American Football Association: L'American Football Association (AFA) est une ancienne fédération américaine fondée en 1884 et rejoignant l’USFA en 1913, regroupant les clubs de soccer des États-Unis et organisant certaines compétitions nationales et les matchs internationaux, encore non officiels, de ... [98%] 2024-01-20
African Association: La «Association for Promoting the Discovery of the Interior Parts of Africa» [Asociación para la promoción del Descubrimiento de Partes del Interior de África], conocida habitualmente solo como African Association [Asociación africana], fue una organización británica, fundada en Londres el ... [93%] 2023-12-31
Football in Africa: Football is the most popular sport in Africa. Indeed, football is probably the most popular sport in every African country, although rugby and cricket are also very popular in South Africa. [89%] 2024-01-09 [Sport in Africa] [Association football in Africa]...
American Football League: The American Football League (AFL) was a competing league against the National Football League (NFL), which existed from 1960 to 1969, until it merged with the NFL. The Super Bowl began as a championship game between the top teams in ... [89%] 2023-10-04 [Football] [National Football League]...
American Football League: The American Football League (AFL) was a major professional American football league that operated for ten seasons from 1960 until 1970, when it merged with the older National Football League (NFL), and became the American Football Conference. The upstart AFL ... (League that merged with the NFL in 1970) [89%] 2024-01-09 [American Football League] [Defunct professional sports leagues in the United States]...
American Football League: La American Football League (AFL) fue una antigua liga de fútbol americano profesional que existió entre 1960 y 1969. En 1970 se fusionó con la National Football League (NFL). [89%] 2023-09-29
Argentine Association Football League: No debe confundirse con la Argentine Association Football League de 1891. Riccheri y Enrique Fernández García Ezeiza, Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina Sitio web oficial [editar datos en Wikidata] La Asociación del Fútbol Argentino (AFA) es el ente rector del ... [88%] 2023-05-26
Association football: Association football, more commonly known as football or soccer, is a team sport played between two teams of 11 players each, who primarily use their feet to propel a ball around a rectangular field called a pitch. The objective of ... (Team sport played with a spherical ball) [88%] 2024-01-20 [Association football] [Association football terminology]...
Association football: Association football is the correctly specific title of the type of football that is played almost wholly with the feet. It is also known as soccer in some countries, especially in Australia, Canada, and the United States. [88%] 2024-03-11
Association football: Association football, more commonly known as simply football or soccer, is a team sport played between two teams of 11 players who primarily use their feet to propel the ball around a rectangular field called a pitch. The objective of ... (Team sport played with a spherical ball) [88%] 2024-08-29 [Association football] [Association football terminology]...
Football Association: Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles portant le même nom. [88%] 2024-12-01
American Professional Football Association: com [editar datos en Wikidata] La National Football League (NFL), en español conocida como Liga Nacional de Fútbol Americano, es la mayor liga de fútbol americano profesional de Estados Unidos. La NFL toma la figura jurídica de asociación deportiva, controlada ... [85%] 2023-05-17
American Football Association Cup: Se disputó en formato de eliminatoria entre los años 1885 a 1924. Historia[editar] El torneo se creó en 1884 y tuvo su primera edición en 1884-85. La ediciones de 1899-05 no se disputó. [85%] 2023-05-17