Television comedy: Television comedy is a category of broadcasting that has been present since the early days of entertainment media. While there are several genres of comedy, some of the first ones aired were variety shows. (Television genre) [89%] 2024-09-06 [Television comedy] [Comedy television series]...
Animated series: An animated series is a set of animated television works with a common title, usually related to one another. These episodes should typically share the same main heroes, some different secondary characters and a basic theme. (Set of animated works with a common series title) [89%] 2024-03-26 [Animated series] [Television genres]...
List of adult animated web series: This is a list of adult animated web series. Works in this medium could be considered adult for any number of reasons, which include the incorporation of explicit or suggestive sexual content, graphic violence, profane language, dark humour, or other ... (none) [76%] 2024-01-13 [Adult animated web series] [Lists of animated internet series]...