Hollywood Values

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Hollywood "values" (also known today as HollyWOKE or HollyWEIRD "values") are characterized by spreading sexually-transmitted diseases, public obscenities, decadence, narcissism, hypocrisy, rampant drug use, abortion, adultery, lawlessness and the promotion of the homosexual agenda and cultural marxism. Such values have a very negative influence on the life of individuals, and very often lead to death. A 2006 poll by MSNBC said that 60% of Americans agree that "Hollywood's values are not in line with the rest of America and that the quality of movies has diminished in recent years."[1] In 2014, even in the context of the fashion-industry-dressed stars of the Academy Awards and celebrations of St. Valentine's Day, 61% of Americans agreed "Hollywood [has] too much influence on American politics and social values."[2]

The lack of morals and difference of values in Hollywood culture has been destroying the fabric of American culture, particularly the family. While Leftists whined about the blacklisting of communists in Hollywood, the Academy Awards cabal excluded many great performers from ever being even nominated for an Oscar.[3] In 2022, a pro-homosexual agenda movie described as a piece of garbage by a veteran actor (The Power of the Dog) won a near-record 12 Oscar nominations.

Hollywood studios forced actresses to have abortions, such as Oscar-winning Judy Garland two years after the Wizard of Oz. In 1941 and again in 1943, Judy Garland was forced to have abortions by her powerful movie studio, and "[a]rguably, these incidents affected Garland psychologically"[4] and "haunted" her for her entire life.[5] Jean Harlow, a megastar of the 1930s, had two abortions (at least one of which was reluctant) and died unexpectedly of internal causes at age 26.[6]

Hollywood as a tool of (anti)social pedagogy[edit]

While before 1945 forms of "art" which appealed to the lowest and basest instincts of man or deliberately portrayed man as completely immoral were confined to a small circle among the "elite" of the decadent, parasitic intelligentsia, after the war this content was popularized on a large scale and pushed for mass consumption to the American people, with Hollywood playing the lead role in this popularization. The barriers between 'esoteric' art and mass kitsch were dismantled with increasing vigor. The cinema (and also radio and literature) started spreading to the widest extent the uninhibited venting of even the worst instincts. The constant increase in juvenile delinquency, starting from the late 1940s and early 1950s, demonstrates the results of such 'social pedagogics'.[7]

It was important for the (liberal) ruling class to "re-educate" man of the post-war generation by tempering him to a sort of barbarism, to the brutal and merciless imposition of his selfish interests, which necessarily implies a hypocritical attitude as the way to adapt to the Social-Darwinist "struggle for existence". In the field of cinema, this kind of pedagogy necessarily produces movies that either openly preach banditry, gangsterism and murder (such as movies in Hitler's Germany did, but also American gangster films do), or subtly place the individual in the social void, and cloud the sense of the real connection with society in his consciousness, degrade and reduce the intellect and reason to impotence, which these relationships reflect and elaborate, finally transforming man himself into an unethical lump of uncontrollable instincts. In relation to children, this is passed off as "respect" for the individual character of the child. But it means, in fact, the renunciation of pedagogy, and it comes, in the best of cases, to reduce young American children to a herd of lonely hysterics who end up following this wrong path often to become gangsters.[8]

Usually (and falsely), this glorification of the unleashing of the worst instincts, hypocrisy, immorality etc. in Hollywood movies is advertized by Hollywood as "realism". Granted, some of the negative values promoted in these films do exist in American society (and the film industry is certainly not irresponsible for their spread). However, there exists a great fundamental difference between the realistic mode of representation that calls a spade a spade, and the deliberate overt aggrandization and idealization of every kind of negativity as something not just typical but praiseworthy and exemplar (the glorification of the Ku Klux Klan in Birth of a Nation, of the Mafia in gangster films, of street gangs in hood films, etc.).[7]

It was a characteristic of the Hitler regime that, by skilful propaganda through the use of the cinema and movie industry, it led essentially and harmlessly mediocre people, sometimes even gifted ones, into becoming accomplices and indeed active participants in terrible crimes and barbaric deeds of inhumanity. Without such 'social pedagogics' (like the widely promoted "The Eternal Jew", "Süss the Jew" and other such movies), Auschwitz, for example, would not have been possible.[7]

Conflict over values[edit]

There have been, however, a handful of prominent people whose work in Hollywood opposed these values. Charlton Heston, Jim Caviezel, Ricardo Montalban, Ronald Reagan, James Stewart, Pat Boone, Paul Schofield, Lisa Whelchel (who played The Facts of Life character Blair Warner, but refused a role where she would be the first of Eastland's girls to become a non-virgin), Walt Disney, and many others practiced conservative values while working in Hollywood and the productions of these and many others also reflect these values, irrespective of the names associated with them: The Chronicles of Narnia and Independence Day (a 1996 movie about the United States being attacked by hostile alien invaders on Independence Day) being recent examples.

Although the social elite and studio executives of Hollywood may have held different values than Main Street America, the disparity was hidden from the public. First, many film studios and actors hired publicity agents to control what lifestyle facts became known to the public. Certain personal indiscretions were considered "off-limits" to journalists and not generally reported, such as Marilyn Monroe's connection to various organized crime and political figures (including JFK).

Second, both the film studios and the television networks had codes of acceptable content. Actors who were living by Hollywood values were creating films and television programs that carefully avoid sexually explicit themes or foul language. For example, the code required that if a married couple were to be shown in a bedroom scene, they would have twin beds and would be wearing pajamas.

Third, after the United States Supreme Court ruled that the First Amendment protected certain forms of literature and motion pictures that were previously considered pornographic in Miller v. California in 1973, the case law developed that applied local community standards when deciding whether a particular work was to be protected. This had the effect of decoupling national values from Hollywood values and started a race to the lowest common denominator.

Finally, over time, the media has shifted from being concentrated to being dispersed. The three major television networks (ABC, CBS and NBC) shifted to thousands of cable channels, and the adoption of the Internet by the general public made controlling the spread of news and the fabrication of false public images by movie studios impossible. As a result, tabloid journalism and reality television spread the full impact of the Hollywood lifestyle throughout American culture.

The shows these television stations and networks transmit have continued to become more and more vulgar and trashy; The Simpsons has become one of the most influential animated shows of all time, spawning other adult animated programs such as Futurama, Family Guy, Robot Chicken and Rick and Morty. Before The Simpsons premiered, Republican presidents had won four out of the last five American Presidential elections; afterwards, Bill Clinton won two elections back to back, the first Democrat to do so since FDR.


Hollywood values include a flagrant disrespect and disregard for:

In addition, Hollywood portrays these values as rebellious and countercultural. They portray religious and spiritual institutions as greedy, self-serving, sexually perverted, prejudiced, ignorant, and unscientific. When comparing the satisfaction brought about by faith, spirituality, family, and friendship, which may happen to include donations to a church or other organization, it is clear that the profits of Hollywood and the industries which rely upon Hollywood for profit are the true establishment—thus making traditional values truly rebellious and countercultural, and Hollywood values a lie.


Hollywood values are unnaturally deadly. Tourists in Hollywood can visit over 30 sites of typically self-inflicted Hollywood celebrity deaths.[11] A sampling of deaths caused by Hollywood values include:[12]

Sexually transmitted diseases[edit]

The loose sexual morals characteristic of the lifestyle defined by Hollywood Values often lead to sexually transmitted diseases. Examples include,


See also: Irreligious prison population

Hollywood values often lead those holding them to commit, get arrested for and/or convicted of, a variety of crimes. Here are some examples:


See also: Essay:Worst Liberal Movies and Atheism and deception

Hollywood values perpetuate liberal-driven falsehoods:

20-minute mini-documentary on Barack Obama, narrated by actor Tom Hanks, is more fiction than fact, more fantasy than reality.
HBO's anti-Republican propaganda film about Sarah Palin. Stars and executives of the production gave $200K to Democrats, zero to Republicans.[110]
A 2010 film by Democrat donor Charles Ferguson that blames the Great Recession on Wall Street, deregulation, the Bush Administration. The film whitewashes Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac's role and claims the financial system corrupted politics. Capitalists are the bad guys.
Another Bush bash flick starring communist Sean Penn. 2010 film rehashes the lead up to the war in Iraq and Valerie Plame's role. Typical un-American Hollywood film "The narrative that Karl Rove and Dick Cheney’s Chief of Staff Scooter Libby were nefarious behind-the-scenes players intent on destroying innocent reputations while pushing the nation into war on false pretenses." [111]
Meryl Streep plays Margaret Thatcher in this gross mistake of a film. Liberals distort her triumphs and her low career points. Streep portrays Thatcher as a dementia-sufferer looking back at her life with sadness. The director defended the film as "a fictional film, but it will be fair and accurate." Thatcher's children Mark and Carol are appalled and say "They think it sounds like some Left-wing fantasy." [112]
A liberal's view of the circumstances surrounding the death of football star and Army Ranger Pat Tillman. The film portrays each and every fact as sinister. Plus, each and every fact is evidence of a conspiracy. Typical Hollywood George W. Bush bashing flick. The bias was clear, make Tillman a liberal atheist anti-war hero that was cannon-fodder for the government. Tillman's actions speak louder than any twisted accusations presented in this documentary.[113] See also: Celebrity atheists
Adherents to Hollywood values "green-lighted a troika of Matthew Shepard movies after he was senselessly killed because it affirmed their gut feeling that a homosexual young man living in backward America is destined for death at the hands of hateful ultraconservatives. A street in West Hollywood still stands in his name despite ABC News reporting the story false: He was killed by crazed meth addicts for drugs and money—not because of his homosexuality (in fact, one of his killers had himself been homosexual). Isn't that tragic enough? Yet Shepard is still the icon of homosexual victims' rights, and the mistaken story of his 'fate' soon thereafter befell Jake Gyllenhaal's character in Brokeback Mountain. The Oscar statuette stands as the exclamation point."[114]
Hollywood perpetuated complete lies about the Scopes Trial in order to smear Christianity, including:
  • portraying William Jennings Bryan as being ignorant, harsh and punitive, based on a false portrayal of his actions and testimony
  • falsely claiming that at the end Bryan, in a senseless fit of madness, died in the courtroom amid caring and reasonable Darwinists
  • falsely portraying the Darwinists in a positive light and the Christians as deceitful
In real life, Bryan and the Christians won the trial and were charitable to the end, while the Darwinist Darrow was deceitful in reneging on his deal to take the witness stand after Bryan did.
The 2000 film U 571 had a plot which was based on the first capture of a German Enigma machine in World War 2. However, in the film the capture is made by Americans. In fact, the first Enigma machine was captured by the British in 1941 prior to the Americans entering the war.
2011 documentary "feature-length lie" is a PBS film regarding the thwarted domestic terrorist attack at the 2008 Republican National Convention and liberals attempt to re-write history.[115]
The 2008 HBO movie on the 2000 Presidential elections and its aftermath in Florida. A look into how the Republicans stole the election and the role of its party members that made it happen. Republicans are portrayed as ghoulish and cited as manufacturing demonstrations. Both the real Warren Christopher and James Baker contend the film’s portrayal of the former is hopelessly untrue.[116]
The 1972 film about U.S. troops from Vietnam put on record as baby killers, human rights violators, and general disservice to America. This myth was propagated by a few anti-war activist liberal actors that never did see combat in Vietnam and some were never in the country. The initial result was to hold hearings in Congress over the matter. All allegations were proven fabrications, falsehoods, and lies.
The 2006 false documentary about man-made global warming created & hyped by liberal elitist Al Gore[117] A British court found the film contained at least 11 material falsehoods. The Science and Public Policy Institute has found 35 falsehoods associated with the film.[118]
A 2004 Clint Eastwood pro-euthanasia film in which Eastwood euthanises his boxing trainee at her request after she suffered a crippling blow from her opponent that left her incurable. Especially controversial since 2005 when real-life Terri Schiavo was euthanised by her husband.
Also 2004. A Bill Condon film depicting the life of fraudulent sex researcher Alfred Kinsey. Especially anti-Christian in early scenes' portrayals of Christians as narrow-minded, hypocritical, mean-spirited and stingy. Normalizes all forms of illicit sex, esp. homosexual (of which Condon is an activist for), which resulted in the current venereal disease epidemics (i.e. AIDS), widespread abortion, divorce, pornography, sex crimes, unmarried parenting and related urban poverty and violence by irresponsible parents.
2005. Like Kinsey, it's also extremely graphic and pro-homosexual in its story of an off and on "romance" between two rural Wyoming cowboys during the 1960s-1980s.
A Michael Moore film that was a false portrayal of why America fought a war against Saddam Hussein's Iraq. The main theme was to attack George W. Bush during wartime.
Another Michael Moore film which spread many falsehoods about American healthcare while unduly glorifying the so-called benefits of socialized healthcare. Memorably referred to Cuban healthcare as being better than American healthcare.
Brian De Palma’s 2007 fictional anti-Iraq War film funded by Mark Cuban. The film is credited with inspiring a terrorist attack that killed two U.S. servicemen in Germany.[119]

Disrespect for marriage[edit]

See also: Atheism and marriage and Liberal Christianity and marital infidelity

Many celebrities and other exponents of Hollywood Values have no respect for the sanctity of marriage—their own or anyone else's. This is manifested in a high rate of marriage breakdown, and by the home-wrecking activities of the promiscuous, whose moral outlooks have been distorted by liberal and atheistic teachings.

Offensive behavior/moral depravity[edit]

Hillary Clinton dines with Democrat mega donor Harvey Weinstein after the 2016 election, December 13, 2016. Weinstein, a charter founder of the Clinton Legal Defense Fund organized to defend President Clinton from sexual harassment and assault charges, has been accused of rape by 97 women.[132]

Hollywood actor Dan Aykroyd on bestiality[edit]

See also: Liberalism and bestiality

"I draw the line at bestiality because it’s unfair to the dog or the cat. If the dog or the cat had consciousness, then that’d be OK with me. Sexuality has nothing to do with morality."[160]

Hollywood "humor"[edit]

Another manifestation of Hollywood's offensiveness and moral depravity is found in many of its "comedy" movies and television programs. More so than any other entertainment industry, many Hollywood productions rely on lowbrow, juvenile humor. Unlike more intelligent comedies of the early to mid-20th century (such as The Great Dictator or Arsenic and Old Lace), many contemporary Hollywood comedies eschew intelligence, social commentary, wit or satire in favor of lower-hanging fruit, such as "toilet humor," nudity/sex, profanity, gratuitous violence and shock value. Examples of such films include:

Rehabilitation clinics[edit]

See also: Atheism and drug addiction

Hollywood values often result in celebrities going into rehabilitation clinics. Here are some examples:

The following all checked into the above facility seeking treatment for various psychological problems:


Trump-tweet-hollywood-and-hunt-movie (1).jpg

Hollywood personalities often propose legislation such as outlawing private gun ownership, or speak out against things such as anti-gun laws, but have at the same time acted in movies contrary to their own public opinions:

Using appearances to promote/virtue signal their liberal political views[edit]

Vanity and Idolatry[edit]

Hollywood places a value on appearance and it is driven into the minds of those who they seek profits and adulation from. There is such a need to be rich and famous that anything goes. It may be glamorizing to reveal skin [173] or shamelessly being sex symbols to audiences. Pat-your-back awards ceremonies whereby we breathlessly await the stars to arrive. Naturally, scandals make big headlines and these people are no stranger to controversy for money. These fake gods have captured the hearts of millions upon millions who follow their every move. Negative stereotypes poison the minds of their followers. Women feel less worthy due to the overwhelming influence touching every part of society. Penn State's Media Research found the following regarding women's magazines, "Past research indicates that exposure to thin models results in lower self-esteem and decreased weight satisfaction, and to increased depression, guilt, shame, stress, insecurity and body dissatisfaction." [174]


Award shows[edit]

Fans of Hollywood are served copious amounts of vanity and glamour as celebrities are greeted on the red-carpet attending award events. Paparazzi snap pictures and the stars are rated for their appearance in various tabloids and entertainment television. Once the celebrities have arrived at the awards, television cameras capture for the masses acceptance speeches of their beloved stars. Once limited to a couple of banquets such as the Emmys or Golden Globes, now some two-dozen award shows are vying for exposure. These new award shows offer glimpses into ego and moral depravity of Hollywood. It's not uncommon for the stars to act cool by cussing to the audience during acceptance speeches. These awards shows have become tawdry events that are marketed mostly to teens.

Preying on underage stars[edit]

Very many child actors and actresses have gone on to have damaged and tragically short lives as a result of early exposure to Hollywood Values.

Debbie Gibson reflects on her life as a sixteen-year-old teenage Popstar and her exposure to the very sinister side of show business when she was even younger. “It is very disheartening that there are so many older men that prey on young performers.” What is even more disturbing than dirty male fans would be older male record executives trying to take her to adult parties and corrupt her with alcohol. Even the way the paparazzi stalk the younger artists is very different from following around adults.[184]

Former child actor Corey Feldman tells ABC that a big group of Hollywood executives are responsible for pedophilia and rape of underage stars.[185] Feldman blames the death of troubled teen actor Corey Haim on Haim's Hollywood agent who molested him at age 14.[186]

The father of teen idol Miley Cyrus said Disney destroyed their family.[187] Billy Ray Cyrus accuses Miley's 'handlers' (Disney Executives) of going too far to promote her and when she got bad press they made her father the scapegoat.

Reality show participants[edit]

MTV is notorious for filming underage participants in reality shows. The pressure of instant fame with people in trying circumstances to begin with, the off-camera news starts to creep more into the media. Arrests, suicide attempts, drugs and rehab are just some of the issues involving reality stars personal lives. Legal contracts with the network spell out MTV's rights to exploit their situations on the show. Psychologist Dr. Jeff Gardere. “In this country, the media rewards bad behavior with more attention, thus more bad behavior is manifested because it is reinforced and rewarded." [188]


The diseased moral values of the Liberal-dominated entertainment industry are manifested all too clearly in many of the products of that industry—motion pictures, television programs, music, magazines and novels that offer no edification or instruction to the viewer, but plumb a cesspit of license and depravity. Some recent examples include the television series Desperate Housewives, Delgo, and Sex and the City's TV series' and movies.


A short study of the ten most successful actors [189] shows that only 50% are Christian (compared to 76% for the general population), with 30% expressing no religious beliefs at all (compared to 15% in the general public). These actors have had successful careers and it is very likely that religious affiliation in regular actors is much lower, exposing or predisposing them to the influence of Hollywood values. David Lynch, for example, is apathetic towards all politics and religions and prefers transcendental meditation instead. Adrian Zmed, 1980s teen idol who starred alongside William Shatner in the 1980s police drama, T.J. Hooker, said in an interview in People magazine's June 20, 1983 issue that his rigid upbringing by his Romanian Orthodox Church arch priest father caused him to play rebellious juvenile delinquent and greaser roles (ex. "Danny Zucko" in Broadway's long-running earlier 1970's started stage musical, Grease, "Socks Palermo" in television's short-lived 1979 sitcom, "Flatbush" and the head T-Bird "Johnny Nogerelli" in the 1982 sequel movie Grease 2) as a relief from "having a Father who is *your* father", and had also said in the same interview "Preachers kids have a sense of rebellion in them". Once Bitten (1985 teen vampire 'comedy') has its "Countess" (Lauren Hutton) lead character saying to her male target's girlfriend that "the cross won't 'work on me' (keep vampires away) cause I'm an atheist, but having sex will". The following year's (1986) teen romantic drama, Fire with Fire, shows the nuns at the Roman Catholic convent school that the lead actress' teenage character is attending making religion, ex. Christianity, look bad.

Scientology is practiced by many Hollywood personalities. Tom Cruise, Kirstie Alley and John Travolta are perhaps the most well-known Hollywood Scientologists.

Celebrity atheists[edit]

See also: Celebrity atheists and Attempts to positively rebrand atheism and Atheism and groupthink

The American Media Group wrote about celebrity atheists:

Celebrity atheists are everywhere and it’s not hard to wonder why. After all, with so much adulation and praise, entertainers have become their own religious figures in a sense. Their celebrity has become something to worship and actors such as George Clooney and Brad Pitt are at the forefront. These celebs have chosen to forgo a higher power in exchange for something a little more glamorous.[191]

Recently, the actor Brad Pitt confessed he was never an atheist and just pretended to be out of rebellion.[192]

The Scientology cult uses celebrities to recruit followers (see also: Atheist cults).[193][194] The cult of personality surrounding Richard Dawkins is similar to the cult of Scientology (See: Richard Dawkins' cult of personality). See also: Atheism and groupthink


"Where are the movies with Americans as the good guys?" asks Andrew Klavan.


See also[edit]

External links[edit]


  1. MSNBC.com (March 8, 2006). "Hollywood values out of touch, poll says". Today.com [NBC News]. Accessed March 30, 2014. 17,000 person poll by MSNBC. See MSNBC
  2. "CBS News Poll: Americans' view on Hollywood's influence" (March 2, 2014). CBS News website.
  3. https://www.indiewire.com/2016/01/30-great-actors-whove-never-been-oscar-nominated-90109/
  4. https://www.vanityfair.com/hollywood/2016/07/classic-hollywood-abortion
  5. https://www.christianitytoday.com/ct/2016/september-web-only/old-hollywoods-abortion-secret.html
  6. Reportedly Jean Harlow's cause of death at age only 26 was kidney failure. Actresses and abortion
  7. 7.0 7.1 7.2 https://thecharnelhouse.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/Georg-Luka?cs-The-Destruction-of-Reason-1952.pdf
  8. https://thecharnelhouse.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/Gyo?rgy-Luka?cs-La-letteratura-sovietica-1955.pdf
  9. "Hollywood gets it right" (March 9, 2010). New York Post.
  10. Li, David K. (February 13, 2008). "Brit doesn't want her kids: 1st ex". New York Post website. See Britney Spears.
  11. "'Celebrity death sites'". "Hollywood and Los Angeles" website. Retrieved from May 29, 2013 archive at Internet Archive.
  12. Multiple references:
  13. Hollywood Producer Who Was Part Of Jeffrey Epstein’s "Lolita Express Circle" Dead – Falls Off 27th Floor Of Building at Sons of Liberty Media
  14. "Ten actors who died in their 20s" (January 23, 2008). The Sydney Morning Herald website.
  15. "Forensic scientist says Carradine death may be accidental suffocation" (June 5, 2009). Fox News website.
  16. "Stephen Clark". Internet Movie Database.
  17. "'Soul Train' creator Don Cornelius dead of apparent suicide" (February 1, 2012). Fox News website.
  18. "'Sopranos' actor shocks fans, loved ones with holiday suicide" (December 25, 2008). Fox News website.
  19. "Ryan Dunn dead: 'Jackass' star dies in car crash" (June 20, 2011). TMZ website.
  20. Verges, Jean-Pierre (May 21, 2009). "Actress Lucy Gordon found dead at age 28 in Paris". ABC News website. Retrieved from May 23, 2009 archive of Internet Archive.
  21. Crumb, Michael J. (June 21, 2010). "Slipknot bassist died of morphine overdose". Yahoo News website. Retrieved from June 24, 2010 archive at Internet Archive.
  22. Standora, Leo (July 3, 2008). "Christina Applegate's sometime boyfriend, Lee Grivas, found dead". New York Daily News website.
  23. "Lost Boys actor Corey Haims dies aged 38" (March 10, 2010). BBC News website/Entertainment.
  24. Anne Heche Dead at 53 After Being Pulled Off Life Support Following Cocaine-Fueled Car Accident at the Gateway Pundit
  25. Anne Heche's autopsy examination shows the actress was not on drugs at time of fiery car crash at Fox News
  26. Heche Also Has Painful Past at the New York Post
  27. Marla Telles: "...our crew captured the moment the suspected driver, now identified by @TMZ as actress Anne Heche, suddenly arose from the stretcher" at Twitter
  28. "Actress Anne Heche dead after car crash. Her new Sex Trafficking film is still happening despite her passing" at Twitter
  29. TMZ (March 30, 2012). "Cocaine found in Whitney Houston's hotel room, report says". Fox News website.
  30. Associated Press (March 12, 2007). "Comedian Richard Jeni dies of apparent suicide". Fox News website.
  31. US Magazine (February 26, 2010). "Andrew Koenig's body found in Vancouver Park". Yahoo! website/OMG.
  32. TMZ staff (August 12, 2011). "Ex-Warrant singer Jani Lane dead at 47". TMZ website.
  33. Associated Press (February 6, 2008). "Heath Ledger died of accidental overdose of prescription drugs, examiner says". Fox News website.
  34. (Breitbart)
  35. "Cory Monteith died of a 'mixed drug toxicity' involving heroin and alcohol, Coroner's Service says" (July 16, 2013). FoxNews website/Fox 411.
  36. New York Post (February 27, 2010). "Brittany Murphy may have taken 109 Vicodin in 11 days". FoxNews website/Fox411.
  37. Serio, Kelli (September 3, 2015). "'Can't Buy Me Love' Actress Amanda Peterson died of an accidental drug overdose". Breitbart News Network website/Big Hollywood.
  38. "Robert Reed in 1990" (May 21, 2013). Fox News website.
  39. R.I.P. Peter Robbins, the voice of Charlie Brown and Blondie sitcom star at MeTV.com
  40. NewsCore (August 25, 2011). "'Treme' actor Michael Showers' body found in Mississippi River". FoxNews website/Fox411.
  41. "Revealed: Police Academy star Bubba Smith died of a diet pill overdose" (November 2, 2011). Daily Mail [U.K.] website.
  42. Ulaby, Neda (October 22, 2003). "Singer Elliott Smith dead in apparent suicide". National Public Radio website.
  43. "Alice in Chains singer's death" (April 22, 2002). The Smoking Gun website.
  44. Jerry Cantrell and Layne Staley (1992). "Junkhead". Dirt (Columbia Records). Retrieved from February 14, 2012 archive at Sing365 website: "Alice in Chains - Junkhead lyrics". Caution: copyrighted material. For fair educational use only.
  45. Multiple references:
  46. Perpetua, Matthew (August 23, 2011). "Amy Winehouse toxicology report shows no illegal drugs". Rolling Stone website. Retrieved September 15, 2015.
  47. "Heroin overdose killed Yates" (November 8, 2000). BBCNews website/UK. Retrieved September 15, 2015.
  48. Skretta, Dave. "heavyweight champ also starred in 'Rocky V'", Washington Post, September 3, 2013, p. B5. 
  49. https://radaronline.com/exclusives/2015/07/amy-schumer-arrested-grand-larceny-shoplifting/
  50. https://www.cnn.com/2018/10/04/us/amy-schumer-emily-ratajkowski-arrested-kavanaugh-protests/index.html
  51. https://people.com/crime/hairsprays-nikki-blonsky-father-arrested-in-airport-fight/
  52. The Shield Actor Michael Jace Convicted of Murdering His Wife, Breitbart, May 31, 2016
  53. Former Power Rangers Star Charged Allegegedly Killing Roommate, Breitbart, January 15, 2016
  54. Star Held Over Child Sex Abuse Images, SkyNews, DECEMBER 29, 2015
  55. "Shia LaBeouf arrested...booked for public intoxication" (October 9, 2015). TMZ website.
  56. Alexander, Bryan (January 3, 2014). "Paul Walker crash detailed in coroner's report". USA Today/Life.
  57. "Frances Farmer biography" (2011 or before) Bio website. Retrieved on September 15, 2015.
  58. Associated Press (May 4, 2007). "Paris Hilton sentenced to 45 days in jail". Today Show website.
  59. "Paris Hilton arrested for cocaine possession." (August 28, 2010). Fox News website/Fox 411.
  60. Jones, Anthony (June 1, 2009). "Actress Lori Petty arrested for drunk driving after hitting teen with vehicle". All Headline News website. Retrieved from January 31, 2010 archive at Internet Archive.
  61. Associated Press (August 15, 2008). "'Office' star Craig Robinson arrested". Cable News Network website/Entertainment. Retrieved from August 17, 2008 archive at Internet Archive.
  62. "Winona Ryder shoplifting trial - full coverage" (2003). CourtTV/Trials. Retrieved from December 18, 2003 archive at Internet Archive.
  63. "Hugh Grant mugshot" (1999). Mugshots.org website.
  64. "Sutherland is released from jail" (January 21, 2008). BBC News website/Entertainment.
  65. Long, Colleen and McCartney, Anthony (May 8, 2009). "‘24’ star Kiefer Sutherland charged for allegedly head-butting a fashion designer". Associated Press. Retrieved from CNSNews.com website.
  66. Baker, Luke; Joseph, John and Weir, Keith (September 21, 2008). "George Michael apologises for latest drugs bust". Reuters website/U.K./Entertainment.
  67. University College London Libertarian Society (2007 or bef.) "UCL Libertarian Society". UCL Libertarian Society website/Celebrity libertarians. Retrieved from July 27, 2007 archive at Internet Archive.
  68. Z, Lisa (October 26, 2007). "Snoop Dogg's San Francisco honor retracted". SFGate [San Francisco Chronicle] website/Daily dish.
  69. "DMX's reputation goes to the dogs" (May 9, 2008). CBS News website.
  70. "SEC charges Martha Stewart, broker Peter Bacanovic with illegal insider trading" (June 4, 2003). U.S. Security and Exchange Commission.
  71. Associated Press (June 2, 2008). "Tatum O'Neal released after cocaine-possession arrest". Fox News website. See Associated Press, Fox News Channel.
  72. Associated Press (June 27, 2008). "Redmond O'Neal pleads guilty to drug charges". [Rio Grande] Valley Morning Star website.
  73. "Nick Nolte '02" (September 1, 2002). The Smoking Gun website/Mug shots.
  74. Penrose, Justin (July 12, 2009). "Cops called to Sean Bean's house after 'domestic'". Mirror [U.K.] website/3am
  75. Hoffman, Allison (August 13, 2008). "'40-Year-Old Virgin' actor pleads not guilty". Associated Press. Reprinted at Fox News website.
  76. Hanley, Christine (October 21, 2008). "Deleon guilty of killing couple at sea". Los Angeles Times website.
  77. Taxin, Amy (April 10, 2009). "Man gets death for murder of Prescott couple". Associated Press. Reprinted in the Daily Courier [Prescott, Arizona] website.
  78. Simpson, Richard (December 5, 2008). "Guilty: Boy George warned by judge he faces jail for falsely imprisoning male escort". Daily Mail [U.K.] website/News.
  79. "Spector found guilty of second-degree murder" (April 13, 2009). Associated Press. Reprinted at Today Show website/Celebrities.
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