Donbas War

From Conservapedia
For the Special Military Operation of 2022 Russia-Ukraine war
Pregnant strangled Russian woman, left. Victorious Ukrainians in the next room over, right.

The Donbas war began on Victory Day, May 9, 2014 when the U.S.-backed Maidan regime opened fire on civilians in Mariupol who were celebrating the 69th anniversary of the defeat of Nazism.

In July 2014 the fascist Maidan regime bombed its own citizens in Donetsk and Lugansk. The genocidal conflict to drive ethnic Russians out of the oil and gas rich Donbas received little, if any attention from Western media and political leaders for the next eight years.

The Obama administration-backed Maidan coup overthrew the democratically elected president of Ukraine.[1] President Viktor Yanukovych's election had been certified by the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE). He was the first democratically elected official overthrown in a violent revolution in recent memory. The U.S.-backed coup was accomplished with the aid of anti-Russian neo-Nazis in Ukraine. It was an unconstitutional regime change.

As of 2021, 13,000 people have been killed in the conflict.[2]

In early December 2021 it was reported that the Armed Forces of Ukraine deployed 125,000 troops, half of its forces, against the predominantly Russian speaking Donbas region of Eastern Ukraine.[3] More than 600,000 Russian citizens reside in Donbas.[4]

Hromadske TV media is one of the most-watched networks in Ukraine. Hromadske is funded by the Dutch and US Embassies in Kyiv, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark, the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency, the European Endowment for Democracy, and Free Press Unlimited. Silicon Valley oligarch Pierre Omidary was also involved in creating the outlet.[5] Hromadske hosted Bogdan Boutkevitch[6] during the Maidan coup demanding genocide of ethnic Russians saying Donbas,

"is severely overpopulated with people nobody has any use for. Trust me I know what I am saying. If we take, for example, just Donetsk oblast, there are approximately 4 million inhabitants, at least 1.5 million of them are superfluous. We don't need to "understand" Donbass, we need to understand Ukrainian national interests. Donbass must be exploited as a resource, which it is. I don't claim to have a quick solution recipe, but the most important thing that must be done - no matter how cruel it may sound, there is a certain category of people that MUST BE EXTERMINATED.[7]

The Donbass war is not what Americans think of as a 21st century war. It is a World War II type conflict, with two well-equipped, capable, real armies fighting each other for control of towns, villages, and fortifications.[8]

Crimean Annexation[edit]

See also: Crimean Annexation

Crimea held a referendum and rejoined Russia rather than live under an illegal government. However, Russia did not accept the results of the Donetsk and Lugansk referendums in the Don River Basin, collectively known as Donbas. Donetsk and Luhansk declared independence from Kyiv and became known as the self-proclaimed Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics. The Kyiv regime tried to retake the two separatist provinces.

Devon Archer (far left) is pictured with Joe and Hunter Biden. (Screenshot from Twitter)[9]

An email sent from Hunter Biden to his business partner Devon Archer on April 13, 2014 contained information from a classified State Department memo one week before Joe Biden visited Ukraine to meet prime minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk. The email predicted an escalation of Russia’s “destabilization campaign, which could lead to a full scale takeover of the eastern region, most critically Donetsk":

“The strategic value is to create a land bridge for RU to Crimea. That won’t directly affect Burisma holdings but it will limit future UK exploration and utilization of offshore opportunities in particular.

It will also result in further destabilization of UK nationally and for whatever govt is in power. And the US will respond with even stronger sanctions. Those sanctions will threaten the tenuous support of the EU which does not have the political will to incur steep energy price increases.”[10]

Ethnic cleansing in the Donbas[edit]

See also: Ethnic cleansing in the Donbas and Aidar Battalion

Odessa Trade Unions House massacre[edit]

Burnt victims of the "Revolution of Dignity."

On April 16, 2014 Forbes reported Obama CIA Dir. John Brennan's visited the new undemocratically elected Obama administration-backed regime in Kyiv.[11] Two weeks later on May 2, 2014 Ukrainian nationalists murdered at least 42 Russians, most burnt alive in the Odessa Trades Union Building.[12] Some eyewitnesses claim the real number is over a hundred. The bodies were removed and buried in secret. Survivors of the fire inside the building were executed with bullets to the head. Some were beaten to death with clubs when they jumped from windows of the burning building. A pregnant woman was strangled.[13]

The Maidan fascists according to eyewitnesses outnumbered the anti-Kiev protesters 10 to 1. First the Maidan activists burnt down the tents of anti-Kiev regime protesters outside the building. The anti-Kiev protesters retreated into the building and tried to blockade the door. The Maidan protesters began throwing Molotov cocktails. Soon the building was engulfed in flames. The Maidan fascist crowd began cheering as they set the building ablaze and beat those who tried to escape. A Maidan activist was shooting at people trying to escape from the windows.

A group of Maidan girls filled up Molotov cocktails while the boys were busy using them to burn people alive.[14] A fire station less than a kilometer away couldn't respond for hours. The Maidan activists blocked the lone fire truck and wouldn't let the firefighters operate.

Murder, assassination and kidnapping[edit]

On March 25, 2019 Vasily Prozorov, a former employee of the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) held a press conference. He reported that from April 2014 he rendered assistance to the special services of Russia. “From April 2014 I absolutely voluntarily, for ideological reasons, assisted the special services of the Russian Federation in obtaining information about the activities of Ukrainian law enforcement, in particular in the area of the ATO (Kiev’s military operation in the Donbass),” he stressed. According to Prozorov, he decided to do this after the events on “Maidan”.[15]

Prozorov informed Russia about the whereabouts of Russian Life News journalists detained in May 2014 by Ukrainian military personnel. He described that back then he worked in the team of the Security Service of Ukraine in one of the villages near Slavyansk, where these journalists were detained. He immediately reported where they were, “because there were many who wanted to introduce your colleagues as military personnel and start their interrogations.”

In the area of conducting military operations in Donbass there are secret SBU prisons. One of them is located at the airport of Mariupol. The location is called “the library (библиотека),[16] and its prisoners are called books”. According to Prozorov, it was possible to end up in such a prison for anything, including on suspicion of working for the Russian Federation, DPR, and LPR.

The Saur-Mogila monument was erected in 1963 to commemorate victory over the Nazis on the same spot in 1943. It was destroyed by Ukrainian Nazis in 2014 and rebuilt by the Donetsk Republic in 2022.[17][18]

The leaders of the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics became victims of special operations, and not internal conflicts. “I am not omniscient, but concerning Motorola and Givi I am 100% sure that it was an operation of the special fifth department of the SBU and the special operations forces (SOF) of the Armed Forces of Ukraine,” he specified. According to Prozorov, employees of the Special Operations Forces are constantly trained under the guidance of instructors from the UK and other countries. Their specialties are acts of terrorism and the deployment of a partisan insurrection movement.

Fascist and Nazi views are widespread in Ukrainian law enforcement structures. Prozorov noted that this concerns not only voluntary battalions, where this phenomenon is rampant, but also about linear units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and National Guard.

The “Azov” formation is a non-controlled paramilitary formation that is subordinated only to its leader and the Interior Minister Arsen Avakov. Prozorov recalled that in May 2017 another truce was concluded between the parties to the conflict. However, on May 9-10 the Azov artillery shelled the DPR and Mariupol. The former SBU officer noted that this is how the battalion carried out the orders of their superior, without informing the leadership of the ATO and the National Guard.

Legality of Declarations of Independence[edit]

The unilateral declarations of independence by the Donbas republics are completely legal and precedented by the West's successful demands for Kosovo to be recognized as independent from Serbia, and adjudicated as such by the International Courts.[19]

Minsk Agreements[edit]

A truce was negotiated between the two separatist Republics and the Kyiv regime in late 2014 and early 2015 in the Belarusian capital of Minsk and known as the Minsk Agreements. The Agreements were negotiated with the help of France and Germany. Moscow backed the Minsk Agreements which Kyiv also agreed to, and the United Nations Security Council endorsed the agreements as well. The Minsk Agreements would give autonomy to the two provinces while remaining part of Ukraine. However the Ukraine regime did nothing to further implement the agreements after 2015, and only a ceasefire for the use of heavy weapons (tanks and artillery) remained in place. The Minsk Agreements established a 12-point roadmap to ensure an immediate bilateral ceasefire; carry out decentralization of power, allowing temp orary local self-government in areas of Donetsk and Luhansk in eastern Ukraine under a "special status" law; immediately free all hostages and illegally detained persons; ensure monitoring on the Ukrainian-Russian border and a security zone; ensure the holding of snap local elections in Donetsk and Luhansk; remove illegal armed groups, military hardware, and all fighters and mercenaries from Ukrainian territory; pass a law against the prosecution and punishment of people over certain events in Donetsk and Luhansk region.[20]

The agreement was drawn-up by the Trilateral Contact Group on Ukraine, which consisted of representatives from Ukraine, Russia, and the OSCE.[21] with mediation by the leaders of France and Germany.[22] The agreement aimed to implement an immediate ceasefire. It failed to stop fighting in Donbas,[23] and was followed with a new package of measures, called Minsk II, which was signed on February 12, 2015.[24]

The Joint Centre for Control and Coordination (JCCC) was established on September 26, 2014.[25] to help implement the Minsk ceasefire agreements and ensure the safety of OSCE monitors in the Donbas war.[26] It consists of Ukrainian and Russian military officers. In April 2015, Ukrainian and Russian representatives began to keep separate logs of ceasefire violations.[27] The Russian members left Ukraine in December 2017.

A meeting between representatives of the four countries, France, Germany, Russia and Ukraine was held in Paris on January 26, 2022 in the context of the Russia Ukraine conflict 2022.[28][29] The representatives of the four governments confirmed their support for Minsk II and committed themselves to resolving existing disagreements. They supported an unconditional ceasefire.[30] However, the Biden regime, which was not a party to the talks, continued to prod Ukraine to war with Russia with promises of economic aid,[31] arms, and by instigating conflict in the Donbas through extensive use of propaganda, psyops, and fake news in Western allied media.[32]

Battle of Avdiivka[edit]

Starting Mid-April 2014 the Donetsk People's Militia captured several towns in the newly proclaimed independent republic;[33][34] including Avdiivka. On July 21, 2014, Maidan regime forces reportedly secured the city from the militia.[35] This claim was repeated the next day.[36] Maidan rfegime forces kept control of Avdiivka, which became a frontline city and frequently shelled.[37][38] According to the OSCE, the area between Avdiivka and neighboring Donetsk Republic-controlled Yasynuvata is one of the hotspots of the Donbas war.[39]

In March 2016 the Maidan regime forces set up its fortifications in the area "Industrial Zone", until then a buffer zone between the Donetsk People's Republic controlled territories and the Kyiv regime army controlled territory in the eastern part of Avdiivka. This meant that the Donetsk People's Militia no longer had full control of the highway that united their controlled cities Donetsk and Horlivka and that it became more difficult for them to fire at Avdiivka with weapons not prohibited by the Minsk II agreement. Since March 2016 fighting for Avdiivka's "Industrial Zone" greatly intensified.[40]

From January 29, 2017 until February 4, 2017 the city was embroiled in the Battle of Avdiivka which left Avdiivka without electricity and heating for several days.[41][42][43]

Battle of Iloviask[edit]

Maidan regime forces made their first attempts to attack the city of Ilovaisk on August 7, 2014. Over the next few days, Maidan fascists made multiple attempts to enter the city, but were bogged down by heavy fighting with the citizens of Donbas defending their homes. Maidan forces attempted to enter Ilovaisk during the day on August 18, but failed. Led by the Maidan regime's Donbas Battalion, Kyiv forces launched another attempt to storm the city on the night of August 18-19.[44] This attempt was successful, and they raised the blue and yellow Ukrainian flag over the city administration building without any casualties. Maidan regime media viewed this victory as an example of the strength and effectiveness of the Kyiv regime's so-called "Anti-Terrorist Operation" (ATO) against the anti-fascist forces.[45]

Battle of Debaltsevo[edit]

Deputy Ukrainian Interior Minister and Advisor to President Zelensky Anton Gerashchenko, curator of the Ukrainian Nazi kill list.[46]

Ukrainian kill list[edit]

See also: Myrotvorets

On May 7, 2016, a website closely affiliated with the Kiev regime's internal police, the Ministry of Interior, published the personal data of 4,508 journalists and other media members from all over the planet who had worked or had received accreditation from the Donetsk Peoples Republic to report from Donbas, and therefore were considered by the fascist-controlled Kiev regime to have cooperated with "terrorists," according to the Voice of America.[47][48][49][50] There were phone numbers, email addresses, and some countries and cities of residence of Ukrainian and foreign journalists received from the hacked database of Donetsk People's Republic. Ministry of State Security. In response, the SBU issued a statement that it found no violations of Ukrainian law by Myrotvorets. According to Yulia Gorbunova, senior researcher for Human Rights Watch, the implications this list has for press freedoms is serious, adding that the existence of the list puts lives in danger. Journalists soon began receiving death threats, and some were murdered.

The website is regularly consulted at official Ukrainian government and military checkpoints to integrate government information systems. The site has been used in the arrest of thousands of people since its launch.[51]


On January 3, 2017 George Eliason reported in an article entitled, Why Crowdstrike’s Russian Hacking Story Fell Apart- Say Hello to Fancy Bear"[52]

"In the wake of the JAR-16-20296 dated December 29, 2016 about hacking and influencing the 2016 election, the need for real evidence is clear. The joint report adds nothing substantial to the October 7th report. It relies on proofs provided by the cyber security firm Crowdstrike that is clearly not on par with intelligence findings or evidence. At the top of the report is an “as is” statement showing this.

The difference between Dmitri Alperovitch’s claims which are reflected in JAR-1620296 and this article is that enough evidence is provided to warrant an investigation of specific parties for the DNC hacks. The real story involves specific anti-American actors that need to be investigated for real crimes.

For instance, the malware used was an out-dated version just waiting to be found. The one other interesting point is that the Russian malware called Grizzly Steppe is from Ukraine. How did Crowdstrike miss this when it is their business to know?

Later in this article you’ll meet and know a little more about the real “Fancy Bear and Cozy Bear.” The bar for identification set by Crowdstrike has never been able to get beyond words like probably, maybe, could be, or should be, in their attribution.

Dimitri Alperovitch

The article is lengthy because the facts need to be in one place. The bar Dimitri Alperovitch set for identifying the hackers involved is that low. Other than asking America to trust them, how many solid facts has Alperovitch provided to back his claim of Russian involvement?

The December 29th JAR adds a flowchart that shows how a basic phishing hack is performed. It doesn’t add anything significant beyond that. Noticeably, they use both their designation APT 28 and APT 29 as well as the Crowdstrike labels of Fancy Bear and Cozy Bear separately.

This is important because information from outside intelligence agencies has the value of rumor or unsubstantiated information at best according to policy. Usable intelligence needs to be free from partisan politics and verifiable. Intel agencies noted back in the early 90’s that every private actor in the information game was radically political.

The article about Russia hacking the electric grid is a perfect example of why this intelligence is political and not taken seriously. If any proof of Russian involvement existed, the US would be at war. Under current laws of war, there would be no difference between an attack on the power grid or a missile strike.

According to the Hill “Private security firms provided more detailed forensic analysis, which the FBI and DHS said Thursday correlated with the IC’s findings.

“The Joint Analysis Report recognizes the excellent work undertaken by security companies and private sector network owners and operators, and provides new indicators of compromise and malicious infrastructure identified during the course of investigations and incident response,” read a statement. The report identities two Russian intelligence groups already named by CrowdStrike and other private security firms.”

In an interview with Washingtonsblog, William Binney, the creator of the NSA global surveillance system said

“I expected to see the IP’s or other signatures of APT’s 28/29 [the entities which the U.S. claims hacked the Democratic emails] and where they were located and how/when the data got transferred to them from DNC/HRC [i.e. Hillary Rodham Clinton]/etc. They seem to have been following APT 28/29 since at least 2015, so, where are they?”

According to the latest Washington Post story, Crowdstrike’s CEO tied a group his company dubbed “Fancy Bear” to targeting Ukrainian artillery positions in Debaltsevo as well as across the Ukrainian civil war front for the past 2 years.

Alperovitch states in many articles the Ukrainians were using an Android app to target the self-proclaimed Republics positions and that hacking this app was what gave targeting data to the armies in Donbass instead.

Alperovitch first gained notice when he was the VP in charge of threat research with McAfee. Asked to comment on Alperovitch’s discovery of Russian hacks on Larry King, John McAfee had this to say.

Based on all of his experience, McAfee does not believe that Russians were behind the hacks on the Democratic National Committee (DNC), John Podesta’s emails, and the Hillary Clinton presidential campaign. As he told RT, “if it looks like the Russians did it, then I can guarantee you it was not the Russians.”

How does Crowdstrike’s story part with reality? First is the admission that it is probably, maybe, could be Russia hacking the DNC. “Intelligence agencies do not have specific intelligence showing officials in the Kremlin ‘directing’ the identified individuals to pass the Democratic emails to Wiki Leaks.”

The public evidence never goes beyond the word possibility. While never going beyond that or using facts, Crowdstrike insists that it’s Russia behind both Clinton’s and the Ukrainian losses. NBC carried the story because one of the partners in Crowdstrike is also a consultant for NBC.

According to NBC the story reads like this.

"The company, Crowdstrike, was hired by the DNC to investigate the hack and issued a report publicly attributing it to Russian intelligence. One of Crowdstrike’s senior executives is Shawn Henry, a former senior FBI official who consults for NBC News.
“But the Russians used the app to turn the tables on their foes, Crowdstrike says. Once a Ukrainian soldier downloaded it on his Android phone, the Russians were able to eavesdrop on his communications and determine his position through geo-location.

In June, Crowdstrike went public with its findings that two separate Russian intelligence agencies had hacked the DNC. One, which Crowdstrike and other researchers call Cozy Bear, is believed to be linked to Russia’s CIA, known as the FSB. The other, known as Fancy Bear, is believed to be tied to the military intelligence agency, called the GRU.”

The information is so certain the level of proof never rises above “believed to be.” According to the December 12th Intercept article “Most importantly, the Post adds that “intelligence agencies do not have specific intelligence showing officials in the Kremlin ‘directing’ the identified individuals to pass the Democratic emails to WikiLeaks.”

Because Ukrainian soldiers are using a smartphone app they activate their geolocation to use it. Targeting is from location to location. The app would need the current user location to make it work.

In 2015 I wrote an article that showed many of the available open source tools that geolocate, and track people. They even show street view. This means that using simple means, someone with freeware or an online website, and not a military budget can look at what you are seeing at any given moment.

Where Crowdstrike fails is insisting people believe that the code they see is (a) an advanced way to geolocate and (b) it was how a state with large resources would do it. Would you leave a calling card where you would get caught and fined through sanctions or worse? If you use an anonymous online resource at least Crowdstrike won’t believe you are Russian and possibly up to something.

”Using open source tools this has been going on for years in the private sector. For geolocation purposes, your smartphone is one of the greatest tools to use. Finding and following you has never been easier. Let’s face it if you are going to stalk someone, “street view” on a map is the next best thing to being there. In the following video, the software hacks your modem. It’s only one step from your phone or computer.”

If you read that article and watch the video you’ll see that using “geo-stalker” is a better choice if you are on a low budget or no budget. Should someone tell the Russians they overpaid?

According to Alperovitch, the smartphone app plotted targets in about 15 seconds. This means that there is only a small window to get information this way.

Using the open source tools I wrote about previously, you could track your targets all-day. In 2014, most Ukrainian forces were using social media regularly. It would be easy to maintain a map of their locations and track them individually.


From my research into those tools, someone using Python scripts would find it easy to take photos, listen to conversations, turn on GPS, or even turn the phone on when they chose to. Going a step further than Alperovitch, without the help of the Russian government, GRU, or FSB, anyone could take control of the drones Ukraine is fond of flying and land them. Or they could download the footage the drones are taking. It’s copy and paste at that point. Would you bother the FSB, GRU, or Vladimir Putin with the details or just do it?

In the WaPo article Alperovitch states “The Fancy Bear crew evidently hacked the app, allowing the GRU to use the phone’s GPS coordinates to track the Ukrainian troops’ position.

In that way, the Russian military could then target the Ukrainian army with artillery and other weaponry. Ukrainian brigades operating in eastern Ukraine were on the front lines of the conflict with Russian-backed separatist forces during the early stages of the conflict in late 2014, CrowdStrike noted. By late 2014, Russian forces in the region numbered about 10,000. The Android app was useful in helping the Russian troops locate Ukrainian artillery positions.”

In late 2014, I personally did the only invasive passport and weapons checks that I know of during the Ukrainian civil war. I spent days looking for the Russian army every major publication said were attacking Ukraine. The keyword Cyber Security industry leader Alperovitch used is “evidently.” Crowdstrike noted that in late 2014, there were 10,000 Russian forces in the region.

When I did the passport and weapons check, it was under the condition there would be no telephone calls. We went where I wanted to go. We stopped when I said to stop. I checked the documents and the weapons with no obstacles. The weapons check was important because Ukraine was stating that Russia was giving Donbass modern weapons at the time. Each weapon is stamped with a manufacture date. The results are in the articles above.

The government in Kiev agreed with my findings throughout 2014 and 2015. There were and are no Russian troops fighting in Donbass regardless of what Mr. Alperovitch asserts. There are some Russian volunteers which I have covered in detail.

Based on my findings which the CIA would call hard evidence, almost all the fighters had Ukrainian passports. There are volunteers from other countries. In Debaltsevo today, I would question Alperovitch’s assertion of Russian troops based on the fact the passports will be Ukrainian and reflect my earlier findings. There is no possibly, could be, might be, about it.

The SBU, Olexander Turchinov, and the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense all agree that Crowdstrike is dead wrong in this assessment. Although subtitles aren’t on it, the former Commandant of Ukrainian Army Headquarters thanks God Russia never invaded or Ukraine would have been in deep trouble.

How could Dimitri Alperovitch and Crowdstrike be this wrong on easily checked detail and still get this much media attention? Could the investment made by Google and some very large players have anything to do with the media Crowdstrike is causing?

In an interview with PBS NewsHour on December 22nd 2016, Dmitri Alperovitch finally produced the hard evidence he has for Russian involvement clearly. To be fair, he did state it several times before. It just didn’t resonate or the media and US intelligence agencies weren’t listening.

According to Alperovitch, the CEO of a $150 million dollar cyber security company

“And when you think about, well, who would be interested in targeting Ukraine artillerymen in eastern Ukraine who has interest in hacking the Democratic Party, Russia government comes to mind, but specifically, Russian military that would have operational over forces in the Ukraine and would target these artillerymen.”

That statement is most of the proof of Russian involvement he has. That’s it, that’s all the CIA, FBI have to go on. It’s why they can’t certify the intelligence. It’s why they can’t get beyond the threshold of maybe.

Woodruff then asked two important questions. She asked if Crowdstrike was still working for the DNC. Alperovitch responded

“We’re protecting them going forward. The investigation is closed in terms of what happened there. But certainly, we’ve seen the campaigns, political organizations are continued to be targeted, and they continue to hire us and use our technology to protect themselves.”

Based on the evidence he presented Woodruff, there is no need to investigate further? Obviously, there is no need, the money is rolling in.

Second and most important Judy Woodruff asked if there were any questions about conflicts of interest, how he would answer? This is where Dmitri Alperovitch’s story starts to unwind.

His response was

“Well, this report was not about the DNC. This report was about information we uncovered about what these Russian actors were doing in eastern Ukraine in terms of locating these artillery units of the Ukrainian army and then targeting them. So, what we just did is said that it looks exactly as the same to the evidence we’ve already uncovered from the DNC, linking the two together.”

Why is this reasonable statement going to take his story off the rails? First, let’s look at the facts surrounding his evidence and then look at the real conflicts of interest involved. While carefully evading the question, he neglects to state his conflicts of interest are worthy of a DOJ investigation. Can you mislead the federal government about national security issues and not get investigated yourself?

If Alperovitch’s evidence is all there is, then the US government owes some large apologies to Russia.

After showing who is targeting Ukrainian artillerymen, we’ll look at what might be a criminal conspiracy.

Crowdstrike CEO Dmitri Alperovitch story about Russian hacks that cost Hillary Clinton the election was broadsided by the SBU (Ukrainian Intelligence and Security) in Ukraine. If Dimitri Alperovitch is working for Ukrainian Intelligence and is providing intelligence to 17 US Intelligence Agencies is it a conflict of interest?

Ukraine has been screaming for the US to start a war with Russia for the past 2 1/2 years. Using facts accepted by leaders on both sides of the conflict, the main proof Crowdstrike shows for evidence doesn’t just unravel, it falls apart. Is Ukrainian Intelligence trying to invent a reason for the US to take a hard-line stance against Russia? Are they using Crowdstrike to carry this out?

Real Fancy Bear?

Meet the real Fancy Bear and Cozy Bear, part of the groups that are targeting Ukrainian positions for the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics. These people were so tech savvy they didn’t know the Ukrainian SBU (Ukrainian CIA/internal security) records every phone call and most internet use in Ukraine and Donbass. Donbass still uses Ukrainian phone and internet services.

These are normal people fighting back against private volunteer armies that target their homes, schools, and hospitals. The private volunteer armies like Pravy Sektor, Donbas Battalion, Azov, and Aidar have been cited for atrocities like child rape, torture, murder, and kidnapping. That just gets the ball rolling. These are a large swath of the Ukrainian servicemen Crowdstrike hopes to protect.

This story which just aired on Ukrainian news channel TCN shows the SBU questioning and arresting some of what they call an army of people in the Ukrainian-controlled areas. This news video shows people in Toretsk that provided targeting information to Donbass and people probably caught up in the net accidentally.

This is a civil war and people supporting either side are on both sides of the contact line. The SBU is awestruck because there are hundreds if not thousands of people helping to target the private volunteer armies supported by Ukrainian-Americans.

The first person they show on the video is a woman named Olga Lubochka. On the video her voice is heard from a recorded call saying

”In the field, on the left about 130 degrees. Aim and you’ll get it.” and then ”Oh, you hit it so hard you leveled it to the ground.” ”Am I going to get a medal for this?”

Other people caught up in the raid claim and probably were only calling friends they know. It’s common for people to call and tell their family about what is going on around them. This has been a staple in the war especially in outlying villages for people aligned with both sides of the conflict. A neighbor calls his friend and says “you won’t believe what I just saw.”

Another “fancy bear,” Alexander Schevchenko was caught calling friends and telling them that armored personnel carriers had just driven by.

Anatoli Prima, father of a DNR (Donetsk People’s Republic) soldier was asked to find out what unit was there and how many artillery pieces.

One woman providing information about fuel and incoming equipment has a husband fighting on the opposite side in Gorlovka. Gorlovka is a major city that’s been under artillery attack since 2014. For the past 2 1/2 years, she has remained in their home in Toretsk. According to the video, he’s vowed to take no prisoners when they rescue the area.

When asked why they hate Ukraine so much, one responded that they just wanted things to go back to what they were like before the coup in February 2014.

Another said they were born in the Soviet Union and didn’t like what was going on in Kiev. At the heart of this statement is the anti-OUN, antinationalist sentiment that most people living in Ukraine feel. The OUNb Bandera killed millions of people in Ukraine, including starving 3 million Soviet soldiers to death. The new Ukraine was founded in 1991 by OUN nationalists outside the fledgling country.

Is giving misleading or false information to 17 US Intelligence Agencies a crime? If it’s done by a cyber security industry leader like Crowdstrike should that be investigated? If unwinding the story from the “targeting of Ukrainian volunteers” side isn’t enough, we should look at this from the American perspective. How did the Russia influencing the election and DNC hack story evolve? Who’s involved? Does this pose conflicts of interest for Dmitri Alperovitch and Crowdstrike? And let’s face it, a hacking story isn’t complete until real hackers with the skills, motivation, and reason are exposed.

The Chalupas

In the last article exploring the DNC hacks the focus was on the Chalupas. The article focused on Alexandra, Andrea, and Irene Chalupa. Their participation in the DNC hack story is what brought it to international attention in the first place.

According to journalist and DNC activist Andrea Chalupa on her Facebook page “After Chalupa sent the email to Miranda (which mentions that she had invited this reporter to a meeting with Ukrainian journalists in Washington), it triggered high-level concerns within the DNC, given the sensitive nature of her work.

“That’s when we knew it was the Russians,” said a Democratic Party source who has been directly involved in the internal probe into the hacked emails. In order to stem the damage, the source said, “we told her to stop her research.”” July 25, 2016

If she was that close to the investigation Crowdstrike did how credible is she? Her sister Alexandra was named one of 16 people that shaped the election by Yahoo news. The DNC hacking investigation done by Crowdstrike concluded hacking was done by Russian actors based on the work done by Alexandra Chalupa? That is the conclusion of her sister Andrea Chalupa and obviously enough for Crowdstrike to make the Russian government connection. These words mirror Dimitri Alperovitch’s identification process in his interview with PBS Judy Woodruff.

How close is Dimitri Alperovitch to DNC officials? Close enough professionally he should have stepped down from an investigation that had the chance of throwing a presidential election in a new direction.

According to, Alperovitch has vetted speeches for Hillary Clinton about cyber security issues in the past. Because of his work on the Sony hack, President Barrack Obama personally called and said the measures taken were directly because of his work.

Still, this is not enough to show a conflict of interest. Alperovitch’s relationships with the Chalupas, radical groups, think tanks, Ukrainian propagandists, and Ukrainian state supported hackers do. When it all adds up and you see it together, we have found a Russian that tried hard to influence the outcome of the US presidential election in 2016.

In my previous article I showed in detail how the Chalupas fit into this. A brief bullet point review looks like this.

The Chalupas are not Democrat or Republican. They are OUNb. The OUNb worked hard to start a war between the USA and Russia for the last 50 years. According to the Ukrainian Weekly in a rare open statement of their existence in 2011, “Other statements were issued in the Ukrainian language by the leadership of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (B) and the International Conference in Support of Ukraine. The OUN (Bandera wing) called for”… What is OUNb Bandera? They follow the same political policy and platform that was developed in the 1930’s by Stepan Bandera. When these people go to a Holocaust memorial they are celebrating both the dead and the OUNb SS that killed There is no getting around this fact. The OUNb have no concept of democratic values and want an authoritarian fascism.

Dmitry Yarosh

Alexandra Chalupa- According to the Ukrainian Weekly,… “The effort, known as Digital Maidan, gained momentum following the initial Twitter storms. Leading the effort were: Lara Chelak, Andrea Chalupa, Alexandra Chalupa, Constatin Kostenko and others.” The Digital Maidan was also how they raised money for the coup. This was how the Ukrainian emigres bought the bullets that were used on Euromaidan. Ukraine’s chubby nazi, Dima Yarosh stated openly he was taking money from the Ukrainian emigres during Euromaidan and Pravy Sektor still fundraises openly in North America. The “Sniper Massacre” on the Maidan in Ukraine by Dr. Ivan Katchanovski, University of Ottowa shows clearly detailed evidence how the massacre happened. It has Pravy Sektor confessions that show who created the Heavenly Hundred. Their admitted involvement as leaders of Digital Maidan by both Chalupas is a clear violation of the Neutrality Act and has up to a 25 year prison sentence attached to it because it ended in a coup.

Andrea Chalupa-2014, in a Huff Post article Sept. 1 2016, Andrea Chalupa described Sviatoslav Yurash as one of Ukraine’s important “dreamers.” He is a young activist that founded Euromaidan Press. Beyond the gushing glow what she doesn’t say is who he actually is. Sviatoslav Yurash was Dmitri Yarosh’s spokesman just after Maidan. He is a hardcore Ukrainian nationalist and was rewarded with the Deputy Director position for the UWC (Ukrainian World Congress) in Kiev. In January, 2014 when he showed up at the Maidan protests he was 17 years old. He became the foreign language media representative for Vitali Klitschko, Arseni Yatsenyuk, and Oleh Tyahnybok. All press enquiries went through Yurash. To meet Dimitri Yurash you had to go through Sviatoslav Yurash as a Macleans reporter found out.

Andrei Paruby

At 18 years old, Sviatoslav Yurash became the spokesman for Ministry of Defense of Ukraine under Andrei Paruby. He was Dimitri Yarosh’s spokesman and can be seen either behind Yarosh on videos at press conferences or speaking ahead of him to reporters. From January 2014 onward, to speak to Dimitri Yarosh, you set up an appointment with Yurash.

Andrea Chalupa has worked with Yurash’s Euromaidan Press which is associated with and supplies the state level hackers for Ukraine.

Irene Chalupa- Another involved Chalupa we need to cover to do the story justice is Irene Chalupa. From her bio– Irena Chalupa is a nonresident fellow with the Atlantic Council’s Dinu Patriciu Eurasia Center. She is also a senior correspondent at Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty (RFE/RL), where she has worked for more than twenty years. Ms. Chalupa previously served as an editor for the Atlantic Council, where she covered Ukraine and Eastern Europe. Irena Chalupa is also the news anchor for Ukraine’s propaganda channel org She is also a Ukrainian emigre leader.

According to Robert Parry’s article At the forefront of people that would have taken senior positions in a Clinton administration and especially in foreign policy are the Atlantic Council. Their main goal is still a major confrontation with nuclear-armed Russia.

The Atlantic Council is the think tank associated and supported by the CEEC (Central and Eastern European Coalition). The CEEC has only one goal which is war with Russia. Their question to candidates looking for their support in the election was “Are you willing to go to war with Russia?” Hillary Clinton has received their unqualified support throughout the campaign.

What does any of this have to do with Dimitri Alperovitch and Crowdstrike? Since the Atlantic Council would have taken senior cabinet and policy positions, his own fellowship status at the Atlantic Council and relationship with Irene Chalupa creates a definite conflict of interest for Crowdstrike’s investigation. 2016 Donald Trump presidential campaign

US biological labs[edit]

Ukraine has no control over the military bio-laboratories on its own territory. According to the 2005 Agreement between the US Department of Defense (DoD) and the Ministry of Health of Ukraine. The Ukrainian government is prohibited from public disclosure of sensitive information about the US program and Ukraine is obliged to transfer to the US DoD dangerous pathogens for biological research.[53] The Pentagon has been granted access to certain state secrets of Ukraine in connection with the projects under their agreement. The DoD Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) has funded 11 bio-laboratories in Ukraine.

Russian military reported it had identified 30 sites where biological research with pathogens had been occurring under the direction of the Pentagon.

Among the set of bilateral agreements between the US and Ukraine is the establishment of the Science and Technology Center in Ukraine (STCU) – an international organization funded mainly by the US government which has been accorded diplomatic status. The US personnel in Ukraine work under diplomatic cover. The STCU officially supports projects of scientists previously involved in the Soviet biological weapons program. Over the past 20 years the STCU has invested over $285 million in funding and managing some 1,850 projects of scientists who previously worked on the development of weapons of mass destruction.[54]

One such biological lab contractor is Metabiota, a company financed by Hunter Biden's Rosemont Seneca partnership with the state owned Bank of China. Metabiota was awarded a $18.4 million federal contract under the so-called "Defense Threat Reduction Program" in the former Soviet Republic of Georgia and Ukraine.[55] Metabiota receives the lion's share of funding as a U.S. defense contractor for bio labs in Ukraine.

Captured documents published by Russia claimed the labs were working on biological weapons such as anthrax and plague and that the Pentagon instructed the labs to destroy them in violation of Article 1 of the UN Biological Weapons Convention.[56] Russia released captured U.S. documents indicating that among the work of the U.S.-funded biolabs was the testing of 400 and 4000 Ukrainian soldiers, respectively, for antibodies to Crimea-Congo fever and regional hantaviruses, and a search for anthrax spores in soil at livestock graves.

On March 7, 2022, the Russian military claimed to have identified 30 sites where pathogenic research under the direction of the U.S. Defense Department had been occurring on the territory of Ukraine. The Russian Ministry of Defense stated, "The Ukrainian biological laboratories in Lvov were conducting work with infectious agents of plague, anthrax, and brucellosis, while the labs in Kharkov and Poltava were working with infectious agents of diphtheria, salmonellosis, and dysentery…The government in Kiev had sent to the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research in the United States thousands of patients’ serum samples, primarily from patients of “Slavic ethnicity”, under the pretext of testing COVID-19 treatment methods”.[57]

US-backed Nazi insurgency[edit]

Nazi propaganda from World War II depicting Russians as 'The Subhuman'.[58] Azov Battalion Commander Andriy Biletsky said "Ukraine's mission is to lead the white races of the world in a final crusade against Semite-led Untermenschen."[59]

Yahoo News reported on January 13, 2022:

"The CIA is overseeing a secret intensive training program in the U.S. for elite Ukrainian special operations forces and other intelligence personnel, according to five former intelligence and national security officials familiar with the initiative. The program, which started in 2015, is based at an undisclosed facility in the Southern U.S., according to some of those officials.

The program has involved ‘very specific training on skills that would enhance’ the Ukrainians’ ‘ability to push back against the Russians,’ said the former senior intelligence official.

The training, which has included ‘tactical stuff,’ is ‘going to start looking pretty offensive if Russians invade Ukraine,’ said the former official.

One person familiar with the program put it more bluntly. ‘The United States is training an insurgency,’ said a former CIA official, adding that the program has taught the Ukrainians how ‘to kill Russians.’”[60]

Kherson had been the first city to fall in the incursion. The first commemoration of the city's liberation from Nazism in 1944 was held since the Maidan coup. The eternal flame to the victims of Nazism and the soldiers who died liberating the city was relit.[61]

By early March, 2022 partisan activity was reported in Kherson. NATO trained Ukrainian partisan militias and military units to use civilian vehicles to infiltrate and strike behind Russian units with mortar attacks and call in targeted artillery strikes.

Kyrylo Budanov, the head of Ukrainian military intelligence, vowed a guerrilla insurgency after the devasting defeat of Armed Forces of Ukraine on the battlefield.[62]

The United States flooded Ukraine with billions of dollars of sophisticated weaponry, with some of those arms ending up in the hands of actual neo-Nazi battalions integrated into the Ukrainian government and military. The New York Times admitted that “C.I.A. officers are helping to ensure that crates of weapons are delivered into the hands of vetted Ukrainian military units."[63] By definition, the U.S. is waging a proxy war against Russia, using Ukrainians as their instrument, with the goal of not ending the war but prolonging it, making the United States a cobelligerent.[64]

On March 8, 2022, the U.S. Congress approved a $14 billion aid package for Ukraine - nearly equal to 10% of Ukrainian GDP before its loss of territory and population - insuring and funding an insurgency long past the Ukrainian military's defeat in the field by Russian forces.[65]

Special Military Operation[edit]

See also: 2022 Special Military Operation in Ukraine - Donbas cauldron

In early February 2022 Russia accused Ukraine's military of committing "crimes against residents of the eastern Donbas region" in a report filed with the United Nations.[66] The Russian news outlet Sputnik reported that the Russian Investigative Committee opened a criminal investigation after the discovery of mass graves of civilians in Donbass. "The remains of at least 295 civilians who died as a result of indiscriminate shelling by Ukrainian armed forces in 2014 were exhumed from them. It is already known that among the remains there are bodies of women of different ages," a statement from the committee said.[67] Russian President Vladimir Putin called the events in Donbass a "genocide,"[68] saying that the Ukrainian government continues to violate human rights, including by legalizing the discrimination of the Russian-speaking population in the country. On January 16, 2022 Tass reported that Ukraine mandated all print media are to switch to the Ukrainian language.[69]

In the run up to the wider war, both the United States and NATO rejected, without consideration, two formal diplomatic proposals by the Russian Federation for peace treaties between the Russian Federation, United States and NATO to avoid war. The treaty proposals would require NATO to pledge not granting Ukraine and the Republic of Georgia NATO membership; U.S. missiles in Poland and Romania to be removed; and NATO deployments to Eastern Europe reversed. The U.S. and NATO rejected the proposals out of hand in December 2021, and instead acted aggressively by sending more NATO forces to Eastern Europe and continued to heavily arm Ukraine.[70]

NATO-backed neo-Nazi proxy forces attacked the Donbas again on February 14, 2022.[71][72][73] Military forces of the Russian Federation (RF) entered Ukraine on February 24, 2022 to put an end to the ethnic violence and de-nazify the areas where the children and grandchildren of World War II Nazi collaborators had been carrying an ethnic hatred of Russians since the Holodomor of the 1930s and earlier. A wave of patriotism swept over Russian society, viewing the operation as a second Great Patriotic War.[74] Soldiers felt they were sent to finish the job of de-nazifying Ukraine that their grandfathers left unfinished after World War II. The use of civilian human shields by the U.S-trained Armed Forces of Ukraine led to civilian casualties and was a primary strategy of the NATO proxies. Ukrainian security forces committed reprisal actions and atrocities against ethnic Russians and Russian speakers in areas which Russian forces vacated. Numerous attacks by Ukrainian forces on its own citizens, which had been ongoing in the Donbas region for the eight previous years, spread outside the Donbas to create false flag images of attacks by Russians. Efforts to rehabilitate the image and reputation of Nazis and Nazism by Western and Ukrainian media and psyops were non-stop since the beginning of the Russian incursion, with permanent and debilitating damage to the West's educational system and image throughout the civilized world. By early April 2022, the Armed Forces of Ukraine had been so degraded and decimated, or were out of fuel and unable to retreat, the Maidan regime doubled down on soft power, psychological operations and propaganda to garner sympathy from the West for continued support.

AFU troop concentrations on eastern Ukraine’s border on eve of the Russian SMO, February 24, 2022. According to the Russian Deputy Foreign Minister, Ukraine had massed 122,000 troops on the border with Donbas. The Duma furthermore has claimed to have intelligence indicating that these troops were planning an offensive into Donbas on March 7, 2022, which the Russian invasion preempted.[75]

In early December 2021 it was reported that the Armed Forces of Ukraine deployed 125,000 troops, half of its forces, against the predominantly Russian speaking Donbas region of Eastern Ukraine.[76] Previously, on October 19, 2022, The Jerusalem Post reported that Canada, the US, France, the UK and other Western countries helped train neo-Nazi extremists in Ukraine.[77] Military analyst Boris Rozhin predicted an escalation of the conflict by the Kyiv regime and their NATO consultants with a full-scale provocation in Donbas. Using the 1995 model employed in Serbia called Operation Storm,[78] 230,000-250,000 Serbs fled the territory of Serbian Krajina, and Croatian soldiers committed numerous war crimes against convoys of refugees and the remaining civilians, including the Dvor and Grubori massacres. The Ukrainian authorities intend to repeat the “Serbian scenario” in the territory of Donbas in order to expel citizens of the Donetsk and Luhansk republics from their homeland at gunpoint and take control of the region.[79] More than 600,000 Russian citizens reside in Donbas.[80]

In Donetsk region, between the evenings of 18 and 20 February 2022, the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine recorded 2,158 ceasefire violations, including 1,100 explosions. In the previous reporting period, it recorded 591 ceasefire violations in the region. In Luhansk region, between the evenings of 18 and 20 February, the Mission recorded 1,073 ceasefire violations, including 926 explosions. In the previous reporting period, it recorded 975 ceasefire violations in the region.[81]

Propaganda war[edit]

In their drive to stoke hostilities between the West and Russia, corporate media ignored the fact that the U.S. and NATO forces have been supporting openly Neo-Nazi paramilitaries in Ukraine for many years. A MintPress study of the op-ed pages of The New York Times, The Washington Post and The Wall Street Journal found that only one of 91 articles published in January 2022 mentioned this connection at all, with far more asserting that Vladimir Putin himself is Hitler incarnate. Around 90% of opinion columns pushed a “get tough on Russia” message, with anti-war voices few and far between.[82] “People who take at face value the Western media coverage would have a very distorted perception of the Ukraine conflict and its origin,” Ivan Katchanovski, Professor of Political Studies at the University of Ottawa, told MintPress, adding:

Ukrainian flag with Nazi SS Wolfsangel insignia. Ukranian Nazis served in the Nazi SS Galacia Division to fight against Russia in World War II and are known for horrific atrocities against Russian, Polish, and Jewish civilians.[83]
"They omit or deny that there is a civil war in Donbas even though the majority of scholars who [have] published or presented concerning this conflict in Western academic venues classify it as a civil war with Russian military intervention. The Western media also omitted that recent ‘unity marches’ in Kharkiv and Kyiv and a staged training of civilians, including a grandmother, were organized and led by the far right, in particular, the Neo-Nazi Azov [Battalion].[84]

Conducting a civilian training operation in the middle of the Donbas city of Mariupol while a crowd of Western journalists looked on, Azov units showed locals how to use rifles. The image of a silver-haired, 79-year-old “babushka” staring down the sights of an AK-47 went viral around the world, allowing the media to construct an “everyone in brave Ukraine is doing their part to oppose an imminent Russian invasion” narrative. The story was covered by a host of outlets, including ABC News, MSNBC, Newsweek, the BBC, The Guardian and The Financial Times, as well as by media in Ireland, Australia, Israel, Denmark, Thailand and Indonesia. Images from the training day featured on the front cover of six national British newspapers on February 14, 2022.

This was all despite the fact that the Wolfsangel insignia of the many Azov soldiers instructing the grandmother is clearly visible in a number of the images. The Wolfsangel was the crest of the infamous SS brigades, Hitler’s elite paramilitary units that carried out the extermination of millions of people (including countless Ukrainians) in Nazi death camps across Europe. The image is widely used by Neo-Nazi groups in the U.S. and is considered a hate symbol by the Anti-Defamation League. Azov’s original commander, politician Andriy Biletsky, has stated that he sees Ukraine’s mission as to “lead the white races of the world in a final crusade … against Semite-led subhumans.” None of the outlets above mentioned the fact that they were profiling Neo-Nazis.[85]

Evacuation of Russian citizens[edit]

As tensions escalated in mid-February 2022, some 700,000 women, children, and elderly were being evacuated to Rostov in neighboring Russia.[86][87] Russian President Vladimir Putin instructed the Russian government to house and feed people fleeing the Ukrainian military advance once they arrived in southern Russia. Each refugee arriving from Donbass is to be given a payment of 10,000 roubles ($129). RT reported Denis Pushilin, the head of the Donetsk Peoples Republic warned, "Kiev can start a full-scale assault on Donbass at any moment, the situation is critical”[88] A fullscale mobilization was ordered, and men 18 to 55 were conscripted to remain and defend against the Ukrainian military attack.[89][90]


On February 19, 2022 Luhansk internet providers came under cyberattack.[91]

Ceasefire violations[edit]

On February 19, 2022 the JCCC reported: “A total of 49 ceasefire violations by the Ukrainian armed forces were registered on the territory of the self-proclaimed Lugansk People’s Republic in the past day."[92]


After repeated artillery sheeling of civilian residences by NATO-baked Ukrainian fascists, Russian peacekeeper forces were sent into the independent Republics of Luhansk and Donetsk on February 21, 2022.[93][94]

Operation Denazification[edit]

See also: Russia Ukraine conflict 2022‎‎

On February 23, 2022 Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered Russian troops into Greater Ukraine in a demilitarization and denazification operation.[95]

In a televised speech shortly before 04:00 Moscow time on 24 February 2022, Putin announced that he had ordered Russian forces to enter eastern Ukraine. He insisted it was not Russia's intention to annex the country, but stated that Russia would protect the right of the self-declared breakaway republics to self-determination, and that it would do so by forcing the "demilitarisation" of the remainder of the Ukraine. Minutes later, explosions were reported at various points throughout the country, including the Ukrainian capital of Kiev as well as at Kharkov, Odessa, and several other cities. Ukrainian officials attributed these to cruise and ballistic missiles launched by Russian units at their military installations.

Russian ground troops were reported entering the Ukraine at around 06:48 local time near the city of Senkivka on the northern border, with others entering from the Crimea in the south shortly thereafter.[96] Ukrainian government sources reported throughout the day that Russian units had launched attacks on numerous targets, including a landing of airborne soldiers at the Antonov International Airport outside Kiev, but added that their own forces were counterattacking and had inflicted heavy casualties on the Russians. A press conference by Ukrainian President Zelensky at 16:00 Kiev time revealed that heavy fighting was occurring in the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone, site of the 1986 nuclear accident, which lies along the direct route of advance towards Kiev from the north.[97]


Russia's actions in the Donbas region were condemned by a number of world leaders. In a speech to the House of Commons on 24 February, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson called Putin's claim of seeking the "demilitarisation and denazification" of the Ukraine an "absurd pretext" and accused him of attacking his "free and peaceful neighbor. "Putin will stand condemned," he said, "in the eyes of the world and of history."[98] NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg announced that NATO troops would be deployed to Poland in the near future; at the same time, the EU warned of "massive" sanctions against Russian assets.[99]

Pope Francis declared the next Ash Wednesday (2 March) to be an international day of fasting and prayer for peace, while Justin Welby, the Archbishop of Canterbury, called Russian movement into the Ukraine "an act of great evil."[100]


  21. Press statement by the Trilateral Contact Group, Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe, 2 September 2014
  23. Ukraine rebels vow to take back cities, 23 October 2014
  24. "Ukraine crisis: Leaders agree peace roadmap", BBC News, 12 February 2015. 
  27. Спільні журнали порушень припинення вогню у Спільному центрі контролю більше не ведуться, - ОБСЄ, час публікації: 24 квітня 2015
  37. Bloomberg: Ukraine pushes for UN peacekeepers, Ukraine Today (21 April 2015)
    Ukraine crisis: The factory that has been shelled 165 times, BBC News (17 April 2015)
    Civilians Stuck in the Middle of Donbass Horror, Moscow Times (29 July 2015)
  38. Ukraine conflict: Evacuation planned in frontline town of Avdiivka, BBC News (31 January 2017)
  39. Spike In Fighting In Eastern Ukraine Threatens Fragile Cease-Fire, Radio Free Europe (1 April 2016)
  40. Freeze on fire. What happens in Avdiyivka?, Ukrayinska Pravda (31 January 2017)
  41. Violence flares in war-weary Ukraine as US dithers and Russia pounces, The Guardian (14 February 2017)
  42. "An AFP reporter saw the separatists shell the town of about 20,000 people with repeated rounds of Grad multiple rocket systems and artillery fire from the early morning. "Right now, there is no power. We have not resolved problems with heating homes, and the gas pipe has been shattered," local Ukrainian army unit spokeswoman Olena Mokrynchuk told AFP [...] The town's heating is provided by a coke plant that has been heavily damaged by the falling shells. Plant director Musa Magomedov said it would be incredibly difficult to resume gas production were the factory's generators shut down. That would leave Avdiivka without a source of local power and uncertainty about its future." |url=
  43. In Avdiyivka switched to heating mode stable
  44. Template error: argument title is required. 
  45. Lily Hyde. "Abandoned Donbas Battalion fights on", Kyiv Post, 24 August 2014. 
  47. Debate Over Free Press in Ukraine Suffers From Old Stereotypes. Voice of America (2016-06-15).
  48. Freedom of media / audio-visual development in Ukraine. EU-Ukraine Civil Society Platform (2017-05-18).
  49. Ukraine: Website leaks personal information of more than 4,000 journalists (13 May 2016).
  50. "Ukrainian journalists Sevgil Musaieva and Sonia Lukashova receive death threats", Committee to Protect Journalists, 30 June 2022. 
  51. Anthony, Loyd. "Ukraine's blacklist: Killers, lawyers, writers and spies", The Times, 2022-01-25. (en) 
  96. Russia launches military attack on Ukraine with reports of explosions and troops crossing border. CNN. Thu February 24, 2022.
  97. Fighting breaks out close to Chernobyl nuclear waste facility, says Ukrainian president Rory Sullivan, The Independent (UK). Thu 24 Feb 2022.
  99. 'Massive' EU sanctions to target Putin's war chest. Andrew Rettman, The EUObserver. Thu 24 Feb 2022.
  100. Attack on Ukraine 'an act of great evil'-statement from Archbishops of Canterbury and York The Church of England, 24 February 2022.

External links[edit]

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