Blender (Software)

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Blender is a 3D modelling application that was released in 1994. It was developed by Ton Roosendaal. Blender is available in 36 languages, including Russian, English, Japanese, German, French, and Mandarin.

Current Stable Release[edit]

The current stable release of Blender (as of June 1, 2021) is 2.92.0.


Blender has become the most widely used 3D modelling software in the world, surpassing Maya, 3DS Max, and Sketchup, as well as many other notable programs. Blender has been used by many movie studios to make CGI for movies, as Blender has the ability to render incredibly realistic images and animations. The speed of the render may depend on the capabilities of the computer being used.

File Formats[edit]

Blender models are saved as .blend and .blend1 files. Blender models can be exported from Blender as .dae, .glTF, .obj, .zip, and many other file types. Objects can be imported into Blender as the same file types listed previously.

Uses in Game Modding[edit]

Blender is often used by game modders to make new models to add into existing games. Modders also often rip 3D model files from video games, and then import them into Blender to be edited. One of the most commonly modded games is Halo. Modders have taken models from Halo games and imported them into other games, usually using Blender for file conversion.


Blender has a simple physics engine that can simulate a variety of things, such as cloth, rigid object, deformation, explosion, and other physics-related events. Particle physics can be used to simulate buildings collapsing or being sliced through, as well as realistic car accident animations.

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