List of companies of Italy: Italy is a unitary parliamentary republic in Europe with the third largest nominal GDP in the Eurozone and the eighth largest in the world. As an advanced economy the country also has the sixth worldwide national wealth and it is ... (None) [93%] 2023-12-12 [Lists of companies by country] [Companies of Italy]...
Publishing: Publishing is the process of making information, literature, music, software, and other material accessible to the general public, either for sale or for free, via various means. Books, newspapers, and magazines are examples of printed products that have traditionally been ... [84%] 2024-01-07 [Publishing] [Mass media industry]...
Publishing: Publishing is the activity of making information, literature, music, software and other content available to the public for sale or for free. Traditionally, the term refers to the distribution of printed works, such as books, newspapers, and magazines. [84%] 2023-12-18 [Publishing]
Publishing: In the technical sense, publishing is the business of producing and placing upon the market printed copies of the work of an author (see Book). Before the invention of printing the actual maker of a manuscript was to a great ... [84%] 2022-09-02
Publishing: Publishing is the process of production and dissemination of literature or information - the activity of making information available for public view. In some cases authors may be their own publishers, meaning that originators and developers of content also provide media ... [84%] 2023-07-29 [Publishing]
Italy: Italy is a country in Europe, and was the center of the Roman Empire until its collapse. Italian cities led the Renaissance, with world-class artists such as Leonardo da Vinci, Donatello, Michelangelo, Titian, Tintoretto, Caravaggio, and Giotto. [78%] 2023-03-08 [Italy] [European Countries]...
Italy: Italy (Italia), officially the Italian Republic, is a Southern European country with a population of approximately 60 million. It comprises the Po River valley, the Italian Peninsula and the two largest islands in the Mediterranean Sea, Sicily and Sardinia. Called ... [78%] 2023-02-03
Italy (geographical region): The Italian geographic region, Italian physical region or Italian region is a geographical region of Southern Europe delimited to the north and west by the mountain chains of the Alps. This subregion is composed of a peninsular and continental part ... (Place) [78%] 2023-12-04 [Regions of Europe]
Italy: Italy (Italian: Italia), officially known as the Italian Republic (Italian: Repubblica Italiana), is a state of Southern Europe and founding member of the European Union. Its capital city is Rome. [78%] 2023-08-11
Italy: Kingdom of southern Europe, with a total population of about 32,000,000, in which there are about 34,653 Jews (1901). This country, which the Israelites, punning upon the name, called "I Ṭal Yah" = "the land of the dew ... (Jewish encyclopedia 1906) [78%] 1906-01-01 [Jewish encyclopedia 1906]
Italy: The Italian Peninsula or Apennine Peninsula is one of the three peninsulas of Southern Europe (the other two being the Iberian Peninsula and Balkan Peninsula), spanning 1,000 km from the Po Valley in the north to the central Mediterranean ... [78%] 2011-04-28
Italy (football): The sport of football in Italy is administered by the Italian Football Federation (Federazione Italiana Giuoco Calcio; FIGC). Italy first played an international match on 15 May 1910 when they defeated France 6–2 in Milan. (Football) [78%] 2023-07-10 [International association football teams]
Italy: Italy (Italian: Italia, Italian: [iˈtaːlja] ), officially the Italian Republic (Italian: Repubblica Italiana, Italian: [reˈpubblika itaˈljaːna]), is a country in Southern and Western Europe. Located in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea, it consists of a peninsula delimited by the Alps ... (Country in Southern Europe) [78%] 2024-01-03 [Italy] [1861 establishments in Europe]...
Italy: Italy, which is more formally known as the Italian Republic, is a country in southern Europe. Its most notable exports are pizza, fascism, pasta and cultural history. [78%] 2023-12-20 [Italy] [European countries]...
Italy: ITALY it'-a-li (Italia): At first confined as a name to the extreme southern part of the Italian peninsula in the region now called Calabria, whence its application was gradually extended. In Greek usage of the 5th century BC ... [78%] 1915-01-01
Italy: Italy (Italia), the name1 applied both in ancient and in modern times to the great peninsula that projects from the mass of central Europe far to the south into the Mediterranean Sea, where the island of Sicily may be considered ... [78%] 2022-09-02
Italy: Located in southern Europe, Italy, formally the Italian Republic, is made up of a peninsula bounded by the Alps and a number of islands that surround it. Italy is a country in Southern Europe that is situated in the middle ... [78%] 2024-01-20 [Italy] [G7 nations]...