An evangelical homosexual is a homosexual who is not content merely with his own lack of heterosexuality but is also obsessed with (i) censoring expressions of heterosexuality by others; (ii) attempting to convert heterosexuals around them to homosexuality and (iii) censoring criticism of homosexuality, specifically by Christians.
Examples of techniques used by evangelical homosexuals include:
- insisting that homosexuality is not morally wrong.
- claiming that it is possible to be a homosexual and a Christian simultaneously.
- misusing the Bible and the command to love, to justify a practice which Biblical love for God and man disallows[1]
- using Hollywood to portray homosexuals as "cool" and "hip".
- drawing comparisons between homosexuals and the civil rights movement of the 60's.
- making friends with heterosexual males for the sole purpose of converting them to homosexuality.
- claiming to be smarter or superior than people who are not homosexual.
- teaching, attending, or supporting colleges and universities to promote "tolerance"
- resorting to violence if they don't get their way.
See also[edit]