Search for "Architecture" in article titles:

  1. Architecture: Architecture (from Latin architura, and that from Greek αρχιτεκτονική, architektoniki) is the art and science of constructing the built environment. The discipline that deals with the design, construction and ornamentation of fine buildings. [100%] 2023-02-17 [Art] [Engineering]...
  2. Architecture: . (Geography) [100%] 2004-01-01 [North America] [Great Plains]...
  3. Architecture: ARCHITECTURE ar'-ki-tek-tur: _I. GENERAL HISTORY_ 1. Plans, Estimates and Measuring 2. Old Testament References _II. TEMPLE AND PALACE OF SOLOMON_ 1. Construction and Materials 2. Style 3. Facts 4. Phoenician Designers _III. CONCLUSIONS FROM ACTUAL REMAINS_ 1 ... [100%] 1915-01-01
  4. Architecture: Architecture, the art of building in such a way as to accord with principles determined, not merely by the ends the edifice is intended to serve, but by high considerations of beauty and harmony (see Fine Arts). It cannot be ... [100%] 2022-09-02
  5. Architecture: In what sense can we speak about an architecture of the Great Plains? Such a narrative would necessarily derive from essential characteristics of the whole place-flora and fauna, climate and weather, geology, topography, and horizon-and would address building ... (Geography) [100%] 2004-01-01 [North America] [Great Plains]...
  6. Architecture: Architecture is the art and science of designing buildings, urban spaces, interior design and all open or closed spaces. Architecture is both the process and product of planning, designing and constructing space that reflects functional, social, and aesthetic considerations. [100%] 2024-01-09 [Architecture] [Buildings]...
  7. Architecture: Architecture is the art and technique of designing and constructing buildings to fulfill both practical and aesthetic purposes. It should be distinguished from both construction and civil engineering. [100%] 2023-08-03
  8. Architecture: Architecture is the art and technique of designing and building, as distinguished from the skills associated with construction. It is both the process and the product of sketching, conceiving, planning, designing, and constructing buildings or other structures. (Product and process of planning, designing and constructing buildings and other structures) [100%] 2024-03-01 [Architecture] [Architectural design]...
  9. Architecture: Architecture is the art and technique of designing and building, as distinguished from the skills associated with construction. It is both the process and the product of sketching, conceiving, planning, designing, and constructing buildings or other structures. (Product and process of planning, designing and constructing buildings and other structures) [100%] 2024-03-04 [Architecture] [Architectural design]...
  10. Agile Architecture: Agile architecture means how enterprise / system / software architects apply architectural practice in agile software development. A number of commentators have identified a tension between traditional software architecture and agile methods along the axis of adaptation (leaving architectural decisions until the ... (Software) [70%] 2023-10-02 [Agile software development]
  11. Commercial Architecture: Buildings designed specifically for commercial and related business functions appeared early and figured prominently in the settlement of the Great Plains. Stores, banks, office blocks, restaurants and bars, and hotels were all well-defined types by the mid. nineteenth century ... (Geography) [70%] 2004-01-01 [North America] [Great Plains]...
  12. Audio Architecture: 「Audio Architecture」(オーディオ・アーキテクチャ)は、CORNELIUS(小山田圭吾)が2018年にリリースした、7インチレコードである。2018年6月29日から同年10月14日まで東京・六本木の「21_21 DESIGN SIGHT」で開催された音のアーキテクチャ展のために書き下ろされた曲である。前述の音のアーキテクチャ展の会場やツアー会場、コーネリアスのホープページなどで限定リリースされた。ジャケットは折り紙式で、組み立てるとレコードを上に乗せて飾れるようになっている。展覧会のため、8人の映像作家によるミュージックビデオと1つのライブ映像が作られた。作詞は中村勇吾、作曲は小山田圭吾。 A面 B面. [70%] 2023-08-14 [小山田圭吾の楽曲] [2018年のシングル]...
  13. NAC Architecture: NAC Architecture is a design firm with over 170 architects, engineers, interior designers and support staff, with offices in Spokane, Seattle and Los Angeles. The firm specializes in architecture, planning, electrical engineering, interior design, and capital facilities consulting. (American design firm) [70%] 2023-12-30 [Architecture firms of the United States] [Design companies established in 1979]...
  14. Maya Architecture: Maya architecture is best characterized by the soaring pyramid temples and ornate palaces which were built in all Maya centres across Mesoamerica from El Tajin in the north to Copan in the south. The Maya civilization was formed of independent ... [70%] 2015-09-20
  15. Landscape Architecture: Landscape architecture is the art and science of planning, design, and management of both human-made and natural outdoor environments. It has strong ties to horticulture, recreation, architecture, civil engineering, urban planning, natural resources, social sciences, humanities, and the arts ... (Geography) [70%] 2004-01-01 [North America] [Great Plains]...
  16. RNL Architecture: RNL Design is a Denver-based multidisciplinary design firm offering services in architecture, interior design, planning and urban design, landscape architecture, lighting design, and facilities master planning. Founded in 1956, a one-man operation in Denver known as John B. [70%] 2023-12-25 [Companies based in Denver] [Architecture firms based in Colorado]...
  17. Religious Architecture: The practice of religion in the Great Plains has been diverse, and the historical evidence of worship displays a rich variety of physical expression. Among the Native inhabitants of the Great Plains, religion was intertwined with nature. Prominent landscape features ... (Geography) [70%] 2004-01-01 [North America] [Great Plains]...
  18. Inca Architecture: Inca architecture includes some of the most finely worked stone structures from any ancient civilization. Inca buildings were almost always practical and pleasing to the eye. They are also remarkably uniform in design with even grand imperial structures taking on ... [70%] 2014-03-13
  19. AutoCAD Architecture: AutoCAD Architecture (abbreviated as ACA) is a version of Autodesk's flagship product, AutoCAD, with tools and functions specially suited to architectural work. Architectural objects have a relationship to one another and interact with each other intelligently. (Software) [70%] 2023-12-10 [AutoCAD] [Computer-aided design software]...
  20. Roman Architecture: Roman architecture continued the legacy left by Greek architects and the established architectural orders, especially the Corinthian. The Romans were also innovators and they combined new construction techniques and materials with creative design to produce a whole range of brand ... [70%] 2018-03-14
  21. Architecture 101: Architecture 101 (건축학개론 ()) es una película romántica surcoreana del año 2012, escrita y dirigida por Lee Yong-ju. Cuenta la historia de dos alumnos que se conocen en una clase de arquitectura introductoria y se enamoran. [70%] 2023-12-19
  22. ANSI-SPARC Architecture: The ANSI-SPARC Architecture (American National Standards Institute, Standards Planning And Requirements Committee), is an abstract design standard for a database management system (DBMS), first proposed in 1975. The ANSI-SPARC model however, never became a formal standard. (Software) [70%] 2023-07-24 [Database management systems]
  23. Minoan Architecture: The unique contribution of the Minoan civilization to European architecture is possibly most evident in the great palace structures of the major Minoan centres of Knossos, Phaistos, Malia and Zakros. Perhaps influenced by Egypt and the Near East and evolving ... [70%] 2012-05-22
  24. Zyscovich Architecture: Zysovich Architecture is a Miami, Florida based architecture firm that also does substantial business in Colombia (it has an office in Bogota). The firm designed the domestic and international terminals at Bogota's El Dorado International Airport. [70%] 2023-02-20 [Architecture firms based in Florida]
  25. Czech Architecture: Ethnic Czechs from the historic provinces of Bohemia and Moravia brought diverse architectural traditions to the Great Plains. They were part of a general emigration that began after the Peasant Uprising of 1848 and surged after emigration became legal in ... (Geography) [70%] 2004-01-01 [North America] [Great Plains]...
  26. Fort Architecture: Fort Sill, Indian Territory, 1871 View larger In the nineteenth century, army posts throughout the Great Plains region varied widely in appearance, reflecting the lack of a centralized design authority. Post commanders exercised great latitude in construction decisions, often relying ... (Geography) [70%] 2004-01-01 [North America] [Great Plains]...
  27. Literary Architecture: The term literary architecture can be defined in a number of ways. Three definitions can serve as points of reference on a continuum. The first definition focuses on architecture- structural design-in Great Plains literature. (Geography) [70%] 2004-01-01 [North America] [Great Plains]...
  28. Tourist Architecture: Tourists of the Great Plains have both created and encountered a distinctive built environment. In one sense of the term, the first tourist architecture in the region embraced the natural landmarks that travelers named during their overland journeys, places like ... (Geography) [70%] 2004-01-01 [North America] [Great Plains]...
  29. Synagogue Architecture: Ancient Jewish art is mainly represented by the Temple and its fittings, of which all that is left to contemplate is the lower portion of a fortified wall. Even if this overstates the fact, it is most probable that very ... (Jewish encyclopedia 1906) [70%] 1906-01-01 [Jewish encyclopedia 1906]
  30. Architecture Now!: es una colección de libros compendiados por el historiador del arte Philip Jodidio y publicados por la editorial Taschen. La versión en español (Arquitectura hoy) aparece volúmenes trilingües junto con la versión en italiano (Architettura oggi) y la versión en ... [70%] 2023-05-26
  31. Khmer architecture: Khmer architecture (Khmer: ស្ថាបត្យកម្មខ្មែរ), also known as Angkorian architecture (Khmer: ស្ថាបត្យកម្មសម័យអង្គរ), is the architecture produced by the Khmers during the Angkor period of the Khmer Empire from approximately the later half of the 8th century CE to the first half of the ... (Architecture built by the Khmers during the Angkor period) [70%] 2023-11-27 [Khmer Empire] [Architecture in Cambodia]...
  32. Tokyō (architecture): Tokyō (斗栱・斗拱, more often 斗きょう) (also called kumimono (組物) or masugumi (斗組)) is a system of supporting blocks (斗 or 大斗, masu or daito, lit. block or big block) and brackets (肘木, hijiki, lit. (Engineering) [70%] 2024-01-13 [Timber framing]
  33. Timurid architecture: Timurid architecture was an important stage in the architectural history of Iran and Central Asia during the late 14th and 15th centuries. The Timurid Empire (1370–1507), founded by Timur (d. [70%] 2023-10-18 [Timurid Empire] [Architecture of the medieval Islamic world]...
  34. Paraguayan architecture: The development of a distinct architectural style in Paraguay is relatively recent. This is due partially to the European influence following the colonization of the country in 1537. (Distinctive architectural style of Paraguay) [70%] 2024-01-12 [Architecture in Paraguay]
  35. Amish architecture: Amish architecture is simple, unpretentious, concise, and very sturdy. Amish homes are known for having excellent construction. [70%] 2023-06-25 [Amish]
  36. Aerospace architecture: Aerospace architecture is broadly defined to encompass architectural design of non-habitable and habitable structures and living and working environments in aerospace-related facilities, habitats, and vehicles. These environments include, but are not limited to: science platform aircraft and aircraft ... (Earth) [70%] 2023-11-03 [Aerospace engineering] [Aerospace]...
  37. Systems architecture: A system architecture is the conceptual model that defines the structure, behavior, and more views of a system. An architecture description is a formal description and representation of a system, organized in a way that supports reasoning about the structures ... (Conceptual model of a system) [70%] 2023-11-03 [Systems engineering] [Software architecture]...
  38. Structuralism (architecture): Structuralism is a movement in architecture and urban planning that evolved around the middle of the 20th century. It was a reaction to Rationalism's (CIAM-Functionalism) perceived lifeless expression of urban planning that ignored the identity of the inhabitants ... (Architecture) [70%] 2023-12-11 [Structuralism] [20th-century architectural styles]...
  39. Computer architecture: In computer science and computer engineering, computer architecture is a description of the structure of a computer system made from component parts. It can sometimes be a high-level description that ignores details of the implementation. (Set of rules describing computer system) [70%] 2024-01-05 [Computer architecture] [Central processing unit]...
  40. Interior architecture: Interior architecture is the design of a building or shelter from inside out, or the design of a new interior for a type of home that can be fixed. It can refer to the initial design and plan used for ... (Design of a building or shelter from inside out) [70%] 2023-11-25 [Architectural design] [Interior design]...
  41. Core (architecture): In architecture, a core is a vertical space used for circulation and services. It may also be referred to as a circulation core or service core. (Architecture) [70%] 2023-11-02 [Architectural elements]
  42. Multitier architecture: In software engineering, multitier architecture (often referred to as n-tier architecture) is a client–server architecture in which presentation, application processing and data management functions are physically separated. The most widespread use of multitier architecture is the three-tier ... (Computing system architecture) [70%] 2023-02-14 [Distributed computing architecture] [Software architecture]...
  43. Constructivist architecture: Constructivist architecture was a form of modern architecture that flourished in the Soviet Union in the 1920s and early 1930s. It combined advanced technology and engineering of the era with an avowedly Communist social purpose. A central aim of Constructivist ... [70%] 2023-02-04
  44. Solar architecture: Solar architecture is an architectural approach that takes in account the Sun to harness clean and renewable solar power. It is related to the fields of optics, thermics, electronics and materials science. [70%] 2022-08-31 [Solar architecture] [Low-energy building]...
  45. Romanesque architecture: Romanesque architecture is the term that describes the architecture of Europe which emerged from the dark ages of the late tenth century and evolved into the Gothic style during the twelfth century. The Romanesque style in England is more traditionally ... [70%] 2023-02-04
  46. Apron (architecture): An apron is a raised section of ornamental stonework below a window ledge, stone tablet, or monument. Aprons were used by Roman engineers to build Roman bridges. (Architecture) [70%] 2023-08-19 [Masonry] [Architectural elements]...
  47. Greek architecture: Greek architecture arose on the shores of the Aegean Sea and flourished in the ancient world. Most of our knowledge of Greek architecture comes from the few surviving buildings of the Classical, Hellenistic and Roman periods (since Roman architecture heavily ... [70%] 2023-03-26 [Ancient Greece]
  48. Subsumption architecture: Subsumption architecture is a methodology for developing Artificial intelligence robots. It is heavily associated with behavior based robotics. [70%] 2023-07-16 [Software engineering] [Cognitive architecture]...

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