
From Conservapedia

Ontario is a Canadian province, the second largest province by size, and the largest by population. Ontario rests between Manitoba and Québec. It is bordered by the American states of Michigan, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Minnesota, in all cases a river or waterway is the border. It also borders on Nunavut to the north (via Hudson's Bay). It contains the southernmost point in Canada, Middle Island, which is further south than some points of California. The vast north of Ontario has many mineral deposits and large forests.

Throughout the twentieth century Ontario had the highest GDP in Canada and was the center of Canada's manufacturing industry. Its wealth has now been surpassed by Alberta, and the heavy manufacturing base has been weakened by the decline of the automobile industry and competition from East Asia.

Toronto is the capital of Ontario, and is the largest city in Canada. Ottawa, the capital of Canada, is located on the Ontario-Quebec border. The province's population is 13,983,000 in 2016 accounting for 38.5% of the national population.[1]

Ontario's current Premier is Doug Ford, of the Ontario Progressive Conservative Party.

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Categories: [Ontario] [Canadian Provinces] [Canadian History] [Regions of Eastern Canada] [Canadian Geography] [Canada] [Geography]

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