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Structures: Part of the Statics course offered by the Division of Applied Mechanics, School of Engineering and the Engineering and Technology Portal Structural engineering relies heavily on the strengths of materials and their ability to withstand forces of tension, compression & shear ... [100%] 2024-01-01 [Statics] [Advanced Classical Mechanics]...
Queensland: Northeastern Australia is home to the state of Queensland, which has the distinction of being both Australia's second-largest and third-most populated state. It shares its western, southwestern, and southern borders with the Northern Territory, the State of ... [91%] 2024-01-20 [Queensland] [Former British colonies and protectorates in Oceania]...
Queensland: Queensland, a state of the Australian commonwealth, occupying the whole of the north-eastern portion of the Australian continent, and comprising also the islands in Torres Strait. It lies between 10 and 29° S., and is bounded on the N. [91%] 2022-09-02
Queensland: Queensland (locally /ˈkwiːnzlænd/ KWEENZ-land) is a state situated in northeastern Australia, and is the second-largest and third-most populous of the Australian states. It is bordered by the Northern Territory, South Australia and New South Wales to the ... (North-eastern state of Australia) [91%] 2024-01-12 [Queensland] [Former British colonies and protectorates in Oceania]...
Queensland: When separated from the mother colony of New South Wales (1859) a few Jewish families from Sydney settled permanently in Brisbane. The names most prominent among these were those of Coleman, Davis, W. Mendoza, Samuel Davis, John Goldsmid, Benjamin, Benjamin ... (Jewish encyclopedia 1906) [91%] 1906-01-01 [Jewish encyclopedia 1906]
Queensland: Queensland is a member state of the Commonwealth of Australia. It is bordered by New South Wales to the south, South Australia to the south-west, the Northern Territory to the west, the Coral Sea to the east, and the ... [91%] 2023-09-07
Queensland: Queensland [ˈkwiːnzlənd], abgekürzt QLD, ist ein australischer Bundesstaat mit der Hauptstadt Brisbane. Queensland ist flächenmäßig mit seinen 1.730.650 Quadratkilometern nach Western Australia der zweitgrößte Staat Australiens; es ist etwa fünfmal so groß wie Deutschland. [91%] 2024-01-19
Queensland: Queensland is a state in north eastern Australia, Queensland was originally established by the British as a penal colony in 1824. It was constituted as a separate colony in 1859 having previously formed part of New South Wales. [91%] 2023-02-23 [Australia]
Queensland: Queensland (pronunciación en inglés: /ˈkʰwiːnzlʲəndʲ/; abreviado como Qld) es uno de los seis estados que, junto con los dos territorios continentales y los seis insulares, conforman la Mancomunidad de Australia. Está situado al noreste del país, limitando al norte y al oeste ... [91%] 2024-07-24
Computers and Structures: Computers and Structures, Inc. (CSI) is a structural and earthquake engineering software company founded in 1975 and based in Walnut Creek, California with additional office location in New York City. (Company) [90%] 2023-12-15 [Structural engineering] [Earthquake engineering]...
Materials and Structures: Materials and Structures is a peer-reviewed scientific journal published by Springer Science+Business Media on behalf of RILEM (the International Union of Laboratories and Experts in Construction Materials, Systems and Structures). It covers research on fundamental properties of building ... (Physics) [90%] 2023-12-18 [Engineering journals] [Materials science journals]...
Structurer: In investment banking, a structurer is the finance professional responsible for designing structured products. Their solution will typically deliver a bespoke hedge, "yield enhancement", or other feature, as appropriate to the client's needs, and must inhere relevant regulatory and ... (Investment banking professional) [90%] 2024-01-22 [Finance occupations] [Financial analysts]...
Structurer: In investment banking, a structurer is the finance professional responsible for designing structured products. Their solution will typically deliver a bespoke hedge, "yield enhancement", or other feature, as appropriate to the client's needs, and must inhere relevant regulatory and ... (Investment banking professional) [90%] 2024-01-03 [Finance occupations] [Financial analysts]...
Structurer: In investment banking, a structurer is the finance professional responsible for designing structured products. Their solution will typically deliver a bespoke hedge, "yield enhancement", or other feature, as appropriate to the client's needs, and must inhere relevant regulatory and ... (Finance) [90%] 2023-11-13 [Finance occupations] [Investment banking]...
Structure: A synonym for algebraic system. Similarly, substructure is a synonym for "subsystem" , and elementary substructure is a synonym for "elementary subsystem" (cf. (Mathematics) [88%] 2023-10-17
Structure: A structure is an arrangement and organization of interrelated elements in a material object or system, or the object or system so organized. Material structures include man-made objects such as buildings and machines and natural objects such as biological ... (Arrangement of interrelated elements in an object/system, or the object/system itself) [88%] 2023-12-19 [Systems]
Structure: Structure — дебютный проект российской студии Extent5 Game Studio и издательства «Бука» (Buka Entertainment). Релиз проекта ожидается во втором квартале 2018 года для PC. [88%] 2024-01-03
Structure (mathematical logic): In mathematical logic, the notion of a structure generalizes mathematical objects such as groups, rings, fields, lattices or ordered sets. A structure is a set equipped with any number of named constants, operations and relations. (Mathematical logic) [88%] 2023-08-04
Structure: A structure is an arrangement and organization of interrelated elements in a material object or system, or the object or system so organized. Material structures include man-made objects such as buildings and machines and natural objects such as biological ... (Arrangement of interrelated elements in an object/system, or the object/system itself) [88%] 2024-01-03 [Structure]