Homework Four Model Answers

From Conservapedia

1. Explain why the North supported higher tariffs, but the South opposed them.

The North supported higher tariffs because it was a manufacturing center and tariffs helped it to outsell foreign competition. The South, on the other hand, was an agricultural economy, and it needed to buy machinery and manufactured goods in order to produce its cotton and other cash crops. Higher US tariffs meant more expensive machinery, and that the South’s agricultural products might face tariffs in other countries and thus be imported by other countries at lower levels. (Addison)
The North supported higher tariffs because they protected their manufacturing companies against competition by foreign manufacturers. This gave the Northern manufacturers control of the market. The South opposed tariffs, because it caused them to pay more for imported equipment and goods. The foreign nations retaliated by imposing similar tariffs on the cotton exported by the South, making competition in foreign markets harder, and thus reducing the southern farmers’ revenue. Raising the price of foreign goods reduced the amount of goods to be transported back to the United States on the ships returning from transporting the cotton over to Europe. These half-empty returning ships further increased the price of getting the cotton to market and therefore further reduced their profit margin. These tariffs became a leading cause of the Civil War. (Katy)

2. Do you think States have the right to secede from (leave) the United States? Discuss, including a mention of "nullification doctrine."

As secession is not outlawed by the Constitution and the Tenth Amendment says “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively”. Such facts imply that it is constitutional. The Sixth Article of the Constitution states that the Constitution is the supreme law of the land and therefore it is illegal for a state to nullify a law. (Anthony)
Yes, I believe States have the right to secede from the United States. ...
Nowhere in the Constitution is there any mention of the union of the states being permanent. This was not an oversight by any means. Indeed, when New York, Rhode Island, and Virginia ratified the Constitution, they specifically stated that they reserved the right to resume the governmental powers granted to the United States. Their claim to the right of secession was understood and agreed to by the other ratifiers, including George Washington, who presided over the Constitutional Convention and was also a delegate from Virginia. Judge William Rawle states, "The secession of a State depends on the will of the people of such a State."
It is also significant that no Confederate leader was ever brought to trial for treason. A trial would have brought a verdict on the constitutional legality of secession. Federal prosecutors were satisfied with the verdict that had been decided in battle. (Gabrielle)

3. Who was the most politically conservative of the early presidents, after George Washington? Explain.

James Monroe: He realized even before the Government became conceivably intrusive that a goal of Government should be to downsize itself. He saved money by demilitarizing our border with Canada, vetoing Government built roads, and making sure Europe and America did not interfere with each other. (Paul)
The most conservative president of the early presidents was either Abraham Lincoln or James Monroe. Lincoln, most notably because he led his country through the Civil War, destroyed slavery, and was also homeschooled. And Monroe mostly because of his Monroe Doctrine, which basically said that Europe could not add new colonies or even interfere with the West. This is still used quite effectively today. (Daniel)

4. Many say the War of 1812 was an unnecessary war. Your view, please?

I believe that the war of 1812 was necessary because:
a) It settled the issue once and for all that America was a free and independent nation.
b) Also it stopped England from pressing U.S sailors into service. (Johnny)

5. Choose any mystery or discussion question from the lecture, and write about it.

Debate: Is it wrong for a politician to cut a deal with another politician like the "corrupt bargain" between Adams and Clay? It is not illegal; people have the right to be able to change opinions and discus matters as they feel led. Ethically though, I find that betraying your companion and manipulating the Presidential process for one’s own personal gain is selfish and greedy. The important position that is the President should not be a place of corruption and compromise. (James)

6. Pick the decision you like most, and the one you like least, by the Marshall Court. Explain.

The decision I like the most is Fletcher v. Peck, which established the new power of declaring a state law as "unconstitutional", thus invalidating it.
The decision I dislike the most is Cherokee Nation v. Georgia, because they didn't see the Cherokees as their own Nation, thus disallowing them to sue in federal court. If I lived in America at this time, I would have supported the fact that the Native Americans were settled here before us and should have the right to citizenship. (Elise)

7. Identify the figures in the cartoon, provide an approximate date, and describe the likely viewpoint of the cartoonist:


The text in the cartoon from left to right (clockwise direction) is:

John Bull: Pray Mr Bruin try if you can make up this little Difference between us-The Wasps and Hornets have Stung me so hard I wish I had never disturbed their Nests.
Columbia: I thank you Mr Bruin but I cannot trust the Bull. 'Tho he has promised to draw his HORNS he must be safe bound to the Stake before I treat with him.
Bruin: Let me unite your hands Madam-Johny and I have been very friendly since I sent him my Fleet to take care of----
The figures in the cartoon represent three countries; Russia is the bear, America is the lady, Columbia, and Great Britain is John Bull. This cartoon depicts negotiation for peace between America and Great Britain during 1813. Russia is trying to mediate a treaty for peace between the two nations. John Bull, who is in a posture of entreaty, is saying that they should never have tried to fight with America again. He describes us as wasps and hornets; fighting back when our nests, or homeland (including Washington D.C.), are threatened or harmed. Lady Columbia is saying that the U.S. cannot trust Britain because even though John Bull previously promised to “draw his horns” he did not respect our rights as a nation. Columbia will not be fooled again by him. Only when she sees that he is tied down and his intentions guaranteed will she talk about a peace treaty. This cartoonist’s viewpoint on the war of 1812 is from the American perspective. He strongly agrees that Britain has harmed our nation once again and we should not be too quick to trust England’s word and be tricked into a peace treaty until there is proof that Britain has stopped harassing America. (Danny)

8. Describe something that surprises you about the map of the United States in 1840.

That there is a republic of Texas. (Blaise)
The thing that surprised me most about the map of the United States in 1840 was the amount of land that was still claimed by Britain. (Jon)

H1. I think we overpaid in buying the Louisiana Purchase, and that it was unconstitutional also. Do you agree?

The Louisiana Purchase was an enormous steal. For $15 million we doubled the size of our country. Unfortunately, nowhere in the Constitution does it shed light on the Presidents ability to make such purchases. With the senate’s approval I believe it was a just purchase. However the precedent that the President can act contrary to the constitution in “Special circumstances” changed American government forever. (Kyle)

H2. Pick your favorite political party from the lecture, and explain why.

My favorite political party would have to be the Democratic-republicans, because they stood for a conservative form of government. They believed that the federal government should not have too much power, and that this power should in fact be given to the people. Isn't it ironic that the Democrats of the 1800's were one in the same with the Republican party which stands for all things conservative? The Democrats of today, are the complete opposite of the conservative Republicans. (Alexa)

H3. Discuss any debate topic or mystery related to 1800-1840.

What happened to Aaron Burr? After Aaron Burr shot and killed Alexander Hamilton in the duel in 1804, he moved out west to some land he had leased from Spain, where he conspired against the United States government. However the general he was conspiring with, James Wilkinson, turned him in to Jefferson, who apprehended and tried him in 1807. The court found him not guilty, He lived abroad from 1808 to 1812, and even befriended Utilitarian philosopher Jeremy Bentham, He remarried in 1833, suffered a stroke in 1834, and died in 1836, He was buried alongside his father in Princeton New Jersey. (Joseph)

H4. It is said that Andrew Jackson was the first modern president. Why, and would you have voted for him?

... Jackson established the powerful tools of the modern presidency. These included vetoing bills of Congress to prevent them from becoming law, removing people from office when the President disagreed with them, and using executive orders as President to give his views on the power of law. ... (Katy)

Categories: [American History Homework]

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