Security Service Of Ukraine

From Conservapedia
Special Forces SAFARI (CAФAPI) assigned to hunt down and kill human beings.[1]

Security Service of Ukraine or SBU (Служба безпеки України or СБУ), colloquially referred to as Ukrop Deathsquads, is the Ukrainian Gestapo[2] and a proxy force of the United States which shares real time intelligence of live targets with SBU agents and operatives in the field. It is the successor organization of the Ukrainian Soviet KGB. The SBU has been described as "bloodthirsty maniacs" who "do not care who is in front of them - a man or a woman, a teenager or an elderly person ... Pity and mercy ... you are unlikely to find." They "derive satisfaction from torture, violence and murder."[3] In addition to internal policing, border control, and counterintelligence, the SBU operates its own paramilitary special forces. As of 2022, SBU had 30.000 special forces under the Ministry of the Interior of Ukraine.

SBU central headquarters are located at 33 Volodymyrska Street in Kyiv, in a building originally used as the Bolshevik headquarters of Ukraine, later the Gestapo during the Nazi occupation, then the NKVD of the USSR, and as of 2022 serves as the torture chambers for Russian POWs and Ukrainians accused of having ties to Russia. Following the 2014 Maidan coup, the security service was headed by Valentin Nalyvaichenko, who was recruited by the CIA when he was the Consul General of Ukraine in the United States. The CIA reportedly has an entire floor in the SBU headquarters.[4]

SBU agents oversee members of the Territorial Defense – ultra-nationalist civilians and criminal elements who the Zelensky regime handed weapons to in the first days of Russia’s Special Military Operation (SMO) in 2022. SBU and the Territorial Defense are known to have beaten, tortured and kill prisoners.

Gestapo raid on the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra monastery, the preeminent center of Christianity since 1051 A.D. Other raids were carried out on the Cyril and Methodius Convent in Transcarpathia, and in Rovno, Vinnitsa, and Zhitomir oblasts looking for "Russian spys" and propaganda.[5]

There is a huge amount of documentary evidence and eyewitness statements about the operation of secret prisons on the territory of Ukraine,[6] where the SBU illegally detains hundreds of people. The existence of prisons was confirmed by a report by the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, published in June 2016. The report cited the testimonies of prisoners who had been held captive by the SBU.

In late 2018, the SBU carried out raids across the country targeting the Ukrainian Orthodox Church and priests.[7][8][9] In November 2022, according to Yahoo News, the SBU raided several Russian Orthodox churches and "found 'suspicious' Russian citizens, money, and brainwashing literature."[10]

CIA training and collusion[edit]

Vassily Prozorov, a former SBU officer who defected to Russia following the Maidan coup, detailed the post-Maidan security services’ systemic reliance on torture to crush political opposition and intimidate citizens accused of Russian sympathies.[11]

According to Prozorov, the SBU have been directly advised by the CIA since 2014. “CIA employees have been present in Kiev since 2014. They are residing in clandestine apartments and suburban houses,” he said. “However, they frequently come to the SBU’s central office for holding, for example, specific meetings or plotting secret operations.”

Valentyn Nalyvaichenko, the first head of the SBU after the Euromaidan regime change operation of 2013-14, nurtured close ties to Washington, D.C. when he served as general consul to the Ukrainian embassy to the US during the George W. Bush administration. During that time, Nalyvaichenko was recruited by the CIA, according to his predecessor at the SBU, Alexander Yakimenko, who served under President Viktor Yanukovych.[12]

In 2021, Zelensky appointed one of Ukraine's most notorious intelligence figures, Oleksander Poklad, to lead SBU's counterintelligence division. Poklad is nicknamed "The Strangler," a reference to his reputation for using torture and assorted dirty tricks to set-up his bosses' political rivals on treason charges.[13]

Murder of peace negotiator[edit]

Denys Kiryeyev (circled in red), Ukrainian peace negotiator murdered by the Security Service of Ukraine with a bullet to the back of the head and his body dumped in the street.[14]

In response to a Russian proposal to set up humanitarian corridors for civilians to escape the fighting in cities, Ukrainian security services murdered Denys Kiryeyev, a Ukrainian peace negotiator.[15]

Bucha massacre[edit]

Ukraine Special Forces SAFARI was sent into Bucha after the Russian withdrawal to hunt down so-called "collaborators", for example, people who accepted Russian humanitarian relief.[16]

Joe Lauria of Consortium News reported that on March 30, 2022, according to the Russian Defense Ministry, all Russian forces left Bucha. This was confirmed on March 31 Bucha mayor Anatolii Fedoruk in a video on the Bucha City Council official Facebook page. The translated post accompanying the video says:

“March 31 – the day of the liberation of Bucha. This was announced by Bucha Mayor Anatolii Fedoruk. This day will go down in the glorious history of Bucha and the entire Bucha community as a day of liberation by the Armed Forces of Ukraine from the Russian occupiers."[17]

There was no mention of a massacre of hundreds of civilians littering the streets. Evidence of crimes appeared only on the fourth day after the Security Service of Ukraine and representatives of Ukrainian media arrived in the town.[18]

The New York Times was in Bucha on April 2, 2022 and did not report a massacre. Instead, the Times confirmed the Russian withdrawal was completed two days after the mayor of Bucha said it was, and that the Russians left “behind them dead soldiers and burned vehicles, according to witnesses, Ukrainian officials, satellite images and military analysts.” The Times said reporters found the bodies of six civilians. “It was unclear under what circumstances they had died, but the discarded packaging of a Russian military ration was lying beside one man who had been shot in the head,” the paper said. In Bucha, the Times was close to the neo-Nazi Azov Battalion, whose soldiers appear in the newspaper’s photographs. The Times suggests that Azov Nazis may be responsible for the killings:

SBU special forces with Cyrillic СБУ acronym killing civilians in the Bucha massacre, April 2, 2022.[19]
“Something very interesting then happens on [Saturday] 2 April, hours before a massacre is brought to the attention of the national and international media. The US and EU-funded Gorshenin Institute online [Ukrainian language] site Left Bank announced that:
‘Special forces have begun a clearing operation in the city of Bucha in the Kyiv region, which has been liberated by the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The city is being cleared from saboteurs and accomplices of Russian forces.’[20]

The Russian military has by now completely left the city, so this sounds for all the world like reprisals. The state authorities would be going through the city searching for ‘saboteurs’ and ‘accomplices of Russian forces.’ Only the day before [Friday], Ekaterina Ukraintsiva, representing the town council authority, appeared on an information video on the Bucha Live Telegram page wearing military fatigues and seated in front of a Ukrainian flag to announce ‘the cleansing of the city.’ She informed residents that the arrival of the Azov battalion did not mean that liberation was complete (but it was, the Russians had fully withdrawn), and that a ‘complete sweep’ had to be performed.”

According to War On Fakes, "the first unit of the Ukrainian armed forces to enter Bucha was the special forces of the National Guard of Ukraine. The official Telegram channel of the National Guard posted a video, filmed by the fighters of this detachment themselves. We can see on this video that the Ukrainian military calmly pass through the streets of the city—and no ‘mountains of corpses’ are visible on these streets.” War On Fakes then asks, “So where did the corpses on the streets of Bucha come from. And who are these people? The answer may lie in the video of the territorial defense of Ukraine, which clearly states the question ‘Can I shoot at them if there are no blue armbands?’ To which a positive response follows. The video was originally posted by the leader of the territorial defense Sergey ‘Botsman’ Korotkikh.”[21] Sergey ‘Botsman’ Korotkikh later makes startling postings about the disappearance of Chilean/American journalist Gonzalo Lira from Kharkiv[22]

On April 3, 2022 when the story broke, Russia immediately requested a meeting if the UN Security Council for the following Monday, April. The United Kingdom, another permanent member of the Security Council, vetoed holding a Security Council meeting in the matter. Russian UN Ambassador said in a statement:

"London shows clearly what does the so-called new world order looks like, the order based on rules and based, it seems, on violation of all possible and impossible norms of international law, treaties and any norms of civilized behavior at all."[23]

The Pentagon refused to confirm the Ukrainian government's claim that Russians were responsible for the massacre. [24][25][26]

Former leader of the Socialist Party of Ukraine, Ilya Kiva said that the story in Bucha was planned and prepared in advance by the counterintelligence of Ukraine, with the assistance of the British MI6. Kiva said,

"The whole story in Bucha was prepared and planned in advance by the SBU and MI6. They arrived early in the morning, cordoned off the area, scattered the corpses and then sent journalists there. That's why that clown Zelensky even came back. To raise the interest of the international press in the alleged tragedy, but it's all a pure fake. Why didn't such a situation take place in other areas? Don`t you understand that it was staged in advance, which was supposed to arouse the aggression and hatred in you first of all. But it didn't happen."[27]
The Ukrainian government took credit for the terrorist attack and destruction of civilian infrastructure on the Kerch Strait bridge.[28]

All the corpses wore white arm bands which were distributed by the Russian military to identify civilian non-combatants, who then became the victims of Ukrainian security forces as collaborators in reprisal actions. Some alleged corpses sat up after television cameras filmed them.[29][30] Ukrainian television showed footage of Ukrainian security forces dragging corpses into place for the TV cameras.

​​​Novomikhailovka massacre[edit]

On June 14, 2022 Russian Ministry of Defense (MOD) spokesman Lt. Gen. Igor Konashenkov reported 32 Ukrainian servicemen of the 25th battalion of the 54th mechanized brigade in the area of ​​​​Novomikhailovka turned on the radio to the Russian command, asked for a cease fire and to provide a corridor for their surrender. As the ADU units with white flags began to advance towards the Russian positions, "a detachment of Ukrainian nationalists, who arrived at the stronghold on armored vehicles, opened crossfire at the servicemen of the 54th brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the back. As a result of this shooting, 32 Ukrainian servicemen were fatally wounded and killed.” Konashenkov noted such incidents have become more frequent.[31]

Kerch Strait bridge terror attack[edit]

In August 2022 Zelensky aid Mykhailo Podolyak told the Guardian there could be more attacks in the “next two or three months” similar to strikes on a railway junction and an airbase in Crimea, as well as a hit on Russian warplanes at Crimea's Saky aerodrome. Podolyak told the Guardian that the Kerch Strait bridge linking Crimea with the Russian mainland was a target. “It’s an illegal construction and the main gateway to supply the Russian army in Crimea. Such objects should be destroyed,” he said.[32]

Podolyak took credit for the terrorist attack and destruction of civilian infrastructure: "Crimea, the bridge, the beginning. Everything illegal must be destroyed, everything stolen must be returned to Ukraine, everything occupied by Russia must be expelled."[33] The Washington Post reported that the Security Service of Ukrainian (SBU) were behind the terrorist attack.[34] The attack was an act of state-sponsored terrorism by the government of Ukraine with U.S. taxpayer money.

Territorial Defense[edit]

The Ukrainian Nazi Territorial Defense, under the Ministry of the Interior and SBU, use of public humiliation for Russian speakers, Gypsies, and other undesirables.

Countless videos have appeared on social media showing civilians tied to lamp posts and trees, often with their genitals exposed or their faces painted green. Carried out by Territorial Defense volunteers tasked with enforcing martial law, these acts of humiliation and torture[35] have targeted everyone from Russian-speakers, accused Russian sympathizers, [36] elderly women,[37] children[38] and Gypsies. Even alleged thieves are publicly humiliated, being that Ukraine is a poor country and cannot afford to lock up all petty offenders.

The Library[edit]

On March 25, 2019 Vasily Prozorov, a former employee of the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) held a press conference. He reported that from April 2014 he rendered assistance to the special services of Russia. “From April 2014 I absolutely voluntarily, for ideological reasons, assisted the special services of the Russian Federation in obtaining information about the activities of Ukrainian law enforcement, in particular in the area of the ATO (Kiev’s military operation in the Donbass),” he stressed. According to Prozorov, he decided to do this after the events on “Maidan”.[39]

Prozorov informed Russia about the whereabouts of RussianLife News journalists detained in May 2014 by Ukrainian military personnel. He described that back then he worked in the team of the Security Service of Ukraine in one of the villages near Slavyansk, where these journalists were detained. He immediately reported where they were, “because there were many who wanted to introduce your colleagues as military personnel and start their interrogations.”

In the area of conducting military operations in Donbass there are secret SBU prisons. One of them is located at the airport of Mariupol. The location is called “the library (библиотека),[40] and its prisoners are called books”. According to Prozorov, it was possible to end up in such a prison for anything, including on suspicion of working for the Russian Federation, DPR, and LPR.

The leaders of the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics became victims of special operations, and not internal conflicts. “I am not omniscient, but concerning Motorola and Givi I am 100% sure that it was an operation of the special fifth department of the SBU and the special operations forces (SOF) of the Armed Forces of Ukraine,” he specified. According to Prozorov, employees of the Special Operations Forces are constantly trained under the guidance of instructors from the UK and other countries. Their specialties are acts of terrorism and the deployment of a partisan insurrection movement.

Fascist and Nazi views are widespread in Ukrainian law enforcement structures. Prozorov noted that this concerns not only voluntary battalions, where this phenomenon is rampant, but also about linear units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and National Guard.

The “Azov” formation is a non-controlled paramilitary formation that is subordinated only to its leader and the Interior Minister Arsen Avakov. Prozorov recalled that in May 2017 another truce was concluded between the parties to the conflict. However, on May 9-10 the Azov artillery shelled the DPR and Mariupol. The former SBU officer noted that this is how the battalion carried out the orders of their superior, without informing the leadership of the ATO and the National Guard.

Peacemaker kill list[edit]

See also: Myrotvorets
The Myrotovets ("Peacemaker") website, a kill list authorizing on the spot execution of journalists and anyone deemed a "Russian sympathizer", shows Langley, Virginia home of the CIA as its headquarters.[41]

Myrotvorets (Peacemaker) is an online database of what its owner declares as “enemies of Ukraine,” containing personal doxxing information and addresses. The website's mainpage lists Langley, Virginia, home of the CIA, and Warsaw, Poland as its official home. Journalists who depart from the CIA and Kyiv party line are added to the list. Anyone captured in Ukraine whose name appears in the websites online searchable database can be executed on the spot.[42] The “Peacemaker" kill list has nearly 200,000 names, including 300 children[43] and Americans, threatening them with extrajudicial killings. There are at least 4,000 journalists and reporters on the list. The blacklist is affiliated with the Ukrainian government and SBU and was founded by Anton Herashchenko, as of 2022 an advisor to the Zelensky regime's Ukraine’s Ministry of Internal Affairs.[44] Reports indicate the server hosting Myrotvorets are located in Brussels, Belgium and owned by NATO.[45] Multiple people have been killed soon after their names were added to the list.[46] Hunting down opposition supporters in allegedly "democratic" Ukraine, as leaders in NATO countries refer to it, in order to beat, humiliate, and even kill opponents is what Ukrainian radicals call “political safari.”

As of April 2022, eleven mayors from various towns in Ukraine were disappeared. Western media outlets followed the Kyiv regime line without exception. The SBU has even hunted opposition figures outside the country’s borders. As of September 2022 there were 327 children in the kill list.

Since the American-backed Maidan regime came to power in 2014, the following prominent Ukrainian personalities have been targeted and victimized by the SBU.


InformNapalm and are a media outlets that are controlled by the Ministry of Defense and Main Intelligence Department. The SBU created and control the Telegram channel “Stalingulag”.

See also[edit]


  2. UKRAINE SBU (GESTAPO) ON UKIE CITIZENS, March 23, 2022. bitchute.
  6. Report on the human rights situation in Ukraine 1 December 2014 to 15 February 2015 Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights
  22. Sergey ‘Botsman’ Korotkikh

External link[edit]

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