Winston Churchill

From Conservapedia
Winston Churchill
Term of office
May 10, 1940 - 1945
Political party Conservative Party
Preceded by Neville Chamberlain
Succeeded by Clement Attlee
Term of office
1950 - 1955
Preceded by Clement Attlee
Succeeded by Anthony Eden
Born November 30, 1874
Died January 24, 1965
Religion Anglican

Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill, KG, OM, CH (1874-1965), was a British politician who served as the Conservative Prime Minister of the United Kingdom for most of the Second World War and again from 1951-55.

Churchill was a leader of the Liberal Party before it collapsed in the 1920s; then he rejoined the Conservative Party. Although he supported the beginning of the welfare state around 1910, he was temperamentally and culturally a conservative, and though in his youth a liberal socially, soon became a conservative as the liberals ramped up criticism of the empire. He became a leading opponent of socialism after 1945, as well as an opponent of Gandhi's movement for the independence of India after 1930. Winston Churchill was racist against Indians and Hindus. When Leopold Amery the British secretary of state, told him that rotting corpses lined the streets of Calcutta, Winston Churchill by saying, "I hate Indians." "They are a beastly people with a beastly religion."[1] He was one of the few leaders to achieve high office in both World Wars and to write profusely about his experiences.

Throughout Churchill's career he was pro-business and opposed to labor unions.

Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery.

Churchill was also an amateur landscape painter and pilot, soldier, farmer, and even bricklayer. When he retired from the House of Commons in 1964, he had spent over six decades in public life, a career that ran from the 1890's Boer War to the nuclear age.


Early life[edit]

Churchill was a younger son of the top aristocracy. He was born in 1874 to Lord Randolph Churchill and an American mother. Winston's father, Lord Randolph Churchill (1849–1895) was a third son of a poor English duke with a very famous family name; Randolph became a prominent Conservative politician. He married Jennie Jerome (1854–1921), the daughter of American millionaire Leonard Jerome. She was of colonial American stock of English ancestry and brought a dowry of £50,000. Churchill was born in Blenheim Palace, the palace of the dukes of Marlborough. He had one brother, John Strange Churchill (1880–1947). Their parents' marriage faltered, in part because of Lord Randolph's debilitating disease (which resembled syphilis); Lady Randolph became notorious for her romantic attachments, becoming known as "Lady Jane Snatcher." She liked Winston, but largely ignored him.[2] His mother later became his ardent ally, helping him achieve key assignments as a war reporter and smoothing his career in politics. The son idealized his always-absent mother. "She shone for me like the Evening Star," Churchill later wrote. "I loved her dearly—but at a distance."[3]

Winston spent a typical upper-class childhood in the hands of nurses and headmasters at a succession of private schools from the age of eight. While he was no more neglected than most boys of his age and class, his sensitive nature suffered as a result of his parents' aloofness and he always regretted his failure to achieve a close relationship with his father, who died in 1895 at the age of only 45 and Winston was 21. Churchill rarely spoke with his father, who served as Secretary of state for India, Leader of the House and chancellor of the exchequer. However the son systematically adopted his father's ideas and political positions, and thereby became well known in political circles.

He entered Harrow School in 1888 with a track for the Army. Churchill had an independent and rebellious nature; he lacked self-discipline and displayed slovenly or unruly behavior. His grades were poor apart from English and history; he avoided team sports but was a fencing champion. His father did not think he was smart enough for Oxford, so he went to the military academy at Sandhurst in 1893. He excelled at tactics, fortifications and horsemanship, graduating twentieth out of a class of 130 in 1894; he was commissioned as a Second Lieutenant cavalry officer in the 4th Queen's Own Hussars, where he excelled at polo.

Military experience[edit]

Posted to Bangalore, India, in 1896, he ignored local conditions. His duties were done well before noon; apart from polo he did not socialize with his peers, who considered the slender, short, highly ambitious young man to be pushy, bumptious and not a proper gentleman. In 1902 the intellectual Beatrice Webb found him "egotistical, bumptious, shallow-minded and reactionary, but with a certain personal magnetism, great pluck and some originality, not of intellect but of character. More of the American speculator than the English aristocrat." [4] Churchill became an intellectual, as he immersed himself in the classics, devouring the works of Adam Smith, Gibbon, Macaulay, Hallam, Lecky, and Darwin. He carefully studied the parliamentary debates of the 1870s to 1890s, adding to them his own imaginary speeches. He never learned Latin or Greek so he fashioned a prose style modeled on the two finest writers among English historians, Gibbon and Macaulay. A book on the evolution of civilization that ridiculed Christianity[5] led to his loss of religious faith; he believed in evolution and the inevitability of progress.

Between 1897 and 1900, with the aid of his mother's lobbying in London, Churchill fought in three imperial wars while doubling as a war correspondent and writing three books. In 1897 he joined three brigades in fighting a Pathan tribe. His lively account of the skirmishes proved he could write for the popular press; he received £5 per column from the Daily Telegraph and soon became the highest paid war correspondent in the world.

The River War, one of Churchill's first books

In late 1899 Churchill went to South Africa as a war correspondent to cover the Second Boer War; his salary was a remarkable £250 per month plus expenses. Caught in an ambush Churchill was captured and held in a POW camp in Pretoria; he escaped—an adventure that made him a minor national hero. He rejoined General Redvers Buller's army on its march to relieve Ladysmith and take Pretoria. Churchill was one of the first British troops into Ladysmith and Pretoria. In 1900, he published two books on the Boer war, London to Ladysmith via Pretoria[6] and Ian Hamilton's March[7]

Churchill's mother used her connections with the prince of Wales to get the her son assigned to the force commanded by Lord Kitchener for the reconquest of the Sudan. Churchill arrived just in time to join the cavalry charge at the battle of Omdurman (2 September 1898), in which his regiment galloped by accident into a ravine crammed with armed men. Churchill, who shot and killed at least three of the enemy, was cool, courageous and lucky.[8] The Morning Post ran his stories, and the public snatched up his two-volume The River War: An Account of the Reconquest of the Sudan (1899).[9] It displayed a remarkably sympathetic history of the Sudanese revolt against Egyptian rule. A speaking tour of Britain, the U.S. and Canada in 1900 netted £10,000, proving the funding he needed for a political-literary career.[10]

Early politics[edit]

In late 1900, Churchill was elected to Parliament as a Conservative. His independent nature soon saw him at odds with his party, and in 1904 he "crossed the floor" to the Liberals, who won a landslide election in early 1906. He served the Liberal government as President of the Board of Trade and Home Secretary, where he helped pass social reform legislation that laid the foundations of the British welfare state.

When Herbert Henry Asquith became Prime Minister in 1908, Churchill was promoted to the Cabinet as President of the Board of Trade. Working closely with David Lloyd George he helped pass major social welfare legislation, called the "New Liberalism.". Churchill focused on the "Trade Boards Bill," a scheme to end the sweatshops in the garment industry; on labour exchanges, designed to reduce unemployment by making job searches easier; and unemployment insurance for 3 million workers in cyclical industries. He supported Lloyd George's highly controversial "People's Budget" of 1909-10 (with spending increase of 11% and multiple tax increases that especially targeted rich landowners), even as it caused a constitutional crisis with the House of Lords.[11]

Churchill in 1910 denied that war with Germany was a threat and opposed the tripling of the warship budget proposed by the Admiralty.[12] Churchill generally was on the winning side, though he was beaten on the warships.[13]

In 1910, Churchill was promoted to Home Secretary. Regarding a dispute at the Cambrian Colliery coal mine in Tonypandy, initially Churchill blocked the use of troops fearing a repeat of the 1887 "bloody Sunday" in Trafalgar Square. Nevertheless, he deployed soldiers to protect the mines and to avoid riots when thirteen strikers were tried for minor offences, an action that broke the tradition of not involving the military in civil affairs and led to lingering dislike for Churchill in Wales.

In 1911, he became First Lord of the Admiralty (civilian head of the Royal Navy), working especially to complete the conversion of ships from coal to oil. Together with his two First Sea Lords, Prince Louis of Battenberg and Admiral Lord Fisher, Churchill promoted fast, powerful battleships and outproduced the Germans to maintain British naval supremacy. He founded the Naval Air Service, and made numerous visits to ships and navy bases, where he was admired for his efforts to improve conditions for officers and crews.

First World War[edit]

At Churchill's direction, the fleet was at its war station before war broke out in 1914, but it was never able to engage the Germans in a decisive early sea battle. Churchill designed and supervised the Gallipoli campaign to force a route to Constantinople (now Istanbul). It was an unmitigated failure, and led to his removal from the Admiralty in May 1915. Reporting to his regiment in the trenches of Belgium, he was under fire for three months before returning to Parliament. In 1917, he was appointed Minister of Munitions and in 1919, Secretary for War and Air. He wrote a major 4-volume history of the war that added to his literary reputation.


As Colonial Secretary in 1921-22, he advocated the dropping of poison gas on rebellious tribes of Iraqi Arabs [2] and during this period Churchill enjoyed two notable diplomatic achievements. At the 1921 Cairo conference, he helped establish the borders of the modern Middle East, though he failed in his attempt to set up a Kurdish homeland "to protect the Kurds against some future bully in Iraq." Closer to home, he helped to forge the Irish Treaty, which kept the peace in Ireland for 50 years. Michael Collins, the IRA revolutionary with whom Churchill negotiated, said from his deathbed: "Tell Winston we could have done nothing without him."

In 1924, Churchill rejoined the Conservatives, serving as Chancellor of the Exchequer through spring 1929. He returned Britain to the gold standard and ran a government newspaper, The British Gazette, during the general strike of 1926, and is still remembered in South Wales as the politician who sent tanks onto the streets to force striking miners back to work.

Political exile in 1930s[edit]

Sunset over Atlas Mountains, Marrakesh, 1935.

He became increasingly separated from the Conservatives in the 1930s, first over the plan to grant India dominion status; later over Britain's slow rearmament in the face of Hitler's aggression; and finally when he championed King Edward VIII, who abdicated in 1936.

Second World War[edit]

Not until war had broken out again in 1939 was he asked to rejoin the Government, again becoming First Lord of the Admiralty, which according to legend, signaled to its ships: "Winston is Back." He renewed his energetic naval policies but was repulsed in an attempt to wrest Norway from the invading Germans in April 1940, having first had to drop ambitious plans to invade neutral Sweden.

With the Nazi blitzkrieg pouring into the Low Countries in May, 1940, The British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain resigned and Churchill was appointed Prime Minister as head of in an all-party coalition government with Labour and the Liberals. Although Britain continued to be defeated elsewhere, in the Battle of Britain the German Air Force was unable to gain the air superiority required for an invasion of Britain. In those months, as Edward R. Murrow said, "he mobilized the English language and sent it into battle." Some of Churchill's most famous speeches were given at this time. The Germans turned their attention east, to their ally the Soviet Union.

After Hitler invaded the Soviet Union in June 1941, Churchill saw the chance to defeat Hitler using Soviet manpower. He vowed to help the Soviets, declaring, "If Hitler invaded hell I would at least make a favorable reference to the Devil in the House of Commons."

By 1940 Churchill had developed close ties with U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt, he secured American military aid and financial support, but his ultimate goal was to have America fighting at Britain's side. Together they proclaimed the "Atlantic Charter" in 1941. The U.S. became the "Arsenal of Democracy," using Lend Lease to send $50 billion in military supplies to the Allies; most went to Britain, which in turn sent munitions to Russia.[14] When the United States declared war after Japan's attack on Pearl Harbor in December, 1941, Churchill admitted that he "slept the sleep of the saved and the thankful."

Europe was the centre of his attention; the Australians complained about his neglect of their interests (and turned to the U.S. for protection). Recalling the horrible death tolls of 1914-1918, he was reluctant to invade France, proposing instead invasions of North Africa and Italy (which took place in 1942-43) and the Balkans (which did not happen). Churchill strongly supported the strategic air campaign that bombed enemy cities, railyards and oil refineries. He worked very well with Dwight D. Eisenhower, the American general in overall command of the invasion of France that was launched successfully in June 1944. Despite complaints by senior generals and admirals that Churchill interfered too much in military matters, he was successful in balancing the economic, manpower, diplomatic, psychological and military dimensions of the war.

Defeat in 1945[edit]

Churchill was disappointed by the failure to control an expansionist Soviet Union toward the end of the war, and watched with mounting concern another totalitarian state rise dominant in Europe. To the amazement of many outside Britain, his party was routed in the 1945 general election and he became Leader of the Opposition. His famous "Iron Curtain" speech at Fulton, Missouri, in 1946 was the opening salvo and warning of the Cold War, unpopular at the time but later considered prophetic. In 1949, he predicted the demise of Communism, "ignited by a spark coming from God knows where, and in a moment the whole system of lies and oppression is on trial for its life."

Return in 1951[edit]

In 1951 the Conservatives regained an electoral majority and Churchill became prime minister again, but he was disappointed in his effort to achieve a peaceful settlement of Cold War antagonisms, and his domestic record was indifferent. He became a Knight of the Garter, acquiring the title "Sir Winston" in 1953.

Suffering from age and poor health, he retired in April 1955, but remained a Member of Parliament for another nine years. He declined a peerage in order to remain in Commons. In 1963 he was declared an Honorary Citizen of the United States by President John F. Kennedy. He died at age 90 on January 24, 1965,[15] a remarkable longevity suggesting that he was not really the heavy lifelong drinker of alcohol as some of his contemporaries asserted about him.[16]

Churchill as historian[edit]

Churchill was a prolific historian with a lively style and a very wide audience who authored his books under the pen name "Winston S. Churchill." He won the 1953 Nobel Prize for Literature, bestowed for his numerous books on history, biography and politics. His greatest biography was Marlborough (4 volumes, 1933–38); his best-known historical work was A History of the English-Speaking Peoples (4 volumes, 1956-1958). His personal memoirs, My Early Life (1930), The World Crisis (5 volumes, 1923–31) and The Second World War (6 volumes, 1948–53) are readable personal accounts of his Victorian youth and the two world wars. In all, Churchill wrote over 40 titles in over 60 volumes, nearly 1,000 articles and uncounted speeches. Having an immense vocabulary, Churchill is estimated to have used 45,000 to 60,000 different words in his works, which exceeded that of even Shakespeare.

Churchill wrote Lord Randolph Churchill, a two-volume biography of his father which was published in 1906 and received much critical acclaim. Some historians suggest Churchill used the book in part to vindicate his own career and in particular to justify crossing the floor.[17] His The World Crisis (six volumes, 1923–31) was a broad-scale history of the First World War, with Churchill never far offstage. His greatest work was, The Second World War (six volumes, 1948–53), using secret papers not available to other for many years; he did not reveal the prime secret of breaking the German codes (which was revealed in the early 1970s). Churchill's highly detailed narrative structured much of the historiography for the first decade or two after the war, especially in his analysis and denunciation of the appeasement policy of the late 1930s.[18]


Asked to summarize Churchill in one sentence, his biographer Martin Gilbert said: "He was a great humanitarian who was himself distressed that the accidents of history gave him his greatest power at a time when everything had to be focused on defending the country from destruction, rather than achieving his goals of a fairer society."

To Martin Gilbert also we owe these last lines from Sir Winston's biography: "When at last his life's great impulses were fading, Churchill's daughter Mary paid him perhaps the most eloquent tribute of all: 'In addition to all the feelings a daughter has for a loving, generous father, I owe you what every Englishman, woman & child does--Liberty itself.'"

Margot Asquith said it was not his mind or uneven judgment Britons respected but rather "his courage and colour — his amazing mixture of industry and enterprise." "He never shirks, hedges or protects himself; he takes huge risks."[19]

Sir Winston Churchill.jpg

Famous Quotes[edit]

A degraded sensualism deprives this life of its grace and refinement, the next of its dignity and sanctity. The fact that in Mohammedan law every woman must belong to some man as his absolute property, either as a child, a wife, or a concubine, must delay the final extinction of slavery until the faith of Islam has ceased to be a great power among men.
Individual Muslims may show splendid qualities, but the influence of the religion paralyses the social development of those who follow it. No stronger retrograde force exists in the world. Far from being moribund, Mohammedanism is a militant and proselytizing faith. It has already spread throughout Central Africa, raising fearless warriors at every step; and were it not that Christianity is sheltered in the strong arms of science, the science against which it had vainly struggled, the civilization of modern Europe might fall, as fell the civilization of ancient Rome." - The River War: An Historical Account of the Reconquest of the Soudan[22]

Though possibly apocryphal, Churchill has been credited by some for the following quotation:

The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter.[23]


Winston Churchill was an alcoholic who was extremely lucky to live to the age of 90, as the addiction shortens lifespan by an average of 25 years.[24] In 1936, Churchill had accumulated a tab with his wine merchant that amounts to an equivalent of $75,000 today. After becoming Prime Minister in 1940, Churchill refused to cut down on his alcohol consumption. Lunch and Dinner were always accompanied by brandy and champagne and he at all times throughout the day, had a glass of whiskey by his side. According to Churchill's private secretary, Jock Colville, he'd kick off his day with a "daily whiskey mouthwash." [25]

Views about Darwinian Evolution[edit]

As a Brit, Churchill wrote an unpublished essay in 1939 which accepted Darwin's theory of evolution.[26] But that was before World War II and the ravages caused by the racist "survival of the fittest" mentality. It is unknown what Churchill's post-war views of evolution were.

See also[edit]



Specialized studies[edit]


Primary sources[edit]

External links[edit]



  2. . H. L. Le May, "Churchill, Jeanette (Lady Randolph Churchill) (1854–1921)", Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, 2004; online
  3. Jenkins, Churchill, p. 8
  4. Jenkins, Churchill, p. 148
  5. Winwood Reade Martyrdom of Man (1872)
  6. online at
  7. online at [1].
  8. Over 30,000 Sudanese were killed, compared with 28 British soldiers.
  9. online at
  10. Churchill met Theodore Roosevelt; they resembled each other in many ways but never became friends.
  11. Jenkins, Churchill 157-66; Bruce K. Murray, "The Politics of the 'People's Budget'" The Historical Journal, Vol. 16, No. 3 (Sep., 1973), pp. 555-570 in JSTOR
  12. Jenkins, Churchill, 154-56
  13. Jenkins, Churchill, ch 8
  14. Lend Lease was free and did not have to be repaid, although transport ships were to be returned after the war, and some were.
  15. pages/history.aspx
  17. James, Churchill a study in failure p34-35
  18. See Reynolds (2001) and Reynolds (2005)
  19. quoted in David Fromkin, A Peace to End All Peace (2001) p. 54
  20. Winston S. Churchill, The Second World War: The gathering storm, p. 80
  21. Jerry Bergman (2011). Slaughter of the Dissidents. Leafcutter Press, xi. ISBN 9780981873404. 
  22. Winston Churchill on Islam,

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