
From Nwe
Water covers 70 percent of the Earth's surface.

Hydrology (from the Greek word Yδρoλoγια, hydrologia, the "study of water") is the study of the movement, distribution, and quality of water throughout the Earth. It addresses both the hydrologic cycle and water resources. A practitioner of hydrology, or hydrologist, may work in any of several fields: earth science, environmental science, physical geography, civil engineering, and environmental engineering.

Hydrological research is useful in that it allows engineers to (a) design irrigation schemes, water-supply systems, dams, bridges, and sewers; (b) predict and mitigate the risk of floods, droughts, landslides, erosion, and sedimentation; and (c) assess the risk of contaminant transport. In this manner, it provides insights for environmental engineering, policy, and planning.


Hydrology has been a subject of investigation and engineering for millennia. For example, around 4000 B.C.E., the Nile was dammed to improve agricultural productivity of previously barren lands. Mesopotamian towns were protected from flooding with high earthen walls. Aqueducts were built by the Greeks and Romans, while the Chinese built irrigation and flood control works.

In the first century B.C.E., Marcus Vitruvius described a philosophical theory of the hydrologic cycle, according to which precipitation falling in the mountains infiltrated the Earth's surface and led to streams and springs in the lowlands. With the adoption of a more scientific approach, Leonardo da Vinci and Bernard Palissy independently reached an accurate representation of the hydrologic cycle. It was not until the seventeenth century that hydrologic variables began to be quantified.

Pioneers of the modern science of hydrology include Pierre Perrault, Edme Mariotte, and Edmund Halley. By measuring rainfall, runoff, and drainage area, Perrault showed that rainfall was sufficient to account for flow of the Seine. Marriotte combined velocity and river cross-section measurements to obtain discharge, again in the Seine. Halley showed that evaporation from the Mediterranean Sea was sufficient to account for the outflow of rivers flowing into the sea.

Advances in the eighteenth century included the Bernoulli equation and piezometer by Daniel Bernoulli, the Pitot tube, and the Chezy formula. The nineteenth century saw development in groundwater hydrology, including Darcy's law, the Dupuit-Thiem well formula, and Hagen-Poiseuille's capillary flow equation.

Rational analyses began to replace empiricism in the twentieth century, while governmental agencies began their own hydrological research programs. Of particular importance were Leroy Sherman's unit hydrograph, the infiltration theory of Robert E. Horton, and C.V. Theis's equation describing well hydraulics.

Since the 1950s, hydrology has been approached with a more theoretical basis than in the past, facilitated by advances in the physical understanding of hydrological processes and the advent of computers.

Hydrologic cycle and transport

The central theme of hydrology is that water moves throughout the Earth by different pathways and at different rates. The most striking image of this is in the evaporation of water from the ocean, to form clouds. These clouds drift over the land and produce rain. The rainwater flows into lakes, rivers, or aquifers. The water in lakes, rivers, and aquifers then either evaporates into the atmosphere or eventually flows back to the ocean, completing a cycle.

Moreover, water movement is a significant means by which other material, such as soil or pollutants, is transported from place to place. The initial input in receiving waters may arise from a point source discharge or a line source or area source, such as surface runoff. Since the 1960s, rather complex mathematical models have been developed, facilitated by the availability of high speed computers. The most common pollutant classes analyzed are nutrients, pesticides, total dissolved solids, and sediment.

Branches of hydrology

Related fields

Hydrologic measurements

The movement of water through the Earth can be measured in a number of ways. This information is important for both assessing water resources and understanding the processes involved in the hydrologic cycle. The following is a list of devices used by hydrologists and what they are used to measure.

Hydrologic prediction

Observations of hydrologic processes are used to make predictions of future water movement and quantity.

Statistical hydrology

By analyzing the statistical properties of hydrologic records, such as rainfall or river flow, hydrologists can estimate future hydrologic phenomena. This approach, however, assumes that the characteristics of the processes remain unchanged.

These estimates are important for engineers and economists so that they can perform proper risk analysis for future decisions in infrastructure and to determine the yield reliability characteristics of water supply systems. Statistical information is utilized to formulate operating rules for large dams that are part of systems set up to meet agricultural, industrial, and residential demands.

Hydrologic modeling

Hydrologic models are simplified, conceptual representations of a part of the hydrologic cycle. They are primarily used for hydrologic prediction and for understanding hydrologic processes. Two major types of hydrologic models can be distinguished:

Applications of hydrology

ISBN links support NWE through referral fees


  1. Todd, David Keith. Groundwater Hydrology, 2nd ed. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1980.
  2. Soh, Leen-kiat et al. "A Task-Based Approach to User Interface Design for a Web-Based Hydrologic Information Systems." Transactions in GIS, vol. 10 (3). Blackwell Synergy, May 2006.
  3. Bruce, J.P. et al. Introduction to Hydrometeorology. London: Pergamon Press, 1966.
  4. Hydrometeorology.com Retrieved September 25, 2007.
  5. Ward, Andy D., and William J. Elliot. Environmental Hydrology. Boca Raton: Lewis Publishers, 1995.
  6. Ward, Andy D., and William J. Elliot. Environmental Hydrology, Boca Raton: Lewis Publishers, 1995.
  7. Engineering Terms Retrieved September 25, 2007.
  8. Environmental Engineering Retrieved September 25, 2007.

External links

All links retrieved January 22, 2018.

General subfields within the earth sciences
Atmospheric sciences | Geodesy | Geology | Geophysics | Glaciology
Hydrology | Oceanography | Soil science
Environmental science
Atmospheric sciences | Ecology | Geosciences | Soil science| Hydrology |
Related fields: Biology | Chemistry | Environmental design | Environmental economics | Environmental ethics | Environmental law | Physics |

Sustainability | Waste management

Environmental technology

  Physical geography
Land ocean ice cloud 1024.jpg Biogeography · Climatology & paleoclimatology · Coastal/Marine studies · Geodesy · Geomorphology · Glaciology · Hydrology & Hydrography · Landscape ecology · Limnology · Oceanography · Palaeogeography · Pedology · Quaternary Studies


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