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A young homeschooled student

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Homeschooling consists of the practice of students receiving education from a parent or guardian, or instructors acting under the direction of a parent or guardian, rather than from teachers in a formal school setting like a public school. Virtually every area of the United States has local support groups for homeschooling, which often meet in church facilities. Nearly 7% of college-educated parents homeschool their children.[1] "In 2012, there were around 1.8 million homeschool students [in the U.S.], and in 2021, that number is expected to be above 5 million."[2] For much of American history, at least until after the American Civil War, the average American received only about 2 years of formal schooling.

Homeschooling grew by almost 75% in the eight years before 2011,[3] and more than doubled in the following decade despite attacks from teachers' unions and government bureaucrats.[4] In one survey, "the average homeschooled student scored at the 88th percentile" in the core subjects of reading, language and math.[5] The most successful mathematician in contests in history, Reid Barton, was homeschooled.[6] The greatest gymnast ever, 2016 Olympic champion Simone Biles, was homeschooled. One of the greatest college football players—the first to win the Heisman Trophy as a sophomore -- Tim Tebow, was homeschooled until college.[7] A Wimbledon tennis star, Melanie Oudin, chose homeschooling beginning in 7th grade: "With how much I improved in the first year at home, I knew it was the right choice."[8] Homeschooled students make up many of the top college and graduate students in mathematics today.[9]

Homeschooling parents have many available options to supplement education at home:

Homeschoolers often include local "after school" enrichment programs like scouts, 4-H, sports, music lessons, karate or dance classes, public library programs, and summer camps as part of their educational program. Some areas have extracurricular clubs and activities specifically for homeschoolers, some allow homeschoolers to participate in local public school's after school activities, and some homeschoolers participate in extracurricular activities independently from their schooling through private organizations. Homeschool graduates vote in higher percentages: in 2003, "76 percent of homeschool graduates surveyed between the ages of 18 to 24 voted within the last five years, compared to only 29 percent of the corresponding U.S. population."[10]

Homeschooling Statistics[edit]

In the United States, homeschooling included an estimated 1.1 million students – about 2.9% of children in grades K-12 – in 2007. "The number of home-schooled kids hit 1.5 million in 2007, up 74% from when the Department of Education's National Center for Education Statistics started keeping track in 1999, and up 36% since 2003."[11][12]

Families who homeschool their children do so for a number of reasons. A 2001 study by the US Census Bureau found that the single largest reason that parents homeschool is that they feel they can give their children a better education at home. This accounted for 50% of the homeschooling families; religious reasons came in second at 33%.[13] Other frequently mentioned reasons include dissatisfaction with academic instruction at other schools, the ability to provide religious or moral instruction along with academics, the ability to control what the child is being taught, flexibility in meeting the needs of a child with special needs (such as a physical or mental health problem, a temporary illness or giftedness), flexibility in scheduling family life, and concern about safety, drugs, and peer pressure at other schools.[14]

Admissions departments at major colleges are now familiar and comfortable with homeschooling, according to a 2004 Boston Globe article. The article quotes a Williams College admission officer as saying:
"We read homeschoolers' applications just like any other application. They don't get any special consideration, but they're not discriminated against, either. Their applications are interesting, and they've certainly done independent work their whole lives."
It notes that the acceptance rate of homeschoolers at Williams is 20 percent,[15] virtually identical to its overall acceptance rate.[16]

In the United States, some states permit homeschooled students to participate in extracurricular activities at their local public schools.

In one way or another equal access is expressly allowed by the states of Arizona, Colorado, Florida, Idaho, Illinois, Iowa, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Nevada, New Hampshire, North Dakota, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Utah, Vermont, Washington, and Wyoming. In most other states, participation is worked out on a case-by-case basis.[17] In addition, some states, such as Alabama, are considering equal access legislation.[18] In New Jersey, school athletic associations dominated by public schools exclude homeschoolers from participation in athletics, even though they allow students at different charter schools to participate.[19]

Academic level[edit]

Many studies over the last few years have established the academic excellence of homeschooled children.[20] Most recently, the average ACT (American College Testing) score of homeschooled students in 2009 was higher than the national average.[21] ACT-tested graduates reporting themselves as home-schooled numbered 4,593 in 2000, a 41-percent increase. Home-schooled students achieved a composite average of 22.8, 0.1 points higher than in 1999.[22] An extensive 2009 nationwide study conducted by Dr. Brian D. Ray of the National Home Education Research Institute,[23] found that homeschoolers scored 34-39 percentile points higher than the norm on standardized achievement tests. The new study was described as “the most comprehensive study of homeschool academic achievement ever completed,” in which Ray surveyed 11,739 homeschooled students from all 50 states, Guam, and Puerto Rico, and drew from 15 independent testing services. Demographically, 82.4 percent of homeschooling parents identified themselves as Protestant Christian, 12.4 Roman Catholic, 1.1 percent atheist/agnostic, 0.8 percent Mormon, 0.4 percent Jewish, 0.2 percent Eastern Orthodox Christian, and 0.1 percent Muslim. Neither the income or educational level of parents appreciably affected the results.[24]

Reasons for Homeschooling[edit]

Reasons for homeschooling include:[25]

Reasons Not to Homeschool[edit]

We know that homeschooling may have its benefits but it is not for everyone. Reasons against homeschooling include:[39][40][41]

It should also be noted that stay at home moms, the most common teachers for homeschooling, reported having happier lives than their working counterparts.[42]

Homeschooling worldwide[edit]

A thriving homeschooling movement exists in Canada, and homeschooling also fares well in Australia and New Zealand. It is relatively new in South America, and reportedly faces strong government resistance in places such as Brazil. Homeschooling also faces significant challenges in many other counties. The governments in Shanghai and Beijing are largely opposed to homeschooling. In European countries, it is sometimes more restricted than the United States, or illegal, such as in Germany. In Switzerland, many cantons still allow homeschooling, but not all.[43] Sweden recently passed legislation which is expected to ban all homeschooling, except for children with medical exemptions, or foreign workers with the appropriate work visas.[44][45] Recently alarming in England is a June 11, 2009, report on home education by Graham Badman, former Managing Director of Children, Families and Education in the County of Kent, which would effect critical changes in regulation of homeschooling. The report, which was accepted in full by the British Secretary of State for Children, Schools and Families, uses the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) to militate against the educational rights of parents.[46]

About 30,000 homeschoolers lived in the entire UK in the 2016–2017 school year, a nearly 100% increase from 2011.[47]

Homeschooling is rapidly rising in China, despite the communist country's stringent education regulations.[48]

Homeschooling in the United States[edit]

In the United States, homeschooling is generally legal in all areas, though states vary widely on the number of requirements that a family must meet in order to homeschool their children.

The Home School Legal Defense Association provides a map dividing states into four categories, and providing state law on each: No Notice (the state does not require any notice for parents to begin homeschooling), Low Regulation (only notice is required but nothing more), Moderate Regulation (requires notification, test scores, and professional evaluation of student progress), and High Regulation (same as Moderate plus items such as curriculum approval, teacher qualification, and home visits by school officials).[49] Information is also provided for Washington, D.C. and American territories.

Notwithstanding state law, courts have not hesitated to impose their liberal views on this issue. For example, in New Hampshire (a state classified as Moderate Regulation), a court-ordered a thriving, 10-year-old homeschooled Christian girl to attend public school, solely in order to expose her to "different points of view at a time in her life when she must begin to critically evaluate multiple systems of belief and behavior."[50][51] On the other hand, a 1985 Texas case clarified that homeschools in Texas were considered private schools, which the state had no authority to regulate under existing law.[52] This has made Texas, a generally conservative state (and listed by the Association as Low Regulation),[53] one of the friendlier jurisdictions for homeschool families, though local school districts still attempt to impose their – generally illegal – requirements on homeschool families.


In the United States, opting out of public schools is not new. When Thomas Edison's public school teacher said he was "addled",[54] Edison's mother took him out of public school and taught him at home.

Education at public school year-round from about ages 6 to 18 became common only in the 20th century due to compulsory education laws. The first law requiring attendance at public school passed in Massachusetts in 1852; the second such law passed in Washington D.C. in 1864; and most states did not pass mandatory schooling laws until between 1870 and 1917.[55][56]

But even under compulsory education laws in the late 1800s, the school year was only twelve to twenty weeks long. Very few stayed in school from ages 6 to 18. For example, by 1900, only 6% of Americans had graduated from a formal high school. Moreover, these students did not learn basic skills like reading in school; they learned those at home.[57]

Baltimore's Calvert School began selling the school's curriculum to parents in 1905. Within five years, more than 300 children were enrolled in Calvert's correspondence courses. Over the next hundred years, Calvert served over 500,000 children from a wide variety of families nationwide and around the world, including missionary families and those in remote locations.[58]

The homeschooling movement began in the 1960s from very different ideological sources. Seventh-Day Adventists Dr. Raymond and Dorothy Moore pioneered homeschooling as a result of their research into education and their concern about the harmful effects of schooling on students, particularly boys, between ages 5 and 15.[59] On the other side of the political spectrum, John Holt wrote a book critical of schooling in 1964, entitled How Children Fail. Holt was "a left-winger who regarded schools as instruments of the bureaucratic-industrial complex."[60] More generally, millions of Americans were alarmed at the 1962 U. S. Supreme Court ruling which banned school-sponsored prayer in public schools, and many of those parents began to look for alternatives.

Truancy laws brought pioneering homeschoolers into conflict with local officials. The first New York Times story on "home schooling" appeared in 1974, and concerned two parents charged with "educational neglect" by the Westchester County Department of Social Services. Tests showed that they performed at or about grade level "except for one who is a little slow in reading," and the parents received strong support from a state senator.[61] By the mid-1980s the Times was running articles with titles like "Schooling in the Home: A Growing Alternative" and "There Are Benefits In Homeschooling," and states were legalizing homeschooling.[62] A 1997 article said "It's not only Christian fundamentalists any more" and a 2003 article noted "Unhappy in Class, More Are Learning at Home."

New York is the only state which currently requires all home school students to take the GED equivalency exam in order to receive a high school diploma. However, in most cases, they are not required to take the otherwise-mandatory exam prep course first.

Prominent people who were homeschooled[edit]

Throughout history, a remarkably high percentage of accomplished people were homeschooled, including many great mathematicians. Here is a growing list of such achievers:

In addition, a number of prominent people have chosen to homeschool their children. David Guterson, author of the novel Snow Falling on Cedars (1994), which won the 1995 PEN/Faulkner Award, also wrote Family Matters: Why Homeschooling Makes Sense (1992), an account of his family's homeschooling journey.[139] Actor and recording artist Will Smith and his wife actress Jada Pinkett Smith homeschool their children.[140] Michele Bachmann homeschooled her own children, but Minnesota authorities prohibited the homeschooling of foster children (Michele Bachmann also had 23 foster children).[141] Roseanne Barr stated in an interview that she has started to homeschool her 11-year-old son.[142] Kristin Maguire, head of the South Carolina board of education, which governs all its public schools, homeschools all four of her children.[143] Elizabeth Edwards, the late wife of the Democratic vice-presidential nominee (2004) and presidential candidate (2008) John Edwards, homeschooled both of their youngest children.[144] The wife of Glenn Beck homeschools their children. Ayn Rand praised homeschooling in her popular work, Atlas Shrugged: "I came here, not merely for the sake of my husband’s profession, but for the sake of my own. I came here in order to bring up my sons as human beings. I would not surrender them to the educational systems devised to stunt a child’s brain, to convince him that reason is impotent, that existence is an irrational chaos with which he’s unable to deal, and thus reduce him to a state of chronic terror."[145]

Others were taught to read at home prior to any school. For example, Ronald Reagan was taught to read by his mother before attending school;[146] the only African American man to win the Wimbledon tennis championship (in a stunning upset that relied on a brilliant strategy), Arthur Ashe, was nicknamed the "genius" and had been taught to read by his mother at age 5.

See also[edit]

External links[edit]

Further reading[edit]


  4. Multiple references: See also:
  8. (her twin sister remained in public school)
  9. For example, Princeton University math prodigy Arie Israel "never attended a regular school. His parents homeschooled both him and his older sister, Rachel, allowing them to work at their own pace and discover their own interests. His dad, Benjamin, a computer programmer, helped him with math and science, while his mom, Rebekah, taught him English and history." [1]
  12. [2] Homeschooling in the United States: 2003 Statistical Analysis Report, National Center for Education Statistics, NCES 2006-042, Feb 2006. A 2005 estimate from the National Home Education Research Institute places the number between 1.9 million and 2.4 million while the National Center for Education Statistics estimates that the number of students being homeschooled increased by 29% from 1999 to 2003. Christian Examiner, Sept. 2007, Vol 25, No 9, Pg 1
  13. Home Schooling in the United States: Trends and Characteristics, by Kurt J. Bauman, Population Division, U.S. Census Bureau, August 2001, Working Paper Series No. 53 [3]
  14. Homeschooling in the United States: 2003 Statistical Analysis Report, National Center for Education Statistics, NCES 2006-042, Feb 2006 [4]
  15. Schoolhouse rocked "home schooling has gone main stream, especially in Massachusetts. It's estimated that as many as 20,000 children here have abandoned test-crazy public schools and high-priced private schools for the comfort of the living room couch. But most surprising of all is that Harvard, BU, Brown, and other colleges are welcoming homeschoolers like all other students." Source for Williams College admission officer's quote, 20% figure.
  16. College acceptance rates: Williams, 19.2%. U. S. News and World Report
  17. HSLDA: State Laws Concerning Participation of Homeschool Students in Public School Activities [5]
  18. HSLDA: Alabama - Legislation for Participation in Public School Activities [6]
  19. New Jersey State Interscholastic Athletic Association
  20. Academic Statistics on Homeschooling
  23. Progress Report 2009: Homeschool Academic Achievement and Demographics
  24. Aaron J. Leichman, Christian Post Reporter, Study: Homeschoolers Scoring 'Well Above' Public School Peers' (Tue, Aug. 11 2009 09:26 AM)
  25. For 57 unique benefits of homeschooling, see [7].
  26. Revealing Statistics: Education and Media
  27. As an example of the violent culture at public school, "parents said there have been violent incidents, mostly fistfights, at the high school every day this week. 'My daughter is terrified,' said Elizabeth Sabalu, whose daughter is a junior. 'She doesn't want to come to school any more.'" [8]
  28. "Nationally, about 160,000 students miss school daily because they fear being bullied," and in Hawaii students viciously fight each other and post videos of it on One victim is now "being homeschooled at state expense."[9]
  32. Obesity in public school students from junk food appears worse than in homeschooled students.
  33. Nicola Pearson Don't teach boys to be like girls Times Newspapers (July 8, 2008)
  34. Holly Robinson, Teachers Don't Like Boys, Mom (June 17, 2009)
  35. For example, Jordin Sparks (b. 1989) became youngest winner of the music talent competition "American Idol" after she left public school for homeschooling to concentrate on her singing.[10]
  36. This is most recently illustrated by techniques of mind control employed by the Obama campaign.[11]
  37. Richardson, Valerie (May 30, 2018). Educational decline: Homeschooling surges as parents seek safer option for children. The Washington Times. Retrieved May 31, 2018.
  38. Newman, Alex (May 30, 2018). Mass Shootings Spark Growing Interest in Homeschooling. The New American. Retrieved May 31, 2018.
  44. Hilary White, Socialist Sweden Moves to Ban Homeschooling, August 11, 2009 (August 11, 2009)
  47. Newman, Alex (January 6, 2018). British Homeschool Population Doubles in Six Years. The New American. Retrieved January 8, 2018.
  48. Newman, Alex (July 21, 2018). Homeschooling in Communist China on the Rise Despite Ban. The New American (from FreedomProject Media). Retrieved July 22, 2018.
  53. Texas requires notice -- nothing more -- only if a student is being withdrawn from a public school to be homeschooled; if a student is never enrolled in a public school no notice is required.
  54. In reality, Edison came down with scarlet fever early in life, rendering him almost completely deaf.
  55. Compulsory Education, National Conference of State Legislatures: "More than 150 years have passed since Horace Mann helped Massachusetts establish a statewide system of education that eventually led to the requirement that all children attend public school. In 1852, Massachusetts became the first state to pass compulsory school attendance laws, and by 1918, all states required children to receive an education."
  57. id.
  58. Calvert School Homeschooling: A Century of Tradition and Innovation
  60. Micklethwait, John and Adrian Wooldridge, The Right Nation: Conservative Power in America. Penguin, 2004. pp. 190-1
  61. "Parents Accused in Home Schooling," The New York Times, July 28, 1974, p. 45
  62. Belluck, Pam (1998), "Life After Home Schooling," The New York Times, November 1, 1998, p. ED26: "Some 15 years after states began legalizing home schooling in earnest, these early graduates are starting to make their way in the world."
  67. 67.0 67.1 67.2 67.3 67.4 67.5 67.6
  70. White House Dream Team: Clara Barton
  71. Clara Harlowe Barton, Source: "Historical Times Encyclopedia of the Civil War" edited by Patricia L. Faust [12]
  73. Frontier Nursing Service
  77. MSN Encarta Encyclopedia - George Washington Carver article
  78. George Washington Carver, By Mary Bellis
  79. E.T. Bell, "Men of Mathematics," 273 (1937).
  83. PBS Mystery Series "Miss Marple" site: Biography of Agatha Christie
  84. William Manchester, "The Last Lion: Winston Spencer Churchill, VISIONS OF GLORY 1874-1932 (Little Brown & Co.).
  89. E.T. Bell, "Men of Mathematics" 57 (1937)
  90. Benjamin Franklin, Autobiography.
  91. E.T. Bell, "Men of Mathematics," 362 (1937). Galois' life was tragically cut short at age 20 in a duel, and his work was published posthumously.[]
  93. E.T. Bell, "Men of Mathematics," 340-41 (1937).
  94. Hanson: The All American Boys
  95. Hangin With Presents Hanson [13]
  97. Open Connections Program, Women Working 1800-1930, Harvard University Library: Julia Ward Howe (1819-1910)[14]
  98. E.T. Bell, "Men of Mathematics," 327 (1937).
  99. "As a child she was taught domestic skills as well as her religion by her mother. ... It was my mother alone who taught me the 'Our Father' and 'Hail Mary' and the 'Creed;' and from none other was I taught my faith."A Short Biography of Saint Joan of ArcNew Advent - Catholic Encyclopedia - St. Joan of ArcBiography of Joan of Arc
  100. In an approach common among homeschoolers, John's parents placed both their sons under the homeschool-like teaching of Jesus.
  101. For growing evidence that John was a child, see Mystery:Was John a Child?.
  102. Lewis, C. S., Surprised by Joy: The Shape of My Early Life, London: Harvest Books (1955) ISBN 0-1568-7011-8
  106. Slater, Elinor and Slater, Robert Great Jewish Men (Jonathon David Publishers; 1996) ISBN 0-8246-0381-8
  108. The 1911 Encyclopedia Britannica
  110. Book Browse Author Biography: Christopher Paolini
  111. E.T. Bell, "Men of Mathematics," 74-76 (1937).
  112. The Patton Society ("The Early Years")
  113. ;
  114. Jules Henri Poincaré
  118. Bestsellers, Graduate School of Library and Information Science, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Pollyanna [15]
  119. Bestsellers, Graduate School of Library and Information Science, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Pollyanna Grows Up [16]
  120. Robert E. Schofield, The Enlightenment of Joseph Priestley.
  121. School of Mathematics and Statistics, University of St Andrews, Scotland -- Georg Friedrich Bernhard Riemann, by: J J O'Connor and E F Robertson [17]
  124. The Eleanor Roosevelt Papers. "Franklin D. Roosevelt." Teaching Eleanor Roosevelt, ed. by Allida Black, June Hopkins, et. al. (Hyde Park, New York: Eleanor Roosevelt National Historic Site, 2003). [18]
  127. History of Joseph Smith, Jr., by himself, in Joseph Smith's Letter Book at Kirtland, November 27, 1832 to August 4, 1835 (Church Historian's Library, Salt Lake City, Utah).
  129. History of the Prophet Joseph, Improvement Era, vol. 5, p. 257.
  130. Encyclopedia of World Biography on George Bernard Shaw
  131. Dictionary of Literary Biography on George Bernard Shaw
  132. George Bernard Shaw, 1856-1950 Biographical Sketch
  133. The Mark Twain House and Museum: Biography of Samuel Clemens/Mark Twain [19]
  134. The Project Gutenberg E-Book of Mark Twain, by Archibald Henderson
  135. Leonardo da Vinci
  136. The Homeschooling of Andrew Wyeth, A Conversation with the Artist, Gifted Children Monthly, May 1986, Vol 7 No. 5.[20]
  139. David Guterson
  140. Reader's Digest: Will Power: Will Smith is One Driven Guy
  142. Reuters Interview - Roseanne Barr says age gives her a louder voice
  145. Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged, p. 785 (Plume Ed. 2005).

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