Syrian War

From Conservapedia
Syrian War
Part of Arab Spring
Date since 2011
Location Syria
Flag of Syria.png Syrian government
Syrian Army
Iranian Revolutionary Guard
Flag of Syria 2011, observed.svg.png Syrian opposition
Al Qaeda
Al-Nusra Front
Syrian Islamic Front
Islamic State
Muslim Brotherhood
Khorosan Group
United States
Free Syrian Army
Supported by: Turkey[1] Qatar[2]
Bashar al-Assad Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi
Ahmad Jarba
Moaz al-Khatib
Russian weapons, air-cooler support, and Special Forces Weapons, training, and assistance from Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Qatar, the United States and other members of the GCC

The Syrian War began in March 2011 with the simultaneous uprisings in many Mideast countries which Western media and the US State Department called the 'Arab Spring'. However the belligerent forces by the second year were largely non-state combatants and veterans of the Iraqi insurgency (mercenaries).[3] Since the start of the war over 400,000 people have been killed.[4]

Under the Obama and Clinton Doctrines,[5][6] the Islamic State sought to rule a caliphate in Syria after the Assad regime was defeated. Iran and Russia have made it clear that Assad is going nowhere. Huge stockpiles of chemical weapons and, like Libya, elements of the Al Qaeda terrorist group pose regional threats in the post-Assad era.[7] The Christians in Syria are being slaughtered in the thousands after losing the protection and tolerance they have enjoyed under Assad and the Ba'athists.[8]


Hezbollah (the Party of Allah) is essentially a standing military force of division strength (10,000 men; for purposes of this discussion we will revert to the sexist term 'men' when referring to the 'manpower' strength of a military force). It is under the command of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards (also known as the Iranian Army). Hezbollah has occupied Lebanon, a vassal state of Syria, since 1985. While operating soup kitchens and providing social services, Hezbollah presents to the world the appearance of a political party and administrative authority, but nonetheless has been branded as a terror organization under the sponsorship of Iran. While its manpower strength comes from native-indigenous born, it remains an occupation force under the command of Iran, and not under the control of the local Lebanese government, nor the Syrian govetnment. It persists in its occupation of Lebanon only by a political and military alliance between the Syrian regime of Bashar Assad and the Islamic Republic of Iran.[9]

For decades, Hezbollah has been launching random missile attacks across the common border with Israel, which Israel had been able to respond effectively with conventional air power and rout out the launch sites. Hezbollah has carried out numerous terror attacks in Saudi Arabia as well. Hezbollah's sponsor, Iran, is seeking to become a nuclear power, ending Israel's nuclear monopoly in the neighborhood. When Iran masters the bomb, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and Eygpt likely will feel threatened enough to pool resources and develope their own bomb. With the entire region armed with nukes, minor provocations can no longer be dealt with by conventional arms for fear of nuclear escalation.

Given these parameters, a decision was made to limit Iran's influence in the Mediterranean region and oust Hezbollah from Lebanon. They only way to do this was to depose Assad. The original plan by the belligerent powers, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Turkey, the United States and the Gulf States, too arm jihadist elements and spark a sectarian anti-Shia conflict,[10] after seven years of fighting is no closer to removing Assad from power and ousting Hezbollah than when it began.[11] Russian active intervention with Special Forces on the ground and air defense have saved the Syrian regime.


The Khorosan Group Does Not Exist, Andrew McCarthy, National Review, September 27, 2014.[12]

The government is comprised of Alawites of the Shia Islam religion led by Bashar al-Assad of the Ba'ath Party, a secular-socialist party. Emboldened by the successful ousting of leaders in Libya, Egypt and Tunisia, Sunni Muslims of the Free Syrian Army, foreign insurgents from Iraq, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Chechnya, the U.K.,[13] Ireland[14] and other terrorist forces have been furiously attacking government troops. Many European jihadists are moving to Syria to kill Alawites.[15] The Syrian army would chase them down in occupied areas such as Homs, and then bombard the occupied areas. Some of the regime's forces that were reluctant to fire on their own people in the early days of fighting abandoned the government and fled to Turkey. A large refugee population has fled to neighboring Turkey, Lebanon and Jordan.[16]

The Free Syrian Army-Terrorists are dominated by the Muslim Brotherhood, works with Al-Qaeda and are trained by Hamas.[17]

Moscow offensive[edit]

Russia's bombing campaign appears mighty in talk and action. While many of their initial targets were opposition forces to Assad, and not ISIS, led some to believe their mission won't work.[18] It's clear from all available reporting that Moscow has turned the tables. Russia jets flew 250 strikes in one day against targets in the city of Aleppo.[19] Syrian ground forces, along with Lebanese and Iranian-backed mercenaries are on the verge of recapturing Aleppo.


In June 2013, government forces along with support from Hezbollah, Iran and Russia,[20] have dealt the Sunni rebels severe defeats. The situation has Western nations contemplating their financial involvement.

The character of the opposition and insurgency has not changed since the Arab Spring; in July 2012, opposition jihadis started attacking the government in their capital of Damascus. Since President Obama approved aid to rebels, a suicide bomber penetrated and killed the President's brother-in-law and the army military commander, signaling the true nature of the Obama-backed main opposition terror groups . The Brigade of Islam took credit for the attack. Also in July, jihadis launched attacks on Syria's most populated northern city of Aleppo. Rebels had captured all Iraqi border positions until government forces fought back. Iraqi trade routes are a valuable lifeline to the regime's survival.

Chemical Weapons[edit]

Before the war, Syria had stockpiled chemical warfare agents such as VX, Sarin and mustard gas. They never admitted as much until 2012 when they declared it for national defense against foreign powers. In December 2012, several unconfirmed reports stated that the Syrian government used chemical agents in the rebel-held area of Homs.[21] Former Defense Secretary Leo Panetta publicly called on Syria not to use such weapons. Barack Obama stated that the use of chemical weapons or biological agents would be unacceptable and would cross a red line.

In August 2013 a false flag chemical attack killed hundreds of civilians. After it was alleged that Assad used weapons against his people, Obama did practically nothing. He went to Congress to authorize a military strike, but this request was rejected (he had the ability to order a military strike without Congress's approval). Later, the Obama Administration (particularly Susan Rice)[22] and the mainstream media[23] claimed they had worked with Syria to remove its chemical weapons. In April 2017, Syria again used chemical weapons against its people, proving their claim wrong.[22]

After a second chemical weapons attack, the new president, Donald Trump, ordered a large airstrike against a Syrian airbase.[24] The U.S. destroyed about 20 Syrian jet planes and caused extremely heavy damage on the base.[25] As even the New York Times reported, Trump's action was a show of U.S. strength, and it was in stark contrast to Obama, as Trump used surprise and speed in the attacks.[26] World leaders supported the strong action.[27]

Foreign reactions[edit]


After ISIS executed 129 people in France terror attack, the French government has had an active bombing campaign on positions in Syria and Iraq. The government of France remains on heightened terror alert ever since.


Two fighter jets bombed a notorious Hezbollah terrorist near Damascus, Syria.[28]

Israel warplanes bombed a Hezbollah weapons supply convoy inside Syria, destined for the Assad government.[29]

Mortar shells from the Syrian conflict often land in Israel held Golan Heights. Shimon Peres called for an intervention of the Arab countries in Syria.[30] The israelian intelligence chief warned that Assad is readying chemical weapons.[31]

Israel launched airstrikes against targets near Damascus. It is believed that missile transfers to Hezbollah were bombed.[32]

For the fifth time in 2013, Israel warplanes bomb a weapons convoy in Syria destined for Hezbollah.[33]

August 2016, Israel fighter jets bomb Hezbollah targets in Syria.


Al Qaeda of Iraq massacred 48 Syrian government troops after they fled into Iraq. They were chased out of Syria by rebel forces and ambushed as they sought to seek safe refuge.[34]

The terrorist group Islamic State (ISIS) has expanded the war on Syria into a regional war by attacking Iraq. The Iraqi army was no match in the fight and many Iraqi cities fell into ISIS control. Unspeakable brutality against innocent men, women, and children have Western nations alarmed. The U.S. started relief missions and bombing runs in northern Iraq. ISIS has moved as far south as the outskirts of Baghdad.


Iran has provided Syria with military fighters in defense of Damascus. As the war spread, the Pentagon confirmed that Iran has bombed ISIS targets in Iraq.[35]

In May 2015, Iranian troops, artillery and other heavy weapons have begun fighting in conjunction with Iraq forces in a counteroffensive to take the Beiji oil refinery.[36]

Iranian fighter jets fly alongside with Russian bombers over the skies of Syria.[37]


In October 2012, Defense Secretary Leon Panetta announced that the U.S. sent military troops to the Jordan-Syria border to help bolster Jordan's military and help with the refugee crisis.[38] During the 2013 budget sequester which caused Obama to close citizen access to the White House and Democrats claimed would add to unemployment and homelessness, Obama gave away $200 million to Jordan for refugees fleeing the fighting.[39]

The ISIS execution of a Jordanian pilot prompted the government of Jordan to execute two captured ISIS terrorists and significantly increase bombing runs against ISIS targets in Syria.


Lebanon is increasing involved in Syria's civil war. Shiite Hezbollah militants cross the border to attack Sunni rebel forces, in defense of Assad's regime. This has brought about retaliatory attacks on Lebanese soil. In August 2013, a huge car bomb killed at least 24 people in a Shi’ite district of Beirut controlled by Hezbollah. In November, twin suicide bombers detonated explosives at the Iranian Embassy in the Shiite district of the Lebanese capital, killing 23 people.[40]


Moscow has taken a decisive stand in the conflict. Two new Russian bases were constructed in Syria in addition to the existing Russian naval base. A coalition between Assad's forces, Iranian forces, Iraq forces and Russian forces have set up a command center in Baghdad to coordinate attacks. Russia demanded U.S. aircraft leave Syrian skies so that Russia can conduct military strikes. Their first strikes targeted U.S. backed Islamic rebels.

August 2016, Russian fighter bombers based in Iran launch airstrikes in Syria.

Saudi Arabia[edit]

The oil-rich kingdom has been a very vocal opponent of Assad and his alliance with Iran. The Sunni-Shia split only increases regional tensions. There are indications they might send ground forces into the campaign. For now the Saudis continue to be a major player funding opposition forces to Assad.


The Turkish government has condemned the war in Syria. Also, they house 1.5 million refugees from Syria. In October, Syria shelled a Turkish border town killing five civilians. Turkey's Parliament authorized military operations against Syria. The bill opens the way for unilateral action by Turkey's armed forces inside Syria.[41] Turkey responded by shelling Syria for five days. Earlier in 2012, Syria shot down a Turkish fighter plane killing two pilots.

Turkish jets scrambled as tanks and artillery of its Fifth Armored Brigade shelled ISIS militants across the border in response to a suicide bombing in Turkey killing 32 people.[42]

Islamic State fighters fired on a Turkish border outpost in the Kilis region, killing one Turkish soldier and wounding five.

UN deadlock[edit]

A U.N. organized cease fire failed in February 2016, which will inevitably humanitarian crisis to follow.

Western nations have asked the United Nations to condemn the military actions, call for a cease fire, and punish Syria with sanctions, however Russia and China have vetoed these efforts. About half of the 1.5 million people in need of aid in Syria are children and adolescents, says a UNICEF spokesperson.[43]


See also: Obama war crimes

Warplanes based in Turkey have conducted their first airstrikes on ISIS targets in Syria, previously only limited to unarmed flights. U.S. troops are advising Kurdish soldiers via cell phone. A special operations mission killed ISIS commander Abu Sayyaf in his Syrian home.[44] $500 million was spent on training CIA-back rebels, so-called moderate Islamic rebels. They were all killed, surrendered or captured. Al Qaeda is reported to have seized the weapons provided by America. None of the ISIS training facilities have been targeted by U.S. warplanes, preventing civilian casualties was the reason given. Over 1000 fighters per month come out of these camps. Other operations are designed to "degrade and destroy" ISIS while helping to remove Assad from power. It is notable that the Obama-led plan in Syria is a complete failure.

Under the Obama policy, the US arming Kurdish forces have created a rift in the NATO alliance. Turkey, by far the largest manpower contributor to the alliance, regards any arms shipments to Kurds on either side of its border as aiding a terrorist organization.[45]

US policy: Cold War revisited[edit]

The Obama position started in support of Assad, with Secretary of State Hillary Clinton calling him a reformer. Shortly after the murder of Gaddafi by Obama-supported rebels, Obama ordered covert aid to anti-Assad forces as well.[46] Some of these forces may be non-indigenous. In March 2013, Secretary of State John Kerry reiterated that the U.S. is training elements of the Syrian belligerent forces.[47] Russia is Syria's ally and has been supplying the regime with weapons and air defence. A NATO fighter jet was shot down by Syrian forces when it intruded into Syrian airspace from Turkey.[48] Putin is angry with the Obama administration for helping the jihadists,[49] blaming the U.S. for the deteriorating situation.

Obama has sought to do more for the jihadis and has vowed to work with "opposition forces" to topple Assad. In addition, Qatar and Saudi Arabia at US direction have set up a base in Turkey to help funnel supplies and weapons.[50] Israel does not want to see chemical weapons[51] in the hands of Obama-backed forces and has publicly announced they have military plans to stop that transaction. Iran says they will not let the Assad regime collapse and is prepared to attack Qatar and Saudi Arabia.[52] In August 2012 Barack Hussein Obama warned of chemical weapons and mentioned that he would attack Syria.[53] In August 2013 Obama wanted to attack Syria finally,[54] but Russian president Vladimir Putin could persuade him.

The Obama policy of arming Kurds has led to improved relations between Russia and Turkey, threatening the reliability of a key member of the NATO alliance.[55]

U.S. domestic dissent of administration policy[edit]

A majority of Conservatives feel the U.S. should stay out of this rebel's war (mainly a mercenary war). In addition, they feel arming Islamic rebels is not in our interests. Conservative Rand Paul believes the Obama administration is funneling weapons to Syrian terrorist organizations through Libya.[56] Conservative Ted Cruz thinks also that the United States should not support any side.[57] A few Republicans such as John McCain and Mitt Romney have called for arming the Syrian Islamic opposition with weapons.[58] A majority of Democrats have expressed no opposition to the Obama administration policy of arming al Qaeda and Islamic State extremists and replacing it with a regime that has demonstrated intolerance for non-Islamic groups. Marco Rubio said that Obama should intervene earlier and that this is the reson, why the biggest part of opposition consists of Al-Qaeda linked groups.[59]

After the public beheading of 2 U.S. journalists, Obama had decided to address the American people. He announced he had no plan.

Massive torture and war crimes[edit]

Syria's Assad's regime have carried out mass torture in prison, various chemical weapons use.[60] Despite massive evidence of perpetrating crimes against humanity and war crimes, the Syrian regime seems to be in a state of impunity when it comes to international justice.[61] Assad and his regime may never be prosecuted for the acts of terror he perpetrated against his own people during Syria's civil war.[62]

Policy of Donald Trump[edit]

After Assad used chemical weapons on his people, President Trump ordered a one-time airstrike against a Syrian air base, firing 59 cruise missiles at it on April 6, 2017.[24] This was the first direct military action the U.S. took against the Assad regime.[63] Russia was given a two-minute warning, and claim to have shot down 36 missiles, giving the Russian missile defense system a 61% effectiveness rate under live fire combat conditions.[64] Trump defended his missile strike by reference to God: "No child of God should ever suffer such horror" as caused by Syria's chemical weapons attack injuring civilians.[65]

In July 2017 it was reported that the Trump Administration had ended a CIA program to arm "moderate" Syrian rebels, an ineffective program that had been criticized by conservatives. It should be noted that the anti-ISIS faction the Free Syrian Army still receives aid at Al-Tanf, where they have been key in keeping the border crossing with Jorden safe from Islamists, including Hezbollah. [66]

After the Syrian government again used chemical weapons on its people, President Trump ordered precision missile strikes on certain military installations in the country, in coordination with the French and UK governments on April 13, 2018.[67] According to the Pentagon the following day, the U.S. and its allies launched 105 missiles that successfully hit all three targets and crippled the Syrian chemical weapons program.[68] The Russians withdrew their aerial missile defense system during the attack. Reports vary on the effectiveness of the Syrian missile defense system; the US claims Syria shot down only 2 of 105 cruise missiles whereas the Russian Defense Ministry claimed 71 were shot down. The airstrikes were reportedly limited in scope and purpose,[69] intended to stop Syria from using chemical weapons and to send a message to the government's allies,[70] and designed not to inflame tensions in the area or drag the U.S. further into the conflict.[69] The U.S. government also stated it would not launch any more attacks unless the Syrian government used chemical weapons again.[71]

See also[edit]

External links[edit]


  3. Iraqi fighters, arms trickle into Syria as violence grows, By Khalid al-Taie, Reuthers, Feb 14, 2012.
  13. Syria: Jihadists With “Birmingham Accents” Heard Among Islamist Rebel Faction Fighting Assad Regime, Weasel Zippers, July 29, 2012
  16. Jordan: Syrian army shoots dead Syrian refugee boy, Fox News, July 27, 2012
  18. Obama is adamant: Russian and Iranian military meddling ‘won’t work’ in Syria, Washington Times, October, 2015
  19. Thousands flee as Russian-backed offensive threatens to besiege Aleppo, Reuters, February 5, 2016
  20. John McCain: Syria crisis worsening, Politico, June 8, 2013
  21. Gas used in Homs leaves seven people dead and scores affected, activists say, Aljazeera, December 24, 2012
  22. 22.0 22.1 Chakraborty, Barnini (April 7, 2017). Susan Rice, Obama colleagues take heat for past claims on Syria chemical weapons purge. Fox News. Retrieved April 7, 2017.
  23. Nash, Charlie (April 7, 2017). PolitiFact Pulls 2014 ‘Mostly True’ Rating of John Kerry’s Claim of Eliminating Syrian Chemical Weapons. Breitbart News. Retrieved April 7, 2017.
  24. 24.0 24.1 Griffin, Jennifer; Tomlinson, Lucas (April 7, 2017). US missiles target Syria airfield in response to chemical weapons attack. Fox News. Retrieved April 7, 2017.
  25. Gordon, Michael R.; Cooper, Helene; Shear, Michael D. (April 6, 2017). Dozens of U.S. Missiles Hit Air Base in Syria. The New York Times. Retrieved April 7, 2017.
  26. Israel Strike In Syria, Breitbart, December 20, 2015
  27. Israeli airstrike targeted convoy of trucks inside Syria, US and regional officials say, Fox News, January 30, 2013
  30. Israel launches airstrikes in Syria,, May 4th 2013
  31. Report: Israel Bombs Another Syrian Weapons Convoy Heading For Hezbollah In Lebanon,, July 28, 2013
  32. 48 Syrian soldiers killed in al-Qaeda ambush in Iraq, Times of Israel, March 4, 2013
  33. Iranian Phantom jet strikes the Islamic State in Iraq,, November 30, 2014
  34. US officials: Iran enters Iraqi fight for key oil refinery, My Way News, May 22, 2015
  35. [1]
  36. US sends troops to Jordan to help deal with Syria crisis, UK Guardian, October 10, 2012
  37. Sequester? Obama Offers Jordan Another $200 Million, The Hill, March 22, 2013.
  38. Double suicide bombings near Iran Embassy in Beirut kill 23, including Iranian diplomat, Nanaimo Daily News, November 19th, 2013
  39. [
  40. U.S. Jets to Use Turkish Bases in War on ISIS, NYT, July 23, 2015
  41. The UN worries a showdown in Aleppo could be imminent, Fox News, July 27, 2012
  42. Abu Sayyaf, key ISIS figure in Syria, killed in U.S. raid, CNN, May 17, 2015
  44. ‘Secret’ order signed by President Obama allows CIA and other U.S. agencies to provide support to help the Syrian rebels oust President Bashar al-Assad, REUTERS, August 1, 2012.
  45. Kerry appears to confirm US helping train Syrian opposition, Fox News, March 05, 2013]
  46. NATO has been testing Syria's Russian-supplied air defences as talk of a no-fly zone has been floated. Among NATO, only the US has the capability to implement a no-fly zone.
  47. Putin has been fighting similar forces in Chechnya for a decade.
  48. Turkey sets up secret anti-Assad rebel base with Saudi Arabia and Qatar - reports,, July 27, 2012
  49. Republican Mike Rogers, chairman of the House Intelligence oversight committee, spoke publicly about the Obama administration's claim Syria has used, or is preparing to use chemical weapons. Syria's 'probability' of using chemical warfare, By Michael Martinez, Joe Sterling and Nick Paton Walsh, CNN, March 20, 2013. This is regarded by many as a pretext for direct US intervention.
  50. Iran readies attacks against Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Daily Caller, August 1, 2012
  54. Sen. Rand Paul: Is Obama Administration Hiding Arms Trade to Jihadists? The New American, March 5, 2013
  58. Sirwan Kajjo, [ In Syria, Documenting War Crimes Falls to Journalists and Citizens, VOA, October 08, 2021.
    Torture in prison, chemical weapons, the direct targeting of foreign media, and hundreds of thousands of deaths. Syria's President Bashar al-Assad stands accused of a long list of crimes against his people
  59. Mohamad Kamal al-Labwani, The UN Process and the War Crimes of Assad, Washington Institute, Feb 11, 2021.
    After the UN's failures regarding Assad, Syrians need a more forceful option to restore their dignity and rights....

    Despite massive evidence of perpetrating crimes against humanity and war crimes, the Syrian regime seems to be in a state of impunity when it comes to international justice. At present, the UN peace efforts seem to be aiding Assad’s attempts to legitimize himself rather than punishing him for war crimes. The Syrian Civil Movement, a group of tens of thousands of Syrian activists and civilians who have suffered the atrocities of the ongoing dirty war in Syria, call on all those involved in finding peace for Syria to remember the truth of the war’s dynamics.

    The UN efforts to resolve the Syrian crisis in Vienna currently appear to be driven by a misdiagnosis of the situation in Syria as a conflict between pro- and anti-regime groups. In fact, the conflict remains an authoritarian regime’s heinous crackdown on its own civilians with a horrifying number of human casualties, massive civilian displacement, and extensive destruction. 

  60. The evidence of Syrian President Bashar Assad and his regime's legacy of war crimes, CBS, Feb 21, 2021.
    Assad and his regime may never be prosecuted for the acts of terror he perpetrated against his own people during Syria's civil war. Scott Pelley reports on the effort to gather and maintain the evidence against Assad... Torture is one of many war crimes committed by Bashar al-Assad's regime...
  61. Ackerman, Spencer; Pilkington, Ed; Jacobs, Ben; Borger, Julian (April 7, 2017). Syria missile strikes: US launches first direct military action against Assad. The Guardian. Retrieved April 7, 2017.
  64. Multiple references: See also:
  65. Multiple references:
  66. Multiple references: See also:
  67. 69.0 69.1 Multiple references:
  68. Bender, Michael C.; Radnofsky, Louise (April 14, 2018). Trump Says Strikes Aimed at Ending Syria’s Use of Chemical Weapons, Sending Message to Russia and Iran. The Wall Street Journal. Retrieved April 22, 2018.
  69. Multiple references: See also:

Categories: [Syria] [Islam] [Obama Presidency] [Wars]

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