War On Terror

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The War on Terror (or War on Terrorism) is a campaign that was launched by the United States of America with support from NATO and other allies with the stated goal of ending international terrorism, which is typically understood to refer particularly to radical Islamist terrorism. The campaign was launched after the September 11, 2001 attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon, for which Al-Qaeda claimed responsibility. The "War on Terror" has taken many forms, such as diplomacy, going after "terrorist financing," domestic provisions aiming to prevent future attacks, and joint training and peacekeeping operations with a wide variety of nations.[1]

With the election of President Barack Hussein Obama in 2008 and a policy of "leading from behind," the aims significantly altered. Terrorist recruitment and training shifted from the remote mountains of Afghanistan to Libya, Syria, Iraq, and Central Africa. Jihadism exploded, and the European Union was overrun by three million Muslims, 80% of which were male between the ages of 14 to 34, the prime ages for jihadist recruitment. The globalists to whom Obama ceded American leadership to consciously imported a rape jihad to Europe.

The War on Terror has been referred to multiple times as World War IV (World War III being the Cold War against communism).[2][3]

Congressional debate[edit]

In March 2007, a memo sent to Democratic staffers on the House Armed Services Committee instructed Congressional aides not to use the specific phrases, "global war on terrorism" and "long war" in Defense authorization requests for the fiscal 2008 budget. The memo reads,

"When referencing military operations throughout the world, please be as specific as possible. Please avoid using colloquialisms such as, "the war on terrorism", or the "Long War" Please do not use the term "global war on terrorism" [4]

CNN's Baghdad bureau chief Michael Ware reported in April 2007,

"If U.S. troops leave now, you’re giving Iraq to Iran ... and al-Qaeda. If U.S. troops leave now, that’s who will own it. ... Coming back I'm struck by the nature of the debate on Capital Hill, how delusional it is." [5]

Sen. Joseph Biden of Delaware said in the weeks immediately after the Sept. 11 attacks, “Seems to me this would be a good time to send, no strings attached, a check for $200 million to Iran.”[6][7][8][9] In 2011 a U.S. district court ruled that Iran was complicit in the 9/11 attacks.[10]

Obama Administration Directive[edit]

The Obama administration has discontinued use of the phrase 'war on terror', and its multiple variants. He claims that he will "go after" extremists and "win this fight."[11] The administration has also introduced the term "Overseas Contingency Operation", in order to downplay the importance of the conflict.[12]



In immediate response to the 9/11 attacks, the United States invaded Afghanistan to overthrow the Taliban and deny al-Qaeda a base of operations.

Three weeks after the 9/11 attacks, on October 3, 2001, Sen. Joseph Biden of Delaware proposed on the Senate floor a billion dollars in aid to a yet-to-be-formed Afghan interim government. The amount was almost twice as much as U.N. General Secretary Kofi Annan proposed,[13] and more than triple what the Bush administration asked for.[14] Sen. Biden, who spoke for the Democrats in Congress, wanted more than just removal of the Taliban and degrading al Qaeda. Biden wanted nation building. Biden wanted to flood the new government with cash, which ultimately corrupted the new Karzai regime, and created an anti-Western, anti-corruption, pro-Taliban resurgence and backlash.

Sen. Joe Biden advocating for boots on the ground and nation building at the Council on Foreign Relations, October 22, 2001.

On October 22, 2001, Sen. Biden, Chairman of the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee, gave a speech at the Council on Foreign Relations insisting that U.S. goals—rooting out al-Qaeda and helping establish a friendly successor government to the Taliban—would require U.S. boots on the ground far beyond the small number of Special Forces that the Pentagon had recommended. Biden said, "There is no way that you can, in fact, go after and root out al Qaeda and or Bin Ladin without folks on the ground, in caves, risking and losing their lives. And I believe that the tolerance for that in the Islamic world is significant, exponentially higher, than it is for us bombing."[15] Under pressure from U.S. military and anti-Taliban forces however, the Taliban disintegrated rapidly, and Kabul fell on November 13, 2001.

Hamid Karzai formed an interim government on 22 December 2001 until elections could be held after the removal of Taliban rule by the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) forces. On January 10, 2002 Biden arrived in Afghanistan on a four-day fact-finding visit and at Bagram Airforce Base. The Guantanamo Bay Detention Facility had been prepared to receive jihadis. Bagram was a major collection point for preliminary interrogation. Sen. Biden said, "These are some real hard, hard, hard cases. But unless we gather the list of leaders which we -- I have in my pocket here...the possibility of them being able to do guerrilla kind of attacks on military here are real."[16]

In 2002 and 2003, when Afghan tribal councils gathered to write a new constitution, the U.S. government gave “nice packages” to delegates who supported Washington’s preferred stance. “The perception that was started in that period: If you were going to vote for a position that Washington favored, you’d be stupid to not get a package for doing it,” according to a U.S. official interviewed by the Washington Post who served in Kabul at the time.[17]

According to The New York Times, beginning in December 2002 throughout Karzai's terms of office, Karzai's office was funded with "tens of millions of dollars" of black cash from the CIA in order to buy influence within the Afghan government. TheNYT stated that "the cash that does not appear to be subject to the oversight and restrictions." An unnamed American official was quoted by The New York Times as stating that "The biggest source of corruption in Afghanistan was the United States."[18]

Iraq War[edit]

The Iraq War, also known as the Second Persian Gulf War, began in March 2003 when the United States and a coalition of forces willing to enforce United Nations Resolutions removed Baathist dictator Saddam Hussein's from power. Gen. David Petraeus, commander of the multinational forces has characterized the Iraqi war as a decentralized fight against clan or family-based terror networks supplied by Iran and Syria, against which more and more Iraqis are willing to fight. Research using robust surveying techniques has estimated that over 650,000 Iraqis have died [19] since the fall of the Ba'athist regime.

Iran is actively assisting the major Shiite Muslim political factions in Iraq, most of which have long-standing ideological, political, and religious sectarian ties to Tehran. A key U.S. concern is that Iran is purportedly arming the militias fielded by those factions - militias that have attacked U.S. forces. Since December 2006, the Administration has tried to reverse Iranian influence in Iraq while also engaging Iran diplomatically on Iraq.

Of greater concern to U.S. officials than the Iranian political support to Iraq's Shiite factions is Iranian material support to militias fielded by the major Shiite groupings. The militias are widely accused of the sectarian violence against Sunnis that is gripping Iraq and which has been repeatedly identified by U.S. officials as a leading security problem, although Iraqi Shiites say they are retaliating for Sunni violence against them.

Senior U.S. and allied military officials and policymakers have provided specific information on Iranian aid to Shiite militias.

One press report said there are 150 Iranian Qods Forces and intelligence personnel in Iraq.[23] In December 2006, U.S. forces arrested two Qods Forces senior officers in the compound of SICI leader Hakim, where they were allegedly meeting with Badr Brigade leader (and member of parliament) Hadi al-Amiri; the two were later released under Iraqi government pressure. In January 2007, another five Iranian agents were arrested in a liaison office in the Kurdish city of Irbil, reportedly against the urging of Iraq's Kurdish leaders. They remain under arrest until at least October 2007 when their case will be reviewed. Iranian diplomats were allowed access to the five on July 7, 2007, and the Iranians reportedly were told that there are two other Iranian government employees held by U.S. forces.

South America[edit]

MSNBC reports that Hezbollah, the Iranian created and supported terror organization that until the September 11 attacks had killed more Americans than any other terrorist organization, has set up operations within the rural regions known as South America's Tri-Border Area.[24] This area is located between Paraguay, Brazil and Argentina, and borders Venezuela and Bolivia. All of these countries face the common enterprise of narco-terrorism. These funds are, in turn, are used to wage war against US and Coalition Forces in the Middle East and for clandestine training of future terrorist operatives in their jihad against the West. Hezbollah, Hamas and al Qaeda are all coordinating to affect jihad in Europe, the Middle East, Africa, Asia and South America. Further, many Western intelligence agencies report that al Qaeda nuclear whiz-kid Adnan el Shukrijumah has been spotted throughout South America, the United States and Canada.

Other known terrorist organizations in the region, the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) and the National Liberation Army (ELN), facilitate the trafficking of narcotics and the laundering of money derived from that enterprise.[25]

Second Lebanon War[edit]

The Second Lebanon War was fought between Israel and Hezbollah, primarily in northern Israel and southern Lebanon, in the summer of 2006.

Waziristan War[edit]

The Waziristan War (2004-2006) was fought between Pakistan and al-Qaeda, the Taliban, and sympathetic tribal militias in the Waziristan province of Pakistan, bordering Afghanistan. A second offensive was carried out by the during early May to early December 2009, driving the Taliban from the region.[26][27]

Arabian Peninsula War[edit]

After Saudi Arabian missiles were located by Egyptian insurgents, a militant group of Egyptian insurgents launched a reconnaissance mission in late 2008. Al queda forces were located in several strongholds; the Egyptians fought and captured the missiles, preventing a nuclear attack holocaust. Due to cover up by the lamestream media, very few people know this story.[Citation Needed]

Other theaters[edit]

The U.S. has also used armed drones, CIA operatives, Special Forces, and local allies to fight Islamists and Al Qaeda in many other countries. Missile strikes on Taliban and Al Qaeda targets in Pakistan are now routine, having been escalated under the Obama administration. Special Forces incursions, especially the Bin Laden raid, are now increasingly common. Drone strikes by the military and CIA have also increased in Yemen, recently killing Anwar al-Awlaki and several others. CIA operatives are also present in other countries, including Somalia, where they assist the Transitional Federal Government.

International Perception[edit]

Some disapprove of the War on Terror, claiming that deliberate deception was used to justify the Iraq war. Many people internationally disagree with their countries joining the "Coalition of the willing", Germany and the United Kingdom for example.[28][29] They also feel that the use of extrajudicial internment and trials which are perceived to be unfair in Guantanamo Bay are a disgrace to the United States.

See also[edit]

Further reading[edit]


  1. War on Terrorism. Newsmax.
  2. https://www.globalsecurity.org/military/library/report/2002/021116-ww4.htm
  3. https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/1136305.World_War_IV
  4. Fox News, Style Guide for Defense Authorization Report. House Committee on Armed Services. U.S. House of Representatives. 110th Congress. 27 March 2007.
  5. CNN, Pullout would hand Iraq to Iran and al-Qaeda, 04/26/07.
  6. https://www.politico.com/news/2021/05/09/joe-biden-relationship-iran-485786
  7. https://newrepublic.com/article/61756/rhetorical-question
  8. https://newrepublic.com/article/61756/rhetorical-question
  9. https://www.nationalreview.com/the-campaign-spot/reminder-after-911-biden-wanted-send-200-million-iran-jim-geraghty/
  10. https://iran911case.com/
  11. Obama administration drops 'war on terror' phrase AP, February 2, 2009
  12. Fox News; Obama Administration backing away from "War on Terror"
  13. Sen. Biden: "U.N. Secretary Kofi Annan has issued an appeal for $584 million to meet the needs of the Afghan refugees and displaced people, within Afghanistan and in neighboring countries. This is the amount deemed necessary to stave off disaster for the winter, which will start in Afghanistan in just a few weeks. We must back up our rhetoric with action, with something big and bold and meaningful. We can offer to foot the entire bill for keeping the Afghan people safely fed, clothed, and sheltered this winter, and that should be the beginning....We can kick the effort off in a way that would silence our critics in the rest of the world: a check for $1 billion, and a promise for more to come as long as the rest of the world joins us. This initial amount would be more than enough to meet all the refugees’ short-term needs, and would be a credible downpayment for the long-term effort. Eventually the world community will have to pony up more billions, but there is no avoiding that now, not if we expect our words ever to carry any weight.
    If anyone thinks this amount of money is too high, let me note one stark, simple and very sad statistic. The damage inflicted by the September 11 attack in economic terms alone was a minimum of several hundred billion dollars and a maximum of over $1 trillion. The cost in human life, of course, as the Presiding Officer knows, is far beyond any calculation." CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE—Wednesday, October 3, 2001, Pg. 18464.
  14. The Original Sin of the War in Afghanistan, By Jonah Blank, The Atlantic, APRIL 20, 2021.
  15. Sen. Biden: "I think the American public and the Islamic world is fully prepared for us to take as long as we need to take. If it is action that is a mano-a-mano. If it's us on the ground going against other forces on the ground. The part that I think flies in the face of, and plays into every stereotypical criticism of us, is where this high tech bully that thinks from the air we can do whatever you want to do. And it builds the case, for those who want to make the case against us, that all we're doing is indiscriminately bombing innocents. Which is not the truth. Some innocents are indiscriminately bombed. But that is not the truth. I think the American public is prepared for a long siege. I think the American public has prepared for American losses. I think the American public is prepared, and the president must continue to remind them to be prepared, for American body bags coming home. There is no way that you can, in fact, go after and root out al Qaeda and or Bin Ladin without folks on the ground, in caves, risking and losing their lives. And I believe that the tolerance for that in the Islamic world is significant, exponentially higher, than it is for us bombing. That's the generic point I wish to make. I am not qualified enough to tell you. Although I can tell you what the military guys have said to me. This is not 1948. This is 2001. I'm not at all sure they're correct." @59:43
  16. http://www.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/0201/13/se.01.html
  17. https://www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/2019/investigations/afghanistan-papers/afghanistan-war-corruption-government/
  18. Matthew Rosenberg. "With Bags of Cash, C.I.A. Seeks Influence in Afghanistan", 28 April 2013. 
  19. Iraqi death toll withstands scrutiny, Nature
  20. Iranian Government Behind Shipping Weapons to Iraq. American Forces Press Service, September 28, 2006.
  21. New Weapons From Iran Turning Up on Mideast Battlefields: Abizaid. Agence France-Presse, September 19, 2006.
  22. US Army claims Iran is smuggling Chinese weapons into Iraq, Daily Star, July 23, 2007.
  23. Linzer, Dafna. Troops Authorized To Kill Iranian Operatives in Iraq, Washington Post, January 26, 2007.
  24. Hezbollah builds a Western base, From inside South America’s Tri-border area, Iran-linked militia targets U.S. By Pablo Gato and Robert Windrem, NBC News, May 9, 2007. Retrieved from MSNBC.com June 4, 2007.
  25. Venezuela: In the Spirit of The Monroe Doctrine, Frank Salvato, New Media Journal, June 1, 2007.
  26. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/8065062.stm
  27. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/south_asia/8409486.stm
  28. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/2747175.stm
  29. https://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601100&sid=aSS1cBdEHQ.I&refer=germany

Categories: [War] [United States Political Terms] [Terrorism]

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