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For a free course about government, see American Government Lecture One

A government is an entity that has the authority to make and enforce laws, and to rule the actions and affairs of others within a geopolitical boundary. God's purpose for government is to protect the innocent by punishing the guilty, and to protect life and property. Governments are established by a set of penultimate norms, also known as constitutions. In the American system of democracy, some laws are created by representatives. Around the world and throughout history there have been many types of governments, some promoting freedom, some restrictive of freedom, and some repressive to to point where little to no freedom exists.

Civil disobedience is a partial rejection of an immoral government, by peacefully flouting an objectionable law. The Boston Tea Party, in which Samuel Adams is presumed to participate, is a famous example of this. Abolitionists who violated slavery laws, including the Fugitive Slave Acts (part of the Compromise of 1850), are additional examples. Saint Paul, who wrote many of his letters from jail, is often cited for obedience to government; Henry David Thoreau is cited for peaceful civil disobedience.

Types of Government[edit]

Government placement chart, based on degree of power government wields over the individual.

Currently, the current spread of government rests on a "left-right" chart, with communism and socialism on the far left, fascism and nazism on the far right. Somewhere in the middle is democracy and republicanism, maintaining a balance in the center.

A more accurate layout is based upon the percentage of government control over the individual, with anarchy (no government) on the far right, going leftward until we reach oligarchies like communism and autocracies like nazism on the far left. A Biblical rendition, Ecclesiastes 10:2, states "A wise man's heart is at his right hand; but a fool's heart at his left." With that in mind, there are five - and only five - types of government, consisting of the following:


From ancient Greek ἀναρχία ("disorder"[1]) it represents a condition of lawlessness or political disorder brought about by the absence of governmental authority. Anarchy can mean the following:

lack of state power per se;
the hypothetical situation when the state is replaced by a stateless society, a utopia (the ideal of anarchists);
the situation before the emergence of the state as a form of social structure in primitive society.

While the idea of a utopia can sound good on paper, in reality an anarchist society has extremely-restrictive freedom. Experience has shown that lack of law and order - lack of government - ensures that thieves, bandits, and murderers are out and about; the individual must continually be on guard and restrictive in his movements to protect his life, family, and property.

In 1840 Pierre-Joseph Proudhon used the term anarchism to designate a new at the time political philosophy in his treatise "What is property?"[2]. His reasoning - in which he coined the phrase "property is theft" - has been seized upon by by socialists, communists, and fascists, as well as anarchists as they have tried to establish their versions of utopia by force.


From Latin meaning "the public thing" (respublica)[3], a republic means a governing body elected by a public who is entitled to vote, responsible and accountable to the public, and governing according to law. Laws enacted within a republic enable more freedom than the individual would have under an anarchistic society, i.e. the individual is free to move about, conduct business, engage in commerce, or exchange ideas, while the laws put in place ensure swift trial and punishment on those who would try to harm him. The United States of America is considered a federal republic, of which the Constitution guarantees "to every state in this union a republican form of government"[4].

Types of republics[edit]


Democracy is a form of government in which the supreme power is retained by the people, but which is usually exercised indirectly through a system of representation and delegated authority periodically renewed. The word comes from the Greek dēmokratía[5], which in the literal sense means power held by the people, i.e "majority rules". Although personal freedoms exists in a fashion similar to a republic, the core of a democracy is essentially "mob rule", with these freedoms controlled or removed by a vote. For example, if a majority of citizens vote to increase taxes by a certain percentage in an effort to redistribute the wealth, they will do it. A quote, usually attributed to Ben Franklin, said it best about the difference between democracy and the liberty of a republic:

Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote.[6]

Types of democracies[edit]


Oligarchy is a government in which control is exercised by a small group of individuals[7] whose authority generally is based on wealth or power, and who usually gain such by making false claims of utopia, seeing hidden enemies, etc. Oligarchies are repressive; personal freedoms, such as assembly, speech, press, and religion are severely restricted, with commerce and other business controlled or owned by the state.

Types of oligarchies[edit]


An autocratic government is one ruled by the word and whims of a single individual[8] who may or may not have a few advisors assisting him, and whose word is absolute. Personal freedom is nearly-to-fully non-existent; persons opposed to such a government are usually imprisoned or killed.

Types of autocracies[edit]

Action of Government[edit]

Some actions of government are direct, for example, the president may order troops to invade a country. Or Congress may declare war on a country. Or the Supreme Court may render a decision, reversing the order of a lower count. In these cases, there is no question that the government is taking action and intervening in human affairs, i.e., that it is "governing".

But there is no bright line of separation between government and "the things that government sponsors". If the government pays for something, such as a private corporation it charters, then the actions of that corporation are under the control of the government to a certain extent.

That's why there was a backlash against the Boy Scouts getting benefits from the government, such as the use of schools, military bases, etc. "Follow the money" is the watchword of those who are tracing the effects of government policy. In sum, if you fund it, you own it.

Tools to Administer the Government[edit]

There is some concern about the tools to administer the United States Government and tools to regulate the government. A person manipulated by another for his own ends. When used figuatively of human agency, tool is generally used to in a contemptuous sense. Contemptuous is manifesting or expressing contempt or disdain; scornful. Contempt is willful disobedience to or open disrespect for the rules or orders of a court or legislative body.

External links[edit]


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