Biden Family Corruption Timeline

From Conservapedia
See also: Ukrainian collusion timeline

Politico reported on Biden family corruption on August 2, 2019:

Biden family text with Hunter telling his daughter Naomi that "Pop" received 50% of the Burisma kickbacks.[1]
The day the Bidens took over Paradigm Global Advisors was a memorable one.

In the late summer of 2006 Joe Biden’s son Hunter and Joe’s younger brother, James, purchased the firm. On their first day on the job, they showed up with Joe’s other son, Beau, and two large men and ordered the hedge fund’s chief of compliance to fire its president, according to a Paradigm executive who was present.

After the firing, the two large men escorted the fund’s president out of the firm’s midtown Manhattan office, and James Biden laid out his vision for the fund’s future. “Don’t worry about investors,” he said, according to the executive, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, citing fear of retaliation. “We've got people all around the world who want to invest in Joe Biden.”

At the time, the senator was just months away from both assuming the chairmanship of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and launching his second presidential bid. According to the executive, James Biden made it clear he viewed the fund as a way to take money from rich foreigners who could not legally give money to his older brother or his campaign account. “We've got investors lined up in a line of 747s filled with cash ready to invest in this company,” the executive remembers James Biden saying.[2]

Beginning just before Joe Biden’s ascendancy to the Vice Presidency, Hunter Biden was traveling to Beijing meeting with Chinese financial institutions and political figures would ultimately become his investors. Finalized in 2013, the investment partnership included money from the Chinese government, social security, and major state-owned banks a veritable who’s who of Chinese state finance.[3]

The records show that Hunter Biden and his family were involved in a vast financial network that connected them to foreign nationals and foreign governments across the globe. Hunter Biden and Devon Archer, in particular, formed significant and consistent financial relationships with the corrupt oligarch Mykola Zlochevsky during their time working for Burisma and their firms made millions of dollars from that association while Joe Biden was vice president and the public face of the Obama administration’s Ukraine policy. Rosemont Seneca Thornton, an investment firm co-founded by Hunter Biden, received $3.5 million in a wire transfer from Elena Baturina, who allegedly received illegal construction contracts from her husband, the former mayor of Moscow. Biden and Archer’s work with Chinese nationals connected to the Communist regime illustrate the deep financial connections that accelerated while his father was vice president and continued after he left office.

CEFC China Energy had reported assets of $263 billion in 2015. Its chairman, Ye Jianming, was arrested by the CCP in February 2018 and has never been heard from since. Patrick Ho, who headed a "think tank" funded by Ye and whom Hunter calls "the spy chief of China," was arrested in New York for bribing UN and African officials three months earlier. Hunter was paid $1 million to represent Ho. Ye had extensive business relations with Hunter and Jim Biden, Joe Biden's brother, gave them credit cards with a $100,000 limit, a personal gift o Hunter of a 2.8 caret diamond valued at $50,000. In a recording made sometime after Ye went missing, Hunter is heard speaking in an agitated tone,

"I get calls from my father to tell me that The New York Times is calling, but my old partner, Eric [Schwerin[4]], who literally has done me harm for I don’t know how long, is the one taking the calls because my father will not stop sending the calls to Eric. I have another New York Times reporter calling about my representation of Patrick Ho – the f****** spy chief of China who started the company that my partner, who is worth $323 billion, founded and is now missing. The richest man in the world is missing who was my partner. He was missing since I last saw him in his $58 million apartment inside a $4 billion deal to build the f****** largest f***** LNG [liquified natural gas] port in the world. And I am receiving calls from the Southern District of New York from the U.S. attorney himself. My best friend in business, Devon [Archer], has named me as a witness, without telling me, in a criminal case — and my father [Joe Biden], without telling me."[5]


January 2008

February 2008

March 2008

June 2008

  • Sinclair arrested at the National Press Club on the Delaware warrant.[8]

August 2008


January 2009

June 2009


  • Hunter met with Gao Xiqing, General Manager and Chief Investment Officer of China Investment Corporation (CIC); Equity Assets Department (Industrial Investment Department) of the National Council of Social Security Fund person in charge Ji Guoqiang; Vice President Cui Yong of China Life Asset Management Co. Ltd.; Peng Zuogang, General Manager of Postal Savings Bank of China; Zhang Lei, Founder of Hillhouse Capital, Wei Xin, Chairman of Founder Group, and Xia Yangjun, Vice President of Founder Group.
  • Hunter met with Gao Xiqing (高西庆), the then CPC Secretary and general manager of CIC, a Chinese sovereign wealth fund backed by the Ministry of Finance (MOF). Gao is a Chinese finance industry veteran with experience working in New York, and who would go on to become the Minister of Finance after managing CIC one of the world’s largest sovereign wealth fund. Rosemont Seneca via BHR would go on to partner with CIC subsidiary companies such as the Bank of China. MOF is the national executive agency of the central government which administers macroeconomic policies and the national annual budget.
  • The National Council for Social Security Funds (全国社会保障基金理事会) or SSF was established by the Central Committee of CCP and the State Council, and manages the National Social Security Fund. On April 7, HUNTER met with Ji Guoqiang (冀国强) head of the SSF’s equity assets department. Ji’s official CV shows in 2009 he attended the CCP’s Central Party School (中央党校) (CPS), the higher education institution which specifically trains CCP cadres. Xi Jinping was CPS president during Ji’s time there. Ji is now a Tianjin Standing Committee member and its United Front Work Department minister. The Tianjian government is an owner of Bohai Industrial Investment partnering with Rosemont Seneca, and its subsequent entities, in BHR Equity.
  • China Life Insurance (Group) Company (中国人寿保险(集团)公司) (China Life), is a stateowned enterprise (SOE), and China’s largest life insurer. China Life owns China Life Asset Management Co Ltd (中国人寿资产管理有限公司), China’s largest asset manager, and is controlled by and a holding company for MOF. Cui Yong is now the CCP Secretary and CEO of China Life. China Life was a key stakeholder in Bohai Industrial Investment the key partner in BHR.
  • Postal Savings Bank of China (PSBC 中国邮政储蓄银行) is the banking arm of the State Post Bureau (国家邮政局), and provides financial services to small business and rural or low-income customers. PSBC was a key minority shareholder on Bohai Industrial Investment partnering with BHR.
  • Zhang Lei (张磊) founded the leading private equity firm Hillhouse Capital. Zhang is also a former Yale graduate in 2005, who started Hillhouse in 2005 with seed capital from the Yale Endowment. Hillhouse was an early Tencent backer, and more recently of video conferencing software Zoom. Zhang is a multi-billionaire who is affiliated with several China friendly government and non-governmental organizations (NGOs), some of which are linked with the United Front Work Department’s foreign influence activities.
China Association for International Friendly Contact (CAIFC) is a United Front Work Department organization.
  • Zhang is also a Governing Board Member of the China-United States Exchange Foundation CUSEF (中美交流基金會), which aims to “improve communications and enhance understanding between the peoples of China and the US”, and was founded by the former Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) Chief Executive Tung Cheehwa GBM (董建華). Tung is now a Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (中国人民政治协商会议) (CPPCC) vice-chairman. The CPPCC is a CCP led advisory committee and the highest ranked entity overseeing the United Front, according to a 2018 U.S.-China Economic and Security Review report.147 The same report says that the CUSEF has spent hundreds of thousands of dollars lobbying for China-U.S. relations as a registered foreign agent, and is involved in Chinese government influence operations, having collaborated with the CAIFC on multiple projects. CUSEF paid public relations firm Brown Lloyd James $20,000 per month to arrange various activities aimed at making the U.S. information environment friendlier to Beijing, according to 2011 disclosures filed under the Foreign Agents Registration Act.
  • Founder Group (北大方正集团有限公司) was originally a hi-tech spin off from Peking University (PKU), which later expanded into real estate and investment, and is allegedly backed by He Guoqiang (贺国强), the former secretary of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and Politburo Standing Committee member (2007 – 2012). The Founder Group is a politically important state linked company currently leading the Chinese push for semiconductor self-sufficiency.

"Chris is worth about $350 MILLION. He remains Mark Zuckerberg’s closest adviser....He is more tied to Silicon Valley money than anyone I know and is looking for places to put his money."
"I brought Chris Kelly to lunch. We can talk in more detail tomorrow about the meeting, but just to be clear– Chris is worth about $350 MILLION. He remains Mark Zuckerberg’s closest adviser and was the first person outside of programers Facebook hired.

He is more tied to Silicon Valley money than anyone I know and is looking for places to put his money. H[e] just spent $10 MILLION of his own money on race for AG in Dem primary without blinking.”[12]

“Hi Mr. Biden, Chris Kelly forwarded me your message about a Facebook profile that you’re trying to get shut down?”

To which Hunter Biden replied:

“Thanks Adam—I will get info to you ASAP.”

Adam replied, saying, “Thank you”.[13]

“Mr. Biden,

We have removed the fake profile. Thank you for bringing this to our attention.


Adam Connor

Facebook DC[14]


"We need to get these guys to an event or something where they get to just formally meet your Dad."
  • FOIA records show Hunter visited China again in April 2011.[17]
"So we have engagement letter if they get other 10 bonds they have a face value of 10b. While it is far fetched Devon said he talked to his professor and these get traded. We get 10% in fees. We need to get these guys to an event or something where they get to just formally meet your Dad. For follow on they can talk to Chief of Staff. Let me know how soon we can do that. V brief. If Nagi get that done we get more bonds to move. Regards your hard working partner in Positano! Sean”
Per subsequent e-mails, “each bond is worth over $2.1 billion.”
  • Hunter and Bohai Harvest RST enjoy direct access to the Politburo via Yang Jiechi who is now a member and director of the Office of Foreign Affairs for the CCP.
  • VP Biden held talks with Xi Jinping, then Chinese Vice-President. At the meeting Biden said the US
“fully understands that Taiwan and Tibet issues are China's core interests, the U.S. will continue to resolutely pursue the one China policy, the U.S. does not support ‘Taiwan's independence’, and the U.S. fully recognizes that Tibet is an inalienable part of the People's Republic of China.”
Biden’s words are verbatim from China’s official standpoint on Taiwan and Tibet. Biden has spent more time in private meetings with Xi than any other world leader, including 25 hours of private dinners with Xi and one interpreter.[21]
  • Biden also met with General Secretary Hu Jintao at the Great Hall of the People, the same state building where the Thornton/Rosemont Solebury/SLLF delegation met with the Director General of the National People's Congress Foreign Affairs Committee in 2008.[22]
  • Biden said that a strong, prosperous and successful China that plays a bigger role in global affairs is in the interests of the US and the world at large. Biden urged the two nations to properly handle sensitive issues, boost people-to-people exchanges, economic cooperation, dialogue and consultations in regional and global affairs to rise to challenges facing the international community. Again, Biden used Chinese government speak on US-China relations in stark contrast to his language used in the late 90’s during the Clinton administration.
“China’s development and prosperity are in line with the interest of the U.S”
in comments on the university’s website.[23] The Obama White House records published a transcript of the speech during which Biden said
“Let me be clear -- let me be clear: I believed in 1979 and said so and I believe now that a rising China is a positive development, not only for the people of China but for the United States and the world as a whole…In order to cement this robust partnership, we have to go beyond close ties between Washington and Beijing, which we’re working on every day, go beyond it to include all levels of government, go beyond it to include classrooms and laboratories, athletic fields and boardrooms.”
A few months after Biden’s Sichuan trip, Devon Archer and Michael Lin worked with a Sichuan Chemical, a large Sichuan state-owned company to set-up a major potash deal (that never materialized) for Prospect Global, a listed US company at the time, that soon delisted and no longer appears to be in business. It is unclear if the purpose of the deal was to just deliver Archer millions of dollars in compensation, to talk up the Prospect Global stock, or if it resulted in Sichuan Chemical transferring millions of US dollars to the US (either for capital flight purposes or to be directed to US politicians such as Biden and Kerry).


  • Wanxiang founder Lu Guanqiu (鲁冠球), had met with Obama in January 2011, and employed Obama’s ally, former Chicago Mayor Richard Daley.10 Hunter had previously worked for Richard’s brother Secretary of Commerce William Daley, as Executive Director of E-Commerce Policy Coordination.11 William Daley was Obama’s former Chief of Staff (2011 - 2012).
  • Wanxiang is a long-established and politically well-connected industrial conglomerate based in Hangzhou, where Lu knew Xi from Xi’s days as Zhejiang CPC Secretary in the early 2000s (and Xi’s father in the 1980s).
  • Following the millions given to Massachusetts based GreatPoint, Wanxiang appears to have benefited from US policy decisions where BIDEN was involved: In 2013, Wanxiang acquired the bankrupt assets of A123 Systems Inc <A123>, and in 2014, won a bankruptcy auction for the assets of Fisker Automotive <Fisker>, the defunct manufacturer of the Karma plug-in hybrid sports car.12 Both Fisker and A123 were funded in part with US government loans to build cars in Delaware, BIDEN’s home state, which meant Wanxiang obtained technology developed with US taxpayer money. An investigative report said BIDEN’s administration pushed for the loans in 2009.13
  • Bankruptcy filings show HUNTER was also listed as a Fisker creditor, meaning he either had put down a deposit for a car, or was an early investor.14 Wanxiang also picked up a GM plant from the Fisker purchase, and sensitive technology from the A123 acquisition, that could be put to use by the Chinese military.15 Wanxiang is active in China’s foreign influence operations, including paying for Delaware students to study Mandarin in China.16
  • Wanxiang supports the Chinese government’s investments in North Korea, where it owns a major copper mine.17 Wanxiang’s imports also support the North Korean regime, and despite being one of the largest importers of North Korean minerals, it has so far managed to evade US sanctions which have ensnared its smaller competitors during Obama’s presidency.
"Hey Hunter, I’m coming to do a small event with your dad next Tuesday—in on red eye, out late afternoon. Will have a little time before and after and would love to catch up if you’re around.”[31]
  • In the emails, Hunter expressed his desire to meet with Chris Kelly so that Beau Biden could get millions of dollars from “Silicon Valley Dems”.
“Does it make sense to reach out to Chris Kelly (maybe in an email from Hunter) and ask him to suggest a number of Silicon Valley Dem Types that we should invite to Beau’s party? I am sure he would encourage them to come and giving him some ownership of that group might not be a bad idea.

“Any complications vis a vis Kamala Harris and Chris? I assume they are all good?”[33]

Hunter Biden replied to this email saying, “Very good idea”.

Schwerin replied, saying, :

“Great. I’ll draft an email and send it from Hunter. Hunter, if you want to see it first, let me know. Otherwise, we’ll send it off tomorrow.”[34]


Hunter Biden, right, flew to China in 2013 aboard Air Force Two, with his father, Joe Biden, left, December 4, 2013. 10 days late Hunter Biden signed a $1.5 Billion deal with the Chinese military.[35]
  • Joe Biden held a marathon five-hour meeting with Xi Jinping.
  • Hunter Biden spent the time with Jonathan Li (李祥生 also known Li Xiangsheng), who ran Bohai Capital.[38]
  • The Bidens walked away after this trip as 30% owners of a $1.5 billion investment fund, Bohai Harvest RST (BHR), a partnership between Bohai Capital and Rosemont Seneca. They offered nothing to the Chinese Comminists by way of consideration but their services as lobbyists and door openers.


  • Galanis father, John Galanis, alleged in a court filing in January 2020 that his son worked with Biden and their partner Devon Archer to help Baturina launder money through the U.S. financial system.[42]
  • Jason Galanis has a history of white collar fraud convictions. Galanis is serving a 10-year prison sentence for a fraud scheme that involved Hunter Biden associates, and was previously released early from a 27-year sentence for another fraud, and has faced other similar convictions.
“FYI, at David Wade’s[56] urging I spoke to the WSJ [Wall Street Journal] on background tonight. They were about to run with a story that said Rosemont Seneca had invested in Burisma. Told them that was not the case. Didn’t say much else. Not sure what else they were going with but they were apparently asking questions about ownership as well. Probably gong to run tonight. Didn’t seem too concerning to me.”[57]
  • David Wade was Joe Biden's press secretary during the 2008 Obama campaign;
  • David Wade at the time of this email worked as John Kerry’s chief of staff from 2013 to 2015;
  • David Wade worked with Hunter Biden and Eric Schwerin through his company Greenlight Strategies giving PR advice to Rosemont Seneca beginning in 2017;
  • David Wade worked for Facebook during the 2020 election and registered as a lobyist.
  • There are numerous emails between Eric Schwerin and Chris Kelly, and Eric Schwerin and David Wade on the Hunter Biden laprtop. In 2020 Schwerin came under fire when it was revealed that Schwerin told Hunter Biden that over $400,000 in payments from Burisma were not disclosed in his taxes. Hunter Biden’ taxes then came under federal investigation, as well.
  • During a State Department press conference, Matt Lee of the Associated Press grilled spokesperson Jen Psaki about Hunter Biden's role on Burisma's board. Lee asked Psaki,
Lee: “Does this building diplomatically have any concerns about potential perceptions of conflict or cronyism – which is what you’ve often accused the Russians of doing?”
Paski: “No, he’s a private citizen."[58]
"The appointment of the vice president’s son to a Ukrainian oil board looks nepotistic at best, nefarious at worst. No matter how qualified Biden is, it ties into the idea that U.S. foreign policy is self-interested, and that’s a narrative Vladimir Putin has pushed during Ukraine’s crisis with references to Iraq and Libya.
Documents show payments from Burisma to Hunter Biden.[62][63][64][65]
  • The Ukrainian General Prosecutors reported,
According to the Department of Financial Monitoring (Counter-intelligence) of Latvia, the following sums of money were obtained from Busima Holding Limited (Cyprus) to the account of Burisma Holding Limited (Cyprus) which is open at AS PrivatBank in Latvia: money transfer of 14 655 982 US Dollars and 366 015 EUR from the company “Wirelogic Technology AS”, and 1 9 64 375 US dollars from “Digitex Organization LLP” based on the credit agreements. (Note: credit agreements here mean “intra-company” transactions to decrease the taxes to be paid or “credit agreement” also serve as means of hidden dividend payments).

Further, the part of the sums described above, the money was transferred to Alan Apter (302 885 EUR), Alexander Kwasniewski (1 150 000 EUR), Devon Archer and Hunter Biden.

Feacebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg in a deal with Devon Archer and Mark Zuckerberg. "HB's dad" is used to pitch the deal.
From Devon Archer: This is great. I will have some edits shortly. One big is that Zuckerburg [sic] is investing in the Veterans vertical. We'll own 50% of the business at BTC Global holdco we're investing in but he's going to own the vertical of PTSD in his and partners for profit foundation.

From Jason Galanis: Facebook zuckerberg???

From Devon Archer: Yes. They are in discussions we'll be privy to once we lock up an agreement and enter diligence.

From Devon Archer: quick turn...I want to be overt but not commit to the positions / titles yet. But we will suggest Hunter Chair the non profit and I Chair the for Profit. I don't think we actually want Hunter CEO of anything. But maybe.

From Jason Galanis: thats your domain. i dont know him, nor the subtlties of that world. also youre mr EQ.

i saw i spend [sic] Jin’s name wrong in the attached. woops.

we good otherwise? natives and unions i guess….plus government relations etc.

i didnt put all the investor type protectioni n [sic] this like drag along tag along, antidilution or preemptive rights. we’ll get to that. any investor would.

i wanted to focus on the “other currency” we are bringing to the table….direct adminstration pipeline.

maybe we should also note to them that Burnham just raised $48 milion for the Native Americans. proven capital sourcing?

maybe we should also remind of HB’s dad’s union relationships to justify the ask??[66]

  • Galanis, Archer and Cooney were convicted on 28 August 2018, on fraud and conspiracy charges related to a $60 million bond offering for the Wakpamni tribe in South Dakota.


Kathy Chung from the Executive Office of the President forwards top leaders private cell phone numbers to Hunter Biden. Hunter Biden placed Chung in Joe Biden's office in 2012.
See also: Obamagate timeline 2015

According to an article in The New York Times, A Chinese Tycoon Sought Power and Influence. Washington Responded, an aid to Ye Jian Ming (Ye Jianming), founder of CEFC China Energy Co. Ltd (CEFC) and chairman of the board for the China Energy Fund Committee (CE Fund, which held special consultative status to the UN Economic and Social Council[68]), first met with Hunter Biden in 2015.[69]

February 2015

May 2015

June 2015

See also: FISA abuse timeline
  • Shokin attempted to continue the investigations into Hunter Biden but on or around June or July of 2015, the U.S. Ambassador Geoffrey R. Pyatt told him that the investigation has to be handled with white gloves, which according to Mr. Shokin, that implied do nothing. Shokin was fired in April 2016, and his case was “closed by the current Prosecutor General Yuriy Lutsenko.”
  • Eric Ciaramella meets with Alexandra Chalupa at the White House. Also present were Alexandra Sopko, who at the time was a special assistant and policy advisor to the director of the Office of Intergovernmental Affairs, which was run by Valerie Jarrett, and Alexa Kissinger, a special assistant to Jarrett.[72]
As Trump rode the escalator to announce his candidacy, polls showed Hillary Clinton's collusion with Russia over the Uranium One deal was her biggest vulnerability. Deputy Attn. Gen. Sally Yates was taking steps to ban the Inspector General from oversight of the DOJ-National Security Division and hide FISA abuse.
  • On the same day, the 30% stake in BHR held by Rosemont Seneca Thornton (RST) was split into two separate holdings. The new holding of the US partners are now split between Rosemont, Seneca, Bohai LLC and Thornton Group LLC.
  • Hillary Clinton internal polling reports:
Secretary Clinton's top vulnerability tested in this poll is the attack that claims as Secretary of State she signed off on a deal that gave the Russian government control over twenty percent of America's uranium production, after investors in the deal donated over one hundred and forty million dollars to the Clinton Foundation. Half of all likely voters (53%) are less likely to support Clinton after hearing that statement and 17% are much less likely to support her after that statement.[78][79]


Hunter Biden instructions from the CCP to prepare for General Secretary Xi Jinping's arrival in Los Angeles.[80]

August 2015

September 2015

  • AVIC Auto, which is described in the press release as BHR’s joint venture partner, is a subsidiary of AVIC.
  • AVIC (Aviation Industry Corporation of China 中国航空工业集团公司) is a Chinese state-owned aerospace and defense conglomerate with nearly a half million employees across all its different divisions involved in everything from military aircraft to robotics. AVIC in one form or another has regularly appeared on the US entity list over the years and alleged espionage activities against the US military.
  • AVIC is overseen by the State-Owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission (SASAC) of the State Council of China, the manager of all state-owned enterprises.
  • In 2015 it was 'accused of selling China’s fifth-generation jet fighter J-31, which is allegedly based on stolen technology in relation to the US made F-35.
Democrat operative Alexandra Chalupa (left) Deep State informant Eric Ciaramella (right).[85]

October 2015

November 2015

December 2015

Sundance of the summarizes:
December 2015 through April 2016: The first phase leading into ‘Spygate’ is the period of time where opposition research of the republican candidate field was taking place. It is in this period where Fusion-GPS hired CIA Open Source researcher Nellie Ohr, wife of DOJ-NSD official Bruce Ohr, to do research.
In the background of this time period the FBI and NSA FISA abuse was occurring by unknown FBI contractors.[93]

Patrick Byrne begins reporting on Maria Butina more frequently to the FBI. Byrne became suspicious of the FBI motives because he warned FBI officials of a potential that his efforts, his reputation and those who trust him, may result in Butina gaining entry into campaign confidences. The FBI agents told Byrne that was exactly the intent; people high up in the FBI wanted Ms. Butina to gain deep access into the Trump campaign. Mr. Byrne became suspicious of a corrupt political motive, but didn't say anything at the time.

  • Joe Biden, President Poroshenko, and Ukrainian Minister of Internal Affairs Arsen Avakov took steps to prevent Firtash's return.[94]
  • "Ukraine's Internal Affairs Minister Arsen Avakov announced on Sunday that, after consulting with U.S. officials, he instructed Ukrainian police to detain Firtash should he attempt to enter Ukraine."[95]
Members of the Azov Battalion with the NATO flag (left) Azov mascot (center) and Swastika (right). The NATO flag represents globalism; the Cyrillic A3OB in the center spells AZOV; and the swastika represents the Obama administration's OUN, Russophobe allies in Ukraine.[96]
  • Photos of armed paramilitary groups were posted on Avakov's Facebook page; Politico reported the "commander of Ukraine’s nationalist Azov Battalion, said that his volunteer fighters would arrest Firtash themselves if government forces failed to do so. He later posted a Facebook photo of his armed men waiting at Kiev's Borispol airport.
  • Joe Biden, His Son and the Case Against a Ukrainian Oligarch
  • Hunter Biden, Burisma Holdings, and its owner, Mykola Zlochevsky, who was Ukraine's ecology minister under former President Viktor F. Yanukovych before Hunter's boss, Zlochevsky, embezzled $5 Billion and became a fugitive from justice.
  • Zlochevsky hired Hunter Biden in 2014 while Vice President Biden oversaw U.S. loan guarantees to Ukraine.
  • Burisma is Ukraine's largest oil and gas produce; Hunter Biden was appointed to the board of directors.
  • Hunter Biden was paid $166,000 a month, which was split with the nephew of Whitey Bulger.
  • Zlochevsky, a former Ukraine ecology minister, was under investigation by the new administration for embezzlement.
  • Prosecutors traced payments to Hunter Biden.
Biden at the Council on Foreign Relations admitting to quid pro joe: "‘I’m leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money'...Well, [SOB], he got fired."[97]
  • Biden, in his own words, threatened Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko that Biden would withhold $1.8 Billion in aid unless Viktor Shokin, the prosecutor investigating his son, Hunter, was fired:[98]
"'You’re not getting the billion'. I’m going to be leaving here in, I think it was about six hours. I looked at them and said: ‘I’m leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money'...Well, [SOB], he got fired. And they put in place someone who was solid at the time."[99][100]
  • VP Biden addresses Ukrainian parliament (Rada) in Kiev.[101]
  • Writing in the New York Times, James Risen says of the vice president’s trip to Ukraine:[102]
"The credibility of the vice president’s anticorruption message may have been undermined by the association of his son, Hunter Biden, with one of Ukraine’s largest natural gas companies, Burisma Holdings, and with its owner, Mykola Zlochevsky, who was Ukraine’s ecology minister under former President Viktor F. Yanukovych before he was forced into exile."
  • Before Flynn made the trip he alerted his former employer, the DIA. He then attended a “defensive” or “protective” briefing before he ever sat alongside Russian President Vladimir Putin at the Russia Today (RT) dinner, or before he talked with then-Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak. The briefing educated and sensitized Flynn to possible efforts by his Russian host to compromise the former high-ranking defense official and prepared him for conversations in which he could potentially extract intelligence for U.S. agencies such as the DIA. When Flynn returned from Moscow, he spent time briefing intelligence officials on what he learned during the Moscow contacts. Between two and nine intelligence officials attended the various meetings with Flynn about the RT event, and the information was moderately useful, about what one would expect from a public event.[106]
Spygate: DOJ redacted the word, "lures". "Lures" are infiltrators, provocateurs, or spies who offer bait, in this case Hillary Clinton's emails. Oconus = outside contiguous United States. The message from Peter Strzok to Lisa Page reads, "You get all our outside contiguous US spies approved?" It was sent after Sally Yates ended independent oversight of the DOJ-National Security Division, while FBI contractors conducted over 5,000 illegal FISA 702 "About queries," and before Adm. Rogers cutoff outside FBI contractor access to the FISA database. The primaries, Hillary's whitewash, and official counterintelligence investigation were yet to come.
"The credibility of Mr. Biden’s message may be undermined by the association of his son with a Ukrainian natural-gas company, Burisma Holdings, which is owned by a former government official suspected of corrupt practices. A spokesman for the son, Hunter Biden, argues that he joined the board of Burisma to strengthen its corporate governance. That may be so. But Burisma’s owner, Mykola Zlochevsky, has been under investigation in Britain and in Ukraine. It should be plain to Hunter Biden that any connection with a Ukrainian oligarch damages his father’s efforts to help Ukraine. This is not a board he should be sitting on."
  • James Risen later wrote at The Intercept that Biden’s message on the trip was being completely misinterpreted:[108]
"The then–vice president issued his demands for greater anti-corruption measures by the Ukrainian government despite the possibility that those demands would actually increase — not lessen — the chances that Hunter Biden and Burisma would face legal trouble in Ukraine."
  • Tenex is an American subsidiary of Rosatom, the company that purchased Uranium One.
  • Robert Mueller was investigating Tenex and its Russian oligarch owners at the same time he signed off on approval the sale of Uranium One to them as a member of CFIUS.
  • Rod Rosenstein and Andrew Weissmann were the prosecutors handling the Mikerin case.

"In 2015, Papadopoulos joined the London Center of International Law Practice as the director of the Center for International Energy and Natural Resources Law and Security. Papadopoulos focuses on the Eastern Mediterranean as well as the Caspian region.
In 2015, he spoke to a business and energy convention in Israel, explaining the complex market for natural gas in the region. At the conference, he touched on issues of U.S.-Israel-Russia relations in an interview with Natural Gas Europe.[110]
Joseph Mifsud joined the London Center of International Law Practice (LCILP) a month earlier. Mifsud and Papadopoulos reportedly never crossed paths until March 14, 2016 - in Italy.
Best approach is to slaughter Donald for his bromance with Putin.[111]
"You get all our outside contiguous US spies approved?"
referring to Stefan Halper, Alexander Downer, Joseph Mifsud, Azra Turk, Charles Tawil, Erica Thompson and others.


Eric Ciaramella (middle right) across from Ukrainian officials in a meeting at the White House, flanked by Biden security adviser Michael Carpenter and Ciaramella's NSC colleague Liz Zentos.[114]
Hunter Biden meeting with President Obama in the Oval Office.
Official White House Photograph
See also: Obamagate timeline
While the 2016 presidential race was raging in America, Ukrainian prosecutors ran into some unexpectedly strong headwinds as they pursued an investigation into the activities of a nonprofit in their homeland known as the Anti-Corruption Action Centre (AntAC).

The focus on AntAC — whose youthful street activists famously wore “Ukraine F*&k Corruption” T-shirts — was part of a larger probe by Ukraine’s Prosecutor General’s Office into whether $4.4 million in U.S. funds to fight corruption inside the former Soviet republic had been improperly diverted.

The prosecutors soon would learn the resistance they faced was blowing directly from the U.S. Embassy in Kiev, where the Obama administration took the rare step of trying to press the Ukrainian government to back off its investigation of both the U.S. aid and the group.[115]

CEFC China Energy had assets of $263 billion in 2015. Its chairman, Ye Jianming, was arrested by the CCP in February 2018 and has never been heard from since. An employee of Ye, Patrick Ho, was arrested in New York for bribing UN and African officials. Hunter Biden was paid $1 million to represent Ho. Ye had extensive business relations with Hunter and Jim Biden, Joe Biden's brother, and gave them credit cards with a $100,000 limit. Hunter also personally received a 2.8 caret diamond gift from Ye valued at $50,000.
“at its height, Ye’s company, CEFC China Energy, aligned itself so closely with the Chinese government that it was often hard to distinguish between the two.”


See also: Deep State coup 1.0
The “all hands” meeting, held about two weeks into the new administration, was attended by hundreds of NSC employees.

“They were popping off about how they were going to remove Trump from office. No joke,” said one ex-colleague, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss sensitive matters.

A military staffer detailed to the NSC, who was seated directly in front of Ciaramella and Misko during the meeting, confirmed hearing them talk about toppling Trump during their private conversation, which the source said lasted about one minute. The crowd was preparing to get up to leave the room at the time.

“After Flynn briefed [the staff] about what ‘America First’ foreign policy means, Ciaramella turned to Misko and commented, ‘We need to take him out,’ ” the staffer recalled. “And Misko replied, ‘Yeah, we need to do everything we can to take out the president.’ “

Added the military detailee, who spoke on condition of anonymity: “By ‘taking him out,’ they meant removing him from office by any means necessary. They were triggered by Trump’s and Flynn’s vision for the world. This was the first ‘all hands’ [staff meeting] where they got to see Trump’s national security team, and they were huffing and puffing throughout the briefing any time Flynn said something they didn’t like about ‘America First.’ ”

He said he also overheard Ciaramella telling Misko, referring to Trump, "We can’t let him enact this foreign policy."

Excerpts from POLITICO reporter Ben Schreckinger' book: The Bidens: Inside the First Family’s Fifty-Year Rise to Power, Sept. 2020.
  • 19 March Kaiyan US Fund III LP also sent one wire for $50,551.79 directly to a different account for Hudson West V, which is included in the aforementioned $20,310,396.79 total of incoming wires for that account.
  • These transactions offer a window into a much larger web of transactions carried out among a vast network of corporate entities, many with complex ownership structures, variously owned and operated by Gongwen Dong (aka "Kevin"), Ye Jianming, an individual named Shan Gao, and other individuals associated with CEFC China Energy, Chinese state-owned enterprises, and unknown individuals based primarily in China. Little is known about Shan Gao, other than the fact that banks found her, through complex ownership structures, to be the owner of multiple entities involved in the transactions. For multiple entities involved in these transactions, banks were not able to determine ownership at all.
  • As an example of the size and scope of the networks involving Gongwen Dong, Senate investigators found that between 23 October 2017, and 20 December 2018, Hudson West I, for which Gongwen is also listed as an account signer, received incoming wires totaling over $114 million and sent outgoing wires totaling over $113 million. Between Jan. 25, 2018, and Dec. 28, 2018, Hudson West Aggregator, another LLC associated with Gongwen that was involved in three transactions with Hudson West V, received incoming transfers totaling more than $3 million and sent outgoing transfers totaling more than $13 million. Investigators examining these transactions by Gongwen Dong and his associates explained:
"We opt to include wires, which appear to be conducted for investment purposes, as we believe that fund movement is ultimately conducted in an effort to layer funds. Conclusion: Unusual movement of funds between various entities with a complex ownership structures, at times involving funds originating from Chinese [state-owned enterprises] SOE, Chinese based entities registered with [a] high-risk tax heaven country, and [politically exposed persons] PEPs. It is to note that fund movement appears to be an effort to introduce foreign funds from unknown sources into the U.S. by investing in large projects and by purchasing luxury goods and properties. Total filing amounts to $902,200,297."[123]
Certain transactions involving Hudson West III, CEFC Infrastructure, and Hudson West V were among those identified as potential efforts to layer funds.
The Smoking Gun email.[125]
  • During the divorce proceedings, Hunter Biden and his ex-wife Kathleen dispute the value of the diamond; he says it is worth $10,000, she contends it is worth $80,000.
  • Biden denied that the diamond could be considered a bribe. “What would they be bribing me for? My dad wasn’t in office.” Hunter Biden told The New Yorker he gave the diamond to his associates and doesn’t know what happened to it.
  • Also during the divorce proceedings, Kathleen “requested that Hunter’s access to their joint assets be limited because the couple had a double mortgage and owed more than $300,000 in back taxes.”[126]
Joe Biden figures prominently in an investment pitch by Hunter Biden and associates to CEFC China Energy. CEFC is owned by the Bank of China and the People's Liberation Army of China.[127]
“We don’t want to have to register as foreign agents under the FCPA [Foreign Corrupt Practices Act] which is much more expansive than people who should know choose not to know....No matter what it will need to be a US company at some level in order for us to make bids on federal and state funded projects."[128]
  • Twenty million dollars of the $20,310,396.79 going into the aforementioned Hudson West V US account was transferred into that account from another Hudson West V account at the Bank of China (BoC).
“The chairman changed that deal after we me[t] in MIAMI TO A MUCH MORE LASTING AND LUCRATIVE ARRANGEMENT to create a holding company 50% percent [sic] owned by ME and 50% owned by him.”
In the same email chain, Biden discussed deals with the CEFC that he said were “interesting to me and my family.”[132]
Hunter Biden, Jim Biden, and Jim's wife Sara all received credit cards with a $100,000 line of credit from CEFC entities.
Hunter Biden wire transfers to Jim Biden, Joe's brother.
  • Around the same time, there were also outgoing wires from Hudson West III to various accounts associated with Ye and Gongwen, including CEFC Infrastructure Investment, Coldharbour Capital (located at Gongwen Dong’s address), Gongwen’s personal bank account, a separate bank account for Hudson West V, and Bo Jian Group Investment Company (a company with a complex ownership structure controlled by Ye Jian Ming in which Gongwen Dong is also reportedly a part owner). These transactions and the transacting entities begin to paint a mosaic of the complex corporate structure that existed between entities linked to Hunter Biden and his associates and family and Chinese companies linked to the Communist government.
  • Senate investigators were able to confirm that Hunter Biden’s associate, Gongwen Dong, is connected to seven of the eight numbered Hudson West corporate entities. The exception is Hudson West II; however, that entity shares a permanent mailing address with Hudson West V, which has a bank account that is connected to Gongwen. Thus, it appears that Hudson West II is most likely connected to him. The Hudson West entities are important entities in the flow of funds among and between Ye, Gongwen, and Hunter Biden and his associates. There are frequent fund transfers across these numbered Hudson West entities, and transactions involving all eight have been identified for potential criminal financial activity. For example, Hudson West III was not the only Hudson West entity associated with CEFC, Ye Jian Ming’s business. According to reporting, Hudson West V maintains an ownership interest in CEFC Infrastructure Investment, a subsidiary of CEFC. By extension, this means Hudson West V is linked to Ye Jian Ming and the aforementioned $5 million payment to Hudson West III on 8 August 2017. Hudson West V also reportedly had ownership in a series of other companies: Hudson West Partners LLC, Hudson West Aggregator LLC, Hudson West VIII LLC, and Hudson West VII LLC which begins to show the complex corporate structure at play.
  • Hunter Biden and Gongwen Dong, a Chinese national who executed transactions for limited liability companies controlled by Ye Jian Ming, applied to a bank and opened a line of credit under the business name Hudson West III LLC (Hudson West III).[138] Hunter Biden, James Biden, and James Biden’s wife, Sara Biden, were all authorized users of credit cards associated with the account. The Bidens subsequently used the credit cards they opened to purchase $101,291.46 worth of extravagant items, including airline tickets and multiple items at Apple Inc. stores, pharmacies, hotels and restaurants. The cards were collateralized by transferring $99,000 from a Hudson West III account to a separate account, where the funds were held until the cards were closed. The transaction was identified for potential financial criminal activity.
  • Ho is the General Secretary of CEFC's Hong Kong and Virginia-registered non-profit CEFC–China Energy Fund Committees with special consultative status to the United Nations Economic and Social Council.
  • Ho makes a phone call to Jim Biden, Joe Biden’s younger brother, and asked Biden for a lawyer. Jim referred him to Hunter, who has not practiced criminal law.[143]
  • Department of Justice documents describe Ye Jianming as Patrick Ho’s boss and, again, note that Ye’s company supplied funding to the China Energy Fund Committee.[144]
  • Ho was convicted in March 2019 on charges of money laundering, conspiracy, and violations of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act and was sentenced to three years in U.S. prison for his role in a multimillion-dollar scheme to bribe officials in [Chad] and Uganda in exchange for business advantages for CEFC, Ye’s company.[145]


Laptop from hell, December 14, 2018.[146]

February 2018[edit]

  • In a recording made sometime after Ye Jianming, Hunter's business partner, went missing in February 2018, Hunter is heard speaking in an agitated tone,
"I get calls from my father to tell me that The New York Times is calling, but my old partner, Eric, who literally has done me harm for I don’t know how long, is the one taking the calls because my father will not stop sending the calls to Eric. I have another New York Times reporter calling about my representation of Patrick Ho – the f****** spy chief of China who started the company that my partner, who is worth $323 billion, founded and is now missing. The richest man in the world is missing who was my partner. He was missing since I last saw him in his $58 million apartment inside a $4 billion deal to build the f****** largest f***** LNG [liquid natural gas] port in the world. And I am receiving calls from the Southern District of New York from the U.S. attorney himself. My best friend in business, Devon [Archer], has named me as a witness, without telling me, in a criminal case — and my father [Joe Biden], without telling me."[149]
Burisma Leadership posted this photo to Instagram of their meeting with Ambassador Marie Yovanovitch in the personal residence of the U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine in Kiev, October 2018 while she was denying visas for Ukrainian prosecutors to testify in the United States.
Excerpt of Giuliani letter to Sen. Graham. Amb. Marie Yovanovitch was denying visas to Ukrainian whistleblowers willing to testify about Ukrainian collusion to the Mueller investigation and covering up DNC and Biden corruption.
“led to interference in the electoral processes of the United States in 2016 and harmed the interests of Ukraine as a state.” [161]
"When it comes to his work in Ukraine, Manafort, as former Fusion GPS researcher Graham Stack writes, was convicted for ‘doing the opposite of colluding with Russia.’ In Ukraine, Manafort pushed a pro-Western agenda … Internal documents released by Mueller make clear that Manafort tried to steer his client, then – Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych, to align with the European Union and away from Russia, or, in Manafort’s own words, promote ‘the key geopolitical messaging of how “Europe and the U.S. should not risk losing Ukraine to Russia.”‘[162]


January 2019[edit]

3 January. Hunter Biden texts his daughter Naomi Biden:

“But I don’t receive any respect and that’s fine I guess. Works for you, apparently. I hope you all can do what I did and pay for everything for this entire family for 30 years. It’s really hard, but don’t worry, unlike Pop (Joe Biden) I won’t make you give me half your salary.”[163]

March 2019[edit]

  • the U.S. embassy in Kiev had earlier pressured the Ukraine prosecutors in 2016 to drop or avoid pursuing several cases, including one involving the Soros-backed AntiCorruption Action Centre (AntAc) and two cases involving Ukraine officials who criticized Donald Trump and his campaign manager Paul Manafort.
  • Kiev embassy official George Kent wrote a letter proving Yovanovitch's meddling in Ukrainian internal affairs did indeed happen.[165] State Department officials authenticated the letter. George Kent acknowledged in this Congressional testimony he signed that letter.

April 2019[edit]

  • In January 2016 the Obama White House summoned Ukrainian authorities to Washington. The meeting brought some of Ukraine’s top corruption prosecutors and investigators face to face with Eric Ciaramella[168] and members of former President Obama’s National Security Council (NSC), FBI, State Department and Department of Justice (DOJ). Ukrainian participants said it didn’t take long to realize the Americans’ objectives included two politically hot investigations: one involving Vice President Joe Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, and one involving Paul Manafort's lobbying firm, linked closely to then-candidate Trump.
  • U.S. officials “kept talking about how important it was that all of our anti-corruption efforts be united,” said Andrii (Andriy, per White House visitor logs) Telizhenko, then a political officer in the Ukrainian Embassy in Washington tasked with organizing the meeting.
  • Telizhenko said U.S. officials said that they had an interest in reviving a closed 2014 investigation into payments to U.S. figures from Ukraine’s Russia-backed Party of Regions. That 2014 investigation was focused on Manafort. The FBI closed the case without charging Manafort.
  • DOJ officials asking investigators from Ukraine’s National Anti-Corruption Bureau (NABU) if they could help find new evidence about the Party of Regions’ payments and its dealings with Americans. “It was definitely the case that led to the charges against Manafort and the leak to U.S. media during the 2016 election,” Telizhenko said.
  • Nazar Kholodnytskyy, Ukraine’s chief anti-corruption prosecutor, said he soon saw evidence in Ukraine of political meddling in the U.S. election. Kholodnytskyy said the key evidence against Manafort — a ledger showing payments from the Party of Regions — was known to Ukrainian authorities since 2014 but was suddenly released in May 2016 by the NABU, after Manafort was named Trump’s campaign chairman: “Somebody kept this black ledger secret for two years and then showed it to the public and the U.S. media. It was extremely suspicious.” Kholodnytskyy said he explicitly instructed NABU investigators who were working with American authorities not to share the ledger with the media. “I ordered the detectives to give nothing to the mass media considering this case. Instead, they had broken my order and published themselves these one or two pages of this black ledger regarding Paul Manafort. For me it was the first call that something was going wrong and that there is some external influence in this case. And there is some other interests in this case not in the interest of the investigation and a fair trial.”
  • Kostiantyn Kulyk, deputy head of the Ukraine prosecutor general’s international affairs office, said that, shortly after Ukrainian authorities returned from the Washington meeting, there was a clear message about helping the Americans with the Party of the Regions case. “Yes, there was a lot of talking about needing help and then the ledger just appeared in public.” Kulyk said Ukrainian authorities had evidence that other Western figures, such as former Obama White House counsel Gregory Craig, also received money from Yanukovych’s party. But the Americans weren’t interested: “They just discussed Manafort. This was all and only what they wanted. Nobody else.”
  • Manafort joined Trump’s campaign on March 29, 2016, and then was promoted to campaign chairman on May 19, 2016. NABU leaked the existence of the ledgers on May 29, 2016. Later that summer, it told U.S. media the ledgers showed payments to Manafort, a revelation that forced him to resign from the Trump campaign in August 2016.
  • A Ukrainian court in December concluded NABU’s release of the ledger was an illegal attempt to influence the U.S. election. And a member of Ukraine’s parliament has released a recording of a NABU official saying the agency released the ledger to help Hillary Clinton.
  • The other case raised at the January 2016 meeting involved Burisma Holdings, a Ukrainian energy company under investigation in Ukraine for improper foreign transfers of money. At the time, Burisma allegedly was paying then-Vice President Joe Biden’s son Hunter as both a board member and a consultant. More than $3 million flowed from Ukraine to Rosemont Seneca, Hunter Biden and Devon Archer's firm in 2014-15, bank records show.
  • U.S. officials told the Ukrainians they would prefer that Kiev drop the Burisma probe and allow the FBI to take it over. The Ukrainians did not agree. But then Joe Biden pressured Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko to fire Victor Shokin, Ukraine’s chief prosecutor in March 2016. The Burisma case was transferred to NABU, then shut down.
  • The Ukrainian Embassy in Washington confirmed that the Obama administration requested the meetings in January 2016, but embassy representatives attended only some of the sessions. "Unfortunately, the Embassy of Ukraine in Washington, D.C., was not invited to join the DOJ and other law enforcement-sector meetings."
  • Telizhenko’s claim that the DOJ reopened its Manafort probe as the 2016 election ramped up is supported by the DOJ’s own documents, including communications involving Associate Attorney General Bruce Ohr, his wife, Nellie Ohr, and ex-British spy Christopher Steele. Nellie Ohr and Steele worked in 2016 for Fusion GPS, that was hired by Clinton’s campaign and DNC to find dirt on Trump. Steele wrote the famous dossier for Fusion that the FBI used to gain a warrant to spy on the Trump campaign. Nellie Ohr admitted to Congress that she routed Russia dirt on Trump from Fusion to the DOJ through her husband Bruce during the election.
  • DOJ emails show Nellie Ohr on May 30, 2016, directly alerted her husband Bruce and two DOJ prosecutors to the discovery of the “Black Ledger” files that led to Manafort’s prosecution. “Reported Trove of documents on Ukrainian Party of Regions’ Black Cashbox,” Nellie Ohr wrote to her husband and federal prosecutors Lisa Holtyn and Joseph Wheatley, attaching a news article on the announcement of NABU’s release of the documents.
  • Bruce Ohr and Steele worked on their own effort to get dirt on Manafort from a Russian oligarch, Oleg Deripaska, who had a soured business relationship with Manafort. Deripaska was “almost ready to talk” to U.S. government officials regarding the money that “Manafort stole,” Bruce Ohr wrote in notes from his conversations with Steele.
  • The efforts eventually led to a September 2016 meeting in which Andrew McCabe asked Deripaska if he could help prove Manafort was helping Trump collude with Russia. Deripaska laughed off the notion as preposterous.
  • Politico reported that the Ukrainian Embassy in Washington assisted Clinton’s campaign through Alexandra Chalupa, a DNC contractor.[169] The Ukrainian Embassy acknowledges it got requests for assistance from Chalupa to find dirt on Manafort.

May 2019[edit]

August 2019[edit]

See also: Deep State coup 2.0

September 2019[edit]

October 2019[edit]

  • CDN: Obama WH corruption: Rampant pay to play by Clinton, Kerry, and Biden.[176]
  • New details emerge on monthly payments sent to Hunter Biden by Ukrainian company.[178]
  • Zlochevsky hired Hunter Biden “as a helpful non-executive director with a powerful name,” according to a Reuters report. Burisma’s founder hired Biden in 2014 “to protect [the company]” in the face of potential prosecution. Zlochevsky was investigated for tax violations, money-laundering, and corruption and initially cleared of any wrongdoing. Ukraine’s Prosecutor General Ruslan Ryaboshapka told reporters that 15 cases involving Zlochevsky were being reviewed.
  • Hunter Biden never visited Ukraine, but participated regularly in biannual board meetings, all of which were held outside Ukraine. Sources also said Biden was appointed during a time when Burisma was seeking foreign investment, a process which Biden helped by finding lawyers for the potential deal, which ultimately broke down when war broke out in east Ukraine. “He was a ceremonial figure.”
  • Hunter Biden was paid $80,000 per month.
  • The Blaze: Diplomat: I tried to warn the Obama administration about Hunter Biden and Ukraine in 2015, but no one would listen.[179]
  • Washington Examiner: Biden twice used his position to intervene to boost son Hunter's lobbying.[182]
Leaked documents show payments to Hunter Biden.

November 2019[edit]

  • Zerohedge: Leaked Bank Records Confirm Burisma-Biden Payments To Morgan Stanley Account.[189]

December 2019[edit]


Politico fake news.png

January 2020[edit]

  • Secret Service and DC Metropolitan Police are investigating the theft which occurred in a high security area across from the Eisenhower Executive Office Building just outside the White House perimeter. The location had no security cameras, and there is no known video surveillance footage that can be reviewed. Authorities described it as one of the few “dark spots” in the area.
  • No windows were broken, and there were no other signs of forced entry. Authorities suspect the thief or thieves used an electronic jamming device to open the car door lock. The break-in appears to be a professional job.
  • House impeachment manager Adam Schiff cited Solomon no fewer than 35 times in his impeachment report. He added Solomon’s phone call history in a spreadsheet he compiled in the footnotes section of the report, which claimed Solomon reported “conspiracy theories” in The Hill to help President Trump “push false narratives” about Ukrainian interference in the 2016 election in favor of Hillary Clinton, as well as Biden’s attempts as vice president beginning late 2015 to fire a Ukrainian prosecutor investigating a gas industry oligarch whose company paid his son millions of dollars.
  • Solomon is reported to say that Schiff was singling him out as part of a smear campaign.

February 2020[edit]

Excerpts from POLITICO reporter Ben Schreckinger's book: The Bidens: Inside the First Family’s Fifty-Year Rise to Power, Sept. 2021.[196]

March 2020[edit]

September 2020[edit]

  • U.S. Attorney David Weiss intentionally burying information about an investigation of Hunter Biden in the summer and fall of 2020 in order to protect the candidacy of Joe Biden. USAO Weiss of Delaware stopped the investigation of Hunter Biden, stopped issuing grand jury subpoenas, and stopped the issuance of search warrants in order to keep the public from knowing that Hunter Biden was under a criminal investigation.
  • Contrast that –now confirmed– defensive activity, with these exact same DOJ and FBI officials leaking everything they could about investigations of Donald Trump, or anyone in Trump’s orbit, even when those investigative statements were false, in order to undermine his candidacy and presidency.
Andy Stone conflict of interest.

October 2020[edit]

  • This was evidence Joe Biden used his influence as vice president to enrich his family through lucrative business deals with foreign nations like Ukraine and China, compromising the integrity of the vice presidency, as well as US national security.
  • Facebook’s Policy Communication’s Director Andy Stone said,
“While I will intentionally not link to the New York Post, I want to be clear that this story is eligible to be fact-checked by Facebook’s third-party fact-checking partners. This is part our standard process to reduce the spread of misinformation. We temporarily reduce distribution pending fact-checker review.”[200]
  • Before working for Facebook, Andy Stone worked for the Democrat’s House Majority PAC as well at the Democrat Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC), which is a clear conflict of interest during an election year.
  • Facebook and their executives made the pre-emptive decision to label the New York Post‘s Hunter Biden story as factually incorrect and limited the publishing ability of the New York Post’s account before they even “fact checked” the already factually correct article.

December 2020[edit]

  • Adam Conner, Vice President of Center For American Progress founded Facebook’s Washington DC office in 2007 and BANNED Facebook Accounts At Hunter Biden’s Request While Working For Facebook
  • Adam Conner went on to work for John Podesta and Barack Obama


April 2021[edit]

  • FISA compliance review for the year 2020 was written in November 2020 declassified (with lots of redactions)
  • April 2019 – July 2019: An FBI technical information specialist was involved in “Compliance incidents” by conducting 124 queries of Section 702-acquired information on (1) Volunteers who had requested to participate in the FBI’s “Citizens Academy”; (2) Persons who needed to enter the field office to perform repairs; and (3) Persons who reported they were victims of a crime.
  • the FBI is using FISA acquired information to investigate domestic crimes – not matters of foreign intelligence. These included investigations of “health-care fraud, transnational organized crime, violent gangs, domestic terrorism involving racially motivated violent extremists, as well as investigations relating to public corruption and bribery.”
  • “Public corruption and bribery.” The FBI continued to improperly use FISA-acquired information to spy on government officials.
  • seven FBI field offices were implicated in “these and a number of similar violations.” In other words, institutionally the FBI continues to perform warrantless searches of the NSA database that collects electronic information on every single American. The FBI is exploiting a backdoor into this database using search queries that violate the fourth amendment. The FBI is extracting this information for their own personal use; likely political use including surveillance and black files on politicians; and for routine criminal investigations that are supposed to require warrants.
The Biden department of justice has completely ignored clear evidence (which the FBI has had for over a year) in texts and emails on Hunter Biden’s hard drive of failing to register numerous times as a foreign agent, child pornography, money laundering, and 30 years of the Biden Crime family taking millions and millions in bribes to sell his public offices.

Instead, the Justice Department decided it was a higher priority to serve (at dawn) search warrants for electronics at the home and law office of former Mayor Rudolph Giuliani.

The search warrants involve only one indication of an alleged incident of failure to register as a foreign agent. Mayor Giuliani has not only denied this allegation, but offered twice in the past two years through his attorney Bob Costello to demonstrate that it is entirely untrue. Twice the offer was rejected by the SDNY by stating that while they were willing to listen to anything Mr. Costello had to say, they would not tell Mr. Giuliani or Mr. Costello, the subject matter they wanted him to address.

This contrasts with multiple proven incidences of failure to file as a foreign agent contained on the Biden hard drive which the FBI and the Department of Justice has ignored. You have not seen the home of Hunter Biden raided by the FBI with search warrants. This behavior of the justice department, enabled by a compliant media, running roughshod over the constitutional rights of anyone involved in, or legally defending, former President Donald J. Trump is becoming the rule, rather than the exception. [...]

The electronics taken are, also, replete with the material covered by the attorney-client privilege and other constitutional privileges. The warrant served on Mr. Giuliani’s law office is another disturbing example of complete disregard for the attorney-client privilege protected by the Sixth Amendment to the Constitution.[205]

June 2021[edit]

  • "China is the largest manufacturer for EV batteries in the world with CATL leading the global supply of lithium-ion batteries. The company has supplied EV manufacturers like Tesla, BMW, Volkswagen and Geely."

July 2021[edit]

  • "The U.S. announced Friday [July 2] it had completely vacated its biggest airfield in the country in advance of a final withdrawal the Pentagon says will be completed by the end of August."

August 2021[edit]

  • "Only hours after the Taliban overran Afghanistan, a foreign ministry spokeswoman said Beijing was ready for “friendly cooperation with Afghanistan.” “On the basis of fully respecting the sovereignty of Afghanistan and the will of all factions in the country, China has maintained contact and communication with the Afghan Taliban and played a constructive role in promoting the political settlement of the Afghan issue,” said spokeswoman Hua Chunying at a press conference on Monday. According to Hua, the Taliban said “on multiple occasions” that it “looks forward to China’s participation in Afghanistan’s reconstruction and development.” “We are ready to continue to develop good-neighborliness and friendly cooperation with Afghanistan and play a constructive role in Afghanistan’s peace and reconstruction,” Hua said.
  • "the mineral resources under the ground in Afghanistan could be worth almost 10 times the country’s infamous opium crop. These minerals include lithium, gold, silver, platinum, iron, copper aluminum and uranium. Among those lithium stands out as a real prize because it has become essential to the manufacture of the lithium ion batteries used in electric vehicles. Better still for China, if it gets its way, is that Afghanistan is set to be the Saudi Arabia of Afghanistan. In other words, the central Asian country is reputedly home to heaps of lithium. As the largest car market in the world, and the global move to EVs, China will likely want to secure every last pound of lithium that it can.


April 2022[edit]

See also[edit]


  4. Owasco P.C. was incorporated in January 2006; Eric Schwerin was a governor and executing officer, and Hunter Biden was an agent. In December 2019, both Schwerin and Hunter Biden rescinded those affiliations with Owasco. See Events for Owasco P.C., OpenCorporates,
  33. Kamala Harris and Chris Kelly had opposed each other in 2010 California Attorney General Democratic primary.,_2010#Democratic_primary
  36. [1]
  39. The State Administration for Industry and Commerce at the time
  67. The Troubling Reason Why Biden is so Soft on China, N.Y. POST (May 11, 2019).
  68. https://zh.wikipedia.org草稿01
  69. Alexandra Stevenson, David Barboza, Matthew Goldstein, and Paul Mozur, A Chinese Tycoon Sought Power and Influence. Washington Responded., THE NEW YORK TIMES (Dec. 12, 2018).
  77. R. Clinton Part 04 of 32/view
  87. [2]
  93. DOJ Political Surveillance – From the IRS in 2011 to the FISA Court in 2016, Posted on March 8, 2020 by sundance.
  94. Affidavit of Viktor Shokin on Biden shakedown, September 4, 2019.
  95. A Ukrainian oligarch’s foiled homecoming, By LINDA KINSTLEr, Politico,, 12/3/15.
  104. page 5, item 16. Document states December 17, 2015, but the context appears to be speaking about the same event.
  109. Joel Schectman, U.S. sentences Russian nuclear official to four years for bribe scheme, Reuters (Dec. 15, 2015). The “Megatons to Megawatts” program converted uranium from thousands of Russian nuclear warheads for civilian use in U.S.nuclear power plants.
  115. "Obama administration officials sought to suppress a Ukrainian corruption probe into an NGO bankrolled by both the US government and George Soros. When Ukraine’s Prosecutor General’s Office tried to investigate an alleged misallocation of $4.4 million in US funds, which was supposed to go toward anti-corruption initiatives, US embassy officials came down hard to shut down the investigation altogether. “We ran right into a buzzsaw and we got bloodied,” a senior Ukrainian official told The Hill. Notably, former State Department official George Kent, a star witnesses in Adam Schiff's hearings, recommended in April 2016 that Ukraine stop investigating a Soros-funded entity in Ukraine, AntAC. "The investigation into the Anti-Corruption Action Center (sic), based on the assistance they have received from us, is similarly misplaced," wrote Kent."
  116. Press Release, U.S. Dep’t. of Justice, U.S. Nuclear Engineer, China General Nuclear Power Company and Energy Technology International Indicted in Nuclear Power Conspiracy against the United States (Thursday, April 14, 2016).
  117. [ Press Release, U.S. Dep’t of Just., Seven Defendants Charged In Manhattan Federal Court With Defrauding A Native American Tribe And Investors Of Over $60 Million] (May 11, 2016).
  122. Whistleblower Was Overheard in '17 Discussing With Ally How to Remove Trump, By Paul Sperry, RealClearInvestigations, January 22, 2020.
  123. Senate report, p. 82.
  135. Kane Wu, Exclusive: China’s CEFC in early talks to buy Rosneft stake- sources, Reuters (Aug. 17, 2017).
  138. Katherine Clarke, A Top Chinese Oilman Vanishes, and a Manhattan Buying Binge Ends, THE WALL STREET JOURNAL (Oct. 25, 2018).
  140. 2017 10 14 Biden Bobulinski Texts.
  141. [ Press Release, U.S. Dep’t of Just., Head of Organization Backed By Chinese Energy Conglomerate And Former Foreign Minister of Senegal, Charged with Bribing High-Level African Officials] (Nov. 20, 2017)
  144. Press Release, U.S. Dep’t of Just., Former Head of Organization Backed by Chinese Energy Conglomerate Sentenced to Three Years in Prison for International Bribery and Money Laundering Offenses (Mar. 25, 2019).
  145. [ Press Release, U.S. Dep’t of Just., Patrick Ho, Former Head Of Organization Backed By Chinese Energy Conglomerate, Sentenced To 3 Years In Prison For International Bribery And Money Laundering Offenses] (Mar. 25, 2019).
  152. Senate report, page 79.
  168. ""telizhenko,andriy,g,U67540,100561,VA,1/19/16 10:57,D1101,1/19/16 12:53,,01/19/2016 12:00:00 AM,1/19/16 11:00,1/19/16 23:59,,1,KH,WIN,1/19/16 10:51,KH,Ciaramella,Eric,OEOB,230A,HARTWELL,KYLE,,,04/29/2016 07:00:00 AM +0000",,,," [3] Judicial Watch: White House Visitor Logs Detail Meetings of Eric Ciaramella.
  169. 11 January, 2017. Politico investigation reports:
    • A Ukrainian-American operative consulting for the Democratic National Committee (DNC) met with top officials in Ukraine’s U.S. embassy to publicize ties between Trump, his top campaign aide Paul Manafort and Russia. (It worked.)
    • Ukrainian officials tried to help Clinton and undermine Trump by publicly questioning his fitness for office.
    • Ukrainian officials “disseminated documents implicating a top Trump aide in corruption and suggested they were investigating the matter, only to back away after the election.”
    • Ukrainian officials helped Clinton allies dig up damaging information on Trump and his advisers.
    • “The Ukrainian efforts had an impact in the race, helping to force Manafort’s resignation and advancing the narrative that Trump’s campaign was deeply connected to … Russia.”
    • According to Politico:
    “In an interview this month, at the DNC this past election cycle centered on mobilizing ethnic communities — including Ukrainian-Americans — she said that, when Trump’s unlikely presidential campaign. Chalupa told Politico she had developed a network of sources in Kiev and Washington, including investigative journalists, government officials and private intelligence operatives. While her consulting work began surging in late 2015, she began focusing more on the research, and expanded it to include Trump’s ties to Russia, as well.” Ukrainian efforts to sabotage Trump backfire, By KENNETH P. VOGEL and DAVID STERN 01/11/2017.
    • According to the Politico article, Alexandra Chalupa was meeting with the Ukrainian embassy in June of 2016 to discuss getting more help sticking it to candidate Trump. At the same time she was meeting, the embassy had a reception that highlighted female Ukrainian leaders. Four Verkhovna Rada [parliament] deputies there for the event included: Viktoriia Y. Ptashnyk, Anna A. Romanova, Alyona I. Shkrum, and Taras T. Pastukh.</font>
    • See also George Eliason, George Eliason: Beyond the DNC - Leaks, Hacks, and Treason, August 14th, 2018.
    • According to CNN [7/12/17], DNC sources said Chalupa told DNC operatives the Ukrainian government would be willing to deliver damaging information against Trump’s campaign. Later, Chalupa would lead the charge to try to unseat president-elect Trump starting on Nov 10, 2016.
    • Accompanying them Kristina Dobrovolska who was a U.S. Embassy-assigned government liaison and translator who escorted the delegates from Kyiv during their visits to Albany and Washington.
    • Kristina Dobrovolska is the handler manager working Nestor Paslawsky is the surviving nephew to the infamous torturer The WWII OUNb leader, Mykola Lebed.
  207. is the largest manufacturer,, BMW, Volkswagen and Geely.

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