Moon Walk Conspiracy Theories

From Conservapedia

There has been speculation that began with Rocketdyne technical writer Bill Kaysing that the Apollo moon landing missions never actually took place, that it was a hoax filmed in a Hollywood studio. Supporting this interpretation is the fact that the American flag placed on the Moon should not wave, though it appears it does. Also, no stars appear in the lunar sky in photographs supposedly taken on the Moon, as they would be expected to do. Moreover, the shadows in the photographs run in different directions, rather than parallel, as if the sun were not the source of light.[1]

There are many other strange elements in the footage such as astronauts who seem to be being manipulated by external forces such as wires, as used in stage and theater productions.[2] Even the colour of the Moon in the Apollo photographs is disputed and is believed to incorrectly be bluish-gray, when instead it would really be a brown colour. [3][4]

NASA officially denies this, claiming that it can be conclusively demonstrated scientifically that the astronauts really went to the moon, for example, by analyzing the ages and composition of the rocks brought back by the astronauts.[5] However many rocks that were originally supposed to be from the Moon have been found to be fakes such as petrified wood which was given to the Dutch Prime minister.[6] There is also an odd law that forbids the possession of Lunar rocks from the Apollo missions which states that the material belongs to the US Government. [7] Some have cited that this is because if such rocks were professionally analyzed such as in the case of the rock gifted to the Dutch would call into question their true origin.

NASA Astronauts ISS interviews[edit]

Despite NASA's official stance, curiously many current NASA astronauts speak about going to the Moon and beyond low Earth orbit in the future tense, including Dr. Kathleen Rubins[8] and Col. Terry Virts [9] Some cite this as the most conclusive first hand and authoritative admission from a reputable party that the Apollo programs never landed men on the moon.

Mass involvement[edit]

It has been stated that faking the Apollo moon-landings would require the cooperation of thousands of individuals involved, something highly unlikely due to the potential marketing opportunity for any person who does come forward, however there are cases of US development were production is compartmentalized such as in the case of the Atomic bomb where each unit only works on a small part of the plans to minimize the potential of sensitive information leaking to enemy nations either by word of mouth or by espionage.

Bill Kaysing[edit]

Many have cited that it would have been a maximum of three years before someone from the inside revealed information about the hoax. Bill Kaysing a Rocketdyne employee did ineed openly come out in 1976, and claimed the Moon landings could not have happened as he had full clearance to see all the plans together and questioned their capabilities but was largely ignored and slandered.

Hidden in plain sight?[edit]

Many cover stories could have been made as to why they filming on a fake moon landing site was taking place without revealing the true reason. There are many cases were NASA openly performed training exercises such as in Cinder Lakes where they recreated the Lunar surface by creating craters with explosives. [10] NASA also openly created exact replications of the Moon with satellite imagery on large scale models which they claimed was for research purposes.

Fooling NASA employees themselves[edit]

Staff at the Honeysuckle creek satellite dish in Australia who were the only ones to pick up the Moon landing broadcasts, expressed concern over the alleged transmissions they were receiving from the Moon and believed there were discrepancies that led them to believe the signal they were receiving actually was originating closer to Earth and only being relayed to them from a satellite orbiting the Moon. NASA staff who work at Houston have stated that simulation training data is not discernible from real data and Houston could have been presented simulation data when the real moon-landing missions were supposedly taking place.

Degree of the hoax[edit]

The most consistent story of how the Apollo Moon landings were faked was simply that they were sent up on a rocket powerful enough to reach low earth orbit, at which point the astronauts orbited the Earth for 8 days and eventually crashed down in the sea. All the rest of the mission was created in a film-studio using a variety of film-making methods including miniatures and rear-screen projection, except for the famous footage of Earth from a distance which was filmed inside the astronauts capsule through a circular porthole in low-earth-orbit with the lights blocked out which made the close Earth filling up the whole view look like it was far away. [11]

Reasons for carrying out the hoax[edit]

The major reasons that have been cited that NASA could not go to the Moon are the Van Allen belts, which are a field of intense radiation. NASA and the American government took the danger of the belts so seriously that during Operation Starfish Prime as part of Operation Fishbowl, megaton bombs were sent into it to try and clear a hole in the belts for the Apollo missions to safely pass through. The mission was unsuccessful and inadvertently added additional radiation to the belts.[12]

Orion missions[edit]

To this day NASA is still studying the belts with the Orion missions which is collecting radiation data. [13] This data is classified which is highly suspicious as it is merely an observation of data, unless NASA was trying to cover up the fact that the Van Allen belts were too deadly after-all for humans to have safely passed through them during the Apollo missions.

Rocketdyne F1 problems[edit]

Many experts also cite the reliability of the rocket-dyne F1 engines supposedly used on the Saturn V which meant that they could never have safely used them for the Apollo program without a high probability of catastrophic failure due to a reverberation effect that occurred inside the nozzle repeatedly in testing.[14]

Lack of computing power[edit]

Other reasons include lack of computing power in the Saturn V Launch Vehicle Digital Computer as when Space X attempted vertical landings with multiple super-computers to direct the output and orientation of the engine nozzles they failed 6 times whereas the Lunar Landing Module successfully landed on the Moon with a single direction rocket on the first attempt with 1 millionth the computing power of the average cellphone.[15][16]Compared to modern smartphones, that number could be orders of magnitude greater.

Reasons for covering up the hoax[edit]

The reasons why they may have decided to fake it instead of admitting to the public their failure were tensions with the Soviet Union and maintaining an image of technical superiority and also not to disappoint and disenchant the American public who were greatly moved by John F. Kennedy's 1962 speech.[17] It could have also spelled an end to the space program or even NASA in its entirety, as tax payers would have wanted the money to be spent elsewhere after such a disappointment.

Neil Armstrong's cryptic speech[edit]

In a public appearance at the Apollo's 25th anniversary press conference, Neil Armstrong, who is widely known as the first man on the moon, stated these words: "To you we say we have only completed the beginning. We leave you much that is undone. There are great ideas undiscovered, breakthroughs that are available to those of you who can remove one of truth's protective layers." Many have cited this as being a cryptic admission by Armstrong who was known to be a man of high integrity and was the only way he could safely try and tell the public the truth about the moon landings.[18]

No Moon landing since[edit]

It can be hard for some people to admit there are discrepancies in the official moon-landing story due to cognitive dissonance and normalcy bias even when presented with evidence, and a desire to believe in the good of the American government. However there is a great amount of circumstantial evidence also supporting the theory.

Comparison to other pioneering achievements[edit]

The most significant discrepancy is that the Apollo moon-landing missions were never repeated after the final mission Apollo 17, in 1972. Ever since then no manned mission has gone beyond very near Earth orbit even though technology has significantly advanced. For comparison no other human achievement whether it is climbing Mt Everest, traversing Antarctica, the plane, the computer and more have not been repeated and improved upon and been significantly developed since there first success.

Purpose of going back to the Moon[edit]

Many have stated there is simply no reason to go back to the Moon. However in impossible conditions on the remote Antarctica with below freezing temperatures and hurricane speeds winds bases have been created and maintained yet on the Moon no such thing has ever been attempted, and such a base would undoubtedly bring invaluable insight for scientific progress and economic investment, even tourism.

Lack of resources[edit]

Others have stated that the problem is merely funding and NASA simply doesn't have the resources it did in 1969 but this is simply not true as global partners as well as private companies have always worked together on space projects including the International Space Station which cost over 150 billion US dollars.[19]

Moon landing hoax in entertainment and media[edit]



External websites[edit]



  2. [1]
  5. , The Great Moon Hoax (NASA)
  6. [2]
  7. is illegal to own,the states and other nations.
  8. [3]
  10. [4]
  11. [5]
  12. [6]
  13. [7]
  14. [8]
  15. [9]
  16. [10]
  17. [11]
  18. [12]
  19. [13]

Categories: [Moon]

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