bestiality in 2014[edit]

In October of 2014, Mashable reported: "Banning sex with animals seems like a pretty obvious move in any civilized society, but it took a rise in bestiality tourism for Denmark to make a move."[21]

Denmark banned bestiality in 2015 in a narrow vote[edit]

In 2015, Denmark passed a law banning bestiality.[22]

Mashable reported, "Members of libertarian party Liberal Alliance and Denmark's Ethical Council for Animals, an independent advisory council, among other groups, voiced opposition to the law.[23]

According the CBS News, the bestiality ban passed in a narrow vote.[24]

A 2015 Jerusalem Post article indicates "Copenhagen has for long been the bestiality capital of Europe and has attracted many tourists mainly visiting to have sex with animals. Legislation against this practice was only enacted this year."[25]

Bestiality and atheistic Sweden[edit]

See also: Bestiality and Sweden and Evolutionary belief and bestiality and Sexual immorality and Sweden

Sweden is one of the most atheistic countries in the world.[26] In recent years Sweden faced a problem with bestiality.[27][28] See also: Bestiality and Sweden

Sweden is one of the most atheistic counties in the world and the website reported that in 2005 46 - 85% of Swedes were agnostics/atheists/non-believers in God.[29] As noted above, Sweden also has the 3rd highest rate of belief in evolution as far as Western World nations (see: Evolutionary belief and bestiality).[30]

In 2005, LifeSiteNews reported in an article entitled Bestiality on the Rise in Sexually Libertine Sweden:

Sweden, known the world over for its avant garde sexual mores has crossed yet another barrier in its moral descent with the news that sexual abuse of animals is on the increase. A government commissioned study has found that more than 200 animals, mostly horses, have been sexually abused in Sweden since the 1970s.

The Swedish Animal Welfare Agency collected its information based on responses received from 1,600 questionnaires sent to veterinarians, animal welfare inspectors and police agencies across the country. In the period 2000 to 2004, 119 cases of bestiality were documented, compared to just three known cases in the 1970s, 17 in the 1980s and 70 in the 1990s.

The author of the report indicated that the numbers may not correctly reflect the real problem. Katarina Andersson, said that the rise in documented cases did not necessarily mean that there was a de facto increase.

“We know that there must be cases that have not been documented,” she said, adding that people have also become more aware of the problem in recent years and are therefore more likely to report suspected cases to the authorities.[31]

On April 26, 2001, in an article entitled Swedes have more and more animal sex the Swedish news website Nettavision reported:

Animal sex is not illegal in Sweden, and every year between 200 and 300 pets are injured because of sexual assaults.

The estimate was presented by Svenska Veterinärforbundet, the Swedish veterinary organization, and it is now trying to make the authorities and the public more aware of animals’ suffering. The organization claim the problem has increased during the last couple of years, even if most people are unaware of it.

“We have seen an increase since 1999 when child pornography became illegal,” said Johan Beck-Friis. “It appears, in other words, as there are some people who have replaced children with animals. In both circumstances, it is sex with defenceless individuals.”[32]

Swedish bestiality ring[edit]

See also: Sexual immorality and Sweden

On November 11, 2008, the Swedish news website The Local reported:

A Swedish newspaper has exposed a network of self-proclaimed zoophiles who meet regularly in locations around the country to have sex with animals.

The group, consisting of an estimated thirty people, is headed by a 45-year-old father of two, Expressen reports.

The unmarried former managing director is also moderator of a large internet animal sex forum and has a number of dogs and horses on his farm in southern Sweden.

Having infiltrated the network over a period of several months, Expressen eventually confronted the 45-year-old over his alleged mistreatment of animals.[33]

In 2011, it was reported that Syphilis is making a comeback in Sweden with the number of reported cases soaring by nearly 60 percent in 2010.[34]

Bestiality was made illegal in Sweden in 2014[edit]

In 2014, bestiality was made illegal in Sweden.[35]

Sexual immorality/diseases and Sweden[edit]

See also: Sexual immorality and Sweden

On May 5, 2011 the Swedish news website The Local reported in an article entitled Swedish women hit harder by STD rise:

Gonorrhoea and syphilis are making a comeback in Sweden, with the number of reported cases among young women soaring by nearly 60 percent in 2010.

According to new statistics from the Swedish Institute for Communicable Disease Control (Smittskyddsinstitutet), there was a 38 percent rise in reported cases of the two diseases among Swedes in general.

Worst hit, however, are young women between 15 and 24, where the number of cases increased by 57 percent.[36]

Libertine Sweden[edit]

See also: Sexual immorality and Sweden

Sweden, known the world over for its avant garde sexual mores has crossed yet another barrier in its moral descent with the news that sexual abuse of animals is on the increase.

A government commissioned study has found that more than 200 animals, mostly horses, have been sexually abused in Sweden since the 1970s.[37]

In November 0f 2008, the UK newspaper The Times reported:

Sweden, one of the world's most sexually tolerant societies, is in the throes of a strange, emotionally charged debate about the last taboo: bestiality.

The unmasking this week of an animal sex network by the Stockholm newspaper Expressen has again highlighted the issue. Members of parliament are urging a tightening of the laws (bestiality was decriminalised along with homosexuality in 1944) but the government is resisting the pressure...

Sweden has had a pioneering approach towards sex, at least since the 1960s when critically acclaimed films such as I am Curious Yellow depicted the society's free-wheeling attitudes. The country was one of the first to shed the stigma of single motherhood and, while Swedes talk less about sexual matters nowadays than 30 years ago, they are still pushing back the boundaries... Legal limits are set mainly on the commercial exploitation of sex: thus, while prostitution is technically legal, customers are seen as offenders who exploit and abuse women. Cameras have been set up near the entrances of brothels and clients leaving the premises can be fined on the spot.

But bestiality and the whole seedy sub-culture surrounding it is straining Swedish tolerance to bursting point. Religious Swedes say it violates a fundamental taboo: a passage from Leviticus 18 states: “And you shall not lie with any beast and defile yourself with it, neither shall any woman give herself a beast to lie with it: it is a perversion." In the Middle Ages, men were typically burned to death for having sex with animals. Most countries nowadays either outlaw the practice entirely (most states in the US) or prosecute penetrative sex with animals (Britain). Sweden, though, has not taken a religion-based stance. Rather, it seems to accept the idea that sex with animals can be in some way consensual. If it causes injury to the animal it can be prosecuted, although in practice only two out of the 115 cases registered have ever been investigated.[38]

Bestiality and Germany[edit]

See also: Bestiality and Germany

In 2012, Russia Today reported that is estimated that there are approximately 100,000 zoophiles in Germany (a zoophile is someone who is sexually attracted to animals).[39]

Germany has the highest rates of belief in evolution in the world.[40] In 2005, it was estimated that 70% of Germans believed in evolution.[41] In addition, Germany is one of the most atheistic countries in the world and the website reports that 41-49% of Germans are agnostics/atheists/non-believers in God.[42]

A July 1, 2013, Daily Mail article on bestiality and Germany declared:

Bestiality brothels are spreading through Germany faster than ever thanks to a law that makes animal porn illegal but sex with animals legal, a livestock protection officer has warned.

Madeleine Martin told the Frankfurter Rundschau that current laws were not protecting animals from predatory zoophiles who are increasingly able to turn to bestiality as a 'lifestyle choice'.

She highlighted one case where a farmer in the Gross-Gerau region of southwest Germany, noticed his once friendly flock of sheep were beginning to shy away from human contact....

There are even 'erotic zoos' which people can visit to abuse animals ranging from llamas to goats.[43]

In 2012, Russia Today reported that is estimated that there are approximately 100,000 zoophiles in Germany (a zoophile is someone who is sexually attracted to animals).[44]

In July of 2013, Tom Miller reported:

Animal rights groups warn of erotic zoo epidemic.

Move over, Japan and Thailand, there is a new leader going into the weird sex stuff clubhouse. To put it SAT terms, Germany is to weird sex stuff what Florida is to weird felonies/ prescription pill abuse. Yeah, that odd.

Per the Daily Mail, there is growing concern in Deutschland that bestiality is becoming a popular attraction in the nation's brothels.[45]

It was reported in July of 2013 that due to a sharp rise of bestiality in Germany and websites promoting it, German authorities had planned to reinstall an old law banning sex with animals.[46]

On February 13, 2013, The Local reported:

As Germany tightened its laws against having sex with animals, zoophile advocates gathered in central Berlin...

On Thursday night, there was a screening of a bestiality documentary “Coming Soon” in Berlin. It was followed by a discussion on leading a zoophilic lifestyle.[47]

In 2012, the Germany government tightened its bestiality law and now imposes a fine for engaging in bestiality with a €25,000 maximum fine. Bestiality had been stricken from Germany’s penal code in 1969 and since then had merel been against the law if “significant harm” is inflicted on the animal.[48]

Netherlands and Bestiality[edit]

A 2007 survey found that distributors in the Netherlands were responsible for some 80 percent of bestiality videos worldwide.[49]

See also: Netherlands and bestiality and Evolutionary belief and bestiality

In 2005, the Netherlands was ranked the 13th most atheistic country in the world and the website reported that in 2005 39 - 44%% of the Dutch are agnostics/atheists/non-believers in God.[50] The Netherlands also has the 11th highest rate of belief in evolution as far as Western World nations (see: Evolutionary belief and bestiality).[51]

As noted above, in February of 2010, the UK news website Metro reported:

Given the illicit nature of the product, precise figures on animal pornography video sales are difficult to find, but the Dutch newspaper Algemeen Dagblad, in a 2007 survey, found that distributors in the Netherlands were responsible for some 80 percent of bestiality videos worldwide.[52]

In 2010, the Netherlands banned bestiality.[53]

Bestiality and godless Britain[edit]

See also: Bestiality and Britain and Britain and morality

A British study from 2001 indicates that every 20th dog or cat that receives treatment at veterinaries, the injuries are not a result of a direct accident, but the animal has been inflicted the injury as a result of a sexual assault.[54] See also: Bestiality and Britain

In 2011, in an article entitled Godless Britain Shmuley Boteach reported in the Wall Street Journal:

Britain today has become one of the most godless societies on earth. Its principle religious exports today are thinkers who despise religion. From Richard Dawkins, who has compared religion to child abuse, to my friend Christopher Hitchens, who titled his 2007 book "God Is Not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything," the British have cornered the market on being anti-God, at least the Christian and Jewish varieties.

While 92% of Americans believe in God, only 35% in Britain do and 43% say they have no religion, according to Britain's National Centre for Social Research. The number of people who affiliate themselves with the Church of England was 23% of the population in 2009 from 40% in 1983. In truth though, if Britain's Christian tradition is dying out, the leaders of the faith have only themselves to blame, for perpetuating the country's highly centralized religious structure.[55]

Sexual mutilations and stabbings of horses in Britain[edit]

Between 1983 and 1993 more than 160 horses were sexually mutilated and stabbed in Britain.[56] British police and animal experts have put the blame on fertility cults, rival horse owners and sadists for the attacks.[57]

Bestiality and small British animals[edit]

The abstract of the 2008 Journal of Small Animal Practice article entitled Battered pets’: sexual abuse indicated: "A study of non-accidental injury in small animals in the UK, based on responses from a random sample of small animal practitioners, identified 6 per cent of the 448 reported cases as being sexual in nature".[58]

UK TV regulators and bestiality[edit]

See also: Britain and morality

On May 26, 2005, LifeSiteNews reported:

Richard Hooper, deputy chairman of Ofcom (the UK’s TV and radio regulating body), has indicated that the long-anticipated new broadcasting code makes no definite provisions against the broadcasting of so-called ‘challenging material’ on public air-waves, including shows which deal with sex with animals, so long as it is in the proper ‘context’.

“A programme about sex with animals? Yes, it’s potentially possible,” said Ofcom deputy chairman, Richard Hooper. “It all comes down to context.” Mr. Hooper may have been thinking of a channel 4 documentary on bestiality, Animal Passions, which was aired last year. According to a Media Guardian article that particular documentary received seventy-five complaints at the time, from viewers who were concerned that it “normalized bestiality”.

Mr. Hooper’s statement serves to confirm what pro-family activists have long prophesied. That is, this new age of sexual libertarianism, which, amongst other things, allows for and normalizes homosexuality, will quickly become an age of ‘no-holds-barred’ in regards to sexual deviation unless a return to a proper understanding of sexuality is initiated.[59]

The Guardian and bestiality[edit]

On September 19, 2011, the British newspaper The Guardian published a favorable article on bestiality entitled Improbable research: bestiality saddled with the wrong image which mentioned a man's "long courtship" with a horse and also his two "mare-wives".[60]

Publicly displayed bestiality artwork expected to fetch a price of around £30,000 in Britain[edit]

See also: Britain and morality and Liberalism and bestiality

An exclusive British art gallery was criticised for displaying a highly offensive bestiality oriented painting which featured a goat just yards from The Ritz hotel and where it could be seen by children.[61]

In August 2011 the British newspaper the Daily Mail ran a story entitled The explicit art that shows bestiality with a goat just yards from The Ritz which declared:

An exclusive art gallery has been criticised for displaying a highly offensive painting just yards from The Ritz hotel and where it could be seen by children.

Hotel guests were said to have been disgusted after seeing the image by the late British artist Robert Lenkiewicz – which depicts bestiality with a goat.

It was displayed on a revolving plinth in the front window of the Clarendon Fine Art gallery, around the corner from the five-star hotel in Piccadilly.

The picture – which is owned by a private collector and is expected to sell for around £30,000 – was still on display yesterday, although last night the gallery said it had been removed. [62]

Sexual immorality/diseases and the UK[edit]

See also: Britain and morality

In August 2010, it was reported by that there was sharp increase in sexually transmitted infections in United Kingdom with almost half a million new cases last year.[63]

Bestiality and Australia[edit]

See also: Bestiality and Australia

The Australian, atheist philosopher Peter Singer defends the practice of bestiality (as well as abortion, infanticide and euthanasia). Despite holding these immoral views, he was given Australia's highest civic honor. He was made a Companion of the Order of Australia (AC) [64]

In a June 14, 2012 article entitled Infanticide and bestiality advocate given Australia’s highest civic award, LifeSiteNews reported:

Notorious infanticide and bestiality-promoting ‘ethicist’ Peter Singer was made a Companion of the Order of Australia (AC) this week, sparking strong criticism by pro-life advocates, ethicists, and columnists.

Singer was presented with the award, which is the greatest civic honour in Australia and given for “merit of the highest degree in service to Australia or humanity at large,” on Monday at the 2012 Queen’s Birthday honours. It was granted for his “eminent service to philosophy and bioethics as a leader of public debate and communicator of ideas in the areas of global poverty, animal welfare and the human condition.”[65]

Peter Singer is an Australian atheist philosopher and evolutionist. See also: Evolutionary belief and bestiality

According to the Sydney Morning Herald:

Australia is one of the least devout countries in the Western world, although two-thirds of its population identifies itself as Christian, an international survey comparing religious expression in 21 countries has found.

Religion does not play a central part in the lives of many Australians: 48 per cent of Australians surveyed said they did not partake in personal prayer and 52 per cent said they rarely attended a place of worship for religious reasons.[66]

A 2004 study by Pippa Norris and Ronald Inglehart found that 25% of Australians do not believe in God/gods.[67] In 2006 study was done by Monash University, the Australian Catholic University and the Christian Research Association which found that 52 per cent of Australians born between 1976 and 1990 have no belief in God/gods.[68]

In 2009, Australia's newspaper The Age reported:

The surprising findings from an Age Nielsen poll show Australia is a credulous nation, willing to mix and match religious faith with belief in other phenomena.

Australians are more religious than we might have thought - 68 per cent of us believe in God or a universal spirit, and 50 per cent say religion is important or very important in their lives.

But atheists and agnostics also had a strong showing in the national survey of 1000 respondents, which was taken early this week.

Almost one in four Australians (24 per cent) do not believe in either God or a universal spirit, and 7 per cent are not sure or say they don't know.

Nearly a quarter of us believe the biblical account of human origins over the Darwinian account. Forty-two per cent of people believe in a wholly scientific explanation for the origins of life and 32 per cent believe in an evolutionary process guided by God.[69]

Law Journal mentions three Australians plead guilty to bestiality and refers to Peter Singer[edit]

Australia's Alternative Law Journal reported:

For what appears to be the first time in the state’s history, the District Court of South Australia has had to consider bestiality offences. In November 2011, two women and one man, all in their 50s and without prior convictions, pleaded guilty to bestiality offences involving domestic dogs that occurred from 2008 to 2010. After protracted sentencing hearings throughout 2012, the three defendants each received suspended prison sentences....

Neither the SA parliament nor courts have engaged with the argument, most prominently promoted by ethicist Peter Singer, that sexual activity between animals and humans is not necessarily exploitative or abusive of the animal and not an affront to an individual’s humanity, as human beings are also animals. The comparison with the penalty for incest demonstrates the seriousness with which the parliament views bestiality. Until now, the judicial attitude to the offence was untested.[70]

Australian man on bike accused of bestiality while women were walking dogs[edit]

On September 15, 2015, the Sydney Morning Herald reported:

A man will appear in court on Tuesday to answer charges that he hopped off his bike to allegedly perform sexual acts on two dogs in a shock attack in Sydney's west.

The man is alleged to have cycled up to two young women walking their dogs through an enclosed bicycle path in the western Sydney suburb of Greystanes last month.

Police will allege he exposed himself to both and assaulted one of their dogs. The pair fled as the man allegedly began to turn and attack another animal.

The 39-year-old man has been charged with bestiality and committing an act of indecency.[71]

Australian nurse with bestiality conviction deregistered[edit]

In 2014, the Australian Broadcasting Corporation reported that Kathleen Modystack, an Australian woman, convicted of bestiality in 2012 has been deregistered as a nurse and banned from working in the nursing field for three years.[72] The Nursing and Midwifery Board (NMB) won its legal case with the Health Practitioners Tribunal (HPT) after accusing Kathleen Modystack of damaging the nursing profession's reputation.[73]

Australian television station puts up a bestiality billboard in 2013[edit]

In 2013, an Australian television station put up a bestiality billboard.[74]

Irreligious Finland and bestiality[edit]

Minna Ruotsalo, chief inspector at Finland's Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, said concerning bestiality, "some persons that engage in the activity have contacted us saying that they would be concerned were the act to be criminalised in Finland".[75]

See also: Irreligious Finland and bestiality

According to a 2010 Eurobarometer Poll, 33% of Finnish citizens "believe there is a God". (In 2005, the figure was 41%).[76]

A Finnish news website reported in July of 2015:

Finland is indeed a last bastion of bestiality. Here a person can have sex with an animal as long as the animal is not harmed. The absence of legislation against bestiality makes the nation one of the last in the European Union not to institute a legal ban.

As the law currently stands in Finland, a person can engage in sexual intercourse with an animal as long as it cannot be proved that the animal has been treated too roughly or cruelly or that the act has caused unnecessary pain and suffering.

...Finland legalised bestiality in 1971, following in the footsteps of other European countries. It was thought that criminalising the act was not the right way to deal with people who are likely to suffer from mental illness or who are simply lonely.[77]

See also: Irreligious Finland and loneliness

Minna Ruotsalo, chief inspector at Finland's Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, said concerning bestiality, "some persons that engage in the activity have contacted us saying that they would be concerned were the act to be criminalised in Finland".[78]

Washington state, bestiality, atheism and evolutionary belief[edit]

In 2017, as far as the United States, the website ranked Washington state as having the 5th highest percentage of atheists.[79] According to the CUNY 2000 religious survey, Washington was declared to have the second highest per capita number of people in the United States who answered "no religion" on a survey.[80] 27% of the Washington state population declared they had "no religion".[81] In addition, in 2007 the pro-evolution magazine the Scientific American said that Washington state did a "satisfactory/good" job of teaching evolution (see: Evolutionary belief and bestiality)[82]

Washington state had the highest number of reported cases of bestiality in the USA in 2010[edit]

See also: Washington state and bestiality

On January 26, 2011, the Seattle Met published an article entitled Washington Is the Worst State in the Country for Bestiality--Here's Why which declared that "Washington is steeped in man-on-beast history".[83] In 2011, the Seattle Post-Intelligencer, published an article entitled What’s your state worst at? Washington ranked for bestiality which featured a map entitled "The United States States of Shame: What's your state worst at" and the map had the word bestiality superimposed on the state of Washington.[84]

In 2010, the state of Washington has the highest number of reported cases of bestiality in the United States even though it was merely the 13th most populous state according to the 2010 United States census.[85][86]

A 2011 study reported by CNN indicated that Washington state was a politically liberal state (see: Liberalism and bestiality).[87]

Enumclaw horse sex case[edit]

See also: Enumclaw horse sex case

The Enumclaw horse sex case was a 2005 incident in which Kenneth Pinyan, who was an American Boeing engineer residing in Gig Harbor, Washington, died from injuries received during receptive rectal sex with a stallion at a farm near the city of Enumclaw, Washington.[88] Pinyan also distributed bestiality porn under the alias Mr. Hands.[89]

The Associated Press reported that the farm where the event occurred attracted "a significant number of people" who wanted to engage in bestiality and the Seattle Times published a number of articles on the Enumclaw horse sex case.[90]

In 2007, a documentary of the life and death of Kenneth Pinyan (as well as the life led by those who came to the farm near Enumclaw, Washington) was featured at the Sundance Film Festival under the title Zoo. It was one of 16 winners out of 856 film candidates for the festival, and it played at numerous regional festivals in the United States subsequently.[91] In addition, it was also selected as one of the top five American films to be presented at the Directors Fortnight sidebar at the 2007 Cannes Film Festival.[92][93]

2005 horse bestiality stories apparently most popular articles in history of Seattle Times[edit]

See also: Washington state and bestiality

In 2005, columnist Danny Westneat reported in the Seattle Times:

Which brings me back to sex with horses. The story last summer about the man who died from a perforated colon while having sex with a horse in Enumclaw was by far the year's most read article.

What's more, four more of the year's 20 most clicked-upon local news stories were about the same horse-sex incident. We don't publish our Web-traffic numbers, but take it from me — the total readership on these stories was huge.

So much so, a case can be made that the articles on horse sex are the most widely read material this paper has published in its 109-year history.

I don't know whether to ignore this alarming factoid or to embrace it.[94]

Bestiality farm in Washington state[edit]

See also: Washington state and bestiality and Bestiality and Britain

Authorities arrested Douglas Spinks and a British tourist in a bestiality farm raid. Police found dogs, horses and mice. See also: Bestiality and Britain

On April 17, 2011, the Examiner ran a story entitled Bestiality farm raided in Washington state, Douglas Spink arrested which declared:

Douglas Spink, 39, had been arrested in 2005 for smuggling cocaine and was on supervised release after serving three years for his crime. Under the conditions of Douglas Spink’s release, he must adhere to all local, state, and federal laws for five years. Now authorities believe that Spink violated the terms of that release by providing animals for sex acts on an alleged bestiality farm. It has also been suggested that there is a mutual connection between Douglas Spink and Kenneth Pinyan. Pinyan was a Gig Harbor, Washington man who died after engaging in sexual acts with a horse. The case drew national attention and became known as the “Enumclaw horse sex case.”...

On Wednesday, April 14, 2010 authorities raided Douglas Spink’s animal farm and arrested Spinks and a tourist, Stephen Clarke from Peterborough, England. Authorities described some of the evidence found at the scene as ‘bizarre.’ The raid was conducted by the Whatcom County Sheriff’s Office in assistance with the U.S. Probation Department, U.S. Marshals Office, and the FBI. Reports state that authorities seized dogs, horses, and mice. There were reportedly thousands of images of bestiality and child pornography found on the property as well.[95]

The Huffington Post reported:

When agents searched Spink's home, they found a video of a man sexually abusing dogs -- and that man, Clarke, was still on the property, wearing the same clothes as in the video, Elfo said. He was charged with animal cruelty and made an initial appearance in Whatcom County Superior Court on Thursday.[96]

Douglas Spink previously lived in Oregon[edit]

Douglas Spink previously lived in Oregon.[97] As noted above, according to the CUNY 2000 religious survey, Oregon was declared to have the highest per capita number of people in the United States who answered "no religion" on a survey.[98] 28% of the Oregon population declared they had "no religion".[99] In addition, in 2007 the pro-evolution magazine the Scientific American said that Oregon state did a "satisfactory/good" job of teaching evolution (see: Evolutionary belief and bestiality)[100] A 2011 study reported by CNN indicated that Oregon state was a politically liberal state.[101]

Bestiality in the wake of various irreligious nations passing anti-bestiality laws[edit]

The article The problem of individuals in irreligious nations engaging in bestiality may not have been largely solved! declares:

I realize that many nations have significant illegal drug problem despite the illegality of various drugs. And the prohibition of alcohol was an abysmal failure in the United States. But I was hoping that various countries in Secular Europe passing anti-bestiality laws in the wake of their countries notable and embarrassing problems with bestiality largely solved the problem. It probably did, but this may not be the case.

The website Health24 recently published an article entitled Bestiality is much, much more common than you think which states:

You might think that bestiality has died out, or that it only happens on farms, or that it's illegal everywhere. You would be very, very, very wrong...
It would be naïve to suggest, though, that the problem disappeared after the laws changed. Even in situations where zoophilia is legal, it is still far from socially acceptable, and so those who indulge in it are used to keeping quiet. Instead, zoophiles tend to communicate and congregate through societies, like the Germany-based Zoophiles Engagement für Toleranz und Aufklrung, as well as dedicated websites which offer a judgement-free space to converse.
The largest such site, BeastForum, claims over 1.2 million registered members at the time of writing as well as more than that number again in unregistered visitors. The forum has boards where members can share tips on getting their animals to participate as well as post pictures and videos of their sexual experiences with the animals.
These discussion are bracingly open and descriptive. Almost all of the forum’s boards are updated with new posts daily and the General topics board alone receives dozens of posts every day. The majority of these posts are well-written, coherent and spark spirited conversation and suggestions. This niche is not simply reserved for rural or uneducated people, these people are bank managers, physiotherapists and teachers, and there are lots of them.[102]

See also[edit]

Declarations of evolutionist and atheists on bestiality:


  1. Suggestions for the anti-Semitic slurs list by By MANFRED GERSTENFELD Jerusalem Post, 2015
  2. Bestiality brothels are 'spreading through Germany'
  3. Suggestions for the anti-Semitic slurs list by MANFRED GERSTENFELD, Jerusalem Post, 2015
  4. Secular Europe's weird bestiality renaissance
  5. Bestiality brothels are 'spreading through Germany'
  6. Bestiality brothels are 'spreading through Germany'
  7. Secular Europe's weird bestiality renaissance
  8. [1]
  9. The problem of the irreligious engaging in bestiality may not have been largely solved!
  10. Aug 20 2009 article at entitled Those Who Practice Bestiality Say They're Part of the Next Sexual Rights Movement
  11. Aug 20 2009 article at entitled Those Who Practice Bestiality Say They're Part of the Next Sexual Rights Movement
  12. Eurobarometer Poll in 2010
  13. Secular Europe and Religious America: Implications for Transatlantic Relations
  14. Top 50 Countries With Highest Proportion of Atheists / Agnostics(Zuckerman, 2005)
  15. Secular Europe's weird bestiality renaissance
  16. Photo: Evolution Less Accepted in U.S. Than Other Western Countries, Study Finds
  17. Top 50 Countries With Highest Proportion of Atheists / Agnostics(Zuckerman, 2005)
  18. Animal bordellos draw Swedes
  19. Secular Europe's weird bestiality renaissance
  20. Denmark Moves to Ban Animal Sex Due to Rise in Bestiality Tourism
  21. Denmark passes law banning bestiality by Jessica Plautz, Mashable, Apr 22, 2015
  22. Denmark passes law banning bestiality by Jessica Plautz, Mashable, Apr 22, 2015
  23. Denmark outlaws bestiality in narrow vote, CBS News
  24. Suggestions for the anti-Semitic slurs list by By MANFRED GERSTENFELD Jerusalem Post, 2015
  25. Top 50 Countries With Highest Proportion of Atheists / Agnostics(Zuckerman, 2005)
  26. Bestiality on the Rise in Sexually Libertine Sweden
  27. Swedes have more and more animal sex
  28. Top 50 Countries With Highest Proportion of Atheists / Agnostics(Zuckerman, 2005)
  29. Photo: Evolution Less Accepted in U.S. Than Other Western Countries, Study Finds
  30. Bestiality on the Rise in Sexually Libertine Sweden
  31. Swedes have more and more animal sex
  32. Swedish bestiality ring exposed
  33. Swedish women hit harder by STD rise
  34. Bestiality is now illegal in Sweden
  35. Swedish women hit harder by STD rise
  36. Bestiality on the Rise in Sexually Libertine Sweden
  37. Sweden urged to ban animals sex after newspaper expose on bestiality - The Times - November 12, 2008
  38. Animal Urges: Bestiality banned by Bundestag amid zoophilia rise
  39. Photo: Evolution Less Accepted in U.S. Than Other Western Countries, Study Finds
  40. Evolutionary belief statistics
  41. Top 50 Countries With Highest Proportion of Atheists / Agnostics(Zuckerman, 2005)
  42. [2]
  43. Animal Urges: Bestiality banned by Bundestag amid zoophilia rise
  44. Weird News: Into Sex With Animals? Head To Germany
  45. Bestiality brothels are now the rage in Germany
  46. Zoophiles protest against German bestiality ban
  47. Germany tightens bestiality law – but Bill could be challenged
  48. [3]
  49. Top 50 Countries With Highest Proportion of Atheists / Agnostics(Zuckerman, 2005)
  50. Photo: Evolution Less Accepted in U.S. Than Other Western Countries, Study Finds
  51. [4]
  52. Dutch Finally Ban Bestiality, ABC News
  53. Swedes have more and more animal sex
  54. Godless Britain, Wall Street Journal, Shmuley Boteach
  55. Horse slashers profiled
  56. Horse slashers profiled
  57. [Battered pets’: sexual abuse. Journal of Small Animal Practice - 2008 article ]
  58. UK TV Regulators OK Bestiality - LifeSiteNews - May 26, 2005
  59. Improbable research: bestiality saddled with the wrong image
  60. The Daily Mail online (MailOnline), August 5, 2011 The explicit art that shows bestiality with a goat just yards from The Ritz
  61. The Daily Mail online (MailOnline), August 5, 2011 The explicit art that shows bestiality with a goat just yards from The Ritz
  62. Sharp increase in sexually transmitted infections in UK
  63. Infanticide and bestiality advocate given Australia’s highest civic award
  64. God's OK, it's just the religion bit we don't like
  65. Norris, Pippa and Ronald Inglehart. 2004. Sacred and Secular: Religion and Politics Worldwide. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press
  66. Fenton, Andrew. Faith no more – atheists in the city of churches, The Advertiser, 2009
  67. God is still tops, but angels rate well
  68. Three plead guilty to bestiality offences by Kellie Toole, (2012) 37(4) AltLJ 289
  69. [ Man on bike accused of bestiality while women were walking dogs], Sydney Morning Herald
  70. Nurse with bestiality conviction deregistered for damaging profession's reputation, Australian Broadcasting Corporation
  71. Nurse with bestiality conviction deregistered for damaging profession's reputation, Australian Broadcasting Corporation
  72. Australian TV Station Receives Backlash For Bestiality Billboard By Jonathan Hailey
  73. Yes, in Finland you can have sex with your pet, July 14, 2015
  74. Special Eurobarometer Biotechnology (PDF) (Fieldwork: January–February 2010;Publication: October 2010). Retrieved on 2012-10-17.
  75. Yes, in Finland you can have sex with your pet, July 14, 2015
  76. Yes, in Finland you can have sex with your pet, July 14, 2015
  77. Percentage Of Atheists In America By State,
  80. Teaching of evolution by state - map
  81. Is the Worst State in the Country for Bestiality--Here's Why
  82. What’s your state worst at? Washington ranked for bestiality by Amy Rolph on January 25, 2011, Seattle-Post Intelligencer
  83. Pet Abuse -2010
  84. 2010 United States Census data
  85. 2011 Political map - CNN
  86. Skager, Shawn (July 12, 2006). "Film to focus on aftermath of Enumclaw incident". Enumclaw Courier-Herald.
  87. Horse Riding Mr Hands, Washington
  88. Messer, Lesley (July 18, 2005). "When a Man Dies in a Sex Act with a Horse -- What's a Reporter to Do?". Editor & Publisher.
  89. Westneat, Danny (December 3, 2006). "New movie is the spawn of horse sex". The Seattle Times.
  90. Zoo, which opens today in NY and LA, has just been selected as one of the features of the prestigious Directors Fortnight sidebar at this year's Cannes Film Festival". Zoo: Inside the Controversial Documentary about Bestiality
  91. Eugene Hernandez, "'07:Set for 49th Directors' Fortnight", IndieWIRE, May 3, 2007.
  92. Horse sex story was online hit by Danny Westneat, Seattle Times - December 30, 2005
  93. Bestiality farm raided in Washington state, Douglas Spink arrested April 17, 2011, Examiner - Charisse Van Horn, US Headlines Examiner
  94. Douglas Spink Arrested In BESTIALITY Case: Mice In Vaseline, Dogs, Horses Found At Exitpoint Stallions Limitee
  95. Douglas Spink Arrested In BESTIALITY Case: Mice In Vaseline, Dogs, Horses Found At Exitpoint Stallions Limitee
  98. Teaching of evolution by state - map
  99. 2011 Political map - CNN
  100. The problem of the irreligious engaging in bestiality may not have been largely solved!

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