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Tier: Tiere sind vielzellige Lebensformen, die eine Form des heterotrophen Stoff- und Energiewechsels betreiben, somit in der Ernährung auf Körpersubstanz oder Stoffwechselprodukte anderer Organismen angewiesen und keine Pilze sind. Innerhalb der irdischen Lebensformen bilden die Tiere ein eigenes Reich namens Animalia. [100%] 2023-11-23
Tier (Netzwerke): Tiers (englisch für Rang) sind Kategorien beziehungsweise Klassen, in die Internetdiensteanbieter abhängig von ihrer Größe eingestuft werden. Es existiert keine Autorität, die verschiedene Tiers definiert. (Netzwerke) [100%] 2023-11-10
Sixth European Parliament: The sixth European Parliament was the sixth five-year term of the elected European Parliament. It began on Tuesday 20 July 2004 in Strasbourg following the 2004 elections and ended after the 2009 elections. [95%] 2023-12-19 [European Parliament]
European Seed Association: Die European Seed Association (ESA) ist ein Interessenverband der europäischen Saatgutindustrie. ESA repräsentiert mehr als 30 nationale Saatgutverbände und mehr als 70 Unternehmen. [90%] 2024-01-20
European Finance Association: The European Finance Association (EFA) is a professional association of more than 2,000 professionals and financial economists involved in the high-level research, study, teaching, and practice of finance. The association was founded in 1974 and hosts an annual ... (Organization) [90%] 2023-11-23 [Economics societies] [Financial economics]...
European Flavour Association: European Flavour Association (EFFA) is a non-profit European-level trade association of the flavor industry, based in Brussels, Belgium. Founded in 1961, the organisation originally focused on both flavours and fragrances, but has focused solely on flavours since 2006. (Organization) [90%] 2023-11-24 [Flavors]
European Economic Association: The European Economic Association (EEA) is a professional academic body which links European economists. It was founded in the mid-1980s. (Organization) [90%] 2024-01-20 [Economics societies]
European BioSafety Association: The European BioSafety Association (EBSA) is a non-profit organization, founded in June 1996, which provides a forum to its members to discuss and debate issues of concern and to represent those working in the field of biosafety and associated ... (Organization) [90%] 2023-09-16 [Public health organizations]
European Sponsorship Association: The European Sponsorship Association (ESA) represents those involved in sponsorship across Europe. The European Sponsorship Association was formed in October 2003 by the merger of two bodies, the European Sponsorship Consultants Association and the Institute for Sports Sponsorship. (Organization) [90%] 2023-09-25 [Marketing organizations]
European Acoustics Association: Die European Acoustics Association (EAA, englisch für Europäische Akustik-Gesellschaft) ist ein wissenschaftlicher Fachverband auf dem Gebiet der Akustik. Sie wurde im Jahr 1992 als Zusammenschluss der verschiedenen nationalen Verbände gegründet. [90%] 2024-09-07
European BioSafety Association: The European BioSafety Association is a non-profit organization, founded in June 1996, which provides a forum to its members to discuss and debate issues of concern and to represent those working in the field of biosafety and associated activities ... (Non-profit Organization) [90%] 2024-11-10 [Public health organizations] [Organizations established in 1996]...
European Photochemistry Association: La European Photochemistry Association (EPA) (= Associazione Fotochimica Europea) è un'associazione senza fini di lucro che si propone di promuovere lo sviluppo della fotochimica in Europa, favorendo i contatti tra i fotochimici. L'associazione è nata nel 1970 e ha sede a ... [90%] 2024-08-20
Tie-in: A tie-in work is a work of fiction or other product based on a media property such as a film, video game, television series, board game, web site, role-playing game or literary property. Tie-ins are authorized by ... (Work of fiction) [83%] 2024-01-10 [Works based on works] [Marketing techniques]...
Tie-in: A tie-in work is a work of fiction or other product based on a media property such as a film, video game, television series, board game, web site, role-playing game or literary property. Tie-ins are authorized by ... (Finance) [83%] 2023-11-18 [Marketing techniques]
European Industrial Gases Association: Die European Industrial Gases Association AISBL (EIGA) ist ein Verband, der den größten Teil der europäischen und einige nicht-europäische Unternehmen vertritt, die Industrie-, Medizin- und Lebensmittelgase produzieren. Sie hat ihren Sitz in Brüssel. [77%] 2024-01-20