The Abraham Lincoln School of Chicago, Illinois was cited as an adjunct of the Communist Party by President Harry S. Truman's Attorney General Tom Clark in 1947[1] It was the successor of the Workers School as a "Communist educational medium" in Chicago.[2] and was cited as a "Communist institution" by the California Committee on Un-American Activities.[3][4]
Faculty members were Morris Backall, Michael Baker, Frank Marshall Davis, Horace Davis, David Englestein, Morton Goldsholl, Pat Hoverder, Alfonso Iannelli, Leon Katzen, Ludwig Kruhe, Herschel Meyer, Henry Noyes, William L. Patterson, Fred Ptashne, Eleanore Redwin, Boris M. Revsine, Frank Sokolik, William Rose, Herman Schendel, Bernice Targ, and Morris Topchevsky. A notice appearing in a catalog of the school stated that "prominent citizens participating in our efforts" include Paul Robeson, Rockwell Kent, Lee Pressman, Howard Fast, Albert E. Kahn, and Henrietta Buckmaster.
William L. Patterson headed up the school. Frank Marshall Davis was on the Board of Directors.[5]
Categories: [Subversive Organizations]