Terry: Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles portant le même nom. Cet article possède un paronyme, voir Terri. [100%] 2024-12-22
Producer: Producer (en hangul, 프로듀사; romanización revisada del coreano, Peurodyusa), también conocida en español como Productor y Los productores, es una serie de televisión surcoreana emitida por KBS 2TV desde el 15 de mayo hasta el 20 de junio de 2015. Cuenta ... [92%] 2024-01-06
Date (fruit): A date is a fruit of the prune family that grows on palm trees. It is indigenous to the Middle East and Mediterranean regions and enjoys a hot, dry climate. (Fruit) [91%] 2023-02-27 [Fruits] [Middle East]...
Date: date — утилита Unix для работы с системными часами. Выводит текущую дату и время в различных форматах и позволяет устанавливать системное время. [91%] 2024-01-12
Date (time): A date is a portion of time corresponding to a particular day on a calendar. It can either be listed as a day of the present week; a time relative to the current by a standard unit of chronological measurement ... (Time) [91%] 2023-02-20 [Chronology]
Date (metadata): In metadata, the term date is a representation term used to specify a calendar date in the Gregorian calendar. Many data representation standards such as XML, XML Schema, Web Ontology Language specify that ISO date format ISO 8601 should be ... (Metadata) [91%] 2023-10-23 [Metadata] [Representation term]...
Date (commande): Cet article est une ébauche concernant l’informatique. Vous pouvez partager vos connaissances en l’améliorant (comment ?) selon les recommandations des projets correspondants. (Commande) [91%] 2024-01-01
DATE (アルバム): 『DATE』(デート)は、日本のシンガーソングライターである岡村靖幸の2枚目のオリジナル・アルバム。 1988年3月21日にEPIC・ソニーからリリースされた。前作『yellow』(1987年)より1年振りにリリースされた作品であり、有賀啓雄が作詞を手掛けた「どうかしてるよ」以外は全作詞および作曲を岡村が担当、プロデュースはMaxine system Company名義となっている。本作は岡村がコンサートにおいて頻繁に発言していた「デート」という言葉からタイトルが決定され、またライブ時の再現性を考慮せずにレコーディングが行われた。 本作はオリコンアルバムチャートにおいてLP盤が最高位第30位、総合では最高位第42位となった。本作からは先行シングルとして「イケナイコトカイ」がリリースされたほか、. (アルバム) [91%] 2025-03-03 [1988年のアルバム] [EPICソニーのアルバム]...
Columbia Data Products: Columbia Data Products (CDP) is a company which produced the first legally reverse-engineered IBM PC clones. It faltered in that market after only a few years, and later reinvented itself as a software development company. (Company) [85%] 2023-11-18 [Portable computers] [Companies (Engineering)]...
Encore Data Products: Encore Data Products is a privately held American manufacturer and supplier of high end audio and video equipment including headphones, amplifiers, digital signal processors and computer control systems. The company was founded in 2006 and currently headquartered in Lafayette, Colorado. (Company) [85%] 2023-11-18 [Audio equipment manufacturers]
Quasar Data Products: Quasar Data Products Inc. (QDP), later QDP Computer Systems Inc., was an American computer company based in 1979 in North Olmsted, Ohio, United States. (Company) [85%] 2024-04-24 [Defunct computer hardware companies]
Product data management: Product data management (PDM) is the name of a business function within product lifecycle management (PLM) that denotes the management and publication of product data. In software engineering, this is known as version control. (Use of tools to track data related to a product) [83%] 2024-01-26 [Business software] [Product lifecycle management]...
Product data management: Product data management (PDM) should not be confused with product information management (PIM). PDM is the name of a business function within product lifecycle management (PLM) that denotes the management and publication of product data. (Software) [83%] 2023-11-19 [Business software]
Product data management: Product data management (PDM) should not be confused with product information management (PIM). PDM is the name of a business function within product lifecycle management (PLM) that denotes the management and publication of product data. (Use of tools to track data related to a product) [83%] 2023-09-25 [Business software] [Product lifecycle management]...
Product data record: A product record (or product data record) is the data associated with the entire lifecycle of a product from its conception, through design and manufacture, to service and disposal. It includes all the information used to develop, describe, manage and ... [83%] 2024-11-11 [Product lifecycle management] [Information technology management]...
Products produced from The Simpsons: The long-running television animation The Simpsons has featured a number of fictional products, sometimes spoofs of real-life products, that have subsequently been recreated by real world companies attempting to exploit the popularity of The Simpsons. In 2007, as ... [82%] 2024-01-21 [The Simpsons lists] [Fictional food and drink]...
Products produced from The Simpsons: The long-running television animation The Simpsons has featured a number of fictional products, sometimes spoofs of real-life products, that have subsequently been recreated by real world companies attempting to exploit the popularity of The Simpsons. In 2007, as ... [82%] 2024-01-08 [The Simpsons lists] [Fictional food and drink]...