Mitt Romney

From Conservapedia
Willard Mitt Romney
Junior U.S. Senator from Utah
From: January 3, 2019 – present
Predecessor Orrin Hatch
Successor Incumbent (no successor)
70th Governor of Massachusetts
From: January 2, 2003 – January 4, 2007
Predecessor Jane Swift
Successor Deval Patrick
Party Republican
Spouse(s) Ann Romney
Religion The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

Willard Mitt Romney (born March 12, 1947) is an establishment, globalist,[1][2] neocon, RINO[3] American politician. He is an anti-Christian bigot[4][5], a member of Conservative Inc., and a pathological liar.[6] He is a U.S. Senator of Utah, former governor of Massachusetts, a U.S. businessman, and the Republican nominee for the 2012 Presidential Election, losing to the incumbent president, Barack Obama. Romney has been observed to not hold any values, instead being an opportunist, who takes whatever political position suits him best at the moment.[7][8][9] He has voiced contradicting positions on topics as diverse as abortion, Homosexual "rights", illegal immigration, gun control, and even support for Ronald Reagan and Donald Trump.[7][10][11][12][13][14] Thus, with good reason, conservatives see Romney's core beliefs as similar to that of the globalist Democrats he claims to oppose.[15][16] In 2022, Romney even refused to endorse conservative fellow Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) for reelection.[17]

Romney campaigned for the U.S. Senate seat in Utah by promising to support President Donald Trump, but after Romney was elected he proceeded to do the opposite and even voted to remove Trump from office in the scam impeachment of him by Democrats. Romney constantly engages in a never-ending series of scurrilous criticisms of Trump, much as fellow Mormon Senator Jeff Flake did until public disapproval of his positions forced him to forgo running for reelection.

Romney voted for impeachment and removal of Trump twice, yet in November 2022 urged the new Congress to lay off “pointless investigations” of Dem President Joe Biden.[18] Underlying Romney's hypocrisy is a globalist agenda seeking open borders and a flood of illegal aliens into the U.S., which causes a massive fentanyl crisis.

Romney was defeated for the GOP nomination for president in 2008, by John McCain. In 1994 – a year of landslide victories for Republicans – Mitt Romney came up short in challenging incumbent Senator Ted Kennedy of Massachusetts, the same seat that Republican Scott Brown won after Kennedy died. In 2018, Romney ran for Utah's Senate seat when he could have run again for Massachusetts' seat, narrowing the GOP's opportunity to expand its Senate majority.[19]

Before entering politics Romney was a businessman in Boston, having served as CEO of Bain Capital, a private equity firm known for taking over American companies, laying off employees,[20] and profiting from bankruptcy:[21]

Under Romney, “four of the 10 companies Bain acquired declared bankruptcy within a few years, shedding thousands of jobs.” But documents show that “Bain investors profited in eight of the 10 deals, including three of the four that ended in bankruptcy.” Indeed, the firm pointedly made higher profits “by firing workers, seeking government subsidies, and flipping companies quickly for large profits.”

Romney's political start began during the financially unsteady 2002 Winter Olympics. He gained popularity in the liberal state of Massachusetts, and was elected governor in 2002. As governor, he raised taxes several times. He unashamedly admits creating RomneyCare, which is a complete disaster and forces everyone to buy health insurance and has resulted in long delays for obtaining medical services, such as an ordinary physical, in that state. Ted Kennedy and other liberals supported the bill. Romney declined to run for re-election and announced his candidacy for president.

During his campaign for the Republican nomination in 2008, Romney was mistakenly supported by many as a "staunch conservative" and ran on his business experience in the private sector. Romney fought a rough battle against Senator John McCain in Florida, Michigan, and other key states, but large losses on the Super Tuesday primaries ended his campaign. Romney dropped out of the race and endorsed Senator John McCain on February 14, 2008. His name was circulated as a potential running mate for McCain as their relationship improved, though Sarah Palin eventually became the vice-president nominee.

Romney had supported many left-wing positions: Romney had a pro-abortion record, but has claimed to be "pro-life" since 2005; Romney acknowledges global warming but says that he doesn't know how much is due to human activity; Romney has been criticized for standing behind his 2005 health care plan in Massachusetts whilst pledging to "replace" ObamaCare during his campaign for president in 2012. RomneyCare featured an individual mandate requiring everyone to purchase health insurance, and unlike Obamacare, featured socialized medicine as a backup for those who could not afford to pay. This plan is very similar to the 2010 ObamaCare bill that was adopted on a national level, and Obama claims Romney's people helped craft it. Romney, whom Democrats have called a racist and compared to Hitler,[22][23] attempted to regain their good graces by voting with their sham impeachment.

Personal life[edit]

Ann Lois Davies and Willard Mitt Romney

Romney is the scion of an old Mormon family. His grandparents were polygamists who fled the United States in the early 20th century when the Mormon Church repudiated polygamy; his father was born in Mexico. The Romneys returned to the U.S. in 1911 when a violent civil war broke out in Mexico.

Mitt Romney is a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, and spent time as a missionary during his youth converting Catholics and agnostics to Mormonism in France. In fact, his time as a student and missionary helped him defer from military service during the Vietnam draft,[24] but he stated during interviews that "he had longed to join the soldiers in Vietnam and support the war effort." His father had stated in 1967 that he felt "brainwashed" by U.S. officials over the justification of the prolonged Vietnam war. This statement had been very costly in George Romney's 1968 campaign for president against Richard Nixon.

Romney married Ann Davies in 1969, with whom he had five children.

Romney infamously runs a secret Twitter account under the pseudonym "Pierre Delecto", which he uses in an effort to troll his political critics, as well as to provide a pathetic defense of his policies and reputation[25]. He was likely inspired to do so after seeing how effective President Trump's method of Twitter to gain media attention was; however, his sad, awkward attempts at being witty or snarky simply come off as out-of-touch and embarrassing.

Romney is the son of former Michigan governor and presidential candidate George Romney, a "Rockefeller Republican,"[26] who amassed a large fortune as an automobile industry magnate during World War II. George Romney was popular among moderates during his presidential run and was well-equipped for victory; many of his political advisors had come from Nelson Rockefeller's 1964 campaign.

Business career[edit]

From 1978 to 1984, Romney was a vice president of Bain & Company, Inc. a worldwide management consulting firm, and in 1984, Romney co-founded a spin-off called Bain Capital. He invested in and bought many well-known companies such as Staples, Brookstone, Domino's, Sealy Corporation, and Sports Authority. Critics say he advised corporations to cut their US taxes by reincorporating in Caribbean tax havens such as the Cayman Islands while maintaining their operations in the US. His business practices also resulted in the layoffs of many American workers.

As Governor[edit]

Romney served as governor of Massachusetts (2003–2007), with a generally conservative record that included economic expansion. He balanced the budget every year of his administration without increasing taxes or increasing state dept. Romney turned a $3 billion budget deficit into a $500 million surplus by reducing government spending and added 80,000 new jobs by the end of his term. In 2004, 2005, and 2006, Governor Romney proposed cutting the state income tax from 5.3% to 5%[27], but the Democratic supermajority in the state legislature refused to budge. Romney vetoed 844 pieces of legislation, with over 700 overridden.[28] He vetoed an increase in the minimum wage, saying "there's no question raising the minimum wage excessively causes a loss of jobs." [29] Under Governor Romney the state abolished a retroactive capital gains tax that would have forced nearly 50,000 taxpayers to pay additional taxes and fees.[30] Massachusetts Citizens For Limited Taxation Executive Director Barbara Anderson praised Romney, saying "There was no one else out on the horizon and with the legislature almost entirely Democratic, we felt it was necessary to have a grown-up in the corner office. … And we were right to back him. He's been a really good friend to the taxpayers."

Some of the actions Governor Romney took received criticisms from conservatives, such as supporting moderate fee increases and creating the nation's first universal health care program. During his 2002 gubernatorial campaign, Romney supported abortion, but later took more pro-life positions, such as vetoing emergency contraception, as well as stem-cell research that would allow cloning of human embryos. In 2006, Governor Romney testified before the United States Senate to support the Federal Marriage Amendment, which would limit marriage to one man and one woman. Additionally, Romney filed legislation to reinstate capital punishment, but was defeated in the Massachusetts House of Representatives on a 99–53 vote.

Mitt Romney made no pardons as governor, stating, "if somebody has been convicted by a jury of their peers, and they’ve been prosecuted and the police were able to get the evidence necessary to put them behind bars, why in the world would I step in and reverse that sentence?" [31]

On education, Romney called for the privatization of the University of Massachusetts medical school.[32] In 2004, he established the John and Abigail Adams Scholarship Program, which rewarded the top 25 percent of Massachusetts high school students with tuition-free scholarship to any Massachusetts public university or college. In August 2006, Governor Romney refused to allow former Iranian President Mohammed Khatami, an outspoken opponent of the United States and Israel, state police escorts during his speech at Harvard University.[33]

In December 2006, Romney signed a memorandum of agreement with the federal government that would allow state troopers to enforce federal immigration laws;[34] however, it was revoked when Democrat Deval Patrick took office as Governor in January 2007.

Political Positions[edit]

Romney has flip-flopped his stated positions on many important issues.[7][10][11] His foreign policy preferences share numerous similarities with that of Democrats such as Obama.[16] One position that Romney has been consistent on, however, is his support for globalist policies, having been strongly influenced by neoconservatism and the Council on Foreign Relations.[1]

During his 2002 campaign to become the 70th governor of Massachusetts, Romney described his views as "moderate" and "progressive".[35][36] Romney has displayed liberal intolerance, smearing conservative Christians as "religious bigots" for holding theological views based on clear biblical teaching that Jesus Christ is the only way to salvation.[4]


Romney claims to be pro-life, but his record is very spotty. At times he has claimed to be pro-infanticide, and has also explicitly opposed common pro-life legislation and positions. "I am pro-life. I believe that abortion is the wrong choice except in cases of incest, rape, and to save the life of the mother. I wish the people of America agreed, and that the laws of our nation could reflect that view. But while the nation remains so divided over abortion, I believe that the states, through the democratic process, should determine their own abortion laws and not have them dictated by judicial mandate." (Boston Globe, Mitt Romney Editorial, July 26, 2005) [37]

Despite having a largely pro-life record as governor, in a 1994 debate with Senator Edward Kennedy, Romney said that abortion should be legal, declaring that "regardless of one's beliefs about choice, you would hope it would be safe and legal." "Many years ago, I had a dear, close family relative that was very close to me who passed away from an illegal abortion", Romney said. "It is since that time my mother and my family have been committed to the belief that we can believe as we want, but we will not force our beliefs on others on that matter. And you will not see me wavering on that."[38]

In his campaign literature for the 2002 Massachusetts gubernatorial election, Romney expressed a willingness to defend that State's pro-abortion status quo.[39] He stated in a live, televised debate:[40]

"I've been very clear on that, I will preserve and protect a woman's right to choose, and am devoted and dedicated to honoring my word in that regard."

In May 2019, Romney publicly opposed an Alabama law that banned abortions in most cases.[41][42]

Civil Unions[edit]

Romney claimed to be opposed to the idea of same-sex "marriage"; however, he has voiced explicit support for the homosexual agenda. He has advocated for domestic partnership benefits and equal rights for homosexuals, which is same-sex "marriage" in everything but name and an easy stepping stone on the vile homosexual agenda path towards homosexual recruitment.[43] He also supports adoption for homosexual couples.[44] Eventually, in violation of the Massachusetts Constitution, he illegally imposed same-sex "marriage" on the state and he refused to remove pro-same-sex "marriage" liberal activist judges in the state from their offices or to back religious adoption charities that are opposed to homosexual adoptions.[45]

Economic Agenda[edit]

As President, Romney promised to pursue a conservative, pro-growth economic agenda. His number one economic priority would be to grow the economy — helping to create good jobs, raise incomes and preserve American strength. He says he would work to rein in excessive government spending and reform entitlements. To ensure America's continued economic growth, he promises to cut taxes — such as the Death Tax, savings taxes, corporate taxes and marginal tax rates. Despite these claims, he has supported the socialism agenda. He claimed credit for the government bailout of the union controlled car companies.[46] Also his RomneyCare law started the process of socializing medical care in Massachusetts. He continues to defend this law up to this day, undermining his commitment to repeal the similar and equally atrocious ObamaCare.[47]

Romney says he would also promote trade, bring market forces to bear in health care, pursue national tort and liability reform, eliminate excessive regulations that put a burden on our economy and strengthen American families.


Romney supports higher immigration levels and has taken a soft stance on illegal immigration after his 2012 presidential campaign. For example, he endorsed the 2013 Gang of Eight amnesty bill. and voiced support for amnesty on other occasions.[48]

This is in strong contrast to Romney's stated positions while he was running for President (though he still called for more legal immigration):

Immigration has been an important part of our nation's success. The current system, however, puts up a concrete wall to the best and brightest, yet those without skill or education are able to walk across the border. We must reform the current immigration laws so we can secure our borders, implement a mandatory biometrically enabled, tamper proof documentation and employment verification system, and increase legal immigration into America.[49]

In the 2012 presidential campaign, Romney voiced opposition to illegal immigration to attract conservative voters.[50] On May 24, 2007, Romney spoke about how he was tolerant about homosexuals and then he discussed the current illegal immigration bill before Congress:

He expressed less tolerance for illegal immigrants, and said he and President Bush have a difference of opinions on a bill that would provide a path toward legalization for an estimated 12 million people unlawfully in the country.

"He has his view, and other people have their views and I have my own," Romney said. "This is for all intents and purposes a form of amnesty in that everyone who is here illegally today will be able to stay under this bill."

The bill is unfair to people who are trying to come to the country legally, he said. People here illegally should be able to apply to come to the United States, but under the same terms as everyone else and behind those who have already applied.

"I don't think that we're going to round up 11 or 12 or however many million people and bus them out of the country. That's not what I'm talking about," Romney said. "Those who committed felonies, of course, would be deported. Those who require government assistance to stay here would surely need to get off government assistance and ultimately could not remain here on government assistance."[51]

Stem Cell Research[edit]

Mitt Romney supports the right of scientists to 1research on embryos created during fertility treatments. Critics consider this to be essentially infanticide.[52]

Foreign Relations[edit]

During the Syrian Civil War, Romney called for arming various rebel groups.[53] He also said that Russia is America's 'number one geopolitical foe'.[54] Romney and Paul Ryan said that China is a cheater in global economy.[55]

However, Romney has spoken highly of the European Union and has subtly criticized conservative Euroskeptics.[56]


Mitt Romney believes in evolution and opposes Intelligent Design.[57]

2008 Presidential Campaign[edit]

For a more detailed treatment, see Mitt Romney 2008 Presidential Campaign.

Dude and mitt romney.jpg
As chairman of the Republican Governors Association, Romney campaigned nationwide for GOP gubernatorial candidates in 2006, building up a network of allies and supporters. While he did not run for reelection as governor, in 2004 Romney set up a federal political action committee (PAC) called the Commonwealth PAC, which raised $2.71 million during the 2006 election cycle. On January 3, 2007, his next-to-last day in office as governor of Massachusetts, Romney filed to form a presidential exploratory committee with the Federal Election Commission. He officially announced his candidacy for president a month later. Romney was the first candidate in either party to start running television and radio ads. The ads focused mainly on his record as governor, running the 2002 Salt Lake Olympics, and his work as a very successful businessman. Romney's five sons had been actively campaigning for their father, traveling around in a campaign bus called the "Mitt Mobile, A Five Brothers Bus."

As a presidential candidate, Romney sought the support of the business community and social conservatives. He reversed moderate positions on abortion and gay rights to take a hardline conservative position on them, and on opposition to illegal immigrants. Opponents charged he changed too often. Romney was a leader in fund-raising, augmented by over $35 million from his own fortune. However he was little known outside of Massachusetts, so his strategy was to play for early wins in Iowa and New Hampshire, then "sling-shot" the momentum into national visibility. Romney won the Michigan primary on January 16, 2008, with 39% of the vote, edging out McCain with 30% and Huckabee with 16%. Romney was favored to win in the state of his birth, where his father, George Romney was governor from 1963–1969. After losing both the Iowa caucus and the New Hampshire primary (to Huckabee and McCain, respectively), Romney won a low-publicized Wyoming caucus. On January 19, Romney easily won the Nevada caucuses by 37 percentage points when there were seven candidates on the ballot, however, on that same day he placed a distant fourth in the South Carolina primary. After a disappointing performance on Super Tuesday, Romney announced the suspension of his campaign on Thursday 7 February. He expressed his wishes not to divide the Republican party and later endorsed Senator John McCain of Arizona. Commentators correctly speculated on his chances for a return effort in 2012.


Mitt Romney had done well in fundraising. During his first fundraiser as a presidential candidate, he raised $6.5 million compared to the claimed original goal of only $1 million. During the first quarter, Romney raised more money than any other Republican presidential candidate with $23 million. However, a substantial portion of his funds ($17 million) came from his own personal wealth. [1]

2012 Presidential campaign[edit]

Democrat hero Mitt Romney depicted as Adolf Romney.

In April 2011, Romney announced his candidacy for President of the United States for the 2012 election, running as a Republican.[58] Romney was criticized throughout the primary season for being a Republican In Name Only due to his liberal views on social issues as governor and his flip-flops, as well as a controversial business record. His main competitors during the primaries were former conservative Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich, Pro-Life Senator Rick Santorum, and libertarian Congressman Ron Paul. Romney ended up winning the vast majority of contests, though the race remained close in delegate count throughout. Romney together with Vice Presidential candidate Paul Ryan ran against President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden in the election held on November 6, 2012. During the campaign, Romney was criticized for saying that the 47% of Americans who do not pay income taxes consider themselves to be 'victims'.

Romney led Obama among many key segments of the electorate: "Romney leads Obama 58%–34% among veterans, who make up about 13% of the electorate" and influence many other voters.[59] 50–43%, in early May.[60] Other polls show different results,[61] in swing states like Ohio,[62] Virginia[63] and Wisconsin.[64] Most national polls showed Obama with a lead over Romney later in the summer, but that lead evaporated after Obama's weak performance in the first debate. One national poll showed Romney with a 7-point lead over Obama. Romney then lost the second and third debates by emphasizing neocon rather than conservative positions, and Obama improved in some polls. By Election Day, however, the Gallup and Rasmussen polls showed Romney with a one-point lead.

According to CNN, Romney won by a margin of 67–25% the first presidential debate against liberal incumbent Barack Obama. This debate had the largest television audience for a presidential debate since Ronald Reagan's 1980 classic against Jimmy Carter.[65]

Romney lost the election to Obama.

Flip-flopping on the issues[edit]

Prior to his campaign for president in 2012, Romney was criticized for flip-flopping on key social issues:

Romney was defeated in the election. It is speculated that Romney's inability to connect with core conservatives and his history of flip-flopping on many issues (only a few years before his first candidacy for president) cost him the election.

Anti-Trump activism[edit]

See also: Opposition to Donald Trump

Romney joined the Never Trump movement during the 2016 presidential election, harshly insulting and criticizing GOP presidential candidate for his conservative America First positions and his anti-establishment posture.[10] This was despite him begging Trump for his endorsement in the previous election.[10][12] He called Trump "a fraud, a phony," and a lier, even though Romney himself flip-flopped on numerous political issues.[48] Romney also criticized Trump for not releasing his tax returns even though Trump defended Romney in 2012 for not releasing his own tax returns.[48] Romney did not vote for Trump on election day, 2016, instead writing in his wife's name.[66][67]

After the election, Romney pretended his insults never took place and flattered the president-elect as he unsuccessfully tried to become Trump's Secretary of State.[12][48][68] However, with his efforts having failed, Romney reverted to the anti-Trump position he took in 2016, criticizing Trump for his politically incorrect comments as well as criticizing conservative Roy Moore in the general election against a far-left Democrat.[10] In August 2017, Romney effectively endorsed the Antifa, a violent left-wing hate group.[48]

In January 2018, Romney used Martin Luther King, Jr. Day to attack President Trump.[69][70] On July 1, 2018, Romney refused to endorse President Trump's 2020 re-election campaign when asked.[71] He criticized President Trump's trade policies and efforts to correct the mistakes of past government officials.[72] Despite this, in October 2018, he claimed, despite the evidence, that he never led the NeverTrump movement.[73][74]

In November 2018, Romney attacked President Trump for criticizing the mainstream media for its bias against him.[75] This came despite the fact that Romney himself was harshly attacked by the media when he ran against Obama in 2012.[76]

U.S. Senate campaign[edit]

While he could have run in Massachusetts, the state where he served as governor and where he could have worked to defeat far-left Democrat Elizabeth Warren, Romney chose to run in the solid Republican state of Utah, where him winning would not help the GOP agenda and would actually impede President Trump's conservative agenda.[19] He was heavily favored by the mainstream media in Utah,[77] and his opposition to President Trump was noted in the election.[78] Romney was endorsed by fellow globalist RINO Jeb Bush.[79][80] Somehow, Romney received Trump's endorsement for the Senate seat.

Romney formally announced his campaign on February 16, 2018, doing so by video.[81] In his announcement video, Romney criticized the Trump Administration's immigration policies, stating that "Utah welcomes legal immigrants from around the world" but that "Washington sends immigrants a message of exclusion."[82] The GOP establishment rallied around Romney's campaign, with U.S. House Speaker Paul Ryan, an establishment Republican who was Romney's choice for vice president in 2012, celebrating the decision as "a terrific day for the United States Senate."[83]

Rob Anderson, the Utah GOP chairman, criticized Romney for choosing to run in Utah despite him and his children not living there, and he stated that Romney did not represent the state because of this.[84] Conservatives, including opposing candidate Larry Meyers, criticized Romney for flip-flopping positions and having liberal core values.[85] Romney's candidacy came about during a fight between the Republican establishment and conservatives over how the Utah Republican Party selects its nominee, with conservatives favoring a party convention over simply holding a primary where any candidate can run as a Republican with enough signatures.[86]

Once again, Romney flipped on immigration, telling voters that his immigration stances were somehow tougher than those of President Trump's – however, he used the past tense to describe his views, as if he no longer held to them any longer,[87] and despite claiming to have tough views, he opposed the Trump Administration's zero tolerance border policy because he thought it was too tough.[88] He also voiced conservative views on ObamaCare and spending to his conservative audience during the GOP primary.[89] He claimed that he was not running to advance his career.[90] However, in May 2018, Romney again criticized Trump.[91] Romney was reported to have been positioning himself to leave the GOP's establishment wing in the Senate and to counterbalance President Trump.[92] Romney refused to endorse President Trump's conservative agenda.[93][94]

At the GOP convention, Romney was forced into a primary election after he failed to win over GOP delegates.[95] In the June 26 Republican senatorial primary, Romney faces the conservative state representative, Dr. Michael Stephen "Mike" Kennedy (born c. 1968), the son of a naturalized citizen. Kennedy practices medicine in Alpine in Utah County. Kennedy had narrowly won the party endorsement at the state convention. Kennedy criticized Romney for flip-flopping on the issues and for being a carpetbagger.[96]

Romney and Kennedy appeared in a television debate on May 29, 2018. The two expressed agreement on a plethora of issues, including school safety, health care matters, and immigration. Both presented himself as a conservative. One dividing point was the Reverend Robert Jeffress of the First Baptist Church of Dallas, Texas, who at President Trump's invitation, led a prayer at the dedication of the relocated U.S. Embassy in Jerusalem. Jeffress, who supported Romney for President in 2012, has been hostile toward Mormonism: he labeled the denomination "a cult" and questioned the integrity of Mormon founder Joseph Smith. Romney said that he regards Jeffress as a "religious bigot." Romney also noted that he carries Trump's endorsement though Kennedy in the debate repeatedly praised Trump's performance in office. Romney won the Republican primary on June 26, 2018.[97]

At the general election gubernatorial debate, Romney refused to directly answer questions on his past negative comments on Trump, even as he directly criticized the president's statements and policies.[98]

Senate tenure: opposing Trump[edit]

Romney continued opposing President Trump after his election.[99] Establishment Republican House Speaker Paul Ryan stated that Romney saw himself "as a standard-bearer for our party" and a moral successor to globalist Republican John McCain.[100] Romney moved to take the place of anti-Trump Republicans McCain and Jeff Flake.[101]

On January 1, 2019, Romney published an op-ed in The Washington Post[102] in which he harshly attacked President Trump, claiming he did not have the "character" to be president – despite Romney's own flip-flopping and opportunism – and in the op-ed, he also subtly criticized America First immigration policies along with conservative European populists while showing support for the globalist European Union.[8][13][56][103] In a later interview, Romney stated he would not endorse Trump.[104] In response to Romney's attacks, President Trump noted Romney had failed in his presidential attempts while Trump won on his first try, and he urged Romney to work together with the GOP.[105] Trump also noted that Romney was being harsher on him than on Obama.[106] Rand Paul also criticized Romney, describing him as a "Big Government [Republican] who never liked Reagan" and who "wants to signal how virtuous he is in comparison to the President."[107] Even members of the GOP establishment believed the op-ed was "all about self-promotion."[108] Romney was defended by disgraced FBI Director James Comey,[109] and former left-wing Democrat Senator Harry Reid endorsed Romney for the GOP nomination in 2020.[110] The media, which had attacked him in 2012, came to adore him upon attacking Trump.[111]

Upon assuming office, Romney was given seats in the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, meaning that he was in a position to oppose and obstruct President Trump's America First foreign and immigration policies.[56] Despite his anti-Trump comments, he joined the GOP Senate leadership.[112]

Romney continued flip-flopping, publicly opposing President Trump on several issues.[113][114] On May 14, 2019, Romney voted against one of President Trump's federal court nominees simply because of comments made by that nominee about Obama.[115] On May 19, 2019, Romney described liberal-libertarian, anti-Trump representative Justin Amash as "courageous" for calling for President Trump's impeachment,[116] and Romney also attacked Trump's character.[117]

Leading up to the 2020 Republican presidential primaries, Romney described William Weld, a liberal Republican challenger to President Trump, as a "terrific guy."[118]

In his first speech on the Senate floor, Romney advocated for a globalist foreign policy in contrast to a patriotic "America First" policy.[119] Romney defended Paul Ryan after the latter criticized President Trump,[120] and he criticized Trump for criticizing left-wing members of Congress for their unpatriotism.[121]

On October 5, 2019, President Trump called for Romney's impeachment because of the latter's attacks on the president.[122]

In October 2019, Romney harshly attacked President Trump for going against neocon policies in Syria.[123]

A Rasmussen poll released in October 2019 found that 63% of likely Republican voters believed that the GOP should be more like President Trump than like Romney.[124]

Before voting in the Democrat's impeachment sham, Romney reiterated his faith in the Mormon God on the Senate floor.

Romney is a defender of Faucism and said of Anthony Fauci:[125]

Dr. Fauci is an esteemed professional with extraordinary expertise and capability, and I have full confidence in his leadership and capacity.

Romney, along with four other Senate RINOs and all Democrats in late January 2021, voted against an amendment by Rand Paul that would declare the second sham impeachment attempt against Trump to be unconstitutional.[126]

He was one of Six Republican senators to vote in favor of the partisan hack January Sixth Commission.[127]

See also[edit]

External links[edit]


  1. 1.0 1.1 Mass, Warren (September 25, 2012). Romney Foreign Policy Shows Strong CFR, Neo-con Influence. The New American. Retrieved January 3, 2018.
  2. Bandow, Doug (January 10, 2019). Mitt Romney, Commander of the Fake Internationalists. The American Conservative. Retrieved January 10, 2019.
  3. Adelmann, Bob (January 3, 2018). Sen. Hatch’s Retirement Paves Way for Romney: One RINO Replacing Another. The New American. Retrieved January 3, 2018.
  4. 4.0 4.1 Multiple references:
  5. Wood, Benjamin (May 29, 2018). Rep. Mike Kennedy portrays Mitt Romney as flip-flopper and carpetbagger while Romney renews his ‘bigot’ criticism of pastor who received an apology from Kennedy. The Salt Lake Tribune. Retrieved June 28, 2018.
  6. Weaver, Al (May 29, 2018). Mitt Romney faces down 2012-era attacks during 2018 Utah Senate debate. Washington Examiner. Retrieved June 28, 2018.
    See also:
    • Philip Klein. Twitter. October 10, 2019. Retrieved October 11, 2019.
  7. 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3 Antle III, W. James (January 3, 2018). What if likely Utah Senate candidate Mitt Romney had never run in Massachusetts? Washington Examiner. Retrieved January 3, 2018.
  8. 8.0 8.1 Klein, Philip (January 2, 2019). Where Mitt Romney's attack on Donald Trump went off the rails. Washington Examiner. Retrieved January 2, 2019.
  9. Klein, Philip (January 2, 2018). Reminder: Mitt Romney has no ideological core, and we have no idea what kind of senator he would be. Washington Examiner. Retrieved January 2, 2019.
  10. 10.0 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 Pandey, Erica (January 2, 2018). Timeline: Trump and Romney's tumultuous relationship. Axios. Retrieved January 3, 2018.
  11. 11.0 11.1 Mitt Romney's Biggest Flip Flops. RollingStone. August 1, 2012. Retrieved January 3, 2018.
  12. 12.0 12.1 12.2 Pollak, Joel B. (January 1, 2019). Timeline: Mitt Romney’s History of Backstabbing Donald Trump. Breitbart News. Retrieved January 1, 2019.
  13. 13.0 13.1 Kurtz, Howard (January 3, 2019). Op-ed assault: Romney rips Trump despite embracing him at times. Fox News. Retrieved January 3, 2019.
  15. Eddlem, Thomas R. (August 9, 2012). Obama v. Romney: Their Core Beliefs. The New American. Retrieved January 3, 2018.
  16. 16.0 16.1 Richman, Sheldon (October 26, 2012). Americans Should Reject Obama-Romney Foreign Policy. The New American. Retrieved January 5, 2018.
  19. 19.0 19.1 Pollak, Joel B. (January 5, 2018). Blue State Blues: Why Isn’t Mitt Romney Running for Senate in Massachusetts?. Breitbart News. Retrieved January 5, 2018.
  20. Kraychik, Robert (January 3, 2019). Henry Olsen: Mitt Romney Put ‘Investors’ Profits’ over ‘American Jobs’. Breitbart News. Retrieved January 3, 2019.
  24. Michael Kranish, "The Making of Mitt Romney: Mormon church obtained Vietnam draft deferrals for Romney, other missionaries" June 24, 2007. The Boston Globe.
  26. Lisa McGirr, Suburban Warriors(2001) pp. 141, 222.
  29. Telegram & Gazette, 08/01/06
  32. Telegram & Gazette, 02/27/03
  35. Romney In 2002: 'My Views Are Progressive', "I think people recognize that I am not a partisan Republican. That I'm someone who is moderate, and that my views are progressive."
  36. Mitt Romney in Worcester 2002 "My views are progressive"
  37. America's Culture and Values
  41. Frazin, Rachel (May 19, 2019). Romney expresses opposition to Alabama abortion ban. The Hill. Retrieved May 19, 2019.
  42. Beavers, David (May 19, 2019). Romney says he doesn't support Alabama abortion law. Politico. Retrieved May 19, 2019.
  45. MassResistance sends copies of our Romney book to every GOP US Senator, Pres. Trump, VP Pence, and major media at MassResistance
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