
From Conservapedia
Capital Saint Paul
Nickname The North Star State; the Gopher State; Land of 10,000 Lakes
Official Language None
Governor Tim Walz, D
Senator Amy Klobuchar, D
(202) 224-3244
Senator Tina Smith, D
Population 5,666,667 (2020)
Ratification of Constitution/or statehood May 11, 1858 (32nd)
Flag of Minnesota Motto: L'Etoile du nord (The star of the north)
State Seal
Alternate flag

Minnesota (from the Dakota "Mini sota") is located in the Midwestern region of the United States and on May 11, 1858 became the thirty-second state to enter into the union. During the American Civil War Minnesota supported the Union Army. The capital of Minnesota is Saint Paul and the largest city is Minneapolis. These cities are sometimes referred to as the Twin Cities, due to their close proximity. The current governor of Minnesota is Tim Walz.

President Donald Trump did well in Minnesota in 2016, but could not quite carry this liberal State.

The state Constitution of Minnesota, like all of the other 50 states, acknowledges God or our Creator or the Sovereign Ruler of the Universe. It says:

We, the people of the state of Minnesota, grateful to God for our civil and religious liberty, and desiring to perpetuate its blessings and secure the same to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution.


Minnesota's climate ranges from hot, humid summers to cold, snowy winters. The state experiences all four seasons distinctly. Severe weather ranges from thunderstorms, hail and occasional tornadoes during the mid-spring and summer to subzero temperatures, heavy snowfalls and blizzards during the late-fall, winter and early-spring.


Minnesota is nicknamed the "Land of 10,000 Lakes" due to its large number of natural freshwater lakes. The nickname is not an exaggeration as the actual number of lakes is about 11,842. The southern third and western edge of the state have very few lakes, but the rest of the state is dotted with small (less than 50 acres) to very large (over 100,000 acres) lakes only a few miles apart at most. The largest lake entirely within the state is Red Lake in Beltrami County, which is divided by a natural peninsula into Upper Red Lake and Lower Red Lake. The lake is 288,831 acres, or about 451.3 sq. miles, in size. The estimated total miles of shoreline of all of Minnesota's lakes is greater than the shorelines of California, Florida and Hawaii combined. As a result of this large number of lakes, Minnesota has a booming resort business, with over 1000 resorts of various kinds spread throughout the state. Year-round fishing is also a major draw for residents and visitors.

Excluding the southern border, a large portion of Minnesota's borders are defined by rivers and lakes. Big Stone Lake, Lake Traverse and the Red River compose most of the state's western border with North and South Dakota. The northern border with Canada is primarily defined by the Rainy River and Rainy Lake. Finally, the eastern border with Wisconsin includes Lake Superior and the St. Croix and Mississippi rivers.

The Mississippi River's headwaters are located at Lake Itasca in northern Minnesota.

Politics of Minnesota[edit]

Minnesota has been historically a Democratic state. They have not gone Republican in a Presidential election since Richard Nixon in 1972. However, in the 2010 elections, Republicans won a majority of both chambers of the Minnesota Legislature for the first time since 1970. The 2008 Republican National Convention was held in Saint Paul, Minnesota. Marxist protesters attempted to shut it down, blocking streets and disrupting public transportation.

Hubert Humphrey booted Fannie Lou Hamer out of the 1964 Democrat Convention and seated the all-white Mississippi delegation. He was rewarded with the VP spot.[1] In 1968 HHH was nominated as the Democrat presidential candidate despite never having appeared on any ballot in any primary.

Minnesota is the only state in the Union in which the national Democratic Party actually is represented by the state-level Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party (DFL). All Democratic politicians in and from Minnesota work under the DFL header, though since the loss of manufacturing jobs to China and growth of agribusiness this now is more an issue of tradition than actual meaning.

In the 1960s and 1970s, at the height of the Civil Rights movement, Minnesota produced two Vice Presidents of the United States who also became Democratic party presidential nominees, Hubert Humphrey and Walter Mondale. Both Humphrey and Mondale denied Blacks equal protection and made a mockery of the civil rights movement.[2]

President Lyndon Johnson held a private meeting at the 1964 Democratic Convention with Humphrey, Mondale, Roy Wilkins, Andrew Young, United Auto Workers President Walter Reuther and Martin Luther King Jr. A plan was hatched to offer the Mississippi Freedom Democrats two non-voting At-Large seats with observer status, rather than replace the all-white delegation which had been undemocratically and illegally elected.[3] President Johnson arrogated to himself the right to pick which two, and Johnson chose one white and one black. Johnson dispatched Humphrey and Mondale and ordered them to make sure that “that illiterate woman," Fannie Lou Hamer, a black civil rights activist, would never be a delegate. Dr. King protested, and was told by Reuther to shut up. The offer was rejected, but Humphrey and Mondale remained powerhouse liberals in the Democratic party for another 20 years.

Hubert Humphrey, the 1968 Democratic challenger to Richard Nixon for the presidency said of the Rev. Jim Jones, a community activist and organizer,

"It is always good to hear that the spirit of the American people is still as vibrant and generous as ever. Pastor Jones seems to be a credit to your community, and I hope his good works continue to play an important power in the continued well-being of your area. Citizen power has always been one of my watchwords, and I’m glad to see it in action. The work of Reverend Jones and his congregation is testimony to the positive and truly Christian approach to dealing with the myriad problems confronting our society today.”
President Jimmy Carter with his former vice president and 1984 Democrat presidential nominee Walter Mondale.

The Peoples Temple was a progressive movement for social change based on identity politics. Its leader, the Rev. Jones, led the group of primarily African American progressive Democrats and communists, in a mass suicide in Guyana in 1979. Over 900 people were either murdered by the leftist group or committed suicide.

Minnesota Sen. Walter Mondale, then Democrat Vice Presidential candidate, met with the Rev. Jim Jones during the 1976 campaign.[4] Jones was one of the few people invited aboard his chartered jet for a private visit. Mondale stated regarding the Temple that "knowing the congregations deep involvement in the major social and constitutional issues of our country . . . is a great inspiration to me."[5]

President Forbes Burnham of Guyana was a communist. Burnham stated that Guyana allowed the Peoples Temple to operate based on the personal recommendations made by Mondale, First Lady Rosalyn Carter and San Francisco Democrat Mayor George Moscone. When Deputy Minister Ptolemy Reid traveled to Washington in September 1977, Vice President Mondale inquired "How's Jim?", indicating to Guyanese officials that Mondale had a personal interest in Jim Jones' well being.[6]

After 63 years of virtually uninterrupted Minneapolis Democrat mayors, one of whom became Vice President during the Civil Rights movement, the Democratic veto-proof city council finally admitted in 2020 to the systemic racism of the Minneapolis Police Department.[7] Under Democratic leadership, Minneapolis is known to have one of the most institutionally racist police departments in the United States.[8]

Election fraud[edit]

See also: Democrat election fraud

In 2008 DNC henchman Marc Elias represented Al Franken in Minnesota. The recount may have been decided by convicted felons who voted illegally. A study conducted by Minnesota Majority watchdog group found that at least 341 convicted felons in largely Democratic Minneapolis-St. Paul voted illegally in the 2008 Senate race. The felons were registered by ACORN.

The final recount determined six months after the election showed Franken beat Coleman by 312 votes -- fewer votes than the number of felons whose illegal ballots were counted which matched publicly available conviction lists with voting records. Even though it could be determined that felons illegally voted, there was no way to determine how they voted with a secret ballot. Once their votes were mixed in with the total, there is no way to separate them out. The same loophole can be used for non-citizens' voting. This is what is meant by the slogan, "Count every vote."

The watchdog group took the voting lists and matched them with conviction lists, then went to the voting roster lists, where voters sign in before voting, and matched them.[9]

Ann Coulter said,

"He stole the 2008 election in Minnesota, going from a thousand votes down the day after the election to 300 votes up a few months later, after vast numbers of Franken votes kept being discovered in heavily Democratic districts. As economist John Lott pointed out at the time, the magically appearing votes for Franken were a statistical impossibility."[10]

Ballot harvesting[edit]

On September 27, 2020 James O'Keefe of Project Veritas posted a report on illegal ballot harvesting for cash in Minnesota Rep. Ilhan Omar's district.[11][12][13] On October 16, 2020 Facebook sent notification warnings to every user that reposted the Project Veritas' report.[14]

A 17 year-old campaign staffer for Lacy Johnson, the Republican opponent running against Ilhan Omar, was shot and killed outside a gas station in Minneapolis.[15]

2020 election fraud[edit]

See also: 2020 Democrat election fraud

On Nov. 2, 2020, one day before the 2020 presidential election a retired construction worker, developer, and land investor signed a sworn affidavit. The person witnessed “a busload of severely mentally handicapped people who were forced by handlers to vote for Joe Biden.” In great detail, the witness describes being at the Sherburne county office and standing right next to a line of severely mentally handicapped people who were there for early voting, and watching them being taken, one by one, up to vote, with someone else (caretaker/handler) holding their hand and forcing them to make voting choices. The witness notes that “the caretakers were the ones making the voting choices for these handicapped people.” They literally held the handicapped person’s hand in theirs and marked the ballot for them. The witness was close enough to see they were forced to vote for Joe Biden, and indicated that many of them could not even hold a pen by themselves and appeared unable to make voting decisions.[16]

In 2011, Minnesota resident Jim Stene voted in the presidential election and thought he was casting his ballot for Gerald Ford. Stene, who suffers from anoxic encephalopathy, a severe brain damage caused by a lack of oxygen to the brain, was living in a group home in Brainerd, MN. He and other residents of the home were taken to the Crow Wing county auditor’s office on Oct. 29 to vote by absentee ballot. Stene’s father charged in an affidavit that “a voter crime was committed . . . because James is mentally incompetent and is very coachable.” He feared his son, and many others like him, could be used to swing elections across the nation. A Brainerd resident said he witnessed the group home residents voting and said it appeared “they had no idea what was going on.” He accused the group home staff of “forcing the vote, and they were telling them who to vote for, actually using candidates’ names.”

2020 Democrat Farm Labor riots[edit]

Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison with Luis Enrique Marquez, a notorious leader of the Oregon ANTIFA.[17]
See also: DFL riots

Gov. Tim Walz allowed the city of Minneapolis to be burnt down by his voter base before calling in the National Guard to defend lives and property. A Twin Cities resident wrote to the Pioneer Press/Dispatch:

The fact is George Floyd was killed in Minneapolis, by a Minneapolis policeman. He was not killed by a federal agent in a community of white supremacists.

Minneapolis has been dominated by Democrat mayors for more than 40 years. If systemic racism exists in the Minneapolis police force it has been enabled by Democrat leaders for more than 40 years. Make no mistake, Gov. Walz, Mayor Frey, Attorney General Ellison, Police Chief Arradondo, Rep. Omar, Sens. Klobuchar and Smith – you own this situation. You have all run on platforms promising you would rid our community of this type of heinous behavior.

Liberal politicians’ show their cynicism when, while in control for decades, they express their outrage that racism is a systemic problem in the police department of our largest city. Each of these leaders has expressed support for the protesters, as if they are sympatico with their cause. Where is the self-awareness? These people are not supporting your leadership, they are protesting against your failure to deal with systemic racism while you are empowered to make real change.

Tim Walz is our governor; not George Wallace

Jacob Frey is the mayor; not Lester Maddox

Keith Ellison is attorney general; not Jeff Sessions

Amy Klobuchar is our U.S. senator; not Strom Thurmond

Medaria Arradondo is police chief; not Bull Connor

Enough of the empty accolades for the protesters. Don’t pretend you are in agreement with their cause. Your actions, while in power to make real change, demonstrate otherwise. The correct response on your part is not to insult the community with feigned emotion, your responsibility was to prevent this from happening. You have all failed miserably.[18]

Gov. Walz estimated the cost of the damage to more than 1,500 businesses in Minneapolis and St. Paul at over $500 million. Walz stood idly by while looters and rioters burned businesses and neighborhoods to the ground. Walz did nothing and continued to do nothing as public property and monuments were defaced and destroyed. As his own citizens begged for protection, Walz turned a blind eye to liberal Democrat socialist terrorism while forcing taxpayers to shut down their places of business and churches because of “COVID concerns.”[19]

Arsonists torched the garage of Minnesota Trump supporter Dennis Molla, causing an explosion;[20] a GoFundMe was set up to help him and his family.[21]

2011 Government Shutdown[edit]

The state government of Minnesota shut down on July 1, 2011, due to DFL politicians' unwillingness to compromise on taxes and spending, despite the GOP's best efforts to avert a crisis with a compromise measure. Governor Mark Dayton, in particular, held a rigid line on taxes, and compromised only when it became clear how much the shutdown was hurting ordinary Minnesotans.

The shutdown ended July 20, 2011, with a spending bill negotiated by the GOP, DFLers, and Dayton.

Elected Officials[edit]

County Map




  1. Fannie Lou Hamer's Powerful Testimony, American Experience, PBS. youtube.
  2. https://www.minnpost.com/eric-black-ink/2011/05/sad-story-humphreys-role-1964-democratic-convention/
  3. Mills, Kay, This Little Light of Mine: The Life of Fannie Lou Hamer, (New York: Plume, 1994), p. 5.
  4. When Deputy Minister Ptolemy Reid traveled to Washington, D.C. in September 1977 to sign the Panama Canal Treaties, Mondale asked him, "How's Jim?", which indicated to Reid that Mondale had a personal interest in Jones' well being, p. 173.
    Moore, Rebecca. American as Cherry Pie Template:Webarchive, Jonestown Institute, San Diego State University
  5. "First Lady Among Cult's References" "First Lady Among Cult's References; Mondale and Califano also listed", Los Angeles Times, November 21, 1978. 
  6. Moore, Rebecca. American as Cherry Pie Template:Webarchive, Jonestown Institute, San Diego State University, , p. 173.
  7. https://www.ibtimes.com/minneapolis-police-be-disbanded-city-council-establish-new-public-safety-system-2989620
  8. http://archive.is/csfbU
  9. Felons Voting Illegally May Have Put Franken Over the Top in Minnesota, Study Finds
  10. http://www.anncoulter.com/columns/2013-10-30.html
  11. https://youtu.be/ZWK56l2VaLY
  12. https://youtu.be/MV7oDl8yDZk
  13. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/minneapolis-police-omar-ballot-harvesting
  14. https://youtu.be/TioDPg91uH4
  15. Multiple references:
  16. https://uncoverdc.com/2020/12/03/minnesota-witness-mentally-handicapped-individuals-forced-to-vote-for-biden/
  17. https://bigleaguepolitics.com/busted-keith-ellison-photographed-with-portland-antifa-leader-deletes-pro-antifa-tweet/
  18. https://www.twincities.com/2020/06/04/letters-you-own-this-minneapolis-and-minnesota-democrats/
  19. https://www.redstate.com/kiradavis/2020/07/03/866680/
  20. Leftists Vandalize Minnesota Trump Supporter’s Garage Then Torch His Vehicles and Camper
  21. Molla Family Arson Fundraiser, Hate Crime

Categories: [States of the United States] [Blue States] [Purple States]

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